Ranger Dave

By buddbuster

Published on Nov 13, 2023


Ranger Dave Series: Chapter 5

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Description: Its been a few months since rays triumph over Ranger Dave. Rays trip has ended and Ranger Dave now faces a beefy Colombian bear in a "winner takes loser" wrestling match. The two big bears go after each other hard in a three-round brawl, until one of them emerges on top.

Round1 : "In for a Hairy Surprise"

-------------------------------------------------- RANGER DAVE: --------------------------------------------------

With a satisfied groan, Walt climbs off from Ranger Dave's broad back. "Oh yes," he thinks to himself, "Owning the burly Ranger's delicious behind will never get old." Walt looks down at the big man beneath him. At 5'10" and 320lbs, Ranger Dave is a mountain of a man. His broad hairy back and his massive chest and arms are a remarkable sight. Yet despite the ranger's strength and size, it is Walt that is the alpha among them.

"I can't believe this guy is all mine," Walt thinks as he zips up his pants. "You better don't forget about Father Oso at 3:30 today." "You know what I'll do to you if you miss another fight." Walt growls as he smacks the ranger on his naked ass and walks away.

Dave remains draped over the picnic table for a little while longer. Located on the side of a little used hiking trail, this table has become a favorite spot for Walt to play. Dave reaches down to pull his underpants up over his ass and belly and rolls onto his back. He squints into the sunlight as he tries to remember how he, the proud head ranger of this Alaskan national park, has gotten into this situation.

It has been a few months since Ranger Dave was surprisingly defeated by the 310lbs 6'00" Walt in a "winner owns looser" wrestling match. The big ranger was outmuscled and dominated, and was forced to submit to the better man. In the two weeks after, Walt bested Dave 4 more times, cementing his dominance and turning the mighty head ranger into his property.

A couple of months of continued domination later, Walt began to look for something new to keep his fascination with Dave alive. It was an offer from an older tourist named James that gave Walt an idea: James had lost the interest and admiration of his wife Marla and offered Walt $200 if he could wrestle and beat big Dave in front of his woman. Walt was intrigued by the offer and accepted. Within two weeks, a match was arranged.

The wrestling encounter was to take place in an open meadow in Dave's national park. James was interested in wrestling Dave in his ranger uniform, so Walt arranged a casual meeting of Dave with James and his wife in that spot. A verbal argument was staged that led to a more and more physical exchange, until the two men were attacking each other in a no-holds-barred brawl. After a short period of back-and-forth wrestling, James took more and more control of the bigger man, delivering an increasingly one-sided beat down. A growing group of casual hikers watched in amazement as the mighty ranger was humiliated by the smaller man. Once defeated, the ranger surrendered unconditionally, and was ordered to his knees to service the victorious James. Marla was beside herself with pride and the two walked off for a long night of sexual ecstasy.

The word on Dave's surprising defeat spread fast and more men lined up to prove themselves against the mighty ranger. Many men paid extra to guarantee their victory over the big ranger. Walt made sure that these men got what they paid for. They were able to "outmuscle", beat, and pin the bigger man, sometimes even beating him in public. On the other extreme, some men paid to receive a one-sided beat down by the burly lawman. Many of these customers requested to be defeated in the big man's bearhug.

Not all of the matches had pre-determined outcomes. Some challengers were brave enough to face the big man in real bouts. As expected, the mighty ranger won most of these fights. Outstanding wins included a 1-on-2 win over two young cocky bodybuilders who wanted to show the old fat man who is boss. The two gave Dave a mighty fight but ended up defeated and humiliated. Dave also celebrated a win against an older powerlifter from California, whose superior strength was not enough to overcome the burly lawman.

Opposite to these wins stand some surprising defeats. Particularly humiliating was a defeat at the hands of a chubby leather bear from Anchorage. In a public match, the leather bear not only beat but also collared our mighty hero to prove himself the alpha.

Walt loved his newfound wrestling business. As the word of the big wrester for hire spread, Walt made money hand over fist. In addition to all the financial gain, Walt just could not get enough of seeing the big ranger in the ring. It played into some of Walt's most secret sexual fantasies.

-------------------------------------------------- FATHER OSO: -------------------------------------------------- Father Gustavo is a catholic priest in a small South American community. He is an older hairy Latino bear with a beefy to chubby build, broad shoulders, big chest, and prominent gut. His hairy arms and chest and his thick gray mustache earned him the nickname "Father Oso" among his local community. At 62, 5'8" and 275lbs, his big frame nearly equals that of our mighty ranger.

Secretly gay, Father Gustavo has always been attracted to other burly and masculine men. Especially the idea of wrestling with other big bears and chubs has been one of his particular desires. At age 48, he finally gave in to this side of his personality, and he started to participate in private wrestling parties. After an initial series of defeats, he met an experienced Colombian wrestler who slowly trained Father Oso until he became the formidable fighter he is today.

It was two months ago that Father Oso first heard of the mighty Ranger in the far away North. He saw pictures of Dave's impressive physique and decided to travel to Alaska to issue a challenge to the big American. He intensified his training and by the time he arrived in Alaska, he was ready and determined to make this big Alaskan man his own. He paid the fee for an unbiased fight with the hope to take the burly ranger down.

