Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Feb 6, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to Sum1pleZzCall911@hotmail.com - Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly



"I want you to stay away from him," Robbie warned me. We were sitting in the den after the night of the heated confrontation between Robbie and Eric. Everything was so clouded. I remembered Robbie hitting Eric. I remember Eric walking down the street. All the words and the expressions that had been used were forgotten, but I could still remember how enthusiastic they were. "Why would you want me to do that?" I asked, with an exasperated attitude. "Because he is getting in the way of us." He had gotten up and gone close to me. Then he started to grab onto my back and push me into him. I pulled away, this time not trying to play hard to get, but really trying to get away from him. I couldn't stand being with him because I was so intimidated by him. He tempted me. "I can't." He growled at me, worse than before, "Why do you like him? He has a baby face, but my face is mature and lewd. He's awkward as hell! He can't even look you in the eye, Damien. Is that why you like him, because you found someone who you can take advantage of?" "Of course not!" I denied in words but then as he looked in my eyes, it seemed like they were confessing to him. I wanted someone who would commit to me. Something in me told me the only one who would commit to me would be someone who was intimidated by me. I realized that that was why I loved Eric. I couldn't help it, but that was the standard that I wished all my life. Still, here stood Robbie. To me, he was as equally attractive as Eric was when it came to the face. Robbie was more my height and more muscular. The way he did everything was full of confidence. He never seemed to get worse, only better. He had Dina's soft hair and sexy facial expressions. He was athletic and popular. He was everything that I wanted to be. So, as he stood there, his deep hazel eyes (contacts) staring at me, I wondered why I didn't love him. "Can he buy you a 200 dollar watch?" he asked me, "Can he make love to you the way that I can?" I didn't know. I never really compared, but then I slowly began to remember Robbie's rim job. That was when he crept up behind me. He had on thin basketball shorts with a semi hard cock. It was pressing against my ass crack until he slowly began to grind his hard-on between my virgin cheeks. He grabbed my stomach and started to massage my abs. He licked my neck and began to suck on my ear slowly. His left hand when down my pants and he started to jerk my off underneath my jeans. I tried to get away, but gave up after he pulled me into him a couple of good times. His other hand had picked up my shirt until it came to the nipple and he was playing with the nipple. His was somehow moist, probably from sweating after the confrontation with Eric. Either way his warm touch had surrounded my dick. He was gentle as he jerked me off. He touched every part of my penis, starting from the base where all the pubic hair was and then slowly working his way to the head. When he got to the head he played with the piss slit, running his pinky into it. As he jerked me off, he kept grinding the crotch part of his shorts into the ass part of mine. I figured this giving up my ass since we both had our pants on. "Robbie, stop," I pleaded weakly. He didn't stop. He kept on going and by now he had managed to get his whole right hand between my belt and into my pants, where I could see him causing a small tent to go up and down. I had never felt masturbation like that before. The way he worked the whole dick and played with my pubic area at the same time made it seem like heaven. He seemed to know what I liked, even though I tried to silence my moans. By now his legs had separated my legs as we stood and he was gyrating his hips into my jeans. "That ass is still a virgin right," he asked. He stepped away and let the little bulge in his pants get out from between my ass crack. Then he just soft of jerked me off from the side and stared at my ass. His left hand had now found even more space to sneak down into the back of my pants and start rubbing my ass, as he continued to masturbate me in his long, complete strokes. "Robbie, I thought I told you already!" I let him know, trying to turn around and get both his left and right hands out of my pants. "Relax. I'm not going to fuck your ass. I just want to play with it. At least for now." With that, I seemed somehow reassured of his intentions and let my guard back down. He started to really rub on my cheeks, but really didn't go near the crack. He kept jerking me off. The hand he jerked me off with was making little circles around my dick and he was pulling at it harder now, getting more affectivity out of it. "Get those sexy lips over here," he demanded me and started to open mouth kiss me. His lips pressed against mine gave an incredible sensation. His lips were