Rainy Jo

By curious

Published on Jan 19, 2009



The following is basically fiction. If you like what you read send me an e-mail at pansutorht@yahoo.com and let me know. Have fun reading the story.

Nothing ever happens on a Wednesday night. No matter what a girl does, if its Wednesday you should just stay home and either watch TV, read a book, or call a girlfriend up and have her come over for a visit. I've never really understood why they call it hump-day. Hell that's what I was out that evening trying to do, get myself laid, but even though Carolyn and I were wearing some of our most suggestive, okay slutty dresses, and flirting around signaling we were on the prowl for cock. After spending 3 hours bouncing around from bar to bar, and lounge to lounge, and fending off unwanted advances from some of the most repugnant drunken guys a girl would have to be desperate to fuck. She and I decided around 9:00pm to just gather up our purses and call it an evening.

My name is Joan D. I'm a mature 58 year old Lakota and French, half-breed Native American woman living in Rapid City, South Dakota. I was born in 1950 on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation here in South Dakota. I possess what used to be called a photographic memory or as they call it now an eidetic memory. That means I remember events, people, conversations, and just about anything I've experienced in my life clearly and concisely. In a sense it's like I have a recorder in my head and anytime I want to I can literally close my eyes and recall with perfect clarity any experience I've had, even those that occurred when I was a small girl. When I do this it's like I'm watching a TV show or movie playing, and all of it with sound. I can literally see the things I've experienced in my life and when I choose to do so I can relive the emotions I've had. That last part, feeling past emotions, is rather unique because most people with eidetic memory don't have that ability but I do. A lot of people have told me that they wish they could do what I can do and get a chance to relive their experiences, but honestly having almost total recall of your entire life experiences can have a real negative aspect to it because people just think they can relive the good times they've had but for people like me we know that it is not just the good things in life we recall, it's all the bad things in our lives as well. So there is that for the downside of having an eidetic memory.

Growing up my family, mom, dad, and my 5 younger siblings, 2 sisters and 3 brothers, moved around a lot as dad transferred his way up the Bureau of Indian Affairs ladder moving from one reservation to the next. I grew up very girly, very feminine in nature and behavior because that is what my mother and grandmother expected of me. Since I'm the oldest I also had to grow up, or act older than my age as a young girl because I helped mom take care of the rest of the kids when they were little. By the time I was 10 I knew how to cook, how to clean a house, how to do laundry, and how to sew. My life as a young girl may sound a bit dull but that's how all Indian's used to live back in those days. The older kids helped raise the younger kids and honestly I wouldn't change a thing about my childhood.

I love being a woman and I love showing off my femininity. As old as I am I'm in good shape, I run, I workout daily, I eat right, heck it must be a genes thing because I may be 58 years old but honey I still feel like a young girl and possess the same figure I had when I was in my twenties. I've never colored my hair and it's only been since last year that strands of grey have been showing up in the mirror. I'm a size 6 dress, bra size is a 36 C-cup, and I wear a size 7 shoe. I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall, weigh 128 pounds and have medium length jet black hair, well except for the grey strands that is. My eyes are colored a dark brown and I have full eye brows. God I just hate those pencil thin eye brows you see on women nowadays. As a half-breed I have a naturally tanned skin complexion. In fact if any of you remember her picture Linda Harrison the actress who played the character Nova on Planet of the Apes, and you'll have a perfect picture of what I actually look like in real life because she and I are exact mirror images of each other, although I'm darker.

Like I said I'm a girly girl. I was raised that way. Mom and grandma were always instilling in me how important it is for a woman to dress like woman and behave like a woman. Neither of them ever let me tomboy up when I was little and both of them more or less lived by the mottos "it's the clothes that make a woman" and "always sit like lady." I've come to accept those two sayings as truisms in my life as well. As a little girl growing up in the 50's and hitting my teenage years in the 60's, I was highly fashion conscious about clothes which is a rather unusual thing to find among Indian girls. I used to spend hours and hours paging through the JC Penny, Sears, and Wards, clothing catalogues daydreaming about being able to afford all the pretty dresses, fabulous shoes, underwear, and lovely hosiery, those really pretty women models were photographed wearing. Because we didn't have a lot of money and couldn't afford a lot of store bought clothes, knowing how to sew and make our own clothes wasn't only practical, but sewing also became a pastime for me and something I grew quite proficient in. Mom used to buy us girls really lovely dress patterns and fabric and we'd go home and lay things out on our kitchen table and away we'd go. I just loved making my own dresses. I still have a 1950's styled one-piece light brown coat dress I made in 1967 when I was 17. It's one of my most prized possessions. When I made it from an old pattern I found I shortened the hemline from mid-calf to a more scandalous mid-thigh length. I never wore the dress out in public but there have been times over the years when I'll be home remembering how things used to be. Missing old times and daydreaming about simpler lifestyles I'll get my old creation out and put it on. When I do this I'll pretend I'm an Indian version of June Cleaver, the Beaver's mom, and frankly I'll clean house, dusting and vacuuming, in it. Back when I was young where most of my girlfriends were wearing women's jeans as little girls and teenagers, I refused to. No, for me I believed then as I still believe today that the only proper attire a girl can wear on her body is a pretty dress.

Oh I just love wearing pretty clingy dresses, or stylishly cut form fitting skirted business suits. I always complete my outfits by donning high heel pumps; classic pumps are my favorite although I will wear strappies on occasion. And contrary to public opinion about them today as necessary every day wear I love wearing hosiery. I'm a stockings girl people. I wear real 100% nylon stockings held up by garter belts, gartered waist cinchers, gartered corsets, or a gartered bustier. I wear nylons when I go to work, attend parties, or socialize with my friends. I love wearing nylons and revel in how feminine they make me feel. Nylons enhance the look of a girl's legs and feet, making what nature gave you look better. Real quality nylons are soft, silky feeling, smooth to the touch, and utterly female in essence. The way a stocking can slide across your skin as you walk, sit and cross your legs; can cause you to get goose bumps. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing more feminine a girl can wear on her body and how we look in them, even if a girl isn't in shape, okay even if you're a fatty, wearing nylon stockings on our legs, flashing our stocking tops and garter straps for a man to see, well ladies you know as well as I do that any guy, unless he's gay or grew up around sheep, will become instantly aroused seeing a woman in her stockings. If a girl for whatever reason can't wear her stockings, then I'll wear pantyhose. I enjoy wearing sheer pantyhose almost as much as I love wearing my stockings, and I love how tightly they hug my feet, legs, crotch, tummy, and of course my sweet little ass. It really upsets me when I hear a woman or one of these young twenty-something's call pantyhose tights. God I hate that word. Pantyhose are hosiery, something we feminine women wear. Tights are something little girls wear. I am not a little girl. Tights are nothing more than long cotton socks attached to cotton panties they're not nylons. I'm a woman and I wear hosiery. When you wear a pair they move on you sending delicious little pulses of naughty stimuli over your feet, legs, tummy, and butt, every time you take a step in them. The first time I ever put a pair on and felt how snug fitting they were on my tummy and little round ass I got this incredible horny feeling in them. I spent nearly a whole hour in my bedroom that day just walking around my room, sitting down, crossing my legs, or lying down on my bed and rubbing my legs together, just enjoying how wonderful my pantyhose felt on my body. I realized that day that wearing a really good pair of pantyhose can be as stimulating to wear as a pair of nylon stockings. Back in the 60's when they first came out pantyhose were a perfect complement for a girl and her mini-skirt. In the 60's a girl could put on her pantyhose and only her pantyhose, under a mini or micro-mini and turn heads every time. Gosh I miss wearing mini's. Umm they were so revealing and so provocative, especially if you had the legs and tight little round ass like I have which mini-skirts were designed to show off. Guys, boys, they dug us ladies in our pantyhose and mini-skirts and I was crushed when they went out of style. I love those old 60's fashions because they were so feminine.

When it's winter here in the hills and cold outside I'll don the sheerest, silkiest, high quality pair of pantyhose women can buy. You should know that I'm not a Wal-Mart, Target, or Shopko, girl when it comes to buying my hosiery. When I need to I'll buy my hose from department stores so I can purchase quality nylons, but more often than not I order all my hosiery through the mail, getting my stockings and pantyhose from specialty stores in places like New York City. Okay, just New York City, but I did order some stockings from a place in Chicago once. I was happy with what I received, perfectly happy, but the store I order from in New York does have a larger selection of nylons and although the prices in the Chicago store are a few dollars cheaper. I do admit that I like it when I tell my girlfriends, and men who appreciate a girl wearing fine quality nylons that my stockings are from New York. I feel classy and cosmopolitan when I do this. Silly I know, but true none the less. Anyway when it's cold here during the winter I'll forgo wearing a dress and instead I'll put on my pantyhose and go to work wearing a lovely, pretty, pantsuit. My colleagues at work tease me about how they can tell how cold it is during the winter because only on the coldest days does Joan D. show up for work wearing dress slacks instead of standard dress or skirted business suit.

God you should see my lingerie drawers at home, and yes, I did say drawers. I love wearing soft, clingy, lingerie. No cotton granny panties for me. I wear silky nylon bikini cut panties, nylon briefs, g-strings or thongs as everyday wear. When I have my period I'll wear a gartered teddy. Every bra I own is either solid lace or sheer nylon. I like my bras to fasten in the front, not the back. It's a preference of mine; one I think is sexy to have because over the years as I've disrobed for men and the lovers I've had I've learned by watching their reactions as I remove my bra for sex that guy's really love it when I go through this little teasing production I perform for them as I open my bra and expose my tits for them. A girl can't do that wearing a bra which fastens in the back.

By the time I was 18 years old, 1968, I was pregnant and married to my high school boyfriend. I lost the baby due to a miscarriage and fortunately for me, not meaning the baby, my first marriage ended quickly and I was a divorced 20 year old woman by 1970. Like most professional girls, and I do consider myself a professional woman with a great career here in Rapid, I thoroughly enjoyed my 15 years of being a bachelorette during the 70's and early 80's but honestly I've always wanted children and a family I could call my own. So in 1985 I married what I thought was a wonderful man, my second husband Ben Swift Bear from Pine Ridge. Like me, Ben is a half-breed; actually he's a quarter-breed and lighter in hair and skin color than I am. Together we conceive our beautiful daughter, Rainy Jo, who came into this world on my birthday January 20, 1986. Now what are the odds for that happening, mother and daughter sharing a birthday? Oh little Rainy has truly been a blessing in my life and there is no one in this world who means more to me than she does. She was born in the Pine Ridge Indian Health Service hospital while I was working for the BIA in their Social Service Office. She is the spitting image of her mom too. About the only thing of her father you can see in her is her hair color which is much lighter in color than mine, but other than that she and I mirror each other in our physical appearance and our personalities. Although I believed my second marriage was going to last forever by the time 1989 came around my husband and I were divorced and Rainy Jo and I were on our own and we have been ever since.

As a divorced single mother, even though I had a good job in Pine Ridge with the BIA, I wanted more for my daughter than I could give her working as a Social Service employee. So within a month after my second divorce I got all the necessary paperwork together that I needed to and by August of that year I was enrolled and attending college at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. My 4 years of college in Vermillion were fantastic and although it does sound cliché, the college experience even as a single divorced mother was an eye opening experience and one that not only gave me a good education and an earned college degree, but it also broadened my horizons. I became a more socially and politically conscious woman being in college. I challenged myself to re-evaluate my life and my beliefs and discovered to my delight that I'm liberal oriented person. I loved being in college and frankly I'm back now working on my Master Degree. I only have a semester to go to graduate with a MS in Clinical Psychology but that is another story for another day.