-------------------------------------------------- ARRANGING A WRESTLING MATCH: -------------------------------------------------- From the moment Walt laid his eyes on Father Oso, he knew that this would be an epic fight. Like Ranger Dave, Oso is a big strong beefy man with lots of wrestling experience. Both are real men with all the testosterone and sex appeal that goes with it. Therefore, he decided to advertise the event broadly with the goal to attract a large crowd of betting men and a large potential for financial profit.

A sizeable crowd had already gathered as Father Oso and Dave arrived at the scene. Walt is standing in the ring, dressed in his referee uniform. He is animating the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's "winner takes loser" wrestling fight. The winner will be determined by pin fall. The match will be fought in three-rounds and two falls need to be earned for the win. Both opponents are big beefy men with lots of wrestling matches under their extensive belts."

"Let me introduce to you in the right corner the challenger: At 5'8" and 275 beefy pounds, please give it up to Father Oso, wrestling champion from South America. He is the undisputed champion of his region with a 2019 fighting record of 8-0."

With raised arms, Father Oso walks toward the ring. Dressed in black dress pants, black clerical shirt and white clerical collar he struts through the crowd. His clothes fits tight, revealing his massive body and impressive arms. Once in the ring, he poses for the crowd and tears open his shirt. The crowd goes nuts at the sight of his burly body, covered in a thick forest of salt and pepper hair. Father Oso's pants come off, revealing black vintage trunks and black wrestling boots. He flexes, showing of his bearish bulky frame.

"In the left corner, please welcome your local champion. At 5'10" and 320 pounds, Ranger Dave is a mountain of ferocious meat! He is the local hero in the park with a 2019 fighting record of 9-2." Dave raises his fists and stretches out his belly as he is wading through the crowd. He is dressed in his a-bit-too-tight ranger uniform and is wearing his trademark bear pride suspenders. Once in the ring, Dave takes off his shirt and uniform revealing green vintage trunks worn on his massive belly. The bear pride suspenders clipped to his trunks and brown wrestling boots complete the outfit.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please place your bets while our contenders warm up for the fight". Despite Ranger Dave's bigger size, the more compact hairy physique of the cleric and his undefeated wrestling record has Father Oso as a narrow favorite, with more of the audience putting bets on him as the victor.

-------------------------------------------------- ROUND-1: -------------------------------------------------- "And fight," referee Walt barks to mark the beginning of the event. The crowd goes wild as the two contenders approach each other. Dave tries to tie Father Oso up in a bearhug, but Oso grabs a hold of Dave's right arm and wrestles it to his back. With a hammerlock applied, Oso's arm goes around Dave's neck, bending the bigger man backward as his arm gets pushed up. Dave groans in pain and frustration. Dave tenses up his considerable muscles and starts to break free, so Oso pushes Dave forward and drives his face into the turnbuckle. "OOOOFFFF". Oso turns the stunned Ranger around and pushes him into the corner. He drives his shoulder into Dave's gut -- once ... twice ... three times. Dave bends over so Oso puts his arm around Dave's neck, takes two steps back and DDTs the big ranger's head full force into the canvas.

Father Oso is getting off to a lightning-fast start. He skillfully animates the crowd. With the swollen chest of a champion, he walks around the ring, firing up his fans. After this brief celebration, Oso's quickly directs his attention back at Dave. He rolls the big ranger on his back and covers him for the pin. Walt goes down for the count: "ONE ... TWO ..." - Dave manages to kick out just in time.

The now angry big Ranger rolls away and tries to get back to his feet, but Father Oso is faster. He pulls Ranger Dave into a sitting position and applies a Surfboard hold. Oso's knee grinds into Dave's back while he pulls hard on the ranger's massive arms. The fans see the agony in Dave's face as Oso continues his domination. Oso switches to a chinlock hold before throwing Dave on his back and applying a couple of body splashes. After the second splash, he hooks Dave's leg and covers the bigger man for another pin. Walt is quickly down for the count: "ONE ..., TWO ...." The big ranger kicks out one more time.

Oso gets up and fires up the crowd. He flexes his muscles and puts his big foot onto Dave's chest. Cheered on by the audience, he lifts Dave's legs and spreads them apart. Ignoring the vicious protests of a panicking ranger, he raises his heel and sinks it hard into Dave's unprotected crotch. "OOOFFFFF ..." that hurt.

Dave is in a great deal of pain. He rolls away from Father Oso in an attempt to protect himself. He knows he has been manhandled so far and needs to recover fast. He grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself to his feet, but as he turns around, Oso is already there and hammers him into the ropes with a clothesline. Dave is almost thrown out of the ring and can barely hang on. Oso takes advantage of Dave's wide-open gut and quickly sinks a couple of fists deep into his lower abdomen. "AARRG". He gets Dave to buckle.

He flexes for the crowd that is now fully on Father Oso's side. He lifts the Ranger's chin and stares in his eyes. "You call yourself an hombre, gordito? You fight like una mujer!" With that, he wraps his arms around the big ranger's girthy midsection and squeezes him in a vicious bearhug.

