Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Mar 19, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, sensuality, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

Feel free to send respect, questions or comments about the story to

Sum1pleZzCall911@hotmail.com - Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly



Eric's betrayal had sent me into a world of confusion and distress. I had taken off for school for more than a week. I kept forcing myself to believe that I was just sick, but I knew it was more. I knew that the rage that boiled inside of my causing my stomach to ache was from Eric. I stayed in my room almost 24/7 drawing sketches of sad scenes. My father kept trying to find out what was wrong with me. He thought Dina had something to do with it. I guess he thought that I was acting sick so that I wouldn't have to participate in the wedding (the wedding was only a month away). He even went as far as asking me if I wanted him to break the engagement to Dina. I told him no, even though I did. The thing was, I had gotten over the whole Dina thing. I realized that if my father was happy with her, than that is the person he should be with, regardless of whether I liked her or not. My world was falling apart slowly. I felt so alone, as though everyone had left me. Robbie was constantly with me though, bringing me work from school and keeping light conversation just to take my mind of the worries. He came in everyday and everyday was the same routine. He was be nice for a little bit, then start nibbling on my neck and rubbing on my crotch trying to have sex with me. I refused each time, even though the more I slipped into my depression, the more appealing his offer became. I felt so alone, the loneliness crept up at me until at times I found myself talking to the walls, as though they were people. Eric rarely came in my room but every morning he left a note underneath my door. One of them read, 'DAMIEN, WHY WON'T YOU OPEN THE DOOR FOR ME? HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN THAT WE HAVEN'T TALKED? I HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR WHAT HAPPENED ON YOUR BIRTHDAY, BUT I'M NOT GONNA TELL YOU THROUGH A NOTE. I MEAN ANYONE CAN PICK IT UP! DAMIEN, ITS REALLY IMPORTANT. YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN.' I kept wondering what Damien possibly had to say that could explain what happened. I mean, it wasn't like I caught him with just his shirt off or something. I caught him in that fucking another guy. I just kept to myself; I did not really want to see him, but knew that I was going to have to leave out of my room at some point or another. By now it was March 17th, Saint Patrick's day. I woke up early in the morning, hesitant about going to school that day. I checked my email and noticed all the mail from people that I had been getting. Tiara had sent me a few friendly mails, then there were some compliments from John Does in there and some of Eric's notes. They were all basically saying the same thing. None really tried to apologize for what happened...he never did apologize for what happened. All of the notes just kept repeating the same phrase saying that he had to explain what happened. I kept thinking he was going to say something like our relationship wasn't working or probably it was because I hadn't given my ass up to him yet. I knew if I heard that, it would just break my heart more. I decided not to think about Eric, as I wore some black pants and a nice shirt because the weather outside was looking up. Finally going to school, I began to look at people in a different way. Everyone looked so different since that incident with Eric. The boys weren't looking better, but my anger towards Eric made my eyes believe that they were almost my only way to get back at him. They began looking like some kind of tool that I wanted to use, needed to use to get that dying ache from inside my heart. Some of the boys, I knew for sure were gay, but some of them just looked. It was a small school and gossip got around quick. I knew who did what with who and when, before even they were sure about it. Tiara had the biggest mouth imaginable. She would talk about people that I didn't know and then I began to know about them and began to feel their life story as though it were mine. "Guess what I heard about Miguel Rivera!" she had told me one time. Miguel Rivera was the senior who was at our school. He was the football star. He was kind of handsome, but his status as jock made him want to act as masculine as all the others. He never tried to dress nice and he rarely put on any sex appeal. The jocks were basically in war with the pretty boys (Robbie and his friends) over attention from the girls. Saying that now Mike's team was the worst in the league, girls really went after Robbie and his group of pretty faces. The rivalry never really had anything to do with me, even though I had the tendency to be both a jock and a pretty boy. "Miguel Rivera been trying to sex up his teammates in the showers!" She would get so excited after gossiping and then give all her opinions on the area. For someone like me who was too shy to really get into the business of others, I found myself really thinking about my placement in that school. That was when the big change occurred. I met him in the locker room after school. I always knew he was in the locker room because he would always ask me to keep people out of there when he was meditating a couple of hours before a game. It was something that a lot of the football players did, but I guess Miguel got to use the locker room because he was the quarterback. At first I didn't realize what my plans were for going inside the locker room, but I knew that he was going to be in there. I guess it was going to be better