Ranch Raunch

By moc.onuj@xrdm

Published on May 25, 2010


This story is completely fictional. It is about the relationship between me and multiple guys and horses. Many forms and fetishes of bondage will be used as well as severe punishment. Many twists, turns, and surprises are in store. This is a multi-chapter story and after this one you might have to read the ones before it to fully understand what is happening. I do a recall in the first paragraph with the highlights of what went on in the previous chapter. A full list of names and characters is available, but the names of the characters in each chapter are mentioned before I begin that chapter. If your name is used it is coincidental and the characters were based on the personality of Masters, Sir's, boys, slaves, horses, girls, and women I have known. I Have full permission from these personalities in the before sentence to use them however I want. A few of the characters are minors, but they do not participate in any sex acts. If you are not 18 or if it is illegal for any reason you should not read this story and should instead leave right away.

Copyright rules apply.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with horses or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Character list:

Mike: A lean fit muscular guy in his forties.

Master Rick: A lean fit muscular owner of a ranch and horse herd in his mid fifties.

Master Wes: Same as Master Rick but a bit younger, does ranch and real estate.

Bazooka: The lead stallion of the ranch.

The herd: Tar Baby, Gizmo, Twinkie, Comet, Daisy, Phantom, Dancer, Gambit, and Thumper

Dad: Just a reference.


I wake up the next morning with a head ache and find myself on Bazookas belly and he is upside down and I recall the ride and what happened last night. I was stiff and sore and was shocked in the abdominal and dick area. I sense Bazooka still sleeping and I snooze till he wakes up and starts licking me in the face. I smile and say morning and he knickers back.

I get up off him but he does not move as if wanting something from me. I move to his head and starts rubbing his head. Bazooka opens his mouth and grabs and yanks on my dick a few times and let's goes as if asking for it. I do not hesitate and shift right in front of his mouth and say take it all. He pulls my entire dick into his mouth and wraps his tongue around it and starts sucking hard. My dick hardens fully and pulses at every suck and in a moment later shoots deep into his throat. I gasp and Bazooka relaxes and releases my dick.

I move so Bazooka can roll and get up thinking we are done. But he does roll but only his rear and figure he wants it in the ass too. So I walk around to his rear and his tail goes up and knickers to me as if to say give me your best shot. I slowly push my hard rod into him and he grunts and I start pounding him as hard as I could for repayment of what he did to me the previous two days. I cum inside him but do not stop as I notice his massive dick start to harden up. My hands reach under and start massaging and squeezing his nuts and a moment later shoot a good sized load onto the floor. I slow and pull out my dick and Bazooka stands up and I give him a hug. I brush him down, turn him out and walk to the house.

Master Rick and Master Wes say morning and ask how do you feel? I reply my head hurts from the beer and my abdominal muscles and dick seemed to tingle from last night. My kegs are a bit stiff and sore but okay. Something also strange happened last night. Both Master Rick and Master say oh as if questioning. I explain about the music and hearing it when I was young. Both Master Rick says strange. The wind and trees sometime sing when conditions are right. Maybe the music will return when your mind is open and new clues may present themselves.

Master Rick says you are apparently not as stiff and sore as you state. Turn around. I turn and the TV comes on and there I am feeding my dick and fucking Bazooka. I am surprised that they had a camera there and mentioned that Bazooka asked for it. That he did said Master Rick. Have breakfast.

After Breakfast Master Rick and Master Wes inspected my dick and nut sack and spanked it firmly to make it hard. Then put a thong and force bent my big dick to fit in it. Today you will be working with the other horses. Bazooka would love more play with you but the others are in need of stretching out their legs. Have you run long distance before? I say yes I can run. I did a half marathon which is twelve miles in a reasonable time and I run in the forest when time allows.

Master Rick says well, what we want you to do is pony the other horses. I asked if I would be on an ATV and lead the horse in a trot. Master Rick replied no, you will run and lead the horses on a path that runs about three miles. I asked one or two at a time? One at a time says Master Rick. Both Master Wes and I will prepare the horses. You will have a few minutes between horses to drink a protein shake.

I was feeling pumped up at an all day run. I asked Master Rick that I would need my running shoes and that I would need help with stretching myself out. Master Wes will stretch you out and I will get the first horse ready.