I graduated with my undergraduate degree in Psychology in May of 1993 and once I was out of school I applied for and got a terrific job here in Rapid City in August of that year with the Indian Health Service at the Sioux Sanitarium or Sioux San for short, working in their Social Service department and Rainy and I have been here ever since. My job requires me to work with people, helping them obtain government assistance and do some counseling for certain clients who really need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I get to do some traveling in my job and I've been to big cities like Denver, Albuquerque, Chicago, Phoenix, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., and New York. What I like most about going on trips to big cities for meetings is I use the trips as a means for me to go out and hit those big high fashion department and high end ladies stories where I'll buy up as much fancy, sexy, lingerie and hosiery as I can afford. I just love the work I do, the home I have here in Rapid City, and of course my beautiful Rainy Jo. But being a single parent hasn't been easy. There have been times when I would come home from work depressed, angry, or just downright lonely for someone to talk to besides my beautiful little girl. But I've never remarried and frankly don't intend to. If there was one single minded goal I had in my life as a mother with a beautiful daughter it was to ensure that my little girl would grow up like I believe all little girls should, and that is girly and independent. Hell I did and did it living on Indian reservations. So for Rainy Jo that meant that I was always open and honest with her, trying to instill in her good values and principles, but especially good personal beliefs about what it means to be a woman and how young ladies conduct themselves and dress themselves. I wanted Rainy to have the things I wished I'd had as a young girl so I doted on her, still do actually, and I made sure to teach her how to appreciate pretty girly things. As her mother it was important to me to teach to want to wear pretty dresses and pretty underclothes like her mommy, and never being afraid to explore her own interests. Although I am Indian, the thing I hate, well detest, is the simple fact that Indian girls are like white girls nowadays, they dress like boys and look like shit. Oh pretty girls are pretty no matter the clothing but I just hate all this unisex clothing kids wear. I know I'm a product of my era which are the 60's and 70's because for me a woman should look like a woman when she dresses herself for public outings, and more so for intimate occasions. So with that in mind I've made doubly sure that Rainy Jo's taste in clothing has mirrored my own.

Okay, I began my story by bringing up what I've always thought of as my hump-day, the Wednesday night in late October when my girlfriend Carolyn and I tried to get ourselves laid. Now why did I do that? Well I did so because that is the night back in 1998 when I became my daughter Rainy Jo's nylon fuck whore. Oh God having an incredible incestuous relationship with my daughter has been both a blessing and curse in my life because of the shame and guilt I feel inside about fucking my beautiful little girl when she was only 12 years old. Never in my life did I ever think my daughter and I would become nylon wearing lesbian lovers with each other. God it's so sick, sinful, wicked, and depraved, what I did to my own daughter that there are times when I remember how we got ourselves into that situation that I've actually thought about putting a razor blade against my wrists and slicing them open. I'm so ashamed of what I did to my little girl. So ashamed of what I allowed her to do to me that I just hate myself. Yet, honestly, in a truthfulness, as bad as I feel sometimes when I think back about the two of us having sex and just becoming these wanton sluts with each other, every time I remember that night in October, and the nights which came afterwards when her and I shared my bed as lesbian lovers; when I remember every sick, disgusting, depraved, utterly degenerate, thing her and I did with each other, those memories are so sexually arousing, so stirring, and physically exciting to me that I can't help myself and I always end up masturbating like crazy to them.

Rainy Jo's babysitter whenever I went out was Mrs. Madeline Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane. Maddy was a wonderful auntie type woman, you know the lovable, crazy, carefree, cliché older auntie figure we see on TV shows and in movies. She was a widow who used to live next door to us here in Rapid. When Rainy and I moved to Rapid City in 1993 after I got out of college, Maddy, who was 50 years old then and 8 years older than I was, welcomed us to our new home by bringing over a complete evening dinner basket to share with us our first night in the house. After spending most of move in day stacking boxes, unpacking boxes, shifting furniture around setting up our living room, arranging our bedrooms, putting kitchen and bathroom things away, hanging pictures, heck just settling into our new home, Rainy Jo and I were just exhausted. We had been so busy that neither she nor I noticed the sun going down or that it was growing dark outside. Yet that evening as we were deciding what we were going to do for supper the doorbell rang and we looked at each other wondering who could possibly be calling on us? When I opened the door and laid my eyes on Mrs. Madeline Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane for the first time I was a bit stunned by her appearance. Illuminated by the porch light, I saw her standing on my front steps wearing a pretty print dress, classic high heels, and a hair comb in her hair. I literally thought that Donna Reed, the actress in `It's a Wonderful Life' and who had her own TV show from 1958 to 1966, was standing in front of me. With a smile that brightened the spirits of any one blessed to receive it Maddy introduced herself, and informed me that as her new neighbor she felt it was her duty to come over and welcome Rainy and I to the neighborhood. All three of us hit it off instantly around the dinner table that evening and she and Rainy became fast friends with each other by the time dinner was finished. In fact Rainy always called her auntie Maddy after that and she cried and cried and cried for her when she died suddenly in 2003 at the age of 60 from a brain aneurism. I loved Maddy as a friend, confidant, and relative, and like my daughter I cried hard when she died. She was such an incredibly fun-loving woman, who simply enjoyed life to the fullest. Oh the times we shared together were special. Maddy was over to our house almost every day, pitching in helping me clean, or relaxing with me in the living room drinking soft drinks, or coffee, or tea, as we chatted and gossiped with other about girl things, store sales, television shows, goings on in the neighborhood, or daily events happening in town, in the state, or national news. She adored little Rainy and used to take her out shopping and sightseeing in the hills. The first time I ever decided to go out with my girlfriends from work for an evening of dancing and flirting around, Maddy insisted on babysitting for Rainy. She wouldn't allow anyone but her own self to sit with my precious little baby and frankly I was so relieved that she'd volunteered sit for her because there was no one else in this world that I really trusted with my little girl.

Now usually when Maddy came over to sit for Rainy she always knew to expect me home anywhere between 1am or 2am in the morning. I remember how she would always encourage me to stay out late when I headed out for a night on the town with Carolyn or any of my other girlfriends, but honestly staying out any later than 2am just wasn't and isn't something I'm comfortable doing. I suppose I'm too much of a mom to be comfortable leaving Rainy Jo to wake up in the morning and watching her mother come through the front door tired and still buzzed up from horsing around all night.

What you have to know about me is that I'm a very sexual woman. I'm what I describe as a aggressive/submissive girl, meaning I'm up for almost anything a man cares to do sexually to me, and more often than not I'll end up telling a guy what I want him to do to me. I've never been a simple `wham, bam, thank you madam lady.' I'm a sexually uninhibited woman who enjoys herself thoroughly during sex. I like what I like, want what I want, and I don't apologize for this. I always keep my nylon stockings on when I fuck because wearing them during sex makes me feel pretty. I love it when a man touches, and caresses my stocking clad legs with the tips of his fingers, or best of all when I have a man brush his lips along my stocking feet, calves, and thighs. Being touched like that and experiencing the thousand and one electrifying tingles that shoot up through my nylon clad legs makes me feel so soft and feminine inside. I just love being dominated in bed and I've always been into bondage, not the hard stuff mind you, but I love being tied up and fucked until I scream in pleasure. I'm a very visual person too especially when it comes to sex. I don't like making love in the dark. Therefore I insist that my lover keep a light on because one of things I love most when I'm fucking is being able to see my stocking legs held up in the air when I'm being penetrated. I love looking at my own stocking legs and feet during sex and if a man won't touch my nylons during sex, if he won't feel me the way I want him to, well believe me that guy is never fucking me again. I'm not afraid either to have a man take pictures of me during sex. I love being photographed in my nylons and posed either sucking or fucking him. Being in front of a camera, or better, a video camera and getting myself recorded fucking a man, being tied up and dominated in bed, watching sex tapes of me in those oh so hot kinds of sex sessions is such a turn on for me. I absolutely love it. Yes people, I'm a complete wanton whore when it comes to sex, but you must know too that I don't go home with any of the one-night stands I hook up with in clubs. I may love being a whore in bed when I'm with a man but I'm not a fucking tramp. Instead I make the guy get a hotel room for us and then once we get each other off I clean up and then I go home. I never, ever, bring a man back to my place. On occasion but not often I will go with one of my boyfriends, men I know and date and who like me are not looking for something more than a casual sexual relationship, to their place for sex. When I do this we'll have sex of course, but once we're done I'm cleaned up and on my way home. Anyway like I said already I'm usually home by 1 or 2 in the morning but that Wednesday night back in 1998 I came home unexpectedly early.

After dropping Carolyn off at her place I drove home and kind of stewed behind the steering wheel thinking to myself that here I was all dolled up and horny for some hot sex, and instead of finding me a good cock attached to a fairly decent man here I was going home early. To describe how I felt as being sexually frustrated is putting things mildly. Frankly I was feeling rather pissed off because I wanted to be with someone that night. I wanted to feel special and wanted, longed for and lusted after. I was craving to be held, touched, to have a man explore my body with his hands, to feel him kissing my nylon clad legs, brushing his lips along the soles of my feet, flicking his tongue across the bottom of each of my toes, and then slowly kiss his way up my stockings until he finally made his way up between my legs and enthusiastically began probing deep into my pussy with his hot, wet, strong, tongue. Oh god I was horny that night but every guy hitting on Carolyn and I that night had been either drunken boys who'd tried way too hard to impress two really hot looking women, or they'd been just plain old ugly guys, smelly truckers, or cowboys. God I hate cowboys, or shit kickers as my dad calls them, they smell and stink. They are such uncouth people and have no idea how to treat a lady. Anyway as I drove myself home, as I turned down my street, I told myself that once I got to the house I would thank Maddy for sitting with Rainy, see her to the door and wave her goodbye as she went home. Once Maddy was out the door I'd check to make sure my little girl was sound asleep in bed, and then after locking the house up I was going to head upstairs to my bedroom, drop my dress, remove my silky thong, kick off my high heels, and leaving my lacy bra, garter belt, and coffee brown reinforced heel and toe nylon stockings on, I'd step over to my dresser get out one of my dildo's from the top drawer and after I put on some nice music and dimmed my nightstand lamp, I'd turn down my sheets, lay down on my back on my bed, spread my legs, and quite literally fuck my pussy silly with my dildo until I came good and hard.

God I was so horny that night. Yes I was disappointed about not finding a man for sex but on the other hand there are a lot of good things to say about a girl fucking herself silly with her own dildo. And so by the time I pulled into my driveway I was actually getting wet between my legs and damping the front of my thong with pussy juice thinking as I was about what I was going to do to myself once I got into my bedroom. Parking the car, switching off the ignition, and getting out I noticed the light was on in my bedroom window which overlooks the driveway. The outside light above the backdoor was off and as I used my key to unlock the door and go inside I noticed the only light on in the house on the first floor was the floor lamp I had next to the foot of my couch. All my window curtains and drapes in the living room, the curtains in the kitchen, the small dining room area, and on my front and back doors, were tightly closed. While I peered around noting all the closed curtains, but unconcerned about it, from somewhere upstairs I could hear music playing. Usually when I got home after a night on the town Maddy would be lying stretched out on the couch watching TV or listening with her eyes closed to the type of soft rock instrumental music I could hear softly playing upstairs. But as I stepped into the living room Maddy wasn't there. Since it was early, well early for me anyway, I just thought that Maddy and Rainy Jo were upstairs and Maddy was getting my little girl into bed for the night. After all a quick glance at my wristwatch showed me it was nearly 10pm, Rainy Jo's bedtime, so blissfully ignorant of what I was about to walk in on I left the living room, went down the first floor hallway paralleling my driveway, to upstairs stairwell at the back of house and headed quietly up stairs. Like most people who have stairs in their home I know by heart the exact number of stair steps, 10, leading upstairs in my house. By the time I got to step 4 I froze in place with one high heeled stocking clad foot on step 3 and the other on step 4 because drifting down the stairwell I heard the sound of a woman moaning out loud.

