Rachel's Revelation

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Jun 17, 2011



This is a fictional story which involves a teen fantasy that becomes reality but eventually takes a turn in the opposite direction.

There are descriptions of two women engaging in lesbian sex. Also included are descriptions of sexual activity between a man and a woman.

If this is not appropriate material for you or illegal where you are then don't read it. The author retains all rights to the story.


Rachel's Revelation

This begins when I started seventh grade. I thought middle school would be a big bore since there would be a lot of new kids there from the other feeder schools. So much for my thoughts. It definitely was not a bore but it wasn't because of the kids.

There was a new teacher on the scene. Well, actually all the teachers were new to me since I was now in middle school. I was thirteen and had lots of hormones racing through me. I guess that is what caused me to be so attracted to Mr. Eric Dawson.

He was younger than the rest, very cute with dimples, blue eyes, blond curly hair, an athletic build and just out of college I later learned. I surmised he was probably twenty two or maybe twenty three, which I ignored because I was smitten, but I knew there was no way he would ever be interested in me except as a student.

So anyway, I always greeted him with a smile, asked how he was doing along with giving him my best eye roll when he would speak back while I gave my long reddish blond hair a flip. We did become something like friends I guess but only while at school.

My mind visualized fantasies of us being together so I would go home from school or following after school activities and masturbate to the vision of his handsome face and body. Sometimes twice. I was really crushing on this guy and I was powerless to get him out of my mind. Teenage lust I guess.

At the end of seventh grade, I, Rachel Milton, moved on to the upper echelon of eighth grade. Over the summer I kept thinking about him and knew that I wouldn't be in his classes anymore. But, when school started again I found that he had been moved to the eighth grade staff and I again was sitting in his classroom on a daily basis. Being a year older and wiser didn't do a thing to quell my desires for Eric Dawson. My body was developing, my butt was rounding out a little and my chest was maturing as it sported small bumps which I hoped would soon become big bumps that I could call my breasts. I wanted him to notice me and began to conjure up ways to attract his attention without giving myself away to the others in my classes.

One day he was on cafeteria duty. After I had eaten my lunch I walked over to him.

"Hi, Mr Dawson, how are you?"

"Oh, hi yourself Rachel. I am fine, how are you?"

"I'm good. I don't think I have seen you in here this period before."

He laughed and said "No, I avoided it as long as I could but they caught me."

I laughed along with him and said, "I don't blame you for that. Is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?"

"I suppose so."

"Well, I don't know much about you except for the fact that I like being in your classes and I think you are a good teacher so I was just wondering if you were originally from here or somewhere else?"

"Thank you, I am glad someone appreciates my efforts," he said with a smile that sent a shiver through me, "I was born and lived in California until I went to college at the state university here. I applied and got the job last year and I really enjoy it."

"Good. I am glad you're here. So, you don't have any family here?"

"Nope, they are all back on the west coast."

"And you're not married then?"

"Oh no, I am not. Not engaged either. In fact I don't really even have a girlfriend."

I think he probably knew from the look on my face how that made me feel. I almost felt like he actually wanted to tell me that and I'm sure he read my relief.

I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his arm saying, "Well, guess I better get going and let you tend to your duties. Nice talking to you Mr. Dawson. See you in class."

"Okay, Rachel, see you then."

As I walked away, I had no idea if he was watching me or not but just in case he was, I managed to make sure I gave my hips and butt a few twitches for his enjoyment.

Throughout the school year I continued to make my presence known to him. We talked now and again and I tried to flirt as much as I felt I could get away with. Compliments were delivered to him on many occasions which he graciously accepted and handed a very few to me as well. But nothing was ever said in a sexual manner by either of us and any touching was always done by me as I responded to a witty remark or something similar.

The school year ended and I was on my way to high school. I was a bit sad to be leaving him behind but I knew it had to happen sooner or later.

I survived my freshman year without him and did very well I might add, but my memories hadn't faded and I wondered many times about calling him to see how things were going. I knew I shouldn't. I didn't.

During my sophomore year and the summer before my junior year, he wasn't gone from my memory bank but a lot of his space there was replaced with a couple of football players and a guy I met in thespian club. I succumbed to my sex drive and lost my virginity as a sophomore and enjoyed the activity with four different guys during that school year and summer break. Often when I was on a date, I fantasized that it was "Eric" who was with me. I guess he fell into that category of "unforgettable characters."

When my third year in high school started, I was surprised, shocked and totally overjoyed to find that Mr. Eric Dawson was a new member of the teaching staff and would be teaching a class I was taking. I had butterflies, butterflies and more butterflies at the prospect of seeing him again on a daily basis. I was ecstatic and would have to get some self control.

I knew we were both more mature and that I had filled out to (at least so I had been told) be a "hottie" and had become quite popular around school with the guys as well as some of the girls. I knew now where my focus would be whenever I got the chance.

There were eighteen students in the writing class, eleven girls and seven boys. On the first day of class he asked each of us to stand and tell our name and a few words about ourselves.

When it came my turn, I said, "Hi Mr. Dawson. I am Rachel Milton, majoring in journalism and I am glad to have the privilege to attend another of your classes."

"Thank you, Rachel. I remember you from middle school and I am glad to have the opportunity to work with you again. I hope you enjoy the course."

Over that year, I had many opportunities to talk with him and flirt with him as much as I dared. Often I dressed for him as I was getting ready in the morning at home, wondering if he would notice, if he would like the way I looked. I loved high school because I was treated more like an adult than a child and was able to talk with him more often than I did before. We were friends. Well, I was sure that is all it was to him, friends and a student-teacher relationship but I relished every second of our time, no matter. Another summer arrived and I spent a lot of it hoping to see him out somewhere, anywhere, where I might strike up a conversation with him. Never happened.

