Randy and His Family

By J Russell

Published on Jul 26, 2015


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After dinner I meet up with Randy to hangout. I'm going to spend tonight and tomorrow night in his apartment. When it gets dark, we head back to his place. His apartment is one floor up and across the hall from mine, he has a two bedroom. When we are going back to his apartment he tells me he shares a room with Derrick but don't worry, he's cool. When we get there no one is at home and we go to his bedroom to play games. The first thing I notice when we go into the bedroom is that there is only one bed. He sees me looking at says "yea me a Derrick share a bed, but it's big enough for the three of us and Derrick won't care." We play some games until about 10:30 or so when Derrick comes in. He looks at the two of us and says" I'm tired guys, time to hit the sack and you better not keep me awake, you hear" and walks out of the bedroom. We both laugh and strip down to our briefs and get into bed with Randy towards the middle of the bed and me on the edge of the right side of the bed.

When derrick comes back in he sees we got into bed and he smirks and says "that's right you better listen." He then starts to take off his clothes. I try not to look but I can't help but watch as he reaches up and pulls off his shirt revealing a hard muscular chest. I almost gasp out loud as I watch him. He then bends over and takes off his sneakers and socks. The last thing he takes off his shorts and stands there a minute in his briefs scratching his balls before getting into bed next to Randy. After a while we are all fast asleep.

*I wake up a couple of hours later having to pee so I get up to go to the bathroom. As I leave the bedroom I have to walk through the living room and their father is in there watching TV drinking beer. This is really the first time I get a good look at him because he is always at work when I come around. He is a big man at least 6' 4" and very muscular. The room is dark except for the glow of the TV and he sees me as I come into the room and smiles. He asks me if there is something wrong and I say no I just have to use the bathroom. As we are talking I'm looking at him in the dim light and he's sitting on a chair with his feet up on an ottoman wearing nothing but a pair of worn boxers. I can see that he's had a few beers and isn't feeling any pain. He is the hottest man I've ever seen! His skin is a dark chocolate color and his body is all muscles. His sons look just like him and will grow into the same body as they get older! I can see the outline of his cock in his boxers and just stare at him when he moves his right leg down from the ottoman and motions for me to come over to him. As I slowly move toward him, he tells me he's glad that his son made a friend like me and that Randy talks about me all the time. *

When I get over to him he puts his muscular arm around my waist and pulls me between his spread legs. As I stand there between his legs looking at him he adjusts his position moving the hand of his arm around my waist down to my briefs covered ass, this movement makes the bulge in his shorts more prominent with the tip of his big black cock sticking out. I get a little nervous not knowing what to do so I just stand there while his hand is massaging my ass and I stare at his cock. After a minute or so I move away telling him that I need to use the bathroom and with him laughing, I quickly leave the room and run to the bathroom. I stay in there a while and when I come back he is laying there sleeping. Before I leave the room I take another look at him and his hot muscular body with his cock still sticking out of his boxers looking huge. Since it looks like he is sound asleep, I move closer to him to get a better look and his whole cock head and a most of the thick shaft is sticking out of the edge of his boxers and though he's not hard it is still impressive looking. I go to touch it when he coughs and moves a little and getting scared I run back to the bedroom.

*When I get back into the bedroom Randy had moved to the side of the bed leaving only the middle open so I try to get into the bed by crawling over randy without waking him. As I move over him into the bed, my hand brushes against his cock and I see that the kid has a hard on. When I lay down I am now between these two hot guys, both are asleep and both are in their briefs. The light from the street lamp is coming into the room illuminating the bed and I can see both guys on either side of me. I look over at Derrick and I can see that his cock is also hard and the head of his cock is sticking up through the waist band of his briefs. Then Randy moves and asks me if I'm awake and I say yes. He then reaches over and grabs my hand and putting it on his cock tells me he could use some attention. I ask him, in a whisper, what about your brother and he tells me that Derrick can sleep through a bomb, nothing will wake him up. So I start rubbing his cock through his briefs and he says to me "I need more than that Pete" and reaching his arm above my head, tries to push my head down to his cock. *

