Radical Science

By Hade Enunna

Published on Jan 19, 2022


A while back I read a cool story here "Rad Science" but it only had two chapters and the author (despite promises) never released more chapters, I really enjoyed it so I sent them an email asking to re-write it, fortunately they responded in the affirmative. Thanks to the author, Ashton, for the amazing story and inspiration, I hope to do it justice in this re-write, some is the same, some isn't, and it's my hope it'll be much longer, just like the original it's going to be very odd and very kinky, some of the odd things are inspired by other stories I've read, but the storyline and characters are of my own invention (Or loosely based on the original author's works, with their permission of course.) I however do not, and as per the request of the original author, cannot permit anyone to redistribute this work on any other site in part or whole.

That last chapter was a rollercoaster ride! I'm pleased to present my newest entry, it has a little bit more of an ambitious structure in that it swaps between three difference concurrent perspectives, Hunter and Luke's budding `relationship', Mr. Clarkson's odd day at work, and Alex and Principal Jones having an important talk

A huge thanks to my #1 fan for their incredibly helpful feedback, as always if you read my story please send me a message, even if it's just a single "hey I liked your story" it means a lot to me to hear that!

Standard Disclaimer: all characters in this story are of the legal age to appear in it, I do not condone any of the following actions, and all characters are completely fictional, any seeming relation to any person living or dead is a complete mistake.

To wrap up this lengthy intro i'd like to thank Nifty for it's amazing work hosting all of these stories, and I'd like to ask that if you can spare just a little bit, that you donate to them so they can continue to do these great things!

Chapter 3: Two relationships and a Slug


Michael Jones sat on his couch watching TV, football specifically, that was what he usually did when all the chores were done, but today they weren't quite done, there was one more problem, Alex. Alex woke with a start, he was only wearing his briefs, and even they were so covered in goo that they hid nothing, clinging tightly to his soft round ass in back, and his small package in the front. Alex didn't care however, and slowly made his way downstairs.

"Lexy, we need to talk."

His father said coolly without even looking away from the football game.

"Come here, this is important."

Michael patted the couch next to him and turned off the TV, his eyes widened as he saw his only child plop his barely obscured, sticky ass down on the freshly washed couch.

"Lexy, you can't keep doing this, you promised me you would take a shower every day, but you haven't had one since Wednesday, and don't even get me started on the state of your room! I can smell it from the bottom of the stairs. If I wanted my house to smell like I was renting it out to a frat, I would have done just that."

Mr. Jones got more upset as he spoke, eventually grabbing his son by the arm and forcing him up.

"Young man, you are going to take a shower right now, and I am going to clean your room if I have to hose it down with rubbing alcohol!"

Michael dragged his son up the stairs by his arm and all but shoved him into the bathroom before slamming the door behind him. He sighed and leaned back against the door, what was he going to do with that boy?

Mr. Jones then turned across the hall to his son's room, he wasn't exaggerating when he said it smelled, the whole upper portion of the house smelled like one big cum-rag. Michael shuddered as he turned the doorknob and stepped into the hormone-addled boy's room.

The first thing that struck him was the bed, the blankets were disheveled and it was almost covered in dirty clothes, each and every one of which was slathered in loads, some old, some new. The next was the floor, not only did his bare feet squish into the carpet but it also was covered in clothes, these seemed also to be covered in cum.

The room was practically a biohazard, Michael tried not to think about it as he picked up a pair of briefs that were so coated with jizz that they were almost translucent. As he dropped the tighty-whities strands of clear goo still connected his hand to it.

The next most pressing question was... could this possibly all be Alex's? Michael had seen his kid's bits a few times already and he knew Alex didn't exactly take after his father in that department. Was it even cum? It wasn't white so much as it was clear, and incredibly stringy. Without thinking about it Michael darted his cum coated finger to his mouth, almost as if he wanted to test if it tasted like jizz.

It was... sweet? Like it was some kind of frosting, there was of course a little bit of a musky, salty note, but it tasted good. Michael reached down to his son's bed and picked up the pair of briefs again, his hands shook as he raised them to his mouth.