velvety and delicate. They were firm and when they went against mine; they seemed to part them immediately so that my tongue would have room to explore his. I thought he was pulling away, but instead he just took my lower lip in his lips. He started to lick up my lower lips and suck on it gradually. Suddenly there were three loud knocks on the front door! I tried to pull away and probably go answer it, but I saw that Robbie was unmoved by the knocks! He didn't care who was at the door. For the moment, neither did I! My heartbeat raced as I struggled to lower my hard-on so that whoever came in the room wouldn't see it. That was hard to do, because Robbie was jerking me off harder and quicker! He was trying to make me cum! I couldn't believe he would make me cum when in a few minutes someone would be right over us. I moaned because I knew it was coming. He was kissing me again but this time I didn't kiss back. I wanted to let him know that we were in a bad position. It didn't matter to him; he tongued kissed me regardless if I kissed back. The knocks continued and then came the loud annoyed voice of Dina asking why no one came to open the door. Knock! KnoCK! KNOCK! "Ughh!" I moaned, feeling Robbie's left hand finally entering my ass crack making an attempt to finger me. I couldn't keep it any longer. Knock! "Open the dame door! Robbie! Is anyone home?" Dina cried out again. "I'm cumming!" I cried out, trying to muffle it so that Dina would hear it from outside the front door. The feeling ran through my body as Robbie's middle finger went deep into my ass crack. "I love you, Damien," he whispered in my ear. Suddenly I could feel my pants filled with cum and there was no way to wipe it off. Robbie pulled his left hand out my ass and got his right hand off my dick. His right hand was full with my cum and immediately I saw him go to the couch and his cum soaked hand and his blazing erection underneath the furniture pillows. My pants were so messy. It felt like someone just poured a container of pudding down my pants. I stood there, quivering because I could hardly walk with pants full with sperm. Robbie didn't seem to even notice. He was in the chair, looking like the same jock pretty boy as he always was. He right hand was hidden and his left hand playing with one of his big diamond studs. My lips were quivering. I couldn't believe he had told me that he loved me. I finally realized how serious Robbie was about having a relationship with me! I somehow managed to cross the hall, even though the sperm was now dripping down both my legs. I went to the door and opened it for Dina. She had already started to curse and complain, but I immediately ran upstairs as soon as I had finished. I couldn't believe what I just let Robbie do. The saddest thing about it was that even now, after I had left the room, I was still enjoying it. I felt so dirty that I had thrown the clothes out and taken a cold shower as soon as I had gotten upstairs. I called Eric as soon as I got changed out of the soaking clothes. I had planned on telling him what had happened. It had just been a couple of minutes since it happened, but I was already feeling terrible about it. I felt like I had just stabbed myself in the leg or something. I felt like I had to do something about it. I regretted letting Robbie jerk me off so much. I knew that right now he was sitting in his room with a big smile across his face. It was definitely his day. He had managed to break Eric and make me betray Eric in the same day. "Hello?" the voice picked up the phone. "Hey, Eric." There was an inept couple of minutes when the only thing that I could hear him do was breath. He had a deep angry breath, almost like he was still mad about what happened between him and Robbie earlier on. "I just got money from my momma." "Why?" I could hear the gleam in his voice when he said, "I'm gonna buy you a watch so that you could throw Robbie's away." I shivered, "Eric, I did something and I think that its best that I tell you why I did it." "Is it important?" I was surprised when he said that and I stuttered on my answer a little, "Umm..." "Because I really don't need any more bad news today." He sounded irritated. I thought for a moment that he had an idea of what I was going to say to him. Either way his voice seemed eager to get off the phone and eager to drop the subject. "Well, I guess you don't need to know it," I said, relieved that my conscience wouldn't beat if I didn't tell him. "Thanks. I love you. Bye." "Love you too." I replied, sincerely and still contradicting. I went to sleep soon after my phone call with Eric. I kept thinking about him saying how he loved me again and again. It seemed like he was getting used to saying it. I wondered if this fast love was really going to end up like they did in the storybooks. I wondered if it would be so sweet that it would rock someone asleep to have nice dreams that they too would somehow have what I had. I wondered a lot of things that were countering