Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 8, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 22:

Being that it was October, David didn't know how he was going to cope for the next two months, but he made it easier on himself, but working on his web-page on the ACRP computer. He was only allowed thirty minutes a day, though, because "zoning out in front of a computer encourages depression", so he didn't get to do much. He did make special consideration to write a very special POV for October twenty-second, which would be Zac Hanson's twelfth birthday. Zac was quickly becoming a prominent thought for David, which he was finding strange, since David was over four years older than him. Still, David found him incredibly cute and there was no denying it.

Sean also helped David cope with his time there. When Sean wanted to, he could be one of the sweetest people and with the whole "acting good to convince them you're sane" act that Sean was doing, he was quickly approaching "Aaron" status, in terms of how much David loved him. He still dared not mention the "l" word to Sean and hell would freeze over before he'd mention the "g" word. Sean and David hung around each other a lot, much to the chagrin of the staff, and while Sean did try and give David pointers on acting normal, David was still Sean's spy in the goings-on in the ACRP. For a reason that David could not quite figure out, he was a golden boy for the staff and they all loved him. Maybe it was because his only real problem was that he was lonely and very easily influenced. By this point, though, the staff knew better than to put down Sean in front of David, even though even they were noticing a drastic change in Sean's behaviour.

Friday sessions with Dr. Mascal were becoming quite fun, as Sean had David memorize long monologues and speak them out for the doctor. Like, about how David was troubled initially with his situation, but now was learning to cope. It was a comfort issue, really, and nothing more. David had trouble adjusting back to BC life, and now he was settled and everything was fine.

Sean was a very good writer and David found that he was a good actor, and together, they managed to have fun and bullshit their way through therapy.

Wednesday sessions with Laura and the chat group were fun too. One girl would spend a good portion of the session crying about how life sucks and the other one talked about how pointless existence was. Sean, of course, found their misery to be funny, so he would always turn to David and smirk. David would smirk back and be happy about the whole sharing of a joke thing. When it came time for Sean to speak, though, he couldn't get away from his usual topics, which always consisted of rants against the police, or his extremely non-PC views of races, genders, or sexual orientations. David had heard the "N" word from Sean's mouth so often by this point, though, that he wasn't as affected by it, as he was at first. Sean hated how the police always hassled him, when he was out at night. Sean hated how the whites hadn't killed off all the other races by now, making BC a "pure" province. Sean hated how females are all so "fucking weak and stupid and always cry and shit. Especially, with these fucking movements that say that they don't need to serve men and shouldn't wear makeup. Fuck that, I say! I ain't gonna fuck a bitch unless she gets down on her hands and knees and begs me to make her cum, then heads back in the kitchen. Women are fucking useless, when their not cooking, cleaning, or giving us head!" That, of course, got quite a rise out of Laura and the two girls in the room. Finally, Sean hated fags, he really hated lesbians, and bisexuals were just fags who didn't want to admit it to themselves. David didn't much like hearing Sean speak about these things, because it caused him to think more and more about the fact that Sean was, in fact, using him to get off. When David got to speak, he talked about celebrities and how they are cocky bastards who don't deserve to live.

Then, of course, there was the sex that helped David get through the two months. Twice a week, at around midnight, Sean and David would go outside and have sex, in some capacity. The reassuring thing, was that Sean was, at least, fair about it. If David sucked him off, then the next time, Sean would suck off David. David always left these sessions feeling somewhat unfulfilled, though, because Sean wouldn't allow them to last more than fifteen minutes, so there was no time for holding, or foreplay or anything. Just yank down your pants, pulls out your dick and get started. As a result, they never did have anal sex anymore, and David was actually missing it, after that first time with Sean in the shower.

David was doing reasonably well in his classes and, by sheer loathing of this place, felt that once he left, he would have the confidence to attend regular school.

The twelfth of December came soon enough and that morning, Laura had gotten off the phone with David's dad, who he hadn't seen in all this time, and told him that, in her opinion, it was in David's best interest to get out of the ACRP and start the next term at regular school. Whether or not he was fully cured, she didn't know, but she felt that, interestingly enough, Sean had given him the confidence to succeed and, when Sean left, there would be no need for David to stay.

Ironically enough, David was somewhat sorry to be leaving. Earlier that week, a twelve-year-old had joined the ACRP to replace a discharge earlier that month. He wasn't able to attend school and nobody could figure out why, so he'd been sent here. Immediately, Sean took a hold of him and the two became good friends. David sensed around "Aaron/Mike" thing, but Sean continued to suck him off outside and, so, David stopped worrying. David joked once that Sean must be getting tired from sucking off two guys behind the building. David expected Sean to defend the insinuation, but he instead replied, "I use the other side of the building for Jordan."

That afternoon, with both their bags packed, Sean and David stood in the kitchen, along with everybody else, and attended a going-away party for them.

