Ranger Roy in the Shadows

By Dave Krenshaw

Published on Oct 22, 2013


Ranger Roy In The Shadows: Installment 4

by Dave Krenshaw: davekrenshaw@yahoo.com

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Ranger Roy truly found the beauty of his surroundings completely enchanting: The private rented-only-access section of the park contained serene cobblestone pastel-colored walkways blending nicely with the marble statues of the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, a seemingly-endless stream, a very picturesque natural waterfalls, and a few acres of surrounding landscape enveloped by neighboring woods. There was this ethereal quality to everything here; and, for whatever reason or reasons, it seemed that the highly-charged sexual nature of the national scout leaders association's nudist retreat added an extra layer of excitement and exhiliration that definitely fit in perfectly with the same.

Ranger Roy sat with all of the retreat participants under a canopy-covered picnic table area, enjoying both the spirit of brotherhood and the pretty scrumptious barbecue chicken lunch. Everyone, perhaps to maintain a feeling of decorum, was dressed in their bikini swimsuits and thong sandals. There was a lot of laughter and happiness; and Kyle, a red-hot adonis in all senses of the word, had made it a point to be seated right next to who he and all the others still believed to be this "Lee Denton"; and, of course, a fellow scout leader and member of the scout leaders' association.

"I want you to know, Lee, that your win today really was just sensational; and meant a great deal to Chris: In fact, it was his very first individual-event-win ever at any of the retreats he has attended to date. Then, when I peeked at the roster posted on the reception-area board and saw that you had pre-registered one month ahead of our retreat for this afternoon's volleyball competition, it just confirmed what I already have surmised: You are just an A-one all-around swell guy."

Ranger Roy soon enough was playing sand-lined beach-style volleyball: Everyone playing was fully nude, no one even had any footwear on, though of course most did bother to wear sunglasses. The teams were mixed-age-wise, so, for example, Chris and Kyle were both on the same and, with respect to Ranger Roy's, the opposing team.

Ranger Roy was, at one point, serving the ball; and, as he did so, thinking to himself that it is just fantastic to see all of these huge cocks, firm buns, and sexy chests. He had to admit that it was a freeing feeling being nude like this with other males. As a matter of fact, this was the first nudist event that he had been part of where he truly sensed that it was perfectly all right to be semi- or fully-hard some or even most or all of the time, that there was absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about as to responding to stimulation the natural way. He of course quickly caught on that looking discreetly was viewed by the others as acceptable; and, so, he respectfully did his best not to gawk. These three tanned young guys that seemed to be friends with Chris were positioned just behind Chris' line; and they looked so sexy as they spiked the ball and their pecs jiggled a bit as they moved their hips up. There were on his own team these four burly guys in their late-forties that had really attractive hairy chests and bulging biceps; and every time each of them jumped up, his muscular round buttocks would rise into the air like they were those of Hercules himself. Kyle's team ended up winning, though it was close, the final score that is; and Ranger Roy was given a lot of pats on his back for the large number of points he scored for his team and mostly from his able serving.

Ranger Roy joined the others from the game in the overlooking stream and in the refreshing spray of the waterfalls to cool off. He felt very invigorated while splashing about in the cool waters of the stream; and he noticed several of the young guys from the volleyball game winking at him. He just smiled politely and nodded in acknowledgement. At one point, he felt himself blushing from this bit of attention.

Then, Ranger Roy realized that he had to check his cell phone in case there were any messages from his superiors: So, he nonchalantly left the vicinity of the waterfalls, grabbing his swimsuit from a ledge before heading off to the lockerroom facility, the very same one where his little adventure sort of had begun. As it turned out, it worked out pretty well that he had decided to go back to the lockerroom, as this is what he encountered upon his return:

The truth is that Ranger Roy almost did not notice that anything was amiss while he was taking the time to check his messages in the relative privacy of a secluded rear aisle of the facility. He was hearing what he thought sounded like some odd giggling coming from one of the air vents. Curiosity got the best of him, so he tried to trace the source of the laughter; and ended up in the shower-stalls room, where he witnessed a bit of horseplay going on between some scout leaders that he did not really recognize, a mixed-age group: There was some soaping up of one another; and some were jerking one another off. These leaders had sexy, lean bodies, shaved or naturally smooth. They were acting like a bunch of horny teenagers in summer camp; and their jubilance was a great deal of fun to see.