Entering my senior year, I signed up for another of his classes. Luckily he was in the English department and since I was a journalism major, I had no trouble getting into any of his classes.

I was determined that this year was going to be different. I was seventeen and would be eighteen just after the second semester started. I had blossomed. I knew I was attractive to the guys, what with my 34C breasts, my long reddish blond hair, my long shapely legs and my five feet eight inch height. Although I knew he was ten years older, I was just headstrong enough that I was convinced I should make a move. I thought on it often but could never devise a workable plan.

One day not long before the Christmas break, as we sat having a one on one in the cafeteria, I was just leaning back with my arms folded across my chest as he was offering some advice on the structure and presentation of the written word.

I smiled and he stopped talking. Looking at me with a questioning expression, I smiled even more.

"Do you find me amusing, Rachel?"

"Actually I do. I am always amused and glad to be around you Mr. Dawson. You have been a highlight of my last few years of school."

He didn't say anything but kind of bit the inside of his lower lip.

Leaning closer and using a softer voice I said, "I doubt you have been aware of this, but I have had a major crush on you since the first time I ever saw you back in middle school."

He didn't look shocked or stunned as he calmly said after about a half minute of staring into my gray eyes, "Believe it or not, I did notice your actions, Rachel. How could I not notice a lovely young girl, such as yourself, as she made such strong efforts to gain my attention and impress me. Even during my first year of teaching, I could tell you were making moves and saying things to get my attention. It was difficult for me to not respond in any way. I thought maybe you had outgrown that after you got into high school and you didn't see me for a couple of years. I assume I was wrong about that?"

"Yes you are very wrong about that. I never got over it. My obsession is still very much alive and I have done my utmost to draw your attention while avoiding being a stalker."

"As long as we are being open here, I have to tell you that at first I was flattered from the way you acted around me. Then I realized the dangers to both of us and I had to force myself to ignore it all and do nothing to further your attraction to me."

"So you knew all along? You read me that well?" I said with wide eyes and a big smile.

"Of course. How could I miss it? But with our age difference and our teacher student relationship, I had to ensure that I didn't encourage you. That would have spelled disaster for both ot us .... and still would."

"When did you first realize what I was doing?"

"Pretty much from the beginning but the clincher was that day in the cafeteria when you asked me about being married. I knew that was a pointed question."

Then the bell rang. Our conversation was over and I had no idea what if any feelings he had for me as he had been very careful not to enter that zone. I also knew that we would probably not be involved in this conversation again.

I continued my flirting ways, friendliness and such. He didn't seem to act differently either, so I wondered if maybe there was still a chance for me to worm my way into his life. I wasn't going to give up yet.

Shortly after returning from the holiday break, I celebrated my birthday. I was now eighteen. I was truly an adult (at least chronologically) and hoped maybe he would view me in a different light now that I was of legal age. No such luck. He was still a teacher and I was a student. I understood but I didn't want that barrier to be there.

Spring break was near and I had no intentions of going out of town to party or whatever but that week, Dad went to a Shriner's convention and Mom tagged along. I was to have a whole week to myself. Great I thought. Why can't I spend that week with Eric?

I remembered during one of my conversations with Eric when he had mentioned that he occasionally went to a club called "The Fountain."

Now that I was eighteen, I could get in. I couldn't drink any alcohol but I could get inside, dance and partake of the party atsmosphere. I decided that Saturday night I was going there. Maybe he would be there.

So about nine o'clock, dressed quite sensibly in a modest length black skirt and a light green pullover knit top, I walked into the dimness and stopped while my eyes adjusted. A bouncer appeared beside me and asked for my ID. I proudly handed it to him. He smiled and handed it back then he stamped the back of my left hand with a bright red ink stamp which would let the bartenders (and everyone else) know that I was under 21.

"Enjoy yourself but remember, no alcoholic drinks,"

"Thanks, I will remember," I said with a smile.

About thirty seconds later a guy stepped in front of me and said, "I saw you come in and I haven't seen you here before, would you allow me the first dance?"

He was probably early twenties, black hair, mustached, slim and just so-so in the looks department.

"I guess so, .... sure,"

So we danced and got bumped numerous times from the crowd on the floor.

After, he asked if I would like a drink and I told him, "Maybe later .... I am kinda looking for someone,"

"Really? .... I was hoping I had the inside lane here," he said with a grin.

"Thanks for the dance though, maybe we will do it again,?"

"Anytime, anytime, .... oh and I am Robbie,"

"Okay Robbie, I'm Rachel, .... have fun,"

I strolled around and didn't see Eric but I wasn't dismayed. I had the feeling he was going to show and I was going to approach him. I danced with a few other guys and one girl who asked me. I didn't know if she just liked to dance or if she was looking for female companionship but I did enjoy dancing with her and she didn't seem to be coming onto me.

Around ten thirty I meandered by the bar to get a soda and I spotted Eric on the dance floor with a very lovely woman with darker skin. He didn't see me and I kind of shied away and watched. After the dance, he escorted her to a table occupied by two other women and then went to the bar. That became my opportunity to approach him.

I walked up behind him, put my hands on his hips and said, "Hi there handsome, would you buy a girl a drink?"

Turning to see who it was, he said, "Rachel? What are you doing here?"

"Truth or fiction?" I asked as I displayed my cutest smile.

"Truth, please,"

"Looking for you," I said as I looked into his blue eyes and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Rachel .... that .... could be really dangerous for both of us you know?"

"I know but I just felt compelled .... and here I am."

He said nothing but reached and took hold of my hand.

I nodded toward the table and said, "I saw you dancing with that lovely young woman. Is she your girlfriend?"

"Not exactly but she is a close friend. Would you like to meet her?"

"I'm not sure I should. What if I scratch her eyes out?" I said with a laugh.