"We are here," Laura began, "to say goodbye to our friends David Levine and Sean Zekk. They are now off into the real world again and we can only wish them good luck wherever they might go. Now, we're going to pass around two cards, one for each of them, and it would be nice if you'd all write a little something for them."

Two small cards were passed around and, in whatever capacity they were in, the kids wrote something. When Sean and David received their cards back, they immediately opened them to see what everybody had written.

"Would you care to read any of the thoughts out loud?" Laura asked.

Sean looked at David, then shrugged and said, "Yeah. David wrote to me, `It was great meeting you and really cool becoming your friend. I don't want us to lose touch, you weird bastard. Oh, by the way...' Sean mouthed out the three words that were the rest of the thought, but looked up and shook his head and said, "No...no, that's all it said."

David sighed internally. He wondered why Sean didn't finish reading the thought, because he didn't want other people to know it, or because he just didn't feel the same way.

"David, would you care to read one of the thoughts?" Laura asked, turning to David.

David looked at his card and, when he saw what Sean had written, he smiled and said, "Yeah, Sean wrote to me, `Since I might not get a chance to tell you this, I wanted to wish you a happy fucking birthday and hope that you make the best of it. Throughout your life, I want you to keep the following in mind and stick by it forever: Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard."

David mouthed the rest of the thought, opting it to be too vulgar to read out loud.

After that was done, Harry went outside and started the barbeque and everybody ate hamburgers and hotdogs, except for Sean, who was a vegetarian, and David, who didn't want to do anything that Sean wouldn't like.

At four o'clock that afternoon, Sean's aunt arrived to get Sean. David stood in the lobby and watched Sean go. Sean had shot David a smile and waved, promising to keep in touch, then he and his aunt walked out of the door of the ACRP. David never heard from Sean again. Later on, David's father and step-mother had come to pick David up.

They had, once again, signed David up at Lord Tweedsmuir, which started again on February second, 1998. Meanwhile, he was, once again, home. He had free access, again, to the Internet, he could turn off all the lights, and he was allowed to go, alone, into the kitchen and pull out a knife. Just as a precaution, however, all the medication and pills in the house were locked up and hidden somewhere.

A week went by, and David's father and step-mother had noticed a very big improvement. David was confident, acted happy and seemed polite and pleasant, and he wasn't just acing either. David was genuinely happy, but he couldn't figure out why. He would probably never see Sean again, which would mean that sex with anything other than his hand would be impossible. He was still 3000 kilometres from Aaron. Yet, for some strange reason, he was feeling pretty good.

So good, in fact, that he went online that night and wrote about how he no longer hated Hanson. Instead, he now loved them, but he especially loved Zac Hanson. In fact, he created a whole web page called, "Why I lust after Zac Hanson."

Several days after that, through a referral of another online friend, David met a 14-year-old online, by the name of Gavin. David didn't quite know what he saw in Gavin and he was afraid of getting too close, because this was just an online thing, after all, but now that Sean was gone, David needed another friend and, whether he meant it to happen or not, Gavin quickly became that new friend.

In fact, he had been talking to Gavin the afternoon of December twenty-fourth. That evening was a special night for his step-mother. She was a fairly open person, as far as religion went. She agreed to get her baby circumcised, if it turned out to be a boy, and she even talked to David's father about sending it to Hebrew school. However, she was brought up in a very Catholic house and the one thing she insisted on, was in taking Christmas to it's fullest. Their house, in Cloverdale, had been covered in lights and that evening, twenty people were over at the house, to have a big Christmas dinner. Her cousins and aunt, and even her mother and father were in town for the occasion. Two of David's dad's best friends were there too. Everybody was sitting happily down at the dining room table, eating turkey and talking and laughing.

Then, the phone rang.

David's father, trying to avoid interrupting anybody's conversation, got up and walked into the kitchen as quickly and quietly as possible. He was there for quite a while.

David could see into the kitchen, from where he was sitting, and could see his father standing there, pacing around, the phone on his ear. He would nod and say something, every few seconds and he'd occasionally look at David. Soon, David began to get very worried.

Finally, David's father got off the phone and walked into the dining room again. Walking right over to David, he said, "Can I speak to you in the kitchen, please? Now!"

David's father rarely ever got mad, so David knew something was definitely wrong, as he followed his father into the kitchen. When they were away from the conversing crowd, his father turned to him and said, "Did you post something on the Internet about you wanting to have sex with a Zac Hanson from a band?"

David felt as if his whole body was on fire. "Uhh...ummm...Y...yeah." He replied.

"Mmm hmmm..." David's father responded, "Were you aware that Zac Hanson is only 12?".

David had no choice but to nod.

David's father paced around for a few seconds, then turned back around and said, "Well, David, we have a bit of a problem. I just got off the phone with...well, with somebody who is claiming to be a lawyer representing the Hanson family. Apparently, one of the Hanson boys discovered your thing on the Internet and took some serious offense to it. They are going to fax me exactly what it is they saw, but for right now, Hanson is pressing charges against you."

Next: Chapter 23

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