Ralphs Chastity Life

By Ralph Gordon

Published on Mar 12, 2019


Ralph's Chastity Life Under the New Religion Part 1 by Ralph Gordon

All rights are reserved by the Author. The Author claims all copyrights in this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed without the consent of the Author. What you are about to read is a work of fiction. It is meant to explore certain taboo areas of male desire, including power, control, aggression, masculinity, helplessness, fetishes, and incest, desires that as men we often try to suppress or ignore, yet are always there just below the surface thanks to the testosterone that pumps through our veins...

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In the not so distant future, a new world Religion takes over with strict rules governing human sexuality. Some argue that this is simply a human design to favor the majority, leaving the minorities to suffer. However, that is simply the way it is. The story of Ralph will give you the perspective of one of the victims of that system. See how he adapts, rebels and tries to survive in this series.

"We've tested your son, Mr. Gordon." The doctor placed a pile of papers on the desk, looking at Mr. Gordon, and then his son, Ralph. "He's your classic alpha homo."

Ralph knew exactly what that meant. At school, he had learned that there are three types of men in the world. Alpha homos, beta homos, and straights. The curriculum was very strict about this. Although many said that this was a ridiculous oversimplification of reality, they were mostly disregarded by the system. The highest administrative body of the Religion itself had written many pages about these three subclasses and there was blind acceptance by the population in general that not only did boys and men fit neatly in these three categories but that they were to be treated in specific ways as outlined by the Religion. It wasn't so much the classification that bothered Ralph; it was the laws that applied to each that made him uncomfortable.

The doctor leaned back into this chair, relaxed, as if happy to belong to the straight category, and continued. "Being an alpha homo, Ralph has no intention of reproducing with a woman, which is the main reason we are here on Earth. You do know that strict rules will apply to you, boy?"

Ralph nodded. "Yes, doctor."

"Your priority now is to help the straight men around you to reproduce, including your handsome dad here." The doctor pointed to Ralph's father, Mr. Gordon. "As required by the law, we will waste no time to get your prepared and do the initializing ceremony." The doctor looked towards a door behind Ralph and yelled, "Greg, let's get the boy ready please!"

Greg, a handsome man in his late twenties, appeared and took Ralph to the room behind the door. He appeared to be a nurse-type or apprentice doctor. Ralph started taking off his pants and underwear as he knew exactly what the procedure involved, remembering clearly every word that the strict teacher from sex education classes at school had told him. Greg obtained a chastity device and an erection monitoring ring from a nearby drawer and then sat on a chair so that he was facing Ralph's penis. He started pulling back Ralph's foreskin so he could place the erection monitoring ring around the base of Ralph's cockhead. The skin would only go back about halfway over the purplish head and Greg had to use some lube and massage it into the area where the foreskin met the penis head to be able to get it to go back. All the stimulation was too much for Ralph and his dick began to harden in Greg's hands. The fingers were strong and determined and Greg, seemingly unphased by the erection in his hands, finally pulled back the foreskin all the way and then slipped the slightly elastic erection monitoring ring into place. It settled just below the mushroom head and its elasticity allowed it to fit whether the penis was soft or hard, without causing too much discomfort.

Greg looked pleased with the fit as he held Ralph's throbbing penis in his hands.

"I'm scared, Greg," said Ralph, like a man bound for the gallows asking for a chance at freedom. "I don't want this life."

"You are what you are, bro. The rules are the rules. I get to fuck hot chicks while you serve us. Simple." Greg seemed pleased with himself and a little bit disgusted at having to touch a homo's dick. "Now you better lose that erection otherwise we won't be able to get you into the chastity device."

The idea of his dick being trapped gave Ralph an anxiety erection as if his dick was rebelling at the thought of being put into a cage. The sheer lack of concern from Greg made Ralph more anxious. His dick remained stubbornly hard as Greg pondered the next step.

Gregg opened the door and spoke to the doctor in the main room. "We're gonna need the punishment stick, doc."

Ralph could see the doctor nodding from where he sat. "You might hear some screaming, sir, but don't worry it'll be over soon," the doctor said to Mr. Gordon, before getting into the room with Greg and himself, shutting the door behind him. "Stubborn erection, eh?" The doctor looked at Ralph's throbbing dick with concern.

"Please sir, I can make it go down," Ralph said. The word 'screaming' had already made him go from fully erect to semi-hard from fear and he shifted uncomfortably where he sat, the thought of the two men having this much power over him causing him to blush with awkwardness, a part of him liking the idea of giving his freedom up to the straights.

The doctor shook his head. "It'll take too long, boy. I don't have forever. Greg, hold him from behind. Ralph, stand up."