Oh My God. I remember with perfect clarity that moment on the steps. Frozen in place I listened to what I can only describe as the purest, most heartfelt, sensuously quivering, breath catching, deeply emotional, and throaty, mind-blowing moan of pure unadulterated pleasure that was so utterly female in expression that I simply caught my breath in amazement. Never in my entire life had I heard such a sound as that beautifully wondrous, sumptuously stimulating sexual moan. It was so passionate, so ardent, and I'll be damned but I knew that voice, or better yet, who had made that moan which I knew was coming from my own bedroom. It was Maddy!

What was happening in my bedroom? My breath caught in my throat and I had to reach out to steady myself with my hand against the wall. Did Maddy have a man in there with her? Had she put Rainy Jo to bed and then as my little daughter slept soundly snug in her bed across the hall from my room, did she bring a man into my home, into my bedroom, so they could fuck on my bed? Heaven help me but I felt totally crushed by the very idea of Mrs. Madeline `Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane sneaking a man into my home so she could have sex with him in my own fucking bed when she was supposed to babysitting for my beautiful little Rainy Jo, and making sure she was safe, protected, and taken care of while I was out. An intense feeling of anger came over me and I felt my face flush and burn hot with indignation as Maddy's moans of pleasure punctuated with small yelps of "oh, oh, oh," grew louder and more intense. The realization of what was going on in my bedroom so pissed me off that I made up my mind I would confront that bitch and whoever she had with her right there and then. I was going to burst into my bedroom and surprise the cunt, catching the two of them in the act, and then as I imagined how the two to them would be scrambling to cover themselves up I would deliver this condemning ass-chewing of the ages, and then kick the perverts out of my house. How fucking dare she sneak a man into my home, into my bed, and expose my precious, innocent, little baby girl to such a carnal act. The bitch was going to pay for this betrayal of my trust.

My house is an old rectangular designed two-story Victorian style home. It's actually small and charming because it was built way back in the 60's. Upstairs are two bedrooms which sit across the hall from each other, and at the end of the hall is a bathroom. Each bedroom occupies one an entire side of the upstairs, running the length of the second floor. The floors measure 12 feet by 21 feet, so Rainy and I have really large rooms. My bedroom is on the right side of the hall overlooking the driveway with the bedroom door just a few feet away from the top of the stairs. Rainy Jo's bedroom is on the left side of the hallway and her bedroom door is located closer to the bathroom at the end of the hall so our bedroom doors are offset from each other. The door to my room swings open to the right and my bed is directly across the room from it. When I got to the top of the stairs I could see my bedroom door was partially open but the door I was concerned with most was Rainy Jo's. I desperately wanted it to be closed so the sex sounds emanating from my room wouldn't be overheard by her. I very much hoped my poor little baby was asleep and not lying in her bed listening to Maddy tearing it up in my room. I was so mad at Maddy that I felt like I could just burst. But the moment I saw Rainy's door was shut a modicum of relief washed over me and I turned my attention back to my own bedroom doorway and that's when it registered with me that I could see into the bottom half of my room.

You know had I taken just one small step forward I would have ended up standing directly in front of my bedroom doorway but that quick glance down to the hall to check Rainy's door first made me pause at the top of the stairs. Essentially because of my position at the top of the stairs, the fact that my door was only partially open and casting a shadow into the hall because it was being backlit by my nightstand lamp next to my bed, this meant that I was shielded from being easily seen. Oh you could see me if you looked directly out the door at me but you would have seen me silhouetted in the shadows. Anyway before I could take that last step to my door I looked into my room and there between the foot of my bed and my mirrored dresser and my mirrored vanity which were both resting up against the bottom wall of my room I saw the most shocking, unbelievable, mind numbing, outrageous, shameful, and despicable, thing in my life. I swear the bottom of jaw touched the top of my chest as I just froze up bugged eyed and utterly stunned as I identified just who Maddy was having sex with in my bedroom.

No! No! No! This couldn't be happening! This couldn't be true! I wanted to scream! I wanted to shout! I wanted to make the scene in front of me disappear. The balled fist of my right hand snapped up to my mouth and I bit down hard on my knuckles stifling a silent shocked cry of despair, disbelief, and soul shearing grief. What I saw going on in my bedroom so stunned me that it felt like someone had just delivered a hammer blow to my stomach, driving the wind from my body. I felt like I was being smothered. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, and worse, I couldn't look away! I felt a wave of dizziness sweep over me as tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I instantly recognized the partially obscured facial features of the person who was sexually pleasuring Maddy in my bedroom.

Oh dear god in heaven! Oh sweet Jesus! It was my darling, sweet, innocent, little girl Rainy Jo.

Hump-day, the late October Wednesday night in 1998 when my girlfriend Carolyn and I tried to get ourselves laid is for me the worst night I have ever experienced in my life. Yet honestly, it is also the greatest night I have ever experienced in my life. Imagine the worst and best night I've ever had and they both stem from the same event and experience. In the open floor space between the foot of my bed and my dresser and vanity, Mrs. Madeline `Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane stood hunched slightly forward with knees bent straddling my little girl who was on her knees down on the floor between her legs. Rainy was bent backwards, stretched out with knees open and parted, with her arms behind her back holding herself upright. She had her face buried in Maddy's crotch yet I could still see the upper portion of her face. Maddy was faced towards the far wall of my room. Their position below my bed relative to mine by my door meant I was seeing a full unobstructed side view of the two of them. As I struggled to comprehend the scene being played out in front of me, rapidly blinking my eyes, trying to clear away my tears, Maddy threw her head back between her shoulders moaning in ecstasy as Rainy Jo, my sweet little Rainy Jo, used her little girl's mouth to pleasure her hairy old pussy. The sight of them together like that sent my head spinning. Wishing the scene in front me wasn't happening. Silently screaming that what was taking place in front of me couldn't be real. I just stood there in the hallway in the shadow of my bedroom door biting down hard on my knuckles staring at the two of them.

As Rainy continued to eat out her babysitter's pussy, making that perverted cunt moan and groan with pleasure as her 12 year old tongue lapped, swirled, and probed deeply into her, an uncontrollable full body shudder hit me and I began to tremble and shake. Neither Maddy nor Rainy Jo was naked. No, they weren't naked at all. While I watched spellbound by what was occurring in my bedroom I took in how Maddy, my most trusted friend, a woman both I and my daughter called auntie, I saw how she'd dressed herself and dressed my daughter as they fornicated with each other in my bedroom.

While my sweet baby girl continued to tongue fuck her, making her whimper like a bitch, my eyes roamed across Maddy's still trim 54 year old body. She was wearing a beautiful gartered, black lace trimmed, red satin open breasted corset. The garment is designed to enhance as well as help create a defined hourglass curve for a girl's figure and believe me it did just that. I saw she was shoeless straddling over my daughter and my eyes were drawn to her stocking clad legs. Oh damn how I hate myself for the sudden, unexpected, simply disgusting sense of admiration that hit me as I drank in the sight of her lovely stocking legs. I should have been rushing into my bedroom at that moment, hell before that moment, and physically throwing that bitch off of, and away from my daughter. But the sight of Maddy's legs, those long, full, perfectly structured stocking legs of hers kept me riveted in place by my bedroom door. My god she had beautiful legs. She had on a pair of topaz colored reinforced heel and toe stockings, real nylon stockings just like I wear, and her nylons shimmered and gleamed in the soft bedroom light. So perfectly fitted, they defined and brought out every sensuous detail of legs. God I hated myself for admiring how fabulously stunning she looked in them but I couldn't help myself. As I drank in the sight of her stocking legs, letting my eyes roam over her shapely tapering thighs, and down her sculptured calves, I simply marveled at how pretty her legs looked. Her stockings were striking, and how magnificently they hugged her thighs, calves, and shapely feet, how they outlined and defined her legs was amazing. Her nylon stockings were a breathtakingly perfect match for her creamy skin tone and they made her legs look absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't help but silently commend her for her choice of color for her hose.

And my little girl Rainy, my sweet, beautiful, darling, little baby girl, the joy of my life, my darling little angle, the one person in this world who means more to me than mere words can possibly describe. There underneath Maddy was my little 12 year old Rainy Jo down on her knees on my bedroom between Maddy's spread stocking clad legs, I saw my little girl was wearing a deeply brown colored pair of my finest, sheerest, pantyhose. Oh my god she looked so incredibly beautiful in them, so utterly feminine and sexual, that I couldn't stop myself from gasping out loud at the sight of her. Rainy Jo was only 12 years old in 1998 but she was entering into puberty then and her little girl's body was beginning to flesh out in all the right places. Even at 12 years old she had an elegant body line, developing curvaceous hips, an impossibly well rounded and exquisitely defined derriere, a taut slim waist, and a deepening upper torso on which her breasts had begun to bud. Rainy had always been blessed with those long perfectly proportioned legs and very pretty shapely little feet. Yet when I saw her wearing my pantyhose and how they wore on her legs, even tucked under her, how they outlined the side of her pretty little foot, and lord how smooth and wholly form fitting they were around her waist, and the way they showed off the curve of her tight little rump, seeing her dressed in them, wearing them, wearing nylons for sex like her mother does, oh lord I was completely blown away by how she looked. The waist top of my pantyhose she had on were an even darker hue than the legs were and she looked absolutely striking in them. Looking at my baby, admiring her nubile young body, I could see that the front of my pantyhose had been holed, either torn or cut open, done so in order to expose her crotch and make her hot, young, little pussy accessible to Maddy. Even in the in the soft glow of light illuminating my bedroom I could see that wisps of delicate downy soft pussy hair were beginning to grow above her clit. Lastly as Rainy's hot young tongue forced another deep groan of pure pleasure from Maddy I saw that my little girl's wrists were bound tightly together behind her with a nylon stocking. Oh god forgive me but seeing my daughter performing a deep, vigorous, pussy tonguing, while wearing a pair of my pantyhose and being bound at her wrists by a nylon stocking. Forgive me, but the sight of her like that was so powerfully erotic, so sensual, so magnificently sexual, that my anger at discovering Maddy having sex with my precious little girl evaporated in an instant. While I stood in the hallway next to my bedroom door watching my daughter service Maddy so wantonly, so hungrily, my body began to respond in a manner that shamed me because an overwhelmingly powerful, animalistic, lust unlike anything I'd ever felt before that night began to well up within me.

