Radical Science

By Hade Enunna

Published on Nov 12, 2021


A while back I read a cool story here "Rad Science" but it only had two chapters and the author (despite promises) never released more chapters, I really enjoyed it so I sent them an email asking to re-write it, fortunately they responded in the affirmative. Thanks to the author, Ashton, for the amazing story and inspiration, I hope to do it justice in this re-write, some is the same, some isn't, and it's my hope it'll be much longer, just like the original it's going to be very odd and very kinky, some of the odd things are inspired by other stories I've read, but the storyline and characters are of my own invention (Or loosely based on the original author's works, with their permission of course.) I however do not, and as per the request of the original author, cannot permit anyone to redistribute this work on any other site in part or whole. To wrap up this lengthy intro i'd like to thank Nifty for it's amazing work hosting all of these stories, and I'd like to ask that if you can spare just a little bit, that you donate to them so they can continue to do these great things! Last bit here, the first bit will be heavily reminiscent of the original story, though it will eventually move beyond that incomplete tidbit, chapter two will be completely beyond the original for those that want to skip ahead, though I recommend toughing it out as there will be important differences. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

Standard Disclaimer: all characters in this story are of the legal age to appear in it, I do not condone any of the following actions, and all characters are completely fictional, any seeming relation to any person living or dead is a complete mistake.

Chapter 1: Library oddities.

Alex was not a good student, or rather, not a bright student. He never did anything wrong in class, never talked to anyone and never acted out. However his grades left much- no, everything to be desired. He had barely scraped by last year on account of his father, the principal. This year would not be the same. Mr. Coza was his math teacher, and he was famously unfond of the Principal, if Alex didn't legit pass his class, he would have to redo the grade.

It was Friday night, and Alex was walking to the library. The streetlights illuminated him as he passed, the sun setting behind him. Alex had tutoring after school every day, and was usually late, preferring to spend his after school time in the bathrooms, jacking off as much as possible before he absolutely had to leave. He hated tutoring and loved jerking off, he almost constantly smelled like cum, and his clothes were always disheveled, ever since he discovered masturbation in 8th grade his already poor grades had slipped even further, from his few C-'s and D's to solid F's and D-'s at best. It was already the second trimester and his report card was a garden of solid F's.

He could still feel his loads (He never washed them off before sticking his junk right back into his underwear) pressed against himself, and did most of the day, his father insisting he clean his laundry and take a shower every day, though on account of his full schedule he was usually only able to enforce it every other day, or even every three days. Alex didn't care though, he gave very little thought to his personal appearance, usually choosing to throw on a loose pair of jeans, a too-big sweater, and a ratty T-shirt. All this combined with his thin, almost gaunt body and his constantly darkly circled eyes contributed to a poor appearance.

He finally reached the library, 30 minutes after he set out from the school, it could have been a 10 minute walk but he dragged it out as long as possible, he detested his tutor Gabriel, a smart goody two-shoes who always made Alex feel even stupider after every session, Alex knew his dad was a sucker for apple-polishers, and rarely paid attention to the fact that Alex's grades didn't actually improve, usually pinning that on his constant tardiness.

The Library was almost deserted, and Alex couldn't see anyone there, not even Gabriel.

"Now who's late?" He sarcastically remarked, rolling his dark eyes. The slow teen sat down at a table, palming his ever-ready crotch through his jeans. He desperately wanted to jerk off once more but he knew he'd be fucked if Gabriel caught him in the middle of it, so he looked around for a quiet place to go. The basement presented an appealing prospect, nobody ever went down there, and there were plenty of quiet little corners and nooks to tuck himself into. Alex looked around nervously before ducking behind the door and it's ominous "Keep Out, Employee's Only" sign. His footsteps on the stone stairs quietly thudded as he descended, afraid someone might already be down there... Nothing, the basement was deserted.

Alex went to the far back of the room and slid behind a bookcase that was a few feet away from the wall, presenting a hidden, if rather snug, place to pull out his pud, and then pull it. He slid his back down the wall, not paying any attention to the dust, or the thin trail of slime that ran up it... Alex wasted no time in freeing his pale pink teenage dick, spitting on the already sticky member and gliding his hand up and down, pulling the uncut skin down over the top again and again, he lost himself in the pleasure and closed his eyes, the silence broken only by the slick and sticky sounds of his "hobby".

