Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Jul 12, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

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Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The day started with Eric drawing a portrait.

"Stay still, I might cum even if you move a little."

I laughed seeing how incredibly serious he was when he said that. He had told me to sit on top of him. Well not just sit. I was sitting on his big dick. There was no condom, we didn't need one anymore. We were finally in a relationship. We had finally moved into the apartment and Eric was in every state of saying it, my boyfriend. He said he wanted to draw a portrait of how our bodies looked in a moment of passion or whatever. I guess the pose was sort of something he had really been wanting to do because he was bugging me for about a week on doing it with him. He said he wanted to try to capture my beauty on paper and the time I was most beautiful was when we were being intimate. This WASN'T exactly being intimate, but I guess I did get pleasure from finally knowing how it felt to have him bareback me for the first time.

"Can you hurry with this portrait? Its so hot and I'm getting stiff. I gotta rest."

I had meant my dick actually. Me looking down at his smooth face and innocent eyes seemed as though I would last a life time lost within them. His nipples were as erect as his dick. I didn't actually know how he could stay hard for so long without having an orgasm. I had time to think about crap like this.

He let out a quick laugh.

"Rest? Hahahahah! Not today baby. You have no idea how horny I am right now, sitting here, with my dick all the way up your ass! When I'm done with this...the last thing you'll be doing is resting!!!!!!!!!"

I smirked at his sudden sexiness and licked my lips. I was horny too. I couldn't wait till he was done with the picture. Of course the feeling of him within me was so fulfilling. It felt almost like being massaged and suddenly when your done being massaged, you feel an emptiness like the feeling is gone. I wanted him to massage me all day long and well into the night if I could. I stood as perfectly still and looked down at him. He would concentrate hard on the paper then look at a certain part of my body, then look in my eyes, then concentrate hard on the paper again.

"I'm almost done baby. Just drawing your thighs now," he assured me.

I knew he was rushing faster and faster now, but I wish he could rush even more. I didn't want to seem too horny and get hard right in front of him but it was hard to do. His long locks were curled up around the pillow. His face buried in it while he rested the drawing clipboard on his chest. I could still see his nipples though. They were hard, probably from the physical stress he was putting on his body to remain as it was. They were a nice red now, even though they were usually a very light brown from his half Italian, half African-American heritage. They bloomed a red now with desire.

I reached down and began to caress them lightly, only touching the tip trying to get sensation out of them.

He let out a quick spasm and moved my hand quick.

"Damien what are you doing!?" he said half smiling a broad white smile of satisfaction, while half looking irritated that he would have to once again lose concentration to deal with me.

"They were calling to me."

"Well your whole body has been calling to me this whole time. You don't see me touching your nipples."

I looked at my nipples, in a silly manner, then leaned my head down as though talking to them, "Have you been calling my husband?!"

I gave them a long pinch and I started to laugh and then reluctantly Eric started to laugh too. Suddenly I felt Eric loosening his eyes of the paper as though completely losing interest in them I wondered what it was that had him stop so suddenly.

"Were you serious with that?"

"With what?"

His face looked worried. Sort of like he was lost at the moment. I had loved how Eric looked when he was serious. His eyes would squint and his eyebrows would lift up. Then he would start to lick his lips over and over...like they were gonna get dry if he ever stopped. Even now. He had the lowest self-esteem of anyone I ever knew. Even after I told him how beautiful he was...he still doubted it. He still thought that there was any competition in my heart for him.

All of a sudden the talking he did was slower. More clearer.

"Would you really ...I mean I'm not asking. Not yet anyways. Well I dunno. I never know with you. I mean I brought it up before, so I guess this time I might be asking. Maybe I am asking. Or maybe I'm just wondering..."

I looked at Eric. His eyes were so searching around the room to say it. I could feel his dick was getting really soft all of a sudden probably from the anxiety. Not completely soft but still soft enough to make me wonder what was going on.


"Damien I was thinking on something. I love you. I mean its so clear by now that I love you. People don't like to see us together but it doesn't matter to me. My love is more than them. I'm willing to give up my own pride, anything perhaps to be with you. If the landlord finds our we are lovers and kicks us out, I'll live out on the street with you. It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm with you. But every time we get close...every time it seems like we are finally together...something happens. Then you are snatched away."

