Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Feb 3, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

Feel free to send email or comments about the story to Sum1pleZzCall911@hotmail.com - Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly



Eric didn't lie. That was his greatest virtue and at times his only weakness. He kept his promise to me. In that very week he managed to break up with his girlfriend and change around his whole schedule to fit into mine. Tiara kept asking me if we were related because I went out of my way to see him at times. She never suspected what we had hidden. Hidden. We weren't a couple but we acted like one. It was the strangest thing at times, but it felt so good. We kept it a secret and we were so good at doing it. Our love was cloaked in the camouflage of friendship and brotherhood. I hoped that it would stay like that forever, but I knew something was going to come up. A tragedy was going to unfold, a terrible end to something so good, but at that time I was so oblivious and blinded by the moment. There was someone who knew about our relationship. Robbie knew about it and his hatred for it was stronger than I had ever seen anything before. It started three weeks after that rainy day when Eric finally confessed himself to me. This day had already seemed different from the rest already. It was a hot Saturday and Tiara was sick with a fever. Tiara was never sick. It was the day that she was supposed to play me in basketball. Tiara was better than most boys in basketball were and her tomboyish looks seemed to make her winning any game even more threatening to the other boys. It wasn't a big thing though, but what was stranger was when Timothy Grains decided to strike up a conversation with me. Timothy was a friend with Robbie and Robbie had made it his personal mission to keep all his friends away from me. He said he didn't want me touching any of them. Then, I didn't understand why, but soon I realized that he didn't want me to fuck any of them. See Robbie had somehow overestimated the relationship that was between us. I saw that his high self-esteem was just a front. He was really seemed emotional when it came to matters of romance and such. We had forgiven one another for the fight that we had three weeks ago, but he figured this was just going to patch up our relationship to where it was. That was when Eric started coming around. Robbie put two and two together, but he really was quiet about it for these three weeks. He didn't ask about it, but only gave little clues that said he knew about it. He would ask me if Eric had a soft tongue or if he had more tattoos in private places. I skipped out on the whole school day to go hang out with Timothy, who seemed engaged in this gambling club. I was surprised that I didn't know about the place earlier. When I got there, I recognized a few people though; most were friends with Robbie. They were all thugs, all gambling with bitter faces on. They argued a lot and even though I spent the whole day in the dame gambling club, I didn't talk to anyone. I had to leave Timothy there because he seemed addicted to the gambling sport. He did give me a percent of his winnings though, which he had promised from the get go. That was the reason I went with him in the first place. I had no interest in that dumb gambling crap. I raced home that day hoping that Eric had left a couple of messages. When I got home I saw Dina and Robbie, but my father wasn't home. I figured he was out working or doing something to provide for us. I wanted to turn around and leave the house as soon as I entered but I couldn't because Dina had already seen me. "Anyone call for me?" I asked her, trying to sound polite. She shrugged her shoulders and moved across the room, lighting a cigarette, "Ask your brother." "He isn't my brother," I said again. "This ring says different!" She shouted from the next room. I couldn't see her face but I knew the expression she had on it. I could already see her rugged skinny smile that said, 'Once I get down that isle with your father, you're history.' I tried to ignore my thought and went upstairs to Robbie's room. I knocked several times because Robbie always had his door locked. "Who is it?" "Damien." I could hear the footsteps and see a shadow underneath the door. He opened it and stood there. He was half-naked. No, he was naked. He had a pair of boxer shorts on, but they were too small for him. He had his boxer shorts underneath a patch of pubic hair and they were so low that I could even see the upper part of his penis. I couldn't help but to stare at it for a little bit. I mean I was a teenager with a legitimate balance of hormones. He made it even sexier too. He was staring at me, the same way he did the first time he seduced me with the way he licked his lips with that long, beautiful tongue of his. It reminded me of when that tongue was stuck between the crack of my ass. "Damien, you weren't in class," he told me, as if I didn't already know that. "Yeah, listen, did I get any calls?" "No." That was unusual, because Eric called everyday after school, "You sure?" "Positive," he told me and licked his lips again probably trying to change the subject, "But I have something for you. C'mon. I bought it with my child support check," He threw his hands over his head to stretch. "Sorry about the room, I was taking a little nap because I didn't get too much sleep in school. I was just getting dressed, when you came in." I walked in the room, trying not to stare at