Radical Science

By Hade Enunna

Published on Nov 14, 2021


A while back I read a cool story here "Rad Science" but it only had two chapters and the author (despite promises) never released more chapters, I really enjoyed it so I sent them an email asking to re-write it, fortunately they responded in the affirmative. Thanks to the author, Ashton, for the amazing story and inspiration, I hope to do it justice in this re-write, some is the same, some isn't, and it's my hope it'll be much longer, just like the original it's going to be very odd and very kinky, some of the odd things are inspired by other stories I've read, but the storyline and characters are of my own invention (Or loosely based on the original author's works, with their permission of course.) I however do not, and as per the request of the original author, cannot permit anyone to redistribute this work on any other site in part or whole.

The first chapter deviated more from the original than I thought, and it is long and raunchy, so just in case you actually did skip ahead to this chapter, I now recommend you go back and enjoy that one, otherwise you may be confused with this one! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it!

If you emailed me with a suggestion please note that I liked the first chapter so much that I actually just jumped right into this one before I got any emails (before the first chapter was even accepted and placed on the site actually.)

Standard Disclaimer: all characters in this story are of the legal age to appear in it, I do not condone any of the following actions, and all characters are completely fictional, any seeming relation to any person living or dead is a complete mistake.

To wrap up this lengthy intro i'd like to thank Nifty for it's amazing work hosting all of these stories, and I'd like to ask that if you can spare just a little bit, that you donate to them so they can continue to do these great things!

Chapter 2 Part 1: Mushroom Head

Hunter stormed out of the school building, he could still taste Alex's seed in his mouth. What the hell was that? He had no idea why he sucked that little gross loser's dick. He wasn't gay, he was straight as they come, he played football, and worked out in the gym, and never checked out other guys, he was completely straight, so why did thinking about Alex make him so hard?

He had walked into the forest behind the school, his favorite spot to hang out when he didn't want to go home. It was spring, and everything was blooming and growing, and there were bugs and pollen everywhere. Today he found a quiet clearing with a log and sat down with his back against it, looking up at the clear blue sky that almost seemed to be a reflection of his flawless blue eyes. He was gifted, he knew that, his body was slim but muscular, he had a perfect smile, platinum blond hair, and a decently thick 7 incher down below.

He pulled off his jacket and ran a hand up under his shirt, feeling his flat, muscular stomach, the day was bright and sunny, but not too hot, it had rained yesterday and everything still had that after-rain smell.

Hunter slid his hand down from his shirt and into his pants, he gave his decent seven incher a tug, running his finger inside the foreskin. Hunter usually came back here after school when he had time before practice, nobody else ever came here, and the foliage was so thick he could hear anyone coming before they saw him. He hastily unzipped his pants and sat down against a fallen log, wanting to get this over before practice started.


The athlete moaned as he started jerking his dick, his long, wet strokes slapping against his lap every time. But something was missing, Hunter found himself thinking about Alex's lil dick. The constant smell of cum and arousal that had shrouded him for so long was suddenly a huge turn-on for Hunter, and he wanted nothing more than to have his face buried in the smaller boy's soft, musky lap...

Hunter opened his eyes and saw something odd at the other end of the small clearing, his strokes slowed until eventually he was just sitting against a log with his dick in his hand. Was that... a cock? It looked like a large thick dick was jutting out of a tree in front of him. Hunter got up onto his knees and shuffled his way over.

Looking closer he realized it must be some kind of mushroom, but it looked so much like a penis. It was cut. And had a soft spongy head and a firm shaft, it even looked veiny. Hunter reached up and slowly gave it a squeeze, it really was firm and didn't seem like it would break without considerable strain. Hunter had a wicked idea. He thought briefly about how odd it was he was about to blow a mushroom, but the thought immediately left him mind as his lips wrapped around the spongy head. It had a salty-sweet taste, reminiscent of Alex's cum. He dove down on it as far as he could, grunting with pleasure as his fingers once again wrapped around his pud as he blew the odd shroom.

Suddenly he coughed, an odd white cloud enveloping his face. Spores coated his throat and dusted his face, and now he saw a small opening in the tip of the fungus. His throat was dry and scratchy and his orgasm was ruined. Worse yet as he lifted his hand from his dick he caught a glimpse of his watch and saw that he was somehow 20 minutes late for practice! How long had he been sucking that thing?