"What are you saying?"

"You said that I was your husband, Damien. I know thtat yI want to make that official. I want you to marry me."

There was silence. He seemed to just look up at me, almost lost in me. For the shy, humble Eric to come out of his shell and say something like that, hinted that he must have been building up the courage to say something like that for so long. I looked down at him. His manly chest, his thorough abs. Then looked up his face. It was so smooth, like the skin of a baby. There wasn't one bump, one scar upon it. His eyes were full of anticipations and promise. He looked up at me and I could tell he was in love. All the problems that we had before was suddenly help back from me. Everything that I had done was gone. I remembered what Mr. Knight had told me. Young lovers could only end up in failure. "They" wouldn't allow it. They would die before they saw me with Eric...we would be banished...

I was rethinking our whole relationship in that moment. Most people had waited a lifetime to experience the things that I had experienced. I was 18 and I had been loved, hated, destroyed and protected. Now I was being proposed to. I was looking down on him, for so long I was just sitting there in shock. I expected him to roll from under me and run away to the bathroom in anger or disappointment. He didn't move. He was going to sit there, even if it took hours, until I told him my answer.

RainOnMyWindow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Won't the rain stop beating up against my window? But if it stops what is there to gain... I can see myself falling My lungs nearly erupting Won't the rain stop beating up against my window... I know my mind is shaking up I know my eyes are breaking up Till he gave my heart a waking up Till he took me away from my window And when my rain stops... He stands as my rainbow...

"I will marry you."

"Damien are you serious? I mean you know what this means?" Eric said all of a sudden taken up with excitement, as he leaned up and straddled his hands around me, "I mean...marriage! It'll be so hard to do. I dunno...maybe impossible. Still, together we could do anything."

Marriage, between men. Impossible...unwanted...hated. Then why did I feel like it had to be done?

"I love you. Marriage is only the beginning..."

He looked at me for a long time, as though our eyes were made only to look at one another. It was some sort of sign from the heavens...I don't know. Still I saw his eyes fill up with water and it rained down his face until it got to his upper lips. Suddenly we kissed...almost like it was our first time and in many ways almost like it was our last time...

We'd been making love in our new apartment for what seemed like hours now. Too much emotion for me to really recall what was going on. I remember him picking me up in excitement that we were going to get married. I remember the feeling when his dick suddenly slid out of my ass and I begged it to return there. I remember him leaning me against the wall and turning me so that my chest was flat against it. Then he began to thrust into me, his gigantic dick running through me...pounding steadily into the deepest parts of me. I remember moaning loudly trying to keep the passion without making too much noise because the landlord was in the apartment right next door. I couldn't tell you how long it lasted, but I remember it lasted for a long time. I couldn't tell you how I felt, because they were feelings that I had never experienced before. I couldn't tell you about the orgasm, because the orgasm lasted the entire time. We were fucking, no...no we were making love...

It was unlike we had ever done before...so beautiful that when the moment was over, it was in my mind like some sort of great hysteria. I knew that this was the only moment that ever really meant anything.

"It's just beginning," he assured me, licking his pink lips as he started to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He lay on top of me with his body around me. He was finally my height, through the efforts of puberty and because his strong willpower not to be short anymore.

He just lay on top of my chest now, his arms crouched up on the bed so not to put too much pressure on me. He was kissing me against my neck and my earlobe.

"With all the thinking you did on asking me to get married. Did you think about how we were going to do it?"

"I figure we can run off to Canada. I don't know. We DEFINITELY have to invite your dad. If he's cool with it. I think he will be. I'm gonna save up as much money as possible for it. First I thought it was best to elope...seeing no one might really support us getting married. But I changed my mind. I want them to be there even if they don't understand. I want people to know that we will finally be together forever. We gotta fly out all our friends."


It was so strange to here this. I had loved him more then anything, but for the past few days we moved into our apartment, I had always been seeing shadows. They weren't like real shadows, but clearly images of Robbie. I didn't know what this meant. I saw him near the bus stop, a short flash of the handsome face looking at me almost blank, then suddenly the person would walk away. I would try to follow them, but they were always to fast...so eager to get away. It could have been Robbie. Robbie would have spoken to me. It was almost crazy. Everywhere I went, I seemed to have seen him. I HAD to tell Eric and this was probably the only chance I would have. I just didn't want to break the clear comfort that I felt with Eric now.

