Rainy Brighton Days

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 6, 2008



The following story is homoerotic in content. That means it may or will contain sexual content between consenting males of assorted ages. The story, characters, places and situations depicted are FICTION.

All the above means is that the stories I write exisite purely in my mind and have absolutely no basis in reality. My characters do not use condoms, etc. and that is because imaginary people do not need them. REAL PEOPLE do.

Finally: This story (or parts thereof) is/are intended for mature readers and that generally means people of over 18 years of age. It should not be read or passed onto persons under that age.

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Rainy Brighton Days

Part One


G. Cutter

It was barely ten in the morning and after glancing through the window at the rainswept street I returned to my cup of tea and my local paper which was three days old. I was on the third day of a four to six week stay in Brighton and I was off to a bloody good start. It had rained solidly since I'd arrived and looked set to continue for another few days yet if the local forecast was to be believed.

I was house minding and I suppose before I go any further I have to explain myself.

Name, Peter Carter. Age, nineteen. Occupation, Student at the University of Surrey and studying Modern Languages which, let's say, is interesting if you're into languages which I was. I'd left school with an A Plus in French and German (amongst others) and it seemed to me with expanding world markets, etc. etc. that translators and linguists would be in demand in the future.My personal councellor agreed and said and why not? My course was set, I enrolled at the University and away I went. Did I say, I was blond, around six foot (Old English) and pretty slim and trim being a good swimmer and a fair athlete, running and jumping that is.

The house minding? Well, that's a bit of a short story on it's own. Coming from a rather penurious family of paupers I intended to work my holidays whilst at Uni but fortunately I clicked with a pal on my courses who was super rich. Well, put it this way, he was twenty and he had his own house down in Brighton. I'd spent a few weekends with him and found out pretty quickly he was gay which gave me no problems as I was that way inclined myself. To cut a short story even shorter I was invited or offered the use of his place in Brighton provided I did a few jobs around the place and maintained the security. I think the latter meant making sure that none of the strays he'd picked up and later dropped burgled him or spray painted nasty things on his garage door... anyway, it was an offer I couldn't refuse.

The previous summer was a beauty and I'd made merry, I truly did. I had no restrictions on who I entertained so hooked up with another like minded student and had a thoroughly enjoyable five weeks. A long hot summer holiday and by God it was hot. This one, so far, was a disaster. For starters, Jeff the other nineteen year old I'd consorted with if that's the term had moved on - in fact, he'd left Uni altogether so I was here on my own.

Ralph Baker, the guy I was house minding for had no objection to me shacking someone up for a couple of weeks or even a month, he trusted me that much and as he'd said by the time he got back from his cruise or whatever he might be able to pick up some crumbs from the table. You can interpret that as you wish . The big problem was neither I nor he, nor many holidaymakers realised that July and August were going to turn into near monsoon months.

Eventually, three days in, thoroughly pissed off and running out of food I gird my loins in a manner of speaking. Rain or no rain I had to shop and why not have a look around the Brighton meat racks, why not indeedy?

By the time I got myself dressed and got organised it was coming on lunchtime, I got my Fiesta from the large garage and was on my way. The rain had eased off a bit but I had a plastic raincoat as well as a brolly so I didn't fuss too much. The problem with this sort of weather was that it tended to cut the amount of eye candy massively, in fact, the place was near deserted as I drove down the hill and passed the Brighton rail station. Brighton is a big place and a fully operational town in it's own right as well as just being a holiday resort. In fact, it wasn't so much of a holiday resort now although there were a hell of a lot of foreign students frequenting the place being so close to two Universities. It was still known as the Gay Capital of the South for all the obvious reasons but in the weather of the day it just looked tatty and jaded. Jaded? I suppose it was, the Brighton's heyday had been in the seventies and eighties and a lot had happened since then... it had calmed down. The so callled 'gay scene' didn't interest me at all, I just wanted someone to have and to hold as they say, I didn't want any swishers or campers and I certainly didn't want to advertise my sexuality, that was my business and no one else's.

I did the bulk of my shopping in Churchill Square and trucked it down to the car park stashing it in my car and then went awandering as one does. I dumped my plastic raincoat which made me look like a trainspotter or something equally nerdy and settled for the brolly which looked just as bad but it was raining after all. Coffee and a bun first which gave me the opportunity to survey the bustling crowds of three or four soggy shoppers and got me right pissed off. The translation of that to the non English is 'dejected' or 'annoyed'. I sat there in the window surveying the scene and eventually decided to stroll through to the Lanes. The Lanes to give them their fully capitalised title are a collection of narrow streets featuring antique shops (even junk shops), fashion shops, a couple of pubs and cafes... supposedly 'old' Brighton. It was the place everyone visited and then wondered why the hell they bothered. Anyway, after all that I finished up in a pub and had a gloomy pint of swill, I mean I was gloomy not the pint, the pint was just crap so I moved on thinking deep thoughts on how to find a piece of meat and this wouldn't be the type you buy at the butchers.

I walked around with my brolly and found exactly nothing, the place had gone into winter routine. Even the Fortunes of War, the little bar under the Esplanade was as dead as a doornail so I decided to head back for my car and go home, perhaps tomorrow might be better, maybe the weather might improve. I got back to mt car and decided to cruise past the clocktower, take in the area around the bus station and finally check out the railway station known haunts of the footloose and fancy free to get all poetic about things. They were places where new arrivals tended to lurk to be blunt. Brighton like London was a place where kids from all parts of the country headed for imagined pavements paved with gold. Yeah, even in this day and age they really did. Loads of work, rich queens, fortunes to be made... yeah, right. More like a life of shoplifting, drugs and one night stands for peanuts. Sorry about that, that's just me being realistic and down to earth, it must be the weather getting me down.

Well, the clocktower was deserted, there were a couple of scruffy skags perambulating the bus station looking for a free meal and I was history. I got back into my little Fiesta and headed for the station parking by the main entrance, at least it was dry in there and unusually for a station cafe the tea was drinkable.

