Ravaged by Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Feb 23, 2021


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us characters based off the 'with the Ramgards' tale I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. But this take is to show not all ramgards are nice This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ravaged by Ramgards (5)

... The next day was uneventful. I felt I did really lose the wolfen and decided to make my way back towards the river again. But wasn't sure where it was from here. I really had no idea where my turn had taken me.

"Which way back to the river.?" I said to myself

"I don't recall if it was east, West or south from where I was."

The issue was just that when i was running from the wolfen yesterday I had made some directional changes that made me lose bearing of which way the river was from the spot I finally lost them. I could probably get back to there. But from there I did not know which way to go. I reached into my pouch and grabbed my eyeglass. It was able to magnify my view if my surroundings as I gazed through it. So I stood at the top of the hill and looked around with it. I surmised that from the mountain to the north there may be some indicator of it and where I was. But there was nothing. So I turned and look in each direction. That was when I saw a snake like line between the trees to the east. I focused in that. I could not see the river, but I figured that was it. And it seemed pretty far from where I was. But I had to get back to it. So I picked up my gear and headed back down the hill in that direction. I moved down from the hills through the trees. Still trying to be cautious as I did not know if I had completely lost the wolfen. It took me sometime to get to the river again. Bit I had found it. I could hear it as I closed in on it. The sounds of the rushing waters nearby. I stopped as I reached it. I was beat and tired from my trek. Not sure how much time I had lost from trying to evade the wolfen.

"Damned wolfen scum" I said to myself "I hope I can still find the ramgards" "But for now. I hunger"

I sat there near the rivers edge and ate something. Then went to fill my water bag. I crouched over and dipped the head into the waters. Letting the bag take in its fill. As I twisted back on the cork cap to close it I heard something. I turned just at the moment a wolfen saw me and charged. I tried to get up and run. But he came on me fave and struck. He knock me down and I scraped my leg. I cried out as he stopped there above me. The beast scowled as he looked down at me. It appears one of them had found me.

"I have you now boy" he growled "The others gave up" "Buy not I. I knee I would catch you"

He looked down at me with a wicked eye. I feared i would soon be dead. This beast would rip my flesh from my bones and eat me alive. And I saw as he lifted up his mighty hand/paw and was ready to strike.

"Yes. I was to die today" I said to myself "Of this I am sure now"

The beast then howled out into the day. A long drawn out howl. I figured he was letting his brothers know where he was. And then there would be more wolfen on me. Images of them shredding my body to bits filled my head. I began to beg and plead for release. But the attacker cared not for my needs. He was going to end me. But as the beast raised up his hand ro strike I heard shouts. Then the sounds of someone running towards us.

"Get him" someone called out

I had already lay down im preparation to die, so I did not see anything. The wolfen turned and growled at someone. Then I heard commotion and shouts and yelps. That was when I looked up and saw them. Three large horned beasts. And they were attacking my assailant. I gazed at the horned beasts. They were literally beating the wolfen to death with clubs. One of them left the fray and grabbed me. Picking me up and pulling me from the attack.

"My things" I said "We will get them boy" "Move. Now!"

I then figured who this was. Who these horned beasts were. It was the ramgards. So I listened to the one and let him take me from the spot of my assault. Then he shouted back at the others to hurry and grab everything

"Hurry!" He shouted "Others will be upon us soon"

I figured he meant other wolfen. And the two other ramgards stopped beating down on the now very injured wolfen. I heard a groan escape the fallen wolf. One of the rangards grabbed my bags and came towards us. Then we left the area. Fast.

"Shamar will be pleased" one said "Yes he will" said another. "Come boy. Come. Lets go "

I was lead from the river by the strong forceful grip on the first ramgard. Then we pushed on through the forest. Heading in and back towards the hills somewhat. I did not care where they were leading me. So ling as they had saved me from certain death. We moved along the foot hills for some time. Then stopped as evening began to look overhead. Shadows passing through trees again growing dimmer. I was lead up a bit to a cave I could see on the hill from below. I surmised this was were we would set up camp. I was lead into the cave by two of them. The third stayed behind at the entrance. Told to stand guard by the one I figure was the leader.

"Keep watch Turon" he said to the one "Yes Dorn. I shall" Turon said back

Then Dorn myself and the third. Sherak headed deep into the cave. Sherak started a fire there in the cave. I sat there ever so glad they had come to my rescue. Looking at the beasts woth some interest. Their heads were of the animal type. A big rams head with larger curled up horns. But the body was full human shape and powerful muscle. I gazed at the leader Dorn. He was a good 6 ft 4 at the tip of the horns. Strong fantastic body that made all men I had seen before pale. I could actually feel a tingle in my loins as i gazed at him. Sherak was slightly smaller. Maybe 6' 1" at the horns. But no. Less of a gorgeous frame than his slightly larger friend. I didn't see the third one as he was at the entrance, standing guard.

"Sit boy" Dorn said to me "We have much to discuss"

I stepped over to him and then sat on a large rock next to the beast. He seemed very larger next to me. Hus musculature dwarfing my frame.

"What were you doing out here?" He asked "A young man such as yourself?" "It is very very dangerous you know?" "Yes" I said back "But I needed to leave"

He looked at Sherak and then smiled. He seemed to cock his head at his friend. Then he looked back at me. I felt safe as he seemed nice enough. He and his friends rescued me after all. I smiled back at him and then told him my tale. How I was banned because I did not believe. Because I was a sinner to the law of my village. The beast man almost laughed at the words. He looked at his friend and back at me again.

"You man of flesh and your silly religions" he said "Its such foolishness" "Yes it is" I said back "That is why I was advised that ince I left to find you"

Dorn looked at me and placed a hand to his meaty chest. Then he asked why him.

"Well not you yourself" I said back "Just your people. The ramgards"

Dorn then smiled a much larger smile now. I heard his friend start to giggle. And it made me a bit uncomfortable. But I figured they were just still humored by the laws I was taught. Then he placed a hand on my shoulder. His big meaty hand. He then squeezed at it tightly.

"Oh my good lad" he then said "We are not who you seek"

My eyes widened as I wondered who they were if they were not the ramgards I was told of..... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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