Master Wes says go get your shoes and meet me outside by the hot tub. I quickly get the shoes and meet Master Wes outside. Master Wes seemed to have run before as he knew every stretch. So I felt loose and relaxed but still a little sore. After that we walked into the barn and Master Rick was waiting with a light brown horse with a cream mane. Master Rick says this is Twinkie. She had a halter with her name on it and a thin cord attached to it with quick clip on the end.

I extended my hand out and she sniffed and then licked it. I think she smelled Bazookas scent on my hand. I gave her a pat on the neck and said I was ready. Not yet says Master Wes. Go to the wall and spread your legs and I do so and the thong taken off and I feel my nut sack being tied. I feel my dick get harder as the string that tied my nut sack is clipped onto the lead rope and we start walking. Master Wes explains that tying to your nut sack will free your arm for running.

All the horses know they will be in trouble if they misbehave. You are to run only fast enough to get them to trot. The path is a loop that starts and ends at the road behind the barn. The horses will play with your nut sack while you run but I think you will love the attention.

We all start walking to the road. Once you get back to the road you will walk the rest of the way in. so both you and the horses will calm down. I say yes Master Rick. I expect you to take about a half hour. This is not timed but would like you to be consistent in your pace.

I start out with Twinkie and start on the path. She plays with my nut sack slightly causing it to jerk around and dick gets harder with the sudden jerks with my nut sack. We return in about a half hour and Twinkie announces our return and by the time we get to the barn another horse that is all black and called Tar baby is ready to go. I ask for a protein jolt and a medium glass of chocolate milk plus other stuff Master Rick says is good for me.

As we start off Tar Baby seems to be a more serious horse. H gathers up the lead rope and drops the excess rope over my shoulder and I sense he wants to trot side by side. I pat him and nod yes and we do the loop in reverse and the running has loosened up my legs so all the soreness is now gone. We return and get the next horse Gizmo.

I alternate doing the loop and the remainder of the horses and both Master Rick and Master Wes are very pleased that I kept a constant pace. The rope is untied and I am led to the oil tub as my legs and nut sack are very tired from the run. Master Wes turns on the tub and says you will be in here longer. Here is another protein shake and I drink it all in three big gulps. The neck stock is attached so I can rest. We will have dinner when you are done here.

I relax and am amazed I was able to run all day with little rest. I loose track of time as I realize that Master Wes is back and I am being hoisted out of the tub. I feel Master Wes rub my legs asking if I was sore. I say no I do not think so. When I work out, normally I feel the soreness start the next day.

I follow Master Wes back into the house, put on another thong and my dick is spanked a little and has another hearty dinner. Master Rick asks about the run. I reply about the horses that were playful and the others that were more serious. Master Wes says each horse has a unique personality. Some are serious about some things and playful in others. Since you have done so well both of us have agreed you will decide what type of theme we will do in the room till bedtime.

I think only for a second and reply I would like my body to be stretched out so no soreness will be present tomorrow. I also would like to be electro stimulated in the abdominals and nut sack since it took the brunt of the jerking from the horses. I also would like the beer up my ass. Both Master Wes agree this would be a proper reward. Master Rick says finish dinner.

I am led into the room with all the equipment, I ask to drain myself and do so. A blindfold and restraints are put on me. The thong is taken off and my dick rubbed so it will harden fully. Master Rick says in order not to overstretch you will say Master and we will hold it there to a count of five and slowly release the stretch. I say yes Master.

The first will be your dick. It s bent to the right, the left then up then bent under me. I say Master when I cannot bear the stretch any more. I feel knee pads put arms and my arms stretched in four different angles, legs in three and then secured to the Saint Andrews cross.

I feel the pads applied to my abdominals and feel the clinching of my muscles. I ask for the same level but back down a hair so I do not overstress. I feel the voltage increase and held at a lower level and I say that feels good. I yelp a little as my nut sack starts being stimulated. I feel the beer being pumped into me and I let the beer and stimulation relax me and I fall asleep

I wake up in the morning to find myself secured to the Saint Andrews Cross and the Electro stimulation still going, though at a minimal level. I feel my abdominal shaking and convulsing and was wondering what was in store for me today.

