Ramon in Sacramento

By Gunter Ragen

Published on May 4, 2007



This is a story based on a true hook up, but embelished a little to make it worth reading and getting off to. It takes place in the late 1980's

I had a few chance encounters when I was going to tech school in Arizona. I was fresh out of high school and horny as hell. I had traveled home to Northern California for 3 day weekend in the summer. My roommate at school traveled with me as he was also from my hometown. I dropped him off as soon as I got to town and we went out separate ways. The trip was good to get away from the heat of Arizona, but it was nearly as hot back home. It was a couple of fast days visiting my family and partying with my stomping ground buds.

Most of them were in their late 20's and early 30's, at 18 I was the young pup in our gang. We all met and became buds through our mutual dope dealer Johnny. While I was in high school, I spent most of my free time with these roughnecks, stoners and hard core alkies. They took me under their wing and we partied a lot. They were all straight, and to this day never knew I wasn't.

My experience with Ramon was a one night stand, stranger sex at its best. It all started the last night I was in town. My buds and I we were all over at dope dealer Johnny's place. I was all packed up and ready to head back to AZ, but wanted to tip a last few brews, twist one up with my buddies and stock up on some mean California green to take back to Arizona.

There were a number of other guys there partying there too, mostly construction workers who clung to Johnny because he sold all varieties of dope. My friends and I spent most of the night standing in the driveway out in front of Johnny's open garage drinking and smoking.

As the night drew late, my pals got tired and went home. I should have been hitting the road as my roommate was expecting me to pick him up late tonight for the drive back to Arizona. But I decided to hang out a little longer as I had been shooting it with a guy I had met there.

Ramon was pretty hot and I was having a good time hanging. I hadn't thought I'd get lucky, but was enjoying his company.

Ramon was married and about 35-40, twice my age. He was an outwardly proud Mexican stud with a robust bravado and meaty build. He worked as a framer for a local homebuilder and was the icon of macho. His rough pockmarked skin, stubbled face and sharp handlebar goatee framed his square jaw line with a masculinity that I found quite alluring. His arms covered in tattoos and he gave off an unmistakable ex-con aura. While I was turned on by him, I was also a little intimidated.

It was well after midnight and we were both pretty stoned. We had virtually nothing in common but seemed to have no problem finding everything to talk about. I would tell him about the crap I was studying at tech school in Arizona and he would tell me about building houses.

Johnny became more scarce and others left. It was Ramon and I sitting on the hood of a car all to ourselves. As the conversation began to dry up, Ramon finally looked my way and asked, "So you get a lot of pussy down in Arizona?" I immediately felt the hair on the back of my neck stand through the beads of sweat from the hot summer night. I knew where this was headed. "No", I replied. "I am too busy with school and work to get laid much".

Ramon took a swig of his beer and nodded. "Yeah, my old lady she don't put out much anymore after she had the kids". I nodded and stared into the night sky. In his sexy Mexican accent he said, "I just jack off all the time, three or four times a day". Surprised at his open admission I looked up at him. He was looking me in the eye, gauging my reaction. "There's nothing wrong with it you know, it really helps relieve stress", he continued as he took another swig of his beer.

Looking at me he asked, "What about you? You like to jack off?" I was open minded but still pretty bashful and far from confident in my sexuality at 18. I was blushing and clearly embarrassed. Sensing my hesitation he chided, "Yeah you do! You jack off all the time huh?" I finally let out a laugh and nodded, "Yeah, I like to pound it".

He laughed mockingly and stood up, taking another hit off his beer. He then stepped over to me and leaned in close enough that I could feel the heat coming from his chest. "You ever like jack off with your buddies?" I swallowed nervously and took in a deep breath. He cocked his head and remained face to face, just inches between us. "It's ok man, nothing wrong with a couple guys helping each other get off", he offered. "It's don't mean you're a fag or nothing. We used to do it all the time when I was in the joint'.

Feeling my cock stir and my heart racing at the same time I nervously offered, "Yeah, I did back when I was a kid" In reality I had done a lot more than that. But I didn't know this rough ex-con stranger that well. Ramon backed off and smiled, letting out a guttural Latin jeer. "See, you know what I mean then, just a couple helping each other out huh?" I took a deep drink of my beer and looked back at him. He rubbed his crotch and continued in his deep and sexy Mexican tone, "Boy I sure wish I could go blow my load right now man, I am horny as fuck bro!" My cock pinged as I saw him clasping his package through his faded jeans.