I felt better as soon as I walked in under the huge clock. The place wasn't heaving with prey but there was a scattering of the younger types lurking around and I headed for the cafe and bar alongside. A few of the strays as I generally called them glanced at me but not for long, most of them were looking for someone a bit older and looking a damn sight more prosperous than I was. I suppose that's one advantage of being a nineteen year old student, you don't look like a hunter or even a predator, you just look like... nothing, a nobody.

I sat in the cafe nursing a cup of tea, I sat on a tall stool by the window looking out onto the concourse watching the movements of the peasantry. I felt a bit like a cheetah eyeballing a herd of gazelle to get all Richard Attenborough-ish. I pulled a ciggy out and lit up (I was going to say 'fag' there but my American readers get all confused). Now, I don't normally smoke or not a lot but I do find that if you pull a cigarette out with a bunch of youngish layabouts in the vicinity there's always one, maybe two will come across and try their luck. Just to prove me wrong no one approached so I smoked my smoke and drank my lukewarm tea in solitude.

I suppose the first little ray of hope came when I decided to pop into the Station Bar next to the cafe for a drink before heading for home and another bout of mindless television. There was a kid, or a youth I should say sitting on a bench outside the bar nursing a half pint glass of something looking all miserable and dejected. I glanced at him and gave him a brief smile as is my wont and he gave a slight nod as if to say hello or maybe just to acknowledge the smile. He was nice or seemed so at a casual glance. He could have been anywhere between sixteen and eighteeen but probably towards the younger end of the range. He was dark haired from what I could see as he had a ball cap on and I would imagine him to be reasonably slender or slim. Well, he gave that impression but he was wearing one of these huge anoraks the old time 'mods' used to wear. I got a Scotch and a splosh in a large glass and studied him or his back through the fortunately clear glass window. His hair was a bit long but definitely black and not dark and he seemed to just be sitting there watching the world go by. I decided to wait a while to see what he'd do... probably stand up and walk off but what the hell, I had nothing better to do.

I didn't have to wait too long, five minutes later he came in and ambled upto the bar which was a bummer, he had money and that was never good at least not to someone like me, someone looking for a needy stray I should have said. He got another half pint and idly scanned the bar which was really heaving with a married couple up by the back wall and myself by the front window

'Shit day,' he mumbled as he plonked himself down at the next table to myself.

'You're right there,' I answered trying to place his accent. Certainly not a Southener but not all that far north, maybe Manchester or Leeds, he certainly sounded young. 'Holidaymaker?' I asked trying to prolong the conversation or get one going. One thing in my favour is that he'd moved into my space, I hadn't moved into his.

'Looking for work,' he took a sip of his beer and looked over the top of his glass at me. I noticed his eyes and the rabbit song came to mind. You know the one... 'Brighteyes...'

'Not much around,' I patted the chair alongside me. 'I hate shouting.' He immediately got up and moved. I'd scored, or he had. My evil little mind was spinning like a top. No well brought up young man starts talking to a complete stranger in a station and then willingly moves in on him. This kid which is a lot easier than saying 'this youth' every five minutes was searching as much as I was or he was just a gullible, friendly puppy type and there aren't too many of them around in Brighton.

'You local?' He asked directly without any apparent shyness.

''House minding for a month or so,' I told him. There was no danger there. I wouldn't give too much information away to a copmplete stranger but if you're on the swag you have to open up a bit. 'I'm on long holiday from Uni.'

'Nice,' he grinned and he did have a nice smile. Nice white teeth anyway and I liked his eyes, blue but not the cold blue the darker, warmer blue. The more I took crafty peeps the better he looked. When he'd stood I'd seen that he did indeed appear slender and taller than I'd thought, probably around the same height as I was. 'Nice to have a place to live at least.'

'What about you?' Down for some seasonal work?'

'Yeah. Small chance and no bloody chance,' he moaned. 'Half the holiday places haven't even opened up yet.'

'Half way through their season,' I commented. 'Gonna be a duff one as well unless we have a sudden heatwave. They're going to have to hope to get lucky later.'

'Yeah, that's fine,' he pouted. 'If you've got money in the bin.'

I smiled sympathetically, the time was coming for him to give me a hard luck story and try me for a fiver or a tenner.

'So, you're broke?' I spoke after a moment as he didn't seem inclined to open up further.

'Not yet,' he smiled again. At least he wasn't completely down on his luck not like some of the skags poncing pennies and shoplifting for drugs. 'Once I've paid for a flop I'll be in the shit.

'Can't you afford the fare home? Call it quits, cut and run?'

'I'm seventeen, I've left home... for good,' he scowled.


'Ah,' he repeated. 'That's helpful.'

'Have a drink, that's more helpful,' I smiled and looked down as I stood. 'What is it?'

'Can't buy you one back,' he protested half heartedly. 'Half of Ordinary,' he held his glass out all the same. I walked over to the bar satisfied now. I think this one would fall into my arms, it was just a matter of beating around the bush. He'd come onto me was the way I looked at it, maybe rightly or maybe wrongly. Time would tell and very shortly at that, I had no intention of hanging about this dump although he was a good looking kid and I could feel stirrings already. I was getting frustrated thinking about him with that bloody great anorak off instead of sitting there like Paddington Bear.

'I presented him with a full pint and sat again with my Scotch and a splosh replenished. That would be enough for me, I had to drive after all and although it was mid afternoon I didn't like taking chances, at least not on the driving front.

'Hey, you'll get me drunk,' he laughed and raised his glass looking through the liquid like an experienced drinker which he clearly wasn't.

'That wouldn't do,' I murmured and he laughed.

'My feet are cold,' he gave a dramatic shiver. 'Trainers are wet,' he explained but I realised when I was being fed a line or perhaps I was making leap of faith. I took the plunge anyway, the worse he could do was to tell me to fuck off or throw my pint over me, both unlikely I gambled.

'Come around my place and relax for the afternoon,' I suggested with my heart well and truly in my mouth which is most uncomfortable I can assure you.

'Yeah?' He looked at me without the smile this time but he was still good to look at. Regular features with a cute upturned nose, pouty lips a little thicker than normal and those blue eyes. In fact, he was bloody tasty and I had a bad thought. He was so good looking, how come he hadn't been swagged already? Perhaps he was a homophobic hard boy, you do get them around. Kids come down to the so called 'Gay Capital' and then wonder why it's crawling with gays and when they get chatted up every five minutes they lash out. Mind you the rain had dampened down the scene over the last week.

