Rags to Riches Series

By Ryan White

Published on Feb 25, 2013


Hey friends!

Those of you who by now know my style of writing will love this story. It has a beginning, middle and an end, along with a fixed storyline. So really dudes...if you're looking for a story which has cum blasting out of your dick in the first few lines...you might not wanna read on. If you're into highschool romance, ENJOY!!

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Hugz, Ryan


"Please, I don't want any trouble, okay? If you just let me go..."

"Fat chance, rich boy! Why do we have to suffer alone out here? I know where you lot stay! Fancy houses, warm water all evening, enough food to last you days! Yeah...I know all about you stinking lot! You money fuckers don't know how it is out here, because you people don't worry about us!"

"You want money, here, take everything I have, take my cellphone, you should get a few quid for it..."

"I don't want your fucking stinking money! I just wanna feel the satisfaction for beating the living shit out of you, rich boy!"

Kieran felt the sour smell of the saliva being spat out of his attacker's mouth, landing on his cheek and shoulder. He was scared, more so than he had ever been in his life. He was gonna fucking die on the streets of Bristol for fuck's sake!

"Oi, Prospero! Leave him alone!"

Kieran turned around and saw a young teenage boy running towards them. The attacker rushed forward and grabbed Kieran by his shoulders.

"He's one of them, Jewel! One of those rich pests that keep coming over here, knowing that they aren't fucking welcome here! Come on, help me show this money slut we aint getting them!"

"Hold you fucking horses, Prospero! I know this kid. He aint one of those fuckers you're talking about. Look at this, mate."

The kid turned out his pockets and showed him the twenty pounds which Kieran had given him earlier in the evening.

"Holy shit, Jewel! Where the hell did you rip that off?"

"I aint ripping off nothing! This kid here gave it to me at the shelter! I told you he's one of the good guys. He aint looking down on us or anything. Now are you gonna leave him alone or should I fuck you up first?"

Kieran could feel Prospero's grip on his weaken until he felt the latter push him to the ground.

"You aint knowing how fricken lucky you are, matey. I aint finished with the likes of you," Prospero said before he grabbed the twenty pounds out of Jewel's hand.

"I'll get us some fish and chips with this. Usual place after, yeah?"

"Yeah. And Prospero...?"


"If I catch you near this kid again, so help me..."

With that Prospero was gone an Jewel stretched out his hand towards Kieran, who was still laying in the ground in pain. Jewel saw Kieran's face etched in sheer agony as he pulled him up.

"Did Prospero hurt you, kid?"

"When he pushed me down I landed squarely on my ankle. Fuck I hope it isn't broken or anything, I have a big match in two days time."

"Oh, you play sports?"

"Yeah football. Listen, thanks for helping me. He would have really hurt me wouldn't he have?"

"Look kid, its not easy out here. Me too, if I see all those fuckers in their fancy cars and tight smart suits with all their money I just wanna rip their heads off."

"So why the fuck did you help me then?" Kieran asked, his eyes looking nervously at Jewel.

"You aint like all of them. You gave me money, you're helping at the shelter you're not looking down on us here in the slums. You helped me, so I helped you. I'm gonna walk you back to the shelter kid, you never know with all of us down here what might happen. You're not really helping matters with those expensive clothes you're wearing."

"Why do you keep calling me kid? I'm 15, just like you!"

It was then that Jewel grabbed Kieran by the throat in anger. The fire was positively blasting from his cold, blue eyes.

"How the fuck do you know that?" he whispered so quietly Kieran could hardly hear him.

"You're fucking hurting me, dude!" Kieran whispered back urgently.

Jewel's eyes narrowly and immediately softened while never taking his eyes off Kieran. Before the latter knew what had hit him, he felt Jewel's lips on his own, immediately demanding entry. Kieran felt faint as the filthy smelling boy kept on kissing him urgently, his dirty hands creeping up to his face, cupping his chin while all the time never letting go of his lips. Kieran was just starting to pull Jewel's stinking body closer to his own when the latter suddenly released him from the kiss. Both boys were struggling to catch their breath. Jewel caressed Kieran's face with his lips hovering near his neck. Kieran pulled Jewel's face closer to his own, while his free hand clung to Jewel's shirt.

"Now you know what its like. Now you know how it feels to be me. You think you know it all? This is me...dirty, poor...and gay," Jewel said with hatred in his voice, before kissing Kieran's forehead. Kieran's eyes closed at the soft kiss on his head, but when he opened his eyes, Jewel was gone. It was almost as if he had never been there in the first place. Kieran licked his lips where he felt Jewel's not even five minutes ago. Yeah... Jewel was right. He didn't know what dirty or poor REALLY meant. But boy... did he know how the fuck it felt to be gay...