Looking back at me he stared into my eyes with a wanting and said, "You want to get out of here bro?" My heart raced in nervous excitement. He continued confidently, "You must be dying to bust your nut too man. Come on bro, lets go somewhere just you and me. Please?"

I got a dose of spine and agreed. "Sure man, let's go." Ramon smiled, "Right on bro!" We both grabbed a few beers from the ice chest and took off in my car. This was my stomping ground and I knew well the places to go hide out for dirty business. Just around the corner from Johnny's house was a wooded field where you could get cover for just about anything. I drove off the main road down the dirt path and hit my lights. As I crept toward the canopy of the large oak trees, I could smell Ramon's musky scent filling my car in the summer air. He had been out working all day in the sun and smelled of sweat, sawdust, beer and smoke.

Once we stopped the car, we both got out and set our beers on the hood. Standing in by the front bumper, he took the lead and peeled his worn T-shirt off and threw it on the car. I was getting horny and stiff in my jeans but was still a little nervous as I had never been with a older man this masculine before. Ramon said, "Dude don't be nervous, take your shirt off and relax man". As I peeled my T-Shirt off, he unbuckled his leather belt and pulled it loose, letting the ends dangle as he unbuttoned his 501's. Running his hand across his sweaty lightly haired chest, he sank his other hand into his underwear and clutched his meat. Arching his back in a posing stretch, he let out a sexy grunt. "Uummmm, that feels good"

Watching his sweaty muscular tatted torso reflect in the moonlight made me reel. As he pulled his hardening tool from his briefs I was shocked to see for the first time a fat uncut Latin cock. He pulled on it a couple of times and it quickly came to size. Handling himself he looked up at me, "You like what you see man?" He nodded at me in a come here kind of way. "Come closer man. Come have a closer look."

As I stepped over to him he grabbed my hand and placed it on his rock hard cock. In his Mexican drawl he offered, "It's ok man, go ahead and stroke it." I wrapped my hand around his thick veined shaft and gently pumped his tool a couple times and gave it a tight squeeze. "Oh yeah man, that feels good. Keep doing that man". While I marveled and pumped his Latin meat, his hands were unbuttoning my pants and working their way into my package.

After he got my pants open and pushed down a bit I soon felt his rough skinned construction worker hands wrapping around my stiff cock and balls. I am only about 6" but he liked what he felt. "Nice cock bro", he said. He then wrapped his hands around my backside and forcefully pulled us together, grinding his tool into mine. His hot sweaty chest pressed against me and I got a good strong whiff of this hot Mexican stud. Confidently coming on to me he looked into my eyes and said, "You want to get down and dirty bro?" Music to my ears, I responded by clutching his ass cheeks and pulling him more tightly toward me.

He gave me a sexy masculine look and said, "Right on bro, why don't get on your knees a suck my dick then" He then leaned back against the fender of my car and with his hand on my shoulder guided me down onto my knees in front of him. I was excited but also nervous. I had never actually given a true blowjob before, just some licking and play with a high school bud or two. This was a real dirty full grown macho man. As I got my face up to his stinky tool, the stench of his piss, sweat and grunge overcame me. I was also marveling at the look of his uncut cock, thick and covered with veins.

"What's wrong bro? Never seen a cock the way God made it?" He then grabbed my skull with his rough hands and shoved my face into his sticky stink nest. "Go on bro, lick my cock and clean it up good! It's nice an raunchy down there man". On my knees before this Mexican stud, my resistance to the stench of man funk became a slovenly race to get his meat in my mouth and savor all of it. It was almost natural, my desire to suck and lick on his meat for all the flavor it was worth.

Before I knew it I was slithering my tongue into his foreskin and feverishly licking the ooze off the head of his cock. In his sexy Latin tone he drawled, "Ohh yeah bro, that feels to good". He then clasped my skull once again and began guiding me down his 8" stink shaft. He slowly burried himself into my throat to the point of refusal, which was when I gagged slightly. My nose was buried deep in his thick bushes of black pubes. "It's ok bro, It can't all fit in there I'll take it easy". He then began pump fucking my face as he held my head solid with is rough hands.

