Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Jul 9, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

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Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly


I was sitting in my room now, sitting and leaning against the wall, semi-erect with no real memory of how I had become that way. I didn't touch it or tried to think of dead puppies so that I would go down. I ignored it... There was something playing on the radio. An old song now. <ON A PERFECT DAY I KNOW THAT I CAN COUNT ON YOU WHEN THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE TELL ME CAN YOU WEATHER A STORM 'CAUSE I NEED SOMEBODY WHO WILL STAND BY ME THROUGH THE GOOD TIMES AND THE BAD TIMES SHE WOULD ALWAYS-ALWAYS BE RIGHT THERE SUNNY DAYS EVERYBODY LOVES THEM-TELL ME BABY CAN YOU STAND THE RAIN> I laid back and pushed down my head, laying down on the bed even further. My head laid back. It had been a long time since I heard a song that I really listened to. It had been so long that I had been sitting in my room all alone and heard the splashes of water outside my bedroom window. It was raining... <STORMS WILL COME-THIS WE KNOW FOR SURE CAN YOU STAND THE RAIN> It was the last day before I moved out. Leaving behind the house, but wondering if it would forever cease my pain. There was something else...one more thing before I could stop the rain from beating on my window. There was emotion that was going to come, I wasn't sure when but I knew by now that this rain wasn't just rain. This rain was my emotion...falling down and showing the terribleness of the situation. The last day before Eric and I moved into our new apartment together... "Damien!" I heard...a slow soft and reluctant knock on the room door. The voice didn't sound familiar probably because I was so into the song that was being played. I walked to the door to see Eric standing there. The guy who cared about me more than anyone else. The guy who at first rejected me, who had betrayed me...but most importantly he was the guy who had loved me. "Someone's here to visit you." ROBBIE?! That was the first name that came in my head. I wondered if it was possible. It would really explain all the rain that had suddenly begun to drip down the glass outside my window. "Who?" I suddenly asked. He gave me a look that would probably show that he was a little pissed, or irritated, "Byron." It wasn't the same for me as Robbie. I mean I needed to know that the feelings that Robbie and I shared were over before I could be happy with Eric. Still...to Eric it might of well had been Robbie himself. Byron was like Robbie's ambassador to Eric, because they were best friends. "Relax Eric, he's probably just coming to say goodbye." I walked past Eric but heard his loud footsteps as he followed me, "He doesn't have to be rude about it. You know he didn't even say hello, just barged in demanding to see you!" I walked down the hallway a little anxious to say goodbye to him. "What you want me to do about it Eric?" "Tell him to leave us alone..." I turned to look at him and could almost laugh as I saw the most serious face on him that I had ever seen. "Eric...relax." "Fine," he said stopping me suddenly as I was about to go down the stairs and he held me close, "You know our luck though. A thousand things are gonna try to stop us from leaving and going to live together. It's a battle Damien and they are our enemies. You are letting them past our fort now. They don't wanna see us happy..." "Look, I know a thousand things are probably gonna come up. But we'll work past them, when the come up...together." I gave him a small kiss on the lips, something that I had become more or less common to do. We were only 17 but you could have sworn we were married. He had mentioned it one time, saying that we could run off to Canada and get married. I wanted to say that I would do whatever he wanted because I loved him so much, but instead I just sighed and pretended never to hear such a crazy idea. We were at war, our relationship was being torn at. The world didn't want to see us together, Eric's family didn't want to see us together and Robbie's friend (which was half the important people in our neighborhood) didn't want to see us together. We had become rebels and I wondered if push came to shove, would Eric be the only person who I could count on. Would I soon come to rely on Eric like I relied on the earth to constantly give me oxygen? With that I went downstairs, almost knowing that he would follow me down. I led him down to the front door and noticed the smell of expensive cologne, expensive taste. He was a rich boy, the richest boy I knew of course. At the bottom of the