Suddenly he felt something new on his cock, a slimy little kiss at the very tip, he opened his eyes. A slug? A small, pink thing that looked very much like a tongue (except for it's two eye-stalks of course) was suspended by a thin line of mucus from the ceiling, its tip slowly dropping further onto the head of his pud. Alex wasn't a very bright boy, and decided to just watch it for a bit as he fell further and further onto his already wet lap, as it settled fully onto it he decided it must be about four inches long, almost matching his five incher in length. Suddenly he gasped as the slug began to probe the entrance to his cock, parting it slightly as it squished into the thin little rod. Alex still didn't try to stop it and merely watched as it slid further and further in, when it was about an inch in he realized he probably shouldn't let this thing inside his body, especially not his dick. He moved his hand up to the slug, slightly recoiling when he touched it's slimy, slick body. Having a slug on him was one thing, but he always though picking one up would be really gross right? This delay cost him dearly as the slug was now halfway inside his member, and though he now frantically tried to pull it out his fingers slipped along it's length and failed to actually pull it out. In a matter of moments the slug was entirely nestled inside of his body, he could see it bulge his cock out as it slowly slid further. He could barely conceive of the pleasure he was feeling, being a virgin gay teen he had always dreamed of being fucked, but he couldn't imagine it would feel half as good as what he was feeling now, he could literally feel it sliding deeper into his body, through his cock until it nestled into his prostate. He came then.

Incredibly thick ropes of cum blasted out of his little rod, it was perfectly clear like his usual over-produced juice, but this wasn't watery it was thick and stringy, his hand felt almost glued to his rod as it was coated in the organic, musky glue. After five minutes of liquid blasting out of his pud it finally stopped, leaving his lap even wetter than it was before, and more than twice as sticky. After a short moment spent collecting what few thoughts he had he stood up on shaky legs, pulling up his underwear and jeans, his load- was it really his? He had no idea why he just thought that, but he walked out of the basement, not caring if anyone saw him, or the soggy mess that was his lap.

Next morning Alex woke up late, missing the bus, he didn't know what happened between the library and home, but he was certain he wasn't stealthy, and that his father certainly noticed he was late, and heard that he ditched his tutoring session.

The messy, musky boy didn't bother to change his clothes, walking out the door in his wrinkled, slightly crusty, and still rather gooey outfit. Just as he got to the school an hour later the bell rang, he must have slept longer than he thought as school had obviously just gotten out.


He heard a voice boom from the door, drowning out the crowd of students pouring out the doors. Alex didn't have a thought in his head today, but if he did he would have seen the usual disgusted looks that people gave him, and the derisive laughs others gave as they heard his father yell his name.


The Principal continued, grabbing him by the hood of his sweater and practically dragging him into his office as fast as possible, partly out of rage, and partly out of a desire to get his shameful son out of public as quick as he could.


Was all Alex mumbled as he was shoved into the chair across from his dad. He looked idly at his father, a tall (Six feet six inches) Handsome man with lightly tanned, freckled hair to match his son's own pallid, spotted complexion. His black hair was very neat and smart however, and his green eyes were sharp and awake, glaring into the similar eyes of his only child.

"We talked about this, you have to wash EVERY NIGHT"

He slammed his mouth shut, regaining his composure, his voice softened.

"I'm not mad that you... you know, it's natural for a boy your age to do it sometimes, but when it makes you late for school, late home, late for everything Alex, life isn't about getting off."

He put his head in his hands for a moment, breathing deeply. He looked up at his son who just looked at him kind of blankly, a thin line of drool escaping his full, soft lips... Where did that come from?

"Lexy, I can't help you this year, you know that you need to do better if you want to graduate, or even pass this grade, ok? I can't help you this year, not like I did last year."

He fixed his thin lips into a serious line.

"So I'm going to have to start punishing you more seriously, Alex Jones, you're going right to detention until I'm off work, and then you're grounded."

Alex snapped out of his stupor, before now he had been barely listening to his dad, preferring to palm his lap thinking about when he would be able to jerk off next, and trying to remember what had happened last night. But now he was forced to pay attention.