I after what seemed like five minutes of me working his meat and tasting his oozes I was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to cum. He face fucked me on and off and then I would break away and lick his shaft up and down. Finally he pulled away from me and told me to stand up. He then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him face to face. Feeling his heated panting breath and his thick handlebar goatee against my face he looked me in the eye for a moment and then he began kissing me rough and passionately.

Squeezing me tightly in his tatted arms I melted as he slithered his tongue in and out of my mouth. The feeling of his rough five o'clock shadow and goatee rubbing against my face was a feeling I had never experienced before, a rough stud kissing me. After a moment of the rising passion he looked me in the eyes with a hungry stare and said, "You ever been fucked in the ass by a real man bro?" That sent me over the edge. In my heated hot breathing and panting I replied, "Just be some friends in High School". He smiled, "Dude, let me fuck you in the ass bro. I'll make you feel so good man." I hesitated for a moment. "Come on dude,^Å^Å please?".

Going for it, I immediately stepped back and pulled my pants and underwear the rest of the way down to my ankles. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. I then turned around and bent over, resting my sweaty chest the hood of my car. "Oh man bro, that what I need man", he sighed as I spread my legs and got a good plant. The warm hood of my car against my chest I felt his rough thick hands grabbing my ass cheeks.

The he switched gears. In his masculine Mexican drawl he taunted, "You're gonna get beetchfucked bro. You gonna remember Ramon." He slapped my ass with his hand letting out a loud crack that I could hear echo through the trees. "Yeah, you gonna know what it's like to get fucked by a real man bro!"

That immediately struck a wave of fear and nervousness through my body like a bolt of lighting. I was suddenly starting to regret this moment as I reeled in fear of what was to come. I had been fucked in the ass a number of times by guys my own age in high school, but this was a big rough Mexican ex-con construction worker with tattoos and a fat 8" cock. As the sweat poured from my forehead and I realized that there was no getting out of this I suddenly felt Ramon's rough hands spreading my cheeks apart.

"Oh bro, you got a tight little asshole^Å^Å..not for long" he taunted. Just as I was about to say something stupid like "take it easy", I felt his rough goatee and whiskered face sink into my ass crack. It took the

breath out of me when his hot wet tongue began slithering in and out of my hole. His rough hands pulled my ass cheeks apart more tightly as he dug into my love nest, licking and spitting and thrusting and writhing his tongue. I had never even heard of rimming before, let alone had it done to me. It felt so good and within seconds my tenseness and worry was gone. I was pushing my ass toward him as his stubbled face grinded into my baby skinned hind quarters. For the first time in our foray I let out a deep moan and sex rant, "Oohh man! That feels so good! That feels so good man!"

With my cock dripping precum down the fender of my car he finally pulled away and stood up. Continuing to spit on his fingers and massage my hole he said, "You got a sweet hairy pussy bro. You ready get beech-fucked?" I didn't answer, but he didn't care. My hole was nice and juicy and softened up for the kill. I heard him spitting and wetting up his cock and then felt his blunt uncut stick probing at my ring. He slowly probed me a couple of times and put another wad of spit on his tool before he deftly sunk it in without warning.

Like the slamming of a door he slid his thick 8" inch cock deep into my ass. As the sudden wave of sharp and dull pain over took my whole body, I tensed up and let out a yell "Aaaaaaaooooww!" Suddenly panting deep and fast, I let it out "Ooowww! Ohhh man it hurts". He responded my sinking his meat deeper shifting the weight of his body onto my back with his rough hands. It felt like he had split my hole wide open. I imagined a bleeding tear in my sphincter muscle, blood running down me leg. "Oww, oh God that hurts, pull it out dude, pull it out!".

Ramon scoffed and remained with his weight pinning me against the hood of my car with his cock stuffed up my aching hole. In his Latin drawl he chided, "Don't be a fucking pussy bro, it'll only hurt for a little while". With that he started to slowly push and pull his thick stick in and out of me. With his hands gripping my shoulders tightly his thrusts began to increase in speed. I was panting like a ravenous dog as my knees shook and I battled to stay still. He suddenly pulled out of me and lathered his stink rod up with more spit. I let out a breath of relief that was so short lived.