"By the way, did I tell you I'm going for an interview on Saturday?" Eric suddenly said.

I had the job, he didn't. I worked in the mail office at Johnson&Johnson company. My father paid for the rent entirely but we still needed little things like groceries or what not.


"Is there something wrong baby? You seem so distant."

My face went completely blank with horror, "Well---"

"Spit it out!" he laughed and began to tickle me suddenly. I tried to push away, but my body was pinned beneath his completely. The sensation was running up the side of my stomach, completely making me burst out into laughter.


Suddenly things went so serious. Eric stopped tickling me. I watched his nude body roll off of me and go to the side of me. He rolled completely off the bed and went to the bathroom that was right next to the bedroom (which was his, but I usually slept in there too).

"Where did you see him?" he asked, his voice so distant as though suddenly all the confidence he had in me was slipping away.

I was afraid.

"I saw him by the bus stop, then again at the ferry. Its like he had that same smell, the smell that him and his friends usually have. That secret cologne that they always wore. I smell it all the time. I could smell it at the library, at the movie theaters that day we went."

"Are you serious?!" I heard Eric blast from the next room.

He walked in wearing his same white boxer briefs that he had started wearing to look sexy ever since we moved in together. It wasn't like Eric, but he was always trying to appeal to me and make the relationship look like it had just started.

"I'm not joking, Eric."

"Does he even know where we are living? You didn't tell him, did you?"

"No...but there are a thousand ways he could know."

Eric leaned against the dresser, his skin color, which had been the most refining thing about him looked almost like the color of bronze sand in this light. I leaned up on the bed, wrapping the bed sheets around my legs and privates, while I sat up to talk to him.

"I can't deal with this right now. My family is coming..." Eric said suddenly.

WHAT?! His family. The crazy family that had almost killed me when the caught Eric and I together.

"When?" I asked, still trying to remain as calm as I could ever be.

"Tonight," he said suddenly.

"Eric! How can't you tell me something like that?! This is crazy!" I said completely losing it.

I jumped off the bed and began to walk to my dresser to find something to wear. I wasn't gonna stay there the night so that his entire family could beat me up. It definitely wasn't going to happen like that. For a while I thought that since he left the house, it was going to be the last I saw of them, but I doubted it now. I felt a warm embarrassment.

I could feel Eric coming from behind me and grasping me, with his mulatto arms. He was trying to comfort me...

"Damien, I need to know if they can accept the lifestyle I am living with you. My family means a lot to me, I don't want them to feel like I am going against their wishes."

He was dead serious as he looked back at me. He really was going to do something as crazy as invite his parents over to the house. No wonder he wasn't pushing that Robbie thing so much. This seemed A LOT more brutal. I knew that the rain hadn't stopped...I could feel it beginning to slow a little, but not completely stopped. More rain was coming and I kept wondering what I had to do to make it stop. I felt like I could finally find the happiness I wanted when I moved out of that house, but the rain followed me. The rain followed me into our deluxe apartment on the southside.

"More chicken, dang it Damien. Can you please put more chicken in the oven?"

I sighed. Eric wasn't good with getting prepared for things. He was all real nervous and what not. I was afraid. My body still hurt from that hit that his father had given me almost a year and a half ago. I tried to be a good guy and put the dame chicken in the fucking oven. They weren't coming here to eat chicken, they were coming here to finish me off for turning their son into a fag.

"Eric, what time are they coming?"

"Any second now."

He began to set the table. Eric had me dressed up in the most amazing get up I had ever seen. It was supposedly meant to convince his mother that I respected her Italian heritage as well as convince his father that I was supportive of his West Indian style. I was already dead tired and bored out of my mind. This was all going to kill me by the time the night was over, I was sure of it.

"Damien help me set the table."

Oh my fucking god! Do something yourself for a change. I felt so annoyed. I mean I wanted to leave so badly, just take down out of the house until his weird family was completely out of my hair. It was almost 9:00 at night, but since it was summer it wasn't too dark. I looked out my outfit again. It was the most colorful tropical shirt I had ever seen in my life. I didn't even know where Eric had gotten the dame thing. It made me even look more like one of those hysterical gay guys who thought they were starting a new fashion trend. Eric on the other hand was dressed handsomely in a sweater and slacks.