All through dinner Hunter sat in silence, his father and mother sat across from him talking to each other and very rarely involving him in the conversation, to which he offered only a few scant words, not that they cared, so long as he got good grades and won football games they couldn't care less about him. Suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Luke: "Sup bro, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to a party?"

Hunter's heart fluttered, was Luke asking him out? Did this mean that Luke wasn't going to do... that to him again? Hunter didn't even know if he wanted it to happen again, he was totally straight, right? Luke made him? Yeah that was it, Luke made him do that, he didn't want to have sex with his friend.

Thirty minutes later Hunter was looking out the window of Luke's truck, trying not to ogle him too much. Luke was in a too-small tank top, a pair of basketball shorts, and a black backwards baseball cap, his usual party attire. Hunter had never failed to attract chicks, but Luke never seemed to take any of them home, what was up with that?

Hunter wasn't sure why he was wearing what he was. A tight shirt that showed off his trim waist and admirable pecs, and a tight pair of jeans that showcased his tight round ass. Beneath that Hunter was wearing something truly odd though, a jockstrap. He didn't have any idea why he did that, but he couldn't deny he felt more comfortable. He capped the whole look off with a baseball cap of his own, now this was a look that would earn him some pussy, and unlike Luke he always took someone home.

After ten minutes Hunter knew something was up, they had turned onto an unlit back road leading up a nearby mountain, Hunter knew the spot, it led to a nice overlook great for making out, but there was no way anyone was hosting a party up here, especially not with how cold it was outside.

"W-where's the party at bro?"

Hunter nervously stuttered, he started to get the feeling Luke wasn't looking for a fun night out with a chick, but a fun night out with him.

"I got ya party right here."

Luke laughed as he moved a hand down to his shorts and groped himself, he gave Hunter a wink and a smirk as he pulled off the road, the view from up here was amazing, but Luke didn't care about the lights of the town down below, his eyes were locked firmly on the masculine athlete in the passenger seat, who was blushing and breathing shakily as he came to the full realization of what was going to happen to him. Luke reached a hand back and pulled a lever that swung Hunter's seat back until he was laying down flat.

Hunter tried to sit up but a massive, firm hand on his chest kept him flat on his back, his best friend's thumb brushing over his stiff, covered nipple. Luke's smile glinted devilishly in the dim moonlight as he reached his other hand to Hunter's lap.

"I don't know what the hell we did last time, but I'm gonna do it again, and I'm gonna do it harder, so you can either accept that and take it like a good girl, or I can get a whole lot rougher. I've thought about this a lot over the years, and now that I finally have you where I want you, and I finally know what a little bitch you are inside, nothing's gonna stop me from taking you."

Hunter's heart fluttered in his chest, how could this possibly be happening to him? He was a stud and everyone knew it, there were a half a dozen girls out there that spent a week fretting over the condoms that broke when he jizzed inside them, but here he was, terrified that his best friend was gonna take his new fuck-hole with no protection whatsoever. This was gonna be a hell of a night.

-Arthur Clarkson

Mr. Clarkson was reeling, he had face-fucked a student in his classroom, the son of the principal no less! And then there was everything else, what the hell had he felt go into his dick? Was it some really weird blowjob thing where Alex put his tongue inside? He'd been getting blowjobs before and nothing like that had ever happened, in fact as a science teacher Arthur was quite confident that that couldn't happen.

Mr. Clarkson was sitting on his couch with a beer wearing a pair of heavy sweatpants, the only light in his apartment was moonlight coming in through his parted drapes. He gave a moan as he put a hand on his leaking dick, it felt like it hadn't stopped leaking since that blowjob. Next to him on the couch was an incredibly well-fucked fleshlight. That lump of fake-skin couldn't hold a candle to Alex's soft, squishy, tight throat, the feeling of the boy gagging as he slammed himself in balls deep, or of his choked whimpers as he struggled to breathe...


Arthur mentally berated himself, he couldn't do that again, he shouldn't even have done it in the first place. He moved his hand down to his testicles and almost jumped out of his seat.