'Yeah... just an offer. Take it or leave it. I might even manage you a meal.'

'How old are you?' He asked suddenly.

'Nineteen and a student etc. etc. I have told you.'

'Just checking,' he laughed. 'Living with parents? Oh, no. Housekeeping.'

'House minding or housesitting, not quite the same thing.'

'Ah, gotcha,' he nodded although I don't really think he knew what I was talking about and he still hadn't taken me up on my offer.

I took a sip at my drink and settled back, he had a pint to get through and he wasn't a quick drinker I was glad to note.

'What's your name by the way?'

'David, David Foster,' he looked at me. 'Yours?'

'Peter Carter.'

'Aged nineteen and a philanthropist,' he chuckled.

'Not quite,' I replied.

'Well, here's your good health and good luck, Peter,' he raised his glass and looked at me quite boldly. He might have been one of the lost boys but he wasn't what you'd call wimpy or shy. Maybe it was the drink talking but he had brightened up a little and seemed more relaxed.

'Ditto, David. Good health.'

We both grinned like a pair of mumpties. I knew what the score was and what I was after, I suspected that he knew exactly the same but was playing a bit of a game, then again, he was hardly likely to give me a price. Quite possibly some of the more experienced rent boys from London town but not this kid. I idly wondered of he was a virgin but at seventeen and virtually on the streets, surely not.

'I'm so tired,' he smothered a yawn. 'Sorry. I slept rough last night, the hostel was full and all the benches were taken so I had to zonk in the gents toilets.'


'Tell me about it,' he scowled. 'You want to try sleeping on a shitter with your feet jammed up against the door... it was a long bloody night.'

'Well, a bed goes with the relaxation, a meal... and a bath.'

'It's getting better,' he grinned quite happily this time. 'A bath and a bed as well.'

'No strings,' I tried a bit of temptation.

'Shame,' he giggled and this was a genuine one, he even managed to splutter beer everywhere to the disgust of the barman.

'Calm down, calm down,' I hissed and put my hand on his knee, our first actual bodily contact even if it was through slightly damp baggy jeans.

'Sorry,' he apologised and wiped his eyes. 'I've got a sick sense of humour.'

'Sounded alright to me,' I grinned.

'How far is this place?' He picked up his drink again. 'I've really got to look for a job.'

'Well, it's Friday afternoon now, the rain's in for the weekend so you may as well lay low and consider your options.'

'What?' He looked at me in surprise. 'You can put me up for the weekend?'

'And feed you and bathe you,' I looked at him straight faced.

He nearly burst out laughing again and he was right. I don't know if his humour was sick as he put it but he seemed to see a double entendre in everything I said. He must have watched the camp shop assistants in The Fast Show. 'First of all it's a bath now it's down to bathing me.'

'Sounds good to me,' I grinned. I had to get this kid home. I just prayed that he wasn't one of those that had all the chat and then get all virginal when you get them off the street.

'Right,' he suddenly drained his glass and placed it gently on the table and looked at me. I think he blushed slightly but he was so dark skinned it was hard to tell. I suppose I should explain the 'dark skinned'. I don't mean he was a half cast, or of mixed parentage as they say, I just mean he was a good looking white English youth with dark skin, he could be quite easily mistaken for a Spaniard or Italian until he opened his mouth.

'Come, David,' I quickly knocked back my drink and stood. I was right, he was as tall as me, possibly a shade shorter but not by very much, we'd fit in a bed well together but I was getting ahead of myself. At the moment he looked like a refugee from one of the better fed Oxfam centres. One thing I did notice as I held the door for him being a gentleman and that was he ponged. I mean he smelled funky plus, he needed a good bath and a change of clothing but all that was in the pipeline of the imagination or the twitching of the groin to get more earthy.

'Hey, you didn't say you had a car,' he exclaimed in delight when he saw my little red heap.

'No big deal.' I got in and flipped open the passenger door.

'Cheers,' he settled in wrapping the huge anorak around himself. 'Whew, I reek.' Well, I was glad he'd said it before I had.

'Probably that wet coat,' I said diplomatically.

'Socks and trainers as well.'

'If you have a nice bath and leave all your gear out I can stick most of it in the machine,' I offered hopefully.

'Sounds like a devious plan. Just thought of it?' He grinned.

'Seemed like a good idea to me, you can't wear the same gear forever.'

'You're right,' he wiped the mist from the window. 'If you're offering a bed you may as well offer a dressing gown to go with it.' He was talking quite casually and if I hadn't noticed his faint blush with a sideways glance I wouldn't have appreciated how nervous he was.

'Ralph said he had a load of gear he's outgrown,' I said. 'It's all in a bloody great bag in the back room, there's got to be something in that.'

'Who's Ralph?' He asked suspiciously.

'Don't worry, he's down the Med on a cruise. Just you and I today.'

'Good,' he flashed a grin at me. I drove on, I was getting more and more certain that this young man was a goer. He was saying all the right things at the right time but then again it was still a matter of slowly, slowly. Even if he was game for a game I didn't want to upset him or startle him. Perhaps he was a novice or an amateur, he may have been a total virgin but I thought that was a bit unlikely at his age. The point was, had he gone through the boyhood fumbles and thought he knew it all or had he actually done 'it' and was in the process of playing me like a fish just for his own amusement?

'Nearly there.'

'Good,' he looked at me. 'Do you pick up many boys at the station?'

'Not really,' I laughed as we turned into he small drive. 'I don't live here permanently and as I recall I didn't actually pick you up. We just met.'

'Right. You do fancy me though?' He stood there grinning as I faced him across the roof of the car.

'Yeah,' I smiled back and he walked from the garage as I lowered the door, he stood there in the rain that had eased to a drizzle and walked behind me to the front door.

He stood for a moment admiring the house (which wasn't all that big) and then followed me into the small hallway and then through into the lounge which Ralph liked 'comfortable' if not verging on scruffy.

'So, I thought you were a housekeeper,' he grinned surveying the shambles.

'House minder,' I reminded him. 'The man likes clean not tidy if you can sort that one out.'