him any more. I didn't know if he was telling the truth about just getting dressed. The room wasn't even too dirty. In fact it was really clean. The only thing sloppy was his lack of clothing. If I didn't know better, I would think he had planned the whole thing, but that was impossible. I don't think Robbie would go that far out of his way to be sexy and neat, just for me. He took me across his clean, lime-smelling bedroom, which was really big. His bed was bigger than mine was and so was his dresser. I walked next to the dresser where he flashed me a mouthful of pearly white teeth and squinting eyes. His hands pulled out a long jewelry box and put it in my hands. He wiped his eyes, trying to act so nonchalant about it. I figured it was probably just a cheap little gift because he thought it was my birthday or something. I figured that was why he was trying so hard to act like it wasn't something big. It was easy to see through him though; he couldn't stop smiling as I held the box in my hand. I opened the box. It was a watch, but not just any watch. It was a Mavado watch. I looked at it differently, not thinking that it was really what I thought it was, but every angle gave the same result. I could hardly breath as I nearly dropped the watch to give Robbie the biggest hug that he ever received. A lot of girls had given me gifts, but only because I had given them something in return. Eric had given me little gifts that I didn't remember a couple of hours later. Even my father hadn't given me a gift like a Mavado watch. "Robbie I can't believe you could afford this. I know you get a lot of child support, but this is something crazy!" I said. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to sink my lips into his, but then I stopped and thought about Eric. Now I see why he was smiling so hard. He knew that I would be this happy. He knew that I would lean in him the way that I would. I had gotten so close to him that my lips had almost met his. He had even cleared his smile to get ready for the kiss. That was when our eyes met and I didn't see Robbie. I didn't see the handsome, flamboyant, watch-affording pretty boy but instead saw the shy, sweet, clean-cut Eric in his place. That was when I had to pull back. I didn't just pull back from the kiss; I also pulled back from the hug and turned around. "I can't accept this," I told him, but the thing was I didn't mean it. The way the watch look in my hand was like it was made for me. "Yes you can," he promised and closed my fingers around the jewelry case, "I was just thinking this would be a nice way to make up for that fight. I mean, Eric isn't that important to be fighting over. Right?" I knew he was trying to make a snap against Eric, but at the time it wasn't about Eric, "I guess. I mean, we're going to be brother soon." "Wait!" he called out, "I mean, I thought we agreed that we didn't want to be stepbrothers. I thought we agreed that we wanted something more out of this relationship." I didn't remember agreeing anything like that with him, but either way I tried to get out of the conversation without insulting him, "They are going to get married regardless and it wouldn't be right to be having a relationship with you. Not if they're getting married." It was so smart. I was surprised I didn't think about it earlier. It was an easy way not to confess about my relationship with Eric while still cooling the attraction between Robbie and I. "We can stop them from getting married. There are so many different ways to end it," He told me, trying to push up against me from behind. His slanted eyes were staring blankly at me as if expecting me to agree. "Robbie you're sexy as hell," I said blatantly stating what he already knew, "There are a thousands of girls who like you. Thousands of boys probably like you too. I'm not the only one you can have, but I am the only one that you can't have." I walked out of the room, releasing myself from the grip he had on me. He was intent on pursing this relationship. I couldn't allow him to. I still had feelings for Robbie, but they were just sexual attraction. It wasn't like what I felt for Eric. Eric! I hadn't talked to him the whole day. Already suspicions rose in my head that he was with someone else. I wondered if he had just forgotten about me. I didn't know which was worse. "Hello is Eric there?" "Its me." It hadn't taken me so long to get to my room and dial his number. I didn't tell Eric, but I knew his number by heart already. I rarely called it though because I had a restraint that said that if I showed how much I cared about him it just pushes him away. "Why didn't you call?" "Don't say that, Damien. You know I called. You know that Robbie won't give you any of my messages." "I can't believe he did that again." "I don't know why you put up with him. He knows about us, Damien." Then his voice when quiet, almost like he was about to say something else, but at last minute decided not to. His voice sounded so different on the phone. It sounded more professional and mature, like he was older. It was attractive, but didn't have that usual youthful vibrancy that I was used to from him. "How do you know that?" He paused again then I heard his voice mutter, "It happened in school today Damien. He and some of his friends pushed me in the hall. Then again in gym, he whispered that I should stay away from you." I was surprised, "I can't believe he said that! I'm gonna go talk to him." "No, Damien. I don't wanna look like a snitch. All I'm saying is to realize that