Abruptly Maddy gasped, catching her breath, and I saw goose bumps suddenly sprout up down the length of her arms. She cried out in pleasure and lowered her head to look down into the upturned face of my daughter. When she did this I saw around her throat that she wore a thin black satin chocker, and I listened as between gasps of pleasure she ordered my daughter to continue munching on her dripping wet cunt. "That's it my sweet little whore. Oh my pretty little baby. Keep sticking your wicked little girl tongue in my pussy. Oh god sweetie tongue fuck your auntie Maddy until I cum in your mouth baby. Tongue fuck auntie Maddy until she cums!" That last cry of hers was nearly a scream as Maddy reached down with both hands and grabbed Rainy Jo behind her head and pushed her mouth tightly up against her pussy.

As Maddy ground her pussy into my daughter's face she rose up onto the balls of her stocking feet and I heard Rainy Jo loose a muffled but deliciously wicked nasty high pitched moan of pleasure as she furiously tongued out her auntie's pussy. God my sweet little girl was simply tearing it up between Maddy's spread legs. I watched in utter awe as she moved her head slightly from side to side while opening her little 12 year mouth as wide as possible, all in an attempt to ram as much of Maddy's wet pussy into it as she could. Suddenly Maddy turned her head to the right exposing most of her face to my view and I saw this incredible expression of pure sexual satisfaction and unbounded joy on her face. She seemed to be in a completely different world, one that I know well, the unabashed deeply intimate and personal world of a woman building towards a powerful, almost spiritual orgasm, an orgasm that explodes throughout your entire body sending wave after wave of electrifying muscle quivering spasms through you that rocks a girl from head to toe and leaves you feeling totally spent and utterly satisfied. Her mouth was partially open, her eyes were tightly closed, and she was gasping for breath over and over as Rainy Jo feverishly continued tonguing out her pussy. That look on her face told me she was oh so close to exploding in my baby girl's hot mouth.

Maddy's expression thrilled me beyond description and an undesired, unwanted, shameful, thrilling rush of an intensely burning deeply felt sexual arousal welled up inside me. Pure, raw, wanton, uncaring, emotional lust, washed over me, and any degree of shame or disgrace I had felt towards myself and the physical reactions I was experiencing at the sight of my little 12 year old daughter eating out Maddy just disappeared. Underneath my bra my nipples hardened like never before and grew almost painfully pointed and erect. Down between my legs a deep pulsating throbbing began and a rushing hot tingling sensation exploded throughout my own pussy as the noises Maddy and Rainy Jo were making, their murmuring, their whimpering, and cries of ecstasy started to increase in volume and intensity. I felt so excited; I was so aroused, that my sphincter muscles contracted involuntarily.

Good god that was my baby girl down on my bedroom floor in front of me. I should have been charging into my room to physically attack the fucking bitch whose pussy she had her innocent mouth on, but instead of stepping into the room to put an end to this insane nightmare and kill that old bitch with my bare hands, I just stood there watching and listening as Mrs. Madeline `Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane, that Donna Reed looking cunt, the woman I had trusted for the past 6 years to watch over and care for my little baby daughter, just ejaculated shot after shot of hot pussy cum into Rainy's open mouth and across her upturned angelic little face. There were tears in Maddy's eyes as she pulled and pushed Rainy Jo's face into and away from her squirting pussy. Just like men, a woman when she's experiencing a powerful orgasm, we can ejaculate and shoot out spurt after spurt of hot gooey cum. Fuck we can shoot it father out than any man can for that matter. Maddy's orgasm hit her so hard that her entire body shook, her cum shot out of her not in massed globs of hot womanly juices but in thick long pulsating streams which splashed and splattered into Rainy Jo's open hungry mouth which my little one happily swallowed down. God her orgasm was a wondrous mess to behold. Huge drops of errant cum splashed across Rainy's beautiful face hitting her on the forehead, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her cheeks, and her chin. Between gulps, franticly trying to catch as much of Maddy's hot juices in her mouth as she could, I heard my little 12 year old begging her auntie Maddy to give her all she had.

"Please auntie," she whimpered. "Let me have it all. I want to taste it, feel it, smell it, and eat it all for you." Rainy Jo's face was just soaked with hot cum. Holy fucking God! How long Maddy stood over my daughter squirting out thick pulses of hot cum into her mouth and across her lovely angelic face, thoroughly drenching my little girl, I'll never accurately know, but it seemed like she would never stop. The tonguing ministrations administered to her nasty fucking pussy by my daughter had been an unbelievable sight to behold.

Maddy's breathing was ragged and horse sounding as she fought to catch her breath. I heard her murmur "oh, ooh, oh," softly to herself while she placed her hands on her knees to support herself. She was still quivering from her orgasm and dripping fluid down onto Rainy as she dropped her head down and spoke softly to my daughter. "Oh my sweet baby," I heard her say. "You're the most beautiful thing that's ever happened to me in my life baby girl; the most wonderful beautiful thing in the whole wide world."

"I love you auntie Maddy," Rainy Jo replied. "I love you as much as I love my mommy," and then she smiled. A small smile, one so beautiful, so angelic, that seeing it just brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you too my little angle," Maddy said, and then she stepped back from my daughter and repositioned herself above her. Sinking down into a crouch, then falling to her knees so she could mount Rainy Jo, Maddy leaned in and sticking out her tongue I watched in dumbfounded fascination as she placed her tongue flat on the cummy face of my little girl and licked up a cooling puddle of her own milky cum and brought it into her mouth. Hearing her swallow it, watching her clean my baby's face with her tongue, god it looked so disgusting seeing her do that. It was so raunchy, so sick and perverted. I felt repulsed by what she was doing, licking up and eating her own cum, "ummmmmm, ummmm," she went.

Rainy, eyes closed, just remained still as Maddy cleaned her face. I could hear my little girl breathing rapidly through her nose as Maddy reached down and ran the palms of her hands along my daughter's pantyhose clad tummy then up to her tiny buds. She cupped Rainy's tiny buds in the palms of her hands, pressing and squeezing on her, grabbing her little erect nipples between her finger and thumb tips, tweaking them and pulling on them. Rainy Jo moaned softly under her touch, enjoying how the older woman brought her little 12 year old body into a state of sexual arousal.

As Maddy fondled her buds, she asked Rainy Jo how she liked having her nipples fondled. "Does it feel good sweetie," she demanded. "Do you like this? Do you like it when I pinch your little titties and nipples?" "Yes auntie," Rainy softly replied. "I like it."

I saw Maddy smile into the face of my daughter, enjoying the sexual domination she had over her. I watched in horrified fascination and disbelief as she ran her tongue across the cummy chin and lips of my daughter, gathering up her spent juices, sucking that load into her mouth. Oh god I knew what she was going to do. I heard my little girl, my angel, whisper "yes, yes," and I covered my mouth with my hand as I watched Maddy tilt her head to the left, and kiss Rainy Jo on the mouth. I watched her tongue probing deeply into Rainy Jo's mouth knowing full well that she was transferring her cum to my little girl. Rainy whimpered and returned her kiss and as my baby received her gift from Maddy she opened her beautiful brown eyes and looked directly at me.

Oh my fucking Christ. Oh my sweet fucking Christ! Rainy Jo was looking directly at me and even as she continued kissing Maddy, accepting her cum into her mouth, I saw the corners of her mouth pull back in a smile. Time drew still as Maddy and Rainy Jo kissed one another deeply and passionately. The whole time the two of them kissed Rainy Jo never took her eyes off me. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything but stand there and return her gaze. Maddy lowered her left hand to softly stroke the length of my daughter's pantyhose clad thigh, while bringing her right hand down between their meshed bodies so she could use her fingers to stimulate her sweet young pussy. I became aware listening to my daughter whimper in ecstasy under her touch that while I had been standing by the door watching the two of them behave so shamefully with each other that I had taken my hand away from my mouth and had been quietly, but urgently, squeezing and kneading my own breasts, feeding the mounting sexual arousal that had been building within me as I watched my daughter being sexually abused by Maddy. As my eyes locked with and held my daughter's gaze I became aware of what I was doing to myself with my left hand which I had dropped down between my legs.

When I began to masturbate watching Maddy and Rainy Jo escapes me. But at some point while I had been watching my beautiful little girl bring Maddy off, marveling at how expertly she'd tongued fucked that woman, and how willing she'd taken her cum shots into her mouth and across her whole face, I had dropped my left hand down and lifted up the front of my dress skirt. I honestly don't remember doing it but after lifting up the front of my dress I had bunched it up and held it tightly up against my abdomen with the inside of my forearm. Between my legs, underneath my thong, my hand was stimulating my pussy, stroking, tweaking, and pinching my swollen wet cunt lips. As Rainy Jo and I continued to stare at one another a disgraceful, sinful, but overwhelming desire came over me, one I couldn't and didn't want to fight. Looking deeply into my daughter's eyes, praying with all my heart that she would forgive her mother for being such a sick, wicked, wanton, whore, I slipped my right hand inside the top of my dress, underneath my bra, and then sliding my hand across my breasts I pushed it down, forcing it underneath my breast so they could hang free, fully exposed for Rainy to see. I saw her raise her eyebrows reacting to what I had done and moving quickly, before she pulled away from Maddy and broke their kiss, once my tits were free I reached down and grabbed my thong and pulled it off to the side, wedging it in the crotch area between my thigh and vagina, holding it there up and out of the way giving Rainy, presenting to her an unobstructed view of what I was doing to myself.

My god I wanted my daughter to see what I was doing. I wanted to display my sick lust to her and show her I was fingering my own pussy. I felt hot tears streaming down the side of my face as I shifted my position to move directly in front of my partially open bedroom door, stepping fully into the light streaming into the hallway where Rainy would get a better view of her depraved and disgusting mother. I knew as I stepped into the doorway that I must have looked a sight to her. Remember I had been out that evening on the prowl for a nice thick cock to ride so I was dressed for the hunt. The outfit I had on was a black strapless zippered one piece thigh length billow skirted cocktail dress. Underneath it I had worn one of my sheerest strapless underwire nylon bras, my see through black nylon thong, and a wide hip hugging black garter belt trimmed with little silk red roses. My stockings I wore were sheer 100% non-stretch chocolate brown colored nylons, with extra dark reinforced heels and toes, whose tops are edged with a thin white nylon band. To finish everything off as well as signal my intentions that night I had worn my classic 4 inch metallic silver colored high heeled pumps, or what I always call my `fuck me' shoes.

Once I was positioned in front of my partially open door I parted my legs thrusting myself out towards Rainy. Opened mouthed and carried away with lust, I inserted my middle finger into my pussy, fingering myself for her to see. Although I was crying over what I was doing, hating myself for being so sickeningly sinful, so brazenly depraved, so blatantly wicked, watching Rainy Jo watching me masturbate, getting myself off to her and Maddy, god those feelings of self-disgust and self-loathing I felt over what I was doing made me want to scream in horror at my behavior. But yet those ugly emotions were competing with even more powerful feelings of sick, passionate lust and an unbelievable, all encompassing, sexual excitement that gripped me and which demanded I act on them in the disgusting manner I was doing.