"Please don't do that. You might actually like her," he snickered.

"That's hard for me to imagine ..... but .... alright, introduce us."

He led me to the round table where he sat between me and his dancing partner. After the introductions, the other two women left to go meet some friends at another club leaving the three of us, Eric, myself and Dawn Macken there.

The three of us sat and talked. I could see that Dawn was much lighter skinned than I had first thought. I learned that she was one fourth black, twenty one, lived in the same apartment building as Eric and a student at State U. They both had mixed drinks while I was limited to soda or whatever as long as it was alcohol free.

Dawn and I danced together while Eric went to the men's room and then to the bar for more drinks.

She was definitely sexy, very lovely, intelligent and seemed really nice. She was a really smooth dancer and I did like her. He was right. We got tight against each other a couple of times but neither of us seemed to mind.

It was around midnight as he and I danced a long slow one. My head was on his shoulder, he held me tight against him as our bodies rubbed together and I was pretty sure I was feeling the bulge of his manhood against me. I lightly pressed my lips against his neck and he leaned into my kiss.

With my mouth by his ear, I whispered, "I was hoping I would find you here alone, Eric. I'm not dreaming am I?"

"No, you're not but ....even if I was alone tonight, we couldn't leave together. Someone might see us."

"That's probably true too and I hadn't thought that far ahead. But I did find you. Got you to dance with me and hold me in your arms. So the evening isn't a total loss and it may be a beginning."

"You really came here just to find me? you are serious?"

"Cross my heart and hope to turn to dust if it ain't so," I quipped in my best southern drawl.

"I've had my eyes on you for a long time too you know? Do you realize what you're doing? What you are asking of me and what it may lead to?" he said.

"I'm a big girl Eric. I know stuff. I came here to find you .... hoping to leave with you .... I have the whole week free ... and .... I'm not a virgin .... I'm on the pill .... and I want you .... I want you tonight. "

He headed off the floor with me in tow. Back at the table Dawn was watching us with a furrowed brow since she had no idea what was going on. Actually I didn't either but I was waiting.

He motioned for the three of us to lean over the table so we could talk over the noise. He quickly explained our relationship to Dawn. She listened intently and nodded in understanding. When he mentioned that I wanted to go home with him she turned to look at him then at me.

Dawn shrugged and said, "So why don't you take her with you?'

"I can't risk being seen leaving a place like this with a student of mine. My career would be mud."

She turned to Eric, pulled his head to hers and whispered in his ear. He whispered back to her and she returned to whisper again to him.

Feeling left out, I excused myself and went to the women's room. When I returned all the whispering was appartently over. Dawn stood, then leaned down and kissed Eric.

Then she took my hand and said "Let's go dance this one,"

As we slow danced, she told me that when we returned to the table that Eric would be gone. She and I were going to leave together and go to her apartment. They knew from earlier conversation that I had driven myself to the club while she and Eric had ridden together, so we would take my car.

"Just you and me? What happens then?" I stupidly asked.

"I'm the go between, Honey, I'm the pimp. The rest is up to you .... and Eric."

Oh my god. This was it. She was going to take me home with her and Eric was going to come there for me. I felt an intense surge of heat engulf my body and then I shivered. Dawn snickered as she felt it too.

As she drove my car to the apartment, she asked me lots of questions in a short time. Was I a virgin? No. Had I ever been with an older man? No.

Then she asked, "Have you ever been with or had the desire to be with another woman?"

"No, .... I never .... why would I?"

"I would question back to you .... why not?"

After a short silence I said, "I guess my last answer isn't exactly correct, Dawn. I have actually been kissed .... well shared a kiss I should say, with a couple of girls. I suppose it is just a natural curiosity .... I have wondered about the attraction between two women and what it might be like. Have you?"

"I think I will wait a while before I answer that one. I think you and I just may become good friends through Eric. You are very pretty, intelligent and .... I like you."

"I like you too, Dawn,"

I sat quietly as she drove, made a couple of short turns and then she said "We're here, are you sure about this?"

"Never more sure of anything in my short life. But I can also say that I am apprehensive, maybe even a little scared but I feel comfortable with you. Does that make any sense?"

"Let's go in. I know you couldn't drink at the club but you can have anything you want at my place."

"ANYTHING?" I said with a laugh.

She just shook her head at my enthusiasm as we walked up the steps to her second floor apartment.

Once inside, she directed me to the sofa, turned on the TV and asked "What would you like to drink?"

"I don't really know. I am not much of a drinker but I have had vodka a few times."

"Great, how about some vodka and water with a bit of lemon?"

"That sounds good, I'll try it."

The first sip seemed a bit strong but I allowed it was because I didn't drink much and after that first bit it seemed fine.

As Dawn sat beside me, her short dress pulled up and bared her legs almost up to her panties. I had been so preoccupied with Eric before that I hadn't really noticed much about her. Her bare legs were light brown, so smooth that they seemed to shine and the bottom hem of her dress was very revealing to say the least. Her shapely legs intrigued me.

We talked small talk and when I realized my glass was empty, she politely took it from me and refilled it without even asking. After she handed it back to me she sat down again but much closer than before.

"You really are lovely, Rachel. I can see why Eric is attracted to you."

"Well, I think you are gorgeous, Dawn. Have you done any modeling?"

"Some, but nothing big. Just small stuff at some of the local stores."

I sat quietly, sipped my drink and could feel a slight effect from the booze but not much.

"Rachel, I know I shouldn't but .... you have such tantalizing lips .... I would love to kiss you .... may I?"

"Huh? I don't know .... been a while since I kissed another girl .... you really want to kiss me?"

"I do, .... very much so. Before Eric gets here and takes over. May I?"

"I guess so .... why not?"