stairs was Byron. I met him at the bottom of the stairs and gave him the same sort of hug he had always given Robbie. "Wow Damien, puberty has done you wonders," Byron said. What the hell?! Eric was standing right there and we both probably had the same thing in mind. My crotch area was pushed up against Byron a little and I was a little semi hard. I wondered if that was what he was talking about. How could he say that in front of Eric though! I was dazed "`Scuse me?" "Your face, it cleared up nicely. Your skin is like perfection now," Byron made himself more precise and I let out a uncomfortable laugh, relieved that it didn't seem so bad. "Ughh, I got something for you. It's a gift for that new apartment I hear you got. But the thing is...I left it at my house and realized it halfway here. I know, I'm stupid at times..." "Why didn't you turn back and go get it?" Eric suddenly interrupted with a slight outcry of disapproval. Byron let out a short blunt laugh that was full of mystery and unknowing. "Its ok, lets go to your house and get it," I offered, knowing that Eric would probably budge in but saying it anyway. "Damien, I thought we were going to stay in for some dinner today." I didn't know why he would have a thought like that. I never promised to stay indoors for dinner. We didn't even have anything to cook. I didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. "Dinner?" "Look guy," Byron butted in, repaying the interruption that Eric had given earlier, "I'll have him back safe and with a full belly. What's the worst I can do in one night?" ***************************************************************************** I laughed and Eric gave a sort of testing grin. It was almost like I knew Byron's intention in saying that was to make a joke but still wondered why he had given a slight smile then taken me by the shoulder to lead me out of the door. I walked out with him waving goodbye to Eric who stood at the door. He was worried and he always had reason to be worried. I didn't blame him. I climbed into Byron's car... the beautiful car that I always loved. We said little words until we got all the way to the mansion that Byron had in the upper hills. His mother had bought it when he father died and gave them a ton of insurance money from their job. They were already well off, but now they were dame well millionaires. "Nice house," I muttered. There was a big gate that Byron opened with his gate key as we drove up to the lawn and Byron parked on the side of a fountain. He left his doors and everything unlocked as though he was in his own little paradise and nothing could touch him. He gave me a grin and a long look that made me wonder what he was thinking. Then suddenly he crawled out the car and into the building, that he called a house. There was a tall guy that met him at the door that I thought must have been his stepfather...but as I came closer I saw the guy's uniform. It was a butler! On the sides were winding staircases that led upstairs. Crystal chalices were lined up against the dining room halls and suddenly I could see Byron lead me to a back room, that sort of looked like a closed in porch. It was real nice. All around there were expensive things. He let his hand out, very silently and showed me a seat nest to a stone bust of Julius Caesar. Then he said something to that butler guy. The butler guy left and returned with two wine glasses and two wine bottles. He gave me one and of course gave Byron the other. "Jeffrey, why don't you go get my friend's gift?" Jeffrey...the butler... "Yes sir." I reached over to grab a wine bottle but suddenly I saw Byron block my hand and reach for the other wine bottle, "Here let me get that for you." He poured the wine into my glass and it sparkled up. Then strangely Byron took the other wine bottle and poured it into his. I was so confused, thinking at once that Byron was probably trying to poison me, but I trusted him. I sipped onto the wine. FUCK THAT! It was goddam sparkling apple cider! "Is this a joke?" I said laughing so hard that the sparkling wine was slowly dripping down the side of my mouth. "You're way too young to be drinking liquor. Both Robbie and Eric would kill me if I got you drunk." It was true and that is probably why didn't handle it too much. Jeffrey, the butler walked in with a present. It was all wrapped up in golden paper. "Wow! Thanks so much, Byron...I don't know what to say." "Don't open it till you get in your new apartment." Dang I hated when people did that! I got a gift and couldn't open it. It was such a tease. Ah well. I guess the gift was all that I came for, but now I wondered why I was still there, stalling around like a nervous reck as Byron