Railroad Turnaround

By moc.loa@zijxemvol

Published on Jul 22, 2021


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Railroad turnaround Part 3

Danny comes through the door, saw me and gives me a big smile and asks, "Did you miss me Sport?" I laughed at him and gave everyone their room assignments and was real tempted to not give Danny the room next to mine. After they were all checked in, I headed back to my room because I was afraid it may be a long night. I was so pleased that Officer Ryan had left me a $40 tip with a note saying thanks for letting him crash. That was nice of him, but I was wondering if some of it might be for the head? Was he just trying to be nice so I would let him pound on me? I guess time would tell. I could hear Danny puttering around in his room, showering and what have you and fell asleep watching TV. I must have only slept a couple of minutes and I hear someone tapping lightly at my door saying, "Open up Sport it is me." I jumped off the bed and went to the door. Of course it was Danny and he had showered and had some mighty fine cologne on because he smelled good. He just walked into my room and spun around. "So?" he says, and I smiled and asked him if he planned on getting lucky with a haircut, his beard all trimmed and a killer cologne. He laughed at me and says he is always trying to get lucky, just thought he would try a new approach. All of his Italian breeding was really popping out right now because he looked like one of the Goodfellas from the mob and I was buying it.

He asked if I wanted to grab something to eat tonight so we headed to the restaurant. Along the way, we picked up the rest of his crew and a few other stragglers that were getting hungry. I was in awe that these guys that seemed to have no other common interest other than the railroad were such a tight knit group. They could sit for hours talking "war stories" about the railroad. After an hour or so, I excused myself and told them I was going to the lounge to see if I could scare up some type of card game. I stopped at my room, grabbed some coin and headed over to play some cribbage. There was always someone wanting to indulge in a card game. After several hours of playing cards, it was time to go to bed and I returned to my room a whole 35 cents richer than when I started playing cards. I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock at the door. I answered it and it was Danny and he had been drinking. He came into my room and said that there was something he wanted to watch on TV and his TV wasn't working again. I turned on my TV and told him to sit down while I checked out the TV in his room. While I wouldn't have minded my tonsils being painted white again, I didn't want him to think this was going to be a regular thing. I pulled on my pants and headed to his room. Once again I found that it was the connection to the cable box, but discovered that it wasn't that the cable was loose, but that where the cable wire fit into the screw in fitting, was loose and it was going to take a call to the cable company to fix this problem. I returned to my room to find Danny passed out in the chair with the TV on, so I just threw a blanket over him, shut off the TV and went to bed. I had only been sleeping a short minute and I sensed movement so slowly opened my eyes and could see that Danny was getting undressed and he crawled into bed with me. What surprised me was that he didn't try to snuggle up against me, but laid down on top of the covers on the side of the bed and quickly fell asleep.

It couldn't have been long and I hear that sharp knock on the door, "Crews called." Danny sits straight up in bed and I tap him and tell him to go back to sleep it is for me. I crawl out of bed and from the light in the bathroom can tell that he is on his back in those skin tight boxers and his hardon is out of the fly pointing at the ceiling. I don't have time for this and got quickly dressed and headed to the motel office. The guys were starting to show up in the office so I got them checked out, wished them a safe trip and they headed out the door. I knew I would have 60/90 minutes before the new crew would be here, so headed to the rooms to strip the beds of sheets. I couldn't do too much other cleaning since it was only 4:30 AM, but I could get the bedding in the laundry and get the beds made up before the new crew arrived. Then at a more reasonable hour, I could finish with the rooms and vacuum. As soon as they new crew was checked in, I was ready to head back to catch some zzz's before I had to get up. I knew I would be needing the sleep because the new crew was Melvin and Tyler's crew and with Danny in town, this was going to be lively. Thank God the new crew all headed to their rooms because they had been up all night working so I had a chance to head to my room also.