He decided that he would try to respect this little group's privacy, at least for the time being; and ended up venturing on to the steamroom a bit more to the right. Then, he noticed upon averting his eyes from the shower-room antics that there was a sign posted on the wooden-handled door with the words "OUT OF ORDER INDEFINITELY" in bold-faced lettering.

Ranger Roy knew immediately that this sign was just plain nonsense: In addition to the fact that there was no official emblem on the same identifying it as authentically one of Sharp End Crag, there was no mention whatsoever of any problem with the steamroom in the complete and most detailed grounds blueprints provided to him as part of this assignment.

Ranger Roy, acting on another of his hunches, decided upon a course of action in a flash: He casually walked out of the lockerroom; and then discreetly walked around the building to the rear entrance-lockerroom that was actually the ladies' lockerrom. Now, of course, he knew very well that as this was definitely not in use during this holiday weekend because of the males-only retreat, it was completely fine for him to enter the same. He did still have to enter a security code that he fortunately did have knowledge of, but, in any case, in a matter of seconds, he was inside the ladies' lockerroom and en route to the ladies' steamroom.

Ranger Roy felt this tingly feeling in his loins once he was inside the steamroom. He liked the nice cedar-style panelling of the room; and the way that the benches were spacious and in a lustrous amber tone similar to the slightly-pinkish flooring. He quickly stood on top one of the benches in the rear of the room; and with his palms and fingertips meticulously scanned the same for a corked-up or decorated-over opening: He believed that this wall was actually a common partition dividing what may have in all likelihood once been a large single sauna-room into two rooms for the respective genders.

He was very titillated but, at the same time, nervous. Above all, he knew he had to be extremely quiet, as his being discovered could place him in all kinds of jeopardy. Sure enough, just when he almost had given up, he came across this miniature champagne bottle with the cork only halfway visible due to its insertion in an indentation in the wall. He just gave the bottle three full counterclockwise turns; and then slid the loosened bottle towards his chest and completely out of the wall in one crisp stroke. He hastily put the bottle aside. He soon enough was peering through a three-inch-diameter hole; and this is what he, not quite to his complete surprise, saw:

There were seven scout leaders in the room, all of whom he recognized from times spent in their company; and, in addition, there was this guy who looked like he had just recently turned eighteen bending over a high pile of large-sized bath towels and with his rear positioned sticking up into the air. Everyone was completely nude; and the room was marked by this strange silence. The older ones, the leaders, were all hung and standing about at half-mast. The young fellow was a bit on the stocky side, but his striking ass-cheeks were full but firm and had a nice tan: he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was about 5'7". He was not being held down in any way, it was like he was part of a ceremony, some kind of scouting ritual or perhaps an initiation-into-"the club" hazing-type rite.

Two of the oldest of the group were these guys in their late forties or early fifties: They both had neatly-trimmed moustaches; and moderately-muscular pecs with nice treasure trails of hair going down all the way to their pubes. They looked like they were more-than-ready, but, then, suddenly two of the mid-thirties men, both with lanky swimmers' builds and very little body hair, began to fervently lick and caress each of the young fellow's buns.

"Are you ready, sunshine?," one of the mid-forties men nearest the door growled somewhat sarcastically.

The fellow whispered "Yes."; and trembled a bit.

There was, in response, a great deal of giggling, which Ranger Roy immediately recognized as the very same giggling that he originally heard while in the men's lockerroom. It was all a game to these scout leaders, even the two licking the young bent-over guy's mounds were giggling away like silly pre-schoolers.

Well, it was game on from there: The butt-lickers took turns inserting their index fingers and tips of their tongues into the pink-pucker-exposed hole of the "newcomer".

Ranger Roy was becoming more and more aroused as he clandestinely watched all of the action unfold. The towel that had been wrapped around his waist immediately dropped to the floor, almost as if on cue. He gripped his meaty cock in lust; and gently began to caress his nice-sized jewels with his other hand. He thought to himself: "Yes, yes, give it to him, he seems to want it anyway, so: might as well!!!"