'Gotcha,' he grinned clearly not appreciating the fine line between the two.

'Well,' I spoke after the famous pregnant pause. 'Let's get you sorted out. Drink, food, bath and some dry gear? Your choice.'

'Dunno. Mum,' he grinned cheekily at me and started to take the anorak off and that, was, at least, a start. Mind you, a few moments later with the baggy overcoat off and his baseball cap sitting on top of the cooker he showed a whole new face to the world. Slender as I'd suspected but what a mess, a navy blue short sleeved shirt over a long sleeved white, or what used to be white, t-shirt and baggy jeans which I hate at the best of times. When they're damp and look as grotty as his did they are totally disgusting. They nearly killed my lust but not quite, all I could see with my x-ray eyes were his smooth brown legs and I'm sure they were. I tried not to think of his underwear, if his briefs or boxers were as filthy as the rest they would be disgusting. I wondered when he last had a bath and change of clothing.

'How's about a tinny and a couple of sandwiches. I'll sort you out some fresh gear and we'll think about getting you into a bath.'

'Sounds good to me,' he looked up. 'Can I take these trainers off?'

'Help yourself,' I grinned and raked about in the fridge producing a can of Castlemaine, a plate of corned beef and lettuce. That would do him until I could sort out something a bit more filling. Of course after more alchohol he might say a bit more about himself. I might be in lust but I was aware I was entertaining a complete stranger in a close friend's house. I had the leeway or the permission, I just needed to use some of my common sense as well. Just because someone is pretty, handsome, or even good in bed doesn't mean that they can't also be a thief or a rip off merchant.

I made him two mighty sandwiches which he tore into between slurps of his cold lager. I left him in peace hoping that he'd have something to say at the end and he did.

'I come down from Leeds,' he informed me half way through and then at the end he started to speak again. 'I'm not a runaway or under age or anything you know.'

'That's nice to know. So, what are you? A job seeker?'

'More or less,' he admitted. 'I was hoping with the holiday season to just about walk into some sort of job... looks like I fucked up.'

'You did, big time,' I told him. 'Any decent jobs will be gone by now, you should have been here in May or even earlier.'

'May?' He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

'You need to be down here early, some of these people have been coming and working here for years. Of course, that's not counting some of the London rent boys who come down here for the season.'

'Bet they do well,' David mused attacking his second sandwich.

'Dunno,' I smiled and poured myself a Scotch and splashed lemonade into the glass. 'I think I prefer the less blatant types.'

'Like me?' David grinned.

'Depends how it turns out,' I said trying not to grab him and stick my tongue down my throat. The more I looked at him the more I fancied him and he was just sitting calmy munching his way through a sandwich without a care in the world. 'How long are you staying in Brighton or are you staying?'

'No, I'll go home at the end of August if they'll have me back ,I just hope I can get some work or I'll be going back before then.'

'Well, as I said you're OK here for the weekend... be my guest sort of thing.'

'That's very kind of you,' David replied almost formally. 'All at a cost I suppose?' He avoided my eyes concentrating on his nearly finished sandwiches as if they were going to disappear.

'Only what you want to pay,' I said and I suppose that said it all. Business concluded and I realised that I'd more or less given him the option of doing exactly bugger all which wasn't one of my smartest moves.

'I'm a bit new to this sort of thing,' he definitely did blush this time and I took pity on him.

'Play it by ear,' I ruffled his thick dark overlong hair and he finally looked up at me.

'I suppose this is the bit where you get me into a bath and offer to wash my back... I seem to have read this scenario somewhere.'

'I wash fronts as well.'

'Now that sounds better,' he grinned at long last and his blush had faded a little. 'I haven't had you know what for a week.'

'You know what?'

'Yeah,' he laughed and clenching his fist made a wanking motion. 'And I feel absolutely grotty, I'd love a bath supervised or not.'

'Now that is an offer I can't refuse,' I laughed. OK, so we'd beaten around the bushes a bit but we'd gor there in the end. 'Come and have a look at this stuff Ralph's sending down the Thrift Shop and see if we can rescue you something to fit.

'OK,' he drained his can and now barefooted padded after me into the back room which was basically unused and we started to go through the bag and the box which I was supposed to dump down the local Oxfam Shop or wherever. A couple of t-shirts were no problem and even a lightweight jacket appeared but the prize were two pairs of trousers, one a pair of khaki cargoes and one a pair of army camos both of which may be a bit large for Dave's slender frame but would hang off his hips quite well. The bonus at the bottom of the black bag were a pair of trainers which were well clapped out but a damn sight better than the ones he'd had abandoned in the kitchen. You will, of course, note that as we approached bath time David had become Dave. It was hard to be formal with someone you intended attacking with a soapy sponge.

'I've got a fresh pack of briefs in my room but I'll run all your stuff through the machine... you can wash your own socks.'

'Yes. Mum,' he laughed and at that point I lost it and grabbed him by his slender waist.

'I'm not your Mum,' I snarled and pressed against him just to clarify the point you understand and he reacted. He reacted well I mean. He moved against me and apart from the unwashed boy smell I was in heaven or on my way. It was hard to tell with him wearing jeans so stiff they were like carboard but he had pressed against me and hadn't fought me off. His smooth face was inches away and I brushed my cheek against his. A bit early to go for a kiss and I'd much prefer him to clean his teeth first.

'Obviously not,' I felt his hands settle on my hips and still he didn't push me away. 'We can't stay like this all day,' he grinned cheekily and gave a little pelvic thrust. I made my last move and that was for the moment, I slipped my hands down the back of his still damp trousers cupping his youthful buttocks in my hands. Jelly on springs... I squeezed and he wriggled and still pressed against me. I had to see him naked, I had to see him wet and soapy and take it from there. The buggering about was over.

'Bathroom,' I whispered and reluctantly pulled free. I'm sure there was regret in his eyes but I could have imagined it, hopefully not. I liked him. Whether or not he was just a tease was something I was going to find out in the near future. 'Come, Dave.'

