Ravaged by Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 22, 2021


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us characters based off the 'with the Ramgards' tale I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. But this take is to show not all ramgards are nice This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ravaged by Ramgards (4)

... I found an exit away from the main gate. As i knew I would be stopped if I went that way. To the south i went to the spot I was told of. The escape route out of the village and into the forest beyond it. This would be my escape from this damned place. Freedom to the outside world and away from this Hell and its rule of law. I found the hole in the wall I was told about. I crawled through that hole and out to the world beyond this prison. I stood up and just looked around. To the left a vast forest. To the right the hills. So I just needed to find a path. And needed to find the ramgards. They would lead me to the promised land.

"But which way?" I huffed to myself

I had been told the way. But I forgot in my haste to escape. I had to choose as I knew they would be searching for me soon. Once they found my father. So I figured the best and most covered route was the forest. Despite the likely dangers. I turned amd headed in that direction. Taking my supplies that I hoped would last me until I found the ramgards. I did remember though about following the rivers edge. As the stopped at the rivers edge frequently. So I dove myself into the forest and in search if the nearest river. I was sure I might find it soon. But that soon I hoped for was not the case. I traveled for hours in the forest. It was getting denser and darker as I traversed it. And no river could be found. Had I taken the wrong path.

"Oh heavens" I said as I stopped "I pray i have not gone the wrong way. " "This would be a terrible thing"

I stopped at a fallen tree to sit and have a bite to eat. I drank from my water bag and then paused to look at my surroundings. I looked to the left, forest. I looked to the right, more forest. I looked before me and behind me and all there was was forest. Where was i? I soon became utterly frightened that i did go the wrong way. But now deep into the forest I didn't even remember which way I can from, save for in front of me. I would need to make came soon as night would fall in a few hours and I knew it was not wise to move through the forest at night. So many beasts out there waiting to kill me. So I took a deep breath and headed back on my journey. Trundling through the forest for another hour an a half. And that was when I heard the sounds of water. I stopped in stillness. Then just listened to the sounds. Making sure it was what i heard. And there just beyond the sounds of birds and the wind about the trees was water. Faint, but it was there.

"Yess" I huffed with excitement "I hear it. I hear water"

I moved towards the sounds to find this water source. I passed through some heavy brush a few minutes later when I came upon it. Pushing through it I saw the river. There it was, my first goal. The river. I sighed in delight as I now could follow it to hopefully find the ramgards I so seeked. But the sky above was starting to go dimmer. And the shadows through the trees told me the sun would be gone in another hour or so.

"I should find a place to to make camp." I said to myself "Somewhere I wont be seen"

I looked around the area to see of there was somewhere nearby I could hide for the night. I headed to the water and looked down the river. Then i remembered being told to 'follow the river'. So I knew i needed to head to the right as the waters were flowing in that direction. I did look in the other direction and saw that up the river there was some rock formations. They were coming down from the foothills beyond that. I turned and headed back towards the rocks. I holed there would be a place to hold up for the night there if i needed. I moved up a bit from the waters edge as I looked up about 15 feet from the water line. Up some rocks I saw some fallen tree trucks. Some old dead trees and how they lay iver the rocks from the left as the had fallen towards them. And with the spacing that, and some bushes growing up near the fallen tree I saw a place I could crawl into. The I could cover myself with my dark blanket took from my mother how. I would bot be seen by someone nearby the river.

"This looks promising" I had said to myself "A good place to lay down for the night. "Yes. Indeed"

I then went back down to the river and walk down a bit. I filled my water bag and then are a bit more. Telling myself tomorrow I would catch a small rabbit or maybe try and fish along the river to get my nights meal for tomorrow. Or at least until the ramgard found me. Then after eating. I buried the remains and washed my face. Then headed back to towards the spot I planned on sleeping the night. Then as I moved up the rocks i heard the sounds of someone approaching. I quickly dove for my hole and covered myself as quickly as I could. Huffing as I rushed to.pull out my blanket and pill it iver myself. The sun was fading so I was pretty well concealed. Then i just held my breath as I waited for whomever, or what ever was passing by. They were coming up from the river and heading upstream. Climbing up the rocks near the waters edge. It was three large and hairy creatures.

"Are those bear kings?" I said to myself

I had never seen these creatures before. I had only heard of them and seen the illustrations in the books at school. But they were simply huge. A lot more massive that the images suggested. They stopped as he looked at them there. One grunted to another as they paused there on the rocks. One of them looked around and put his nose to the air and sniffed. I hoped he would not catch my scent. For I felt I would be doomed and probably killed by the bear kings. I sat there in silence. Almost not breathing for a while as I waited for them to move on. Then sighed a deep sigh as they did.