I went into the room and Danny is still sleeping on top of the covers, but had rolled over so his hardon wasn't pointing at the ceiling. I lay down on the bed and instantly fell asleep. I could feel Danny moving over towards me and he whispers, "I missed you, did you miss me?" I just laughed and told him to go to sleep, but he had other ideas. He was ready. He started rubbing my ass and asking if it was okay. I ignored him the best I could and he just kept getting friendlier and friendlier. He pulls me over onto my back and slides himself across the top of me. He uses his knees to separate my legs and asks if I am ready. I knew it was going to happen because 1) he was persistant and 2) he was hot and I really wanted him to fuck me. So I lifted up my ass and pushed down the waist band of my boxers and that was all it took, he took control, pulled them off and tossed them. He then starts rolling me up onto my shoulder blades, but I stopped him and reached over to the night stand, pulled out some lube and a condom. "Oh yes," he says and rips open the condom. He takes time messsing with it and then takes the tube of lube and just shoots it straight into my asshole. With a devious smile, he says, "Now are we ready?" and before I can answer, I feel him pushing into me. It was at that point that I was glad that I wasn't a virgin, because he just shoved. As that big Italian cock of his entered me, my head rolled back, I saw stars and no longer had a breath in my body. When I got my breath back, I told him to fucking take it easy and he never moved. He just stayed buried in my ass for the longest time. "Are we good?" he asks and starts dragging his cock out of me. I didn't think he would ever stop pulling it out and I knew it was only about 6 1/2 -7 inches, but it was so damn thick, everytime he moved in or out, I stopped breathing. I had been fucked before and knew it would eventually start to feel better, but it didn't, at least not yet. I totally lost control of my breathing as he fucked me. I couldn't tell if I was breathing in or out. I was just trying to survive. I soon realized that I was holding my breath the entire time he had been fucking me. He has his cheek up against mine and whispers in my ear, "You are so tight that I am ready to bust any second, but I don't want to because you may not let me fuck you again. If you will let me fuck again, I will bust so you can breathe." I told him, "yes bust your nut, you can fuck me again with that big cock of yours, I just have to get used to how big it is." That was all it took and he plunges all the way into me and I can feel his hairy balls up against my ass cheeks, and I can feel him throbbing in me. He lays there for a good minute, which I did enjoy his weight being on top of me and I can feel his cock shrinking and pulling out of my ass. He jumps up and heads to the bathroom and my legs could finally stretch out. He brought back a towel and wipes my ass off and then reaches for his pants. He says he doesn't want people to see him leaving my room and heads out the door. All I could do is roll over and fall asleep with a sore ass.

I slept for a couple of hours until I woke up with a banging on my door. I jumped up and ran to the door and it was Danny, Melvin and Tyler wanting me to go to a late breakfast with them. They invited themselves into my room and Tyler says, "You been having sex in here? It smells like sex." Danny tried coming to my defense telling them, "He's probably just slapping the hell out of his monkey since there is no honeys out here for him" and they all laughed. Tyler then volunteered his services and told me he would help me out if I was getting desperate and by the smell in the room, I must be getting desperate. As I tried to push them back out the door, I told them I had to shower and would meet them at the restaurant. They all suggested that I open a window in the room also and again all laughed. I pulled off my boxers and was getting ready to head to the shower, but figured I had better straighten up the bed. As I was shaking out the sheets, the empty condom wrapper fell on the floor, I was glad they didn't see that. I picked it up off the floor and lying there was the condom. It hadn't even been unrolled. It looked like it had just been pulled out of the wrapper and thrown to the side. Danny had fucked me bareback and all his seed was still in me.

I joined the guys for breakfast and had a good time laughing with them. They were three of the funniest horn dogs I had ever encountered in my 20 years. I had blown all three of them and they were not quick to forget that. Danny asked them if I was taking good care of them and making them happy. Melvin and Tyler agreed that I was doing my best, but they could be happier. Tyler asked me if I had found the package he had left for me and I just looked at him. He said it was special from him. Then Danny and Melvin wanted to know what he had left me. They were all laughing and carrying on trying to guess what it was and Tyler finally told them it was something he created while he was in town the last time and that he left it for me. I left them guessing and went back to clean the motel room. I always had to plan my vacuuming around when crews were trying to sleep and since Melvin and Tyler were the new crew in town, I knew I could get some vacuuming done before they went to sleep.