'Not yet,' he gave a short laugh and followed me leaving the gear we'd selected on the floor. I grabbed it all up and resumed the lead. Once upstairs I took him into the bedroom (my room that was) and dumped the gear on the bed and then showed him the bathroom. His uncertainty was back and the rather cheeky or bold front he'd displayed downstairs was gone. He hovered as I squirted foam in the big bath and turned the mixer tap to a reasonable temperature and started to fill. I'm using the word hover as that's exactly what he did, poor soul, he just didn't know what to do and once again I took pity on his innocence or shyness.

'Have your bath, there's a bathrobe on the back of the door. Open one of the fresh toothbrushes and feel free.' I felt like I was in charge of a kid and I suppose I was. He was clearly new to all this and he was still obviously very nervous even after a mild grope. 'I won't watch,' I grinned. 'Gimme a shout if you want a hand.'

'A hand?' He raised his eyebrows.

'Yeah,' I glanced down at the fork of his jeans which displayed nothing, then again the so called baggies never do. He'd look a whole lot better in the tigher cargoes and camos we'd sorted out. Then again, he'd look a whole lot better still with just sudsy foam to cover his nakedness.

'OK, gimme ten,' he smiled faintly as I left him to it. As I went into my room I heard the door lock behind me. Mind you, a short while later I heard the toilet flush and then the door opened just an inch or so. Silence and then the sound of a body getting into the bath and splashing around. I awaited the call to arms and that was assuming I was going to get one. He still had time to flunk it or bottle out as they say around here.

'Pete.' I heard the quiet call a long ten minutes later.

'Yeah,' I stood behind the door. 'You OK in there?'

'I could use that hand,' he spoke quietly but I heard him fine and trying to keep the smirk off my face pushed open the door and walked in. He was sitting in the bath running some more water in and he looked a different boy, his long black hair was glued to his head and the back of his neck but his back and chest were as dark as his face and he craned around to look at me. 'I said I could use a hand,' he reminded me.

'Right,' I made a grab for the sponge. For once I was at a bit of a loss, believe it or not the famous 'getting it on in the bath' may have been something he'd read about but it was a new one on me and I was at a bit of a loss. As I'd advised him 'play it by ear' sounded like good advice. I rubbed the soapy sponge over his shoulders and across the top of his chest.

'It's a big bath,' he remarked and suddenly put his hand on mine.

'It is,' I agreed.

'Get in then,' he giggled. 'You know you're going to attack me sooner or later.'

'I'm not going to attack you,' I protested gently squeezing his neck.

'Come on get in the bath,' he whined. 'We're even then.'

I suppose it made sense although I don't know how it would make us even, it would make us both naked that was for sure and I went for it. It's a damn sight easier getting going once you're down to skin. He didn't look at me as I peeled my shirt off and dropped my jeans and boxers, in fact he didn't look at me at all as I slipped into the bath behind him sliding my legs past his body and snuggling upto his wet back.

' Nice,' I wrapped my arms around him feeling him push himself back against me. It was a good job Ralph had an outsized bath which he insisted came with the house as we were quite comfortable together and as he pushed back against me my erection slid up his back and was sandwiched between us.

'Dirty man,' he chuckled and taking hold of one of my hands guided it down under the sudsy water.

Thank Christ for that. I felt his own hardness and wrapped my hand around it's thickness and stiffness gently squeezing it trying to assess it's size. He was probably about the same as I was and that was the 'standard six', nothing extraordinary but a good size for a teeny and hard enough to betray what was on his mind. He needed relief of one sort or the other, I wanted to take him to bed so I expect something would sort itself out. 'Big boy,' I nuzzled at the back of his wet neck and parting his hair with my lips kissed him for the very first time.

'What happens when you've had your wicked way? Do I get my marching orders?'

'Once I've had my wicked way, Davey boy... you have yours.'

'Really?' He almost squeaked with excitement.

'Really,' I grinned and reaching out with my other hand so that one came in from his right fondling his erection and the other came from the left cupping his heavy scrotum. Of course this pulled him into me tightly so that my own hardness moved up and down between the small of his back and my belly. 'Shower to finish?'

'Yeah, alright,' he muttered and we both clambered to our feet together. We stood in the bath facing each other and naturally enough checked each other out. He was a little shorter than I was and as dark as I was fair but both our erections could be clones other than the shading. He shyly at first and then more confidently held them together with both hands and squeezed them moving his hand to and fro effectively giving us both a slow wank. I wrapped my arms around him letting my hand slip down his wet back to clasp his slippery buttocks one to each hand. They were delicious and he moaned softly as I crushed him to myself. I didn't try to finger his crack of go over the top, I was playing it so cool I was almost frosted up.

'Shower,' I helped him from the bath and we got into the shower cubicle also one built for fun and games. As the warm water ran over us and I squirted gel onto his chest he let himself go and this time he took me into an embrace and he also got his hands on my bottom. He wasn't that bloody shy, he grabbed and mauled my cheeks until I managed to get my hardness between his legs whereon he promptly clamped on it and grinned his pleasure.

'You fuck me and I'll fuck you,' he whispered throatily. OK, not all that romantic but it showed where his interests lay.

'No probs with that,' I held his jaw and dropped my lips. This one was the acid test. He looked startled for a moment and then returned my kiss as if experimenting and finally opened his lips as my tongue probed. In the end we shared the long kiss until we were both breathless and our tongues had met each other in a bit of a slip and slide tango.

'I'm so tired,' he whispered and then chuckled. 'Not really but I am so hard...'

'Come on,' I turned the shower off and then it was fluffy towel time.

'Betcha haven't got a hair dryer,' he shook his head like a dog splattering me with water droplets.

'In the footlocker,' I pointed. 'You can't use it in here though, no power. We can use it in my room.'

'Figures,' he remarked dryly and stood there with a little smile on his handsome face as I started to pat him down with a big towel.

'Nice,' I murmured as I patted under his under his balls. He squirmed and patted my head.


'I know... come on, let's get this hair dryer going.' We went into my room, my bedroom that is and he sat on the edge of te bed and started to blow dry his long hair once I'd turned the thing on. He hadn't put on the bathrobe but had settled for wrapping a towel around his waist but as he moved his head around blowing away merrily I finished drying myself off and watched him.

'I've never done the sex bit before,' he mumbled barely audible above the whine of the machine. 'Everything else though. Not with men, with mates.'

