Ralph the Smithy's Son

Published on Mar 17, 2020


Ralph the Smithy's Son 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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Our trip to Dover had reduced Lord Henry's forces, but we had no indication the attack was cancelled or postponed. Lady Beatrice sent wagons with armed guards to take the women and children to safety. Most of the old men stayed. They would rather die than abandon the other men. Some were good hunters, so they had useful archery skills. My mother stayed. She said if her sons died, she would die fighting with them. There were five or six widows and unmarried women who stayed. They would fight for their homes and were a fearsome group.

Lord Henry still planned to attack, but he needed more men since his mercenaries had returned to Germany. He was searching for men in York and Chester. He was afraid to go to London in case the King became suspicious. We later discovered that Woolard had unexpected case of honor among thieves. He sent messengers to warn his contacts in those cities to beware of Lord Henry. Woolard let it be known that Lord Henry was bad about paying his men. Rolf told me that for some, treason against the King was no problem. Not paying them was much more serious.

Lord Henry's plan was to launch a minor attack on the village. This was to draw the men from the manor house. When they went to help the peasants, the main attack would be made on the undefended house. The defenders would be slaughtered as they were attacked from the rear. The attack was to be on the fifth day after the new moon. Lord Henry wanted some light. Woolard estimated that there were thirty to forty men in Lord Henry's service.

Philip had recruited about a dozen fighting men for us. They were mostly the third and fourth sons of important nobles. The seemed to think since they would never inherit great wealth or a title, they might as well become famous in battle. Philip gave each of them one of my brother's swords. These seemed to be the wonder of the age. They were light, strong and deadly. Bob also forged lances and arrow heads of his special metal. These could pierce ordinary iron or bronze armor. We would be almost certainly outnumbered, but Rolf thought the new steel armaments would help even the odds.

Lady Beatrice's father was pouring money into Bob's coffers. Bob, my brothers and the additional soldier-blacksmiths were producing all that was needed.

Unexpectedly Woolard visited us with information. He came on a horse, strapped to the back of a huge, well-armed, fearsome man. We found out Captain Woolard's "French" pirates had made a considerable sum on capturing the shipment of gold from Lord Henry. Rolf had paid well.

Woolard had a great amount of information. Woolard now knew the path Lord Henry was taking to the village. It was longer than the direct way, but there were few houses to give the alarm. The plan was to kill the peasants and loot the houses.

I suggested that we could send food and beer to the houses. I could mix the food and beer with special herbs that would afflict the looters.

"Can your brew kill them?" Ossric asked.

"Some potions might do that, but it can not fall into the wrong hands. An unwitting peasant might take it. My potion would make you sick with the galloping trots, and barely able to fight," I explained. My proposal was greeted with laughter and approval.

Woolard and his giant guard, Hugh, stayed with me in the main house. He had given us important information, so I gave him one of the finest rooms. I cooked a good dinner. It was simple, but the lads were all good hunters and fresh game well suited Woolard's taste. The wine was even more welcome. Hugh devoured the food with great gusto. I think he had been eating tavern food for too long. The wine was new to him. I knew Woolard was wealthy, but he did not live well.

When I took them to the bed chamber, Woolard asked if we might enjoy ourselves before bed. I said that might be a good way to get to sleep. The chamber faced south, and it had been warmed by the summer sun. Hugh seemed to share his master's interests in men, and he stripped naked and shared the bed with us.

Woolard was erect, and I coated his cock with a salve my Grandmother made and skewered myself on his manly tool. It was big, but not too big and I did a little dance on it. He eventually all but shot is balls into me. He must have been tired, a moment later he was asleep.

Hugh was not tired, and he became a gentle giant. My cock was larger than his and I soon pushed it into his behind. He had served Woolard for years, but Woolard was not imaginative. I found new places in him that gave him great pleasure. Then he fucked men and I all but did a dance on his cock. I think he had little experience of a tight warm ass. He soon felt new forms of pleasure. They left early the next morning after the three of us traded our seed.

Hugh returned an hour later. Woolard had a seizure and died. I contacted Father Peter and we arranged a quick funeral. The possible attack was just days away. While the funeral was rushed, it was most proper. High ranking men, Rolf, and Lord Philip attended with many of our people. This greatly impressed and pleased Hugh. Had Woolard died in Dover his death would have hardly been noticed. Hugh became my man and threw his lot in with us. That included much of Woolard's gold. It had been hidden in his clothes.

