Ranger Roy in the Shadows

By Dave Krenshaw

Published on Oct 19, 2013


Ranger Roy In The Shadows: Installment 3

by Dave Krenshaw: davekrenshaw@yahoo.com

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Ranger Roy spent Thanksgivng Day with Lulu Mae: They fully stuck with their tradition of sorts, which was that she would help him out as to the cooking of the turkey and all the other dishes; and he would by 11:00 PM "oblige", so to speak, as to doing what was expected between the sheets.

Friday morn arrived soon enough; and the residual pungent aromas of apple and pumpkin pies and of cornbread-and-almonds stuffing permeated the air in the master bedroom almost as much as in the private home's kitchen: Lulu Mae was lying nestled in Ranger Roy's manly hairy arms, she was gently running her fingertips through the dense hair on his upper chest. Ranger Roy, enjoying the attention, finally managed to get the words out:

"As I said, you know I would stay if I could. I have to go into work. Besides, you said it was all right, that you made plans to spend the rest of the holiday weekend with your girlfriend, Bernadette, to catch up on things, remember, Lulu Mae?"

Lulu Mae, a slender dirty-blonde-haired young woman with a big bosom and pouty lips just a few years younger than Ranger Roy, simply nodded yes. She sleepily watched who she steadfastly perceived as her man get out of bed fully nude and close to rock-hard and head off into the shower. Intuitively, she knew very well that something was indeed amiss: She just could not quite figure out what exactly was wrong.

Within forty minutes, Ranger Roy was back at Sharp End Crag, where he felt most at home; and, after reporting to his supervisor, learned that he had been assigned to the private rented-only-access section of the park encompassing a stream, a very picturesque natural waterfalls, and a few acres of surrounding landscape enveloped by neighboring woods. Ranger Roy learned that a regional branch of a national scout leaders association was having some kind of a nudist retreat in this restricted-access area of the park. He knew a little bit about recreational nudism from some of these trips that he had taken years ago while in college. He knew very well that there was always a cloud of suspicion hanging over anyone associated with boy or cub scouts groups. He had to admit that he was intrigued by the combination of the two; and hoped that his instincts as to the possibilities presented by this latest assignment were on target.

He was all sparked-up already, but he disguised this from his next-in-command, simply mumbling: "Consider it done, sir, I will head over there pronto."

Anyway, within twenty minutes, Ranger Roy was strolling along a hiking trail in the woods neighboring the beautifully cascading waterfalls in this private limited-access area. He peered through his trusty pair of binoculars; and was practically floored: "Oh, my!!!: Have mercy!!!," he exclaimed.

There were about thirty guys in all, with half of them looking to be in their mid- to late-forties; and the other half to be in no more than thier mid-twenties to early-thirties; and they were all fully nude and with hot well-built bronzed bodies ranging from slender swimmers' builds to ones a bit burly and muscular. There were quite a few frolicking together wading in the stream that the overflow of the waterfalls went into: There was something very erotic and yet very sensual about all of the imagery; and, at the same time, Ranger Roy knew that time was very much of the essence.

Scanning his personal copy of the group's welcoming materials, he could see that a schematic provided indicated that there was indeed a welcoming reception table for the group. That gave him an idea: So he headed back to his vehicle; and retrieved his sunblock and insect repellant all-body sprays; and a bag with a pair of denim shorts and a combination lock. Then, he headed into the neighboring lockerroom facility, which was fortunately empty; and got fully nude, sprayed himself all over with both sprays; and, after locking up his uniform and belongings, put on the denim shorts and sauntered over as nonchalantly as he was humanly capable of to the welcoming table positioned at the rear of the lockerroom building.

"Oh, you must be Lee Denton from Troop District Thirteen, right?"

Ranger Roy simply nodded in assent; and smiled.

"Well, then, take these; and this. The itinerary is posted right to your left on the board, if you have any questions, hop on by here anytime. We are tickled pink that we are a full-house for this year's turnout."

It almost seemed too good to be true: He frankly could not understand just why the welcoming table host gent was so quick to presume that he was Mister Denton. Realizing, however, that there was really no time to focus on that aspect of things, he quickly said a silent prayer that the real Mister Denton never does belatedly "show up"; and focused fully on the contents in the clear-plastic zipped bag he was handed: Namely, an ID bracelet inscribed with the name "Lee Denton" and "Scout Leaders' District XIII", a pair of white thong sandals of medium size, a white sun visor cap adorned with the group's national logo, the upside-down American Eagle, and a very skimpy men's bikini swimsuit in a bright-wine color. He was relieved that he used common sense; and kept his favorite shades on, as the sun was truly close to blinding where he was now standing. He realized that he would draw attention to himself in a negative way if he did not change right there out in the open, so that it was he quickly did: The swimsuit was snug as can be, it barely covered his crotch. Fortunately, everything fit well enough, so he figured he would just go ahead with all, wing it as best he could, and, as usual, do what he did best: Namely, simply enjoy himself.

Ranger Roy put his shorts down on one of the lounge chairs no more than a few feet away from the boulder rocks bordering the stream and waterfalls. He perused the itinerary board and spotted: "Kissing Contest, Position A"; and, after checking the posted map, discovered that the event was going to begin in a couple of minutes and was located three yards away near the southern side of nearby Goosegivers Hill.

Ranger Roy walked briskly over to the contest location: He was a bit apprehensive about the kissing business and what exactly that entailed, but the idea of spending time fully nude with all of these hot fully nude guys was getting his cock dancing about in that speedo of his. So, he was determined to make the most of everything:

"Hi all, I'm...uh...Lee...Lee Denton."