Suddenly the doorbell filled the whole house. Eric looked at me and I looked back at Eric. He gave me a smile and then started to the front door.

I stayed in the kitchen, thinking of how I was going to greet them. The normal wave? No, I wanted them to accept me not just recognize me. I shake of the hand...wasn't that gonna be too awkward? To shake the hands of the people that embarrassed the heck out of me not too long ago. Suddenly I decided to get up and follow Eric to the door. I would do whatever I saw him doing...I guess...

"Grandma!" I heard Eric call out to the old, almost ancient woman standing in front of the doorway. She was the first to walk in. She gave Eric a hug but had nothing but a sort of expression for me.

Next were Eric's two brothers. They didn't seem to be as negative now as they were before, but they didn't seem too happy either. They both really didn't do anything but pat their brother on the back. Eric was definitely the cutest among the brothers, although they did all have a slight resemblance.

"Damien. These are my brothers...Derek and Malone," Eric explained.

The one named Derek gave me a stern look, but Malone who seemed very eager to get it over with gave me a firm shake of the hand.

"Nice to meet you," he said, then turned around and walked away.

"You too."

Derek looked at me for a long time as though about to shake my hand but suddenly Eric's father walked in and interrupted.

"Move boy, you don't wanna take up their time," He told to Derek. Derek stopped staring at me and continued to move on. Eric's father just walked past the both of us as though we never existed. The last one to walk in the house was Eric's mother who was probably the nicest to both of us. She was crying when she saw the apartment and how far Eric had come since the day he was kicked out.

She gave me a hug too, "I'm happy to see you in such good shape."

I wondered what she meant, but then remembered that she was there when her husband and sons beat the living crap out of me that night.

Eric left me at the dinner table while he went in the kitchen to finish off the chicken. The long stares that came from his family was simply burning a whole into my forehead. I put my head down a little as though pretending to be admiring the silverware that Byron had given me in that gift that he bought. It was really beautifully designed and very expensive. DAMMIT! Where was Eric? I felt so alone all of a sudden as though all the attention was going to suffocate me. I looked up a little and recognized that indeed, all eyes from his family were on me.

"So, Damien," his mother finally spoke giving me a smile, "Do you work?"

"Yeah I just started. I work in a mail room."

"Mail room? How interesting."

She was really trying to be polite but it didn't sound right because there was nothing really interesting about delivering mail to people.

"Eric work there too?"

"Ughh, no Eric doesn't have a job yet?"

The brother named Derek, the suspicious one, jumped into the conversation, "You been paying for this whole thing with a job in a mail room?"

"No, actually..."

"How may rooms this place got?" Derek suddenly asked looking around some more.

"2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 den, 1 living room and 1 dining room..."

"Well, seems like fags are getting paid these days," the father suddenly butt in.

Oh my god. I couldn't believe he just said that. The two brothers of Eric started laughing almost hysterically. Suddenly Eric was coming back into the room and they stopped laughing. I didn't know what to say. They were clearly being prejudice, in my own apartment. I sighed, trying to blow it off and hope that was the only embarrassing moment of the night. I was so very very wrong.

"How long have you known you were gay?" his father asked me, even when Eric was there.


"Its ok. I can answer," I said suddenly, not wanting to become more of a victim then I already was, "I knew I was gay probably around the time I hit puberty."

"And you ever take it up the poop shoot?" THE POOP SHOOT! I started to turn red.

"Henry, stop it. You know that none of your business!" Eric's mother took off at her husband.

Eric looked at me. He was just embarrassed as I was as our eyes met. I could see the shame he all of a sudden had. It was going to happen like this.

"If he is with my son, then I should know."

"Its ok," I finally answered, "Yes I did once."

The brothers burst out into laughter once again and the grandmother groaned, crossing her chest with the cross. The mother completely started to bang her head against the table for some odd reason. Oh my god this was so embarrassing. Eric's chicken was beginning to taste like water in my mouth and I could have sworn I would have thrown up.

His father spoke again, opening his mouth and revealing all the food he was chewing, "Your not ashamed, to say that you got it up the poop shoot?"