I started smelling breakfast and a few minutes later Master Wes comes in turns off the Electro stimulation device though my abdominal muscles continue to shake. He spanks my abdominal muscles solidly till they are red. He then releases me and I nearly fall to the floor. Master Wes says time for breakfast.

As I get to the dining room the full aroma of breakfast hits me and I breathe in deeply and hold in my abdominal muscles and they shake and quiver. Master Rick beckons me and he puts a thong on me and spanks my dick so my dick stiffens as much as the thong will allow. Master Rick asks about my legs and I reply that they are amazingly not sore at all. Master Rick squeezes my nipples and my abdominal muscles and dick twitch until he lets go. Time to eat Master Rick says. I have a hearty breakfast. I tell Master Rick that I did not hear the music. The beer may have dulled the sensation.

After breakfast, we go out to the barn and call Bazooka in and I give him a big hug and brush him down. While I am brushing him, Master Wes disappears for a bit and returns with several coils of rope. Bring Bazooka out and take off the thong. I do and my dick freed from restraint stretches out and hardens fully.

Bazooka notices my hard dick and swats it with his head on each side and my dick starts to throb. Then I hear Master Rick say Bazooka in a disapproving tone and I hear a snort from Bazooka sensing disappointment from him.

Master Rick says come here and hold your legs and arms out. I do so and a hood with a gag is put on me and rope is tied to me in a cargo type fashion. I am covered in rope from head to toe. I am told to lie on a wide sawhorse but lower than a standard one. Once there my arms are pulled in front of me and sense movement behind me.

I feel it a moment later. I am underneath Bazooka and am being tied to him by a breast and girth strap like from a western saddle. My arms are tied to the back of his mane and my head is tied so it does not move. I am yanked back so I am tight against him and my legs are rubbed and then spread apart then yanked up and tied on his back.

Master Rick notices the tension and says breathe deeply and it relaxes the stress on my legs. Both Master Rick and Master Wes rub my legs and I feel better. I feel a weight attached to my dick head and Bazooka starts walking around the arena, He shifts into a trot and the weight starts shifting and my hard dick bends with it. It is uncomfortable but okay.

Bazooka stops and the weight are removed and my dick is rubbed it to full hardness. Master Rick leads us to behind the barn to the road. He says you are to experience what it is to be a mustang. Since mustangs love to run and you also like to run you will be going to a spot I will tell Bazooka and return later today. I grunt and my gag is removed and I ask how I will ask Bazooka to return. Master Rick replies that grunting three times will signal the return.

Bazooka will not stop until he reaches the destination. You will sense when he is ready by his breathing and you should be able to feel his heartbeat thru your back and arms. I say I am ready and Bazooka paws the road as if impatient. I start to ask another question but the gag is put back in and Master Rick says do not worry about distance or time, He checks the ropes a final time and says mountain top.

We start at a trot and I sense something is wrong. And then I realize that my dick is hanging down unprotected and fully hard. I tense up thinking holy shit and Bazooka shifts into a gallop and we plunge into the forest.

I think mountain top, which must be forty miles from here. I try to calm myself and soften my dick but my dick has no intention of softening up. I sense Bazooka gather himself and we clear the log. I feel the air rush of the log thru my dick head but it cleared only by inches. We go through some underbrush and it seems to tickle my dick and hardens it stronger.

I feel Bazooka leap up again and relax my dick as hard as possible, but it was not high enough and the log slams into the last three inches of my dick and drags it over the log. My dick snaps backward then forward slapping me on the stomach. I scream at the pain though no one can hear me. Several more times my dick hits logs and my dick and I scream at each one as my dick takes the brunt of being swatted on each log.

I feel we are in a meadow and feel slow to a trot and I feel my dick throbbing hard and it is being swung about stretching and wrenching my dick and tears are welling from my eyes from the pain in my dick being bent. I feel Bazooka slow to a walk and I tense my dick and it feels hurt but still solid.

I feel Bazooka turn and head toward something and in a few minutes stop for a moment then start up again but very slowly. I feel my dick head touch a narrow log and feel it being dragged. I realize with fear that as Bazooka moves forward the log gets closer and more of my dick gets bent and dragged behind me. In a few more steps all but the last inch or so is being dragged. My dick is in agony in being dragged and bent.