Ralph did as he was told as he knew there was no way out of this. Even if he ran away, he wouldn't make it out of the front door without being stopped by the hospital guards.

Greg cuffed Ralph's hands together, behind his back. Then he squeezed his chest with his strong arms, his crotch pressing against Ralph's right butt cheek, his arms completely wrapping around Ralph's chest.

The doctor took a thin but flexible device that looked like a tiny sword, dipped it into some kind of fluid and then brought it over to Ralph. Ralph's eyes couldn't stop staring at the long and thin 'blade' which was actually blunt and flexible. He realized that it was a penile insertion device, a sort of catheter, that wasn't meant to cause any damage but to instead deliver that fluid it had been dipped into inside his sensitive dick.

"You'll be soft soon," said the doctor, as he inserted the thin flexible tube, dripping with the transparent fluid, into Ralph's piss slit. "Hold him tight," the doctor ordered Greg, and Ralph felt Greg's masculine squeeze tighten, as he prepared himself for the worst.

The narrow tube slipped in surprisingly easily. It was uncomfortable for the first few seconds, as the doc inserted about two inches of the tube inside Ralph's penis. Then the burning sensation began.

Mr. Gordon heard his son's screams from inside the nurse's office, as he stared at the sexy female blow-up doll that the doctor had presented to him moments before.

"Pull it out! Pull it out!" he heard Ralph yell, and then the sound of a struggle.

"Try not to move, Ralph, or I'll push it deeper in." The doctor's commanding voice was loud and clear to Mr. Gordon, on the other side of the door.

Mr. Gordon wasn't a cruel man, but he certainly did have his sadistic side. Hearing his homo son screaming on the other side of the door stirred up a weird mix of feelings inside him. Although Ralph was his son, the idea of him being a homo repulsed him. And whatever pain his son was receiving, Mr. Gordon felt it was deserved. But there was also something about hearing his sinful son struggling that gave him a strong sexual thrill. It was a feeling of complete power over his boy, knowing he was the naturally superior one, that made his dick harden in his trousers. Mr. Gordon couldn't help stroking his dick through his trouser material, the sound of his son's struggles pushing the blood to his dick. There was some guilt to this act, but there was a sensation of intense pleasure too. He was glad he wasn't in the same room as his son because seeing his boy yelling in pain might have caused him some grief. This was just the right distance, he thought, his dick throbbing in his pants, sliding up against his hairy thigh, hardening and pulsating. He hadn't felt so aroused in ages.

Ralph hadn't expected the pain to be so searing when flexible rubber tube was first inserted into his sensitive penis. He recognized the burning feeling from when soap had gotten into his piss slit in the shower in the past. His instinct was to kick and scream and pull his hips away from the doctor's cruel fingers, which coldly inserted about three inches of the correction device into his rapidly-softening cock. Even when he was full soft, and the doctor had removed the punishment stick from his unaroused organ, the pain remained for minutes after. He struggled in Greg's surprisingly strong arms, as the doctor placed the chastity device around his penis and locked it into position. Ralph was shaking and sweating and still whimpering with pain and fear as the doctor nodded in satisfaction.

"Walk to daddy, homo," Greg whispered in his ears. "Let's show him what you've become."

They marched Ralph out of the nurse's office and into the main room, where Ralph saw a sexy blow-up doll next to his father. Little did he know how aroused the show he had just performed had made his own dad.

"Take a look at your son, Mr. Gordon." The doctor gave three smacks to Ralph's chastity cage. It bounced around uselessly, as Ralph's dad glanced first at the cage, and then his son. Ralph felt very small and humiliated when he saw the disappointment in his father's eyes. He wanted to make it up to him somehow, to apologize on his knees for not being the same as his dad, no matter how hard he wanted to.

"Ralph, I need you to dip your fingers into this lube and insert it into the blow-up doll's vagina. Remember your mission is now to please your dad and do everything you can to assist straights like him to fuck women and copulate." Without hesitation, Ralph inserted just one finger into the tub of lube that the doctor presented to him.

"I'm sure she's not that tight, Ralph!" The doctor and Gregg laughed. "Let's see you dip two or three of those fingers in there!"

Ralph placed three fingers in the lube and then, cringing at the vulgarity of the act, started inserting his fingers into the doll's hole. His dad was holding it up to make it a little bit easier for him to reach her pussy.

"Good, son," his dad said, nodding his head. "Push it real deep so I can fuck her good."

It felt strange to hear his dad speaking in such a manner and yet it gave Ralph a special kind of sexual thrill. He pushed harder and faster with his fingers, happy he was preparing the doll for his dad, who sounded horny and ready to fuck.