than just going to catch the bus at my normal time and probably finding Eric standing near my bus stop. Miguel was a real serious guy and I knew he was going to be mad at me interrupting him, but I did it anyway. As I walked in the locker room, I noticed the heat rising into the room like a steam room. I guess it was because somebody forgot to turn the showers off. That was when I saw Miguel. He was in his boxer and had a towel around his shoulders. When I saw him, he was wearing deodorant putting it all underneath his arms. Miguel was tall and had these muscular arms. He had a short, kind of normal haircut and rugged sideburns. He had these big hands that he used to grip the football and they were like the size of my face. His feet were huge too, probably bigger than most I knew. Everything about him was so muscular, almost like he had too much testosterone. I looked at how he looked in his boxers. He didn't have much of a butt, but there was another huge bulge that came from his front side. I stared down at the bulge noticing the manly Spanish boy grabbing at them as though to he was adjusting them. Suddenly his eyes turned around and noticed me; then he jerked his hand from his crotch area quickly and shot me a furious look, digging through his locker to put the deodorant back. He looked clearly annoyed at my presence, "What the fuck are you doing here, Baby Buttons?" He called me baby trying to tease me because Robbie always went around calling me 'Baby Boy.' Buttons was the nickname the football players used for pretty boys. Of course, I wasn't really like the pretty boys or really hang out with them, but I was put in their league by default because of my "almost stepbrother" relationship with Robbie. Robbie had told most of the boys that we were related anyway, so everyone thought it was like that already. I tried to let them know that Robbie was not my brother, but no one really cared. The feud between the jocks and the pretty boys were really tense in the school. "I'm not a button," I told him and walked down to the locker room, giving a little playful step as I smiled. He didn't seem to put down his guard, "So why you here, Damien?" "I wanted to talk." He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth loudly, probably already telling me that he had not interest in talking to me. It didn't turn me away though. I saw how he stood there, leaning his waist out as though trying to make the bulge in his dick look bigger. "Well talk, I gotta piss." He went to the bathroom stall and opened it. He climbed into the urinal and as I started walking towards the urinal, he slammed the door. I laughed. I don't know why this sort of let down was just turning me on. I had never really had someone play really hard to get. I mean Eric was hard to get, but not in a way that showed that he didn't want me at all. This guy almost seemed straight, except though I knew there were way too many things to get in his way. "I heard some things about you," I told him, "Rumors going around." He gazed over the bathroom stall, his eyes gazing at me with sudden interest, "Like what?" "I heard that you been trying to fuck your friends...your male friends." My lack of manners and sudden outburst probably surprised him. It surprised me too. I wasn't used to speaking so openly, but I guess the experience with Eric had changed me. My mind wasn't where it used to be. Now I was hurt. I felt just a little routed off from my main focus in life. I felt as though I could do whatever now and it really didn't matter. I had no love in my life now, so everything else was just what it was. I saw how Miguel looked at me. He didn't know what to say. He was stuck almost surprised that I had brought up the subject at all, but even brought it out so bluntly. I guess at first he took it as a diss, but saw that I wasn't really looking to embarrass him because my face got so serious. "Who you heard this from?" "It don't matter who I heard it, but someone said it. So were you?" I asked him and watched as he climbed out of the bathroom stall, his hands grabbing his crotch even more to put it back in his pants. "Why you want to know?" I planted my hand on his crotch and he was so tall that I when I tried to kiss his lips, I ended up only kissing his neck area (and that was with standing on the tip of my toes). He didn't deny me, but instead just sort of sat there and watched it happen. At first it seemed like his manhood was getting him in the way of making any facial expression or noises to show he was enjoying it. he just sort of looked straight as though he was in some sort of spell. I rubbed onto his cock, wrapping the soft cock between my middle and index finger like a thread until it began to swell. As soon as it began to swell I noticed a smile on his face. "So, it's like that?" "Yeah, I guess it is," I replied and dropped to my knees. He leaned up against the locker room wall and put on hand on his dick, then put one hand on my shoulder. He sort of guided my mouth to his dick like I was a baby needing to be guided to a spoon. I looked up and saw the sort of triumphant smile on his face. He sort of opened his mouth a little as though showing me how to open my mouth and swallow his dick. I laughed, knowing that he had no idea! My lips went to the tip of the dick and then from the edge I began to slowly work my way to the ends of the dick. My tongue made swirls when the dick was implanted into my mouth and I saw Miguel's head fall back against the locker and look up at the ceiling. I bobbed my head against his dick, tasting the masculine aroma of him as I moistened his dick with my spit. This soft squishes made my mouth slide onto his dick easily but my firm lips gave more suction that a virgin pussy. "Oh shit!" he said, pushing my head down on his