Here is part two of Rafello the Raven Son of Jack the Wolf. All events, names and situations are all fictional. This chapter is called "The Chance Family Mafia" send all comments to Thjis story series is by Neptune Wolf. Enjoy!
Chapter 2: Chance Family Mafia
Rafello was so confused by when Eli kissed him. It sent his mind through loops. "Did it actually happen?" he asked himself. Ra walked over to a guy on the beach who was selling beach towels.
"You take IOU's" Ra asked the vendor.
"Uh, yeah I see you around here a lot. What's your name? I'll write it down." The vendor asked.
"The names Chance, Rafello Chance."
"Whoa, man, sorry bout that." The vendor passed him a towel. "A, I didn't know man no offense its on me. Just tell your pappy I'll have his money next week."
"Ok, thanks. But I'll pay you tomorrow or something."
"No, no, its on me."
Ra took the towel and walked back to the Star theater parking lot. It was still full. He walked over to his car. Luckily he didn't lose his keys. He opened the door and put the towel on the seat. His clothes were soaking wet. On the ride home it was dark so he but the bright lights on. He reaches the mansion. There are a lot of cars parked out front by the main entrance. It takes him a while to park in the garage and get out. Ra goes in through the front door. The Living room is empty. He keeps on walking through the hallway that's after the living room. The hallway is wide. There are paintings on both sides of the wall. All of them are of old Kings sitting on thrones, laced in gold and wealth. There was a chair halfway through the long wide hallway. Above it was a picture of Scarface sitting at a desk with a gun in his hand. Ra loved this picture from his favorite movie. Across from the chair was a slightly open door. Rafello heard his fathers voice so he pulled up the chair and peeked in.
It was his father's conference room. The room was huge. There was a long conference table in the middle of the room. Ra's father sat on the end away from the door. Rafello recognized everyone at the table. They were the main members of the Chance Mafia; all of them close family members. There was his dad Jack, his mother Marlette, Ra's twin uncles Vinnie and Benny, his aunts (his father's sisters) Rina, Marva, and Verona, his father's cousins Albert, John, Millsap, and Sara, and Jack's close business partners and best friends Charlie, Will, and Jimbo. They were all there. The family meetings were a sight that Ra was never allowed to see because he and his siblings were too young to officially join the mafia. Jack started talking.
"So, tell us about our position in protection Albert." Jack said. The meeting had already begun.
"Well, as of now the police demand more money after what happened last week at that heist downtown. They say it too a lot of effort to ignore the sound of dynamite. They say they almost lost their jobs over it, now they want more money. They talkin' bout droppin' a dime on us." Albert said.
Albert was a big man, very muscular and tall. Built like a blacksmith, dark as one too. He was Jacks cousin. His main job in the family was to help organize their schemes and to make sure everything goes smoothly. When they were growing up, the family was very close, so when they inherited the family business they improved it from the regular two-bit bootlegger family, to the most riches and well-known family in Auburn City.
"So, I say we give them a little house visit. And when they get out of the hospital, then we'll negotiate." Jack said.
Everyone at the table laughed. Jimbo cracked his knuckles. Pain was his expertise. He was in charge of torture or putting the muscle on people to make them pay. He was short, yet a mountain of a man. Jimbo was one of Jacks original partners. Jimbo, Charlie, Will, and Jack always hung out together since they were about 6. Now they were in their mid 40's. Everyone at the table was except for two, Verona and Sara. They were the drivers and the professional thieves. They got an early induction into the mafia at age 25, because the last 2 drivers were killed during a heist.
"Hey Vinnie, Benny, how's things going down at the casino?" Jack said as he too a glass of water from the middle of the table.
"Good news!" They both said at the same time. "You are now the majority owner of the Montel Casino and resort with 55% of the shares. Happy days, oh happy days." Vinnie continued.
"Hey, hey! You know what to do now Jimbo. `Persuade' old Marky down at the casino to sell the other 45%." Jacks says.
Jimbo is standing against the wall near the door. He pulls out a palm pilot and writes down something.
"What? You trying to get all organized on us Jim?" Marva says in a slick voice.
"Tell us about those books now that we are the majority owners of The Montel" the head Chance says.
Marva brings out her briefcase and takes out some papers. She is the banker and the handles all of the tax money from the many businesses the Chance family have their hands in. Marva is a sexy older woman. Possibly the best looking woman there. She was wearing a dark purple, tight fitting suit with a passion red blouse under it that was partially opened to show her ta tas. She was the only lady in the meeting with her hair done.
"With the good news from Vinnie, we can afford to raise the wadges of the pigs we hired by about 10%. That should keep them happy and we don't have to go around breaking legs. We finally got Big Tim to pay up from his lotto scam. So that brings up our numbers by like l0%, but Tim says he wants some of our pigs to make sure he doesn't draw any attention. You know that little fella makin' about 5 grand a day? Shit, when I heard that, I rose his taxes. He pays us 20% of all his earning for our protection services. Now if we could only get those low down Cubans down at the docks to pay their taxes. As a matter of fact, how is that job going, Millsap?" Marva looks at Rina, who put her hands on the table.
Rina worked a lot with Albert. She is a brilliant business woman who loved takeovers. She was head of the Chance family's cover business, Chance inc. They were in a big office building downtown. So far, Rina has merged with the local gas, light and cable companies. She the one who disconnects the cable or turns the lights out or leave you in the cold. She has special ties to the mayor. They are close friends. In the last few years though, other light gas and cable companies have moved into the city, but Chance inc is still number one in Auburn City. Rina is no one to fuck with even at age 51.