After the funeral I made the potions and my mother prepared to bake it into bread. She was with the Widow Brown who had the wasting disease. I hardly recognized her. They thought I had a clever plan, but Lord Henry's men might suspect something if all the peasants had already fled. The widow Brown said she would be baking in the farm, and visibly flee when the brigands approached. I said that was too dangerous. "I am not long for this world," the widow explained. "To die in battle might be a blessing. I am ready."

I had a visit from Ambrose and Jerome. Officially they were visiting Paulinus, but he had gone to London to see his father. His father published books and associated with writers and pamphleteers. These were at the heart of all gossip in London and Paulinus could tell them of the mercenaries in Dover, and of a suspicious gold shipment. These men would spread rumors, but not the source of the rumor. The court would be sure to hear of it.

Ambrose and Jerome had additional information from Lord Henry's camp. There were perhaps 25 to 35 new men in his service. They purported to be soldiers, but they were more likely brigands and petty thieves. There were 10 to 12 men who had been in Lord Henry's service for years. They did his dirty work, but Lord Henry was prone to forget the details of agreements to pay the men. A few were fearful of death and made confession. Betraying friends and murder seemed to be the usual sins. They confirmed there was a major battle coming up. They had not done well in a previous clash and they were afraid they would die in sin.

They seemed to think the new men would not be enough. They weren't trustworthy and cheated at dice. They were also afraid Lord Roger was obsessed with revenge, and there was no real booty in attacking a small village of shepherds. They had no idea who had foiled the previous attack. I thought that was good news.

With the men of the village, the men working for my brother, and the lads, we had about the same number of men as Lord Henry. This bothered Bryn, Ossric and Lord Philip who preferred to outnumber their opponents.

We were three days from the day Lord Henry planned for the attack. That afternoon, small groups of frightened farmers and shepherds began to appear in the village. Lord Henry's men were on the way. They were pillaging villages in their path. These were tenants of Lord Henry's lands, not part of our estate. Henry's men didn't care.

Our manor seemed safe to them. They were older women, small children and the men who were in the fields and pastures. There were few younger women. Father Peter tried to help and gave them shelter in the Church. We sent messages to Lady Beatrice telling her of the refugees.

The peasants were untrained. They seemed to cluster around Hugh. Hugh had no military knowledge, but he excelled at Tavern brawls and ambushes. Several mothers had lost their daughters and the younger men's wives were missing. All thirsted for revenge.

We had sent our tenants away, and the Widow Brown was baking for the unwelcome visitors with several other old women. The next day was tense waiting. The women who had been baking with the Widow Brown returned at evening. They assumed she was dead, but her poisoned dainties would work their magic overnight.

Bother Paulinus returned and said Lord Henry was in London. He intended to be with the King during the attack. Apparently, the King caught wind of the rumors, and Henry left town for Europe, leaving his clothes behind.

During the night Hugh and the refugee men went out hunting. Hugh had Woolard's gold and he purchased weapons from my brother. My brother offered them for free, but Hugh said Captain Woolard always paid. Hugh's plan was to even the odds and save any women who might still be alive.

Father Peter and Paulinus were in the church with the women who escaped praying for deliverance alternating with curses to be rained down on the evil ones. Father Peter also told of defiled women who were saints in God's eyes. They sat with the Virgin Mary in heaven. That was a comfort for the terrified escapees who were fearful for the younger women. Father Peter was a powerful speaker when inspired.

Hugh returned just after dawn with seven girls and women and the heads of twelve men in two bags. The mouth of each head was stuffed with his cock and balls. The women had been badly treated. My mother and her friends took care of them. I provided herbs.

The remainder of Lord Henry's men were coming from the other direction. The plan had been for one group, made up of the 12 now headless men, were to attack the village and the larger group was to attack the manor. The large group attacked the Manor and met with the lads, Ossric's men and Lord Philip's collection of lesser nobles. The battle was over quickly, if you ignore the time it took to chase down Lord Henry's fleeing men.

Three girls and the Widow Brown died. One of the girls may have died by her own hand, but Father Peter had a vision that she died fighting off her molesters. Everyone knew that his prayers and curses had helped secure the victory. No one would question his vision. Four of Lord Philip's men had minor wounds and one of the lads had a broken leg.

A week later Paulinus's father published a True account of Detesible Attack on Tenants of the Virtuous Lord DeRose by the Foul Traitor Henry of Millchester. Paulinus wrote the account, and it was a huge success. As was proper for such accounts the heroes were the virtuous Lady Beatrice and her honorable younger brother Philip, stalwart peasants, persons of rank and true English men. It was hugely popular. The account was soon translated into French, Dutch and German. That was bad for Lord Henry who eventually fled to Venice.