cock even more. The wide hand palmed the entire back of my head and pushed down on his cock so hard that I thought I was going to gag. I didn't though. I just pulled the dick out and then licked it a little trying to get my balance. His balls were hanging low, almost dipping to the ground. I took the balls and cupped them in my mouth, licking them like a lollipop. Then I took the cock into my mouth again and this time, I had the mind to not only bob up and down his cock, but to twirl my thick lips a little. I felt him panting when I did it and suddenly I knew what was going to happen before it even happened. He was breathing hard, his body getting warm from the feeling and then all of a sudden, I felt him tense up. I glided the wet dick out of my mouth and pushed it up a little on his warming body. The sperm flew out of his dick and instead of landing on me, landed all over Miguel's bronze body. "Dame you're good!" he complimented me weakly, trying to clean the cum off of his boxers shorts, "I mean, you suck dick better than a chick!" "Probably explains why you came so quick," I told him, a little annoyed that the experience didn't last longer. I pulled up my coat and wiped the saliva off the side of my lip. I got up and walked out of the room. He was a rookie. I should have known. He had the body of a real man, but no real man climaxes after a two or three minute blow-job. I didn't know why I didn't go home, but I really wasn't feeling too complete. I remembered that Gambling Club that Timothy Grains had taken me to that day that day I cut school. The gambling club was a real hotspot for all the "buttons" or the pretty boys that were in my school. They were mostly friends of Robbie and from what I heard, Robbie had made the idea to open up the spot in the first place. I knew that if I were to get any satisfaction today it would be from there. The first time I went there, sex poisoned the air like gas. Even though I knew a majority of the people who went to the club was straight, it really didn't matter to me. These were "high school" boys. I mean...if they were horny, they were just looking for a good fuck. That was why Timothy Grains hung out in the club. They kept him around because they knew he had a hungry ass and if there were no girls around, old slutty ass Timothy Grains would be around. Anyway, I felt real hesitant at first to go to the club in the position I was in now. I wanted to be just like Timothy Grains. I wanted to be a fucking dirty ass boy that everyone sees as a quick fuck just so that I could know what it was that Eric found better in Timothy when he cheated on me. The club wasn't really crowded now, but as I made my way out I did manage to catch a glimpse of a boy who looked something like Timothy Grains. I wanted to launch over there and beat his ass for causing so much trouble, but before I knew it he had jumped in a car with some girls and was gone (probably to lick their pussy). I really didn't care after a while. When I entered the clubhouse I heard some loud music and the smell of weed filling the atmosphere. The gambling club had a pool table in the center floor with a dangling light overhead. The house was an old house, but it was in good condition. There were steps that led to the upstairs room, where most of the guys went in for a quick fuck. The house wasn't too crowded though. I noticed the faces immediately. Terrence Walker was sitting in a chair smoking. Terrence was the one who really had the hook-ups for all the buttons in the school. His twin brother Greg Walker was shooting pool at the table. Greg and Terrence had this thing about trying to act as laid back as possible. They probably thought it was sexy. Harrison and T.J all joined Greg at the pool table. Then I saw Byron. Byron was Robbie's best friend. Him and Robbie were like brothers. I thought twice about hitting on one of these guys if I knew that Byron was going to be there. Byron was fine though. Among all of them, he and Robbie carried the name of pretty boy. They were like Ganymedes, Adonises or like Cupids. They were just perfect in so many ways. "What's up, Damien?" Byron said. He was the only one who really acknowledged me. I could see Terrence who was sitting in the chair. He stared at me and licked his lips. He always did things like that. When Robbie or the others weren't looking he would always muscle me down and try to make me feel so sexy with alluring words. He was more aggressive then Robbie. "Yeah," Terrence muttered, quickly echoing a short erotic, "Hey Baby boy." Byron shot him a little shut up glance and then continued watching the others play pool. The other guys really didn't give me a lot of eye contact. All of them had known me as Robbie's property and I guess it was a code that they decided to keep. Terrence really didn't care about that code though and openly defied it with his strong attempts to get with me. "Robbie just left with Tim and some girls like a second ago." "Oh, that explains the car that I ran into on my way over here." "Baby Boy didn't come here for Robbie. He came here for me." Terrence jumped to his feet, with the weed still stuck in his hand. He climbed around the table with his wide smile and came to stand right next to me. He grabbed me almost in a playful wrestling technique, one in which he had his hands grappling my head and he was smiling. He had seen Robbie wrestles with me a couple of times and I guess he wanted to show he was even with Robbie. The guys started to laugh and then a couple of them shot me look for the first time. They were all really fly guys. All of them could have been on like a playgirl magazine if they wanted to. That was probably why Robbie didn't like when I was really around them. "Didn't you?" Terrence tried to