Hunter stood up as quickly as possible, while also pulling up his pants. As soon as he was on his feet however he felt lightheaded and his vision exploded in stars, he had stood up way too fast.

When Hunter awoke it was almost dark, he had completely missed practice at this point. His dick was throbbing and leaking, he reached down to give it a tug and startled, it was covered in something squishy. He looked down and saw it, it looked just like the squishy material of the mushroom he had been sucking on. It covered his shaft and balls, pulling them tight against his body, obscuring their shape completely into a featureless grey bulge. No matter how hard he gripped or rubbed, he couldn't feel his own dick beneath it, nor could he pull the material off his groin, digging his nails in elicited the only sensation thus far, pain.

Hunter needed release bad, he whimpered pitifully as he tried his hardest to feel anything in his cock. It was no use, whatever he tried, even going so far as humping the ground, he couldn't feel anything except occasional pain when he tried again to remove the fungus.

Hunter walked home as quickly as he could, hoping his parents would be asleep and not notice how late he was coming in, his hopes were dashed when he saw the living room light from the front window.

"Young man, where have you been!?"

His mother shouted, his father sat in his armchair, giving the young man a stern look.

"We told you to come straight home after practice, I swear, if you were fooling around with some chick and knocked her up, there'll be hell to pay."

His father added. They were both in pajamas, obviously they had expected him home hours ago. Hunter was sent upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.

Hunter whined quietly as he pulled down his pants in front of the bathroom mirror, faced once again with his wrapped up package and the featureless grey of it's mushroom prison. He gave it a few more experimental rubs, nothing. The only real change occurred once Hunter was under the spray of the shower. The grey bulge seemed to puff up and become doughy. The boy frantically gripped at it, trying to grasp his cock through the substance. No matter how deeply his fingers dug in though, he couldn't feel anything? Hunter eventually hit a smooth wall and came to the horrifying conclusion: There wasn't anything there but the mushroom, his kit was gone!

He slumped against the wall in defeat and closed his eyes, maybe he should have gone to the doctor or told someone about it. Did this mean he would never be able to have sex again? His question was answered when he opened his eyes a few minutes later, and saw a fleshy nub slowly growing on the mushroom bulge. The nub looked almost like a mini cock, complete with a little head. And as he watched more, the mushroom grew until it was at least an inch longer than his original piece (which was 7 inches) His hopes were dashed once again however as a simple touch confirmed he still couldn't feel anything, not a single sensation except the familiar pain when he tried to gouge the substance too sharply, with his nails.

The water was cold by then and Hunter slowly wrapped himself up before walking out with his clothes in hand, his parents had gone to bed while he was in the shower, so he was free to walk down to the basement, his room, in silence.

Once inside Hunter dropped the towel and laid on his bed, staring blankly at the fungus which had replaced his manhood, he gave it a few experimental strokes, feeling the smooth flesh with its imitation veins. His fingers drifted up to the flared "mushroom" head, a convincing replica of his own lost member, this one however, was cut. Hunter noticed that it also had a very real looking urethra at the tip and gave it a poke. He gasped with surprise when, not only did it give and take his finger in a quarter of an inch, but that it felt good.

Hunter spit on his finger to lube it up more and pushed it back in, deeper this time. It felt so good, Hunter slid down so he was laying flat on his bed and closed his eyes, fingering his new cock slowly and steadily. Every time he got deeper in it felt better and better, until his finger reached as deep as it could. Now he thrust in harder, the force of his hand squishing down on his cock seemed to flatten the mushroom ever so slightly, making it shorter for a single moment before it returned to it's old length like a spring, pushing his finger out so he could push it right back in even easier. Hunter was bouncing his hand over his lap once again, but this time he wasn't stroking his teen dick, but fingering the mushroom that replaced it.

After almost three minutes of fingering his new hole Hunter came, his toes curled and his eyes rolled back. His back arched as he felt every muscle twitch in response to this new stimulation. But instead of cum or some other liquid coming out, a large cloud of white spores seemed to fill the room, covering everywhere around his bed in a soft white dust. Hunter passed out covered in the spores, and didn't wake until almost noon the next day.

Chapter 2 Part 2: Dick Slut.