I went to cleaning and was just about done with the first room and I hear a knock at the open door. It was Tyler standing there, no shirt and the top of his jeans not buttoned, just enough of the fly buttons to keep them from sliding down. Also, I noticed that he was wearing a jockey jock strap. I tried thinking back to when I blew him before if he had any boxers on and couldn't remember. As I was trying to be discreet in sneaking peeks to see if I could get a glimpse of his cock, I asked him what he needed. He tells me that the air conditioner in his room is not working. He indicated that he thinks it is a blown fuse because it doesn't even make a noise. I told him we could move him to a different room and he could have this one as soon as I am done cleaning, he could grab his stuff and I will get him a key to this room and when I had time, I could check out the air conditioner. He was very happy with that and left to grab his stuff. I headed to the office to get his a new key card and make the book keeping adjustments so the records would be right and headed back to the room. I never even gave it a thought that he would beat me back, so when I got back and the door was closed, I just utilized the key card and walked in. I was as surprised as he was because he was sitting on the bed with his back to the headboard almost naked. His cock was sticking out the side of the jock strap pouch and he was beating the hell out of it. I know I was stammering and blushing, and all I could think to say was I brought him his room key. He says, "Yes, I figured." For some reason, I couldn't get my wits about me and seemed to be frozen in place. He finally asked me if there was anything else. I assured him that was what I should have said and he laughed and asked me what he got for the inconvenience of having to change rooms. Like a dumb ass, I asked him what he wanted. He smiles and eyeballs my ass. Well I set my self up for that answer, but what the hell. I went over and closed the door and started walking to him unbuttoning my pants. He suddenly realized it was going to happen and he gets so excited. "Really, we are going to do this, Really? Oh man, I wanted this since I first met you. Really you are going to let me fuck you?" I never said a word, just lost the pants and boxers and straddled his lap. I reached out and grabbed his cock to guide it into me and it was slippery as hell. I don't know what kind of lube he had but it was great. I slide down and was soon sitting on his lap. I gave him a couple of bounces and looked at his face. I ask him if he was okay because he looked like he was in pain. Through gritted teeth, he tells me he is fine, but it feels so good, he is going to bust any second. "What?" I say, "you have been wanting this for so long and now you are going to bust right away?" He grimaces some more and as he says, "sorry," I feel him busting his nut in me. I just sat on his cock and slid around until he tells me I got to stop. As his cock deflates, he realizes that he hadn't put a condom on and starts apologizing for that. I told him not to worry because Danny accidently forgot to put one one earlier, so if I got pregnant, we have to do a blood test to see if it was his or Danny's baby. I laughed, he did not. He stares at me and asks, "So, Danny's nut was in your ass? No wonder it was so wet. I don't know whether to be grossed out by that or to think it is HOT. I've never fucked seconds before." While he was contemplating that thought, I pulled my pants on and told him I had rooms to clean and to get some sleep. I headed off to clean the other three rooms.

