Ramsay Street Memories

By Jay

Published on May 25, 2022


This is a fictional story that involves consensual sex between people over the age of 18 and does not imply the sexuality of the people in the stories.

It features the characters Drew and Billy from the Australian soap opera Neighbours. My intention for the Ramsay Street Memories series is to draw from all eras of the show, so any ideas are greatly appreciated. Feedback and suggestions can be sent to nucleaner at gmail dot com. I love to hear if people enjoyed my writing, so please do get in touch.

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Drew stormed into his bedroom, slammed the door behind him and threw himself face down on the bed. He'd had an awful day. Over breakfast he got into a huge argument with Libby about where their relationship was going. Then he'd messed up at work and probably lost the garage a regular client. To top it all off, his drinking buddy Joel wasn't even around to help him blow off some steam.

With a huge sigh of frustration Drew rolled over, sat up and started taking off his mechanics overalls. He stood and let his dungarees fall to the floor, then lifted his tight, white t-shirt up over his head, leaving him in just his black boxer briefs.

Drew turned to face his full length mirror and admired his reflection: his trademark long dark hair framed his handsome chiseled face, his broad muscular shoulders and shapely pecs drew the eye to his dark oval nipples. He rubbed his hands over his six pack before lowering them to the waistband of his underwear. After admiring his abs for a few seconds he pulled down his boxers, leaving him totally naked. His semi-erect dick sat below a trimmed bush of black hair and, as he gently started tugging it, it slowly rose it to its full seven inches.

Having boosted his ego with a bit of self-admiration, Drew knelt on the floor and reached under the bed to grab a stash of porn. He had dozens of copies of Ambrosia, a girly mag he used to get off, but felt like something a bit different tonight. He kept searching until he found his one copy of Playgirl, adorned with a shirtless oiled-up cowboy on the front. Drew was straight but he liked to mix things up and could appreciate a hot male body. He grabbed the porno and lay back on his bed.

He opened the magazine on his favourite page which was dog-eared from use. It was a photo spread of a young blond model, 20 at the oldest, in a bunch of provocative poses: running his hand through his floppy hair to expose his hairy pits, bending over and pointing his ass to camera, and holding his erect dick while tweaking a nipple. Drew slowly started jerking his hard cock and closed his eyes, imagining fucking the young guy's mouth, grabbing his hair and pushing himself down into his warm, welcoming throat.

"Drew, you there!" came a shout from the living room. "The car won't start and I was meant to meet Anne ten minutes ago."

It was Billy, Libby's younger brother.

"Drew, it's an emergency."

Before Drew had time to put any clothes on, Billy burst into the bedroom and was presented with the sight of his sister's boyfriend, completely naked except for a copy of Playgirl covering his dick.

"Jesus Drew." Billy said before turning away to cover his eyes.

"Mate, learn to knock!" Drew responded.

"Man, put some clothes on... and why the hell are you jerking off to naked dudes?"

Drew reached for his boxers on the floor and quickly put them on. He walked over to Billy, his hard dick still visibly throbbing through the material.

"Mate, it doesn't mean anything. Look at the floor, I've got loads of girly mags."

Billy glanced at the stash of Ambrosias spread across the carpet.

"I dunno man, you weren't looking at those."

"Billy, it's nothing. But you can't say anything to Libby."

Billy paused for a second and ran his hand through his hair.

"Ok, I won't tell her." Billy said.

Drew let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks mate. And I'll throw the magazine out, I promise."

"On one condition."

Billy paused and turned to lock eyes with Drew.

"You have to let me suck your dick."

Drew's eyes expanded, but then he let out a laugh.

"Good one Billy, you almost had me for a second."

As Drew chuckled, Billy reached forward and grabbed Drew's swollen dick through his boxers. Billy slowly began stroking his sister's boyfriend's hard cock, feeling it twitch in his hand.

"I'm not joking Drew. I want to experiment with a guy, just once. If you won't let me, I'll tell Libby everything."

Drew cleared his throat, trying to find a way out of this impossible situation.

"Billy, you're too young."

"I'm eighteen, I reckon that's old enough. And I don't think you've got much of a choice."

Billy took his hand from Drew's cock and placed it on the mechanic's muscular chest. He walked forward, pushing Drew back until he stood next to his bed. With a hard shove Billy pushed Drew back onto his mattress.