I allow him to rearrange my body putting my head near his cock and by this time I don't care if Derrick does wake up and I pull down his briefs exposing his hard black cock and I take it into my mouth. I start to suck his cock slowly but he tells me to go for it, it won't wake his brother so I do and really suck his cock down my throat. He then says to me "yea that's it Pete, suck my cock, make me cum bitch." As I'm going up and down Randy's cock all of a sudden Derrick makes a noise and starts to move. His arms go from his side to the back of his head and while doing so rubs against my ass. As he does this I freeze with Randy's cock deep down my throat. He giggles and says he ain't up keep sucking and I do. In and out his cock goes until he tells me "ok Pete here it comes, what you been waiting for" and shoots load after load into my mouth and I greedily swallow it. When he's done he pulls his cock from my mouth and I go and lay back down, He thanks me and turns over to go back to sleep.

*I lay there on my back with Randy on my left and Derrick on my right. Randy has turned away from me lying on his side and is fast asleep. Derrick is on his back with both arms up and under his head. I turn my head towards Derrick and I am looking right into his hairy arm pit. My nose and mouth is literally up against his pit, I take in a deep breath and I smell his young hot sweaty male scent. My cock is rock hard and I am so excited. I can see the outline of his body with the light from the street and his cock head is still sticking out from the band of his briefs. I remember Randy saying that his brother can sleep through anything so I stick my tongue out and lick his arm pit and I get no response. So I do it again only this time more aggressively. I really lick his pit and close my mouth on it and suck. I still get no response from Derrick, so I turn my body towards him and I really start to lick and suck his hot hairy arm pit. My movement wakes up Randy and he turns to me and says "see I told you Derrick's cock was bigger than mine" pointing to Derrick's cock sticking out of his briefs. I know right away he didn't see me lick Derrick's pit so I say nothing. *

Randy tells me "you know, you could probably suck Derrick's cock and he wouldn't even wake up." I look at him and say "you think?' He says to me "well you're already facing him lick the tip of his cock." I just look at Randy and he nods to his brother who is still lying on his back with his arms behind his head and the head of his hard cock sticking out of his briefs. I say to Randy "I don't know, what if he wakes up" and at that point Derrick moves again and reaches his right hand into his briefs to scratch his balls and exposes his whole cock and balls to us and then settles down again, snoring. Randy says to me "there's your answer, his whole cock is there for you to suck". So I move down the on the bed and I stick my tongue out and I lick the tip of his cock. When I get no response I suck his cock head into my mouth. Still nothing, so I start to suck his cock deep down my throat. At this point Derrick starts to moan and says "yea baby suck my big dick"

Randy laughs and says "he thinks you are one of his girlfriends, go for it". So I do! I go up and down his cock taking him deep into my throat and back out again while Derrick, still asleep, is moaning and now holding my head. The whole time Randy just lays there watching me suck his brother's cock while playing with his own cock. After a few minutes Derrick's cock swells a little bigger and with a deep moan he starts to cum. Load after load shoots into my mouth and down my throat. I keep my lips tight around his cock not wanting to miss a drop of his hot cum. After a while he slows down and I pull my mouth off his cock and lick the last few drops of cum from the tip of his dick and I just look at it, still pulsing. Randy laughs and says "That was awesome, if Derrick only knew!" As I move away Derrick's breathing seems to slow a bit and he settles back down, still sound asleep. Randy then lies back down and says "catch ya in the morning" and he drifts off to sleep holding his semi hard cock. I lay there between both guys and I smile to myself thinking back over what just happened reliving every moment and that was my last thought before drifting off to sleep myself.

I wake up about 3am, needing to take a piss again so I quietly get out of bed, not wanting to wake Derrick and Randy and I go out to the bathroom. I see that the TV is still on and I walk into the room and look at their Dad. He looks like he's still asleep so I move closer to him and I just stand there, mesmerized, not able to move looking at every muscle on his body and wanting to get a better look at his cock when he says "what do you need now boy? Are you gonna stand there all night looking at me?" That took me by surprise because I thought he was asleep and I say "I need to use the bathroom again, sir" and he says "come over here".

*To be continued ... *

Next: Chapter 3

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