Ralphs Chastity Life

By Ralph Gordon

Published on Mar 20, 2020


Ralph's Chastity Life Under the New Religion Part 3 by Ralph Gordon

All rights are reserved by the Author. The Author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed without the consent of the Author. What you are about to read is a work of fiction. It is meant to explore certain taboo areas of male desire, including power, control, aggression, masculinity, helplessness, fetishes, and incest, desires that as men we often try to suppress or ignore, yet are always there just below the surface thanks to the testosterone that pumps through our veins.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at dadfootlover@gmail.com. I'd love to get feedback from you!

General preamble:

In the not so distant future, a new world Religion takes over with strict rules governing human sexuality. Some argue that this is simply a human design to favour the majority, leaving the minorities to suffer. However, that is simply the way it is. The story of Ralph will give you the perspective of one of the victims of that system. See how he adapts, rebels and tries to survive in this series.

Some of the religious laws regarding sexual arousal:

Ejaculation from any homo is considered a spillage or loss. Keeping the cum inside them gives them more sexual energy to be able to please the heteros around them. It is not a homo's purpose to ejaculate; thinking about it, or worse, actually doing it, is immature and unholy. No matter how badly a homo wants to cum, it is simply wrong for him to violate such a fundamental law or even wish to break it in the first place.

Preamble to part 3:

In this part, we go back in time to the days prior to the installation of Ralph's chastity device, and we take an in-depth look at how a typical homo reacts, both mentally and physically, to prolonged periods of ejaculation denial. Luckily he has a great support system in the world to keep him following the right path.

It was about 3 am when Ralph realised he had been having a sex dream. He awoke feeling feverish from a prolonged period of heightened sexual arousal. It took him a few seconds to figure out why he was so incredibly horny. It had been something to do with a white man with blonde hairs on his leg, lifting his heels repeatedly off the floor, exposing his expansive soles, driving his sexual mind wild. He realised that he had never experienced this level of arousal before. Before he blew his load right there and then, Ralph jumped off the bed and ran into his dad's bedroom to declare that he was in a state of sin.

As he made his way to the other bedroom, he realised that his penis was fully rigid and felt numb to the touch, similar to when his arms got pins and needles. It was as if his penis wanted to detach and bounce around the room, so intense was the erection. If he didn't do something quick, he would ejaculate simply from the up and down movements of his penis as he walked. When he got to his sleeping father, he tried not to look at his dad's thick, hairy legs and broad soles that were being bathed by the soft moonlight as he placed a trembling hand on his dad's heel and tried to shake him awake. Touching his dad's masculine foot brought back the images from his dream where the caucasian man was teasing him with his sturdy feet.

"Dad! Dad! I think I'm about to spill! My dick is so horny."

His dad grunted once and turned over, a look of surprise on his face. About two seconds later, when his eyes looked down at his son's rockhard member, a look of understanding appeared on his face. He glanced at the laptop near his bed, which gave him realtime updates on the state of arousal of his son thanks to the erection monitoring device that was fitted snuggly around the base of Ralph's cockhead. The monitoring devices were installed on all boys during the pre-testing and testing period for monitoring by the fathers but also to collect data for research purposes. He could see from the graph that his sinful son had been super hard for over an hour. He quickly got up, only his underwear on him, grabbed his son's hand and marched him back to his room. A drop of precum leaked out of Ralph's penis just as he entered his room.

"Lean back on the bed," he ordered. Ralph immediately obeyed, placing his head on his pillow and trying to keep his eyes focused on the ceiling, not wanting to think about anything arousing, afraid even one thought would send him over the edge, spraying his precious seed everywhere.

"Dad, I think it's going to come out any time now! There are these waves of pleasure at the back of my head, hitting me over and over again!"

"Don't you dare spill your seed, young man!" The older man squeezed his son's hand and placed his other hand on Ralph's forehead as if attending to a sick patient.