"Daaaad, You can't put me in detention! What about tutoring? If I'm in detention until you get off I'll miss it!"

Michael Jones fixed his son with a glare. "We'll figure that out tonight, but for now, detention."

He said coldly, gesturing to the door. Principal Jones looked repulsed as his son stood up, the thick load that had soaked through his jeans was connecting him by thin lines to the chair he had just occupied, he spent the next ten minutes trying to clean the oddly clear, smelly, sticky substance off the fake leather of the chair.

Alex slowly walked down the hall, fully intending to go directly to the detention hall. Suddenly someone bumped into him, almost sending him sprawling if not for the strong arm that wrapped around him and ushered him into a nearby restroom before he could make a sound. "Hey there cum-for-brains." Alex recognized that voice, it was Hunter Lefler. Alex hated hunter, he was a smart, handsome, popular guy, with his perfect blonde hair, clear smile, and to die for farmer's tan that, rumour had it, did not extend to his famous ass, you could bounce a quarter off it's twin, muscular globes.

"Daaamn bro, you're a fucking mess"

Hunter laughed as he spun Alex around to face the mirror. The much shorter boy (Hunter was 5'11 versus Alex's 5 feet) looked up into the mirror at the larger boy, there was some distance between them as Hunter didn't want to get Alex's smell on him.

"Let me fix this, I'm sure you don't wanna walk around like that, right?"

Hunter seemed so nice, but Alex knew better, Hunter was a complete jerk, but hid it well enough that all the teachers, and most of the students loved him. Alex gasped as he felt the cold air against his lap, Hunter had pulled his pants down so fast that Alex couldn't protest. And he certainly couldn't stop him, Hunter was a star athlete whereas Alex was almost gaunt. Hunter smiled wickedly as he pulled up the younger boy's sweater and tucked it between his teeth, simultaneously gagging the boy. Alex watched in terror as Hunter filled one of his hands with paper towels and began to rub them all over his lap, mostly just smearing it around and stimulating the small penis. As Alex began to chub up he noticed a long string of clear mucus drip from the head, it was so viscous that the strand didn't break, it was so long it was slowly pooling on the floor and even then was still perfectly unbroken, a musky smell filled the bathroom.

"Daaaamn, what are you popping bro! That shit cannot be natural" Hunter remarked as they both stared at Alex's slowly leaking nail.

"Holy shit..."

He muttered as he reached down, dropping the paper towels, and flicking a finger over the line of fluid, even then it continued to leak and didn't separate from the cockhead, it was madly thick. Hunter's hand slowly raised over Alex's head, leaving a thin trail of ooze through his messy black hair as the Blonde Hunk's finger slowly moved to his mouth, he flicked his tongue out and tasted the ooze, it was... sweet?

"Oh fuuuck"

He moaned as he quickly reached down and gathered up more of the copious liquid, slamming his fingers into his mouth to lick them greedily. Alex couldn't believe his eyes, was this seriously happening? Was Hunter Lefler really eating his cum!?

Suddenly Hunter had a wicked idea and spun Alex around, pushing his bare, sticky ass against the wall before kneeling in front of the boy, he looked up at him with a serious, almost angry look.

"If you tell anyone I'm gonna break your fucking dick, got it cum-for-brains?"

Alex nodded and moaned as Hunter's lips wrapped around his cockhead, the already present string of mucus covering the hunk's chin as he sucked the tiny rod, sucking down as much of the sweet "cum" as he could. He swirled his tongue around the head, dipping it into the foreskin before diving even further down, cupping the small balls below his lips, they were so tiny and so close to his body Hunter couldn't imagine they were the source of this liquid, so what was? Hunter got his answer when Alex let out a soft, urgent moan and pressed his petite hips forward as hard as he could. Hunter, eager for more of the addictive liquid, easily took in the whole pud, burying his nose into the younger boy's smooth crotch.

Hunter almost gagged when he felt it, a thick glob of cum, much wider and more solid than the rest, enter his mouth, unlike the rest this was kinda sour, and, not wanting to swallow the unappetizing load he quickly stood up and pressed his lips against Alex's. Unbeknownst to either of the boys present the "load" in Hunter's mouth was really a second slug, just like the one from the Library basement, Hunter pushed the sour, gross tasting creature he thought was a glob of cum into the smaller boy's mouth and pulled back, sticky strings of mucus connecting their lips.