She moved over to me, turned my head with her hand on my chin and placed her lips to mine. It was a soft, lingering kiss and I could taste her lip gloss. She pulled back and just looked into my eyes.

"Was that so bad?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.

"Not at all. You are a good kisser. I liked it."

At that moment she leaned in again and our lips met. My arm went around her shoulders and I pulled her against me. Her body against mine pushed me onto my back and she was partially lying on top of me. Our tongues met and we were into a very wet, erotic kiss which persisted for what seemed like several minutes.

Then came a knock on the door.

"Eric," she whispered, "maybe we can try this again sometime .... just the two of us?"

"I'm sure I would like that," I answered.

She opened the door and there stood Eric, dressed in a pair of shorts, a polo shirt and flip flops.

He came in, leaned over and kissed me, headed to the kitchen area to fix himself a drink and kissed Dawn when he came back to sit between us.

After a few short bits of small talk Dawn got up and said she was going for a soak in the tub and then a shower, leaving Eric and I alone.

"Do you want another drink Rachel?" he asked.

"Not right now, I haven't finished this one."

"Is that your first?"

"Second," I replied.

He took it from my hand, put it on the table and turned to me. He put both hands on my jawbones and pulled our faces together. When our lips met I felt I had been struck by lightning. I didn't want him to have to fight for anything with me. I opened for his tongue and it filled my mouth. I pushed it back and he allowed mine to enter his warm mouth. We tongue fought for quite a while, during which time his hand found my breast. Next thing I knew , I was lying back on the sofa while he was on his knees on the floor. His hand was under my top and soon had my bra up under my arms baring my breasts for his hands.

I was on fire. I squirmed, moaned, snorted as I breathed through my nose and his fingers massaged my stiff nipples. Things were moving quite quickly and I was certainly not about to slow him down. When he pulled his mouth from mine and proceeded to lick my neck and ear, I reached under his polo and rubbed his bare skin with my hands. I wanted to let him know that there would be no resistance on my part and that seemed to inspire him. In short order, I was naked from the waist up and so was he. My shoes had been left by the door when Dawn and I came in. His hand was working on my legs and then I felt his hand slide up to rub me through my bikini panties. I spread my legs to give him more room. I wanted this. Oh how I had wanted this and for so long. Now it was about to be mine.

He moved around and I reached for him. My hand went under the elastic band of his shorts and down the front. I felt his pubic hair and saw stars through my closed eyes. Pushing down more I felt his manhood. It felt like it was on fire. It was so hot to my touch. As I moved to hold it in my hand I began to realize what I was holding. It was big. No, it was bigger than big. I thought "Oh my god, .... he's huge .... bigger than Adam Borell's and his was the biggest I had seen before Eric's."

He stood and pushed his shorts down while I removed my panties and skirt. I watched as he pulled his briefs down and his hard cock flipped up. It looked perfect. It looked so big and thick. I held it and stroked him slowly as he pulled off my skirt and bikini panties. His fingers played through my unshaven but trimmed pubic hair. He slid a fingertip into my slit and slowly worked it down and back up through my wetness.

I watched his handsome face as his hands explored. My eyes took in his naked body that I had longed to see for so long. I felt a shiver as I realized my dreams were coming true. I closed my eyes and waited for whatever was next.

He moved and his hard tool slid away from my hand just before I felt his hands pushing my knees further apart. As I waited for him to move up between my parted legs, I realized he wasn't doing that. Opening my eyes I saw his face disappear between my thighs and felt his lips kiss my wet pussy. Then his tongue worked its way between my wet lips as he began to lap up and down from the crevice of my butt to my clit. I was getting my first ever cunnilingus. None of my dates had done it but they had willingly accepted my mouth on them. Here was unselfish Eric, licking and sucking on me as I felt the rush of my first oral orgasm rolling through me.

After my contortions subsided, he moved to lick and kiss the insides of my thighs then kissed up my body to my breasts where he sucked and nibbled before moving on to my mouth and kissing me with my own juices on his lips and tongue. I could feel his hot hardness against me and I pushed my hand between us to hold it. His hips began to move up and down a bit in a fucking action as his cock slid through my fingers.

"Fuck me Eric .... fuck me now," I muttered through my labored breathing as I tried to reposition myself.

He slid back down a little as I put my left leg onto the back of the sofa. I pulled on his cock and directed its big head to my entrance. Raising my hips to meet him, I felt the first inch or two as it entered me.

"Take it slow," he whispered as a caution to me, "don't let it hurt you,"

I rotated my hips as best I could in that position and felt myself being stretched to new limits as the penetration deepened. He was very gentle with me and allowed me the control I needed. After a couple more movements on my part I felt his pubic bone against me and I knew I had it all inside me. The pain was minimal and the pleasure was maximum.

"Oh .... my god .... you're inside me .... I'm yours Eric and at last you're mine .... we're fucking .... oh oh oh,"

Slowly and with short strokes, he began moving in and out of me. I worked with him, holding him with my arms around his shoulders. As the stroke lengthened and my pelvis rose and fell I was floating somewhere above, watching as we worked ourselves into one sweaty blob while he pounded me and I grunted with every stroke, like animals in heat. The friction of his piston sliding in and out of me massaged me into another orgasm. My legs went over his hips and my ankles crossed as I tried to muffle my loudness. I squeezed his body with my legs and heard him grunt as I felt him slam into me as deeply as possible and hold there while his cock spasmed inside me and filled with his semen. I knew when he was finished as he relaxed and just lay on top of me and we both gasped for air.

I squirmed to get from under him and sat up. That's when I became aware that Dawn was sitting across the room from us. She was naked and had obviously been masturbating as she watched me and Eric.

"You two were so fantastic to watch like that. You were so hot Rachel. I had a great orgasm of my own."