"It'll be five minutes, ten minutes tops." Billy said, looking down at the older man.

As Drew lay there silently, his teenage neighbour got down on his knees and reached up to grab the older man's boxers.

"And Libby will never have to know." Billy said.

With that he pulled down Drew's underwear in one quick move, leaving him totally naked with his rock hard cock exposed. Billy leant forward and grabbed the thick shaft. He gave a few long, careful strokes causing Drew's cock to grow even harder in his hand. Encouraged by the response, Billy leant forward and lowered his hungry lips onto the leaking head.

Drew wasn't prepared for how good it would feel and let out a loud moan of appreciation. He looked down to see Billy's angelic, youthful face bobbing up and down on his swollen member, his floppy blonde hair framing his cock while his right hand expertly worked the shaft. This might have been Billy's first time but he was much better and more enthusiastic than his sister.

"Billy, oh my god."

Billy let out his own muffled moan of appreciation as he devoured Drew's cock, loving the taste of the older man's dick. As he sucked hungrily his right hand lowered to his own bulging pants and, after getting himself hard, he tugged down his cargo shorts and underwear. Billy carried on working Drew's dick with his mouth while he jerked his own, uncut six and a half inch dick.

Caught up in the sensation that was taking over his body, Drew placed his hand on the back of Billy's head, his fingers buried deep in his long blond hair. Drew started guiding Billy's head up and down, matching the movement with his hips as they thrust forward, pushing himself further and further into Billy's mouth. Any hesitation from Drew had now completely disappeared as he started fucking Billy's face with no restraint. In one swift move he pushed his young lover's head right down, his dick pushing past his tonsils and into his eager throat. Billy held the position for a few seconds as his nose pressed into Drew's pubes and his chin rested against his balls. Unable to take it any more, Billy pulled back, coughing and spluttering, leaving a long trail of saliva and pre-cum stretched from Drew's dick to his soft pink lips.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, a smile spread across Billy's face as he plotted the next stage of his seduction. He lifted his t-shirt over his head, kicked off his shoes and dropped his shorts and underwear completely, leaving him wearing nothing except white sports socks.

Drew couldn't believe what he was seeing, this teenage vision of male perfection in front of him. As Drew admired Billy's lean, muscular body, his tight nipples and smooth abs, Billy climbed onto the bed and eagerly went back to work on Drew's cock, moving much faster now, eager to bring Drew to the edge of orgasm with his lips' tight grip. After a few minutes of working this rhythm, bringing Drew closer and closer to the point of no return, Billy lifted his mouth from Drew's cock and climbed off the bed.

"Billy, mate, don't stop." Drew pleaded.

Billy stood up and walked over to the bedroom door. He placed one hand on the wooden frame and brought the other to his mouth, slowly sucking his index finger up and down. As Drew watched on, Billy parted his legs and arched his back, sticking his pert, pale teenage bum out for Drew to admire. Knowing that he was sending the long-time object of his desire wild, Billy brought down his hand and placed his finger at the entrance to his virgin hole. Billy turned to face Drew, staring intently, and slid his long digit inside his ass. Billy bit his lip and let out a soft moan as he pulled the finger back, almost all the way, before shoving it back in again.

"Drew" Billy said quietly. "I want you to be the first man who fucks me."

Drew stood up and walked over to Billy, his long hard dick leading the way. He placed his hand on his lower back and whispered in his ear.

"Billy, we can't. Let's just stick to what we agreed."

As Drew was talking, Billy reached behind him and wrapped his hand around Drew's leaking cock. Locking eyes with him, Billy slowly guided his behind towards the glistening head. Drew knew that he should put a stop to what was happening, but desire had taken over and he was powerless to resist. As Billy's hole met the end of Drew's manhood, Billy pushed back and took a sharp intake of breath as the spittle on his ring and the pre-cum of his lover's dick helped the erect member slide inside him. Billy had never felt a sting like it, but he knew he had to push through. Drew could see the discomfort that Billy was in and couldn't help but be turned on - this beautiful boy experiencing the pain and pleasure of another man for the first time. Drew placed his hands on Billy's hips and leant forward, kissing him on the shoulder.

"It's OK Billy," Drew whispered, "just breathe through it."

As Drew slid further inside him, Billy put both hands on the door in front and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to try and steady himself. With one final push, the last of Drew's seven inches filled Billy's tight hole, and his hips pushed up against Billy's soft cheeks. Drew held himself there for a moment, and placed a reassuring kiss at the base of Billy's neck.