'I'm not fully grown,' I smiled and sat alongside him putting my arm around his shoulder. 'A student can't really be a dirty old man... can he?'

'A dirty young man,' he grinned as my hand parted his damp towel and I extracted his warm flesh into the light. He might have been a novice as he'd said but he was a very hard novice and he was willing and needy, I could sense it. 'Aaah...' he gasped as I ducked my head and took my first lap at his hard flesh. 'Jeez, Pete,' he held my head as I licked up and down his straining flesh and then slowly and sensually slipped my wet lips over his bulging glans. I could taste the faintest trace of semen above the taste of soap and as I sucked and took more of him in the taste got stronger, he was precuming just a little but he was all the same. 'That's nice,' he switched the blower off and flopped back onto the bed as I peeled the towel clear and began to stroke up and down his sides maneuvering him into the centre of the bed. 'Shall we get in?'

'Good idea,' I laughed. Well, why not? I was happy. I was going to bed with a beautiful brown skinned boy, he was randy, I was needy... what more could you ask for on a rainy Friday afternoon. As soon as we were under the covers we got into a huddle and this time he grasped my manhood and gently squeezed and then moved his hand up and down. We huddled together as it wasn't all that warm and as we clasped each other we tried our second kiss and this time he was willing and eager.

'I'm so hard,' he whined.

'Shurrup,' I grinned and nuzzled at his throat and started to kiss down his silken smooth body. He lay back and accepted what was happening and even pushed my head down as I took him in my mouth again but this time I was going for it. I wanted him and I wanted his essence, his fluid, his cum to be blunt. I was going to drain him dry, he was a kid, he'd soon recover.

I made a meal of the vibrant young flesh in my mouth and as he humped away and threshed about in the bed I got one hand under his sweet bottom slipping one finger into his damp crack. He was so carried away with his coming climax that he merely gave a litle twitch and a gasp as my finger pierced his pucker and slipped into his warmth. I slipped from his penis and wanked the slippery meat as he lifted his hips from the bed and a thick white streamer of cum short from his slit up and over his tummy to splatter onto his chest. I ducked my head and took him into my mouth again to capture the second and third shots and then milked him dry with my hand and suction until he lay back exhausted and sated.

'Gawd...' he moaned and stroked my hair as his boyhood started to soften.

'Exactly,' I started to lap up his smooth brown torso taking in the little puddle in his navel and the long streak up on his sternum until he was nice and clean if a bit sticky and slippery. This time as we hugged and kissed he must have tasted his own cum on my lips but he did nothing other than smile and reach down to grasp my own aching flesh.

'Your turn,' he grinned and took the same route that I had. I didn't try and fight him off, he said that he'd done it before and he hadn't even mentioned my finger in his hot bum for those pleasureable few minutes. He took me into his mouth without any fuss and did a good job, almost deepthroating and once he was on me both his hands slipped under me clasping my cheeks and he moulded and squeezed them as his head bobbed up and down. The difference with his blow compared to mine was that as my balls tightened and I approached my climax he kept on it all the way. He drank or slurped I should say my cuming in it's totality. He seemed to like it as he squeezed my slippery shaft until he'd extracted every last drop and only then did he slide up the bed as I pulled the covers over us.

'You alright?' I snuggled in and allowed him to rest his head (and still damp hair) in the crook of my neck so that his warm breath tickled my throat.

'I'll live,' he whispered and I felt him relax.

'Catch up on your sleep, we can have supper later on.'

'I liked that,' he chuckled and rolled over turning his back on me. I moved in pressing my now fully relaxed sex against his warm and oh so soft bottom and he wriggled against me. 'That's nice,' he murmured sleepily and then there was silence.

He was very obviously tired which wasn't surprising if he'd roughed it all night and he slept like a log. I awoke around six in the evening and I could still hear the rain. I could imagine it was the end of the world. It hadn't stopped for three days and the television was full of flood warnings and pictures of flooded towns and villages in the West Country and the Midlands. I snuggled against his smooth warmth but in the end grabbed my dressing gown and wandered down to the kitchen. We could eat later but for now a cup of tea would be nice. Tea in bed with a new lover, now that is so English it's cringey. Never mind, I brewed up two mugs and not knowing his taste for sweetness took the mugs and sugar bowl up on a tray and placed it on the bedside unit. I gave him a gently shake until he stirred (sounds James Bondish there). Slipping back into the bed I snuggled up against him again.

'Perv,' he muttered reaching iown and held my penis which was at half mast to get all nautical. 'I smell tea.'

'To your right,' I struggled up in the bed until I was propped against pillows and he followed my example.

'Cosy,' he gave me a cheerful if sleepy eyed grin and passed a mug over.

'Two sugars, please,' I handed it back. After we got that lot sorted out we relaxed sitting up in bed drinking our splosh and gazing at the blank wall opposite.

'I was thinking of a quiet night watching the goggle box or having a rake through Ralph's DVD collection. I can phone out for fish and chips or a pizza later on.'

'Sounds fun.'

'After that I was thinking of handcuffing you, tying you to the furniture, covering you in Johnson's Baby Oil and abusing you.'

'Sounds cool,' he giggled. 'How about doing it like a Sex Ed class, you can be the tutor and I'll be te pupil.'

'Even more fun,' I snaked a hand under the bedding and felt him up. Nice one, he must get off on talking sex, he was as hard as a pipe.

'I had a mate before I left school and we did everything together apart from that.'


'You know,' Pete. The real thing, the kosher nasty.'

'There's nothing nasty about it. What's nasty about making love to someone.'

'They usually call it sodomy when it's man or a boy.'

'Come on, Dave. I'm two years older than you are. I'm not really a man and you're not really a boy - we're still both teenagers for Christ's sake.'

'Don't get excited,' he laughed. 'We're gonna give it a go and if I don't like it I'll bugger off.'

'No you won't,' I squeezed his hot and now really hard flesh. 'I made an offer for the weekend, it stands.'

'Good, I'll 'make love to you tonight first. If that goes OK, you can have a go.'