Eric chimed in saying, "Well Miss Voyeur, are you ready to give it a try?"

"Nope, sorry Charlie but you're not my brand of tuna."

"Your loss, Babe," Eric remarked.

"Your opinion, Dude," she threw back with a snicker.

By then I thought I knew what was going on but wasn't totally sure.

I said, "What's that all about? I thought you two had been .... you know .... doing stuff together."

Eric kind of snorted and said "Well, we haven't .... but we have. I've been trying for almost a year to get her to do what you and I just did Rachel. She has denied me that pleasure. However, we have slept together and pleased one another in other ways."

"Other ways? what other ways?" I asked in a demanding tone.

Dawn chose to answer and came across to sit with us as she replied, "Sexual ways without actually fucking. We have been partners in manual stimulation as well as orally. I refer to myself as a psuedo-lesbian. By that I mean that I don't really have a penchant for sex with a man but I will as long as it doesn't involve actual intercourse. So, Eric and I have an understanding that we can do all the other things, such as using our hands on each other, kissing and pleasuring each other through oral means. I would prefer a willing female partner but they are much more difficult to find. Does that help you to understand, Rachel?"

"Oh .... my .... god. Yes. Now I know ..... why our conversation took that path. You were sort of feeling me out."

"Yes, I was. But I didn't want to force the issue. Afterall, this night belongs to you and Eric."

As I sat in silence, trying to process all that, I heard Eric saying, ".... the three of us together .... see how it goes?"

Dawn asked as she kissed my cheek, "What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, I was away someplace else. What do I think about what?"

"Eric was suggesting that the three of us stay the remainder of the night in my kingsize bed and just see how we relate and interact together."

"The three of us? In your bed? You have two bedrooms here don't you?" I queried.

"I do but the second one is void of furniture. I'm just a poor college girl you know ..."

Then, back in her chair, she smiled and said, "Yes .... all three of us, is that something you might go along with?"

Before I could say anything, Eric added, "The alternatives are that you can go home alone or stay here with Dawn and I will go home. Taking you back to my apartment is not an option."

I said "Going home alone at this hour isn't going to happen. So I guess I have to choose between staying with Dawn or with the both of you."

Dawn smiled and said, "Either way you are guaranteed a good time, Rachel."

I hesitantly said, "I am sure that you and I could have a great time Dawn, but I started out this evening hoping to find Eric and be with him. So, having said that, I choose both of you."

She replied, "I think you made the right choice. You and Eric can be together all you want and anytime either of you want me to join in .... I will .... and .... I hope you don't mind that I will be watching."

I stood and went to her, leaned over and kissed her as her hands found my breasts and my hand reached for her totally hairless pussy but never quite got there.

Just then I felt Eric's hands on my hips and the bulbous head of his cock pushing against my entrance from behind. Dawn was smiling as she knew what was happening. I leaned down a little more and felt him push deeply into me. She put her arms under mine and held onto me as he delivered full length strokes. I had never been taken from behind like that before as I had always thought missionary was probably best. Boy was I wrong. I loved it like that.

Dawn kissed me and played with my breasts and I rested my head on her shoulder while Eric fucked me hard. Then I felt Dawn's other hand slide over my pubic hair and her fingers found the upper part of my slit. She slowly massaged all around the outside of my clit. I could hear myself moaning and my hips were gyrating in sync with Eric's plunges.

She read my breathing pattern and at just the right time she moved her finger on top of my clit and pressed down hard. I screamed as the heat of passion surged through me and my body gave way to another wild orgasm. I didn't feel Eric shoot off inside me but it was likely too soon for him.

I dropped to my knees and his wet cock slipped from my well stretched love canal. Dawn rubbed my back and shoulders as I came down from my second high of the night.

Softly Dawn spoke, saying, "Aren't you glad you decided to stay?"

All I could do was make a tiny nod of my head and say, "Uh huh,"

"Why don't you carry her to my bedroom Eric? It's much more comfortable in there."

He pulled me around and my arms went around his neck as he helped me stand. With an arm around my shoulders and his other behind my knees, he easily lifted me and carried me to her bed.

The bed was huge, king size and very inviting with all its lacy pillow cases and sheets. Dawn was somewhat of a perfectionist I thought to myself as I lay looking at the ceiling.

Eric started kissing me, everywhere, licking, nibbling and driving me along the way to getting fucked again by his huge love stick. I was ready any time. As he started to make his way up between my legs, Dawn got his attention.

"Why don't you give her the upper position this time?"

He looked at me and said, "Is that alright with you Rachel?"

"As long as you're inside me, I don't care,"

So he lay down beside me and rolled me over on top of him. We kissed and rubbed our bodies together, he massaged my ass cheeks and I was more than ready.

I raised up a little, took his hard cock in my hand and aimed it toward my dripping pussy. I settled down on him and felt the stretch as it went deeper and deeper but without any pain at all this time. Dawn had positioned herself on the edge of the bed, watching our every move as if she was making of movie of it in her mind. This was truly erotic to me. I'm getting pounded really deep and hard while she is watching, yet she has never let him inside her. A true voyeur.

We had been going several minutes and Eric said, "Join us Dawn, you don't have to miss out on all the fun,"

I didn't really catch his drift until she knelt over his face and lowered her hairless pussy to his mouth. Her hands gripped the tall headboard and her hips moved forward and back as she fucked his face.

She said to me, "Play with my tits, Rachel, squeeze me and pinch my nipples,"

I did and she and I were in sync as she moved on his face and I slid up and down on his cock. I moved one hand to rub and massage her nicely rounded ass. Shortly she raised up only to turn around facing me and sat back down on his face. She kissed me, played with my tits which are a bit larger than hers and I played with hers. Dawn kissed me and our tongues played together while the three of us groaned, grunted and moaned together. I reached down to her slick pussy lips, Eric's mouth was there. He licked and sucked my fingers which was extremely erotic to me, then he allowed my fingers inside her while he licked all around the area. Hers was the first pussy other than my own that I had ever touched and I was loving it.

