Rainy Day

By Adam Hunter

Published on Aug 31, 1999


"Rainy Day 2"

By Adam Hunter

"What the fuck?!?!"

Great. My brother Danny was home. And here I was lying almost naked on my bed with a kid that he supposedly didn't like. That must've looked great.

"Shut up," I shouted at him...the mood between Jeremy and myself having already been broken.

"What the hell is THAT faggot doing here?" Danny demanded, pointing an accusing finger at Jeremy. He really could be quite the little asswipe sometimes.

"Look," I sat up, glaring at my little brother square in the eye, "I was driving home...I saw him walking home in the pouring rain. I decided to be the Good Samaritan and give him a ride. Sorry...I'm a nice guy. He looked like he needed a little help. Since his clothes were wet, I thought I'd bring him here and dry them for him. Is that so awful?"

I left out the deal about Jeremy's dad. I doubted that was something Jer particularly wanted getting around town.

"Since he's in MY room, yes, Ben, it is so awful," Danny glared at us. He was still wearing his basketball uniform, fresh from practice. He held a ball beneath one arm.

"Shut up, Reject. Have a little courtesy...and besides...it's MY room too, if you'd forgotten," I said, quite pissed by that point. I looked over at Jeremy...who looked quite sullen at that point. I wasn't sure...but he might have been on the verge of tears. The poor kid was so fragile...

Danny tossed his arms up in the air, resigned (the ball plopping down onto the floor as he did), and then stomped out of our room. After a few seconds, I could hear from some distance down the hallway, "Awe...FUCK!!!"

I chuckled, finding his melodramatic overreaction quite amusing (I loved to see him suffer)...but as I glanced over at Jeremy, I got the impression that he didn't quite feel the same way that I did.

"Maybe I should go," Jeremy softly suggested.

"Don't even think about it," I said, "Danny needs somebody to burst his bubble every so often. You're stayin'." I paused, and then to eradicate any possible worries he might have about burdening my family... "When my mom gets home, I'm sure she won't mind. She loves having company." Okay...so the last part wasn't quite true...after a long day at the office, Mom would definitely not be pleased to have another mouth to feed. But still...I needed to make Jeremy feel as welcome and unburdensome as possible if I wanted him to stay.

"She really won't mind?" he asked, finally starting to get over his difficulty of accepting a favor.

"Absolutely not." Well...maybe a little.

"Okay..." he smiled warmly, then added, "thanks."

"No problemo," I replied coolly.

I heard a buzz on the other side of the house. "Sounds like our clothes are dry."

He smiled. "Let's go get 'em, then."

So we set off, me leading him to the laundry room. As we walked out the door, I gave his body one final look over. My God...he was HOT. The prospect of not being able to be almost naked with him anymore was slightly disappointing...but hey...I HAD just spent the last hour almost naked with one of the hottest guys I'd ever seen. I 'spose I didn't really have any right to complain.

We got to the laundry room just in time. My mind was having naughty thoughts again...and my dick was starting to respond. I opened the dryer door and slipped on my shorts as fast as I could. The entire time as I was dressing myself, I was watching Jeremy out of the corner of his eye. As he pulled his shorts up, his sizeable bulge got caught slightly in his open fly...once again emphasizing its size and framing it from the rest of his body. I must have been drooling. I took one final look at his sumptuous chest before he buttoned his shirt up over it. God, how I wanted him...

Jeremy and I returned to my room, and sat back down on my bed for some more friendly chatting while listening to some soft 'NSync in the background. Danny was nowhere to be seen. My guess was that he was off jacking off somewhere. I liked to do it when I got home from school (as I'd accidentally let slip to Jeremy earlier. At least he'd admitted that he had the same hobby...yet one MORE thing to turn me on...as if I wasn't sufficiently turned on already), and I knew that Danny did, too. I'd walked in on him more than one...and I hadn't gotten a very welcoming reception, either. Of course, he'd walked in on me many times, too...sometimes even as I was spurting cum (just slightly embarrassing...), so we were pretty even.

Soon, I heard the familiar slamming of my mom's car door outside. "Mom's home...I'd better let her know you're here," I told Jer.

"'Kay," he nodded.

I dashed out of my room to go appraise my mom of the situation. She wasn't thrilled, to say the least, but when I alluded to Jeremy's trouble at home, she grudgingly agreed to let the boy stay for dinner. She's a nice lady. I think I must have gotten my affinity for 'lost causes' from her. She was the kind of woman who, as a girl, if she'd ever seen a stray cat on the street, she would have brought it home (and I'd heard from my grand parents that she had many a time). Well...in a manner of speaking...I had just brought home a stray cat. How could she refuse me? She claimed she was "more than happy" to fix dinner for him.