"Do you still want this Billy?" Drew asked.

"I need it Drew." Billy responded. "I need you to fuck me."

With that encouragement, Drew pulled back and thrust himself inside Billy's warm inviting 18 year old body. Billy let out a loud moan of ecstasy, louder than anything that had come before. The pain was still there, but now there was a pleasure alongside it, greater than anything he had ever imagined.

"Fuck me Drew, don't hold back."

Drew started pounding Billy, his hard cock plunging in and out causing Billy's tight firm cheeks to ripple with every slam. Glancing up, Drew caught their reflection in his full length mirror and was taken aback by how beautiful they looked - the broad muscular frame of the olive-skinned hunk taking charge of the young blond student. Like a pair of ancient Greek statues come to life.

As Drew continued fucking Billy his hands slid up the side of his pupil's body, finding their way to his small, pink hairless nipples which he tweaked gently at first, causing Billy's hole to tighten in surprise, then more forcefully, to inflict even more agonising pleasure on his new toy. As Drew got rougher with Billy, the door rattled in its frame, almost as loud as Billy's moans

"Let's go to the bed." Drew ordered, pulling out of Billy's no longer virgin hole. Billy took a moment to catch his breath and then walked over to the bed, getting on all fours and sticking his hungry ass in the air.

"On your back Billy." Drew commanded. "I want to see your beautiful face."

Billy smiled at this compliment, knowing that he had completely succeeded in winning over Drew, despite his initial reluctance.

"Sorry." Billy said, as he rolled onto his back, and lifted his knees up to his chest.

Drew climbed onto the bed, placed himself on top of Billy and pressed their bodies together.

"You don't have to apologise."

Drew leaned in for a kiss, and Billy welcomed his lips with a soft moan. Billy found Anne's kisses limp and wet, but Drew was forceful and domineering. Billy reached his right hand around the back of Drew's head, grabbing his long dark hair and pulling him in for a more intimate embrace. With his other hand he reached down to Drew's firm ass cheek, grabbing the thick muscle he'd craved for so long. While still kissing, Drew moved his hips forward and slid inside Billy, whose hole now welcomed him with little resistance. Billy broke off the kiss to let out a loud moan as Drew's hard cock slammed against his prostate.

"Drew, oh my god!"

"You like that Billy boy?." Drew responded, now enjoying the pleasure of dominating his younger lover without any shame. He quickly worked up a rhythm, slamming against Billy's hole with increasing ferocity. Drew moved in for another forceful kiss, shoving his tongue so far down Billy's throat he almost gagged. "Tell me that you love it Billy." Drew ordered.

"I love it Drew."

"What do you love?"

"I love your big dick inside me."

"Good boy Billy."

Drew kissed Billy again, keeping up his relentless pounding the whole time. Billy brought his right hand down to play with his cock and began to jerk himself off. Drew pulled back from the kiss.

"No you don't boy, not until I say so." Drew commanded forcefully. "Hands above your head Billy, let me see those pits.

Billy did as he was told and Drew pinned him down, his large mechanics hands easily overpowering the thin teenage wrists. The sight of Billy's exposed, blond fuzzy armpits sent Drew over the edge.

"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum Billy." Drew moaned, starting to lose control.

"Cum for me Drew. Cum inside me."

Drew thrust inside Billy more violently than before with Billy unable to do anything about it, even if he wanted to.

"Fuuuck!" Drew shouted as he shot load after load inside Billy's tight hole. The feeling of his insides filling up with Drew's juice made Billy's balls tighten and he shot his hot teenage jizz all over his neck, chest and abs.

The two lovers held the missionary position until both of their dicks softened, and Drew slowly pulled out of Billy's ass.

Drew took his right hand and scooped up as much of Billy's cum as he could, gathering the thick white fluid on his rough mechanic's hand. He then fed it to his young lover, who opened his mouth wide to let all four of Drew's fingers in, which he greedily licked. Drew leaned in for a cum-filled kiss, as they both savoured the sweet taste of Billy's seed. But their ecstasy was abruptly interrupted.

"What the hell is going on?" came a voice for the doorway, as Drew and Billy both turned to see Joel standing there, open-mouthed with bulging jeans.

Next: Chapter 2: Levi and Ned

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