The doctor opened another door as Ralph pulled out three wet fingers from the doll's pussy. "Let's move to the sex room, guys."

The four men entered the sex room, which was basically a bed with several cameras on tripods placed around it. There was even a camera hanging from the ceiling and two on the floor near the bed. Clearly, this session was to be recorded and in high definition too.

Ralph's father took the doll from his son, who had carried it into the sex room, and threw her on the bed, face up, some lube dripping out of the 'pussy'. He stripped off his clothes in less than a minute, Ralph surprised at the slapping noise that his father's dick made against his stomach as he pulled off his underpants. Mr. Gordon smiled at one of the cameras and then got to work. He held himself up with one hand on the mattress, placing his dick at the entrance of the blow-up doll's pussy and then pushed his dick in.

Ralph was amazed at how easily his father's foreskin pulled back over the glans penis. It would have taken him minutes to get his foreskin peeled back like that. He watched with fascination as his dad's penis slid into the heavily moistened pussy. He looked at his own throbbing penis, trapped pointing downwards in his chastity cage, pressing desperately against the edge. The device allowed his penis to breathe, thankfully, and the piss slit was exposed, allowing him to pee. Mr. Gordon began to thrust repeatedly into the doll, his hands on either side of the sex object like he was doing push-ups over the doll.

"Go hold the doll's legs so he can fuck her good," the doctor ordered Ralph, who wasted no time at kneeling at the foot of the bed and holding on to the doll's legs. From this position, he could see his dad's broad, sexy back and his thick, hairy legs. He was amazed at the strength of his calves and the thickness of the hair on them. His favorite view, though, was seeing his dad's meaty, wide soles, that kept shaking and quivering from the fucking he was giving the doll. Ralph's eyes were glued to the smooth arches of his dad's soles and the big toes that dug into the mattress as his dad focused on giving the blow-up doll the fucking of its life. What he'd do to slide his penis head over those strong, expansive soles and ejaculate simultaneously with his dad. Instead, his penis seeped precum silently as he held tight to the doll's legs, making it easier for his dad to fuck it, as it no longer moved around much as young Ralph held it steady. The beauty of his dad's strong legs and wide, powerful feet was extremely sexually arousing for Ralph. With the chastity cage keeping his dick locked and unusable, however, he realized the futility of his bent desires and began to understand why the Religion was so keen on locking up the cocks of guys like him. No matter how much he wanted to fuck his dad's feet and legs, it was not a useful thing in the end and only served to waste sperm in short-term, selfish, pleasure-seeking acts.

"Mr. Gordon, pick a g-spot! Your asshole or your feet?"

Ralph's dad turned his head so he was facing the doctor, initially with a slightly confused look on his face. Then his face relaxed. "My asshole," he grunted, sweating, and he reduced the frequency of his thrusts somewhat, clearly anticipating something.

Ralph looked at the doctor, puzzled. The doctor pointed at Mr. Gordon's ass and Ralph knew instinctively what he had to do. Although sad to leave the magnificent view of his dad's meaty, strong feet behind, Ralph didn't hesitate to place his knees in between his dad's and to stick his face in his dad's warm ass crack. Ralph wasn't a fan of ass but somehow the manly scent of his dad's aroma triggered something deep inside his brain and he went into automatic mode, his youthful tongue making contact with the asshole and he began swirling it around and around.

"There's a lot of nerve endings around the asshole, but not inside the ass, so a good servant like you needs to know the trigger points and how to work them, you understand?"

Ralph took his face out of his dad's ass and looked at the doctor, to find a rather larger camera inches away from his face and the doctor with a gleam in his eyes, obviously wanting to get a close-up shot. Ralph nodded seriously.

"Mr. Gordon, hold your fucking for a second. I want to teach your son a lesson in g-spot play." Ralph's dad stopped thrusting, his dick remaining inside the blow-up doll. "Groan when it feels good, groan louder when it feels better."

The doctor used one hand to hold his large camera and another to spread apart Mr. Gordon's butt cheeks. "Let go of all inhibitions, boy. Your tongue and your dad's groans are all that matter in these moments to come."

Ralph started by poking the center of his dad's asshole with the tip of his pink, wet tongue, the tight hole now much clearer with the doctor spreading the butt cheeks apart. He pushed a little in. His dad let out a small groan.