And it was a good dinner that she fixed, too. She roasted a chicken in the oven, and served it with string beans, carrots and mashed potatoes. My mom was quite the cook, indeed. Jeremy was quiet throughout all of dinner, yet very polite none the less. My mom took an immediate shining to the kid, just as I had. I could tell that her heart went out to him, as well. The only person in our family who didn't seem to like Jer was Danny...because, y'see, Danny had the issue of popularity to take into account. Sometimes, I just wanna take that ego of his and shove it up his...

Never mind.

Don't wanna get all pissed about Danny now. I'm in too good of a mood to be bothered about my dumbass little bro. Luckily for him, he got a call midway through dinner from his little slut of a girlfriend, Marie...so he got to go off in the other room and quietly talk dirty to her while finishing up his mashed potatoes.

After dinner, I followed Jeremy into the living room, and we sat down on the couch. We sat in silence, for a moment, as he stared out the window into the dark storm.

"I think I should go home," he finally said, soft as ever.

"What? Are you crazy?" I asked, surprised. There was NO WAY I was driving Jeremy back home. "Do you realize how pissed he'll be if you show up this late?"

"Not as pissed as he'd be if I didn't show up at all," Jeremy said quietly.

"You can't go," I said.

"I have to."

"I won't drive you."

"I can walk." He paused. "Listen...Ben...thank you for everything you've done for me. You and your mom, both. I REALLY appreciate it. But I really need to go back home."

"There's no way I can stop you from going?" I asked...not too happily, might I add.

He shook his head.

"Then if I can't stop you, I might as well at least save you from the walk in the rain," I sighed, resigned. I paused. "Listen...Jer...if you ever need a place to go...if your dad's out of control...you're more than welcome here. This can be a place for you."

"Thanks," he smiled. If I didn't know better, I'd say he looked a little touched.

We sat there for a moment.

"You think you should call your dad first?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed, "probably a good idea. Give him a little time to cool down before I come home."

So, I led him to a phone. Jeremy dialed the number...waited a few seconds while the phone rang. Then, "Hello...Dad?..."

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN, BOY?!?!" I could hear his dad shouting five feet away from the phone, where I was standing.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Jeremy began to stutter, "I...I just met a frien..."


And I could even make out the sound of the phone on the other end being flung with a vengeance onto the receiver.

A few tears flowed down Jeremy's cheeks. He sat there for a moment...speechless and idle. He let the phone slide down onto his shoulder. After a moment...he slowly hung it up.

"I guess we'd better go," he whispered...his voice a near personification of dread.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him, "I might have been about to take you home a minute ago...but after hearing that...there's no way you're leaving this house. You're staying here tonight, Jeremy."

"But he'll..." Jeremy began. "What if he calls the cops?"

"Then we can call child protective services. If you tell them about the way he is..." Jeremy cut me off...

"But he's my DAD."

"What the hell kind of father treats his kid like that?" I demanded pointedly.

Jeremy had no answer.

"C'mon, Jer," I said, putting an arm around his shoulder...letting the severity trail off, and adopting a softer, kinder tone. "It's late. Whatta ya say we get to bed?"

He sighed, smiled (sort of), and wiped a tear off of his cheek. "Sounds good." He paused. "Where should I sleep? The couch?"

"Naw...our couch doesn't fold out. It's no good for sleeping," I shook my head. "We don't actually have any sleeping bags..." I paused, "Jeremy...if this idea doesn't bother you, you can sleep in my bed. There's really no other place that's any good."

He seemed to think it over for a moment. "Sure," he finally replied, "it may be a little weird...but it's sure as hell better than sleeping in the same house as my dad."

"Then we've got a plan," I concluded (triumphantly), and we set off for my room. We got there, I opened the door...and there was Danny, lying on his bed...naked. He had a Gameboy in his hands, and he seemed engrossed in the game he was playing. He casually looked up, expecting to see me at the door...but then saw me AND Jeremy. Seeing Jeremy, he let out a yelp, and immediately attempted to cover himself up. First his hands, but that didn't work too well...so then he tried rolling over, but then he realized he was flashing us his ass...so finally he rolled back over (affording us a quick glimpse of his dick in the process) and slammed a pillow over his crotch.

"What the HELL is he still doing here?" Danny roared, pissed as hell.

