Rainy Day

By Adam Hunter

Published on Aug 28, 1999


"Rainy Day"

By Adam Hunter

I stared across the parking lot wistfully. I couldn't help but think that if I had only managed to leave five minutes earlier that morning, I wouldn't have been in the predicament that I was in. But no...in the shower that morning, I'd presented myself with a decision. Either get out and get to school on time, or jack off, and run the risk of being late. It had essentially been a battle between my brain and my dick...my common sense and my raging hormones. For a moment my gaze had jumped back and forth between my watch and my increasingly hard dick...and finally, my dick had won out. It had been a great session...but as a result, I'd had to speed my way to school (almost getting a ticket), grab a really shitty parking space near the back of the lot, and run as fast as I could to first period. As it had been, I only managed to get to my seat about five seconds before the final bell rang. My teacher gave me a slightly dirty look, and grudgingly marked me on time.

But the whole reason I just told you that ever so fascinating tale of my morning sexual exploits and their repercussions (I know it's probably not the most fascinating thing you've ever read) was to let you know why my car was parked across the lot. Just a little bit of background information -- context. Now, under normal circumstances, that would have been no problem. Sure, it's a slightly extra long trek to my vehicle (a piece of shit used-car I'd been given for my recent sixteenth birthday. But hey...I'm not complaining. My family isn't all that well to do, money-wise, in the first place. The fact that they gave me a car at all was cause for great celebration). However, on this day, at this time, a torrent or rain was vengefully pouring down from above. Lightning flashed in the distance, and soon a loud, slightly ominous rumble could be heard. I glanced around me and saw hoards of other students all huddled under the overhang on the walkway beside the parking lot. They, too, were all casting longing glances across the parking lot...as if they could either will their cars to come on telepathic command, or they could will the rain to stop. And also, they too were all clad in T-shirts and shorts. That kind of outfit had seemed appropriate that morning. After all, the sun had been shining, there hadn't been a cloud in the sky, and the guy on the radio had said it would stay like that for the foreseeable future. Ah, well...serves me right for actually trusting a weatherman. The storm had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Ah, the hell with it," I muttered to myself. I knew I was only delaying the inevitable. So, without further adieu, I took off and made a mad dash for my car, leaving all the wimpy onlookers behind. By the time I finally made it to my car, I was drenched. My mousy-brown hair was stuck to my head, my clothes were soaked through, and I had water inside my shoes. Just great. I frantically fished around for my key in my pocket, and had the door open and was in the car as fast as I could manage. Soon, my car was started, my windshield wipers were on, I was in first gear, and I was on my way out of the parking lot. A few other brave souls had made it to their cars...but for the most part...the parking lot was surprisingly full for fifteen minutes after school got out, and there was a staggeringly large assemblage under the overhang. I laughed to myself. I might have been wet, but I was out of there.

As I drove down the streets away from my school and towards my house, I noted how utterly deserted the streets and the sidewalks were. Nobody was out. I flipped on the radio, and surfed through the stations -- a very difficult thing to do, since the radio in my car was adjusted by a dial. Were you on the right station or weren't you? You could never really be sure. Finally, I found "Sometimes" by Britney Spears, and decided that it would do. Unconsciously, I started singing the words.

"Sometimes I'm scared of you...but all I really want..." You've all heard it before. As I got to "All I really want is to hold you tight...", I noticed that I was approaching my little brother, Danny's, junior high school. It was about six blocks down the road from my school. Since there were no other cars on the road at that time, I glanced over at it. Completely deserted. Nobody wanted to be out in the downpour. At that time, Danny would still have been there, albeit at basketball practice in the gym. Danny was quite the little athlete. My father's pride and joy. Me, on the other hand...I preferred the far more interesting worlds of writing and acting...which my father found utterly incomprehensible. Who would want to be inside a building analyzing emotions and conveying them in unique forms when you could be outside chasing a ball and giving somebody a bloody nose???

As I was almost past the school, just before I was about to turn my attention back to the road, something caught my attention. A lone figure, walking alongside the road. He must have gone to my brother's school. It was difficult to make anything out in the rain, but I could tell that he was drenched to the bone, that he looked cold, and that he also looked sad. His head was hung low, and even though it was pouring cats and dogs, he seemed to be in no hurry. He didn't even seem to care that he was getting wet. He seemed to have other things on his mind. My heart immediately went out to him.