Dawn had the first climax. I thought she was going to knock me off of him but we held onto each other and she got through it. Shortly I had my own orgasm while she was still pinching my nipples. Eric came inside me a few minutes later.

We all were pretty spent and just quietly tried to recover. Eric was between us but Dawn got up and moved over to my side which put me between them. She held me in her arms, kissing my cheek, neck and ear.

Then she said, "You're a real gem Rachel, I can't wait to get you alone with me, .... I want you .... I want you really bad,"

I turned my face to her and kissed her lips, then I said, "We will definitely work that out, .... don't worry .... okay? I love the feel of your hairless pussy,"

She kissed me back and said, "I'd be glad to help you with yours if you want," then I pulled us tight into another kiss and she knew my answer to that.

Soon we were all asleep and nothing else happened until morning came.

I woke up Sunday morning to a bright room. Dawn wasn't in bed. Eric was snoring. I went to the bathroom to pee and found a note from Dawn which said she would be back around 10. I found a clock and saw that it was 8:52 so I had about an hour. I peed and and realized that I wasn't used to anything near his size. I went back to bed and started teasing Eric's cock with my finger tips. When it started getting stiff, I moved over closer and licked it a few times before I slid it into my mouth and started sucking on him.

When he woke up he said, "Oh .... Baby .... what a great alarm clock you are. Move around here where I can get to you."

I did and we did a 69 which didn't last long as we both got off pretty quickly even though I could only get a few inches of him in my mouth. I swallowed his sticky semen noting a slightly bitter taste that I hadn't experienced before from any of my high school partners. Then he started in on me trying to get me heated up enough to fuck again and I kept telling him no because I was a bit sore and didn't want to.

That was pissing him off and I knew I would be glad when Dawn finally came back. He quieted down and said he was going to his apartment for a shower and he would see us later.

Just as I came out of Dawn's shower and was toweling off, she came home and found me in the bathroom.

"Where's Eric?" she asked.

"He got a little pissed at me and went to his own place to shower,"

"What happened?"

"Well, we went down on each other, actually a 69 and after that he wanted to fuck again. I told him I was a bit tender from last night and wasn't up to it .... so he kinda stormed out,"

"Oh well, he'll be back. He's not going to let a hot young chick like you get away after only one night," she said with a laugh.

"You think he liked me .... and my .... you know what I mean,"

"He likes you, but .... I probably shouldn't say anything .... you're young and inexperienced so I am going to anyway, .... he likes a lot of girls or I should say .... young women .... and has a regular visitor on most Saturdays too .... if you know what I mean,"

I nodded and thought about what Dawn had said, then I answered, "I know what you mean .... I don't blame them for wanting him. He is handsome with a big cock and knows what to do with it. He wasn't my first ride but he was definitely the biggest and best I have had. I'm not surprised that he has a regular as well."

"So .... what are you going to do the rest of your week off Rachel?"

"My thinking was that I might just spend the whole week with Eric but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen,"

"How about you just stay here with me? His place is across the hall and two doors down, maybe you can hook up with him more if you are close by."

"You'd let me do that? What about you and Eric? I don't want to ruin whatever you have."

"Rachel, honey, we don't have anything .... just a .... uh .... convenient association. We are not an item .... we just make each other feel good now and then .... plus .... he still thinks he is going to fuck me .... I am a challenge to him,"

"So you really don't fuck him?"

"Hell no, I am a virgin .... I have a real phobia about hetero sex. Just not for me," she said as she smiled at me, "so what do you say?"

"Well, I can't just come over here and stay all week. My parents would have heart attacks if they couldn't get hold of me at noon each day they are gone. So how about this .... I go back to my house and stay until they call and then I am free for the next 24?"

"Sounds fantastic to me .... anyway you can forward your phone here?"

"I don't know but not likely knowing my Dad .... not into that newfangled stuff .... as he calls it. You want to go with me?"

"Yeah .... I think I do," she said and grinned.

I put my arms around her and kissed her as she fondled my bare butt. Then I twirled away and said "I can't go out like this .... I need to put my clothes on,"

"Can I help you?" she snickered.

"We better not risk that, I gotta be there for that phone call, " I said with a reassuring grin and a roll of my eyes.

So away we went to my house. We grabbed a soda and sat on the back porch as we talked about school, our dreams for the future and a multitude of other things, including sexual desires.

About 12:15 the phone rang and it was my Mom. She had called an hour earlier but go no answer and wondered where I was. I told her that I had been having breakfast with a friend.

After a few minutes of hearing about their trip and what they were going to be doing, we said goodbye and I hung up.

I immediately went to Dawn and sat on her lap while we kissed. She rubbed my leg and my free hand wandered to her soft breast.

"You are adventurous aren't you Rachel?"

"A loveley responsive lady such as yourself could make a nun adventurous," I said with a laugh.

"So you have never done anything with a girl before? .... except for last night of course ...."

"Nope, .... never really had an opportunity and the few times I thought about it .... it scared the crap out of me and I knew I could never approach any of my friends with my curiosity,"

As I was sitting, facing her, straddling her legs, it was very easy for Dawn to pull me forward and kiss me. I melted into it with and we shared a rather long, wet, tongue filled kiss.

"You don't seem scared now," she chided me.

"I'm not, .... 'cause I know you aren't going to blab about it to my classmates and friends,"

"Well then .... " she pecked me on the end of my nose and then gave me a short kiss on the lips, "if you'd like to give it a preliminary try .... we are in the perfect private place for it,"

I held her lovely face in both my hands, aligned on each jaw bone, and placed my parted lips on hers. Our tongues danced as our wet lips worked together. Then I broke away and reached for her hands as I stood up.