What I was doing wrong. So very, very, wrong, but I couldn't help myself as I displayed my throbbing cunt to my little girl. I should have rushed into my room and killed Maddy for what she was doing to my daughter. That fucking cunt was sexually molesting her, forcing her to be her sick, wanton, slutty, 12 year old child whore. The anger, outrage, and shock I had possessed after unexpectedly discovering what was taking place in my bedroom, what perverted things were be done to my little girl, should have propelled me into action. I should have been screaming in rage and blinding white hot fury over what my daughter was being forced to do. My darling sweet little angel was being sexually abused by a beautiful mature woman who I had trusted completely. I should have been attacking that cunt with my bare hands, scratching out her eyes, kicking her with everything I had right in the middle of her dirty, stinking, cum drenched pussy. I should have felt like strangling her with my bare hands, wrapping my fingers tightly around her throat while forcing her to the floor where I would straddle her and squeeze the very life out of her. I should have felt that way. I should have done those things that my minds-eye pictured me doing but the pure, unbounded, joy my daughter had displayed as she took Maddy's cum shots into her mouth and on her face, the look of utter bliss she'd had as she willingly, happily, accepted during their deep passionate kiss the transfer of Maddy's cum into her mouth; those things I'd seen her doing, enjoying every last sick depraved second of their sex, they were so visually stimulating, so sexually arousing, so beautifully astounding to see that my body betrayed me. Where anger should have been, I felt lust, lust for my daughter and insatiable desire to display myself to her, to show her how much I wanted to take her as Maddy had taken her. Instead of rushing into my bedroom to protect her and end the disgusting things she was being forced to do, I had stepped into the light, stepped into my doorway and exposed myself to my little girl, giving her a full, clear, view of me as I finger fucked my own pussy for her watch. God I wanted to have her down between my own stocking clad legs, her mother's legs, sucking long and hard on her mother's dripping wet pussy, tonguing me so deep that each time she probed into me I would sob with pure pleasure. I wanted to fuck my own daughter! I wanted to fuck my sweet little angel, my precious baby girl, and have her fuck me as she fucked her auntie Maddy.

Catching Maddy and Rainy Jo having sex, watching my little daughter being such a whore, a beautiful submissive pantyhosed little cunt, kneeling and tightly bound at the wrists with a nylon stocking between Maddy's gorgeous stocking clad legs, was such extraordinarily and shockingly exciting unexpected turn on for me. Never, ever, in my entire life had I been so sexually aroused. Where mere seconds ago I imagined myself killing Maddy with my bare hands, straddling her, chocking the life out of her. Now as I displayed my debased arousal for my daughter to see, reveling in finger fucking my own pussy as she watched, I pictured myself holding Maddy's face in my hands, kissing her on the mouth, probing her mouth with my hot anxious tongue desperately trying to suck her own cum from her mouth and take it into my own just like Rainy Jo was doing. Instead of saving my daughter from what was happening in my bedroom, I wanted body and soul to go in and join them, to share myself with my daughter and her. As I stood there brazenly masturbating myself in the hallway, Rainy Jo pulled her back from Maddy, breaking their kiss. "Auntie," she said never taking her eyes off of me. "My mommy's at the door watching us."

The revelation to Maddy that I was watching her sexually abuse my daughter caused her to snap upright and scramble to her stocking feet, popping her head around to look over her shoulder at me. "Joan!" she cried and I watched in total silence as she tried to cover up her breasts with an arm, and her cummy soaked pussy with a hand. A horrified expression was etched on her face as she shot a quick glance down at Rainy Jo. What thoughts were going through her mind I don't know? But Maddy looked absolutely terrified at me catching her fucking my baby girl.

"Cunt," I spat at her as I continued to finger fuck my pussy. "You fucking cunt! What are doing with my daughter!" Maddy didn't utter a sound. "I trusted you," I cried. "I fucking trusted you to watch over my baby, and this is how you treat her!" I heard the tremble in my voice as I felt my pussy puff outward as I built to a climax. "I trusted you Maddy Allen. I trusted you to take care of my baby. And what do you do? I come home and find you forcing my precious little girl to service your nasty, dirty, old cunt with her mouth." I felt goose bumps shoot up my back and down my nylon stocking legs as my words hit her with a physical force. She literally recoiled backwards and forgetting her semi-nudity, she raised both of hands to her open mouthed face grabbing her cheeks, attempting to speak but only managing to stutter out a quivering, disjointed string of nonsensical syllables.

"You fucking cunt," I yelled. "You forced her didn't you," I accused. "You forced my baby to service you like a whore. You made her dress in my pantyhose like a wanton whore. You made her dress in her mother's nylons and bound her wrists with one of my stockings to make her submit to your perverted lust! Don't you dare try and deny it you filthy cunt! You made her your bound whore and forced her to eat your filthy pussy, didn't you, you cunt!"

"You forced her." I wanted to scream the words, intended to, but hearing myself say what I had just said, looking on as Maddy stood in front of me still straddling Rainy Jo, standing there in her red corset and nylon stockings as drops of pussy juice fell out of her and down onto the developing chest of my little girl. Lord imagining her forcing my little girl to be her sex slave, making her dress up in my pantyhose, binding her wrists with one of my stockings, and pushing her down to the floor so she would have to suck on her pussy, all of that proved too much for me. Sucking in a deep breath, feeling how swollen and taut my pussy was underneath my hand, I experienced an unbelievably powerful exploding orgasm. My first contraction was so strong I felt it push my finger back. I was racked over and over again with spasms. My god I was experiencing what all us girls desire most during sex, what Maddy herself had only just gotten to do, I was in the throes of a massive multiple orgasm. Like Maddy I was ejaculating.

"You forced her," I whispered and I felt like I was suddenly floating in air, like I was in a far off place. So powerful was my orgasm that I felt like I was undergoing something akin to an out of body experience.

"Oh mommy!" I heard Rainy Jo call out to me but her voice seemed so far away as my orgasm rocked me to very core of my being. A loud steady ringing seemed to be bouncing between my ears and my throat constricted as I heard myself grunting and groaning in sheer ecstasy. Through partially closed eyes I watched totally detached from any sense of reality as my precious little girl struggle to her feet. With her hands tied behind her back she had to squirm out from underneath Maddy and then throw herself forward to get upright onto her knees before standing up. Once on her feet she rushed past Maddy stumbling awkwardly across the bedroom floor and before I could do anything to stop her, never dreaming what she intended to do; my little girl ran over to me and fell to her knees in front of me. Sweet Jesus I nearly collapsed, I almost fell down as my little girl, my darling angel, forcefully pushed her face up between my legs, pushing my hand aside and out her way as she placed her hot, wet, mouth on my pussy. "Aaahhhhhhhhh!" My God! I felt like I was dreaming. I felt that this couldn't possibly be happening. It was, is, beyond belief what my daughter had done. No one, no one, no mother, no daughter, no person in the world could have actually done what my little girl just did as I stood there cumming into her sweet hot mouth. This kind of fantastical thing exists only in the fantasies of perverts who sit around all day dreaming up the most sick and depraved sexual fantasies a person can come up with. What Rainy Jo did was so utterly unbelievable, so fantastically unreal, that even though it actually happened that way, I am still to this day hard press to accept that she did what she did to me. Down between my own stocking clad legs, grunting like an animal, was my 12 year old daughter wearing a pair of my pantyhose with her wrist bound behind her back with one of stockings, and god help me, her hot tongue slipped right into my pussy and she cupped her lips tightly down around my mound and sucked down hard on me as she desperately tried to eat my hot cum. As Rainy sucked on my pussy I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into me, holding her tight on top of me. I was crying as I emptied into Rainy's mouth.

"Oh God Rainy," I screamed. "Oh God suck me hard," and I closed my eyes and gave myself over to her. "Yes," I screamed as I shot off in her mouth. "Yes, baby! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

My little girl, my precious Rainy Jo has a mouth on her that you just can't believe is real. My daughter worked my pussy like it had never been worked before, or since. God she can eat pussy. When she finally drained me, when she finally sucked out every last delicious drop of my cum. I stumbled away from her, sobbing, racked with shame and guilt over what I had done to my baby, and I slumped up against the hallway wall. I was gasping for breath, desperately sucking up draughts of air trying to get my wind back.

"What have I done," over and over I repeated that phrase to myself as I looked down at my daughter who remained kneeling down on the hallway floor next to me. How long I stood there looking at her, wishing with all my heart that none of this sick ugly mess I'd walked in on had never happened, I'll never know. I felt lost, emotionally drained and overcome with guilt and remorse while I struggled to catch my breath, and regain my wind. I was crying, tears were running down my cheeks, and I wanted to curl up and die. The pleasure I took in having my own daughter suck out my pussy, feeling her take her mother's cum into her mouth and happily, willingly, swallow it down. I wanted to die! Castigating myself, cursing my life, Maddy came through the doorway and leaned down over Rainy. In a moment she'd untied my daughter's wrist and draped the stocking over her shoulder. I heard her tell Rainy to help her get me into my bedroom and numbly, too weak to resist, I allowed them to lead me into my bedroom. Led into my room I assumed they would take me over to my bed, however as the three of us passed through the door Maddy pulled me towards the bottom of my room, walking me over to the open floor space area between my bed, dresser and vanity, where minutes before I'd first seen her straddling my daughter. "Now honey," Maddy spoke to me. "Now our little party is going to continue." With that said she turned me so I stood facing my far bedroom wall. "You were never supposed to discover what Rainy and I do here in your room Joan." As she spoke to me she positioned herself directly in front of me and I felt her place her hands on my hips. "Joan honey," she said as she dropped her hands down and slipped them under my skirt, "when you caught me with Rainy I just wanted to die." I stared at her, wishing I could react to what she was doing to me, but as I felt Maddy slide the palms of hands up and down my ass cheeks, felt her squeeze me, felt how my cheeks parted in her hands, I just stood there. "I was so scared seeing you at the door Joan," she said, and she brought her hands out from under my dress and my body began to respond to how she was touching me as she raised her hands up, sliding them up along my sides until she reached the top of dress which still rested underneath my naked breasts. A shiver of lust ran down my spine and I trembled at the shoulders as I just let Maddy do what she wanted to me. "You're a beautiful woman Joan," her voice was softer in tone. "When you caught me with little Rainy," she said as she slide her fingers under my dress, "when I saw you at the door," and I felt her give my dress a tug, a pull downward, "Joan," she whispered and pushed my dress down until without any aid from her it simply fell away from me and came to a pile around my ankles. "I love you," she said and that's when something inside me just snapped. Hearing her proclaim her love for me, allowing this woman whom I'd caught sexually abusing my daughter, dressing her in my pantyhose, ripping out the front of them to expose her sex, tying her, binding her like a whore with one of my stockings, forcing her to service her between her legs, it was all too much.

I can't explain, let alone try and describe the emotions I felt as Maddy, since I still had it on, reached up and readjusted my sheer nylon bra, lifting it back up over my breasts and fixing it so it wore correctly on me. I can't explain why I let her undress me, why I let her touch me, why I behaved so docilely in front of her. Even now after all these years, after recalling that night, reliving everything that happened, even now I can't explain my actions, my behavior and my feelings. But as my dear Maddy, Mrs. Madeline `Maddy' Allen, of 121 Prescott Lane, finished adjusting my bra, I simply moved beyond any sense of caring, of feeling any concern, towards the nightmare I had stumbled into coming home early that evening. The nightmare of discovering, literally walking in and seeing my daughter being sexually abused, a mother's worst fear, I moved beyond my nightmare, and it became, how I don't know, but my nightmare became my dream, my most cherished, most treasured, dream of my life.

"I want to bring you into our world Joan," I heard Maddy say and then she stepped into me, her arms encircling my torso, pulling me to her. We kissed, kissed with open, hungry, mouths. My tongue responded to hers, probing her back hard and urgently.

Behind me, where I couldn't see, Rainy Jo had stood quietly by watching her mother give in to her sick lust. As I kissed Maddy back she and I both simultaneously reached down to cup one another's naked asses in our hands. While we ground our pussies and stocking tops up tight against the other behind me my daughter came to me and I felt her place her little hands along my hips, hooking her thumbs inside my thong.

