Randall and Scott

By moc.loa@taKyllihW

Published on Mar 16, 2001


Well, Kids...This is my second story on Nifty, the first wasn't so good, but anyway! I know that this story is a little detailed, but in the end it will be better! Ben is going to be in this story for the first couple of chapters because, frankly...he scares the shit out of me! And I made him, so how twisted is that? On with the story then! Feedback is welcome at WhillyKat@aol.com! So write me and tell me if I need psychiatric help! he he he! PLEASE!


This in no way refers to my childhood! Nothing in this story is real! My sick mind and me made it all up! I PROMISE! N'Sync is not GAY, or at least that is what they say! Hopes are all for it! If you are underage, then your eyes shouldn't view this content!! I mean it!

On With It!!!

Randall and Scott Chapter One Enough

Rain pelted the windows in the small apartment that Justin had rented. He couldn't bring Benjamin home to his mom's house on their time off, so the apartment was kind of his haven. Well, not really...the only purpose that the apartment served was to keep the never-ending abuse that Justin suffered secrete. He was afraid of Ben losing his temper in his mother's home, and beating him. The secrete would escape, and he could possibly loose his life. Ben threatened him with the lives of those he loved, with his own life, and his career if Justin ever left him. He desperately loved JC, and could not risk loosing him. These threats were the only reason that he stayed with Ben. Sometimes he thought that suicide was the way out, but his love for his family and friends would erase those thoughts out of his head. He needed help. But, whom could he tell? Everyone he knew would turn Ben in, in a second, without thinking about the consequences. Thus, sealing their own fate. Ben had ways of just making people disappear, connections that lead to the mafia, politicians, and any number of hit men. It had been a long nine months; he had created quite a big web of lies along the way, also. All of them to friends, family, fans, the list goes on and on. But in a way, he stayed with Ben to save others, not only his self. An abusive life is better than no life at all.....right?

Ben was a tall man with dark skin, hair, and eyes. He had this charm about him that would make anyone get girly goo-goo eyes, and begin to drool at the mouth. Even JC had flirted with him once or twice. But, he had always wanted Justin. And he had always know what he wanted him for. Ben was a controller, he needed someone to control to feel good about himself. He was fresh out of a relationship with a young man named Philip, and after making him go brain dead by beating him in the head with a bat, he needed to move on to his next victim. And, one had shown himself available when he met Justin.

The rain seemed to bring all of the pain flooding back to him; it reminded him of tears cried to the man that said he loved him, but continued to beat him; the loneliness he felt when he was left with him, all the while longing for JC; and his absence in his family's life. Ben limited his family time to less than an hour on the phone every two days, and visitation to one day a week. It was his remedy for keeping the abuse secrete. If his family only seen him once a week, then the bruises would have time to heal. So, two days before the visit he wouldn't even touch him, but when he returned would beat him till his knuckles were bruised for all of Justin's so-called shortcomings during the week. But, he could not keep Justin away from the group. It was his job, and he would not quite no matter how hard Ben hit him. So, it was sort of a lost cause. Every time someone would ask how he got that cut over his eye, or why his lips were busted, he would have to use some half hearted excuse as to how the injury had came about. But, for the most part, Ben kept the beatings in parts of Justin's body that would be clothed.

This was Justin's Hell, one to which there was no fast escape. Every night he would go over exactly how he could get away. But, for every solution that his mind conjured up, he would immediately consider the consequences. Then his mind would drift from this growing evil, to a sweet and innocent fantasy of JC and himself actually having a life together. He knew that JC loved him, but instead of telling him the truth, he told him that he was straight. He would cry after every conversation containing such subjects. He hated lying to JC; but truth is, he would rather lie to him than have him killed.

Justin looked over at the clock-3:52, then to Ben, and quietly got up. He walked down the hall and into the bathroom to inspect tonight's rumble. Before turning on the light, he silently prayed that it wouldn't be that bad. This time more than ever because he had a photo shoot in the morning, and he would be wearing the infamous white wife beater. He felt the cool porcelain under his palms, and turned his head to where the mirror would be. He ran his had over the wall and found the switch. With one last word, he flipped it. The face that looked back at him was clearly not his own, but one of a broken, battered boy who wanted protection from a very real monster. His nose was broken in two places, and the color of black water. His eyes were bloodshot, not mentioning the side of his eyebrow that Ben burnt off with a cigarette liter. Justin ran his finger over the distinct mark of a clothes hanger that covered the most part of his cheek. He slowly removed his clothes and stared at the monstrous bruises that mapped his chest and abdomen. A single tear feel as he recalled the night's previous incident.

"Hey, Justin, there is an interview of you and those freaks on MTV, come and watch it with me." Ben said, slightly annoyed with the sight of Justin with the remaining members of *N Sync.

"Okay, let me finish making your Dr. Pepper." He replied.

"Damnit, I said now. When there is a commercial, you can fix my fucking drink!" Ben yelled. As he was speaking, Justin quickly sat down next to him.