Not even needing to consider it, I decided the only reasonable course of action would be to offer the boy a ride. So, immediately, I pulled my car over to the side of the road about ten feet in front of him. I leaned over, opened the door on the other side of the car, and just as he walked by, I shouted out. "Hey...need a ride?"

He looked up, seeming kind of startled and surprised...and the moment I saw his face, my heart leapt to my throat. He had to be one of the, if not the single most fine guy I had ever seen. He seemed to consider my offer for a moment. He looked quite tempted. But then..."Ah, no thanks, man. I'm fine."

"No you're not," I informed him. "You're soaked. C'mon, get in."

"I don't wanna be any trouble," he said, still standing in the rain.

"You're not. Just get in."

I'd finally convinced him. A small smile, which I could tell he was trying to mask, passed over his face. He climbed in, sat down, closed the door, and buckled his seatbelt. Off we went.

"Thanks," he said in the most adorably bashful tone.

"No problem," I said. "What's your name?"

"Jeremy...Jeremy Williams," he said.

"Ben Aster," I introduced myself. "I'd shake your hand if I didn't have to shift to third."

He laughed, loosening up a little...and his interest seemed piqued by something I'd said. "Aster? Hey...do you have a brother?"

"Yeah, Danny Aster. He goes to your school. Know him?"

"Yeah," Jeremy nodded, "he's in my grade. Pretty popular."

"That's Danny for ya," I shrugged. "He seems to think he's hot stuff."

"Everyone at my school seems to agree."

"Me," I said, "that's not my thing. I don't go for the whole superficial friend, party scene thing."

"Me neither," Jeremy admitted.

"So, we're just two losers, then," I joked.

"Speak for yourself," Jeremy laughed.

"What? We both just admitted to not being in the in-crowd."

"What? If you're not in the in-crowd, you're a loser?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"That's what the entire world seems to think," I shrugged.

"Well, I don't agree with the world, then," said Jeremy. I liked this kid. After a moment he added, slightly quietly...almost to himself, "In fact...I don't agree with the world on a lot of things."

"That makes two of us," I nodded in accordance. With that nicely summed up, I took a moment to size up the kid next to me. He'd said that he was in my brother's grade, eighth...so that would probably make him fourteen years old. Only two younger than me. Fairly close. But he looked fairly mature for his age. Definitely did not look like a little boy at all. And...my God...the kid was gorgeous. His hair had been wet and flattened by the rain, but it was fairly short, and looked to be bleached blond. He had a deep bronze tan all over his body (or at least what I could see of it), a light dusting of freckles over his nose, bright pink lips, and the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. He wore a stylish yellow Hawaiian shirt, with the top few buttons undone, exposing a tantalizing glimpse of flesh on his chest. Just thinking about what lay below caused my dick to stiffen...not the best time or place for such a thing to happen. I attempted to angle my crotch so that the steering wheel blocked it. Around his neck he wore a pooka shell necklace, and around his left wrist a hemp bracelet. His shirt was completely waterlogged. If I'd squeezed it, I was certain that there would have been a rather large puddle on the floor. It stuck to his skin like glue (not a bad thing). It managed to reveal something of his form, which, as far as I could tell, was a sight to behold. He seemed to be in that stage that some junior high boys go through when they have buff kid bodies. I found it irresistible. He wore khaki cargo shorts that went to his knees (they, too, were drenched), and below the shorts were his legs. Round and soft with muscles, Jeremy's sleek legs were dusted with the lightest covering of light brown hair. I could have creamed my shorts just looking at him...as it was, I kept stealing glances of him out of the corner of my eye...probably a few more than was safe, being that I was driving.

As for me...well...I've always thought of myself as rather plain. By no means do I consider myself to be bad looking. Not at all. In fact, I've been told I'm kinda cute many times. I'm not quite sure what they think is so cute about me...but apparently, they sink so. I've got light brown hair, eye-level in front, buzzed in back, and parted down the middle. My eyes were brown, a kind of rich, chocolatey shade. I had pale skin, rosy cheeks and, like Jeremy, a soft dusting of pale freckles on my nose. My body's fairly nondescript. Not fat. Not too thin. Just kind of...there.

"So...where am I taking you?" I asked. After a minute of scoping him out, I'd suddenly realized I had no clue where I was driving this guy.

"Oh...Dakota Street...off of Highway 20," he'd been staring out the window during the brief silence, and I'd roused him.