"No, no," I whispered. I knew Rainy was going to remove my thong. I knew she wanted to pull it down, to let it fall to the floor along with my dress. I wanted to stop it, stop her, stop what I was doing, but my arousal at being the recipient of what I now know was the same sexual abuse Maddy perpetrated on my little girl, what was being done to me was just too overwhelming to resist. As I felt my thong fall Maddy reached up and cupped my breast, squeezing it, squashing it, and kissing me hard and deep. Whimpering returning her kiss, I felt Rainy Jo's hands grasp my ass cheeks, felt how tightly she pinched down as she forced them apart.

"Nooo!" I cried into Maddy's mouth. "Rainy nooo!" But my little girl paid no attention to my call to stop. Behind me, once again down on her knees, my sweet Rainy spread my ass cheeks apart and hearing Maddy moan in pleasure in my mouth as she realized what Rainy was doing, I sobbed in shame, humiliation, and embarrassment, as I shifted my feet farther apart, parting my legs, opening myself up to my daughter, giving her access to me. I felt Rainy force her hot, wet, wicked, tongue up into my asshole, spearing into me, sticking me with her tongue as far as she could. Oh god in heaven, please forgive me for my wickedness, for the depravity I allowed to occur between my daughter and I because the sensation which hit me as Rainy tongued me in the ass, the knowledge that this was my baby girl doing this to me, oh fuck, oh Christ, of Jesus fucking Christ, it felt so good.

"Yes baby," Maddy said as she broke our kiss and pulled back to stare me in the eyes. "Our little whore can really play a girl out with that mouth of hers," she chuckled. "Oh honey you look like you're loving every little inch she's giving you," and I knew what she said was true. I was. While I stood there, swept away by the sheer pleasure of being tongued fucked in the ass by my own daughter, feeling Maddy's hands on my body, I experienced as sexual joy I'd never felt before because while my daughter tongued my asshole, driving up into me, using her tongue like a man uses his cock, Maddy put her arms around my shoulders and pressed herself tightly against me, hugging me, holding me and whispering the most wicked, the most humiliating, the most hurtful things into my ear.

"I'm not done yet Joan," she said. "I'm not done with your daughter Joan." I heard the words, and caught my breath, waiting in anticipation of what she would say next. "I've been molesting you daughter for months now," she breathed hotly to me. "Just think of it honey. While you've been out, tricking yourself out to any swinging cock and balls you could hook up with in a bar. I've been here in your home Joan, in your house, in your bedroom, in your bed, and I've been fucking your little girl, little Rainy Jo. I've been making her into my little cunt whore while you've been out tramping around for a thick fat cock to suck and fuck." That last was said with urgency and intensity.

"For months she's been my bitch, my sweet little cunt eating bitch." While I grunted out my pleasure from Rainy's tonguing, I reached down between us and placed my hand on her mound. God she was wet. Already lubricated I didn't need to stimulate her in the least and I just inserted my middle finger into her, stabbing into her as my daughter was stabbing into me.

"Oh Joan," Maddy moaned. "Do you want to hear how I forced Rainy to be my little pussy bitch? Do you want to know how when you left her with me, how after dressing yourself up in nylons and heels, how I brought her to your bedroom and made her put on your naughty things and then forced her to fuck me?" Maddy words whispered in my face were turning me on. God I wanted her to talk dirty to me. To tell me how she'd molested my little girl. I wanted to hear her describe it all to me and take pleasure in hearing it.

"I want you to know everything I've done to Rainy Jo, Joan," she said. I kissed her on the mouth again and grunted softly as I felt her insert a finger into me, felt her push it into me and I caught my breath as her finger and Rainy's hot tongue began to work on me in rhythm. Oh fuck being penetrated in front and back at the same time was absolutely amazing. Repeatedly, over and over, I panted with pleasure as the two of them worked me over.

"I know how nasty you are," Maddy whispered. Softly she kissed my lips, pecking me, talking to me between each little kiss. "I know how slutty you like to be Joan. I've known for years because I found your pictures, your dirty, nasty, sex pictures of yourself." Behind me I heard my daughter moan and I reached around behind me and grabbed her by the head. Maddy felt and saw me do this. "Yes, that's it Joan. Pull your slutty little daughter into your ass. Pull her into you. Make her split your ass cheeks apart. Force that little bitch to tongue you out like you want it. Force her in there Joan. Pull that cunt into your ass and make her tongue like you want." Maddy's commands, her sick directions, god I listened her and did just as she ordered. I pulled hard on my little girl's head, pulled her directly into my ass while I pushed back into her.

"Tell her you want it you sick cunt," Maddy said. "Tell her!" And I did.

"Tongue me," at first my voice was soft; I'd spoken in little more than a whisper.

"Louder," Maddy ordered.

"Tongue me," I repeated. "Tongue fuck me in the ass Rainy. Of fuck! Do it baby. Do it to mommy. Do it baby, do it good." That time I wasn't asking for it. No. I had demanded it. I had spoken in my mother's voice, using a harder tone, one which I used whenever I needed little Rainy Jo to mind her manners and do without question or hesitation what I needed done. I'd just spoken to my baby as I would have had I been telling her to get busy cleaning up her room, pick up her clothes, or finish her homework. Hearing me speak that way behind me my little girl responded and I felt her drive her tongue into my ass hard and deep. Like a pile driver her tongue probed into my asshole and as she fucked me in my ass her hands fell to my legs and Rainy began stroking my stocking legs up and down. "Oh yes!" I cried. "Rainy Jo! Oh Rainy Jo touch mommy's legs. Feel her stockings baby. Feel my nylons Rainy. Oh fuck I love that honey. I love it. Touch mommy's nylons Rainy. Touch them!"

"You're a sick bitch Joan," Maddy said and she removed her finger from my pussy and took a step back away from me. "Take it all," she ordered. "Let that little whore do you honey. Let her tongue fuck her mommy in the ass," and she laughed. "Oh Joan you wanton cunt. You're such a whore, such a divine filthy whore." "Guess what honey," Maddy's voice seemed distant as she spoke. My daughter was tonguing me so exquisitely deep, so forcefully, that I felt myself building towards another orgasm. How she rubbed her little hands along my legs, god my stockings were shooting bolts of electricity up my legs and directly into my pulsating, swollen, pussy. I've never been tongued in the ass before that night. Oh I've had anal sex a time or two, especially with my former husbands, but there is a difference between getting a long, thick cock pushed into your asshole and a delightfully, soft, wet, probing tongue, especially if that tongue is attached to your own pantyhose wearing little daughter. My little Rainy Jo was eating my ass out so enthusiastically, giving herself over so completely to pleasuring and servicing her mother back there and feeling up my legs the way I love to have them fondled when I'm wearing my stockings and having sex, that I leaned forward and resting my hands on my knees I stood as still as I could hold myself and just grunted, moaned, and whimpered in sheer bliss.

While I breathed in and out with my mouth open, moaning in sheer pleasure Maddy started talking to me again. "Smile honey," she said. "Look over your shoulder and smile Joan. Look over your shoulder towards your window. You're standing here with your own daughter's tongue up your ass, taking her like a whore, like the whore you are and you're being taped honey. I'm getting you on tape, recording you fucking your baby girl." I did as she said and I looked over my shoulder and there in front of the curtained window next to the head of my bed I saw for the first time that my video camcorder was set up on its tripod. "I record everything I do to your daughter," Maddy said to me. "I record us together every time we come to your room to fuck. And now honey, I'm recording you."

Seeing my video camera, catching sight of the little red light on front of the housing glowing brightly, letting me know that it was on and recording everything it captured in its viewfinder, realizing that I was being filmed; that did it for me. "Oh, oh, oh, oh," I grunted and feeling so excited, so horny, so hot, so aroused, so fucking nasty, I looked directly into the lens of my camera and I came. God I exploded down between my legs and came so hard that I felt like fainting. Oh Jesus did I ever feel so good as I spurted out cum between my legs. I heard my daughter giggle and moan as she felt me shiver and clench up as I gasped out loud and screamed. "Oh yes! Yes!"

Knowing my video camera was recording me I turned my face completely towards it. I wanted my face to be captured on film, I wanted to have my expression captured and recorded so I could watch myself and see how I looked as I came for the camera, came for Maddy, and came for my little girl.

"Oh that's it honey, that's it. Squeeze out every sweet little drop. Push it out Joan. Grunt like a bitch and push out your juice out Joan. Grunt like a bitch Joan. Grunt honey. Grunt out loud," and I did just as Maddy asked and I smiled.

Rocked by my orgasm I zoned out. How long I don't know. Well actually I do because I've watched that sex tape of Maddy, Rainy Jo, and I, more times then I can count since that night. After cumming hard and loving every wicked moment of it the tape shows me straightening up and turning to face and embrace my daughter whom I pulled up to her nylon clad feet. I pull Rainy into me and bending my head down put my arms around my daughter, she throws hers around me and we kiss each other full on the mouth, heatedly pushing our tongues into one another, kissing each other passionately. I remember the taste of her mouth, and the smell of my own ass on her. My backdoor scent on her little mouth and chin filled my nose. I could taste myself in her mouth and I sighed in contentment as I kissed her harder. My daughter had eaten my ass, sexually servicing her mother in a simply disgusting manner. But I loved it. As I kiss her I hook my stocking right leg around her and she hooks her right leg around me. Locked in our embrace we stand there kissing and touching one another as the camera records our actions. You see me reach down and grab my daughter's tight little ass. You hear me moan and Rainy whimper as I squeeze her ass cheeks tightly in my hands and then slide my palms across them, splaying out my fingers and moaning as I fondle her, loving how soft, how sensuous my pantyhose feel against my hands.

Behind us you see Maddy step over to my dresser. She pulls my top drawer open and takes out one of my dildos. Shockingly, for me because I've never owned one, she also pulls out a strap on dildo. The flexible jelly-rubber cock fixed to the leather harness is black. The harness fits around a girl's waist, runs between your legs, splits into two smaller thin straps, and these hook into the back of the waist band just above your ass in the small of your back. Two other leather straps, thin little belts actually, are fixed so they go around each of your thighs. The way the harness is designed ensures the dildo which is affixed to a triangular leather plate which covers the pussy doesn't slip or allow the cock piece to pull out away from your body. Maddy then pulls out my vanity chair and faces it towards the camera. On the tape you hear her ordering me to bring little Rainy Jo to the chair, which I do. She tells me to stay off to one side so you can see my daughter present herself to the camera, so my camcorder can record every single inch of her little pantyhose wearing body. You hear Maddy order little Rainy to sit down on the chair, lean back, and lift and spread her legs.

Holding a sex toy in each hand Maddy orders me to remove my shoes. "I want to see your stocking feet," she says and I do as she commands. "Oh," she mutters as she's captured on the tape looking down at my stocking feet. "Reinforced heels and toes. Oh honey I love reinforced heel and toe nylons. There so pretty, so sexy, so lovely." Her voice trails off for a moment and while I stand in place you see Maddy kneel down in front of me and careful to get her face in full view of the camera lens, looking back into the camera to ensure she was being recorded, Maddy begins to kiss my stocking feet, brushing her lips across the top of my toes and over my arches. While she does this she makes these sweet little noises in her throat and unbidden I raise my right foot up off the floor, pointing my toes downward, and trying hard to keep my balance and not sway in place, you see Maddy grasp my foot in both her hands as she licks my nylon with the tip of her tongue. "You're so pretty honey," she mumbles. "You're feet are so pretty in your stockings, so pretty." Maddy is shown kissing, licking, and touching my foot for only a short time but long enough for her to open her mouth and wrap her lips around my toes. She doesn't suck on them, there isn't any pressure applied by her mouth. Instead she just presses her lips down on my toes and making sure not to wet my stocking. When she finishes kissing my nylon clad foot Maddy rises back to her feet and then looks me right in the eye.