everything that I really had been feeling throughout that day. Then came the nightmare. I wasn't sure when the dream ended and when the nightmare began, but I remembered hearing Robbie say that he loved me over and over. The moment that it happened seemed to stick out in my head even though I tried to pass it off like he just said it in the heat of the moment. I had seen movies where people said, "I love you" and never really meant it. Then I saw glimpses after that. I heard a loud scream; "He's dead!" I couldn't tell who was dead or who was screaming. The voices and the images were disconcerted. "He's dead!" I woke up sweating. It was almost time to wake up anyway. I just sat in the bed until the alarm rang. Then I shut the alarm off and sat in bed longer, trying to think about the dream. I had never had a dream like that before. I had nightmares, but none that seemed to dig into my mind so deeply. I knew that this meant something. I kept thinking about who was that was dead. I kept wondering who was that was screaming. I wondered why it had come just after the vision of Robbie saying that he loved me. I tried to keep the dream and the nightmare hidden during the whole day, but there was no way that I couldn't think about it. My classes seemed to make me drift away, into a position where I was once again dreaming. I was drawing on the desk, drawing faces that I had never seen before. I was thinking of places that I had never been. I hadn't talked to anyone the entire day. No one seemed to notice though. The same people stared, from the same classes while having the same conversations. I was the only thing that was different. I tried not to pay attention to anyone, but I did see Robbie a lot that day. He called me over to him his table a couple of times, but I just stayed where I was. I knew that he was going to leave his social circle and come join me so I figured that I was safe if I acted like I was ignoring him. That was when he went onto his chicks. The girls in the school seemed to be getting prettier, since I had started going exclusively with Eric. They all seemed to be over Robbie and Robbie was all over the girls. He was trying to make me jealous and at times he succeeded. Then the last class came, (the one I had with Eric and Robbie) making me immediately act like I was sleeping. Robbie and Eric weren't sitting next to each other anymore. I took Robbie's place beside Eric, where I sat almost guarding Eric like a hawk from all the smutty ass chicks that were in our class. I tried not to make it too clear that I was trying to keep them away from Eric, but I would at times try to embarrass them until the stopped talking to him. It was easier to do, since the girls wouldn't suspect that I was trying to diss them because I liked Eric. Robbie however was the most talented pretty boy I knew. He knew how to flirt with a couple girls at once. They would be the same silly chicks fighting over him after school. "Robbie, stop talking," the teacher demanded of him. I knew Robbie wouldn't just let the teacher talk to him like that. The whole class looked up to him. The girls were surrounding him, which meant that he had to make them laugh. "What? I'm not the only one who talks in this class," Robbie appealed, "Eric is always trying to talk to Damien! Why don't you go bother them?" The teacher look irritated, "Eric and Damien can go get married if they want to, as long as I don't catch them talking in my class." The class started to laugh at us, but I knew that none of them took it to mean literally. I gave the teacher and Robbie a jaded sneer. I didn't notice Eric who was sitting right next to me. He was sneering or trying to take the embarrassment lightly. I looked in his eyes and saw the quiet young boy turning into the loud angry flame all over again. "Yo, shut the fuck up, Robbie or get the fuck up!" Eric challenged my soon-to-be stepbrother. Everyone in the class was looking that way by now. I couldn't believe Eric would get that mad. Everyone knew him as the shy cute boy, whose only idea in life was to sit in a corner and look fine as hell. Everyone had started to make grunting noises all over again, confronting Robbie's manhood. I knew where this would end up. I was waiting for Robbie to get up and start to attack Eric, but I was surprised when he just sucked his teeth and turned his cheek. "Eric, calm down or get out!" the teacher called out. I could see Eric roll his eyes and stop talking. He didn't like Robbie at all and I knew it was serious this time. The bell had rung and Eric had left the room before anyone else in an angry heap. A couple of kids snickered at how serious he was being, but none of them showed such disrespect that I would have to say something. Most of the people in the school considered Eric and I to be best friends by now. A couple of them whispered to one another, looking at me the whole time to see if I was staring. I was staring. It was cold outside and I was in a rush to get home. The