"Oh, I know where that is. Pretty close to my house," I said.


"Yeah...maybe a half a mile or so," I estimated.

"Oh, good. Then I'm really not inconveniencing you," he seemed relieved.

"Don't worry about it, dude," I insisted, "you seem to think you're some kind of great burden on my soul. Trust me...you're not. If I weren't driving you home right now, I'd just be at my house, sitting on my ass jacking off."

Did I just say that?

Jeremy laughed, seemingly amused by my candor. "I'd probably be doing the same," he admitted.

"Of course you would," I shrugged, slightly surprised (and all the more aroused) by the turn our conversation was taking, "You're a guy. All guys jack off. One of the few universal truths."

I turned onto Highway 20.

"So," I said, "this would be a pretty long walk. Why the hell were you walking anyway?"

Suddenly, any levity there might have been in Jeremy was gone. I'd obviously hit some kind of nerve, and he had reverted to the sulking, hurt boy that I'd picked up on the side of the road a few minutes earlier. "Oh...my dad was supposed to pick me up. Guess he forgot."

"If he'd just forgotten, you wouldn't be looking like you're about to cry," I said. And then, trying to sound as compassionate as possible. "Tell me about it, Jeremy. Whatever it is."

He gently shook his head. "It's nothing."

"Dude," I said, trying to give him a warm smile, but he refused to look up from the floor, "if you hadn't yet noticed, I care. I know that we barely know each other...but I wouldn't have pulled over and offered you a ride if I didn't care. You look like you could use a friend right about now...and I'm more than willing to be one. Just tell me what it is."

He paused for a moment. "My dad and I...we had a fight last night...that's all."

I sighed internally for the kid. It seemed to me like he had a hard lot in life. That's certainly what I sensed.

"Bad?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jeremy sighed, opening up to me a little. I could tell that he definitely did desperately need someone to whom he could talk. But I really did care...and I think he could sense that genuine feeling. "It's just me and my dad...my mom died a few years back. It's just me and him."

"I'm sorry, man. My dad died when I was little, so I know what it's like," I empathized.

"Do you like your mom?" he asked.

"Well...yeah...of course," I shrugged. "I love 'er. She's my mom."

"I love my dad...in a 'he's my dad, so I have to' kind of way," Jeremy looked up at me, a dead seriousness in his eyes. "But I don't think he loves me."

I stopped at a red light...I didn't know what to say to him. I just looked at him, met his gaze, and attempted to convey as much sympathy as I could. We sat there, eyes met, my mouth open. The only sound was the pelting of the rain. The light turned green...but I didn't see it. After a moment, I was rattled by a honk from the car behind us, and we went again.

"He gets drunk a lot..." Jeremy started up again, "He was drunk last night. Whenever he's drunk, he always yells at me...about the stupidest things."

Silence again. My heart genuinely reached out to the poor kid. I felt for him deeply, and I wanted to do something...and I knew that I couldn't let him go back there.

"Jeremy..." I finally said, "you're coming to my house right now."

Once again, his quiet, unimposing shyness took over. "Oh, no -- I..."

"I'm not taking you back to your place," I said. My mind was made up. "You can stay with me tonight."

And he didn't argue. For one, I think he knew that there was no way that I would ever take my car to the house of his dad. For another...I think he truly did want to stay at my house that night. His manners might have told him that it was wrong to impose, but I think, deep down, he was desperate for somewhere else to go...somebody to turn to...somebody who cared. And I think he could sense that I very well might have been that somebody. People have always told me that I have a big heart...that I'm sensitive...that I'm one of the nicest boys they've ever known. I guess people had a reason for telling me that. My heart was big, and it went out for Jeremy.

We passed Dakota Street, and soon, we were on my street and pulling into my driveway.

We dashed from the car to the front door, and soon, we were safely inside. "Welcome to my humble abode," I said, gesturing around. It really wasn't the nicest house. It was okay, but it wasn't great. Like I said earlier, my family isn't rolling in money. "Can I offer you a beverage? Perhaps something to eat?"

"Oh, no thank you," he politely shook his head. Damn, he was cute, standing there all mannerly, while dripping wet. Hmmm...dripping wet. I suddenly remembered that both of us were standing there in waterlogged clothing.

"How about some dry clothes...or at least giving your clothes a spin in the dryer?"

"Oh, no...you don't need to..."