Dave is trapped against the sweaty furry body of the South American preacher. Oso's fists dig into the ranger's spine as his hairy body rubs against Dave's sensitive nipples. Oso hears Dave moan more in pleasure than in pain. After a bit more squeezing and rubbing, he notices a rapidly growing hard-on in Dave's trunks.

Oso puts his mouth next to Dave's ear and whispers with hot breath, "Gordito, it seems you enjoy feeling the power of a real Hombre." "Fuck you" Dave responds in frustration.

Oso increases the pressure and Dave nearly reaches his breaking point. The big ranger needs to move fast if he wants to avoid quick defeat. He manages to get his arm between him and Oso and pushes as hard as he can to break Oso's hold. Both men struggle until Father Oso has to let go. Dave drives the burly cleric back with a few punches to the gut and pecs and then whips Oso into the ropes. The preacher bounces back and is greeted with a massive clothesline that sends him to the canvas. Dave tries to follow up with a body splash but Oso manages to roll away just in time.

Both men get back to their feet. They glare at each other from the distance. Drenched in sweat, their chests are heaving as they suck in much needed air. The two bulls study each other, trying to anticipate the other man's move.

Suddenly, they rush toward each other and lock up in a test of strength. With both hands locked up, each is trying to force the other to his knees. With their arms stretched out wide, they struggle belly to belly, chest to chest, and pec to pec. Rivers of sweat are running down between them as they struggle for dominance. After a long while of grunting and groaning, Father Oso manages to moves their arms over their heads. He doubles down his efforts as he senses weakness in his opponent. "Damn ... NOOOO ..." Dave exclaims as Oso is slowly but inevitably beginning to gain the upper hand. Inevitably, the big ranger is pushed downward, until his right knee hits the canvas. The crowd celebrates as their new hero continues to break down the ranger. A knee to Dave's gut ends this test of strength with Oso as the winner. Ranger Dave bends over from the kick to his abdomen. His face is pulled tightly into Oso's hairy chest. The preacher wraps his arms around the ranger's head, trapping his face between mountains of furry pecs. Dave is struggling for air. His arms are flailing about as he desperately tries to break free. To a wave of cheers, Oso acts out this scene for the audience until another kick to the ranger's gut sends the big lawman down to all fours. To entertain the crowd and humiliate the ranger further, Oso sits on Dave's back as if riding him backwards. He first rubs then spanks the big ranger's exposed ass. Then he reaches between Dave's legs for a vicious cock grab. The ranger yelps, and grunts, and swears.

A desperate Dave is trying to get away but Oso now has the upper hand. He traps Dave's head in between his legs as he is signaling an upcoming piledriver. The crowd cheers as the heavyset man is lifted until his body is inverted in Father Oso's hold. Then Oso drops into a kneeling position, driving Ranger Dave head-first into the mat. ...

Dave drops to his back like an empty sack of potatoes. With the world around him turning into a blur, he lays motionless with his arms and legs spread out wide. His sweat drenched trunks reveal a raging hard-on as Father Oso puts his boot on the Ranger's chest and Walt begins the count: "ONE ... TWO ... TH ...". Oso lifts his foot to stop the count. He wants to enjoy this more.

Oso struts across the ring getting the crowd all fired up. They watch Dave trying to get off the canvas ... and fail. They know who is the heel in this match and it is not their ranger. Playing with the crowd, Father Oso walks over to the fallen lawman until he stands over him with his back facing Dave's head. He bends over and wiggles his ass, signaling what is to come. To excited hooting and hollering, Oso pulls down his trunks, spanks his hairy cheeks a couple of times, and then drops his naked hairy ass on the ranger's face. A frenetic audience is chanting "Oso!! Oso!! Oso!!" as their big-bellied lawman is trapped in the humiliating pin. Walt pauses for a while. He likes Oso to enjoy this moment as long as possible. Eventually he goes down to the canvas to start the count: "ONE, ..." the crowd cheers, "TWO, ..." a desperate Dave starts struggling mightily, "... THREE!!!!!!!"

Oso has dominated and won the first round of this match in humiliating fashion. But, he is not quite done yet. To the excitement of his fans, he remains in position, and starts rubbing his ass over Ranger Dave's trapped face.

"Oh yes, gordito, lick mi culo. Lick that hairy ass." he taunts. Dave is trapped and has to let it happen. In fact, the sight and the feeling of the strong preacher's hairy ass is getting to the big lawman. He is fighting his sexual arousal, but as Oso also grabs a hold of his sensitive nipples, he cannot stop himself any longer. An audible moan escapes his mouth.

"Oh yes, mi gordo sumiso maricón, I got you now" Oso groans. He lets go of Dave's right nipple and slips his paw into Ranger Dave's trunks. The feeling of the preacher's rough hands around his cock is instantly overwhelming. Dave's moans are now audible to the whole audience. His back arches up as he starts thrusting himself toward the preacher's fist. The men in the audience are beside themselves. Eventually, Walt steps in and pulls the two protagonists apart. "Enough for now. We still have two more rounds to go".


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northern_state@yahoo.com and buddbuster@aol.com

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