Everyone was lined up in two lines facing one another; and those in the lines nodded and smiled at Ranger Roy, quickly acknowledging his presence. Well, it didn't take rocket science to figure this one out, as Ranger Roy quickly realized that the older guys were in one line; and the considerably younger guys were in the other. So, he hurriedly chucked off his speedo, leaving the same on top of a nearby bush, and joined the forties-plus guys at the far end of the line, where there was one guy of about twenty years of age, a brown-haired green-eyed lightly-tanned fellow with a slender build and average-sized cut cock but really nice half-dollar-sized suckable-looking nipples and perky plump buns, still awaiting his partner for the competition.

A fully nude man introduced himself to the group simply as: "Kyle"; and was matter-of-factly barking out the rules with the precision of a drill sergeant: "Remember, last pair still goin' strong wins, but quality counts too: No 'all-the-way', but anything that is not THAT is just peachy. When the two-hour-mark bell rings, that means that there is exactly ten minutes left for the event. All ties will be decided on the basis of scores assigned for solely quality, there will be no runoff competitition whatsoever."

Ranger Roy found himself so mesmerized by Kyle that he just barely absorbed any of the substance of what the man was saying: Kyle looked to be close to his own age; and was about 5'9", 185 pounds, and quite muscular overall, with red hair, fair skin, and green eyes and broad shoulders. To say that he was easy on the eyes would have been the understatement of the year. Plus, it was readily-noticeable that the event runner was really "packing it", his cock was mouth-watering perfect, uncut and a full eight inches when totally soft and with more than moderate thickness for its manly hairy shaft accompanied by nice ample-sized low-hangers.

"...four, three, two, one!!!: Approach!!!"

Coming out of his trance and quickly realizing that Kyle had just barked the go-ahead, Ranger Roy follow suit and took one giant step forward towards his partner, as everyone else in each line in their respective positions did. Ranger Roy's partner mumbled nervously: "I'm Chris, nice meetin' you, Lee."

Ranger Roy gently wrapped his arms around the young man's waist; and began to kiss him, within seconds he was kissing Chris open-mouthed and their tongues were intertwined. Ranger Roys' cock was rubbing gently against the pubes of his partner; and he was slowly sliding his hands down Chris' lower back and onto his butt-cheeks.

Everything felt very natural to Ranger Roy, but deep inside he knew there was something missing; and, as he was being judged at least in part on quality, so to speak, while still fervently kissing Chris, he began to do this: Visualize that he was kissing Wayne instead.

Well, Chris did not of course know what was in Ranger Roy's mind, but realizing that he was being more passionately kissed by Ranger Roy than ever, in turn, began to kiss the former back almost as passionately.

Ranger Roy was doing his utmost to stay in the moment. Yet, even so, while kissing Chris, he experienced this sexual fantasy in which he was spending time in the nude and in the shower with Wayne: There was something very angelic and yet strikingly tempting about Wayne, he thought: He had the innocent quality about him; and he was really gorgeous, with the milkiest and silkiest skin ever seen on any young man his age. In his mind, he was now fully aroused from contact with the invigorating warm shower water; and kissing Wayne with a great deal of manly passion; and then, this is what was to him happening:

Ranger Roy speedily turns off the water and then firmly holds Wayne in place by the shoulders as he gazes up in response. He gives him a wink, that same knowing wink he gave them when they first met one another in Sharp End Crag, then nods in approval, and smiles comfortingly at him. Wayne, knowing exactly what is desired; and not needing any further prompting, takes the entire head of the cock into his mouth and sucks on it softly and with the finesse of an experienced pro.

"Oh, yeah, that's it, show your friend, Ranger Roy, here, just what you enjoy doin'", he says, as he lowers his hands behind the young fellow, repositioning the same so that the palms of his hands are both resting casual on the same's baby-soft buns. He gently thrusts about half of his cock into Wayne's sweet mouth; and gently caresses his plush mounds with palms and fingertips as he watches his head bob up and down the full length of the shaft. His manly chest with its treasure trail of hair extending from his manly pecs down to his bushy pubes is glistening and wet; and he feels immersed in a dreamlike haze and as if having an experience like one of those hot male porn stars. He feels himself getting closer and closer; and, as he arches his back, pulls out three-quarters way from the warm cavern of Wayne's mouth. He holds Wayne's head firmly in place, gasping "I'm cummmmmmmmmminnn'!", and lets out one of the most high-pitched moans he has ever heard come from his lips.

Wayne is absolutely amazing: He is swallowing gushes and gushes of the biggest load of cum Ranger Roy has ever released; and he is tenderly caressing the forenamed's balls in between. Ranger Roy feels as if he is in ecstasy, he thoroughly loves the way that Wayne makes him feel like a really manly and fully-desired masculine man in all respects.

"Oh, yes!!!: We definitely have a winner, absolutely!!!!," Kyle crowed like a rooster just awakening at dawn as he giddily tapped Chris and Ranger Roy on their shoulders.

Ranger Roy was jolted by Kyle's exclamation out of his daydream of sorts; and realized that he was leaking lots of precum right into Chris' pubes. The scout leaders, still all positioned in their lines, were now clapping and cheering loudly, their cocks were all at at least half-mast. Chris was smiling and looked somewhat stunned; and Ranger Roy's heart was beating so rapidly he almost didn't even hear the words about the one-thousand-dollars cash prize his partner and he had actually just won and would split. There was so much pleasure and excitement that he was experiencing; and, suddenly, it dawned on him what was undeniably so: He wanted Wayne, he wanted Wayne for himself; and he knew he had to find him as soon as possible; and tell him just how he felt while he still had the courage to do so. He did of course, at the same time, realize that he had to honor his work-related commitment as to this holiday weekend; and, so, finding Wayne would have to be placed on hold, at least for now.

Next: Chapter 4

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