Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 25, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, Aaron Levitt is back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 14:

Saturday morning at ten, David called Aaron and, hoping he'd stick to his promise, invited him over. He was very happy when Aaron said yes.

David trusted Aaron a lot, but, at the same time, he had a few doubts about Aaron's loyalty. After all, Aaron had seemed somewhat distant lately, but maybe David just wasn't used to Aaron having so many friends. Then, of course, there was this new thing with Mike. Aaron had shrugged it off like it was nothing, but David felt a burning pain in his stomach whenever he so much as thought that Mike was in love with him.

"I mean, a month ago, Aaron had basically asked me to marry him, and now he wouldn't even hold my hand in public!" David thought to himself, as he waited by the window, for Aaron to arrive.

When he saw the long-haired boy walking up the front steps, David was filled with the giddy delight that always filled him whenever he was around the person who, he felt, was his one true love. He rushed down from his mothers room and swung over the front door.

Aaron stood there, smiling. His hand extended out to ring the bell. "Excited to see me?" he asked jokingly.

"Always." David replied.

Aaron walked in and closed the door behind him. Then, turning back to David, he leaned for a kiss.

"Wait a second, Aar." David replied, stopping him, "First, you tell me what you told Mike."

"Aww, you're still on that?" Aaron responded, frowning.

David's face got serious, "Of course. I love you, Aaron, and I told Michael that. What did you tell him when he told you that he loved you?"

Aaron smiled and took David's hand, "Dave, I told him that I have a boyfriend and his name is David Levine."

David smiled and, when Aaron leaned in to kiss Dave a second time, David responded immediately.

When David and Aaron broke their lip lock, David pulled back and asked, "Why haven't you been holding my hand or even really talking to me in school or nothing?"

Aaron shrugged, "I dunno. Wanna go see a movie today?"

David shook his head, "I want to stay home and talk to you, Aaron."

Aaron smirked, "I didn't come over to stay home with you. I want to go out and see that new movie with DeNiro and Pacino there at the Palace."

"Heat?" David asked.

Aaron smiled, "Yeah. If we go, I'll let you hold my hand."

David took a step back, "What the heck is that supposed to mean? That you'll only show me you love me, if I do stuff that you want to do?"

Aaron shrugged, "I kissed you just now, didn't I? It was you who didn't want to kiss me before, because you were paranoid."

David nodded, "I guess. After the movie, can we come back to my place and suck each other off?"

Aaron frowned, "I have a lot of homework this weekend, and I'm supposed to go to Laser Quest with Alex on Sunday. I'd rather go home afterwards."

"How come you don't go to Laser Quest with me?" David asked.

"I will!" Aaron exclaimed, "Maybe next weekend or something."

"Okay...I guess." David mumbled.

"Are you okay now?" Aaron asked, opening back up the door.

David shrugged, "I dunno. I just feel like there's this wall between us ever since we came to this new school. How about, when we go to the theatre, we sit in the back row and make out?"

Aaron smiled, "Okay, sweetie."

David smiled back and followed Aaron out the door, all the while wondering just when it was that he became Aaron's bitch.

David was not the smartest guy in the world, but as the two of them sat in the back row of cinema 5 in the Palace, he could still feel that there was something wrong. Aaron's kisses and gropes didn't seem to have as much meaning as they did several months previously. As DeNiro and Pacino sat in the café and talked, on screen, Aaron's lips were firmly attached to David's neck, kissing him all over it. David was smiling, but he felt as if something just wasn't right. It was almost like going out to dinner with his mother and finding a lineup by the door. She didn't say anything, but David could feel the stress and tension in the air. He knew it was only a matter of time when she inevitably complained and bitched. This was pretty much the same thing, except instead of stress and tension, David was feeling the cold suspicion of a kiss with hidden meaning. He was beating himself up inside, though, because he knew how much he loved Aaron and how much he knew Aaron loved him. He was paranoid, he knew. He was just so scared of Aaron's welfare that he was creating this image in his mind. Maybe it was also that David had extremely low self-esteem and just couldn't accept that he had a boyfriend for this long without there being problems.

"Enjoying the movie?" Aaron giggled, briefly detaching his lips from David face.