He stops and I sense what he is going to do and relax as much as possible but does not do what I think it and walks slowly forward dragging my dick under me and my dick throbs hard. I feel the log start to point down. I feel a sharp drop and I sense Bazooka looking at my dick slowly dragging it to a certain spot then stops. I sense it is a u bend in the tree I think holy shit as Bazooka stops and quickly lowers his forelegs force bending my dick back to mold with the U bend and I scream at the weigh of Bazooka bending my dick in the tree. He does this several times and I scream as my dick bends each time.

Bazooka hears my screams and sobs and walks forward releasing my dick and my dick released straightens itself out throbbing and getting hard again. Bazooka knickers at me saying asking if I am okay? I grunt back but with stress in the grunt. He walks on for a bit letting my dick rest, get hard again, and the shifts into a gallop and plunges back into the forest.

I sense we are still climbing and there are few logs that whack my dick but more underbrush tickles my dick. We clear it and I sense Bazooka slowing as if deciding something. Then gathers full speed and leaps into the air. I assumed it to jump over a big gap and I count five seconds and I feel the jolt of landing. That must have been eight feet across.

Bazooka slows to a trot for a bit and slows to a walk and does a short steep climb and it feels like we are on top and Bazooka knickers at me saying we are here and I grunt in reply. I sense Bazookas heavy breathing and heartbeat and it seems that he is just warmed up. I breathe in deeply and tense my dick and it is solid but hurt from all the swatting and bending. Bazooka positions himself so I can feel the sun. I drain myself and shit with difficulty and relax enjoying the feel of the sun.

It seems like a short time but it could have been an hour that Bazooka stomps his leg as if saying time to go. I grunt three times and we start heading back the way we came and shift into a gallop and jumped back over the gap and slow to a walk apparently in no hurry to get back. My dick tenses up a bit knowing it will be pounded all the way back.

I hear knickers as if asking ready and I give a grunt back saying yes. I sense that we are going back a different way. I feel Bazooka shift into a trot and my dick swings back and forth to stretch it out and to harden it up. We shift into a slow gallop and head back into the forest.

Bazooka speeds up a bit and jumps a log and I brace for the log to slap my dick but it does not happen. Nor on the second or third jump so I relax and Bazooka sensing my relaxation does not jump as high the next time and my dick gets a solid swat and I gasp and sense that Bazooka wanting to give a solid spanking all the way back barely clears each log so I start to scream at each swat thinking the next one will tear my dick apart but it throbs and holds together.

I lose count of how many logs we go over and I sense we are back at the road Bazooka slows to a walk and nays loudly. Master Wes and Master Rick meet us and the gag is removed and I hear oh your dick and I feel it being bent and I scream loudly and pass out from the pain.

I wake up a few minutes later and I am untied and laying on a table with a hole so my nut sack and dick hangs straight down and I feel my dick covered with the material tights are made of but this one covers my nut sack and dick. Master Rick says you did well. Your dick is sore but undamaged He also asks about the run, the swatting, and how Bazooka bent my dick.

Master Rick says Bazooka wants to thank you for being brave I say okay and am slowly lifted up and turned over. Bazooka walks up and knickers and I nod yes and he licks my nipples and my abdominals twitch and then starts stroking my dick with his mouth. Sensing I am about to cum he wraps his tongue around my dick and lifts me up about six inches and rams me back into the table and forces his mouth deep past my nut sack and suck hard and I cum so hard I pass out.

I wake up again and I am in a sitting bed that has another type of metal cup and I feel oil being added and food being brought in. Master Rick says your dick is very sore so the cup with warm oil and a light vibrator will be on all night to help heal your dick. The oil and the vibrator are turned on and it is very soothing to my dick.

We will decide what to do next in the morning. I thank both Master Rick and Master Wes who walks in with food for all of us. After dinner we talk about some possibilities and a bit later I fall asleep. I hear the music again and listen to it. I ask a question in my mind asking what you are. I was shocked slightly when the music changed saying you sensed me at the horse show did you not. I must ponder where I heard you before. The music says ask you're Dad and the music faded away. My DAD? What does my Dad have to do with this music I wonder? I will have to call him and find out in the morning. So I relax and fall asleep.

If you would like to suggest a fetish with horses or something wild or crazy you would like me to include you are gladly encouraged to e-mailing me at: mdrx@juno.com

Next: Chapter 5: Camping Trip

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