"Wait!," the young fellow interrupted in a pleading tone.

There was no answer, just a lot of panting going on; and that is when everything fell into place as naturally as the sun rising in the morn: One of the two mentioned before, the ones who were among the oldest, positioned himself immediately behind the young fellow; and gripped his hips firmly. The lad was not resisting at all, at this point: He did not even attempt to flee, he seemed resigned to all that was to come. The man teased the hole with the purplish average-sized mushroom head of his manhood; and pushed forward, allowing the young chap a few seconds to adjust to the feel of this partial penetration. The seconds elapsed as quickly as dripping water; and then, without mercy, in one single movement, he thrust the entire full length of his shaft into the permeated cavern. The young dude howled, though it wasn't entirely clear if it was solely from pain.

"Game on!," the growler taunted.

The penetrating man gave the newcomer exactly seven thrusts in and partially-out; and, as he was extremely close to cumming, he huffed: "I hope you are ready, son, best you learn to take it like a man."

Well, take it, he did, again; and again; and yet again: The first man cummed so heavily that the the cum was actually gushing out of the teen's hole right after he pulled out; and in almost the same way as the waterfalls Ranger Roy had recently departed from just a little while ago. The other men took turns eagerly penetrating the bent-over male; and, just as the other remaining member of the moustached pair was finally about to take his greatly-anticipated turn, this is what happened:

The door flung open suddenly; and was slammed shut right away by the intruder.

"Kyle!!!!," one of the youngest of the scout leaders gasped in shock.

"I said to get him READY for later, not to scare the living crap out of him."

"Stop with the dramatics, Kyle, it is really unnecessary, especially since you are the one who set the wheels in motion to begin with: Besides, he is lubed up real good for you now. No need now whatsoever to wait for later."

Ranger Roy could not see who it was in the room that made the last comment. Yet, it did not seem to really matter at all: Kyle looked a bit surprised at what he heard, but, after what was said settled in, he took his position immediately behind the receiving one; and gripped the latter's hips in a manner very similar to the others before him.

Ranger Roy found himself once again so mesmerized by Kyle that he for a moment practically forgot he had his throbbing cock in hand and, upon eventually realizing he did, resumed his well-pace stroking: Kyle looked at this moment like he was one of those hot male exotic dancers: his quite muscular chest, fiery-red hair, fair skin, and green eyes and broad shoulders were simply amazing, not to mention movie-star gorgeous. To say that he was really "packing it" was simply the truth: One look at his cock, which was mouth-watering perfect, uncut and close to ten inches fully-hard and with more than moderate thickness for its manly hairy shaft accompanied by nice ample-sized low-hangers; and any healthy male would feel and certainly be greatly aroused.

Kyle had enough with the posturing; and plunged his cock savagely and unmercifully directly into the teen's hole with no hesitation whatsoever. He thrusted like mad; and rode the newcomer's already-greatly-penetrated hole like he was breaking in one of the newest and most unruly broncos at the ranch. His beautiful balls slapped repeatedly against the tempting ass-cheeks of the recipient of his lust.

Ranger Roy could could not hold off any longer, the cum shot out of his cock like an oil gusher, as Kyle released the heaviest load imaginable of his own hot thick man-seed-full cum; and collapsed in exhaustion on the young man. The steamroom was replete with the panting and moaning of the onlookers, all of whom took turns penetrating Kyle in the exact same order that the newcomer was so penetrated.

Ranger Roy was jolted back into reality by Kyle's becoming the receiver in such a shocking way. He suddenly remembered that it was high time for him to get back into uniform, finish up his formal duties as to overseeing the restricted-access section of the park, and get on with the business that he had temporarily placed on hold: Namely: Finding Wayne: He very much wanted Wayne for himself; and he knew he had to tell him just how he felt while he still had the courage to do so. He feared that it might be much harder than he ever initially envisioned actually tracking down Wayne. He paused in thought; and wondered, as he silently bid a fond goodbye to Lee Denton, though not, of course, to his still-beloved Sharp End Crag, if Wayne ever thought at all about him.

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