Rap Mash Ups

By Urban

Published on May 21, 2006


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of erotic gay fiction. By reading this material you affirm that you are acting within the limits of your local laws and ordnances. No inference is made as to the sexual preference of any actual person appearing in this story, nor should the reader make any such inferences. This story is not meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned.


Copyright 2006

Omarion adjusted his cap while he waited for the sound of footsteps to draw closer. He felt a warm breeze brush past him and he had to admit, his friend hadn't lied. This place was very peaceful. Tucked away along the hills of California, the estate catered to a lifestyle of stress-free escapism.

"So how do you know these girls?" he asked his companion.

The rapper known as Bow Wow grinned, "Their parents throw the best parties in town, man."

"Cool," he sighed, letting the peace wash over him.

He definitely needed this. A chance to get away even for just a day. With the release of his album and the start of his solo career, there had been little time for anything other than work. The hectic schedule of promoting his work had given him permanent vertigo. Most nights he woke up and didn't know which city he was in.

There was movement on the other side of the large wooden door that opened at last.

A smiling young girl, probably just shy of her eighteenth birthday, beamed. "Hey guys! Glad you could make it. Come on in!"

Bow Wow was the first to react, moving past his friend into the girl's home. Omarion followed suit behind him, taking note of the vast interior. He was no stranger to the glitz of the industry, but this house was more than just a statement. Everything seemed to have a purpose.

The blonde girl brush aside her bangs and smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Omarion. I'm Jamie."

Omarion extended a hand and flashed a quick smile.

"We're hanging out at the pool. Do you two want to hang out there?"

"No doubt," Bow Wow answered, patting his friend playfully on his shoulder. "You can swim right, bra?"

"I didn't come here to do laps, man," Omarion joked.

The two teenage performers followed their young hostess through the mansion to a massive pool area that overlooked the green slopes below.

"Man, this is tight," Omarion whispered half to himself as his eyes took in the view.

They continued walking until they approached two other girls relaxing on a couple of lounge chairs. The first to notice their approach was a dark-skinned girl who also seemed to be in her late teens. She rose, shielding the sun from her eyes with a hand and smiled, "Hi."

"This is my friend Stacey," their hostess introduced, indicating the black girl. "And this is Amber."

The third girl, slightly stockier than the other girls but fresh-faced and pampered seemed less impressed. "Hey."

"Aw man!" Bow Wow exclaimed. "A jacuzzi!"

Jamie smiled, "Yeah, it's great. Do you two want to get in?"

"Aw man I didn't bring my trunks," Bow Wow groaned.

"It's okay. There are some spare trunks in the poolroom. You can change clothes in there."

Omarion waved off the offer, "Nah, that's okay. I'll just lounge out of the water."

"Come on, dog," Bow Wow urged, playfully wrapping his arm around Omarion's neck and dragging him toward the poolroom. "Don't be a punk."

Omarion laughed and surrendered. "Aiight man. Ease up."

They both made their way to the small poolroom that was set up with a half bathroom, a separate shower, and several pieces of wicker furniture. The air smelled faintly of chlorine, reminding Omarion of his childhood days of spending weekends at the local community pools. Back then it was the cheapest way to cool off from the oppressive summer heat. As he had grown older, though, the lure of the water had diminished.

Bow Wow found a large wicker chest and opened it to find various pool toys and a full assortment of men's and women's swimwear. He selected two suitable pair and tossed one to Omarion who caught it in air.

"What the hell?" Omarion grunted, holding up the trunks. "You can fit four dudes in this. Ain't no way this is gonna fit me."

"Shut up," Bow Wow grinned and disappeared into the bathroom to change.

Omarion took a seat and waited for his turn. Through the windows he saw the trio of girls outside easing themselves into the jacuzzi, their voices just a faint muddle of sound. At times it was a blessing not to be fawned over, he guessed. With people like these, they were accustomed to celebrities. Hell, most of them had more money. It was the closest thing to having a normal life again, he figured.

A few minutes passed and Bow Wow emerged now shirtless and in a pair of orange trunks that fell just below the knees. Omarion caught himself looking at the rapper's teenage chest, now much more developed than when he had last seen it years ago. Then they had been just kids. But now they were encouraged to keep a personal trainer so their bodies stayed cut. The fans loved it. And Omarion had been pleased with his own development. His abs were rock hard. It looked like Bow Wow's hairless stomach was also equally impressive.

"Your turn."

"Man..." was all Omarion had to say as he sulked into the changing room. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror; his thin frame was defined and solid. He flashed himself a practiced smile that he reserved for his female fans.

"Hurry up, man!" Bow Wow urged impatiently.

"Aiight," he muttered, unlacing his shoes and setting them aside.

He stripped off his socks, removed his shirt, unbuckled his belt, and let his jeans pool around his ankles. Had he known he was going to be swimming, he would have picked a different pair of underwear, he thought to himself. He kicked off the last of his jeans and with a sigh, pulled down his red and white striped boxers.

Completely naked, he took the swim trucks in hand and slipped into them. They were at least two sizes too big and even tying them as tight as they would go made them barely able to stay on his hips. "Man this shit is too big."

The door suddenly opened and Bow Wow appeared. Omarion, startled, tried not to appear uncomfortable.

"Let me see," Bow Wow said, oblivious to Omarion's shyness. He grabbed the waistline of the singer's trunks and tugged on them to judge their size. But since they were so loose, they pulled easily away from Omarion's body and left his dick exposed until he jerked the trunks back.

"Ease up," the rapper joked. "Just let me see how loose they are."

Bow Wow's hands were again on the singer's waistline but this time his fingers quickly circled around to Omarion's ass. The tips of his fingers brushed the singer's crack but seemed indifferent.