"Sorry...I forgot to tell you..." I said to Danny, trying to sound as heartfelt as I could, although it was quite difficult to suppress the laughter that was nearly exploding within me. Then, I turned to Jeremy, "Y'see...Danny and I usually sleep in the buff...and I kinda forgot to tell him that you were..."

Jeremy was trying to look as sorry as he could as he listened to my explanation...but suddenly...he couldn't contain it anymore, and he burst out laughing. And hearing him laugh, I couldn't help but let my laughter explode, either.

The look on Danny's face at that moment must have been worth a million dollars. He looked so indignant...so righteously pissed. But at the same time...so very, very pathetic.

"Fine...yeah...laugh...laugh all you want," he grumbled at us, "I'm real funny, aren't I? This little predicament here is really funny, huh?" And then, in anger, he ripped the pillow from off of his lap, and thrust his crotch toward us. "My dick's really funny, is it? You like seeing me embarrassed? You think it's funny? Well here you go! Laugh your fuckin' little hearts out!"

And laugh our little hearts out we did. Finally...Danny was at our mercy. Totally embarrassed before us. Naked and there was nothing he could do about it. So we just stood, stared, and laughed. His dick was soft...and it just dangled there...all three and a half inches of it. His thick piece of meat just lay there, resting on his plump little ballsack. Like me, his dick was cut, and also like me, he had a patch of thick black pubes above his dick. His brush was significantly smaller than mine...but there was plenty of it, none the less. His chest was trim and thin...his ribs could be seen. He had small, soft, light pink nipples on his chest, which was just beginning to develop something of a musculature. His arms and legs were thin, and beneath his arms were two very small patches of brown hair. His hair, like mine, was light brown, but his was cut short and messily spiked. His skin, like mine, was pale. He had blue eyes, and what seemed like a constant scowl (even more so now than ever). But his face wasn't what we were looking at. It was his dick that amused us. And as we stood there, laughing at Danny's misfortune...his dick slowly began to stiffen and rise.

"Oh...look..." I managed between hearty laughs, "looks like somebody's getting' a little turned on by all the attention!"

Jeremy only laughed harder.

Danny gave us his nastiest scowl possible.

Soon...his dick was standing at full mast. All five and a half inches of it were hard as a rock.

"Very nice, man..." Jeremy managed to get out between laughs. I couldn't believe it! Did he actually say that to my brother??? A mircale!

"You," Danny harshly pointed at Jeremy, "shut the FUCK up."

And with that, turned away from us picked up his Gameboy, and began to play again. "Show's over, faggots," he spat...however...this time, he made no effort to conceal himself. I'd seen him millions of times, and now Jeremy had gotten a good eyeful of him...so what would be the point in hiding something that both of us had seen plenty of?

"By the way," I said, finally able to stop laughing, "Jeremy's spending the night."

"Whoopty-shit," grumbled Danny. "Don't expect me to go out of my way to make you feel welcome. I'm still sleepin' naked."

"Sleep however you want," Jeremy attempted to be nice to my brother...who so obviously hated him. What a guy that Jeremy was, "Just pretend I'm not here."

"Believe me...I'm tryin'," he said, under his breath.

I shot him a dirty look, which he didn't catch because he was so enraptured by his handheld video game. Then, I turned to Jeremy. "It's almost eleven. Let's get to bed."

He nodded. "Sounds good."

Usually, I, too, slept in the nude. But that night, since I was to be sharing a bed with Jeremy, I thought the better of it. So, I stripped down to my boxers, as did Jeremy. God...what a hotty. I climbed into bed first, followed by Jeremy.

"What a coupla fags," I heard mumbled from Danny's side of the room.

"Shut the fuck up."

Soon...the light was out.

My bed wasn't meant for two people...but luckily, it was fairly large for a one-person bed. Not that I was complaining, mind you. I was pressed right up against Jeremy...flesh on flesh. I lay flat on my stomach, and he lay on his back. The blanket was pushed down just far enough to afford me a good view of his mouth-watering chest...just below his nipples. My legs were pressed up against his, my arms against his shoulders. The contact was arousing, exciting...yet relaxing and comforting at the same time. It was nice to have a warm body in my bed...pleasant. I'd always thought that the first time I so closely shared my bed, it would be in a sexual way. But this was non-sexual...and I found it all the better (not that I had any frame of reference, mind you). I was merely being close, offering love and care to someone who I liked...someone who needed some love and care. I'd only met Jeremy that afternoon, but I felt a connection to him. I was drawn to him, somehow. It felt good to be so close to him...to share with him.