Kieran stopped what he was doing and quickly ran into his father's office.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"The model that were were suppose to use for the Smear campaign? Well his bastard of an agent just called to enlighten me that his client thinks that our little campaign is not nearly as important as to model for Calvin Klein!"

"Wow Dad...even I know if I got a offer to work for CK, I'll take it with both hands."

"Tell me something I don't know, Kieran!" Bert Lancaster screamed out at his son in sheer frustration. "I can't believe this it happening!"

"Dad, the competition is stiff out there. Some modelling and casting agencies can offer their clients a whole lot more than we can these days. These fucking models only think of the money, not what it could meant for their careers. This would never have happened three of four years ago."

"I don't care about all that, Kieran. Point is, if we go on like this, we are going to face bankruptcy. There just isn't enough funds avaliable for us to keep losing contracts like this!"

"Gimme a day or two, Dad. I'll do my best to come up with some sort of strategy," Kieran tried to comfort his father. Just then the phone rang, and clearly noticing that his father was way to agro to answer it, he sprung forward and picked up.

"Lancaster Style, good morning...oh yeah...right...ofcourse we will. We'll send about 10 of them and then you can choose for yourself. If you would be so kind as to let us know? Okay, thanks. Goodbye."

"Who was that?" Bert demanded, the sweat running from his brow.

"That was Parclin Place. They are launching a few male perfume and matching spray called Summer Touch, and they want ten of our best male models to audition for their ad campaign! This is EXACTLY what we needed, Dad!"

"Thank God in heaven for that. You get right on it, okay? And Kieran...try to keep your personal opinions of the models professional, won't you?."

"Ofcourse, Dad."

The now seventeen year old Kieran Lancaster clenched his first at that snide comment from his father. Bert Lancaster was a total homophobe and the last thing you do with a homophobe is to let them witness their son blowing one of the models on his books. But he was still his dad's assistant and got paid handsomely for it, since he was very popular with the female and male models and actors of the agency. He was worried as he walked down the corridor. Lancaster Style was in real financial trouble. There weren't many casting agencies five or six years ago in Bristol, but since then, they have sprouted upwards like Jack's beanstalk to be honest. They had lost several contracts and campaigns in the last year, and to be fair, they had also been asked less frequently to go into business with companies who needed models/actors for their ads.

Kieran sighed. He was looking through the thirty-five guys on their books and not one of them seemed right for the briefing that Summer Touch had given them about what the model needed to be, and the right attitude. This was gonna take forever...

Later that afternoon, he was still sitting on this task of finding ten models who he could sent to Summer Touch. He was on the verge of throwing his laptop out of the window, when there was a knock on the door. His secretary popped his oversized nose into his office.

"Hey Kieran, there's a very dirty beggar here in reception. I didn't even wanna let you know about this and wanted to call security but he insists he won't leave without speaking to you. He's looking fierce and I don't wanna upset him."

"Probably someone who wants work or shit, send him in. Can't do any harm. I have my dad's gun with me just incase," Kieran said, pointing to his desk. The secretary nodded and left, and was replaced by...

"Holy shit..."

"Glad you remember me."

"Where the fuck have you been, Jewel? The lady at the shelter told me you just left two years ago and you hadn't been seen since!"

"Yeah me and Prospero got into some shit with a male police officer. I thought he was into me and wanted some sex, yeah? He just had to fucking wait until I was standing infront of him, my fucking dick rock hard and throbbing, before he arrested me."

"How the hell did you get away then?"

"Prospero saw him handcuff me. He...well you know for yourself how Prospero can be."

"Don't tell me he...killed him?"

"I don't think he MEANT to do that. Prospero is my homie. We do everything for eachother. He stabbed him with his pocket knife and then we kinda just ran like hell. Two weeks later I read in some newspaper that he died in hospital cuz of his injuries."

"I was worried about you. You saved my life that day," Kieran said, looking lovingly at the dirty boy standing infront of him.

"You aint got no business worrying about me, matey. Listen, talking about that day I saved you from my boy Prospero...the way I figure it...you owe me."

Kieran frowned and walked slowly over to Jewel.

"I...owe you? You saved my life, Jewel, and believe me I'm grateful, but I didn't ask you to."

"I aint got no choice, bruv. I did you a favour, now I need one. I need a couple of quid."


"Look okay, I'll fucking suck your dick right now if you want me to! You have fucking loads, you won't even fucking miss it!" Jewel said, desperation clear in his voice.

"Okay, you know what, that won't be nessasary. How much?"

"Just about two hundred. I got some debts to pay off. Believe me, if you think Prospero's dangerous, you dont know these fuckers."

Kieran took the amount Jewel asked for out of his wallet and handed it over to him. Their hands touched as Jewel recieved the money, and for a moment, both boys's eyes locked on the other's. Neither wanted to look away.

