Ravaged by Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Mar 26, 2021


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us characters based off the 'with the Ramgards' tale I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. But this take is to show not all ramgards are nice This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ravaged by Ramgards (6)

... "We are not who you seek" Dorn had said to me.

I worried as I didn't know who he or his friends were if they were not ramgards. Who were they and why did they help me. I was not sure. But I had to ask Dorn.

"So you aren't ramgards?" I asked "Oh we are ramgards my friend" the beast said "We are indeed ramgards" "But we are not like the ones you may have been looking for"

For a moment I sighed as he said they were. But then the strange uncomfortable feeling came back. Again he pondered Dorns words. Still bit getting what he meant by they were but weren't ramgards.

"So who are you then?" I again asked

Then Dorn proceeded to tell me that, yes they were ramgards. But they did not live amongst their kind. For they did not follow their peoples laws and ways of life. Just as I had not either. And that unlike the common ramgard I may be familiar with, they normally did not help humans. That they didn't care about the human species as their brothers did. He then said that he and his current kin were a small group that lived beyond the east Hills and away from their kind. That they took care of themselves and only themselves. I gazed at the large beast and thought that I may have falling into the wrong hands. That if they did not help humans. Why me. Did they have plans for me. Something insidious maybe.

"So why did you help me then?" I finally asked. "Your supplies" he came back "We wanted to claim them." "But Sherak got a sense about you" "And per your story. He was right"

I wondered what he meant by 'my story'. But before I could ask him, he answered me. As if knowing what my next question could be.

"You are a sinner to your tribe" he said "We can smell it on you" "Sins of flesh"

And it was then I knew what he was saying. But how could they smell my desire. Was there something that I exuded from me that said this. Then Sherak moved in closer to me. He grunted and huffed at me as he stood over me. Then he looked at Work and said that I would be 'most useful'. Again I was unsure of what he meant. But Dorn smiled back at him and then he agreed. Then said that he was right. I would be of use to their tribe. The two then started to laugh together. I soon became even more uncomfortable as their laughter had an almost cackle to it. Was I indeed in more danger than even with the wolfen.

"Come. We should eat" Dorn then said "Sherak shall make us a meal" "Then we shall drink and relax together" "Then sleep and we shall take you to our leader Shamar" "Okay" I said feebly

I just hoped that they would not do me harm. As I was not sure what to think any more. I had escaped my old home to be free from it and the hate there in my village. But now I was out in the strange and scary world now. And several times I had been hiding and running for my life. And now here with these beast. Ramgards but not ramgards and I was stuck with the ones there in that cave. I pondered whether to just leave. But they had my things. I needed my supplies at least to survive. And I doubt that Dorn or Sherak would just give them back to me. So all I could do was sit. Sit and wait Sherak made a good and tasty meal out of some rabbit that he had in a pouch. They must have caught it earlier. So his cooked it and made the door. The third beast Turon came in and ate as well I had all but forgotten him. But after he ate he went back to his watch. Giving me an contemptful glance. Then as the other day there passing a satchel of some potent liquid. An alcoholic beverage of some sort. I took a drink as Dorn passed ot to me. It was some grape that was fermented to drink. And it was pretty good.

"Hmm." I said after tasting it "Not bad. Except a bit strong"

Sherak laughed as he said that. Sony figured they were quite used to the liquor they drank. I was if course not. But I tried to enjoy it. After they spoke a bit about getting back to home, the two ramgards sat back next to ine another. I sat there across from Dorn and just looked at the two. I noticed that Dorn had placed his hand on his friends thigh. And he seemed to be gently rubbing at it. I don't know if it was the drink though or just my head, but as I looked at him, his hand moved up his friends thigh and up to the crotch area. An area that was covering in a look type clothe. I looked to see his fingers fiddling up there at the edge if Sheraks crotch now. Rubbing him there. Sherak took another drink. Then he turned to his friend and said something to him. Then they both looked in my direction. And that was when I heard Dorn say something that told me that they had devious plans in their heads.

"I see. He is staring" he said "Yes. He wants its." Sherak added "Yes he does." "Maybe we should just take him now" "Yes. Maybe we ahould"

I was a little light headed as I felt the booze in me swirling about my head now. Then I saw as Sherak got up from his position next to his friend. Then he stepped over to me. He then just lifted his look and showed my the huge pouch that was gis codpiece. There before me was a massive bulging lump of something that was stuffed into his codpiece. And the leathery covering if his equipment was looking quite incredible. And I could not help but to stare at it. To stare and lick at my now obviously hungry lips. I looked up at him as he then reached for me. Saying to Dorn that I did hunger for him. Telling him how I licked at my lips at seeing his big crotch

"Yes. He does desire it" he then said "I shall feed the boy" 'Do" Dorn said as he too stood up

He stepped neat to his friend. Placing his hand in Sheraks chest. Then caressing at it. I noticed then hoe utterly beautiful these beasts bodies were up close. Muscular and string. Tiny hairs covering there torsos. Big strong hands as Dorn reached for his friends crotch and grabbed it before me.

"Here human" he then said "Have this." "It is what you want. Is it not?" "And it is a big one"

He feted his friends crotch and the bulge almost seemed to puff out more. Seeming even bigger to me. My eyes widened dramatically as I saw it. Then I felt a hand on the back of my head. It had to have been Sheraks because Dorn was holding his massive bulge at me. And then I was pulled by his mighty hand and into that full crotch. A crotch that grew exponentially as I was pulled to it.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to cum

Next: Chapter 7

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