But I cut him off. "Jeremy, stop being so damn polite! I'm not going to leave you standing there soaking wet, like that. Besides, I'll be stuffing my clothes in the dryer, anyway. It won't terribly inconvenience me to throw an extra shirt and pair of shorts in."

He shrugged...knowing when he was beaten. "Okay. Thanks."

"Don't mention it," I said, motioning for him to follow me. I led him down the hallway to my room. Actually...it was Danny's and my room. We had to share.

Jeremy scoped out my living quarters. "Pretty cool room you've got here."

"Thanks. I like it," I said, shrugging. Then, I stripped my soggy T-shirt off, over my head. I then unsnapped my pants, unzipped my fly, and dropped my shorts. I looked up and over at Jeremy, and I could tell he was slightly surprised by my sudden strip show. But I didn't care. We were both guys (even if I did happen to like guys...). But he didn't look bothered by it, so I didn't think anything of it. Standing there before Jeremy, in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but blue plaid boxer shorts, I asked, "Wanna give me your clothes so I can get the load in the dryer started?"

"Oh...yeah...sure," he said, blushing a little as he began to slowly unbutton his Hawaiian shirt. He seemed shy about undressing in front of a stranger...even after I had unabashedly ripped all my clothes off in the blink of an eye. But, hey...I wasn't complaining. The slower this kid took off his shirt, the more seductive it was...and I already found him quite seductive. I could feel a hardening between my legs. Knowing that the only thing covering it was a flimsy pair of boxers, I quickly sat down, covering my lap with my wad of wet clothing. After that was taken care of to my satisfaction, I returned my attention to the beautiful boy before me, who was slowly removing his clothes. He was down to his last few buttons, and a generous portion of flesh was revealed in the vastly enlarged V in the front of his shirt. It was smooth, creamy, and driving me crazy with desire...not to mention that it was every bit as tan as his face and legs. That kid must have spent a lot of time in the sun. He finally unbuttoned the last button. His shirt fell open, and then, he slipped it off. My mouth must have fallen to the floor. Jeremy MUST have had the most gorgeous body that I'd ever seen. Although he had no six-pack, his stomach was tight, trim, and agonizingly smooth (agonizing in that I could barely stand not to run my hands and tongue all over it). His chest itself was equally, if not more so gorgeous than the rest of him. I could definitely see the beginnings of definition there. He must have worked out. His pecs were soft and pillowy with muscle, and stood out from the rest of his body. Atop of them were two small pink nipples. His shoulders were broad and strong, and his biceps bulged with pubescent muscle definition. And to make matters worse (or better), his entire body was moist from the rain, giving it a slick, shiny quality. It took all my self-control not to leap onto the boy, and devour him whole.

He then walked over, placing his shirt atop my heap of clothes. "Here you go," he said. And then, remaining directly in front of me, Jeremy began to unzip his shorts. I couldn't believe it. I was eye-level with this kid's crotch, and he was stripping right at the moment. I thought that I must have died and gone to heaven. The khaki shorts were soon slid down to reveal gray CK boxer-briefs. I was salivating beyond belief. I quite sizable bulge was clearly visible right in front of my eyes...no more than a foot away. I wanted to reach out, squeeze it, fondle it, bathe it with my mouth, and taste it. But I knew that that was probably the last thing Jeremy needed at such a difficult time in his life. Besides...the kid was probably straight. He set the shorts atop the pile.

"Thanks," I said, barely avoiding a cracking of my voice that would have been quite embarrassing. I sat there for a moment, unable to avert my gaze from the beautiful specimen before me. The smooth curves of his body, his luscious skin, the generous bulge in...

A loud clap of thunder startled me out of my trance with a start. A quick yelp escaped my mouth in surprise, and my heart rate must have tripled. I'd been so engrossed in eyeing the object of my desires, that I'd gone into a slight trance. Attempting to salvage what little dignity I might have had left, I mumbled, "I'll be right back...gonna put these things in the dryer. Make yourself at home."