he knows about us and doesn't like it. Robbie is probably still crushing over you." "He confused right now." "No. He's not. He's jealous. That was why he hit you. I swear to god, if he ever hits you again, beat his ass! Then call me and I'll beat his ass again!" "Eric calm down. We still going to the movies right?" "Yeah, I'll meet you there at 10." I hung up the phone. Robbie was the intimidating type and Eric was the type to get easily intimidated. I knew that the two wouldn't mix from the get go. I didn't expect Robbie to support my relationship and all, but I didn't think he would go as far as to tell Eric to stay away from me. It seemed at the time to be a little extreme. I didn't know who does that. I looked at the watch that Robbie had brought for me. A watch like that was easily worth 200 dollars or probably more. That wasn't the kind of money that someone just wasted on a crush. I wondered if Robbie really loved me. It wouldn't have come to a surprise to me at this time. I figured he would just have to get over it. It was something that could be fixed and in time erased. I left the house hoping to catch Eric when it was almost 10. I had been late, trying to pick out some clothes that would be nice for him. I wanted to look nice even though it was too dark outside to really notice what someone was wearing. I ended up running half of the way to the movie theaters because the bus was taking too long and I was already late. When I finally got there I could see the long lines forming outside. This was really crap. By the time I got inside, Eric would probably notice that I was late to see a movie with him. "Hey!" Eric called out. I looked at him. He was in the corner, leaning up against a window. He had two tickets in his hands and was waving them. I almost kissed him in front of everybody at the movie theaters because I was so happy. When we entered the movie theaters, we sat in the back. It was one of those LORD OF THE RINGS movies that were really long. Most of the people that had come were in the front isles leaving Eric and I in the back. The movie had barely begun before I started breathing on his neck and blowing in his ear. He looked nervous as I did it, but for some reason kept looking up at the movie, ignoring my advances. "Damien, we're in a movie theater," he told me. I shrugged my shoulder. I really didn't care. Everyone was sitting in the front rows to get a good view. No one could see what we were doing unless they turned around and no one turned around during a movie. "So," I told him and kissed the back of his neck, "No one's gonna catch us or would you rather be watching the movie." He looked at me probably trying to complain more, but I had already leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He didn't complain after that. He looked at me now, smiling with pleasure. I crept my left hand down to him and started to fondle him with his pants on. My hands massaged the small tent in his rugged blue jeans. I could feel his dick getting harder and the smile across his face getting wider. I was rubbing the dick through the pants, trying to somehow grab a hold of it to jerk it off. I couldn't grab it, but the constant pulling action of my hand had caused him to moan excitedly. He was getting hard now, really hard. I could feel the head of his penis even through his jeans. "Let's go in the employee bathroom," he told me, "its too dangerous up here." I began to see the difference between Eric and Robbie. Eric was precocious. Robbie thought about the passion of the moment, while Eric had to ponder everything beforehand. "The bathroom is worse." "No. I used to work here. I still have a key to it. No one goes in the employee bathroom. I used to take girls in there all the time." He acted like he was just talking to another one of his friends when he said that, but it didn't matter to me. I didn't want him to feel too uncomfortable around me. He picked me up with his hand, his light half-Italian and half-black skin looking perfect against mine. His pants had somehow gotten loose during my fondling were now half way down his ass, making him walk with a swagger. It was sort of funny. Eric led me to the far end of the Movie Theater where there were long halls with rooms. I tried not to act too impatient but I really was. Eric was impatient too and I could tell because there was still at tent in his pants. It looked like he had a big wrinkle in his jeans, but I knew better. It was really erotic watching him with the bulge in his jeans and a sparkle in his eye. Even though we were acting like sort of freaks now, it didn't seem that way. It seemed romantic. He held my hand the whole time he opened the door and was squeezing it passionately. I felt so protected as though no manager could kick us out as long as I was with him. If this wasn't love, I didn't know what was. He opened the door with his key and I walked inside of the bathroom. It was a lot better than the public bathroom. The walls were clean and the tissue paper was full. When he walked in I pushed at him, until his ass slid up onto the sink. As soon as he sat on the sink, I put my body between his legs and started to grind against them. His kissed me gently and leaned back, revealing a six pack just as tight as Robbie's arms were. Even though Eric was a little shorter than Robbie was; his arms were just as muscular and toned. He pulled a Trojan condom out of his pocket, "Damien. I didn't know how to ask you this." I couldn't breath for the moment. I wondered if he was going