confirm, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving a smile. I nodded and he turned to his friends, "Told you so." "Like anyone wants to see you," Byron teased and then threw me a soda. The group laughed and Terrence let go of me a little, still glaring me with his flirtatious smile. I caught it and watched Terrence walk away, smiling as usual but this time biting on his red lower lip. He wore baggy clothes that were twenty times bigger than he was, but he was the only one who could really get away with it. He tried to act like he was born out of the street and the look really got him respect from boys as well as girls. I followed Terrence to the couch and to his surprise I sat right next to him. That was when I noticed the eyes of the rest of the Buttons as they looked at us sitting together. Terrence tried to look cool as he laid back in his chair not finding it inconvenient at all that I was sitting with him in this one person chair even though there were so many chairs around. I looked at the weed he had in his hand and leaned closer to him. "Can I get some?" I asked him. He gave me the bud. I took it in my mouth and held it there for a minute it was good. I had seen something on the movies and all of a sudden had the urge to try it...hoping to gain attention from it. I leaned into him, moving towards his mouth as though to kiss him. I expected him to do what he did, which was open him mouth immediately and embrace in a kiss with me. The smoke that came from the bud went into his mouth and it sort of floated between us for a while until it subsided. It had left our tongues burning a bit and feeling a little hot. Then my tongue went into his pink lips and I kissed him passionately. We got into it so much that I was leaning into him, my leg falling over his leg. As I thought this had caused a little riot in the gambling house. Harrison, T.J and Greg were beginning to bark and howl like wolves trying to urge their "player" friend on as well as express surprise from the hot scene. Byron just stood there, his mouth opened, smiling a little, as though too surprised to really talk about it. Greg and T.J started to clap hands as though trying to maintain their excitement. Harrison was laughing like he was crazy. I knew it was something that none of them would have expected from me. After the long kiss Terrence pulled only inches away from my face, licking his lips like they had just sucked on candy. He was so close to me that when he licked his lips, his tongue brushed up against mine. His hand was on my thigh and he was pulling me closer to him, taking me like I was a girl or something. "Let's do that again," he half-joked, laughing suddenly. "I dunno. I mean. I can kiss other places too." The hoots and hollers had increased as the club watched Terrence trying to kick his game to me and started to whisper dumb crap in my ear as I started to rub on his dick between his jeans. It wasn't like in any case I was falling for it. I had come into the club with the same mentality as I had now. It didn't really matter what Terrence said. Still, at that time, I saw Byron getting up, sort of amused by the spectacle but only having a half-smile as though he wasn't really approving of what we were doing. "Okay, okay Damien. That last weed probably got to your head. C'mon, I'm gonna take you home." He grabbed onto my hand and tried to pull me off the chair but then I saw Terrence jump up between us. "What the hell Byron? You a cock block now?" By now whatever smile Byron or Terrence had was immediately erased because of the sudden annoyance Terrence was showing. I sat there, knowing that I was probably causing trouble, but realizing that regardless of what I did, there would be trouble. So I just sat there and watched them argue. "Cock block?" Byron said, pushing a fake laugh as though not believing what Terrence just said, "This isn't some fucking hoe or smut, T! This is Baby boy. This is Damien. Its Robbie's Damien." "Fuck that," Terrence said. He really didn't give a fuck. He turned to me; "Do you want to leave?" "N----ope," I teased, in a playful remark, trying to lighten the situation. "Damien. C'mon. Stop joking around." Terrence was really getting mad now. He put his hand on Byron's shoulder trying to gain his composure and remind himself that Byron was still his friend. "You are cock-blocking." "Robbie is gonna be mad as hell when he finds out you're over here trying to fuck around with Damien. You know how he feels about the kid." Terrence shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Well you could tell Robbie to wait his turn. Its not my fault the kid wants the dick." Harrison who looked just as horny as Terrence agreed, "He's right." The others were muttering the same thing by this time and I knew that they were all bent on getting some today. By now they were all looking at me, giving me the same sexy smiles that Robbie and Terrence had given me. They had ways of making a person feel good. Now I realized why Timothy Grains hung around them so much. "I can't believe this shit," Byron said, picking his coat up from off the hanger and putting it over his hand. He walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him so hard that I thought it was going to break off the hinges. I had become different. I had changed so much that now I didn't care who was hurt in this. I didn't care about Byron or Robbie. None of them really made a difference to me. As soon as he left, I got up and followed Terrence to the center of the room. I started to suck on his sweet neck and down to his collar bone. He had on nice cologne that reminded me of Robbie (probably because he had stolen the cologne from Robbie). He moaned excited as I started to kiss lower, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. I could feel something come