"Get on your knees cunt. Get down in front of your little girl and mouth fuck that delicious little pussy of hers. Do it," she orders with hands on her hips, and obediently I do so. While I kneel down in front of Rainy Jo I glance up to look at her and I see my daughter tip her head back, close her eyes, and listen to her as she begins to beg me to suck on her hot little 12 year old pussy.

"Please mommy," she cries. "Oh mommy, please eat me. Lick my little pussy and make it feel good like auntie Maddy does. Tongue it like auntie does." You can't see it because my back is to the camera but I'm smiling as I hear my little girl talk like a whore to me. I reach out with my hands and I grab each of her little feet and put them together, side by side, and then I pull them towards my face and you hear me moan as I breathe in the smell of my pantyhose she is wearing. Captivated by the scent of the sheer material I press the soles of Rainy's pretty little feet tightly against my face. While I'm trailing the tip of tongue across the balls of her feet, along the inside of her arches, you see Maddy disappear from the camera view and then the picture shakes, bounces, and wanders across the room as she picked up the camera and brought it over and reset off to the side of Rainy and I and zoomed out to make sure the whole of our bodies are centered in the middle of the viewfinder.

I can hear the lens whirr as Maddy zooms in to record the first time I place my wicked mouth on my daughter's nearly hairless Venus mound. Oh god Rainy's taste is electrifying. I moan and groan deep inside my throat as I lick my baby between her pussy lips, sliding my tongue up and down her moist heated channel, pressing into her, hearing her gasp and whimper as I gently, softly, lovingly, suck just so on her. I'm holding her legs up as I swirl my tongue around her opening and I feel her muscles in nylon clad thighs begin to quiver. Looking up from between her young legs I see her mouth is parted and I gaze spellbound as the sight of her nylon clad feet and I just want to kiss them. I want to lick the soles of her feet and taste the material of my hose she is wearing. I want to touch her like I desire to be touched in my nylons. I want to give my baby the feelings I get when I feel a hand, lips, and naked skin sliding across my stockings sending goose bumps up all over my body. I feel my own pussy swell between my legs as I think about how this moment is being captured on film and when I stab my tongue into Rainy, curling it to make it stiff and ridged, she jerks and she cries out. "Yes mommy! Yes! Oh mommy, oh mommy, oh mommy it feels good. It feels good mommy. Your making my little pussy cry," she calls out and I first taste, then begin to greedily suck up her flowing pussy juices, swallowing my babies flow, feeling my lips and chin grow slick with her.

Little prepubescent girls and that was Rainy at age 12. Young little prepubescent girls don't really achieve sexual orgasm like big girls and women do. No they don't. If you haven't passed through puberty your body simply isn't capable of having an orgasm like an adult. Oh little boys and girls can cum if you stimulate them, but it doesn't happen like it does in an adult. Instead little ones just secrete fluid, they leak it out and when they do achieve orgasm their cum isn't thick or heavy like an adults. It's thinner, runnier, and clearer in appearance. Actually I say it's similar to pre-cum produce by adults rather than cum. But it's still hot, it's still slick, and it's still deliciously wonderful to take into your mouth and swallow down. And that's precisely what my daughter was doing; she was cumming into my mouth as I sucked on her, tonguing her deep inside her sweet little pussy. She began crying out, and I felt her grab the back of my head with both hands, pulling me into her as she spilled into my willing mouth. She was snapping her knees in and out, waving her pretty nylon clad feet up and down as she flexed and thrust her pelvis forward. As I happily took my daughter's flow I felt Maddy position herself behind me, getting between my legs. Feeling her brush my stocking legs with her finger tips I spread my knees farther apart signaling my willingness to be penetrated, to get fucked by her. I was anticipating her inserting my dildo into me, cock fucking me with it as I sucked out my daughter. But instead of that, aching for it, wanting it, praying she would toy fuck me, I felt her cinch her strap-on around my waist. By the time she'd fastened it on me Rainy was little more than quivering flesh, beautifully pantyhose clad quivering flesh on my vanity chair.

"You got nigger John on honey," Maddy said as she rubbed her pussy up tight against my ass. "Me and nigger John are old friends Joan. My husband bought him for me so I could fuck him up the ass like a bitch." I groaned lustfully as she leaned down on my back and reached around to massage my tits. "I brought him over with me because tonight I was going to finally fuck your little girl. I was going to fuck Rainy with him. I haven't fucked your daughter yet Joan. She's still a virgin. I haven't fucked her because I knew you would find out she's had a cock in her. So I restrained myself until tonight. I was going to mount her like a field hand, like a bull nigger Joan from behind. I was going to mount your baby and slam nigger John into her until she screamed. But now I'm not going to do that Joan. Now instead of me breaking her it's going to be you," and Maddy shifted slightly and I cried out in pain, caught off guard and surprised as she jammed my dildo up into my ass, driving it in deep, pushing in hard with no care if she hurt me or not.

Oh it hurt. I felt like I was being split apart. I hadn't been aware of what she'd been doing as I serviced my daughter and made her cum in my mouth. As Maddy began to rape my ass with my own dildo I clamped down hard on Rainy Jo's pulsating pussy and I pushed, thrust back into Maddy, arching my back as I accepted every last inch my dildo had.

"Whore!" Maddy cried. "You disgusting fucking whore. Take it cunt! Take it up your ass! Take it all the way!" I did and I liked it.

Holding my dildo deep inside my ass Maddy used her free hand to grab the back of my head; balling my hair up in her fist she forced my head back. "Baby, oh my baby," she cried and I reached up and grabbed Rainy's feet and pulled them down to my face. Pressing her soles tightly into my face I sniffed the nylon material, drinking in the smell of my nylons she wore while Maddy continued to hammer my dildo into my ass. Push, pull, push, pull, push; "beg for it bitch! Beg for it Joan. Tell me how good it hurts." "Oh Maddy," I cry. "It hurts Maddy. It hurts so good!" You can hear me growing louder and more strident in my cries on the tape. You see Maddy driving my dildo in my ass giving me all I can take. God she was brutal with it in my ass. Twice she removed it from me, taking it all the way out and then stabbing me hard and deep with it. When she does this I cry out in pain and joy. In front of me my daughter is watching her mother squeal, cry out, and gasp in pleasure and pain. You see her listening as I beg Maddy to ass fuck me, and then thank her for treating me so rough. I'm crying, shedding tears, as Maddy finally stops, finally stays her hand and leaves my dildo stuck up my ass as she draws back and orders me to get up off my knees and sit down on my vanity chair. "Move your honey of an ass Rainy so your mommy can sit on the chair," you can see Rainy instantly comply with her words. "Go to the dresser and get my rope sweetie. Get it for auntie so we can tie your mommies stocking legs together before she fucks you."

It's all there on the tape, all of it. I've watched it time and again, drinking in the images showing my little girl rise up and go to the dresser where she retrieves a long thick white nylon rope. You can see me perched on the edge of my vanity chair, my legs together and stretched out in front of me, watching Rainy offer it to Maddy but she refuses it, and insists upon Rainy herself binding my ankles together. With an expertise that surprises me my daughter quickly kneels down and in seconds she ties my ankles securely together. Then as she returns to her feet Maddy orders her to climb up into my lap.

"Now baby get on your mommy. Climb up onto her lap and get your little hot cunt over nigger John. Put the tip of it on your little girl pussy honey. Get over it baby. That's it sweetie, straddle your whore of a mommy and get ready to become a woman," and Rainy obeys her.

Since the camera is in front of us the image it shows is Rainy Jo straddling me. First she just got onto my lap then because she needed to get up over nigger John you can see her placing her pretty little feet on the support rungs between the chair legs. She grabs me by the shoulders and raises herself up over the toy cock and holds herself in that position waiting to be told what she must do next. On the tape at this point what always draws my gaze is just how luscious her round little ass looks, how defined its shape is as a result of wearing my pantyhose. Every time I watch our tape I can't help myself when I look at my daughter's pert tight little pantyhose covered ass hovering over the strap-on I'm wearing and I always run the tip of my tongue across my lips wishing I could lick each of her firm round cheeks. Between her legs you can see my stocking legs stretched out in front of me, my bound ankles easily discernable as is nigger John. The toy cock is sticking up in the air like a real man's cock would be had I been a man. And every time I move or shift position which I must because I'm desperately trying to keep my dildo from sliding out of my ass, you can see nigger John sway between my daughter's legs. It's that movement the toy makes that pulls your gaze downward. Since I've always been into bondage I love seeing myself ankle tied as I was and the white rope looks fantastic wound around my stocking clad ankles. While my daughter pauses in the air holding herself up over nigger John you can listen as Maddy orders me to grasp Rainy around the waist. "Hold her tight you whore of a mother. Hold her tight Joan. I want you to grab her and pull her down onto nigger John. I want you to fuck your daughter with that black cock. Fuck her with nigger John and pop her cherry Joan. Deflower your baby Joan. Break her baby, break her."

"Maddy no," is what you hear me say on the tape. "Don't make me do this Maddy. Don't make me do this." Even as you listen to me begging Maddy to stop what is about to happen. You can see me grab Rainy Jo around the waist, putting my hands on her hips, and hear me gasp as I feel how soft my pantyhose she's wearing are. Between her legs you can watch me stretch my stocking legs out, and if you look closely you'll see me wiggle my ass ever so slightly as I adjust my position on my chair so my dildo stays firmly planted in my ass. Yet what you don't see are the tears I'm shedding as I look lovingly up into my daughter's eyes.

Since Maddy is talking louder than I am on the tape you hear her ordering me to fuck my own daughter. Oh she says the most horrendous things to me, to us. You hear her using racial slurs on Rainy and I. You hear her talk dreadfully bad about me using nigger John, a black nigger cock to deflower my baby girl. And worse you hear me catch my breath, see me sexually touch my precious innocent child, and then you see me pull Rainy down, forcing her down onto nigger John.

My babies face is beautiful to me. I watch her closely as I grip her by the waist and exert pressure on her hips, pushing her down onto the strap on dildo, onto nigger John. As the head of the long black rubber cock presses against her tiny, tight pussy, I'm the only one who can see the grimace of pain she has on her face as the head of that black dildo begins to part her opening. Nigger John is a full size replica of real cock, an adult cock. Rainy is only 12 years old. She's just a little girl and her tiny little hole is tight. Oh she's so tight and small.

"Owww," she whimpers as the head of nigger John enters her. "Owww, owww, owww," and my baby begins to weep and cry as I keep pushing her down. Since the cock is jelly-rubber it's flexible, bendable, a quick glance down allows me to see it bending between Rainy's legs. To prevent the thing from popping out of my daughter I reach down between us and grab it, holding it ridged and steady while still forcing Rainy to sink down onto it and take it all way into her.