Days later, Lord Roger was freed and reunited with Beatrice and their son. The King seized Lord Henry's estate and gave it to Lord Roger, along with the titles of the disgraced Henry. Roger moved to Henry's large home and gave Philip the manor.

I was busy with taking care of the ill and the wounded. That combined with feeding the additional men and women occupied all my time. Once the danger was over the men rebuilt the burned cottages of the farmers. Lord Roger gave them sheep and cattle from his estate.

Ossric and some of his men stayed in the village working for my Brother at the forge. Bob's swords were in great demand, and were most profitable for Bob, my brothers and Ossric's men. Ossric was a leader of men and could do demonstrations of the swords that impressed potential buyers. He regarded my brother Bob as a genius for discovering the high strength steel. He married my mother's niece and all but became a member of the family.

Father Peter returned to the church in Millchester. Ambrose became our local priest and Jerome assisted him. Ambrose continued the tradition of hospitality of Father Peter. They had a steady stream of visitors. I was surprised that Paulinus and I were invited to meet some of them. Paulinus remained working with the herbs. That interested the visitors.

The visitors were often tense, uneasy and nervous. Since we were open minded and generous, we were able to help them. Most had been ill used by older men for their pleasure but had little personal experience with pleasure. Many of them found total release in my ass.

My first encounter with these men was with a thin priest named, Leo. He was named after a Pope, but he was the least lion-like man I ever met. He was well born, but his father died, and his mother remarried a man who did not want to be reminded of his wife's first husband. He said he went to the monastery, but I thought it was more likely that he fled there. Unfortunately, his stepfather endowed the monastery, and that was bad for Leo. He was thin; I suspected he had been fasting too much. He was timid and seemed to be afraid of big men. He was staying with Ambrose and Jerome. They did not fast.

After a few days Leo looked better. Ambrose and Jerome took him to a hot spring and bathed. While they were chaste with respect to women, they knew how to enjoy frolicking with men. I think they knew of Leo's experiences and made no advances towards him.

Paulinus told Leo that becoming skilled in the herbal arts was a useful and suggested he might apprentice to me. I am masculine, but a dwarf. I didn't scare them. I took him to my garden, and he was interested in the plants. I think he realized this was a possible escape from the monastery and his stepfather. It was sunny and warm. He appreciated that.

I took him to the spring, and we bathed with Rolf who was there frolicking with a friend, Goodman. Rolf was dressed as gentleman. Goodman was a peasant farmer and wore homespun. Rolf is not a shy man and he and Goodman sucked and fucked until they traded their manly seed.

"Rolf is a lusty man," I said. "I hope their games did not offend you?"

"I was surprised Rolf took the peasant's seed," Leo said.

"Goodman is strong, and they fought together against Lord Henry," I explained. "Goodman protected him from a blow from the rear. Rolf believes all men are equal when they fight a common enemy. The seed of a good man is good enough for Rolf. Have you ever taken the seed of a good man?"

Leo was erect by then. "I've taken the man seed, but I am not sure they were good men," he replied. "I noticed Goodman took Rolf's seed with enthusiasm."

I knew what Leo wanted. I leaned over and licked his erect member. He moaned. I had a bag with some salves and unguents. I coated his cock, straddled his cock and slowly sat on it. His cock was long and thin.

"I suspect your balls are filled with man seed," I said. "If I bounce on your cock, I might free them from your balls. Do you care if you seed is in a peasant's ass?"

"It feels wonderful. Don't stop," Leo moaned. I tightened my ass and bounced a few more times. He moaned again and shortly thereafter I felt him spurting. I continued to squeeze tightly and coaxed a few more spurts from his cock. I sat up and his cock pulled away from my ass.

After a little while he asked, "Do you get to do me next?"

"We are both grown men. You get to do what you want," I said. "Nothing is required."

Leo looked at my cock. "I think your cock is bigger than mine," he said. "I don't know if it would fit."

A day later, we found it that my cock did fit. There was room enough for my cock and a big load of my man seed. That didn't surprise me. I was surprised that his ass had been used by so many of the men in his monastery. They shoved their cock in his ass, pumped as fast as possible and deposited their seed.

I took my time, easing my cock into him. He was tight, but I found his tits were to key to opening his ass. He opened wide and then clamped tight, trapping my cock deep in him. He felt me spurt and only then released his tight grip. He told me that dwarf cum was much better than monk seed. I rearranged myself, sucked his cock and then gobbled up his man seed. His knob became sensitive as he shot off.

After Vespers on Sunday, Hugh and I visited Ambrose, Jerome, Paulinus and Leo. Lord Philip came with Rolf. It was odd to be invited to join the group. Now that the threat from Lord Henry was gone, this was a celebration.

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