Ralphs Chastity Life

By Ralph Gordon

Published on Feb 28, 2020


Ralph's Chastity Life Under the New Religion Part 2 by Ralph Gordon

All rights are reserved by the Author. The Author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed without the consent of the Author. What you are about to read is a work of fiction. It is meant to explore certain taboo areas of male desire, including power, control, aggression, masculinity, helplessness, fetishes, and incest, desires that as men we often try to suppress or ignore, yet are always there just below the surface thanks to the testosterone that pumps through our veins.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at dadfootlover@gmail.com. I'd love to get feedback from you!

General preamble:

In the not so distant future, a new world Religion takes over with strict rules governing human sexuality. Some argue that this is simply a human design to favour the majority, leaving the minorities to suffer. However, that is simply the way it is. The story of Ralph will give you the perspective of one of the victims of that system. See how he adapts, rebels and tries to survive in this series.

Preamble to part 2:

In this part, we have introduced one of Ralph's counsellors as well as a beta homo. Their interaction gives us a deeper insight into the hierarchy that exists in this world, with the straight men at the top and the beta homos at the very bottom. The alpha homos, although caged most of the time, have some more freedoms than the betas.

  • During the frustrating days following the installation of his chastity cage, Ralph went through a phase of anger and frustration at life. He realised that he was experiencing exactly what they had taught him during sex ed classes some years before. He remembered clearly the words and phrases they used as part of the indoctrination process.

Ejaculation from any homo was considered a spillage or loss. Keeping the cum inside them was thought to give them more sexual energy so as to be able to please the heteros around them. The teachers had explained that it was normal for a homo to exclaim, after watching a thick, long, straight cock shooting strings of semen, "But I want to cum too!" He would be firmly explained that this was not his purpose, and such a reaction was immature and unholy. No matter how badly he wanted to cum, it was simply wrong for him to violate such a fundamental law or even wish to break it in the first place.

Ejaculation from a straight guy, on the other hand, was considered holy and purposeful. Even non-vaginal spillage was not considered a big deal, just practice for the real thing.

But those were the days before all the tests. The innocent days when he thought he might just get away with it and slip into the straight category. But he had had no chance. His standard, masculine behaviour was one thing and came naturally to him. But his excitement at seeing the naked male form was another and could not be hidden, especially as he was a horny teen. The tests were clever, and it was hard to trick the examiners. It was cruel how they used straight boys from his own class to test for homosexual desire. He vividly remembered removing Pascal's shoes and socks, his heart beating fast and his dick throbbing in his school trousers...

One afternoon, about five days after the installation of the chastity device, he went into a frenzy, begging his dad for release, on his knees. His dad drove him immediately to Ralph's assigned Counsellor, Max, who was dressed in semiformal clothing and had a confident and relaxed air about him.

After his dad left, Max administered a punishment, which, because Ralph's anger was a first-time offence, involved removing the chastity device and dipping Ralph's arms in ice-cold water several times. Then his penis and balls were dipped into the same water.

After the punishment was complete, Ralph was counselled so as to avoid frequent repeats of bad behaviour.

Max explained it to Ralph, the young man sitting naked on the couch, his young arms wrapped in a towel to both dry and warm them up, his penis and balls getting no such comfort. "You see, when you accept that you will never be able to ejaculate like the straight boys around you, there will be a period of resistance. That is normal. But after a while, you will enter a state of acceptance, with the occasional rebellious phase. I can see already that just thinking about this is making you hard, even after only three minutes following punishment." Max pointed at Ralph's dick with his pen.

Ralph gulped nervously and nodded, his eyes on the pen and then to Max's hard, sexy neck, which looked incredibly smooth but firm. How he longed to run his tongue along the side of the biologically superior man's neck.

Max continued. "Your thoughts should be focussed on serving those around you. Use that sexual energy to help those amazing straight guys you have the honour of working with, including your own dad." Max scribbled something in his notepad then stretched out in the chair, leaning backwards with self-confidence and assuredness. This produced a feeling of frustration in Ralph, knowing he could do nothing to get across this infinitely high wall between his homo status and the luckily straight guys who were able to unload their cum whenever they wanted. This frustration caused Ralph's penis to jump, something that Max noticed right away.

A weak knock was suddenly heard by both males.

"I want you to meet a beta homo called Mitchy," said the Counsellor, as he brought his hand to his crotch and stroked himself briefly. "I think it will teach you to be more appreciative of your situation."