David couldn't help himself and leaned forward, kissing the side of Aaron's nose, before saying, "Can I ask you something, sweetie?"

Aaron stopped kissing David again and replied, "Sure. What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, David said, "So, you're sure that you'd never leave me for Mike?"

"Why do you keep asking that?" Aaron inquired, his hand on the crotch of David's jeans, "Do you want me to leave you for Mike?"

"This is the first time I ever asked you that question, Aaron, and of course not! I love you, Aaron, and I never want you to leave me. I thought you felt the same way, but you don't even seem to care that Mike said that he loves me! Why don't you care?"

Aaron sat back in his seat and pulled his hand away from David's crotch. He just looked ahead for a few seconds, then turned to David and exclaimed, "You know, it's not as if we're married or anything! Why do you have to be such an asshole? So, Mike loves you! Big fucking deal! Mike's a little twerp who'd fuck a ten-cent whore just to say he got laid!"

"Oh, so I'm a ten-cent whore now?" David yelled back.

"Shut up!" yelled someone from the front row.

Aaron took David's hand and practically dragged him out of the theatre, then spun around and yelled, "David, fuck you! You know that's not what I meant! God, you're such a whiny bitch! I love you, okay? I'd never leave you, okay? Okay?! Are you goddamn happy now?"

David looked at the ground and shuffled his feet, "I guess so. I just...I dunno...I guess I just care, that's all. I guess it's okay if you don't care."

Aaron walked over and put his hand on David's shoulder. Sighing, he replied, "Look...I'm sorry. I mean, for yelling at you and everything. You want to know the honest truth? The totally honest truth?"

David looked up at Aaron and nodded.

Aaron took his hand off David's shoulder and put both of them into his pockets. Looking at the ground, he said, "Mike not only told me that he loved me. He also asked me if I wanted to have sex with him after school. He said that he could rent a motel room for a few hours and you would never even know about it. I promised him that, no matter what, I wouldn't ever tell you. That's why I'm telling you. I love you more than even my promise is worth. And before you ask, and I know that you're going to ask, no...I didn't agree to do it. Not Friday and not ever. You and me...We're forever."

Anger welled up in David. "Geez, I'm gonna kill that little bastard!" He exclaimed.

Aaron put his hand back on David's shoulder and shook his head, "No...Don't touch him or anything like that. He's a good friend to mooch money off of."

"I guess so." David said, nodding, "But, if he says anything like that to you again, I'm going to fucking kill him!"

Aaron nodded and smiled and the two boys hugged.

The next two weeks were pretty tense for David. Every time he saw Michael in the hallway, Michael would smile at him, and he'd just feel like ripping the little twerp's throat out with his fingernails.

The end of February 1997, MIND had its annual sugaring off field trip. David had been looking forward to it all year, because he hadn't gone sugaring off since he was, like, 7. The cabin was built at the foot of a huge hill, which the students would traditionally climb. There had been a few injuries, but no deaths yet. On the bus up, David and Aaron sat next to each other and joked that they had probably just covered them up or something.

The bus arrived an hour too late, due to traffic, so the students and teachers went right into the cabin for the meal. A traditional Quebec meal, it consisted of ham glazed in maple syrup, potatoes covered in maple syrup, scrambled eggs with maple syrup, pork rinds fried in maple syrup, corn buns with maple butter, and, for desert, a maple pie with maple syrup on top.

David sat and barely managed to eat his meal. He loved maple syrup, but this was a little excessive. Another factor of his less-than-normal appetite, was that Aaron had been assigned to a table with, of all people, Mike and Alex. Besides his obvious problems with Mike, Alex had become a real nuisance for David. Alex always seemed to have Aaron ear on something, so much so that David hardly ever got a chance to talk to him in school anymore.

So, as David sat and nibbled on a corn bun, he felt quite uptight as he saw Aaron laughing and joking with Mike and Alex.

"What's wrong with me?" David asked himself, "Why can't I just be happy that my boyfriend has made some friends?"

After the meal, David sat around and watched everybody leave. He saw Aaron walk up to him and was about to say something, but Aaron put up his hand and said, "Can't talk now. Alex, Mike and I are climbing the mountain."