"Thank the Gods" I said as I sat there in my hiding space. "I hope no one else comes by" "That is unless it is a ramgard"

I then dozed off some time later and fell into sleep. But they were bothersome dreams. I saw images of getting captured by the temple guards from my village. How they somehow found me and took me back for my crimes. My screams for them to release me echoing in my head. I shot up from sleep as I cried out in the night. I panted as I looked about me. The forest was dark. But I could hear the echo of my call still reverberating through the trees. I gasped as I feared if anyone or anything was out there, they would surly hear that. I huddled in my hidden spot as best as I could. Fearing that I may he found it someone came by looking for the sounds. But luckily it was still daily silent save for small nighttime creatures moving through the trees. Those and the alight breeze that passed over me. And I lay there in wait. Finally falling asleep again.

"Huh!" I huffed as I was awoken by sounds

I opened my eyes to look out beyond where I sat. It was morning. And the light if the sun fell through the trees and shone down around me. Only the darkness lay where I was hiding , under the stumps of these trees. That was when I saw several wolfen. There was at least 4 of them. They were passing near where the bear kings had passed yesterday. I hushed as I waited for them to move on. Two od them with noses up to smell there surrounding. Then the others followed suit. Again I feared they would sniff me out. But again they seemed to move on. I waited a good 10 minutes before deciding to crawl out from my spot and head out again. Making sure they were gone.

"All is quiet" I said "Just the birds out there"

I crawled out of my hole and collected my things. Then I packed up and set back out. Down the rivers edge again. I headed back towards my original path. I was down about an hour's walk when I heard footfalls behind me and to my side. I decided to pick up the pace as I worried that there was something following me. I looked to the side and saw something indeed was moving through the trees. It was dark as it passed between them. I was being persued. So I ran. Fear rushing into me as I saw one of them more clearly. It was the wolfen from this morning. That or another one stalking the forest. But he and another were on my tail.

"Good God" I shouted as I ran faster.

I moved along the rivers edge and towards what I saw was a natural bridge. Up on a rise a few hundred yards to from where I was. Fallen trees that had slipped from the edge and created this bridge to cross. I reached the Bridge and tried to quickly cross. Moving over the trees as best as I could. Being careful not to slip for fear of falling into the river. I was most of the way across when I saw them. Both of them. There were 2 not four like before. Maybe they broke off to come back to where I had been hiding. Whatever the case. They were there at the other side of the bridge. One pointed at me and then the other moved onto the bridge. My concern was he moved iver the bridge faster than I had. So the moment I was across I ran into the rees on the other side. As fast as I could I rushed into the forest. Not looking back. Just running. I was as a small clearing and bolted to the right and back a bit. Then I saw a.lot of brush and rushed towards it. I then ran in the deep brush and tried to hide behind some of it. Hunkering down again behind a bunch of heavy bushed. Getting pricked on my arms by some of the sharper branches. I got at my lips to stave off the pain of the sharp stings. I trued to hold my breath even though I was still panting from my running. But I tried to not breath.

"Please, please, please go away" I said to myself "Leave me alone"

I heard them as they moved into the area. I could hear them talking. One saying to the other that he saw me come this way. I didn't look as I did not want to know where they were. I just stayed there in my bushes. Praying to the gods I would be okay. That they would not find me here. I could hear them moving about the area. And one been passed right by me. I could see his feet no more that 10 feet from me. I got my lips as I felt my heart racing. Pounding in my chest madly. I wondered whether it would just burst from my chest from the intense fear in me.

"Please, please, please, please" I huffed to myself "Please. Go away"

Tears began to stream from my eyes and my nose was getting filled with fluid. I now worried that I may sniffle due to the clogging in my nose. Then surely they would find me. But the beast moved on. The dark hairy feet moved on. And then I heard the two talking again. Then one suggested that they also split. That way one of them could find the 'flesh'

"I will move to the south." He growled "You go back towards rhe river" "He may move back towards the bridge" "Yes." The other agreed "Howl if you see him"

Then again they left me in my spot. Moving on to search elsewhere for me. I sat there and just let the tears fall. Heaving gasps of air as I sniffled and cried. But i stayed there for quite a while. I was afraid to move for fear one of them may be around still. Lying in wait to ambush me. It was a good 3 hours before I finally decided to move. I grabbed my compass to show me which way I was to go. I had to avoid south for sure. And now at least avoid the river. So I looked at the compass and saw north. So I headed that way. Peering around corners of trees and boulders and such with incredible caution. I had no idea where I was going now. Buy for the most part I made no connection with the wolfen again.

"Good" I said "I think I finally lost them"

I headed up a steep grade and to a hill that lead towards the mountains to the north. The sky was starting to darken. I stopped amongst some rock formations there and decided to stop for the night. I crawled into some rock holes and just sat there for a bit. I looked at the light of the moon and then thought I should hide on the other side. So I did. Finding a dug out point in the rock deep enough to crawl into. I then realized I had not eaten all day. So I sat there and fed on some bread and water and dried meat sticks i had. I then just sat there in the crevice until sleep again took me.

Next: Chapter 5

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