"You need to see the rest of our house, Dawn .... especially my room,"

It was a quick tour. Up the stairs, past the guest room and bathroom to my room at the end of the hallway. Inside we quickly embraced, kissed and helped each other undress.

The window was behind Dawn and I couldn't help but stand, stare and admire the silhouette of her amazing body. She had that magnificent perfect shape, .... slim .... shoulders tapering to a slim waist which flared into her rounded hips and then flowed into her long, gorgeous legs.

We just stood for several seconds, openly admiring each other's form before we made it to the bed.

Once there, I was anxious and wanted to get started as we kissed and I threw my leg over her hips rubbing myself against her thigh and reached for her hairless pussy. She surprised me by pushing me away from her.

"Relax, Rachel .... let me lead you .... no need to rush .... making love and taking your time to enjoy the adventure can be quite rewarding .... "

"Sorry ...."

"No, no, no .... don't be sorry .... it's just that I want this to be so special for you .... for your first time to really experience sex with another woman .... plus it is going to be special for me as well .... my first time with you. "

"I get it .... okay .... but do I have to be a mannequin?"

"Of course not .... just try to not get ahead of me ...."

I nodded and she kissed me, tenderly, then with increasing force as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I sucked on it and that seemed to please her.

Over the next .... at least half hour .... or maybe more .... she ran her fingers and hands all over me .... followed her fingers with her moist lips and tongue. She kissed and licked behind my knee, down my calf and ankle, then to my feet where she kissed each toe of each foot before she worked her way in the opposite direction, sucking each toe in turn for several seconds.

After kissing her way back up my other leg, her warm, moist mouth covered one of my nipples while her tongue made circles around it and her lips sucked gently on the hard nubbin.

I was squirming and moaning as my skin tingled to all her ministrations. She had me so hot I thought I was going to explode. At no time in my life had I ever been exposed to such stimulating, erotic touches and kisses. Boys never took time to explore and please like that and neither did Eric.

"Are you enjoying yourself Rachel?" she whispered as she licked from my breast up and over my neck to my ear, then across to my lips where she continued to lick around the outside of my mouth.

I didn't answer but when my tongue protruded between my lips, her lips latched onto it and sucked it into her mouth where her own tongue played against mine. I felt my hips squirming and doing small humping motions and my legs were constantly moving.

Her wet tongue began licking circles over my chest and then my abdomen as she made her way lower toward my pelvic region. I was anticipating the feel of her tongue on my pussy lips but felt a bit disappointed when she bypassed that part of me and licked the insides of my thighs. But then she moved back up to lick and nibble that bit of skin between my thigh and pussy. She traced wet circles around my quivering pussy, up and down and across the perineum which caused my buttocks to clench a little.

Her fingers got involved by massaging my outer lips near the top of my slit. Just that rubbing was making me squeeze my eyes tightly shut and seeing flashes of light. Her mouth followed her fingers. Finally her lips touched that magic place where I had wanted her to touch in the beginning.

Her nose nestled in my pubic hair and her lips kissed my closed slit. She kissed it again, pressing harder, then again and the pressure was forcing my lips apart. Then I felt her tongue touch the inner portion of my lips. Up and down she licked, then to the other side, up and down, all the time pushing deeper until I could feel her tongue at my entrance where she plunged her tongue tip in and out several times.

By this time I was a mass of jelly. My body was tingling, squirming, sweating and enjoying the most exciting sexual time of my life. And it was really just beginning.

Her fingers tugged my lips apart and the licking intensified. Then her mouth covered my clit area and she sucked hard at me and flicked her tongue all around while inserting her fingers inside me.

I erupted at that point, spouting unintelligible sounds, pushing my hips up to her magic mouth and tongue. My first ever orgasm brought on by another woman washed over me, shaking me like an earthquake. Several waves of convulsive tremors followed, one after the other. Dawn was relentless. She kept sucking and licking as I kept moaning and gasping for air.

Finally, her fingers pulled out of me, her head moved and her lips and tongue kissed the insides of my legs, then up and over my pussy. She continued slowly up my body to my breasts which she licked, wetting them with whatever was on her tongue.

By the time she got to my mouth with hers, I was breathing a little easier and she started kissing me. I kissed back as best I could until she just laid down on top of me and put her head beside mine. I hugged her tightly against me and we both just stayed there for a couple of minutes.

"Well, what do you think of girl-girl sex?"

"Unbelievable, Dawn .... I never in my wildest .... ever thought it would be like that .... so fulfilling .... my god I thought I might pass out .... I was so light headed, seeing flashes of light .... you are absolutely incredible,"

She said softly, "I have to ask you this .... did that happen .... did you have those intense feelings .... last night when Eric was fucking you?"

I was a bit dumbfounded by the question at first. Then I gave it more thought.

"Actually Dawn, I didn't, .... oh yeah .... it was intense .... and I orgasmed with him .... but .... not like what happened with you. You brought feelings to me that I had never even dreamed were possible, .... how .... where did you learn all that?"

"Experience mostly I guess .... but I had a very good teacher for a while too .... plus .... it pleases me so much to be able to induce all that pleasure in another woman, .... your being satisfied is my reward,"

I raised a little and turned to kiss her, again tasting myself on her lips.

"I have learned a lot already today. I hope school isn't over yet," I said to her.

"What else would you like to learn?"

"I want to learn to give back to you .... what you just gave me, so much pleasure .... caring and tenderness ...."