"Let me tell you one common misconception, boy," the doctor said to Ralph. "The nerve endings stop just about half an inch into a man's ass. There is no point going deep inside the ass; just around the asshole area itself is what you need to work on." Ralph understood at once, having inserted a finger into his ass before and not feeling anything beyond a short distance into his hole. He changed his technique, licking across the asshole, his tongue swiping the area to the left of the asshole, dipping into it and then the area just to the right in one quick but strong swoop. Mr. Gordon groaned loudly and Ralph watched as his dad's muscles contracted with pleasure and then relaxed, Mr. Gordon instinctively pushing his ass towards his son's adoring tongue. Ralph repeated the motion, this time from the bottom to the top, pushing hard with his tongue so that it dipped the critical half-inch into the ass and then came back out, stroking the upper edge of the anus. This resulted in another deep groan from his dad, and then the tightening, then relaxing, of his muscles, like before, his asshole more easy to dip into, welcoming the wet tongue darting across. Seeing this reaction from his dad, knowing that he was responsible for such a response, gave him a sense of satisfaction and caused his penis to strain hard to escape the chastity cage.

"You are about to embark on a wonderful adventure, boy," said the doctor to Ralph. "It is only by keeping your penis locked and under control that you will be able to focus every inch of your energy towards getting these straight men to copulate and procreate as is required by law and the Religion. People like you, being male, know the male body better than a woman, and therefore are ideally suited for such a purpose. But if you are allowed to be erect, selfishly stroking your dick all the time, spilling your homo cum everywhere, how will you be able to focus your energy on other men's g-spots? The Religion is right, of course, and don't you forget that, boy. Be grateful for what you are and live it to the fullest. When your dad has a wonderful ejaculation, be grateful that you had the opportunity to help him achieve that."

The doctor's words were music to Ralph's ears, the youth horny and desperate for release, the precum leaking out of his cockhead, which wanted so badly to leave its cage.

"You are one of nature's sacrifices," the doctor continued, pointing to Mr. Gordon's asshole, which Ralph understood to mean he should return to the licking. "Although you are not sacrificed by being killed, you are being sacrificed by having your own sexual pleasure limited, in order to heighten the pleasure of the men around you. Like a trade-off." Ralph made swirling motions with his tongue and occasionally dipped his tongue into his dad. His father started humping again, slowly, as Ralph adjusted his head position to allow his dad's ass to move freely. "The scent that fills your nostrils is similar to your own scent. Do not be afraid of it. Learn to love it. You understand exactly what your dad needs. So give it to him and stop thinking about your dick."

Mr. Gordon felt feverish, never having had anyone lick the sensitive area near his anus before. His wife would never do that. He didn't care about the cameras all around him, or that his own son was in a chastity cage, eagerly stroking the nerve endings that were causing him to weep precum into the blow-up doll's pussy. He completely understood what the doctor meant and it all made sense to him. He always wanted an explanation as to why so many homos were created and now it was clear to him, as he experienced new heights of pleasure with his son. His groin muscles clenched and relaxed as he felt both his cock and anus area being stimulated. "I deserve this pleasure," he thought to himself. "After all, I've worked so hard to provide for my family. My homo son should worship me."

The doctor continued. "It will be hard to stop thinking about your dick, Ralph, but you will become better at it. Don't forget your aim is to pleasure these straight men in your community."

Ralph tongue unceasingly worshipped the sensitive area near his dad's anus as he imagined his dad's hard, sexy, pink cockhead sliding in and out of the doll. He was so close to the action even though his face was buried in his dad's ass, the heat and sweat increasing in intensity as his dad built towards orgasm.

"I want you to know exactly what your dad's contractions are like as he ejaculates, boy," said the doctor, his voice echoing in the room. "You will get to know your dad's body so well in the coming days and months and that is a glorious thing."

Mr. Gordon's thrusts became more aggressive, more determined and his groans became louder, no longer in step with his son's licks across his sensitive anus. Ralph felt his dad suddenly go still and he knew the moment had come. He buried his face deeper into his dad's ass, his tongue darting across the trigger points with vigor, the love for his dad deeper than ever. He felt the orgasmic contractions where his chin rested between the balls and the anus and he didn't stop licking until the contractions had subsided. He even pushed his tongue deep inside his dad, feeling dirty but somehow thinking that he would be closer to him that way. All he cared about was the quality of his dad's orgasm. Towards the end of his dad's ejaculation session, he began to lick across the anus more slowly and over a wider area, starting from near the balls and all the way up to several inches above the anus, licking up all the built-up sweat that his straight dad's body had produced from the sex session.

End of Part 1

Other story series by the same author on similar themes (male to male, feet, incest, control, chastity):

www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/robert-and-his-dads-feet/ www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/sex-beach-with-dad/

Next: Chapter 2

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