"Owww, owww!" Rainy's crying then. She's really crying. I can feel her little hands digging into my shoulders as I keep pushing her down onto the toy cock. "It hurts mommy," she tells me. "Owww, mommy it hurts." Oh god, the farther in it goes the more she sobs. Her little face is just scrunched up in pain as she sinks downward taking more and more of nigger John into her. Rainy is really crying as I feel her little pussy touch the top of my hand. Oh my poor baby is crying hard by then, hearing her cry, seeing it, oh god it breaks my heart but I don't stop. I'm watching her face as I let go of the dildo. Poor Rainy, her tears are huge. On the tape you can hear her crying, sobbing in pain, and you see that fucking cunt Maddy step into the shot. She gets behind Rainy and grabs her around the waist, placing her hands on top of my own. "Fuck your baby," she says. "Do it Joan. Push this little cunt down onto that nigger cock and make her take it all!" I'm crying too but you can't see my face on the tape.

While Maddy and I force Rainy to sink down onto nigger John I'm whispering to Rainy telling her it will be okay, that it's only going to hurt for a short time. "It will start to feel good Rainy. It will start to feel good. I know it hurts baby. I know it hurts right now but it will start to feel good in just a little while. I promise Rainy. Mommy promises you it's going to feel good in just a little while. Please baby, don't cry. Don't cry baby girl. Mommy doesn't want you to cry honey. It will hurt for just a little while and then you'll start to like it. I promise you baby girl. Mommy promises it will start to feel good. Hush honey. Don't cry. Don't cry baby. Trust mommy Rainy Jo. Trust mommy. It'll feel better soon and you'll like it honey. You'll like it a whole lot. Honest you will baby. You will. Just wait Rainy. Just wait and soon it'll feel good. I promise you baby. Mommy promises." Those are the words you hear me speaking to my little Rainy Jo as I and Maddy make her take nigger John until she buries that toy cock to the hilt in her little girl pussy. Then Rainy, who is just wailing, then after she's taken that cock to the hilt Maddy and I force my daughter to fuck it like a woman, to ride it up and down.

Oh sweet Jesus did Rainy throw herself into fucking that cock. Her sobs turned to gasps of pleasure as her tiny little pussy stretched out to accommodate that toy cock. Soon she wasn't crying out in pain, she was crying out in pleasure. While my daughter fucked herself on that cock, I leaned back on my chair and held her by the waist, supporting her, helping her balance herself. Rainy quickly got to the point where she would lift herself up, raising up until the head of nigger John was nearly out of her little pussy, and then she would drop down, grunting and moaning as she slipped down on the toy and drove it deeply into her, taking it all the way in until she couldn't get any more in her. Oh my baby is a marvel to watch on our tape. She's so enthusiastic fucking that strap-on I'm wearing.

As the tape plays you can watch Maddy step away from Rainy and I and kneel down on the floor by the stocking feet. While my daughter rides nigger John I like to switch between watching her fuck that strap-on and watch Maddy as she kisses, licks, and touches my stocking feet. Oh that Donna Reed looking bitch touched and fondled my stocking feet so softly, so lovingly, that between her and my daughter Rainy I felt myself building towards another hot orgasm. What finally got me off was when you can see Maddy moving to straddle my feet and rub her pussy softly up against my stockings while she reaches up around my thighs and grabs my dildo which is still firmly planted in my ass. As she slides her pussy along the top of my stocking feet she's also fucking my ass with my dildo and kissing Rainy Jo's. Oh I exploded so wonderfully between my legs as I leaned over to peer around Rainy and watch Maddy kiss and lick her pantyhose covered ass. I came so hard I nearly pushed my dildo out, and I would have if Maddy hadn't been firmly holding on to it.

Although the sex tape showing me sexually abuse my own daughter, capturing me sucking her pussy, eating her little girl orgasm, fucking her with a strap-on dildo named nigger John. Although all those things are recorded on tape I've always considered the most disgusting and disturbing part of the tape, the one guaranteeing I'm going to hell where I'll burn for eternity, is the scene showing Maddy and I licking off nigger John, cleaning Rainy's fluids and vaginal blood off of it with our tongues and mouths. Yes sickening isn't it. But you can see us after finishing with my daughter ordering her to lie down on the floor in front of my video camera. You can watch as Maddy unbuckles the strap-on, takes it off me and places it down on top of my little girl's pussy. Then both of us kneel down on either side of her and we start at the hilt of the dildo, licking our way up the shaft until we kiss each other full on the mouth. Then together we lick and suck the toy until it's absolutely spotless.

After that the tape shows Rainy wearing nigger John and she and I are finally on my bed. I'm down on my hands and knees and Rainy is behind me just fucking the shit out of me. God nigger John is a fantastic toy cock. I get off so quickly being fucked my little girl. The last image you see on the tape is me looking over my shoulder, staring up at my daughter and thanking her from the bottom of my heart for being so well fucked. Then the tape runs out. Believe it or not my sex tape is only just an hour long. When it first plays you see Maddy and Rainy on it. It takes about fifteen minutes before you see them reacting to me catching them fucking each other in my bedroom. After that it's the three of us.

The remainder of my night with my daughter consisted of all three of us just wearing ourselves out having all kinds of kinky sex. But I also want to tell you about the pictures we made as well. You see just before the tape ran out and while Rainy was fucking me from behind. Maddy brought out her still camera and she began taking pictures of Rainy and I. It was after Rainy finished fucking me from behind on my bed that Maddy made us get up and do some real naughty posing for her throughout my bedroom, on the floor, on my bed, anywhere she directed us to go we went. She took pictures of Rainy tying me up and then sucking me, touching me, fingering me, just doing whatever she wanted her to do to me. Rainy even spanked me, using a wide waist belt from one of my work outfits on my naked ass which I wave at the camera. But it wasn't just me being tied up and photographed. No, I tied up my daughter and Maddy took pictures of her bound and abused as well. Oh how I loved being photographed doing those wicked things with Rainy Jo. But I have to admit that Maddy and I got our pictures taken together too. Like me Maddy likes having her picture taken during sex so she ordered Rainy to switch places with her and had her take pictures of her and I together. Most of the photographs showing Maddy and I are bondage shots showing us tied up together, struggling against our bonds, looking up into the camera and pretending to be frightened and terrified. Several times you see us showing our stocking clad legs tied tightly to each other, back to back, and because the camera had a timer on it, Rainy is in a lot of shots and she's shown rubbing her pantyhose clad feet over our bodies, on our stocking clad legs, across our breasts, or across our faces. I loved every moment of those shots and feeling my daughter's nylon clad feet on me.

Although there aren't many of them, why I don't know, Maddy did order Rainy to take some pictures of her and I lying tied up tightly together with each of us wearing a pair of my pantyhose pulled down over our heads and faces. Oh god I loved having to do that. At one point while we were untied Rainy brought out two more pairs of my pantyhose and my little girl order Maddy and I to literally cut out the crotches and put them on our bodies like you wear shirts. Oh lord it was deliciously sinful to be encased in my nylons like that.

How long did we fuck in my bedroom? It seemed like hours went by because I was having such fun. But honestly by the time all three of us collapsed upon my bed and laid there holding each other and drifting off to sleep it was only around 11:45. Just over an hour and half had passed by since I caught Maddy molesting my daughter. We slept the rest of the night there on my bed, the three of us in our nylons.

In the morning when we got up things were awkward between all of us. Maddy left the house very quickly and Rainy and I were both silent with each for most of the day. I called in sick and didn't go into work and I called Rainy's school and told them she wouldn't be in that day due to illness. I spent my day regretting what I'd done the night before and I cried off and on all day long. I wanted to talk to Rainy Jo, I wanted to say things to her but she stayed in room most of the day. It wasn't until that evening when Maddy just walked into my house and she and I had a long, emotional, talk with other in my living room that I started to feel better. We spoke about what she'd done to my little girl, what I had done, and what Rainy did to us. We talked and talked and I listened in silence as Maddy told me when and how she'd started sexually molesting Rainy Jo. I listened quietly as she described to me how she'd gotten Rainy to dress up in my nylons for her, tricking my little girl into believing that they were going to play a dress up game and that auntie Maddy was going to teach her how to put on real stockings like a woman should put them on. Then as she continued to tell me how she got my daughter to finally engage in sex games with her she reached down and lifted up the cardboard box she'd brought over with her. Inside the box were three large photo albums, and each album was filled with black and white and colored pictures showing my Rainy forced into being Maddy's sexual plaything.

As I looked at the first two albums Maddy slide up next to me on my couch and I stared at the pictures in them while Maddy talked. The photos were arranged in order and they chronicled Maddy's molestation of Rainy Jo. The last album held all the pictures we'd taken the night before and god help me, as I looked at those photos I grew aroused by them and I turned to Maddy and failing to fight my urges, I kissed her.

We made out on my couch for short time and then we went up stairs and after each of us dressed ourselves in my nylon stockings, we went over to my bed and the two of us had sex with each other. That night it was just her and I in my bedroom and we fucked each other for a very long time. After that Maddy and I became lesbian lovers, and for the next four months her and I had sex with other, lovely passionate nylon stocking sex in my bed at least once a week. And at least once a week when we were together I would go and get my daughter Rainy Jo and bring her into my bedroom, order her to put on a pair of my hose, and Maddy and I would use her as a sex toy. But Rainy Jo was a very willing sex toy. During that 4 month period two more photo albums of sex pictures were completed and things might have continued to go on like that between us if Maddy hadn't suddenly gotten sick. The aneurism in her head had begun to form in 1998 and by January of 1999 it had grown to the point where it caused her such pain that the pain killers she had to take began to turn her into a walking vegetable.

Yes I'm a sick, depraved, terrible mother for what I did that hump-day back in 1998. But honestly I wouldn't change a single moment of that night. What was the worst day in my life is also the best day in my life. I do hate myself at times for what I did to my little innocent girl. After all I'm the one who popped her little cherry, and I continued to sexually molest her for another 4 months. When I'm lonely and depressed I do contemplate suicide remembering that night and terrible things I did then and afterwards. Yet I also cherish those memories of it, view the video tape of it, and stare at the pictures we took of it, so many times that over the years I've come to the conclusion that what happened, that becoming my daughter's nylon fuck whore, that all of that magical night was my destiny. It's 2008 and although Rainy and I don't have sex with each other anymore, I'm still my daughter's whore. All she ever has to do is ask for it, and honey I'll put my nylon stockings on and spread my legs for her in an instant.

I miss her and Maddy. I miss them both terribly. Like I mentioned earlier Maddy died in 2003 from a brain aneurism, and Rainy Jo, my sweet little baby girl, she's gone now too. In 2004 after graduating from High School Rainy went off to college in Minnesota. We write and telephone each other all the time but this old house of mine is so empty feeling with her gone. I still work at the Sioux San, and I still go out with my girlfriends for a night on the town when the mood strikes. But in 07 I met a new girl friend, her name is Sarah and she and I are currently in a deliciously sexual lesbian relationship. Sarah and I share the same interests and share a love for wearing nylon stocking, pantyhose, sexy lingerie, and taking naughty pictures of ourselves during sex. We met here in Rapid and although I consider her my lover, she's avoiding me now because recently, just a week ago while her and I were here at my home, yes I bring my sex partners home now, now that Rainy Jo's gone, I got crazy when she and I were having sex and I told her everything about that night in 1998 when I caught Maddy and Rainy Jo having sex in my bedroom, and I showed her the sex tape of me having sex with my own daughter back when she was only 12 years old. I'll write about that night next if anyone writes in and requests me too. Thanks for reading my story and letting me share with all of you. Joan D.

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