'Very organised.' I settled down a bit after disposing of my mug. It was an offer at least but for the moment... I slipped down a bit further and tugged the duvet down his belly and gently exposed his hard flesh. Raising up on one elbow I kissed his smooth velvet skinned belly and then took a tentative lick at his twitching cock. He was primed and he was ready once more, there was the slightest trace of cum at the tip of his glans and as I licked it I could taste his essence.

'Jeez, Pete,' he moaned and half turned to me as I took his thick dark skinned meat into my mouth again. 'Jeeeezus...'

It was as nice and just as juicy as it had been earlier on, he had a good recovery rate and slowly fucked into my mouth as I sucked on him and did all the little bonus bits he seemed to like. I opened his pee slit a bit and ran my tongue across it, I licked across his gans and then around the rim, I sucked his hard but smooth balls and then took it right in. He was a big boy, as I might have said and I breathed though my nose as I felt his glans slip right into my gullet almost choking me but I loved it... and so did he. He held my head and threshed around on the bed fucking into my suction and when he came it was even better than the last. I choked and gagged on his thick creamy spunk but most of it slipped down my throat and what I collected in my mouth I took down in a swallow and gulp. Even when he was done I squeezed his fleshy tube like a toothpaste and slurped his overflow through the slit of his foreskin as I pulled and pinched it up over his slippery glans..

'Wicked,' he gasped and started at me with teary eyes. 'I am so shagged out.'

'Later, baby,' I grinned and munched my way up his smooth belly sparing a little nibble for his dark brown nips.

'Yeah,' he agreed. 'For that you've earned a reward,' He grinned and started to head south. He was a good boy, he tried to copy me in every detail and just about succeeded although he had a little trick of his own. He must have been thinking of our vague arrangement or maybe he just wanted to try something out but his hand went under me and in my passion I didn't really notice until I felt a finger broach the pucker and he was in me. The trouble was once he got into ravishing me with his finger he wouldn't stop and I was destroyed once he found my prostate. If he was as shagged out as he'd said I was completely worn out and collapsed back onto the bed as his mouth drained the remnants of my slimey cream and he still slowly finger fucked me.

'Mercy, mercy, Dave,' I laughed and tried to push him off.

'I thought it was stuck in there,' he slowly and carefully slipped his finger free and looked shocked. 'Christ, you've torn my finger nail off.'

'Clown,' I cuddled, he cuddled and we lay there depleted in a sweaty and funky mess, it was definitely time for another shower and then we needed to see about some food. 'You are a little darling you know.'

'I'm not all that little,' he objected.


'You're a darling yourself,' he muttered with his arms around me and his hands grasping my bottom. 'You know...' he looked at me and grinned.

'Go on,' I prompted him feeling his fingers probing at my crack and opening my legs a little. I could get to like his moves, I wriggled my bum and he grin widened.

'You know, I thought about being picked up by one of those queens you see trolling around but not by a normal looking young guy.'


'I did well,' he kissed me and then pulled back. 'Because you are so hot and I'm so hard.' To prove it he mashed his reawakened hardness up against my belly. 'You are so fuckable,' he rolled on top of me pressing me down into the mattress and roughly feeding his hardness between my legs. I quite naturally clamped on his hot hardness and then stroked his smooth bottom.

'We both get to do it tonight,' I struggled free and slid from the bed.

'Aw...' he whined giving me a piteous look, a fine bit of acting.

'We both get to do it tonight,' I repeated.

'We do,' he agreed and slipped from the bed. 'Nice shower?'

'And then eat,' I grabbed his hand and towed him to the bathroom. Well, my toyboy wasn't such a toy, a boy or even a standard bottom for want of an expression but he was fun and I was beginning to think we went well together. Mind you the nitty gritty had yet to come but I already had high hopes. We had our shared shower and he was hard again, I just hoped it was me turning him on otherwise he had a bad case of satyriasis, I hoped for the former. Mind you he did things to me, I was just as hard as he was and the touch of his smoothly wet body and that deliciously tight boy's bottom in my hands had me dribbling all over again. I had to call a halt and then it was time for the hair dryer again... if he stayed I'd get him a damn shower cap.

We kept ourselves to bathrobes and luckily Ralph seemed to have doubled up on everything probably to accomodate the strays he picked up. Anyway, we weren't going out and it would be nice and cosy in front of the fire with easily disposable clothing. It was still raining, no surprise there so I phoned through for two fish suppers to be delivered and was told they would be delivered in an hour which suited me fine. I got a music DVD playing on the machine, nothing too rowdy and it was pleasant sitting on the sofa which we tugged around to make room by the fire. I had my plans and the one right in the front of my mind was taking him on that fluffy carpet and him taking me. After that... who knows. My last step was to snaffle the body oil from the bathroom unseen by Dave of course and drop it down the side of the big sofa.

The kid came with the meals on time and I asked him in so that I could sort out his money and a tip. I knew him slightly as I remembered him from the previous year doing the same job but he was nicer now, more grown up, maybe fifteen or sixteen but even at sixteen he seemed a bit nervous as he lurked in the gloomy hallway waiting me sorting out his cash. Funnily enough he was a part clone of David, only with a short crew cut if that makes sense. I tried to remember his name but couldn't.

'Here you go, six quid and keep the change,' I presented him with the dosh. 'Jimmy isn't it?'

'James,' he grinned. 'I got promoted.' His eyes dropped as he took the cash and I realised by bathrobe had come open. The cheeky little sod was ogling my goodies.

'I charge for peeps,' I smiled.

'Wicked,' he blushed in the darkness of the hall. 'Cheers... big guy.' He made the last remark as the door closed on him and he was well clear. Well, I'd made an impression on someone and from his 'cool' perhaps he was someone to bear in mind. Maybe yea, maybe nay, you know what I mean.

We ate in the kitchen as I had preheated the plates. Not being posh or anything as cod and chips are made to be eaten from the wrapper but I didn't want our little love nest (being hopeful there) to stink of salt and vinegar. Come to think of it, I don't think salt smells of anything but vinegar sure do.

'Rather gruff sounding delivery boy...'twas a boy was it?' Dave asked with raised eyebrows.

'Yeah, a kid, butch boy sorta looked like you a bit with much shorter hair.'

He was tasty then?' Dave grinned.

'Very,' I laughed. 'I remember him vaguely from last year.'