Over on the other side of the room, I heard a soft, moist slapping sound. I looked over, and sure enough, I could see a distinct beating motion occurring beneath Jeremy's sheets. Damn. He really was pretending that Jeremy wasn't there. I watched him, and I could see that Jeremy, too, was very much aware of my brother's activities. I watched all sorts of strange, pleasure-filled expressions cross over my brother's face. Finally, after a few minutes, I could see the beating speed increase...I heard a soft moan escape his lips...and then I saw his body go into small spasms on his bed. He lay there for a moment...an expression of blissful content on his face.

Then, he threw the covers off of himself, and sat up on the edge of his bed. A brief of lighting briefly illuminated the room, and in the ghostly glow I could make my brother out, for an instant. His, now, soft dick lay limply between his spread legs, and his chest was coated in blobs of sticky white cum. I could see trails of the stuff slowly running down his chest. He sat there for a moment, seemingly examining it. Then, he took a Kleenex from a box next to his bed, wiped up the mess off of his chest, and then lay back down...covering himself back up.

And then...silence.

I closed my eyes and took a deep, relaxing breath. The only sounds to be heard were the soft pattering of the rain outside my window (which had softened significantly since the onslaught that afternoon), and the soft breathing of those to whom sleep was near. Both sounds were rhythmic...both were meditative...both were relaxing. I got lost in them. I was wrapped up in an intangible blanket of comfort, from being so near to someone for whom I already cared so deeply, and from the peaceful sounds that surrounded me. Soon...I could feel my consciousness draining from my body. Sleep was slowly overcoming my body. I felt a final wave of peace sweep over my body, and...and...


I sat bolt upright in bed. My heart was racing...pounding so hard and with such vengeance that I could have sworn it was about to punch a hole in my chest. Damn thunder had woken me up...not to mention startled the living daylights out of me. I glanced over at the red digital clock behind my bed.

3:26 A.M.


I glanced out the window. It was now pouring down rain. Where the storm had let up a few hours ago, and the heavens were casting down little more than a drizzle...now, sheets of torrential rain were pounding down onto the earth from above.

Another blinding flash of lighting illuminated the room suddenly and briefly. A pale glow was cast on all within. I could see Danny, still fast asleep...unawakened by the thunderous cacophony. I glanced down to check on Jeremy...and I found nothing more than an indentation in the sheets.

Where the hell was Jeremy?

My heart once again began to pound. I glanced towards the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom...the door was ajar and no one was within. Where the hell was he? I was scared to death that he'd decided to go back home to his raging father. With my heart in my throat, I quickly leapt out of bed, and hurried out of my room and into the hall. I looked around...no Jeremy. I went down the hallway into the living room. I took a look around. I didn't see him. I was about to move onto another room when I heard a quiet sniff. Aha. A soothing wave of relief swept my body.

I headed over to the couch, which faced away from the door and towards the front window. Sure enough, upon circling to the other side of the couch...I found Jeremy. Wearing nothing but boxer shorts, and all curled up in a ball, clenching his legs to his chest. In a brief flash of lightning, I could see wet trails weaving their way down his cheeks.

"Hey..." I whispered.

"Hey," he whispered back.

I sat down beside him, so as to comfort the boy. He didn't budge...didn't say a word...didn't react at all. The only sound to escape him was another muffled sniff.

Finally, I asked in a soft whisper, "How long have you been down here?"

He sat there for a moment. "I dunno. Maybe an hour."

"C'mon, Jer," I said, "why don't you come back up to bed? How is sitting here...all huddled up on a couch...alone...gonna help matters?"

"I don't know," he said, "I just...I just wanted to. Besides...I couldn't sleep. I haven't all night."

I sighed, welling up with compassion for the poor boy. "What the hell did that man do to you to put you in this kind of condition?"

"It...it's not as bad as it looks," he quickly said.

"You can't sleep," I said.

"It's just...normally, it isn't THIS bad...like it was the other night. I mean...yeah...he drinks a lot. He gets mad when he drinks...I can usually deal with it," he said, stammering a little, "It's just...last night...last night was the worst. That's why it's so hard...last night...last night..."

"You don't deserve this," I said. I could feel anger welling in me, directed at the man.

"I know," he whispered.