to ask to fuck me. I wanted to give myself to Eric, but I didn't think I wanted to do it already. I panted a little. For that one second, I figured everything would end. "Eric. I want you to do it, but not now." I braced myself to be bombarded with argument, but Eric just smiled, "Its cool. For this one time, you can do it to me. But when you're ready, I'd better be the first one you call." He snickered a little than looked at me, blankly, starting to rip the condom wrapper open with his teeth. He didn't know what that meant to me. I jumped at his mouth, forcing him to get the condom wrapper out of his lips. He wasn't like Robbie. He was better. I kissed him so deeply this time, deeper than I had ever kissed someone before. He pulled back, probably surprised at my behavior. I ran my hands through his hair and smiled at him. "I love you," I told him. It wasn't planned. It just came out after the kiss. I was afraid now. I was hoping not to show him how I fully felt about him, but now it was too late. Now my heart was in his hands to either keep or destroy. "I love you too," He told me and we hugged there in the bathroom. Eric finally pulled out some lubricant and opened the condom, then gave them both to me. I didn't know what to do wit it. I had fucked girls before, but I hadn't fucked anyone in their ass before. He didn't look like he was worried about his manhood at this time. All the masculinity that Eric had, he didn't seem to care about all that. He put my hand on his ass as if telling me to take it. I knew he loved me. No other man would do that for another man if he didn't love him. I was tender with him, although this wasn't the most comfortable place to take your time. I pulled down his pants and Eric leaned over the bathroom sink. I could see the reflection of his face through the mirror. It was so strange. I could never imagine that I would ever be going into the ass of a guy like Eric. His ass wasn't a big bubble, but it was tight and firm almost like he had worked it out on some sort of machine. I touched his firm ass, massaging the tight cheeks. Then I put the lubricant on my index and middle finger. I guided my two fingers into his ass, trying to spread the cheeks and not make a mess. The lubricant went into his ass crack and he was moaning now. I added more lubricant and more. I knew that Eric had a virgin ass just like mine. He didn't say it openly, but I knew it. I finally pulled my dick out of my pants. It was hard, but I wish it didn't look so big. I didn't want to hurt Eric. I put the dick in and started to guide it through the ass crack. "Oh fuck, yo!" he cried out at first, but as I pulled out, his hand went behind me and started to push me back in. By now, I had my whole dick into his ass and there wasn't a second that he was saying some sort of curse or moaning loudly to represent his happiness. I was sort of scared because of all the noise from the Movie Theater right outside the door. My dick was so wet, but Eric's ass was tight. I pushed in harder. The warmth of his ass surrounded me. It made me feel like I was finally one with Eric. Nothing could take this moment away from us. For the first time, I felt that Eric really belonged to me. His hand had guided me slowly into his ass so that there was a line between pleasure and pain. After a while, the pleasure started to build in for both Eric and I. His hand was no longer guiding me, but was now jerking off. My dick tensed up like I was about to cum every time I pounded in his ass. "More! Oh yeah! Uhhhhhh fuck me! Damien I love you!" "No you love the dick!" I shouted back, getting a joke in. I leaned my back in and kept my hips twisting for a while to remind him of how good it felt. He laughed in the middle of moans, "That too. Dame! You're bought to turn me into a bitch, Damien. Ughhh! I never knew how good it feels!" "Just get used to my dick and no one else," I warned. I grappled onto his waste and began to pound him harder now. He moaned loud. I wondered how he felt, but I knew how I felt. The head around my dick and the tension seemed to be condensing it. The condom didn't make a difference. I could still feel his skin and feel the sliding of the moist lubrication. Then his ass came into my pubic area; the area that sent a thousand nerves through my body. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my hips and let my dick rest deep into him as I started to cum loudly. As soon as I climaxed, Damien was soon after. His cum went into his fist and then all over the bathroom sink. He stood up into me and his back hit my chest. He turned around, taking my dick out his ass. He didn't let it get soft though. He took off the condom and sperm started to drip from my penis. I didn't think he was going to do it, but then I saw him drop to his knees, while holding my dick in his hands. He put his mouth onto mine and sucked my dick with the sperm on it and all. He was a freak! I didn't even think I would ever do that, not even to Eric who I loved. "I told you I loved you," he told me, wiping my sperm of his mouth with the paper towels. He was serious when he said it. I didn't say anything. It was some type of awkward situation that you wanted. There was nothing that we could say. I cleaned myself off and Eric wiped the rest of the lubrication out of his ass. We tried to make the place spotless, but we were in a rush because it was almost 12 o'clock and the curfew for teens our age was 11 o'clock. Eric walked me home after we had finished in the bathroom. It would have been