began to play music. He told me not to drink, but I could tell that after 5 shots of that whisky, Byron had become more then tipsy. He had some music and was slowly moving his head to it as he sat on the table where our glasses where. He seemed to be sober, but I could tell he was tipsy. The look in his eyes wasn't the same. "You know, Robbie was a good friend of mine. I would do anything for him...anything." I looked anxious as I saw Byron unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt. He was sweating profusely. It was a little hot of course, but he was reacting to it as though it was 100 degrees when it was probably around 80. He unbuttoned it down so far that I could see him completely open it revealing the hints of the wonderfully strong Hercules chest that had won Byron the award for being the eligible bachelor in our high school (besides Robbie of course). "Yeah I know." Byron stopped his speech getting just a little slurred then he picked it back up, "Before you left he told me that I should take care of you. You knew that?" He sounded so blunt. "Yeah I guess I expected him to tell you that." "Dame its hot!" he said rubbing onto his neck, trying to clear the sweat off, "You wanna take a swim?" "Ahhhhhh, I dunno. I got no swimming suit." "I got extra...." "I rather not." "Suit yourself. You can sit on the side. I gotta go swim." He walked out of the furnace into the patio of the back long. I saw him throw his shirt inside the room, then he threw his pants into the room. Was he naked? I wondered this, as I slowly heard silence and wondered what was going on outside. I slowly began to lean over, trying to poke my head outside and see if Byron was really naked. I had never seen him naked. Once or twice, I had thought about it...but never really seen him naked. "HEY DAMIEN. YOU GONNA AT LEAST COME OUT?!" The sound was distant...making it clear that I should stop trying to peak outside because he wasn't right outside of the door. I walked outside of the door, taking a sip of the real liquor before I went outside. He was Robbie's friend. I was in a relationship with Eric. Nothing could be done. So why was I feeling so goddam horny tonight. I was certain that Byron was straight...not bi...straight. So why was I so afraid that we were going to get in more than just a swim outside. When I did go outside, the night was beautiful. It was a lot cooler on the patio then inside. They owned an Olympic size pool in their backyard. The stars settled in the sky above us, casting the only reflection on the bright blue water. There were lights in the pool but that was about it. Besides that, everything had a certain darkness about it. Everything was so very, very dark. I looked at the beautiful water and when my head lifted, I could see someone swimming in the water, then all of a sudden I noticed Byron's head bobbing up from beneath the water and stroking the waves until he came to my side of the pool. He stuck his head out on the side with his arms out. Then he began to climb out of the pool. "You should really come into the pool. It feels so good. It was getting SO hot in there." It wasn't really getting that hot in there. He was being delirious. He came to the side of the pool and I saw his strong muscles push against the basin until he could pull himself out of the water using only his two hands. I wasn't surprised he was so strong. His muscles were gleaming in the sunlight. As he came and stood upon the shore, I could see exactly what he was wearing. He was wearing a jock strap that HARDLY lived up to its job. I could see his long 9 inch cock sticking having a war with the strap. The imprint was so clear as though I can see every vein through the fabric. His pubic hair was sticking out from the thin jack strap too. I wasn't semi hard anymore myself...I was like a goddam tower and I tried to hid it with my hands. What was he doing?! He knew by now that I had to be gay. He saw Robbie suck me off in the kitchen. Of course I was gay. Why would he walk up to a gay guy in a wet jockstrap with his ass completely exposed and his dick might of well have been exposed, because it was sticking out every which way. Oh heavenly dick. I could already imagine it exploring deep within me, penetrating my tight ass hole, thrusting deep past my ass tissues and going so deep I could feel it in my stomach. "Ahhh..."I could only say feeling the silence as he looked at me completely still. His hair was wet. He had it blonde. He wasn't a natural blonde, but no one knew that. It looked like a golden brown when it was wet. His pink lips were looking at me as though saying to kiss them. I was fighting temptations now unlike I EVER could. I was surprised