Not knowing what else to do, I leaned over and embraced Jeremy. And he melted into my arms. From the way he just sunk into me like that...it seemed as if no one had hugged him in ages. Perhaps no one had. I doubted that his drunken bastard of a father had. Jeremy just leaned into me, clumsily wrapped his own arms around my back, and rested his head on my bare breast. And as he lay there, clasping onto me, I slowly rubbed his back, attempting to express all the compassion, care and love I felt for him. All the compassion, care and love he desperately needed. It wasn't coming from his father...it wasn't coming from people at school...but he could find it in me. An unconditional acceptance and caring. And he began to sob. Soft, small ones at first...but soon...his body was heaving as he released intense wells of emotion. Sadness and sorrow that had welled up within his poor heart...sadness and sorrow that he couldn't express to anyone. And now...he had me...and I accepted all that he had to let out. My chest was drenched with rivulets of salty tears. They cascaded down my flesh...off my sides and pooled in my navel. And through it all, I held him. And I held him.

Finally...the sobbing died down. The sobs became softer, and softer...and farther apart, and farther apart. Until...finally...they stopped. And he lay there...remaining on top of me...locked in my secure, loving embrace. His head rested on my soft flesh. My arms remained around his body.

Finally...he lifted his head up, and met my gaze.

And I kissed him.

Oh shit.

I'd just kissed him.

What the fuck had I been thinking?!?! It had only been a little peck on the cheek...but still! Here he was, in his deepest time of need...and what does the new friend he's finally found after all this time do? He kisses him! His new friend's a faggot! I look at him, expecting shock and disgust...

I saw shock all right...but I didn't detect any disgust at all. Just surprise...and then...I could see the tips of his lips begin to curl up in a faint smile. And then...without warning...Jeremy leapt onto me, and ravenously thrust his mouth upon mine. He opened his mouth...I opened mine, and immediately, his tongue was swirling around my mouth, dancing with my tongue.

Holy shit.

He was gay.

He was gay!!!!

And...as I kissed him...a broad smile broke out on my face. We kissed passionately...once again exchanging a broad and intense range of emotions with each other...but this time...it was a much more positive, equal range of emotions which we could mutually share. We shared our newfound love for each other. And was it ever powerful. I closed my eyes, reveling in the moment. We shared our mouths with each other in a passionate display of our love for one another, while our hands freely roamed each others' bodies. The flesh which I'd been desiring and for which I'd been fantasizing earlier that day was now beneath my hands...there for me...shared for me. As I shared myself with Jeremy.

Somehow, our bodies managed to straighten out without any conscious effort from us. I lay below Jeremy, and he lay atop me. As we continued our passionate, unbroken kiss, my hands found their way to his ass. I began to grope the soft, sumptuous flesh over his tight boxer-briefs. I allowed it to run between and through my fingers, and I allowed my fingers to run all over it. I felt as if I was kneading it. And then, I let my hands slip beneath the elastic waist of his boxer-briefs...and my hands were atop the luscious, impossibly smooth skin of his ass. A soft moan escaped my lips, and I almost shot my load right then and there. Animal instinct taking over, I began a slow, rhythmic humping motion with my hips as my hands explored his ass and my tongue explored his mouth. I could feel his bulge as I rubbed mine against his, and he did the same to me. Both of us were beyond rock hard and aching for release. As our bodies rubbed together, our nipples did the same. The sensation of his small, soft, sensitive nipples passing over mine was enough to send me to cloud nine of ecstasy. I allowed my fingers to venture into the deep, soft, cushiony crack in his ass. As my fingers gently brushed over his puckered hole, a moan escaped his lips.

Finally, unable to take anymore, Jeremy was suddenly up on his knees and towering over me. He flashed me a grin, and suddenly, his thumbs had hooked onto the elastic waistband of my boxers. Before I could say anything...my boxers were around my knees...and I was exposed. But I didn't care. If anything, I was joyous to share this secret, private part of myself with Jeremy. My rock hard six inches stood up straight, dying for attention. It rested below a thick brush of black pubes, and above my large, low-hanging balls. Jeremy sat there above me, transfixed upon my member. His eyes were wide and gleaming with delight and desire. I lay there. I'd let him stare at me for as long as he desired. I was his.

Finally, having completely taken me in, he gently took my hand and placed it on the waistband of his boxer briefs. Taking my signal, I hooked my thumbs around his underwear...and then...I yanked down. His monstrously huge dick sprung free. I gasped out loud. Jeremy's dick must have been at least seven and a half inches long. It was crowned by a huge, bushy brush of light brown pubes, and below it hung a huge set of balls. His dick was thick, uncut, and moist...and it made my mouth water. Now it was my turn to take him in...every detail for as long as I wished. The kid must have been about a year and a half younger than me, but still...his package was significantly more impressive than mine. Not that I was complaining. I would thus get a huge, luscious dick to play with.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"It's all yours," he grinned.