smart to take the bus since it was so late, but I really wanted to spend some more time with him. We walked closely, as close as we could walk. He put his arm over me, becoming more masculine just after my hard 7-inch dick pounded his ass. It was funny for a moment, but I didn't let him know what I was laughing at. He held me tight as the dark, silent street swallowed us. I wanted to go home and tell my father about Eric. I wanted to tell him that I had a relationship with a boy. Eric made me feel like it was okay to tell the world about us. I still didn't define us as gay or that he was my boyfriend. It was hard to go from straight to gay because of one boy (or two including Robbie). Eric took me all the way to my doorstep. "You want to spend the night?" I asked, "The good thing about you being a boy is that we can have sleepovers." He laughed, "I would, but my little sisters are probably up waiting for me. I promised them I'd help them with their homework when I got back." "So, then I guess I should go in," I told him. I didn't want the night to end. I leaned forward for what would probably end up as a kiss. I didn't get to find out. A voice called my name out suddenly! I turned around to see Robbie standing at the threshold. I jerked my head back, but I think that he saw me leaning forward into Eric. Eric's face went sour for a little just that moment when he saw Robbie. I was just surprised, but I didn't care. "Hey, Eric," Robbie told him with his vain ego, "Where's all the girls that you two took to the movies?" "Why are you out here?" I asked. "He wants to fuck around with us!" Eric said suddenly. I didn't expect him to talk like that. He was the shy guy after all, just like I was. I didn't realize how angry he was until I saw his face. I looked into the house and was relieved to see that Dina and my father weren't there. "Eric, don't get mad. Calm down. I'll tell Robbie about us," I promised him, trying to say anything that would calm him down. "Tell me what?" Robbie asked. "No, Damien, this is between Robbie and I," Eric said suddenly, "I'll tell him." "Tell me what!" "Damien and I have been fucking, but you know that already. What you don't know is that we're probably in love. Just a little while ago, he was fucking me up the ass!" I turned around and Robbie looked at me for confirmation. I looked away. I wasn't denying what Eric said, even though I didn't agree with the way he said it. I didn't want them to fight, but I knew it was probably going to happen. Eric was pissed off and he had just made Robbie pissed off. Robbie had a quick temper and I knew it. I saw his hand fly in the air as he socked Eric across his face. Eric fell backwards and I tried to catch him. That was when Eric almost snapped. Robbie seemed to prove what he wanted. He stood on the stairs laughing as I struggled to restrain Eric. I wasn't sure Eric could beat Robbie and either way I didn't want them fighting. They were both important to me. "Eric calm down!" I cried out. "Yeah, listen to him!" Robbie urged on from the stairs. "Why don't you come down here and say that!" Eric called out trying to break free and get Robbie. He was really trying. He was putting all his strength into it. "No need. I already proved my point. That is why Damien is wearing my 200 watch on his wrist right now!" I had tried to hide the watch the whole day. Eric stopped struggling and started rolling up my sleeves until it revealed the expensive watch. Eric couldn't afford something like that. I knew he was be envious that Robbie had given it to me. "His watch? Is that why you fucked him?" Eric asked me. I could see that he looked a little broken. "He gave me the watch afterwards." "Were you that good to him?" he asked me, looking more insulted every moment his eyes recognized how beautiful the watch was, "I could buy something like that for you. He doesn't have anything on me, Damien! I'll get you something better." "Eric, this isn't competition," I tried to show him, but his testosterone had already gotten the best of him. By now Robbie had almost laughed his throat out, "Eric come upstairs. Its too cold to be picking through trash." I guessed Eric was the trash. I tried to pull Eric aside to where he couldn't hear Robbie, but he didn't go for it. He pulled away from be and began to walk down the street upset. His feet were pounding and his hands were collapsing on his hair as though trying to gain some sort of control. "OH my fucking god!" he kept shouting, so loud that people were starting to look out their windows. "Eric. Don't be mad." He turned back to me biting is lip and now I could see that he was in tears. This was really hurting him. He looked at Robbie again and bit his lip. He was pounding his fist. Eric was almost half way down the street when he cried out; "I love you Damien. Robbie isn't shit. Why don't you get that?" I knew someone in the neighborhood must have heard him say that. I walked into the house, purposely bumping into Robbie as I did so. He pissed me off so much. Eric was an emotional person and I knew that now. I didn't know why he thought that I still had feelings for Robbie. I told him so many times that I didn't have those feelings anymore. I wondered what Eric was going to do. He seemed pissed. He kept saying that he was going to get me something better. I hoped that he got home safe that night, but I knew that the only one that had a good night's sleep between the three of us was Robbie.

Next: Chapter 6

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