"Fucking swallow it you gross little bitch, I'm not eating your load"

He said, ignoring all the fluid already in his toned stomach. Alex did as he commanded, not thinking that he was swallowing a slug.

Hunter wiped himself off with paper towels and quickly left the bathroom, shooting Alex a murderous glare before doing so, leaving Alex to pull up his soaked jeans over his still leaking rod. He didn't notice the strings of cum in his hair as he stepped out. He didn't see a hint of Hunter, or anyone else for that matter in the hallway, so he quickly made his way to Mr. Clarkson's class.

Mr. Clarkson was enjoying his quiet time, thankfully nobody had detention that evening so he was free to drink his coffee and grade that day's science tests, That is until he got a call from the Principal's secretary explaining that Alex Jones was going to be in detention that evening. Clarkson rolled his eyes. He had Alex last year (He taught freshman science) and he thought he would finally be rid of him. Alex wasn't a bad kid, he was always nice to anyone that talked to him, but he was, and he knew he shouldn't say this, an absolute idiot. Alex got almost everything wrong, never seemed to be paying attention, and worse yet, always smelled like a day old load of cum, which completely abolished any attraction Clarkson would otherwise have had to the petite, cute, freckled student.

Alex plopped himself in the back of the classroom, Mr. Clarkson used to have him sit in the front so he could get extra help, but after a while the beefy science teacher banished him to the back, fed up with his constant musky smell. Today however Mr. Clarkson sighed and motioned for him to come to the front, so he did, plopping into the desk just in front of his teacher. Mr. Clarkson noticed the streams of cum soaking into the pupil's hair with exasperation. Obviously his hygiene had further deteriorated, it wasn't enough to constantly smell like cum, now he had to be covered in it!?

"Son, the next time I see you it better not be in detention, and it certainly better not be with "that" in your hair, you hear me?"

Alex immediately blushed and his hands darted up to his soft, messy black hair, trying to wipe the load out with his bare fingers. Obviously all this did was dig it deeper in and cover his fingers in the sticky substance, Mr. Clarkson sighed and decided to change the subject.

"So, Alex, how are your grades this year, I hope they've improved?"

Clarkson wasn't supposed to talk to the students in detention, but something about the veritable moron in front of him stirred up his pity. Mr. Clarkson wasn't an unreasonable man, and really did want all of his students to succeed after all.

"Uhhh, no, n-not really sir"

Alex stuttered, his wide, tired green eyes fixed on his old teacher. He had never admitted it to anyone, but Alex really had a thing for the man, he was tall, about six feet if he had to guess. His brown hair was professional and short. He had only been teaching for three years now, and he was obviously young, his body was thick, but mostly muscular, the remnant of a College Football career. And Alex could always admire the full package in his dress pants whenever the young Science teacher stood up. Today was no exception, Mr. Clarkson stood up and walked over to the only occupied desk in the room, giving Alex an eyeful before kneeling down and placing his hand on the youth's shoulder.

"Son, you really need to do better, your father really wants you to graduate, maybe I could help you if you're struggling in your new science class?"

Alex stared wide-eyed at the man, he parted and closed his soft lips several times over, fumbling for words with the object of his schoolyard crush so close.

"S-sure, I mean I-I'm kinda failing... e-everything this year, yknow?"

He blushed a deep shade of crimson as he stared into Mr. Clarkson's eyes, the older man was completely oblivious to the student's desire and smiled.

"Well is there anythi-"

He was completely caught off guard as Alex, spurred by some unknown impulse mashed his lips into the older man.


Clarkson grunted, as Alex pushed his tongue into his mouth, he pulled back quickly, but not before getting a hint of some odd taste from Alex's lips. It was sweet, yet musky and salty at the same time. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Clarkson darted forward and kissed Alex, this time digging his tongue into the boy's mouth.


Alex whimpered as his teacher forcefully sought more of that addictive taste. Clarkson's cock throbbed in his dress slacks as he heard the submissive sound. After a few minutes of forceful french kissing Mr. Clarkson could take no more. He stood up and pulled the student with him before forcing him to kneel and pressing the back of his head against his desk.