Again his wet fingers massaged my swollen hole just before I felt his fat cock entering again. The wave of pain shot through me again, only this time he slammed his stick hard and began violently thrusting me like I have never been fucked before. My high school buds had never been this rough. His sweaty beefy body was putting all of its weight into sticking me hard. His hot hard friction fucking was banging my whole body against the fender of my car. I was letting out incoherent moans of nervous pain, "Ah Ah Ah Ah Ahhhhhh" as this race horse got into a jack hammering groove, bitchfucking me raw. I had never felt anything like this before. It was like the biggest fattest most painful shit I had ever taken, only ramming in and out of me for an eternity.

Slap, Slap, Slap, I could feel the stinging slap of his groin against my ass. "Oh dude you got such a tight little ass bro", he grunted in his sexy Mexican voice. "You know how to make a man feel good bro" Over my moans and his grunts I could hear the gas sloshing back and forth in the tank of the car. A magical transformation happened about now. The burning pain and stinging friction of his assault on my hole began to turn slowly to a craven pleasure. The dull ache and pounding pain became an intense feeling of euphoria that began to overtake me. My cock was spewing juices as it banged against my fender and my hole began hungering for more of his rough hard cock.

It came out of my mouth without the slightest bit of hesitation, "Oh Fuck me! Fuck me dude! Fuck me harder!" It was almost coherent in between my animalistic panting. He grunted tauntingly at me, "I told you it would only hurt for a little while." He pulled his throbbing meat from me and told me turn around and lay on my back. As I stood up I felt juices running down my leg. He hurriedly picked me up in his arms, set me up on my hood, and laid me back. Saddling up to me and throwing my legs up on his shoulders he said, "I want to see your face when I shoot my seed into you".

He then spit on his rod a couple more times and began fucking me raw again. My asshole was stinging and burning, aching deep inside from his violent fuck but I wanted it more! He wrapped his tattooed arms around my back and gripped me tight as he slammed his uncut stick hard and deep. The smell of man sex was in the air and his sweat was raining on me. He leaned in and kissed my neck a few times as he jack hammered my hole. The feeling of this stud's whiskers on my neck while he bitch-fucked my asshole raw finally sent me over the edge. I blew my load in an explosion of hot creamy white, ropes of sticky juice between his thrusting chest and mine. As I continued to spew he laid down on me and kissed me some more. My cum was lubricating our chests as he slammed back and forth.

He soon began bucking rougher and harder as if that was possible. Standing up he grabbed my legs and made a last few hard thrusts deep and fast. He looked into my eyes with a sexy masculine loving stare and said, "I'm gonna cum bro, Im gonna plant my seed in your bitch hole " As I writhed in my pool of sweat and pleasure he smacked my swollen nest with a few last violent thrusts. I watched his handlebar goatee and rough shaven face contort in pleasure as his mouth dropped open. His eyes rolled back and closed. I felt a warm wetting sensation deep in my aching hole as he blew his Mexican cum into me. "Ahh, Ooohh fuck dude! Your ass feels so good man!" he grunted.

His thrusts became slower and smoother as his cum lubricated my hole. He laid back down on my cum drenched chest and we kissed for a few moments. He continued to thrust in and out of me as felt the wetness of his spunk running out of my hole. He ran his rough construction worker hands through my sopping wet hair and kissed me some more.

We finally got up off the car and got cleaned up a little. We gathered ourselves, twisted up a joint and toked it down as the sun began to rise. I finally realized that I had to be going. I had to pick up my roommate across town and get on the road to Arizona. He was probably pissed now that I was about5 hours late. We had to be back home the next day for work and school.

Ramon came to a similar realization and asked if I could drive him home. "My wife is going to be pissed that I stayed out partying all night" he said sheepishly. When he said that it made me feel kind of dirty. Then he wrapped his arms around me and we kissed some more. "Don't worry bro", he said. "We're justa couple of dudes helping each other out".

I drove Ramon home and dropped him off. His wife met him at the door and was already swinging her hands and shouting before he entered the hose. I soon picked up my roommate and we got on the road. I let him drive as I was trashed and tired. Luckily he was understanding when I told him I got laid and that was why I was late. He was straight and as far as he was concerned I was too. "So, was she blonde or brunette?" he asked. I just smiled as my wet sticky asshole ached. "A brunette."

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