"Likewise," I grinned back.

And with that, he lay down beside me...his head at my crotch, and his crotch by my head. Now his colossal dick was only inches from my face. I took a moment to inhale...take in his musky scent. It was different from my own, but strong and delicious at the same time. It was...

And I let out a moan of intense pleasure as I felt a warm, wet feeling envelop my dick. Immediately, I went down on him as well. It was the first time I'd felt a mouth around my dick, and the first time I'd felt a dick within my mouth. It was delicious. Intensely powerful emotions I couldn't name swelled within me as I got my first real taste of sex...as Jeremy and I truly shared ourselves, our bodies and our beings with each other. I opened up my most private places to him and welcomed him, and he did the same for me. We took the other's virginity with us as we slowly, methodically and erotically sucked the other's dick.

There was no way that I could get all of his dick down my throat, but I took in as much as I could, as he did with me. I ran my hands over his body, through his thick pubes and over his ass as waves of pleasure pulsed through my body, and I provided the same for Jeremy. His dick was so big...so tempting...so inviting...so MINE. I could taste the salty drops of precum as they formed on the tip of his dick. And they were delicious, and only turned me on more. My hands roamed his body, and my mouth swallowed his dick.

Soon, I could feel his dick begin to swell and pulse. Tiny whimpers of pleasure escaped his lips as he worked my dick up and down. I could tell the time was approaching. He sped up his pace on my dick, and I did the same to him. Finally, at the last second...I let go of his dick with my mouth, and grabbed it with my hands. I pumped it with all my might as fast as I could and aimed it directly at my face.

And then...he erupted. Jets of warm, gooey cum began spurting out of his dick and all over my face and chest. I opened my mouth and some of the thick, salty seed landed in my mouth. My shower of cum turned me on to no end, and in no time, my dick soon began to quivver...and then...my body began to madly spasm as I began to shoot my load into Jeremy's hot mouth. I jacked his dick as his cum flew onto my flesh, and my dick spilled its own jism down his throat. The sensation of him swallowing the cum caused me to cum even more. I moaned quietly as I was drenched in this boy god's sperm. It was everywhere...my hair, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, chest, hands. And it was delicious, pungent and sexy.

And finally...it was over. After either an eternity or an instant, I wasn't quite sure which, the final droplets of cum dripped out of his dick, and my own load stopped pumping. We both let out a sigh in unison. I took his now softening dick into my mouth, ran my tongue over it a few times to lick away all remaining cum. And then...I let it lose...hanging limp.

I looked over my lover's body. His dick was soft now, but still huge. His chest was smooth and as sexy as ever. And his face...he had he cutest grin. He looked...happy.

"You're a mess," he giggled.

"Your fault," I joked.

"You didn't have to take it out of your mouth," he pointed out.

"Right. I didn't have to...but I did...suggesting that I wanted to," I added.

"Ah-hah," he nodded in feigned understanding. "So...how 'bout cleaning up?"

I thought for a moment, then ran my hands all over my face, gathering as much of his juices as I could on my hands. Then, when they were sufficiently coated in Jeremy's translucent love goo, I licked my hands clean. It was salty and delicious...but unfortunately...my face was still a sticky mess.

"Here," said Jer, tossing me his boxer briefs, "try these."

Grinning, I held the underwear up to my face, took a deep whiff of his manly odor...and then wiped my face clean with the garment.

I leaned over, handed it to him...and we exchanged a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled at me...I smiled back.

"Now..." I said, "how 'bout going back to bed? You think you might be able to sleep now?"

He grinned. "I think that I just might be able to." He paused...his flirtatious attitude was suddenly replaced with a genuine warmth. "Thank you."

I didn't know how to respond...so I decided to say the first thing that came to my heart...whatever it might have been...

"I love you."

"I love you, too," he said.

And with that, we headed off to my room, climbed back in bed, and soon...we were both fast asleep.

---------------------- So there it is. Thus ends part 2 of "Rainy Day"...and the conclusion of this particular, individual story. Hope you all liked it...and I hope it satisfied you all. I mean...it DID have that sex I promised you at the end of the last story. Let me know what you thought. I'd love to hear. You can reach me at cute_gay_boy@hotmail.com. If I get enough positive feedback, I very well might just let you see what happens next in the lives of Jeremy & Ben. So, thanks for readin', and hope you liked it. Until next time.

Next: Chapter 3

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