Rave Boy

By James Clark

Published on Mar 19, 2006


Rave Boy Chapter Three

DISCLAIMER: This is my story. It is not your story. Don't post it on other sites and claim it for your own. If you wish to post it on another site, you may do so as long as you credit me, the author. This story is based entirely in fiction. Any resemblance to events, past or future, is purely coincidental. If you should not be reading this for whatever reason, then don't. Enjoy the story, and let me know your thoughts on it.

So I left you hanging yet again. Sigh, well, it could be worse. I could have never finished the story, you know. But here we go again. I'm spilling my guts for ya here, so listen up.

I wrapped my arms around him. You'll never know how great that felt. For me, I mean... there's no way for me to tell you. You'd have to experience it. Now, keep your pants on.

"You know, you can put me down now. It's not like my ankle's fuckin' broke or anything." I said it with a smirk, knowing I didn't really wanna be put down. I didn't wanna be anything but close to him, but all good things come to an end.

"Well, what if I don't wanna? Huh? Whatcha gonna do then?" he asked me. He turned his head and stuck his tongue out at me as he said it, and I smiled. My smile quickly transformed into a malicious grin, and my eyes narrowed as I gave a cackle. My fingers dug into his sides, and I tickled him mercilessly.

"CHEATER!" he yelled before dissolving into giggles. I hopped down off of his back and looked at him as if he was insane.

"Cheater? What are you talking about? I didn't do anything..." I smiled the most cherubic smile I could muster, and looked toward the sky. Next thing I knew, I was slung over his shoulder and he was running back the way we came.

"HEY! Now who's cheaeaaaaaaaaaating!?!?! Put me-e-e-e-e-e doooooown!" I yelled as I bounced around. A moment later I was on my feet again, and I looked up at him. Yeah, I'm short, he's tall, it kinda happens whenever I look at him.

"Ya know, I kinda like it when ya wrap your arms around me." He said and winked at me. Grrrrr... I wanted to attack right there, but I held it in.

"So weren't we gonna go boarding? I mean, I'm not exactly in the mood for it anymore, but whatever floats your pirogue" For all of you who don't know, a pirogue is a boat, kinda like a canoe, and pronounced pee-row.

"Yeah... that idea kinda turned out to be a dud. Ya wanna just head back to my place and hang out for a while? We can watch a movie or two, just do whatever."

"Sure, let's go." I said. We headed back to his house. I'd go into more detail, but who wants to hear about how a little gothic kid flirts when he hasn't gotten a chance to do it in forever? Yeah, it's kinda lame.

So anyway! We got there and headed back in the house. You have to realize... my head was FLYING at the moment. Between pills and pot, my brain was doing the happy dance. I walked in and he walked towards his kitchen.

"Hey man, movies are all beside the TV in that cabinet. Pick somethin' you wanna watch!" he yelled back at me. I walked over, and opened the cabinet. First shelf was all shitty movies that somehow got popular. However, the second shelf was a JACKPOT! ANIME!!!

If you don't like anime, I hope you know that when the Mighty Gerbil comes to take us all, you will forever burn in the acid bath of doom. And to explain that... world history class, boredom, a random person and I made our own religion since that was the topic of the day. The Mighty Gerbil happened to be the deity since we had just discussed animalism.

"JON! You fuckin' ROCK! Are you the one that likes anime?!" I hollered back toward the kitchen. I kept my eyes glued to the collection, and I picked up Spirited Away. If you haven't seen that, watch it.

I felt warm breath on the back of my neck, a chest pressed against my back, and arms slide under mine. Looking down, two glasses appeared, both containing something icy looking and blue. "Why yes, I am. Choose your weapon, sexy." He said, wiggling the glasses at me.

I grabbed the movie with one hand, the drink with the other, and spun around in place. Once again, I was in close quarters with the boy. Its kinda surprising I haven't attempted to kiss him just yet. I figure I'm letting him lead the relationship, since I don't want to push things in any unwanted direction. I did, however, lean into him and sip the drink slowly while looking at his face.

While his eyes were glued to mine, my other hand, with the DVD case in it, slowly moved upwards just out of his peripheral vision. As soon as it got level with his head, I smacked him playfully with it and ducked from under his arms, plopping down on the couch.

"Ass! Toss the movie, punk, I'm gonna go ahead and put it in." I tossed him the movie, and took my shoes off, then pulled my legs up under me. Yeah, I sit weird, but its comfortable for me.

The TV flickered to life, and the credits began to roll. On anime movies, the credits are likely to be at the beginning of the movie, during the opening scenes, just so you know.

"Scoot over, that's my spot, unless you want me to sit on you!" He told me. I moved over and he sat down there. I took another sip of the drink and had to ask.

"What the hell is in this, vodka?" I asked.

"Nope. Everclear." He told me, smiling brightly. Everclear is some potent shtuff, almost completely alcohol. I laughed at him, and drained my glass. I set it on the floor, then looked at the TV. The movie was just beginning, and the little girl's parents were getting out of the car to go explore the tunnel they found while trying to get to their new house. Idiots.