"You can't keep doing this kind of stuff, Jewel," Kieran whispered, stilll holding Jewel's hand.

"Does it look like have a choice? I aint having a cent to my name, bruv. I'm real sorry that I had to come begging. I aint like doing that, I have my fucking pride," Jewel replied, his eyes sparkling.

It was like something happened deep inside each of them, it was like both had evolved suddenly, take their emotions just a little step further. Kieran released Jewel's hand and walked over to the windows, and quickly closed the curtains. He than marched over to his office door, and made sure it was locked. Finally, he turned back towards Jewel. He placed his hand on Jewel's shoulder, with the latter shivering as he felt the contact.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Kieran asked, worryingly.

"Uh...no ofcourse not..."'

"Take off your shirt."

"Fuck you."

"Take off your fucking shirt, Jewel! Or you give me that money back. Choose."

Jewel sighed and slowly, with pain etched on his face, he pulled off his dirty shirt. The stench was clear for Kieran to smell, however he was more focused on the bloody scars on Jewel's chest. Other than that, Jewel had a perfectly healthy eight pack abs, looking as if they wanted to burst out of his stomach. His pecs were ripped, his arm muscles defined and bulging.

"Jewel...what the fuck happened?" Kieran asked, flabbergasted.

"Mate...this is what happens when you're living on the streets. Its nothing knew," Jewel replied, his eyes refusing to meet Kieran's.

Kieran carefully placed his hand underneath Jewel's chin and gently lifted it up.

"I love you. You know that?" Kieran whispered.

"Bollocks. You want something out of me, like all them rest," Jewel said, anger flashing in his eyes just like they did two years ago when they were together like this in the slums.

"Yes, I want something out of you. I want you to kiss me."

Jewel gently took Kieran's hand cupping his face. He looked at it as if it was a piece of meat. Then he pushed Kieran back, away from him.

"I aint belonging in your world, bruv. Thanks for the money," he said before putting his shirt back on, walking to the door, unlocking it and walking out of the office.


"I'm sorry, Mr Lancaster. None of the the models you sent us are what we are looking for. We clearly stated to you in our brief what we needed."

"Mr Davidson, the ten male models I sent to you was the best we had. If they aren't good enough, then I don't know what I can do more to help you," Kieran said miserabely.

"Look, Mr Lancaster...Lancaster Style always have done good work for us. But this...is really dissapointing. We wanted someone with a natural look, one with a fantasic body, a sneaky attitude, not the normal look you would assiociate with a male perfume. People are tired of seeing all these perfect models that Boss and those brands uses. We wanted somebody fresh and without any ego's blowing around. Thank you for your time, but I doubt we will do business with you again."

Later than afternoon, Kieran was pacing up and down in his office, thinking how he was gonna break THIS to his father. Maybe his dad was right...maybe he wasn't ready for this business. He was only seventeen afterall and had been home schooled all his life. A knock at the door turned himself around and his heart leapt as he saw Jewel enter his office.

"Damn bruv, I wasn't in the mood for that upper class bitch you call a secretary, so sorry for just sneaking in like this. I just wanted to give you this."

Jewel reached into his jacket pocket and took hold some money, before handing it over to Kieran. It was the two hundred pounds he loaned from him the day before.

"Where did you get this so quickly?" Kieran asked.

"I got lucky, bruv," was all that Jewel said.

"You didn't have to do this. I gave you that money, I didn't expect it back."

"Why not?"

"I love you, Jewel."

"Stop fucking saying that!"

"Its true, Jewel. I can't help how I feel. I fell in love with you two years ago, that night you saved me from Prospero. I can't fucking stop thinking of you, man!"

"You're makin me wish I didn't now..." Jewel said, looking straight into Kieran's eyes.

Kieran walked over to Jewel and embraced him. He felt Jewel shudder beneath him. It was only a matter of time before he felt Jewel's arms around him. They held eachother, knowing in their hearts that they felt the same about eachtother.

"This aint getting crazier than this, matey..." Jewel whispered, holding Kieran closer.

"Believe it, this is happening," Kieran said, kissing Jewel's cheek, ignoring ths sickening smell that was Jewel.

His eye fell on the Summer Touch brochure on his desk. He recalled Mr Davidson's words...

"We wanted someone with a natural look, one with a fantasic body, a sneaky attitude, not the normal look you would assiociate with a male perfume. People are tired of seeing all these perfect models that Boss and those brands uses. We wanted somebody fresh and without any ego's blowing around."

"Oh my gosh...why didn't I think of it before?" Kieran whispered.

"What?" Jewel said, pulling out of the embrace.

"Prepare yourself, dude. You're life is about to change," Kieran said with a smile.


If you enjoyed it, free to email me whiteryan65@gmail.com

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