Max went to the door and let Mitchy in. He was a young, fairly short boy with a slightly effeminate walk. He was very cute, Ralph remarked, but his effeminacy evoked a strange feeling of frustration in the alpha homo.

Max was rough with the young, pale-skinned boy, almost tearing off his shirt with his masculine hands, revealing a smooth, white chest and flat, pink nipples. Mitchy just passively allowed Max to handle him however he wanted to. The scene excited Ralph greatly, his dick throbbing wildly as the straight Counsellor continued to strip Mitchy. His Mediterannean brown skin was a beautiful contrast to Mitchy's milky white colouration, and his larger frame allowed him to physically manipulate the beta more easily.

Soon Mitchy's pants were off, revealing his dick cramped in a chastity device. He looked at Ralph for the first time, and the alpha homo's hands instinctively grabbed his own cock, grateful for its temporary release from its own cage. But there was also a more cruel purpose to the act; he wanted to show Mitchy that even he was superior to him.

"Place your little beta homo hands around Ralph's dick," Max ordered as he placed a large hand behind the beta's back and pushed him towards the alpha homo. Ralph couldn't believe his eyes as Mitchy's delicate fingers wrapped around his steel-hard cock, already leaking from the thrill of the interaction. The look in Mitchy's eyes was so sad and desperate, and yet so loving at the same time. This overwhelmed Ralph, and he actually felt something for caged Mitchy.

"You're lucky you're able to touch a superior dick, beta," Max exclaimed as he came from behind Mitchy and gave a sadistic lick to his smooth cheeks, a twinkle in his eye as he glanced at Ralph. "Now, three slow strokes to this alpha homo's dick and get down on the floor!"

Ralph savoured every second as Mitchy expertly, and, it seemed, lovingly pulled Ralph's foreskin back to expose his purplish cockhead and then covered the acorn again, pulling a thick drop of clear precum out of the alpha homo's head. Ralph noticed that ever since he had been caged and unable to ejaculate, his foreskin slid back and forth exceptionally easily, almost like his dick was fully ready for sex, his foreskin happy to expose the glans to much-needed sexual contact.

"This is what masculinity feels like, boy," said Max. "Nothing like your completely useless cock". He smacked Mitchy's cock cage, which caused the pale boy to emit a whine. "At least Ralph here's got a chance one day at maybe fucking a woman if he tries hard enough."

After Mitchy completed two more strokes, Max rubbed his own thumb over Ralph's cockhead and then forced it into Mitchy's mouth. He grinned at Ralph, his face just behind Mitchy's right shoulder. "Taste the salty male flavour of those superior to you, boy."

Mitchy sucked earnestly on the tall Counsellor's thick, manly thumb and Ralph almost blew his load. He was thoroughly enjoying the power they were having over little Mitchy. He felt more like he was buddies with Max at this moment, and it felt damn good. He wanted to savour it because he knew it might not be a regular affair.

"Oh, looks like Mitchy's dripping some of his own juices down there!" Max laughed sadistically as he noticed a string of precum hanging off Mitchy's chastity cage. "Nobody wants to lick that shit! Except maybe yourself!"

Max pushed hard on Mitchy's shoulder, and he understood that he needed to get down to the floor asap. The Counsellor kicked off his shoes and placed his socked feet on Mitchy's chest.

Ralph's dick was practically bouncing up and down in excitement, and his precum leaked more aggressively, especially when he noticed how beefy Max's feet were inside the socks, which were stretched out by the broad paws within. His hairy legs and strong calf muscles were mesmerising to Ralph. They contrasted so beautifully to the weak beta homo upon which the straight stud's feet lay.

"Take them off for me, Ralph," ordered the Counsellor with a wink. "Your precum is not the only manly salty thing this little guy's gonna taste today."

Ralph didn't waste any time getting to his knees, placing an eager hand under Max's weighty calf muscle, lifting one leg off Mitchy's chest and peeling off the cotton sock, to reveal husky feet with thick, masculine toes. He quickly did the same to the other foot, making sure to allow his fingers to caress as much of the smooth soles as possible. This was heaven for Ralph. He didn't want it to end.

"Get your cock a little closer, Ralph. I'm gonna make my soles extra salty for this guy."

Ralph eagerly brought his cock above Mitchy's chest, wondering what Max meant. Max rubbed his right sole from heel to toe across the tip of Ralph's eager piss slit, causing Ralph's cock to give up some more precum.