breeze was too strong. I didn't know where it came from. I managed to get home after a little walk and when I arrived, I found Dina and my father spending some time in the house. I sat on the couch and started watching the movie with them. The movie was 'Scarface' and it was long. I was amazed that I could sit and watch a whole movie, but I managed it. It was a nice movie, it reminded me of a time when I felt like I could take anything that I wanted. Eric had humbled me. He showed me that you had to love to be loved. My father had gotten used to the idea of watching movies and was about to put on another one when the phone rang. Dina went in the kitchen to answer it and I ignored it. We got call all the time, so why should one little call worry me? I kept staring at the blank screen acting like I could see something in the snow. Suddenly there was a bustling in the kitchen and Dina came storming out. "Oh god! It's Harrison from my job. He says he just saw Robbie and crowd of kids heading to Gary's Park with knives and making a fuss. He thinks there's going to be a fight! He called the police, but made sure to call me right after so that I could get him before he gets arrested!" I didn't want to go anywhere. I had heard about street fights and they were the same as any other fights, only these fights had time to get built up into something bigger than they really were. In the street fights, people who had never even known the fighters were getting involved, but just to be entertained. I didn't want to go the to the overrated brawl, but my father seemed influenced by Dina's plea. I had to go because my father didn't know the way. Dina, who seemed shook up the most about the whole thing didn't even bother going. She said that she was cooking (and she never cooks!) I knew she was just afraid because of the mention of knives in the fight. She wasn't going to risk it to pick up Robbie before he gotten arrested by police. "It's just up this block," I told him, trying to remember where Gary's park was. I was right because not too far, crowds of people were running up the street, probably because they had heard someone was fighting. The basketball court was crowded and I knew that it had to be there. I could already hear the police cars following up the hill. They would arrive in any minute now. "Let's just get Robbie and leave!" My father jumped out of the car and tried to break over the crowds. I went right after my father trying not to get involved in all the people who were jumping in the fight or trying to make the fighters worse than it was. People were climbing up the gates and everything. This fight must have been important because I had never seen so many people go out of their way to see a fight before. They were climbing all over each other. That was when I finally broke into the crowd and finally saw Robbie. It didn't surprise me that he was in the midst of it. Robbie's friends were jumping in at times, but they seemed to be held back by the only referees in the fight, the seniors. Robbie's best friend Paul was fighting too and I noticed the person that Paul was fighting. It was Eric's brother. Then I turned and saw Eric. Eric was fighting Robbie! I had never seen such a bloody fight in my life. Some of the people who were hanging off the gates were throwing rocks at the fights just to prove that they could do something. Eric's whole family seemed to be there, even his white mother. His mother was cursing at Robbie and I heard someone saying that Eric's father was going to get a gun! The chaos was spread out everywhere. Eric and Robbie's fight seemed grittier than the fight with Paul and Eric's brother. In a few seconds another fight had broken out between one of Robbie's friends and Eric's cousin. I watched as Eric and Robbie fell to the floor together (probably loosing their balance). They struggled on the floor, trying to hit one another. I saw the blood coming from their mouths. Eric's teeth were grinding together and he was trying to kill Robbie. "Beat his ass!" I heard someone scream. "Watch out, he's gonna jump in!" "Oh my baby," I heard Eric's mother shouting out, while she started crying, "I'll fuck you up myself! Don't hurt my baby! Somebody stop this. He's dehydrating!" People were throwing water at Eric and Robbie, but more than 90% of the large crowd didn't even know how the fight started and more than half didn't know the names of the fighters. Eric was swinging hard at Robbie; hitting his pretty face and making blood come out of his nose. I didn't know he could fight so well. It didn't matter though, because no matter how well Eric was doing in the fight, Robbie's friends would jump in the fight and beat his ass. Soon, the seniors and the people who tried to keep the balance couldn't. Eric was being jumped. Eric had grabbed onto Robbie's shirt, but soon three of Robbie's friends had started swinging their fists at Eric. I was so confused at it all. "Police!" I shouted out, trying to make my voice as loud