"Can I come?" David asked, standing up.

"I don't think you'd have much fun." Aaron replied.

"Why not?" David wanted to know.

Aaron smiled and reached into the pocket of his sweatshirt. David's heart dropped when he saw Aaron pull out a package of cigarettes.

"We're going to be smoking and I know that you don't like to." Aaron explained, although, for David, no explanation was neccesary.

Tears welling up in his eyes, David whimpered, "But...but you promised!"

Aaron shook his head, his smile disappearing, "I didn't promise anything. I told you that I was going to try smoking and you couldn't prevent that. Now, I'm going to and this time you won't stop me."

David opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a garbled mass of consonants and vowels, as he began to sob.

Aaron and his two friends walked away, shaking their head and David heard Alex remark, "That guy is majorly screwed up."

David just turned around and ran out the back door of the cabin. He exited out into an abandoned stable and walked around there for a few minutes. His mind was a mess of thoughts and emotions. He felt betrayed, angry, depressed, but, most of all, he felt helpless. Aaron was about to attack his lungs with vile poison and there wasn't David could do to stop him. He felt like vomiting, but then he'd have to taste the meal again and he wasn't prepared to do that.

He exited the stables and walked around the grounds of the sugar shack to the front. Looking over at the mountain and all the kids walking toward it, David took a deep breath and decided that he was going to go climb the mountain by himself. He knew it was dangerous and stupid, because it was very large and covered in tons of trails, but he was just so sad that, at this point, he didn't care if he fell and killed himself. This was the first real time that he really didn't care about living or dying and it almost made him laugh when he thought about how it was because Aaron was going to smoke.

The first few trails were very difficult. There were some steep climbs where he had to actually get on his hands and knees and grips rocks. By the time he reached the winding trail that actually marked the beginning of the ascending trails to the top, his shirt and jeans were pretty muddy and his jacked was ripped in several place, from sharp rocks and branches. He climbed up the trail, noticing the serene beauty of the nature that surrounded him and the view of the cabin as he climb upwards.

When he reached the first major branch-off, he was sure that he was lost. Up until that point, he'd seen several other students climbing, so he just followed them. Now, he was all alone at, what he thought, was the halfway point of the mountain, and he could neither hear nor see anybody. So, doing the second most logical thing he could think of, he took the trail that looked like it went up the mountain. It turned out to not be the best of ideas, as it went through a large grove of tightly placed trees and the branches and bark scratched the heck out of David's face, but when he finally reached the plateau, he was glad to finally hear voices again.

He followed the voice up the trail a bit, until he stopped at a clearing surrounded by trees. He was both pleased and disappointed to find Aaron and Mike. The two of them stood in the clearing and smoked cigarettes, talking and laughing. David his in the trees and watched them, shaking his head in disgust. "How could he put that disgusting thing in his mouth?" David thought.

David then watched they talked down the cigarettes and just stood there talking. He was just about to leave in disgust, when something caught his attention.

"Aren't they standing a little close?" David thought to himself.

Then, right in front of David's eyes, Mike leaned over and kissed Aaron on the lips.

"That bastard!" David thought to himself, but he promised not to hurt Mike and so he could only hope that Aaron would, for doing something so...

His thought was interrupted, as he saw Aaron wrap his arms around Mike's skinny body and pull him close, the two kissing quite passionately.

The food chose this as an adequate moment to be rebuffed, and David tried to vomit as quietly as possible, as he watched his boyfriend kissing the little twerp. Then, he saw Aaron slowly descend down Mike's body. David already knew was about to happen and the tears started flowing. Aaron's hand leaned over and pulled down the zipper to Mike's jeans.

Filled with betrayal, anger and helplessness the likes of which he'd never felt before, he watched as Aaron removed Mike's penis and placed his mouth over it. For the second time in two hours, he asked himself, "How could he put that disgusting thing in his mouth?" then burst into tears and ran away from the scene. He'd seen enough. He didn't even care if they heard him anymore.

As David ran away from the scene, he had only two thoughts in his head.

"How could the love of my life do this to me."



Next: Chapter 15

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