Hunter woke to a loud pounding on his door.

"Shit shit shit! Luke's here!"

Hunter stood up and looked about for something to cover himself, his mind reeling. Luke Breyer was Hunter's best friend. He came over every Saturday afternoon to work out and play videogames, but he was early today.

Suddenly Luke barged into Hunter's room, laughing.

"I hope you're decen-"

Luke paused as he saw Hunter's naked body, and what he thought to be his morning wood.

"HAHAHA, Shit bro! Are you happy to see me, or are you really happy to see me?"

The larger boy winked at his friend and turned a little to the side to give him at least some privacy as he rooted around for a pair of sweatpants, which did nothing to hide the hot member.

Hunter looked around frantically, worried that Luke would notice the dusting of spores that he had squirted all over his room the previous evening, but found no trace of them, so he turned his attention back to his friend.

Luke was larger than Hunter by several inches, and by weight. He was incredibly strong and muscular, but not as defined as Hunter, his skin was a pale pink and dusted with freckles. His hair was a dark red, and hung a little over his eyes, a popular style with the football team recently. Luke, for his part, had proceeded to make himself at home, pounding an energy drink from Hunter's minifridge and starting to work with the dumbbells. Hunter sat down on a beanbag in front of him and turned on his game console.

Luke was gay, and had a big thing for Hunter, not that Hunter knew this of course, he was (or had been until yesterday) straight as an arrow. The larger boy quietly set down his dumbbell and walked over to the beanbag, looking down and smirking at the smaller athlete's still prodigious erection.

"So uh... was that, for me?"

Luke smiled, lifting one side of his mouth. He tried to sound confident but inside he was shaking, was he finally going to get a piece of that ass he had lusted after for so long?

"W-what bro!? No I mean, you know I like uhhh, You know, chicks and stuff."

Hunter choked up as thoughts of Alex's cock and thick viscous load entered his mind unbidden. He blushed and slipped a hand into his sweatpants to readjust his `cock' not realizing that Luke was standing over him.

"Damn bro, now you're touching it in front of me?"

Luke laughed even louder this time as Hunter meekly looked up. The much larger linebacker looked incredibly imposing from this angle, and Hunter could see the terrifying outline of his monster cock. Luke chuckled and sat down on a beanbag next to Hunter, giving him a lusty wink before grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him in for a rough kiss.

Hunter had no idea that kissing Luke would be this... erotic, he gave an involuntary submissibe whimper as his best friend's large hand wrapped around the back of his neck, and his large strong tongue invaded his mouth. Luke knew what he wanted, and pulled off his friend's mouth to kiss and lick at his neck before planting his lips and sucking, working at giving a hickey to the boy he had wanted for so long. His pink uncut length bobbed up and down in his tight pants as he listened to the smaller, once dominant boy, moan like a little bitch.

Hunter's mind was reeling, he had no idea Luke wanted this, or that he wanted this, he didn't dare stop it, terrified that Luke would never start it again, but submitted as the big strong tongue coated his throat in spit and bruises. His hand reached instinctively for Luke's lap, stroking the monstrous bulge with shaking fingers, there was no way that would fit in his throat or ass.

Luke however was still thinking of foreplay, and quickly stood up to shuck his jeans, giving Hunter an eyeful of his thick behemoth of a cock, it was the largest one he had ever seen, and suddenly he regretted that he had never peeked on his friend in the locker room showers. It was easily nine inches long, no, nine and a half, and it was the same thickness as Hunter's original cock, but was now much thicker than his new mushroom piece. Hunter's horny teen mind didn't even stop to think about what Luke would say if he noticed the fungus that had emasculated him, and merely pulled down his sweatpants so that it slapped against his abs.

Luke shifted himself over to Hunter's beanbag and pressed his body atop the smaller man, their cocks rubbing together, slick with Luke's precum. The linebacker didn't notice anything wrong, maybe Hunter's balls felt a little small, but his shaft felt warm and normal, he gave it no thought, but raised his hips to touch their cockheads, smearing Hunter's with pre. That's when it happened, some unknown instinct of Hunter's compelled him to reach down and line up the opening of his fungal rod perfectly with the head of Luke's real dick just as the slab of muscle and confidence lowered his body.