The conversation for what is was worth lapsed as we tucked into our food. We both had good appetites and let's face it, we'd expended energy which had to be replaced. Dave was looking more attractive by the minute and I've got to say his rather unexpected touch of butchness pleased me. I'd rather have sex with someone as an equal rather than with someone acting like a dead fish. There's no fun in having sex with some of the renters around, they just get on their faces eating a pillow and that's the end of it. I'm not saying that I'd like everyone I rump jump up and start to shag me to death but Dave was an exception. I could really have a holiday romance with him even if he was broke and I had to carry him. We'd work something out, I was a great believer in Fairy Godmothers or maybe miracles. I had a month in Brighton and so, it seemed, did Dave I'm sure we'd work something out.

'You dry, I'll wash,' I grabbed the plates and rubbish off the table and slung then into the sink. He made his move as I was just about finishing wiping down the draining board. I felt him behind me and then his warm breath on my neck as he moved in. He shucked up my bathrobe exposing my nether regions (I came across that one the other day). He pressed against me and it was pretty obvious his own bathrobe was open and he was at least semi aroused. His warm flesh pressed against mine and I felt his burgeoning hardness press against my bottom.

'God, I'm loking forward to this tutorial,' he nibbled my neck and his hand held my hips pulling me onto his now rapidly rising sex.

'Down, Fido,' I pressed back against him feeling his warmth and hardness as he pressed into me. 'Let's go back into the snuggery.'

'The fuckery,' he giggled.

'Whatever,' I heard my voice break. I turned around to see him as I'd anticipated. His bathrobe was fully open and his dark skinned penis was at full stretch with it's fleshy hoody fully retracted and it's swollen glans shiny and gleaming. This kid was on top line and the sooner I showed him how the better for both of us.

'I've only got two things to say,' I looked at him as I placed the lotion and the box of tissues by the fire and grabbed a couple of cushions from the sofa and placed then on the floor as well, our little nest was ready and so was he. 'Use the lotion, relax my ring first and take it easy.'

'Gotcha,' he grinned. 'And that's three things by the way.'

'Whatever,' I took my bathrobe off and spread it out and lay down. 'Your turn.'

'Fuckin' hell,' he looked down at me and shedding his own robe knelt by my side and his lips came down on mine. 'I'm a mass of nerves.'

'Hard nerves,' I grinned and lay him out alongside me and we went into the wrestled and maneuver, I wanted him behind me, he could do a 'frontal' later for the moment he could do it the traditional way which, at least, allowed the buttocks to cushion you from someone who got carried away.

'Gawd,' he groaned as I rolled onto my tummy sliding a cushion under my crotch eleveating my bottom. I parted my legs and waited, it was all down to him now. I was pretty sure he was a virgin by his slowness, an experienced lover would have been in me and shagging by now but he was nervous. He gently parted my cheeks and examined my pucker like I was a cut of meat on a plate but his fingers soon became active and then I felt the oil and the ever so gentle pressure as he took his first step. His oiled finger penetrated me and he sighed his satisfaction as I clamped on him and he started a little finger fucking and giggled. 'I'm dripping cum.'

'Just shows you're hot.'

'Damn right there,' his finger moved faster and made circular motions stretching me so he wasn't that dumb. He slipped his finger free and then trickled some more oil into my crack, I told him to annoint himself as well which he did and after a brief session with two fingers I told him I was ready. 'Tell me you want it,' he whispered with his lips close to my ear, I could feel his oiled hardness slip against my bottom.

'Fuck me,' I spread my legs wide. 'Put your knees inside mine not outside.' That was my last bit of advice as I felt his meaty cock slide onto my slippery sphincter and then came the pressure. Jeez, he was big and I clutched the spare cushion as I felt the pressure and then his knob was in me and he froze.

'Peter,' he groaned.

'Go,' I growled and he began. Another slippery push, another and then he started to move his hips up and down pentrating me deeper and deeper. I've got to say I felt every millimetre of his thick cock as he took me. Unusually for a first fuck (in my experience) he took his time and when he bottomed out he smuggled into me stirring his super hard cock in my gut.

'This is so nice,' he whispered. 'So tight, so hot,' he stirred in my bottom and made a couple of gentle prods. 'I could cum just laying here.'

'Fuck me, it's more fun,' I grinned into the cushion. In fact, I loved it, I could have laid there all night with his hot meat in me but I had a need as well... I needed to feel him move inside me and I needed to feel his hot youthful blasts against my inner flesh. I was falling in love, I wanted this kid's babies big time.

'Peter, he whispered again and he was off. Slowly at first but then faster as he began to do pressups on me sliding his big dong in and out almost slipping out but then ramming it back into my well stretched anus as he shagged me silly. 'Pete...' he gasped again. 'I can't last.'

'You will next time in bed,' I grunted as I pushed up onto his thrusts and he rammed down harder. He was going to cum, I felt his stiffen even more and then the hot blasts as he shot his creamy juices inside me. I counted four and then I just lay there as he finished off and I felt his excess cum between my cheeks. He was a virile and randy boy, he'd flooded me and he was still hard and still moving in my messy fanny. Eventually he lay on me gently nibbling my ear which is an odd habit but quite nice. I craned my head around and felt his lips meet mine. 'OK?'

'Brilliant,' he grinned. 'Wicked. We gotta do that again.'

'Lesson Two in bed later on.'

'Yeah,' he sighed happily and stirred his softening cock in my bottom. 'Now comes the messy bit.'

'That's what the towel's for, Lover Boy.'

He withdrew from me which is one of the less pleasant part of sex but he had cum to excess, in fact, he had cum like a donkey so the second one would be a lot less messy. I went upto the bathroom and when I returned he was sprawled out still naked on the sofa watching the same dreary DVD on the big screen.

'Feeling pleased with yourself?' I asked and managed to squeeze alongside him.

'Yeah,' he grinned at me as I lifted his head and let it rest on my leg. He looked up at me. 'Treat me gently, I'm a virgin,' he laughed as he slipped from the sofa and rolled over the carpet to the bathrobes and cushions. 'So far.'

To be completed in the

Second and final Part

What about James, the delivery boy? He sounds interesting.


Next: Chapter 2

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