"Sorry." Came a shaken Justin. He noticed as Ben watched every move that he made during the interview dealing with JC. And at one point, he put his arm around JC. Justin winced.

"What in the fuck was that?! Huh? You are such a whore! I should just kill your ass right here. Why do you do this to me? You know that when you do stupid stuff, like put your damn arm around JC, I have to punish you," he walked over to his stereo and put in a marching band CD; he turned the volume up all the way, and grabbed "Old Hector" (a walking cane with a clothes hanger wrapper around the end) from behind the door, "I love you Baby, but Old Hector is pretty pissed this time, he may have to cut you some." He said is a immensely calm voice. With that, he pounced on top of Justin with a such force that he passed out upon impact, leaving Ben to do what he wanted. He laid there lifelessly, with no way to defend himself. No "STOP" or anything, just total and complete vacancy.

"I cannot live like this anymore. I have to get out. Even if I have to kill him." He said aloud. He shut the door to the bathroom, turned the water on in the shower, and jumped in.

He stood in the shower for several minutes, before stating to wash. He first wet his head, the shampoo and conditioned it. Then he reached for his prescription soap, having so many abrasions so often, the doctor suggested that he use a soap slash Novocain mix. It would make him feels less pain, kind of like when you put Ambesol on your teeth. He opened the cap and squeezed some onto the sponge. As he started to wash, he felt this unbelievable pain shoot through his body. Thinking that it was just the intensity of his wounds, he kept going. After several minutes of unbearable pain, he quickly rinsed off. But, that didn't stop the pain. When he stepped out of the shower, he noticed that wherever he had a cut or scrape, there was burn marks all around them. And it continued to hurt. He pulled back the shower door and squeezed some of the soap into his hand. As he smelt it, he immediately knew what it was. Ben had replaced his special soap, with some vinegar, salt, and bleach. Justin jerked a towel from the rack and ran for the phone.

He ran down the hall and just as he picked up the receiver, Ben was there to stop him. He raised Justin in the air by his neck, and threw him across the room. Justin, already set into survival mode, pick up the roght iron lamp and started to beat Ben across the face with it. Astounded that he would fight back, Ben caught the lamp in mid air and pitched it over his shoulder.

"Now you look at me! The next time that you scream that bastard's name out in your sleep, I will cut off your dick and sell it on the black market. Do you hear me?!" He said, with a non-bluff kind of tone.

"You just go ahead and try! You have went way too far this time, Ben! It is over! I have tried to give you chance after chance, but frankly, Justin's Store stopped carrying second chances for you!" Justin screamed! "I hate you, Benjamin Quint Divilbis! I am packing my shit and leaving, and if you think that you are going to threaten me, or my family and friends, or my career for that matter, then you best ask yourself, 'Am I ready to be famous', because that is what you will be when I get through with you! Every newspaper will run this story because it will be he only man ever kill himself by sticking his head in the garbage disposal!"

"You Idiot" came Ben's response. He lunged at Justin, but missed. Justin ran to the kitchen and pulled the gun out of the hidden compartment behind the microwave. But, instead of meeting Ben to his face, he slid into the closet and hid in the corner.

"Come out...Come out where ever you are. I can smell you, ya know. You smell like vinegar and salt! Ha ha! I suppose that you found my little present in the shower? Well, I did it tonight, after I sent you to bed. Honestly, Justin...we have already had one fight tonight, you would think that you would have learned your lesson, at least long enough not to get disciplined twice in the same day! But, spare the rod, spoil the child, I guess. What do you think?" he said, almost as if he was daring Justin to show his face.

"I am not your fucking child!" Justin said with growing anger. Ben had walked past the closet door, so when he stepped out, he was facing Ben's back, which gave him the advantage. He put the barrel right up to his bare back and began tracing his silhouette. "Do you know how long I have waited for this very moment? In a few short hours all will of my dreams will come true. You will most certainly be dead; JC and I will be in each other's arms, undoubtedly kissing passionately; and then reporting you missing. You did this yourself! You made us a secrete; no one else know about you but me, no one knows about me but you. You never suspected that I might turn on you? And no one will suspect me of doing anything! Because, after you die, not even a memory will precede you. So, I changed my mind about the you being famous thing! I would rather keep this hush-hush!" Justin said.

They stood there for what seemed to be an eternity, each waiting for the others next move, but Justin had never killed anybody. Nor had he ever acted as he was just now. He had to do something though. He had made up his mind.

"Are you ready?"

no answer

"Okay fine! Bye for now!" Justin said as he lowered the gun to Ben's legs. He fired one shot behind each knee, causing Ben to fall to the floor screaming in pain. "Now what?" he thought. Well the only thing that he could think of. Run to JC.


Well?? Continue? Dis-Continue? I think that everybody has monsters that they must overcome. Even the famous. "The worse you make Hell look, the better Heaven becomes."- Myself

Feedback is always welcome, no matter the content! WhillyKat@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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