His balls were large, much larger than they had been even an hour ago, and they seemed to be surrounded by a bunch of tiny spheres. Clarkson gave them an inquisitive squeeze and felt a large, long tube move underneath the skin of his left ball, sliding up the tube into his body.

"Gllllk, Fuhhhhk"

The studly teacher's head fell back as he felt the parasite squirm and slither it's way through his reproductive system, leaving more of the spheres in it's wake. Eggs, they had to be eggs, his balls and cock were being pumped full of eggs!

Arthur moved a hand to his shaft, gently holding it as he saw the base bulge, the slug travelling up his length until it was just an inch away from the head, stopping there. Even the slight touch of his hand was enough to set him off but no cum, or anything else for that matter, came out, he knew it was the thing in his cock that was blocking it, and as he came down from his orgasm he grasped it firmly by the bas and began pulling up, trying to force it out like a tube of toothpaste.

And it worked! He could see the black, slimy, shiny length of the slug begin to force it's way out of his urethra. The going got tougher as he went along and the creature seemed to be fighting back against his efforts.

"Get. The Fuck. Out of my dick!"

Arthur was now standing up, leaned forward and almost curled in half trying to yank the parasite out of his long, sweat sheened pud. A loud and wet plop filled his ears as the slug smacked into the ground, finally removed from his body, he reflexively shifted his foot and squashed it, feeling with disgust and odd arousal as it squirmed wetly beneath his toes for a second before going limp. He lifted his foot gingerly, strands of mucous connecting it to the goopy puddle that was once a cock-filling parasite.

Clarkson fell back exhausted, his cock finally flaccid and free. His mind was blank, thinking nothing of the eggs still in his balls.



Michael sighed in contentment as the sticky slime on his own son's briefs filled his mouth, his long, fat cock snaked down his leg as he tasted the intoxicating fluid. He suddenly stopped and looked across the room to a wall-length mirror, there he was, standing in his teenage son's musky, cum-filled room, sucking the jizz out of his underwear. He left the room in a hurry and locked himself in his own room.

Over an hour later he finally opened his eyes.

"What was that? Why did he do that?"

He ran the same thoughts through his mind until eventually he landed on an answer: denial.

"That's not my fault, I just need to stop Lexy from wasting all his time masturbating, then... that won't happen again, right? Maybe if he has real sex he won't want to jerk off so much? Maybe if Michael got him a girlfriend... no, she would definitely get pregnant with Lexy's massive loads. Fuck, what kind of fucked up sitatuation was this that Michael was considering the size of his young boy's loads?"

Michael pulled himself up off the bed and made his way down the hall, he noticed that the bathroom was empty by now, so he knocked on his son's door, of course Alex would be in there, that's where he spent all of his free time. No response was given, maybe he was asleep? Alex slowly opened his son's door, his eyes opened wider than they'd ever been.

Alex was sitting naked at his desk, cat-ear headphones up as loud as they would go, blasting sweaty gay porn into his brain as his hand rubbed and tugged at his little cock, oblivious to his watching father.

"Lexy's GAY!!??"

Michael's mind was exploding, he had never suspected the boy was into other... boys? Men? The porn on his large computer screen was of two middle-aged hunks banging the shit out of a petite twink.

He couldn't help but stare blankly for a bit before backing out of the room and walking in a daze to the living room. Michael threw himself onto the couch as the gears in his brain clicked.

"Ok, so no girlfriend, boyfriend, that's a plus, there's no way he's getting pregnant" he thought to himself.

And a few gay kids at his school suddenly popped into his mind. This was wildly unprofessional, career-ruining even, asking a student to have sex with his son so he'd stop plastering everything with his sweet jizz...

Of course! There was one student who would do it, someone who just needed to be offered a letter of recommendation, a certain tutor named Gabriel...

Ooof, it's been a while, and I certainly kinda cut these off in the middle here, the next chapter is gonna be from one perspective, no more of this jumping around, as always I'd love to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 4

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