up from behind me and then noticed the touch of someone else. Whoever it was sent shivers to my spine as they started kissing the back of my neck. I bent my eyes to see Greg standing behind me, sandwiching me in with his brother. He was pressed hard against my back, making his jeans cradle up against mine. His hands were squeezing onto my ass cheeks, rubbing them firmly. Before I knew it my right hand was digging through Terrence's belt to find his dick and my left was digging through his brothers. The smell of the weed had made me a little dizzy but I could still see Harrison and T.J undressing in a close distance. "Get on your knees," Terrence ordered me. I immediately did so, noticing Terrence holding his dick in his hands. It was a beautiful dick. It wasn't big or nothing likes that, but it was nice. By now, T.J and Harrison were standing around me with their meat in their hands while Greg hustled quickly to catch up. Harrison had that biggest dick and I sucked on his first. I couldn't take the whole thing in my mouth but it was full. Harrison leaned back just like I had seen Miguel do, but he didn't have a wall, so he used his friends' shoulders to lean back. My hands jerked off T.J and Greg, but I let Terrence wait as he jerked off himself eagerly waiting to feel me on him. I could see the hunger in his presence as the only contact he had was with Harrison who was gripping onto his shoulders as though to brace himself. "Ah, shit! Ahhhhh...those lips. Suck my shit, baby boy!" Harrison moaned in ecstacy while making the others laugh a little in anticipation and excitement. By now I was excited too. It had been a while since I didn't think about Eric and the thought of not thinking about Eric made me feel good. "It's like that?" Greg asked and before getting an answer started to push his dick against my lips, hoping that I would let go of Harrison in exchange for his. After one longer stroke on Harrison, I watched as both Greg and Terrence struggled to get their dicks sucked nice. T.J was the stranger of them all. Instead of fighting for a spot, he was slowly working his way down on his knees with me. He was kissing the back of my neck and rubbing his naked body against mine. It felt real good but it was just so strange. I didn't say anything and began to suck Greg's dick. Greg was probably the weakest of them all. As soon as I put my lips on him, he began to gyrate and almost have a seizure. He began saying words that I never even heard of and began to fuck my face uncontrollably. I thought he probably didn't have sex for a long time or had wanted to fuck me secretly all this time. Either way he looked like he was having the time of his life and as I did the same trick on him as I did on Miguel, I felt Greg bust a nut on my shoulder. "UGHHRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled as he jerked the wet oozing cream onto my shoulder. The others were laughing at him and teasing him a little, as he made more comments about how good I was. Greg was horny though! Even after he came, he still kept beating his dick and stayed hard, competing to get sucked again. That was when I took in Terrence. I could see the control in him. He didn't make too much noise, but did mutter a couple of words. He took my head and guide d my mouth around his dick. His dick was beautiful. I licked his veins and cute brown head. I licked the hole and watched as he squirmed a little. "Ahh! I love this cat!" I didn't need that in my life and I was hoping that he just said it because he was in the moment. I pulled away for a moment; "You better not." He laughed and I knew for sure that it was just an in the moment thing. That was when I noticed a wet, almost moist feeling filling up my ass. I turned back and saw T.J lubing up my ass. At that moment he had even bent down to stick his dick into it. I pushed him away a little. "It's not for you," I warned him. I had heard about the realistic bottoms but I wasn't one of them. I was going to save my ass for a man, who loved me, is it Eric or not. "Can I lick it at least?" I had not problem with that. I squatted a little and let T.J enter my ass. His tongue went into me and around me. I began to try and suck Harrison and Terrence off at the same time, putting them in my mouth at the same time. The dicks were salty but sweet as the butted against my taste buds and ran on my lips. I could feel Terrence tense up a little. I could feel the heat between us as T.J entered my ass filling it with warm, wet licks. He went to places deep into my ass and soon Greg joined him in the exploration of my anus. The two seemed to be obsessed with it. Terrence muttered how much he loved me a couple of more times and Harrison's huge cock went into my mouth until I could almost choke on it. It was Harrison who came first, but then after that, we all started to beat our cocks and come after him......... "Ughhhhhhhhh." "OH YEAHh." "FUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!" The night went on just like that. I got drunk that night and stayed there well into the day until nighttime came. During the day, I had sex with those guys over and over and even some more of their friends who they knew would enjoy a boy with a hot mouth. They said that I could suck really well. That's what they all said and so I became to them, "The boy who could suck." I don't remember who took me home or how the day ended, but all I remember was that in a single wake of sadness I was transformed into the shy boy into the male whore of the city. The whole while it was just so that I couldn't think of Eric. I had become bitter, unable to see past the mutation inside of my body. The rain outside my window had become bitter. It had become acid rain.

Next: Chapter 10

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