"Stop nigga," Omarion shouted, pushing Bow Wow away. "These trunks are too big, man."

"They fine," his friend answered. "Ain't nobody gonna see them anyway underwater. Quit being a dick about it."


Bow Wow flashed a grin as he turned to leave the dressing room, "Dude, calm down. We're here to have fun and relax. So relax, man!"

When the rapper had left, Omarion allowed himself to take a deep breath to unwind. Bow Wow was right. They were here to have fun. He gave himself a quick glance in the mirror then finally joined the others all waiting outside by the jacuzzi.

The teenagers spent the next hour talking about their interests and goals for the future. How Jamie wanted to become a doctor. How Stacey wanted to get married in Spain. Omarion smiled and nodded occasionally but his mind was a million miles away. He watched Bow Wow, the steam from the jacuzzi forming tiny rivers down his smooth chest. He watched the rapper flash his bright white teeth in that smile that was both seductive and devilish.

He looked away and took a breath. Maybe he had been in the pool too longer. Maybe the heat was making him lightheaded. He and Bow Wow had been friends for years. They were like brothers.

But something felt different.

He thought back to the feeling of Bow Wow's fingers brushing against his ass.

His dick stirred, tenting his trunks and he moved his hands to cover his erection.

"Man, I gotta get something to drink," Bow Wow sighed, his head thrown back and resting on the jacuzzi's edge.

Jamie laughed her agreement. "I'll go get us some lemonade."

"I'll help," Stacie offered.

"And I think I've been cooked enough by the sun for one day," Amber said without trying to hide her obvious boredom.

"Well dang," Omarion chuckled. "Everybody trying to get away from you, dog."

Bow Wow swiped a handful of water at his friend. "I told you to keep your legs closed, dude."

The three girls climbed out of the jacuzzi, Amber seemingly relieved to be leaving the situation and Jamie and Stacie shaking their heads with that boys-will-be-boys shrug.

Jamie flashed a quick smile to the guys, "We'll be back in a couple minutes."

Once the girls had all left, Bow Wow lifted his head and waded over next to his friend. Omarion felt himself tense, but wasn't sure why.

"So which one you want?"

"Huh?" Omarion asked, unnerved by the closeness of Bow Wow's face as the rapper leaned in to whisper.

"The girls, man! Which one you want?"

"Man," Omarion sighed. "I'm not trying to get into all that today."

"Shit, that's not what your bone is saying."

The rapper reached down and grabbed Omarion's crotch, his dick still hard from his idle thoughts. Omarion jerked up out of the water in surprise, but the weight of his soaked shorts and their size caused them to slip down off his hips. His teenage hard-on was released and wagged before his friend.

"Damn nigga," Bow Wow hissed. "Nice dick."

Omarion tugged up his shorts, his embarrassment was almost tangible. "Fuck you."

"Naw, I'm serious."

There was something in Bow Wow's tone, something that was different. Something honest and, perhaps, vulnerable. Like someone whispering a secret.

Omarion sat back down in the water. His heart was racing and he felt completely on edge. What was happening? Why was he so nervous?

"Just relax." Bow Wow's voice was now soft to the thundering in his friend's ears. His hand slowly returned under the water and cupped the teenager's erection.

"What the--" Omarion started, but Bow Wow's eyes were off-putting.

"Shhh. Everything's cool."

Omarion opened his mouth to protest again, but he found himself pausing. His friend's hand on his throbbing dick was something that shouldn't be happening. None of this made any sense. He should be pushing his friend away, but... He didn't.

Bow Wow took the silence as the consent he had been hoping for and redoubled his efforts. His fingers slipped his friend's trunks down enough to release the teenage dick from its prison. He moved in closer so their moist bodies touched, the first contact like a forbidden exhilaration they both felt.

"Man, I--" Omarion tried to speak but his voice was a shallow whisper as though he couldn't find his breath.

"Shhh," Bow Wow offered again. "I've been wanting to do this for years, man."

His fingers wrapped around his friend's dick started stroking with a long, deliberate rhythm. Omarion felt lightheaded from the stimulation. It had been almost a week since he had jacked off and Bow Wow's hand already was inspiring the familiar tingle in his balls of the impending climax.

Bow Wow jerked faster now, biting his lip as he stroked his friend despite the growing fatigue in his arm. Omarion gave into the sensation and found the rapper's own dick hard to the touch.

"Yeah, baby," Bow Wow hissed, eyes closed and breath warm against Omarion's face.

Omarion caressed the rapper's balls as a surging pressure grew in his dick. He felt his body tense and Bow Wow increased his speed.

"Fuck," Omarion sighed, matching Bow Wow's rhythm now. The rapper's dick hot in his hands even through the swim trunks.

"Bust that nutt, baby."

"Oh fuck," Omarion gasped, a wave of pleasure washing over him in waves. His eyes flashed open and he looked down to see his dick sending thick globs of semen into the water. Agitated by the jacuzzi bubbles, the white fluid swirled, then vanished amidst the frothy foam.

He released his hold on the rapper's dick as his body felt now completely drained. For a moment, neither of them said a word as Omarion pulled up his shorts and struggled to grasp what had just happened.

"I love you, man."

Omarion didn't dare look at his friend for fear that something inside of him would break and never be made whole again. He wanted to tell his friend something--that he had feelings for him, too. But he had worked too hard to push those thoughts deep inside him.

Now all he could do was plead for the words to come, but only silence passed between them.

The faint clinking sound of ice brushing against glass was the only sound made as Jamie and Stacie reappeared with a pitcher of freshly-squeezed lemonade warming in the summer sun.

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