I had just about finished cleaning the last room and the telephone starts to ring. I just ignored it because no one was checked into this room, so obviously a wrong number. As soon as it stopped it started ringing again. I couldn't figure this out so I answered it and it was Melvin. He asked me if he could talk to me when I got a chance. I said sure and as soon as I finished the rooms, I would stop by his room. It was 30 minutes later that I stood knocking on his door. I would have figured he would be asleep by now so I only lightly knocked so as not to wake him up. I had no need to worry because he answered it right away. I went into the room and he closes the door. "What's up?" I asked. "Well, how do I say this, I really enjoyed having you suck me through the hole in the wall in the bathroom, but I understand that you are open to getting fucked in the ass. There I said it, I want to fuck you." "Well that is interesting, who did you hear this from?" I asked. He laughs and catches me off guard and asks, "How many guys are fucking you? You probably can figure it out unless it is a lot." "Touche'," I say. but then he tells me that as soon as I left Tyler's room, he called him and let him know, all the time, rubbing his hands over me and grabbing my ass. I thought, 'okay this has got to stop' and figured I would gross him out and say, "Well if Tyler just got done fucking me, did he tell you he wasn't wearing a condom and his cum is in me? You want to fuck me with his cum in me?" He didn't even hesitate and said, "that don't matter, I have gone second with him on lots of bitches, the only difference is that you have a cock and they have a pussy. So how about it?" So evidently Tyler hadn't told him that Danny's cum was still in me and that he was 2nd in line and now Melvin would be third in line. Guess there is only a little honor amoung these guys. "Aw what the hell, let's do this." The minute I said that, he started pulling my pants off of me. He spun me around and bent me over the bed. He took nothing off, just pulled his cock out of his pants and started lining it up with my hole. I heard him spit and then his fingers rubbing my sore asshole. Then another spit and he was rubbing it onto his cock. I bit my lip and prepared for the attack, but it wasn't bad, maybe, just maybe, I hadn't tightened up from my previous two fucks, but he starts moaning out how tight I am, how good it is and how moist. He then chuckles and says, "That must be caused by Tylers cum." I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. He pounds me for a little while and keeps hitting my joy button and I was really getting into it and he pulls out. He pushes me over onto my back, lifts my legs and slides right back into me. But now he is pulling all the way out and then going back in. I finally had to lie and say that it didn't feel good that way and to leave his cock in me, because I was afraid each time he pulled out that Danny's and Tyler's cum would start flowing out of my ass. He pulls my ass back to the edge of the bed so he can stand on the floor, puts my knees over his shoulders and starts giving me a good fuck. He tells me, "I like watching my bitches' faces as they feel me nut in them, you want to be one of my bitches, you want me to bust a nut in your ass?" Before I could offer an answer, a long string of spit leaves his mouth and he places it over my lips. I am now drinking his spit straight from his mouth as he continues to fuck me. I was getting sore so reached back, grabbed the cheeks of his ass thru his pants and pulled him into me and said, "Cum in me man, I want to feel you nut." That was all it took and he stroked 2/3 more times and pushes all the way in and I can feel him throb as he blows his cum into me.

As we lay side by side in bed, he tells me that it was well worth it. I am trying to think what he means and finally ask him "what that means, well worth it?" "Ah, well, truthfully, I have never had sex with a guy before and thought it would be strange until Danny and Tyler said that I would like it and were they ever right. I liked the head thru the hole in the wall in the bathroom, but getting to pound on you, not worrying about pulling out at the last minute really kept my head in the game. It was well worth it taking a chance on fucking my first guy" he said. I was at a loss for words, so just got up and returned to my room. I crawled into bed to get a little sleep before the next crew was due to arrive. It was about 3 AM when I got the knock on the door "Crews called" and drug it out of bed. I had given up on trying to meet the crews at the train since most of them knew who I was and waited at the motel office to greet them when they arrived. It so happened that it was Danny's crew that was headed out and he showed up ready to work, still looking fine. I don't know what it is about a short scruffy beard that is all trimmed up that trips my trigger, but he looked good. When he sees me, he nods and walks in my direction. "Hey Sport, can I speak to you, privately." I walked out the side door and Danny folowed me. "I just wanted to tell you, I really enjoyed yesterday and from what I hear, the other guys did also. You up for doing it again?" "Now?" I said in disbelief and he laughed, "no, the next time we are all in town." "We will have to see how it goes, but I had a good time also, so, maybe." He continues with, "I am sorry I didn't put the rubber on, but there are times, I just want to breed a hole and yesterday was that day. From what I hear, Melvin and Tyler didn't mind either, did they?" "No, they didn't say a word, but damn, last night, I was dripping cum." He laughed at me. "Good," he says, "the next time the three of us are in town, we will gangbang the hell out of you." He waved back at me as he walked to the Tahoe, but I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at lovmexjiz@aol.com and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 4

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