The father could see that his son was in a kind of pre-orgasm euphoria. Ralph's dick was spasming every few seconds despite neither man touching the youthful penis, and he would occasionally jerk his hips upwards, his animal, male thrusting instincts taking over. Mr Gordon took his hand away from his son's sweaty forehead, placed the palm of his hand over Ralph's swollen balls and put his powerful, masculine first and middle fingers on the boy's perineum.

"You see, dad, it feels as hard as my dick! I'm scared it's going to shoot by itself! Please don't touch it!"

Mr Gordon enjoyed the feeling of power he had over his son at this moment. As Ralph had announced, the area between the balls and anus was as hard as his penis. It felt to the father that Ralph's sin rocket was twice as long than it actually was, realising that the penis itself extended well beyond the balls. It was unreal how tense Ralph's perineum was. This could quickly turn into a colossal spillage of semen.

"Yes, it's too hard. You need to calm down and pray!" Mr Gordon pushed hard into the tense area. "Maybe we can massage it and calm it."

Ralph begged his father to stop. "No, Dad, please! If you do that I'm gonna spill! He tried to pull his dad's hand away. Still, Mr Gordon insisted on the perineum play, unable to believe how hard it was down there, fascinated by the biological phenomenon that both males were witness to, knowing that his son was right on the cusp of a massive ejaculation. Underneath his palm, he could feel Ralph's testicles move right up against the body. Mr Gordon then slid his determined, masculine thumb upwards and applied pressure to the base of his son's dick head with his thumb. His middle and ring fingers pressed into the perineum while his first and little finger pushed the balls from below.

"Control yourself, boy!" Mr Gordon loved how much surface area of his son's erogenous zone he managed to cover with just one large, muscular hand. His son's sperm producers seemed so small and insignificant under his large hand.

"Noooooooooo!" Nooooooooooo! I can't hold it!" Ralph thrust violently upwards as the warm semen began to gush out of his piss slit. He was completely silent for about three seconds. Then, he emitted a high-pitched moan before a gasp escaped his young, innocent lips. He looked directly into his dad's eyes, fear and relief overtaking his youthful body and mind, knowing it was too late now. His mind could only focus on the intense feeling of release as he emptied himself of his seed as he felt his dad's hands covering his groin. So plentiful was the semen that it felt like he was urinating in spurts. He tried to lift himself up after the third spurt, but his dad pushed him back down on the bed.

"Don't fight it now. It's too late." Mr Gordon sounded very disappointed but Ralph did not care any more. He looked up at the ceiling as the last shameful trickles of cum leaked out of his piss slit, still feeling feverish from the sexual excitement and shame of the act. He couldn't believe his dad had just witnessed this most private bodily function. He whimpered and looked away as the orgasmic feelings subsided.

"You failed in basic self-control tonight, son."

"It wasn't my fault. It was the dream."

"And what dream was that?"

"A man kept lifting his feet off the floor. It was too much for me. He was teasing me with the show."

"And did you turn away?"

"No, I guess I should have."

"Lack of self-control in a dream or real life is the same, son." Mr Gordon walked over to the other side of the bed and placed his crotch right next to Ralph's face. "What do you see here?"

"Your underwear."

"And what is inside it?"

"Your penis and balls, dad."

"Yes, the penis and balls that made you. How does that make you feel?"

"Humbled, dad."

"Good. And what is your purpose?"

"To serve you, dad."

"Good. Can you show me how humbled you are before the penis that made you? I am pretty sure what the outcome of the tests will be so we might as well begin to practise early." Mr Gordon knew it was a matter of weeks before his son would be caged up.

Ralph gave a quick kiss to this dad's cockhead through the underwear, which, although soft, made a clear outline in the dim light. He realised that in the near future, his life could be very different, and he might be worshipping his dad and other men regularly. It made him happy but also sad. He was glad to give pleasure to the straight men around him but worried that his own sinful dick would be tucked away. He tried to keep his chest facing upwards so that the rapidly cooling semen he had just spilt would not pour off his body and onto the bed.