"Geez, dude, you got an infinite supply of love juice there!" Max exclaimed, and he then started making circles with his soles over the wet cockhead, making his feet wet and salty. The feel of the smooth soles on Ralph's moist dickhead was unbelievable. Max applied just the right amount of pleasure like he was an expert at this foot-moistening technique. When Max finally removed his soles from the cockhead, a string of precum could be seen forming a temporary bridge between Ralph's dickhead and the shiny, wet soles of the straight stud.

Max then collected some of Mitchy's precum by sliding his wide soles all over the chastity cage before introducing his feet to Mitchy's pink lips. Ralph thought that the colour of the beta's lips was perfect for someone of such low sexual status; they seemed to be designed for adoring other men.

"Maybe all this precum will give you some much-needed testosterone," laughed Max as he began to rub his sturdy, flawless soles over the boy's lips. "Get your little tongue out and lick it!"

Seeing Mitchy's obedient tongue come up and out from between those gorgeous lips was one thing. Seeing it gently licking those massive soles that could crush his head in an instant was another thing altogether. Ralph thought that this was better than kissing and wished he could introduce his own penis to this interaction.

As if reading his mind, Max said, "Come over here, Ralph. We might need to supply more man juice to this pathetic guy."

Ralph got down to the floor and onto his side so that his leaky dick was right next to Mitchy's face and those powerful, dominating soles.

"Let's see you lick my soles and his cockhead at the same time!" ordered Max.

When Ralph placed his dickhead between Mitchy's lips and the smooth soles, all he could think of was how beautifully wet the sensation was. Mitchy's moist tongue, Max's saliva and precum-covered soles and his own wet cockhead were being unified in the most beautiful way possible: the straight alpha stud's feet above, then the alpha homo's dick and finally the utterly submissive beta homo's lips. What perfect order.

The sensation as Mitchy's tongue came upwards to meet the soles was awesome for both of the superior men. Ralph's cockhead got to experience that slithering wet sensation that brought him incredibly close to orgasm, especially when he saw the tongue make contact with the straight, dominating alpha soles above. Ralph didn't care that he wasn't allowed to cum at this moment. He was just grateful that his dick was allowed to be at full mast in this session and able to experience the sensation of an adoring tongue as well as a healthy foot all at the same time. Being caged most of the time made him infinitely grateful for merely experiencing the sensation of a properly stretched dick. The tongue and sole action was just a bonus.

Over and over, the loving tongue of the younger, smaller male moved up and down, stimulating Ralph's dick. There were moments when so much precum gushed out of his dick, he thought he was having a premature ejaculation.

For Max, the thrill was in having both the alpha homo's dick and the beta homo's face under his powerful feet, completely dominating them. Only strong-willed and sadistic guys like Max could qualify for this job in the first place. When he was done with the foot domination, Max wiped another string of precum from Ralph's dick and brought his soles directly above Mitchy's eyes.

"See this real man juice? This makes babies. This makes life!"

Max rubbed the ball of his foot into Mitchy's cute button nose.

"Smell the precum! Smell what real men smell like."

Max suddenly walked to between Mitchy's legs and placed himself over Mitchy's body. He spat in his hands and rubbed it into Mitchy's inner thigh, close to his cock cage.

"Mitchy is a beta homo. That is the closest thing to a woman in this room," explained Max. "I'm gonna tease-fuck him."

Max unzipped his trousers, revealing a semi-hard member, that seemed to be thicker in the middle than at the bottom or top and began to rub it into Mitchy's inner thighs. Ralph watched in fascination.

"Kiss his feminine lips! Go on!" Max seemed to be in animal mode now; the look in his eye was that of a hunter finally getting to its prey. The fact that he was formally dressed and yet had his hard dick out made the scene even more arousing to Ralph. There was something about exposing only what was needed (his feet and cock) while the rest of his body remained hidden by austere clothing that activated something in the alpha homo's sexual brain.

Ralph went ahead and kissed the young man beneath him, trying to taste as much of this own precum and Max's manly foot as possible. The taste was incredible to him. He wondered how long it had been since Mitchy's dick was last freed from his cage. He could feel Mitchy's desperation for release from the way he kissed him back. Ralph tried to make as much contact with Mitchy's tongue as possible. It was like a silent conversation between him and Mitchy.

Ralph wanted to say, "I can taste your desperation. Let us share our frustration through this kiss. Let me give you as much of my strength as possible. I hope you are denied orgasm for a long time so you can appreciate your place in society. My mouth is above yours just like I am above you in society. Taste my superior tongue mingling with yours." He actually loved the idea of Mitchy being inferior to him. It's like he could actually taste that inferiority.