And without looking back, I scampered out of the room, making certain that the laundry covered my groin. I ran to the laundry room, shut the door behind me, threw the clothes down on top of the dryer, and took a deep sigh. I leaned over the dryer, steadying myself on it, and I closed my eyes and tried to relax myself. Between that last clap of thunder, and my immense arousal from Jeremy, I definitely needed some relaxing. I took a deep breath and looked down. My boxers had a huge tent in them. Damn. It wasn't going down. I sighed as I looked my body over. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, either...nothing like Jeremy's. I wasn't exactly 'thin,' per se, but by no means was I fat, or chubby. I suppose I was fairly slim, but you couldn't see any traces of my ribs at all. I had a slight trail of light brown hair leading down from my navel that disappeared below my waistline. My chest was fairly flat, hardly any definition what so ever. My nipples were round, soft, and dull, and a light, powdery color...not too much darker than my skin. My arms were strong, but not muscular. My legs were thin and sleek, dusted with light brown hair. All in all, not bad I suppose. Not nearly as tempting as Jeremy's body, but not too shabby. I was careful about what I ate and got some exercise, but it was obvious that Jeremy lifted weights and took very good care of his body. If I didn't treat my body the same way that Jeremy treated his, how could I ever expect to have a body like his? Oh, well. Nothing to be ashamed of. Doesn't compare to his, but nothing to be ashamed of.

After my heart rate had slowed down a bit, I opened the dryer and stuffed the clothes on. Setting the machine to tumble for an hour, I closed the hatch and pressed the start button. The machine began to vibrate and rumble as it began to toss the clothing around within it.

My job there was done...but I knew that I couldn't go back to Jeremy until my boner had subsided. It was hard as a rock, jutting out from my body, and almost throbbing with desire. Glancing over my shoulder, I softly shut the door to the laundry room, and then proceeded to free my dick. Ahh...what a relief it was to have it out in the open, freed from the oppressing confines of my boxer shorts. All six inches of it sat there, pointing out from my body. My body may not have been the hottest, but I had a pretty nice dick. Fairly long, and nice and thick. I stood there, staring down at it, rubbing one of my nipples without even realizing I was doing so. I couldn't get the image of Jeremy standing there in his underwear out of my head. And I couldn't help but try and imagine what lay beneath the underwear. How long was it? Was it cut, like mine, or uncut? How much pubic hair did he have? What color was it? How big were his balls? I could have thought of a million more questions about his dick. They came easily, and just imagining it made me weak in the knees. As I toyed with my nipple with one hand, I slowly began to rub my other hand over my dick. I closed my eyes and quietly moaned in relief. It felt sooo good.

But then I stopped.

Did I have time to masturbate? My dick was hard as a rock and gushing precum...but I had a lonely boy in my room who needed a friend.

Grumbling to myself, I stuffed my dick back into my boxers. So as to make certain that it wouldn't tent out in front of me, I tucked the head of my dick under the elastic waistband of my boxers, and then headed off for my room.

Upon arrival, I found Jeremy...sheepishly standing in the middle of the room in his boxer briefs, arms behind his back, looking utterly lost and like he didn't know what to do with himself. He looked so cute like that. Once again, my heart went out to him. It was all I could do not to say "Awwww..."

"Dude," I said instead. "I said to make yourself comfortable."

"Sorry..." he shrugged.

"Don't apologize," I said.

"I--I just didn't really no what to do with myself," he admitted.

"Just sit down," I said, walking over to him. Placing my hand on his shoulder (oooh...the contact made me shudder within), I gently guided him over to my bed, and sat him down on the edge. He smiled up at me. I sighed. His way of saying thanks for making him feel welcome. "Now then, how about some clothes?"

"Yours'd probably be too big for me," he said.

"How about Danny's?" I asked, "He's about your size."

Jeremy looked to be considering it for a moment, but then shook his head.

"Why not? You can't sit here practically naked for the next hour," I insisted, emphatically.

"It's just--" he trailed off for a moment, but then his voice returned full strength, "It's just that I don't think your brother likes me too much."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"No, really," he said, "y'know...your brother's pretty popular -- and I'm not. And he doesn't really like unpopular people." He paused. "Once, I had to sit next to him in English class, and he'd barely even talk to me...and whenever he did...he sounded pissed that he had to."

I sighed. That sounded like Danny, all right. "Yeah. Danny can be a prick sometimes."

"Yeah," Jeremy shrugged, "I didn't wanna say anything like that, but..."

"Don't worry. I have to live with him -- I know whatcha mean," I said. "Hell, I have to share a room with the guy. You think YOU'VE got it bad?"

Jeremy laughed, once again finally beginning to regain the relaxed composure he'd had during the car trip...before the subject of his father had been brought up. "Yeah, so -- as you can see -- I doubt he'd be too happy if he walked into his room and found ME wearing his clothes."

