Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 10, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 1:

The summer had seemed too short for David Levine and it was with great misery that he packed his backpack for his first day back to school. It wasn't just any other 'back to school' day, either. It was his first day of high school.

He was so sure that everybody would laugh at him, too. He'd gained almost ten pounds over the summer holidays, from lack of exercise, and his mother had made him get a haircut and the stupid guy had cut it too short. It's the last time he'd let a bald guy cut his hair. David knew that crew-cuts were pretty in now, but he hated having short hair, especially now that he had a bit of extra meat around his waist. As he looked in the mirror, he grimaced at his reflection and remarked, "I just look fatter with my hair this short!"

"No, you don't, dear." Came his mother's voice from the doorway.

David picked up his backpack and whined, "Aw, mom, everybody's going to laugh at me! I look so ugly!"

She laughed at him and replied, "You're not ugly, David. You're really handsome, and, besides, anybody who laughs at you isn't your friend."

"I guess." David said, unconvinced.

With his head down, he followed his mother down the stairs and into the vestibule, where he put on his coat. He could think of a million different things he could have done to make this easier for him: He could have worn a more stylish coat than the torn blue jean jacket that he had on, he could have bought new shoes, instead of the old Nikes that he wore. Not only were the older kids going to think he was a total loser, but Matt and Michael, his two friends from grade school who were going to the same high school as him, were going to think he'd totally lost it. He'd gone from being in the oldest grade and looking down at the stupid grade one'ers, to going right into a school where he'd be a grade 7 baby for all the grade 11 guys to bully around. He was taller and probably stronger than most thirteen-year-olds, but he still knew that he was going to get his ass kicked.

As his mother pulled the car around in front of Bialik High School, Dave crouched down lower in his seat, as he saw all the sixteen and seventeen-year-olds walking around all tough. You can almost see their muscles tensing in their built bodies, while Dave slowly opened the door and pulled his overweight - although only slightly - body out of his mother's car, slung his back over his right shoulder and tried to walk as confidently as possible up the walk, toward the front door to the school. He could almost feel the eyes of the older kids scanning him and wondering who the new kid was.

If he'd have turned around, he probably would have noticed that they really couldn't care less.

He'd already been to Bialik a few weeks ago to take a tour of the place, so he knew that he needed to take the small flight of stairs up and head into the library next to the main office.

As he entered the library, he noticed a bunch of other kids already there, awaiting the orientation to begin. Among them, much to his relief, was Matt Silvers. He rushed over beside him.

"Dave! How ya doin'?" Matt exclaimed, punching David on the shoulder.

David smiled and shrugged, lying, "I'm great! This new school thing is so cool!"

Matt smiled, "Isn't it, though? Look at all these books!"

Matt was a huge nerd, complete with glasses and nasally voice. As such, he was big into reading and, before David could respond, Matt took off into the Sci-Fi section and pulled out a random book.

David nodded to himself, and idly scanned the novels on a stand by the library wall. He had just found a book that his limited patience for reading actually found interesting, when a hand on his shoulder startled him. He spun around and smiled to see Michael Feldstein standing there.

"How you doing there, buddy?" Michael said, in greeting.

Michael was a few inches shorter than David, with black curly hair and big glasses. He was a bit of a nerd too, but much less so than Matt.

David felt more comfortable around Michael, so he replied honestly, "I dunno, it's a new thing here. I'm kinda nervous, you know? What if I can't find my classes?"

Michael shrugged and replied with a giggle, "I guess you'll be late and get expelled or something."

David nodded, then asked, "So, do you, like, know anybody else here. I mean, did anybody come from our grade school or what?"

Michael shook his head, "I don't think so. Most of the other kids went to Wager. I guess..."

His voice trailed off, as he looked off at the door. Michael's pudgy face twisted into a grimace, as he remarked, "What the hell are you doing here?"

David turned around and spotted a boy standing over by the library door. David didn't recognize him, but Michael sure did, as he stepped over and growled, "I thought you were going to Westmount High!"

The new boy replied, his face remaining calm and reflective, and his voice a cracking pubescent pitch, "It's none of your business where I go, asshole."

Michael opened his mouth to respond, but shut it again and, making a face, stomped off toward the study area of the library. David turned toward the new boy for a second, analysing the object of his friend's apparent hatred. The boy was wearing a black jeans and black shoes, with a black shirt visible underneath a violet-tinged white sweatshirt with a double-ended pocket in the front. The sweatshirt seemed two sizes too big, and hung loosely around the boy's body. He had green eyes that looked around the library innocently and black hair that hung down to his shoulders. The dark clothing that he wore were in great contrast to the paleness of his complexion.

"Yes? May I help you?" The boy said, with slight annoyance.

David became aware that he was staring at the boy, and, a red tinge to his ears, quickly shook his head and jogged off to where Michael now sat.

"I can't believe he's here...." He heard Michael mumble to himself, as he approached.

David sat down beside Michael and inquired, "Who is that guy?"

Michael cast a bitter glance over at the black-haired kid and replied to David, "Oh, that's just Aarhole."

David snorted in laughter, "Aarhole?"

Michael shrugged, "Aaron...Aaron Sternzus. He was from my old grade school. The one I went to before I went to JPPS and met you. He's a total jerk."

David turned his head and glanced over toward the kid. He was now standing near the library desk and flipping through a MAD magazine. Turning back to Michael, David shrugged and said, "He doesn't seem so bad."

Michael smiled, "You wait. If you're unlucky enough to have him in any of your classes, you'll see what an asshole he is...or, should I say, an Aarhole."

David shrugged and glanced back at "Aarhole". He looked so calm and unimposing. Then again, Michael would probably know him better than he would.

When the orientation got underway, everybody took their seats. David sat next to Matt and Michael and Aaron sat way off in the back, away from everybody, and continued to read MAD magazines. The principal came in and talked about how it can be a very overwhelming experience to go from grade school into high school. David mostly toned out that stuff, because he was nervous enough as it. After the principal had finished his speech, he went about reading out the homeroom lists.

"And the final two in homeroom 218," the principal said, after spending the last twenty minutes reading out no names, "are David Levine and Aaron Sternzus."

David saw Aaron look up briefly as his name was called, but even that, he seemed to recognize with only passing interest. David, however, was very interested. Michael and Matt were in two separate homerooms, so David was in a homeroom with people he didn't know, and this Aaron guy that Michael had warned him about.

"It's going to be a fucking awful year." David thought, as he lined up with the rest of his homeroom.

Aaron got in line last, and, his arms crossed, stood and looked around passively.

Next: Chapter 2

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