Millsap was the spy. He could infiltrate almost anything. He mostly retrieved intelligence from the other businesses. Everyone calls him "fat sap" because he's 300 pounds and always has a candy cane in his mouth. He knows all there is to know about all of their businesses. Millsap was also a computer wiz and a people person. He has eyes and ears on the streets everywhere. Recently, those eyes and ears have been fixed on the Cubans down at the docks. He had insiders working for him inside their group.
"I hear from my sources that their sale of party favors have went through the roof since they been got this new shipment from their new supplier in Mexico last month. If we steal their next shipment, we could sell it to Jamaicans on the other side of town which would put Danny and his Cubans out of business. We could steal every shipment he gets until he decides to pay up." Millsap says. He puts his peppermint candy cane back into his mouth and laughs.
"So robbing those Cubans is our next hit, right?" Jack says. " Alright tomorrow John, Sara, and Verona , I want you to give those Cubans their last chance to pay. I know they won't, but still. They can't say we didn't warn them. Charlie, Will, I want you two to go with Jimbo to pay off the police. Albert, I want you and Rina to get everything we need to steal that Cuban boat load. Me and Marva will collect taxes in town. Sara when you get done with them, I want you to drive us in the Bentley. Now let go down stair and have a drink at the bar."
Jack stood up dismissing the group. Ra Quickly moved the chair back and walked down the hall as if he just got in. He heard the door open and everyone leave out. They went down into the basement where the bar/pool hall was. Rafello opened the door at the end of the hallway. It was the large den. Inside was his little brother and sister playing with their little cousins. There was Vinnie's son Daniel, Marva's son Devan, and Millsap's daughter Penny. All of them in the den were less than 12 years old, too young for Ra, so he closed the door and went up to his room.
Ra took off his wet clothing and only put on some new underwear. Ra sat on his bed. He thought to himself, "That is the future of the family? Us? We have to takeover when they get too old? Man this is too much stress." He lays down on the bed and looks up at the ceiling. Nikki was gone with her boyfriend and Valentine was gone out hanging with is friends at some bar downtown. Rafello had nothing to do, so he thought about his future. He really wanted to take his aunt Rina's role in the family when she was gone. He wanted to be the owner of Chance inc. "Maybe I'll ask Aunt Rina if I could be her apprentice tomorrow. Yeah, that would be cool." he thought. Ra always felt that his father loved Nikki the most and would make her head of the family. He knew and accepted it. Valentine was training to be a race car driver. He was destined to be the next driver and thief. Ra's little brother and sister, Jackie and Andre could do whatever, he didn't care.
Suddenly Eli popped in hid head. He had completely forgotten about him until just then. He reached into the wet jeans pocket and pulled the slip of paper out. He decided to call him. The phone rang three times before someone picked up.
"Hello?" the voice said.
"Uh, hi, is Eli there?"
"Oh it's you, Ra. It me Eli. I'll never forget your voice." he said.
"So you remember me?"
"How could I forget you. You were so sexy." Eli said.
"Um, yeah, about that. Did you...I mean...did you kiss me on the beach or was I hallucinating?"
"Yeah, did you like it?"
" Yeah. That was the first time I ever got kissed by a guy before. It was better than when my girlfriend kissed me."
"So you have a girlfriend?"
"Uh, no, I met ex-girlfriend. We broke up that morning."Ra said.
"You gay?" Eli said in a peppy voice.
"Am I gay? Um, I'm not sure yet, but I did find you kind of attractive on the beach."
"You willing to find out if your gay or not? You do still owe me for saving your life." Eli said.
"Uh, yeah. What should I do?"
"Meet me next Saturday in front of the Star. We can go see a movie and have dinner then come back to my place." Eli said.
"You got your own place?"
"No, but my parents are out of town for...a long time. They won't be back for another 2 weeks."
"Cool. Should I drive? I got a red Camero SS. Look for it at around 7:00. Ok."
"Ok, we can talk more then." Eli said. He kissed the phone before he hung up.
Rafello hung up the phone and looked at the clock. It was 9:00pm on a Saturday. The phone rang. He picked it up quickly.
"Hello." he said.
"Ra, I'm sorry about this morning. I should have told you."
It was Sapphire. He almost hung up the phone when he heard her voice, but he wanted to hear what lousy excuse she hag.
"Should have told me? Should have told me?" he yelled.
"I didn't what would be the perfect time."Saph said apologetic.
"Jesus Tap dancing Christ! A perfect time would have been when I bought you all those clothes. The perfect time would have been when I bought you that diamond tennis bracelet which I saved up for three months for your birthday. The perfect time was when had sex for the first time. Damn! The perfect time was when I called you this fucking morning!" Ra raised is voice another level with each sentence. He went silent.
"I'm sorry, but I met Craig last month and fell in love with him, something I never did with you. You wasted my time. I'm glad I only spent your money you spoiled rich boy. And know what, me and Craig had sex that same night right after I had sex with you." Saph said.
"I'm glad we broke up bitch. You may have been all fine on the outside but inside you ugly hell. I don't need you broke ass, Payless wearing, gold digging, toothless, bitch. You soggy breast cow stomach. Go find somebody else to pay damn cell phone bills. Get a damn job too, Weavy Wonder. Yeah I knew that wasn't yo real hair. Lose my number too." Rafello hung up the phone.
He put the cordless phone back on the receiver which was on the other side of the room.