"M-Mr. Clarkson?"

Alex asked timidly as he looked up at the stronger man. He let his lips fall open.

"I know you fucking want this"

He said as he quickly unzipped his pants and yanked out his rock hard cock, placing it on Alex's forehead. The hot pud was just over seven inches and incredibly fat, it's cut head was as thick and purple as a plum, he also pulled out his low hanging, lemon sized balls. Alex inhaled deeply, the clean scent of his teacher's meat filled his lungs, and the sight of it filled his vision.


he groaned as he placed the fat head at the soft lips of the short boy. Slowly he pushed further in, unknowingly giving him his first taste of cock. Alex tried his hardest to take more in his mouth, but couldn't manage it without gagging, and so pulled his head back until it slammed into the desk behind him. Clarkson was so desperate for a tight mouth around his cock that he just kept pushing, forward, pressing the boy's head hard against the solid wooden desk, under normal circumstances he would have cared more about Alex's comfort, if it weren't for that strange sweet taste in his mouth he would have been a sweet, generous lover, though he wouldn't have forced his student into a blowjob without it either.

Alex gagged harder as the thick cock invaded his throat, his slimy, thick throat slime coated the rod and drooled down his chin, with the same viscosity as his cum, but Mr. Clarkson didn't know that, all he knew was that Alex's mouth was tight, hot, and oh so slick. Alex continued to gag around Mr. Clarkson's cock as he slammed it harder and harder into him, by this point he surely had a bruise on the back of his head as his teacher facefucked him, his balls slapping constantly against his sticky, wet chin. By this point even when the head alone was in his student's mouth there were over a dozen strings of slimy mucus connecting his hairy crotch to his student's now puffy and slimy face.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck, take that cock you little bitch, I'm gonna cum in your fucking throat slut!"

Mr. Clarkson had no idea why he was being so rough and vulgar, but some animal instinct compelled him to lean forward and hump the kid's face like he was trying to knock up some broad. He grunted and groaned for a full minute, smashing the boy's nose into his pubes repeatedly and making the back of his head so sore Alex was both gagging, sniffling, and crying a little bit as his crush pounded him like a cheap whore. Mr. Clarkson let out a final groan as he slammed his cock all the way down Alex's throat, holding it tight as he came down his neck.

Alex gagged hard and tried in vain to push the man off his face and get a breath of air, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he gave his strongest heave yet, forcing the slug in his stomach up into his mouth. Mr. Clarkson's face was contorted with pleasure as he felt his mouth pulse in the innocent mouth of his once-student, he gave no thought to it as the boy's thick slimy spit spewed out around his cock, slathering his balls and pubes in the sticky fluid. He rested like that for a minute, letting out a happy moan as he felt what seemed like Alex's tongue prod his urethra. Soon however it did more than prod, slowly sliding in to his dick what felt like seven inches. The slug had grown much larger in the short time it was gestating in Alex's slim tummy, it's fat body invaded the man's dick as he could only press his lap even harder against Alex's mouth, who was now on the verge of passing out as lack of oxygen and exhaustion from his heavy gagging and heaving, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was covered in cum and spit as the slug, almost as thick as the invading cock, forced it's way out of his throat and into that self same rod. Mr. Clarkson was in too much pleasure to consider what was happening as the fat slug worked its way deep into his body, not stopping until it nestled into his left ball, swelling it more than twice as large, it's writhing wracking him with so much pleasure that he came once again, dumping an even larger, thicker load into Alex's stomach, after a few more moments he finally came to his senses and realized what he had just done. He pulled out quickly and stepped back, quickly kneeling down to stop Alex from falling forward onto the ground, a thick river of drool and cum spilled from his lips and onto his sweater as he feebly gasped for air, he looked at his crush with hazy eyes, having been just moments from passing out. As Mr. Clarkson looked at him with worry, Alex blinked twice before fixing him with a dopy grin.

"That was perfect."

-End of Chapter One.

I hope to hear from anyone who enjoyed the story so far! Anyone with suggestions as to future chapters or kinks to be included are welcome, I will completely ignore any messages about disapproval of included kink, it's all consensual fantasy. And of course thanks to the original author Ashton for his permission to re-write and edit his work.

Next: Chapter 2

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