"If you spill your seed, son, how are you going to be able to serve the men around you with passion?"

"I can try not to spill it again, dad."

"Your worship has to be done with passion, son. You ejected the very thing from your body that gives you the sexual energy to serve. You should be ashamed of yourself. As punishment, I am going to have you suck on my manhood until I am satisfied. Then I am going to fuck your mum. You will stay here and listen to the fucking. Then I will return, and you will taste our sex on my dick until I blow it down your throat. Understood?" Mr Gordon placed a firm hand on his son's chest, Ralph still breathing rapidly following his ejaculation.

Just listening to his dad calmly explaining this to him got his recently-spent penis to half-mast. He couldn't wait to taste his dad's smooth acorn, that beautiful glans that he had admired so often when he took showers with his dad in childhood.

"Expose my organ," commanded the father.

Ralph pulled his dad's underwear down to expose the cock and balls. He could feel the heat coming off the unaroused penis. In pulling down the underwear, some of his spent fluids ran off his chest and came into contact with the bedsheets. He regretted the ejaculation now, realising how much more aroused he would (and should) have been if he had just had enough self-control to keep his sinful cum inside him where it belonged. Nonetheless, seeing the organ that made him right in front of him was enough to keep him excited enough to enjoy what was about to happen. He moved his face closer to his dad's perfectly shaped, pink acorn and took it slowly into his warm mouth. It felt so right to worship his dad like this. Ralph realised that his dad's foreskin was still partly covering the glans and he immediately got to work pushing his loving, youthful tongue between the partially retracted foreskin and smooth head. He was surprised how quickly his dad stiffened in his mouth and how fast the foreskin pulled back, giving Ralph complete access to the delicious acorn.

As dad hardened in his son's eager mouth, Ralph had to move his head higher to suck the dick properly. More of his youthful semen spilt off his smooth belly and chest, to be absorbed into the mattress and sheets, like rain getting soaked up by the earth.

He was gentle in the sucking, not wanting to hurt his dad with his teeth. The flavour was exquisite; his dad tasted precisely as he should: manly, salty and slightly sweaty. When Mr Gordon pulled his dick out of his son's mouth, Ralph could see that it was about seven inches long (about an inch longer than his member when it was erect). It was incredibly straight, with no imperfections, or at least that's what he could make out in the dim light.

He enjoyed hearing the thuds of his dad's big feet on the tiled floor as the man who created him made his way back to the master bedroom where his wife waited. Ralph watched as the large, hairy calves and smooth soles left the bedroom in readiness to mount the female on the other side of the corridor.

Ralph tried not to breathe so that he could hear what was going on in the other room. He didn't hear anything for about two minutes, picturing his dad removing the sheets that covered his mum and pressing his pink cockhead to her entrance. Slowly, he began to hear her whimpers and the sounds of a man thrusting into his wife. It excited him greatly to realise that he had lubricated his dad's cock with his own saliva and that his own saliva was being pushed deep into her by that perfectly shaped cock, over and over again. Her whimpers were regular; it reminded him vaguely of the sounds a wounded animal would make. He felt both aroused and concerned as he listened to her continued whimpers and the sound of the bed hitting the wall repeatedly behind his mum's head. As he heard the repeated slapping noise of his dad's inner thighs meeting hers, he pictured his dad's hairy muscly ass and thighs moving back and forth, their organs fitting together perfectly. He realised that every slapping noise meant his dad's dick was in as far as it could possibly go, delivering a mixture of fatherly precum and sinful son saliva to the inner depths of his mum. He wondered whether his earthly creator's toes were scrunching or stretching as the beauty of his expansive, upturned soles were revealed by the moonlight. He imagined that as his dad adjusted his position, he occasionally raised his sexy feet off the bed. What he would give to place his dick head near his dad's feet and feel his dad's mighty soles sliding over it. His own penis began to stiffen slightly as it became clear that both father and mother were approaching a state of ecstasy with the thrust frequency increasing every minute. He realised that his dad must really be enjoying the warm receptacle that she offered him and wished he could give him that much pleasure too.