"My favorite character is Haku. Anime guys are hot." I said, feeling the alcohol going to my head.

"Hell yeah. That and he's one of three people in the entire thing that look normal."

"Still, he's just cute."

"So are you." Jon said. I laughed hard at that, and slid my arm around him. He looked at me and grabbed me and pulled me over into his lap so I was laying across him. We both giggled at the situation. Take note, I'm a happy drunk.

Now, at this point, you may be questioning the reality of the situation. I don't blame you. I questioned it too. However... its real, motherfucker.

I closed my eyes and lay back against the arm of the couch, still in his lap. He went with me, leaning over me now. I felt him wrap his arms around me, and pull me close to him. I never thought it could feel so good to just be held.

A pleasant sort of drowsiness swept over me. Sure, I did have a raging hardon, but it wasn't my primary concern. Believe it or not, sex is not everything to everyone. Once you have it once or twice, it really becomes not all that important.

More to the point, for the first time in longer than I could remember, I was really happy. You think that's just dumb. No. You have no idea how I am. Every day is an ordeal for me to make it through. I hate my life. I can't stand being where I am and who I am. There's an unbearable pressure on me at all times, and sometimes I wonder if its possible to just lay down, give up, and refuse to move anymore. That's what was so amazing about that day. He made me happy, and he did it in less than four hours. My psychowhatsit has been trying to do that for months now.

I heard a noise then. It was a soft, airy sound. I opened my eyes, and saw that Jon's were closed. He was half beside, half on top of me, arms holding me, asleep. And he snores just a tiny bit. I smiled, and watched him for a little while. His eyes would flutter every now and then, waving his eyelashes back and forth. When he snored a little louder than normal, the corner of his mouth would twitch just a bit, and then he would drift all the way back to a deep sleep.

At one point, he moved his head from the uncomfortable position it was in, to resting it on my chest. I ran my hand lightly through his hair, and smelled shampoo.

"You know," I whispered to him, "I think I kinda like ya, Jon."

"Mmmmppphhhh..." He mumbled in reply. I laughed quietly, and closed my eyes.

About thirty minutes or so later, I woke back up. I don't take long naps during the day, my mind refuses to shut down for that long. Jon was still snoozing, so I decided to wake him up. I let my right hand slide down his back, to the tail of his shirt. Carefully, carefully, I lifted it up, and eased my hand down the back of his pants. I did the same thing with my other hand. While I was asleep, he'd rolled almost all the way on top of me. I let a hand rest on both cheeks, and pulled down, pressing upwards with my crotch at the same time.

"Ero-sennin!" he yelled, hopping up onto his knees and straddling me before popping my hands. For those of you who don't get the joke, it's from Naruto. "Ero-sennin" means perverted hermit, which is what Naruto called Jiraiya all the time, hehe. Really, people, you should be ashamed for not watching enough anime. That's like a sin or something, ya know. Oh wait... sinning has something to do with church... or a doughnut... well, never mind, never understood religion anyway.

Well, by this time, I'm sure you're wondering what in the hell is going on with the goth boy. What's wrong with him? Is he happy now? Where the hell is the storyline? You'll see.

I cackled at his joke, I love Naruto! I tickled him back, and whispered to him, "You like it, though."

"You know too much. I'll have to kiss you now." With that, Jon's head got closer and closer to mine, until I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose. I closed my eyes. My hands tightened on him. When I felt his lips on mine, my world started spinning. Everything was just how it was supposed to be. Amazingly, everything was okay.

"Ah, shit, what time is it?" I asked him. He looked down at his watch before replying.

"It's only 4:30."

"Fuck, I have to go, Jon. Mom'll be home soon, gotta beat her there. I'll see you tomorrow though, right?" I asked, like I was nonchalant about his answer. To tell the truth... my entire self image and the way I viewed the world now depended on this boy, and this boy alone.

"Damn straight." He told me, and leaned over to kiss me one more time. Five minutes later (yeah... it was a long kiss, damn it), I was walking out of the door. I grinned shamelessly on the way home, looking incredibly out of place. What do I mean, you may ask? Just that there's this boy dressed in black, with black nails and black & blue hair, looking like he fell out of a Poppy Z. Brite book, with a huge SMILE on his face.

Well, give me a break, this was the first reason I'd had to smile in a while, k? Okay, now, what happened next was that I went home, and cooked supper, made sure it was on the table before family got home, and went into my room. I'm sure you don't want to hear about that in detail. So, let's skip ahead to when I'm all by my lonesome in my room.

I sat on my bed, and turned on my computer, wanting to just waste some time before tomorrow. I started leaning back, until my head hit the pillow, watching the screen light up blue and the windows logo pop up. Before my computer was all the way on, though, I was out cold.

I'll let ya know now, that might've been the best night's sleep I'd had in about four years. Dreams floated seamlessly through my mind, never ending or beginning, and never connecting through logic, but always flowing in sequence. I saw shades of blue in the sky, that image became Jon's beautiful eyes, and each image or event flowed into the next, always involving him in some way. It seemed to go on forever, until I woke up at 4:00 AM to the tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap sound on my window.

Next: Chapter 4

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