"So what? You plan to just stay in your boxers for the next hour?" I asked.

"Why not?" he shrugged, then the cute bashful look came back onto his face. "You--you don't mind, do you?"

"Why would I care?" I asked, "If you're not gonna get dressed, than I won't either. I'll keep ya company." I paused. "What's it matter? We're both guys?"

"Yeah..." he nodded, his voice bordering on righteous, "and it's not like we're, y'know, naked or anything."

"Yeah," I nodded. I didn't mention, though, that I wished to hell that we were naked. But still...spending the next hour with this guy in nothing but underwear wasn't bad. I should have been counting my blessings. "So," I said, "you wanna listen to some music?"

"Sure," he shrugged. "Why not?"

"What do you wanna listen to?" I asked.

"What've you got?" he countered.

"My CD collection's on the shelf next to my bed."

He turned around, knelt on all fours, and reached over towards the row of compact discs on my shelf. In the process, he gave me a VERY nice view of his ass. And what an ass it was! Round, soft and tight. I could make out each individual globe through the tight fabric of his boxer-briefs. My dick, which had finally begun to soften, was now, once again, hard as a rock (if not harder) and gushing precum. While he wasn't looking, I quickly adjusted my passage, so as to be certain that it stayed concealed.

"How about this?" he said, pulling out my copy of "Millennium" by the Backstreet Boys.

"You like BSB?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded timidly, his cheeks flushing. This kid got bashful easily. "You?"

"Wouldn't have their CD if I didn't," I replied.

"Oh, yeah, duh..." he said. I could tell he felt stupid for asking.

I put the disc in my stereo (not hi-tech, but not bad either. Kinda like my car, kinda like my house, kinda like my body...), and immediately we heard the boys begin to sing "Larger Than Life."

"Hey, Jer," I said, adopting a new nickname for the guy, "scoot over a bit, will ya?"


"I wanna sit down, too," I said.

"Oh, yeah...sure," he said, moving over to the other side of my bed. Once there was sufficient space, I lay down on the bed beside him, putting my arms behind my head. Seeing that I was making myself comfortable, I guess Jeremy felt he, too, could now make himself comfortable. He lay down too. He put his arms behind his head, as I had, revealing a small patch of light brown hair in his pits. I glanced, making a quick comparison for the hell of it. I had about twice as much hair in mine. But seeing him like that...yet one more turn on for me. He then put his legs up, bending them at the knees...incidentally raising his package, and almost framing it and giving it better definition as it was slightly squeezed between his legs. I felt as if I was about to break into a pant. I wanted so much to reach out and cup it in my hands. It was SO tempting. But I had to resist -- I had to.

As "I Want It That Way" came on, Jeremy and I began to chat. Nothing serious. Just everyday conversation -- getting to know each other better. I was pleased to find that we had a fair amount in common. He, too, seemed not to be into the athletic world that my brother found so appealing, but more into the introverted world of thought, feeling, and their expression. Writing, acting, art...stuff like that. We liked some of the same TV shows: "Friends," "The Simpsons," "Daria," "Will & Grace," and our taste in music was fairly similar, too. The conversation was just one pleasant surprise after another as Jeremy and I developed an easy-going rapport with each other. I soon began to forget my arousal, and my dick began to soften. It didn't matter that I was lying next to a nearly nude hotty...I was sitting and talking with a new friend. Between the soft rain the background, the quiet music of the "Backstreet Boys," and the growing affinity that was developing between Jeremy and me, it was turning out to be one of the best afternoons of my life. It was just so peaceful...so pleasant...so nice.

"What the fuck?!?!"

Great. Danny was home. And here I was lying almost naked on my bed with a kid that he supposedly didn't like. That must've looked great.

To Be Continued...

-------------------------- Don't you just love those three words? Sorry about that. I initially wrote parts one and two as one story...but it turned out to be WAY too long, so I divided it in two separate stories. Part two should be up in a few days. Less than a week for sure. Sorry there's no sex in this story...but don't worry...it's coming. I'd love to hear what you thought about my latest work, so feel free to contact me at cute_gay_boy@hotmail.com. I always love input. This story is kind of a different style for me, so I'd like to know peoples' reactions. Hope you liked it...and stay tuned for the exciting conclusion.

Next: Chapter 2

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