He suddenly heard the slapping noise stop, but his mum continued to whimper. He assumed that his dad had pushed his dick all the way in and was holding it there. He imagined how his dad's ass muscles must be contracting from the waves of pleasure overtaking him, wondering whether he was cumming inside her or not. He thought he could make out some kissing noises and wished so badly he could be there to see exactly how their bodies were intertwined.

When the slapping noised resumed, Ralph realised that they were louder and more frequent than before. The moans from his mum were almost disturbingly animal-like. His dad, however, emitted no sounds. Suddenly all the noises stopped.

He distinctly heard his mum cry out, "Don't leave!"

Ralph's cock was fully erect again when his dad came back into his room shortly after. The entire interaction in the master bedroom probably had only taken about ten minutes. He wondered if his dad had already spilt his seed. He realised that his dad's dick was more erect than when he had left if that was even physically possible. As Mr Gordon brought his cock close to his son's lips, Ralph realised that it was glistening, covered with a shiny lubricant that he had never encountered in his life. Seeing his dad's dick throbbing and leaking, Ralph greedily wrapped his warm eager mouth around the wet acorn. The taste was now a mixture of his dad's masculinity and a more feminine flavour. Ralph swallowed often, trying to remove that foreign taste so that he could taste the pure maleness of his dad.

His dad thrust consistently and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Ralph was so busy concentrating on the sucking and wondering whether all feminine flavours had been eliminated that it took him by complete surprise when his dad started launching warm spurts of semen directly to the back of his son's throat. Mr Gordon made no sound as he overwhelmed his sinful son with his man juice. Ralph was shocked at how salty the taste was and by the sheer overwhelming volume of semen. By the fourth spurt, Ralph realised his mouth was full and that he had no choice but to swallow his dad's love juice. He tried to pull his mouth away, but Mr Gordon immediately moved his hand to the back of his son's head to ensure there was no spillage. It seemed to Ralph that his dad had shot over fifty spurts into his mouth when it was finally over. Just when he thought it was going to be the last one, his young mouth was introduced to more of his dad's sperm. His dad's firm hand ensured that his son took everything into his youthful oral receptacle.

Mr Gordon did not pull his dick out of Ralph's mouth as he began to soften. He luxuriated in having his dick inside a warm mouth, his son's tongue coated with warm cum and with nowhere to escape to get away from dad cock and dad cum.

"Swallow it up, boy."

Mr Gordon smiled, satisfied, as he felt his son's tongue swirl around his very wet cockhead, wet from his wife's pussy juices, his own semen and, of course, his son's saliva. The sensation was delightful, and his dick remained at half-mast while Ralph worked on swallowing the last of his creator's cum. There was something incredibly arousing to Mr Gordon about having his dick stimulated even as it softened, causing the man to take an extremely long time to soften completely.

Ralph now did not want his dad's member to leave his mouth. He loved the feeling of the semi-hard dick in his mouth.

When his dad finally pulled out with a gentle pop, Ralph admired the wet, shimmering organ in the moonlight. He watched his dad push the foreskin back over the glans, the man's penis pointing downward, softening rapidly.

"We need to work on your self-control a bit more before the final tests." Mr Gordon patted his son on the head. "And don't clean this up." He pointed to the dried semen on his son's abdomen. "I want you to feel the discomfort of the cold cum until tomorrow so you can think about what you've done."

End of Part 3

Other story series by the same Author on similar themes (male to male, feet, incest, control, domination, chastity):

www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/robert-and-his-dads-feet/ www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/sex-beach-with-dad/

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