"Sir, I'm not ashamed of anything I've done."

"Henry stop it!" The mother repeated.

"You like it?" his father asked again.

I pushed my luck finally with answering him, "Yes, a lot."

The brother burst out laughing again, this time banging her silverware against the table. The grandmother began to mutter something that seemed like the 23rd Psalm from the bible. The mother was trying to whisper something to the father and making it seem nonchalant. This was impossible, because the father's voice boomed way over hers and he was very stubborn.

"This chicken is wonderful," the mother finally said, trying to take the attention off of the issue at hand.

"Thank you mom," Eric said.

He looked at me again, almost trying to tell me something. This was the single most embarrassing moment of my life. I thought the last time was worse but this was way worse. I would have much rather them hitting me around then mocking my lifestyle like they knew ANYTHING about it. I felt his hand coming up my thigh. He squeezed it as though trying to give me strength of some sort. It did help a little. I was so dramatic and so afraid. I wondered what was going on, but I never said anything. The cold stares frosted my face completely.

"Eric where is your bedroom?" Derek said. I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to start up the conversation again and to get me all embarrassed again.

"Excuse me," I said suddenly pretending I had to use the bathrooom,

"Why do you care?" I heard Eric snap suddenly. He probably recognized his brother's intentions as clearly as I did.

"Why you so mad?"

"Cause I know what your trying to do!" Eric said jumping to his feet and leaning over the table, "You always been one little jealous cunt! Trying to hurt me through Damien. You so interested in my goddam bedroom? Yes we do have two bedrooms, but yes most nights Damien sleeps with me in my bedroom!"

There was nothing but silence all of a sudden as his family looked us Eric with extreme disbelief of what he had just done. He admitted what was going on.

"And dad," he said looking towards my father, "I won't let you ask him those questions. ASK ME! Embarrass me. He did get it up the 'poop shoot' but I was the one who gave it to him! This is us, not the whole entire gay community you're talking to. This is your son and the person who he loves. He is the person I am going to get married to."

Suddenly silence at the table. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. He had just told them that he was going to get married to me. I waited, almost too long and could hear nothing. I leaned against the wall still waiting until there was a doorbell, to disturb the sudden shock that was in next room.

I peaked out suddenly and saw Eric going to the door, he was walking slow and his eyes were full of tears. I saw his father and his mother exchange glances. They didn't look happy or angered. They faces were just blank, as though their souls had been sucked out of them. I couldn't breath all of a sudden. I was just holding my breath. I'd had visions. They were crazy visions, unclear and vague. They always came on when I heard one of those songs about rain.

I needed to take my mind off of things.

I turned on the radio...

"Rain on me Lord wont you take this Pain from me I dont wanna live I dont wanna breathe Til you just Rain on me Lord wont you take this Pain from me I dont wanna live I dont wanna breathe"

I shut off the sound of Ashanti's voice playing over the radio. I picked up the whole radio and tossed it at the window. The loud clash sent cries from the next room in horror as they heard the glass breaking through the window. Suddenly I could hear something...something like a storm. Then I could feel the soft drizzle come from outside the broken glass.

I looked down and saw the water droplets on my shoe. I hadn't even noticed that it had been raining outside this whole time. I began to cry without even knowing it. I looked out of the room and saw his family. They were looking at me like I was the devil himself and the broken glass didn't help. Suddenly I walked out, searching constantly to find Eric's arms so that I could hold them. I needed my rainbow all of a sudden. I needed him to remind me that there was life after this rain because this time it had become too much for me to handle.

I went to the door to where Eric was.

I ran to him, hoping that he would catch me in his arms like he had done so many times. He didn't he backed up, leaving me alone. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! His face looked angry, almost like I had done something to him. He had as many tears in his eyes that I had by now. I wanted something, some kind of comfort. But there was none to be given. But what could it possibly be?

Then Eric moved and beside him I saw Robbie standing at the door...

______________________________________________________________________________ This chapter is the beginning of the last chapters of Rain On Me

I drew my visual representation of the characters from RainOnMe

If you want to see them email sum1plezzcall_911@hotmail.com

I will be sure to send you a copy of the visual representation.

Next: Chapter 17

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