"Holy Fuck that's so tight"

Luke shouted, he had no idea what he had just stuck his dick in but it was perfect, it was slick and tighter than anything else he had ever felt, as he bottomed out he felt it push back, launching his hips up for another, more powerful thrust.

Hunter's mind was a mess as he looked at his best friend's cock slide down into his own, he could see it bulging out his length like a sausage entering it's casing. And he could feel his friend's every inch as they rammed deep inside of him, with every thrust he was squishing his fungal fuck tube shorter and shorter, and it was launching the dominant male's hips up with more and more force, aiding his dick in it's rapid fire thrusts.

Eventually Luke's red pubes were slamming into Hunter's featureless groin as their bodies made full contact, Hunter's abused replacement springing up less and less each time. It wasn't long before Luke buried himself balls deep inside his crush, feeling his cum work it's way into the narrow passage. Hunter reached his own orgasm not too long after, his muscles twitched and writhed as the spores shot out of... wherever it was they came from, but none could be seen between their two bodies, all of them forced themselves into Luke's thick cock, giving him such a new, pleasurable sensation that he came a second time, though nothing came out.

Eventually Luke lifted his hips and planted a passionate kiss on Hunter's lips. Pulling back to kneel he looked down at the well fucked ex-alpha, he still couldn't figure out what he had fucked, he saw a little bit of cum leaking out of Hunter's dick, but that made sense as he had just climaxed beneath him. But he certainly didn't fuck his ass. The opening still looked tight and pink, from experience he knew that ass hadn't had anything inside it in awhile, if ever, and it certainly hadn't taken Luke's monster pud.

Hunter laid back on his beanbag and panted, he fell asleep in moments, completely exhausted from the mind and body breaking fuck they had just had. He didn't notice as Luke pulled his jeans back on and left the house, while he was still asleep.

Later that night Hunter stood in front of the mirror, flopping his now shorter dick around. While the fungus that replaced his manhood had been an inch longer than his original tool, the one now attached to his hips was only six inches long, a full inch shorter than the original. Had Luke's dominant thrusts actually made it... smaller? Hunter laid down on the floor and pressed the head of his rod straight down before slowly lowering his body, squishing his cock between him and the floor. After a few minutes he raised his body and measured the rod again. This time it was only five inches long.

While Hunter was freaking out about his complete lack of a masculine endowment, and the paltry, rapidly shrinking replacement he had been given, Luke was laying in bed with a grin plastered on his face.

"I can't believe I actually fucked Hunter Lefler."

The stud of a boy breathlessly sighed. Of course he wasn't sure exactly how he had fucked his longtime crush, but he was sure he had done it in some way. He shot Hunter a text:

"Hey, today was really fun, maybe we could do it again? You're a great lay."

He pressed his phone screen-down to his chest and moved his hand down to his naked lap, he could feel himself growing hard again at the thought of doing whatever he had done earlier in the day again. He lifted his hand to his mouth and smeared more spit on it before stroking his monstrous appendage. His hand moved fast, he wasn't edging tonight, he was fucking his hand. After only a minute of stroking Luke's normally pale chest was red with exertion, his body was covered in sweat, and his orgasm was only a second away.


He groaned animalistically as his loud squirted out, it was way more than he usually made, and it was way thicker too. Only after he gathered his thoughts did he realize exactly how thick.

It was like fucking rope, they were long, cohesive strands of spunk, with one still oozing out of his cockhead. It didn't take too much playing with them and squishing them to get his virile load and it's (literal) strands of cum to turn into a gooey mess that oozed across his abs like a more prodigious version of a normal load. Luke wasn't an idiot, he knew that had to be somehow related to what he and Hunter had done today, and he resolved there and then to go back over there tonight and figure out exactly what had happened during their bewildering but mind-numbing fuck. And of course, to do it a whole lot more, and probably a whole lot harder.

In A house just one street over, Alex woke up from his second nap of the day, drenched in sweat and with an empty feeling down below...

Hey there! I really hope you enjoyed this one! It's not quite as long, but I'll make up for that in the next Chapter. You can look forward to a whole lot more fucking and a little bit more in the way of an explanation. As always thank you for reading and I would absolutely love to hear back from you! There's so much more yet to come. So many more characters to introduce and so many more strange and erotic things to happen!

Next: Chapter 3

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