Ralph's thoughts were interrupted when Max spoke again. "Beta homos are great for practice before you fuck a real woman!"

Max lowered his body onto Mitchy's and started humping more aggressively. "Yeah, take that! He just has to lie there like a woman, see?"

Ralph felt sorry for Mitchy, who received zero penile stimulation during the entire session, his caged dick weeping and weeping; he clearly enjoyed it but wasn't able to even feel the freedom of having an outstretched cock.

"Shove your tongue deep into his girly mouth!" ordered Max.

Ralph didn't taste anything feminine about Mitchy's mouth as he plunged his tongue into the depths of Mitchy's warm mouth. But he could still taste the precum that Mitchy had tried to swallow... and the desperation of a young guy who was at the bottom of the male food chain.

Max's thrusts were incredibly fast and rough. His face was not too far from where Ralph's tongue and Mitchy's lips met.

He suddenly pushed Ralph's head with a strong arm and then covered Mitchy's face with his left hand.

Ralph was fascinated by the large masculine fingers of the straight stud which covered all of Mitchy's pale face.

He saw Mitchy's tongue licking the palm of Max's hand and heard the passionate grunts of the stud rubbing his dick into the milky white smooth thighs of the beta.

Max did not kiss Mitchy. In fact, he kept his head well clear of the beta's face, his thoughts perhaps focussed on fucking a woman.

The straight stud suddenly slipped two large fingers into Mitchy's mouth and began to grunt loudly.

"Choke on my fingers!" Max pulled his fingers out a bit and then shoved them back in.

Ralph enjoyed the view of the stud dominating the beta. He reached out and held Mitchy's pale hand, wanting to be a part of the interaction.


Max's orgasm was in full swing. Ralph squeezed Mitchy's hand. Mitchy squeezed back.

"YEEEERSSSS!" Max exclaimed as he looked at Ralph. He looked sadistic and satisfied as the last spurts left his straight dick. Ralph smiled back.

"Thanks for draining my balls, little Mitchy!" Max got off the young man, panting, and playfully slapped Mitchy's face twice with his wet fingers. "Stand up for inspection!"

"What do you think, Ralph?" Max asked the alpha homo after he got Mitchy to stand. "Get your face right up to it." Max pointed at Mitchy's groin area.

Ralph got on his knees and got his face close to Mitchy's chastity cage. It was a beautiful sight. Some of the straight stud's cum was running down Mitchy's pale thighs, and some had got inside the cage, covering the beta's clearly aroused but trapped penis, which was engorged, pushing against the cage and throbbing to its owner's heartbeat. Seeing the ejaculate, which represented the straight man's total freedom, covering little Mitchy's trapped cock, was incredibly arousing for Ralph.

"Go ahead and touch it," Max said, as he grabbed one of Ralph's hands and guided his fingers to the fresh cum he had dumped on Mitchy.

"It's an honour to touch your sperm." Ralph knew that he was being given an enormous privilege in this act of touching the straight dude's freshly dumped semen. Mitchy's chastity cage was the receptacle for the cum. In a way, Max had cum into Mitchy, if one were to consider the space inside the chastity cage as being inside Mitchy, which in a way it was, as his own penis was out of bounds for poor Mitchy himself, the new edge of his body being the cage and not the skin of his penis or scrotum, simply because he was a beta homo.

Ralph savoured the feel of the straight semen as Max's strong hands continued to guide the alpha homo's fingers on the tour of Mitchy's body.

"Taste some of this straight cum, homo! Maybe it will help you change your ways!" Max smiled as Ralph greedily licked and swallowed all of the stud's semen that he had collected with his homo fingers. He felt good as he swallowed Max's baby-makers. He couldn't believe he was gulping it down, while Mitchy could only watch longingly.

Mitchy was sent to the bathroom to have a shower and clean himself, or at least as much of himself as he possibly could. Some blobs of straight semen would remain on Mitchy's cock and balls, in those areas that he simply could not access properly inside the cage. This was a reminder of how inferior he truly was, unable to touch himself, with another man's semen cruelly mocking him, on his most private body parts, so very close to him. That semen had been ejaculated from a cock that had full freedom to erect and shoot its load powerfully, as it was meant to. His own dick, however, was stuffed into a cage and his own sperm trapped uselessly inside his pitiful balls. Mitchy knew it was no use fighting the way things were.

End of Part 2

Other story series by the same Author on similar themes (male to male, feet, incest, control, domination, chastity):

www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/robert-and-his-dads-feet/ www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/sex-beach-with-dad/

Next: Chapter 3

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