as I could. It worked too. I could see everyone scattering to leave. There was a big crowd and I thought I would be trampled. The cops really were coming now! The sirens were storming up the hill and causing everyone to start scattering. In the chaos I found myself struggling to keep my balance. All the people that were in the park were now sprinting into the different streets and stopping traffic, as five different police cars made their way up to us. Almost 100 people stormed from the basketball courts and from the playgrounds. They made their way past the swings and slides trying to get away from the cops! I was looking now, digging through the crowd with pointed eyes. I was trying to get my mind straight. Then I saw Eric and Robbie. Robbie was still trying to fight Eric but he was being pulled off by some of his friends. He saw me for a moment and reached out to me, but was swept away by the crowds. I ran to Eric and was pushed off by Eric's older brother. "What you trying to do?" he questioned me, "The fight's done." "No, leave him!" Eric replied. I couldn't bear to see Eric like that. Everything on him was bleeding, discolored or swollen. I tried to put his weight on me so that he couldn't walk on his bad ankle that he kept skipping on. His clothes were dirty and ripped. He looked like hell. Before the police car came I managed to get home with Eric. We rode in his Uncle's car. His uncle was a real tough guy who seemed to have experience with this sort of work. Eric seemed to trust him and so I guess I had to as well. I climbed in the car with them, feeling sort of out of place with all of his bitter family. The things they said about Robbie were unbelievable. They kept calling Robbie, a pretty boy fag. They kept saying how Eric finally messed up his pretty face and all that. I didn't want to say anything, but Eric's face wasn't looking too good either. We had gotten to his house and I had to wait almost an hour in Eric's room by myself until he finally came up. His bleeding was almost stopping, but now the bruises and discoloration had really started to set in. His upper lip was swollen. He was shivering. He had an ice pack on his face and one on his shoulder. He seemed so uncomfortable around me and tried to hide the marks on his faces, which was hard to do because the marks were almost everywhere. After a while he just put his hand in front of his face and acted like he was trying to stop a nosebleed or something. "Sorry about the wait," He told me, "My family bugs. They are still downstairs talking. I had to sneak up here to come see you." I laughed, "I know, but at least they support you." He nodded and then admitted to me what I had been thinking the whole time, "I don't want you to see me like this." "Is that why you didn't tell me you were planning on fighting Robbie?" "Yeah and I didn't want you to make a choice between us," He told me, sincerely putting his hand on mine, "I'm really happy that you chose me though." I realized that he was right. I did choose him. I went to the park in an attempt to get Robbie back, but I had abandoned Robbie and gone with Eric. I knew that it was a big sacrifice, but I was ready to give into it. "I had to," I told him, "Robbie has enough of a cheering squad." "Yeah. If it was just a one on one fight, I would've won," Eric guaranteed me, massaging the few parts of his face that were still golden bronze. "I know Eric, you don't have to tell me." "No I do," he disagreed, "I fought for you Damien. He disrespects what we have. No one disrespects what we have." I turned away a little suspicious, "You fought because he disrespected us or because he likes me." "I'm not scared of competition. Especially now that I know who you prefer." I tried not to make him feel bad. I didn't want him to feel bad, but I didn't appreciate what he was saying. The way he was saying it was making him look like he was turning into another cocky Robbie. He was trying to make me say that I didn't care about Robbie. The truth was that I did care about Robbie. That wouldn't stop either, regardless of how many times he fought Robbie. I smiled at him, "Eric, I'll rephrase that. Did you fight because you love me? Or did you fight him because you hate him?" "Because I love you," He assured me trying to grasp my interest. "Then why didn't you tell me you were fighting him?" "Don't tell me you're mad!" "I'm just disappointed," I replied, "I'm disappointed because you only fought him so that I won't have anything to do with him. Then you win. I'm not some sort of prize, Eric. You beating up Robbie has got nothing to do with me. You fought him because you think that now I'll just stop caring about Robbie." "Why don't you?" "Because he's going to be part of my life regardless. When you were struggling with your girlfriend, he was there. He was there mentally and physically. I love you Eric. I love you more than Robbie, but I love Robbie as well.

Next: Chapter 7

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