I hadn't jumped all over him already. "Hey I got you this other gift, I gotta show you." I looked at the wet muscle, rich boy in the eyes with fear. "What is it?" "C`mon over here and find out." I didn't deny him. I walked slowly over to him, pushing my luck with each step. I had gotten so close to him that my eyes made direct contact with his lower neck (he was always taller than me)> "What is it?" I repeated. He took my hand, at first like he was gonna go on holding it, then he opened my palm and I could feel him slowly pushing my hand down towards his crotch area. He made me to grip his dick, caressing it through the fabric, touching the thickest dick I had ever lain eyes on in my life. He mad me rub it, touching on the swollen elephant sized ball sack that he had below his dick. I pulled away. "Byron I know your drunk, so I'll just ignore that." "I'm not drunk, see!" he denied, standing on one foot and then hoping around in a way I normally would have laughed at if it didn't make my dick swollen so much to see the thick dick bouncing up and down as he did so. "Something must be wrong with you." "Why?" he asked, "You're the one who has been staring at my dick this entire time we been out here. I know what you need maybe some candles for the romance." He was seriously walking into his house to get candles. "I don't want dame candles!!!!!" "No you don't. I know what you want." Byron lowered his jockstrap slowly, until it feel to his feet. Then he stepped out of it, standing before me in all his glory, revealing himself before me. I wanted to reach for that cock. I could imagine it once again, but this time I was sucking it, my lips engulfing the cock in one loud slurp. He came up to me and I was breathing hard as he pressed against me, slowly reaching to take off my clothes. I pushed him away. "No." "So why would you do something like this? What about..." "Eric?! That guy is an emotional train crash. Leave him before he goes crazy on you. He's a boy Damien. You need a real man in your life, to take care of you. I can buy you your own apartment, I can buy you two if you let me." I couldn't believe he said that. "I meant, how about Robbie?" "He is the reason I'm doing this. I mean...he want's you happy and he can't be here to do it. I have to take his place. He would want it. I decided that you need someone more qualified for you then Eric is. I can be there. I can support you physically, financially and now I'm gonna show you that I can be 10 times more romantic then Eric. Look around you; there is a moonlit sky, beautiful colored water and the smell of a rose garden surrounding us. A thousand other people could dream of something like this but I'm giving it to you." I squirmed in disbelief, "So your not gay? Your not getting any pleasure out of this. Just doing it because of Robbie?" "People fall in love for worst reasons. I am not completely attracted to you, but you are in many ways alluring to me. If I have to do it with a guy, you would probably be that guy. We will grow together. I'll learn to be with you, just like in any other relationship. You have no idea what you can have. You can have a fortune, a protector and a lover that is ...I mean endowed with equipment that can last for more hours than you can take." I sighed. "I can't. I mean. Your intentions to help your friend and replace him as a good lover are...well they are nice but I'm a little freaked out. No, Byron, I'm very FREAKED out. Your not even gay. We can't do this. Not now. My life suddenly seems to be making sense. I can't let it be messed up again, just because you rather fake a relationship with me then see me in a relationship with Eric. Its not working." I felt like an idiot but I guess he got the point out. He gave me a kiss on the lips but that was all we did after that. He put on his clothes and drove me home after that, leaving me with a hard on that hurt so much when I subdued it. ****************************************************************************** When I got home I jumped in the shower to take a cold one...it wasn't working. I hated cold showers and ended up switching it to hot anyway. I had begun to touch myself from the beginning of the shower, remember images of Byron's dick in my mind and then flashes of Byron's ass. They were both so very perfect. I began to jerk my dick harder, moaning as I went about it, then shut off the water. I literally fell out of the shower onto the rug of the bathroom, pulling my dick and pumping it till a jarful of my sperm squished out onto my chest, my hands and sum even went as far as my lower neck. Dang...I needed another shower...

Next: Chapter 16

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