With that statement, I moved around onto my knees so I could begin my very first attempt at giving oral sex to another girl. I made a great effort to remember and duplicate all the things she had done with me. I am sure I forgot and missed a few but as I made my way around and over her body, her breasts and nipples, with my lips, tongue and hands, she seemed to be enjoying it nevertheless. Feeling pleased with my progress, when I got my face close to her bald pussy, I backed off and just admired the way it looked. Then I lowered my mouth to her smooth, wet lips and kissed her there. That was the opener. Her taste was sweet and tangy, very similar to my own, which was pleasing to me.

Vigorously I dove into her and licked, sucked and fingered her tight, wet canal. Dawn was moaning and squirming as I made a concerted effort to keep my mouth on her. She pushed her hips up to me and I devoured her with my tongue and lips. She was very vocal and kept encouraging me to keep going .... lick harder .... suck me .... which pushed me to try harder to please her. When she erupted into an orgasmic fit, I felt as if she was going to knock me off the bed. I held onto her thighs and rode out the convulsive motions of her gorgeous body.

Continuing my assault on her, she experienced one or two more aftershocks before she went limp beneath me. I moved to lick, kiss and nibble the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs. That kept her squirming a little as she came down from the high she had been on.

I moved up to lay beside her and listened to her breathing .... actually more like gasping .... but soon she quieted down and was back near normal.

"You are a very quick study Rachel. Are you sure this is your first time?" she asked.

"Oh for sure it is. I wonder though, why did I wait so long? .... you're fantastic .... and I really loved going down on you and making you feel so good. Did I do alright?"

"Did you do alright, .... my god girl .... if I didn't know better .... I would have thought you were an experienced veteran,"

I kissed her and she sucked my tongue into her mouth. We kissed for quite a long time before we separated and she said, "I think I need a nap, how about you?"

I agreed and we pulled the sheet over us and in a very short time we were both asleep.

It was late afternoon before either of us woke up and I was first. I gingerly pulled the sheet from covering her and just admired her body. She was so gorgeous. Full dark hair, slightly flared nose, beautiful lips which were a teensy bit thicker than most. Her breasts were magnificent with no sag when she was standing, flat tummy and oh such enviable legs. Then I said to myself, "I've never thought of another woman in those terms, am I like her?"

I kissed her and she stirred a little, her eyes fluttered and she said, "Is it time to get up?"

"Well, it is after 5 and I think we both could stand a shower or bath,"

"OK, .... if we do a bath first, I can teach you about shaving and then we can finish off in the shower, how about that?"

"Sounds good to me .... I hope to get with Eric tonight and I would like to surprise him with a clean shaven .... playground."

She snickered and said, "I am sure he will notice .... and he will like it .... several times he has commented that he likes mine,"

So into the bathroom, I filled the tub with warm water while Dawn readied the shaving lather and the razor. We both got into the tub and after I was nice and wet she had me sit on the side of the tub with my legs as far apart as I could get them. I held them wide with my hands on my knees.

After smearing me with the foamy lather and letting it soak for a couple of minutes, she began to shave me and instructed me to hold as still as possible. It was so erotic .... her holding and pulling on my outer lips so she could shave away the hair .... then rubbing with her fingertips to ensure she didn't leave any stubble. She was methodical and careful. When she finished she told me to turn around, lean over the tube edge and put my hands on the floor.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, you dont want any hair on or between your butt cheeks do you?"

"Do you shave back there too?"

"Yes, but I can't really do it myself .... Eric usually does that part for me .... so now I get to do yours .... is that OK?"

"Do you think he would do mine for me?"

"Probably .... but why don't you let me do it this time so you can surprise him .... then you can ask him to do you there next time?"

"I'll do that, .... so clean me up back there .... make me slick and shiny,"

As she was carefully removing the hairs, she was actually humming softly. Obviously she was enjoying it.

She slapped my butt cheeks when she was done and said, "Just maybe Rachel .... I could .... uhhh .... get you to do me back there next time I need it? I'd much rather have it done by another girl instead of Eric."

"You trust me to do that?"

"Sure, just be careful as you are when you shave your legs and everything will be fine,"

Still leaning over the tub, I ran my hands over my mound, my pussy lips and then my fingers explored my butt cleft. It felt so smooth and silky to me.

"Before you get up, let me do one more thing," she said and then I felt her fingers pulling my cheeks apart.

She licked up my open cleft, all the way to my tailbone and back down to my anal opening, where she ran her tongue around and around and probed at the opening with her tongue tip. I was in no position to move very much but the tingles she induced were very arousing.

"Did you like that?"

"What's not to like, .... you are just full of surprises aren't you?"

"You are just so beautiful, all over, I wanted to be the first one to lick you there."

"And you definitely were the first .... I presume you like doing that and like having it done to you as well?"

"I do .... but not many people I have met are that adventurous,"

"I am," I replied, "assume the position,"

She did, so I took a towel and blotted her dry before I kissed all around her buttocks and eventually licked up and down her cleft as she had done to me. At first I was a little shocked and repulsed at the tanginess but after a couple of licks I got over that. Her moaning helped too.

"That felt so good, Rachel. I loved it. We will have to put that on our agenda for another day."

We kissed a couple of times, sharing the lingering taste of each other. Then we got into the shower together and took a quick rinse off with the warm water as we kissed and tweaked nipples before we finished.

Dressed and downstairs, I dragged a couple of frozen burgers from the freezer and lit the grill out back on the patio. We ate burgers and chips followed by an ice cream bar for desert before heading off to Dawn's apartment.

So for the next week, I spent every night at Dawn's aparment. She didn't seem to mind at all to allow Eric and I to have sex in her bed or on her sofa. He was insistent about not using his apartment with me because of the danger to his career. I didn't care where we were, as long as I was getting fucked by him .... and I did .... several times .... Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights .... then we were together again on Thursday and Friday but not on Saturday. Wednesday was out because he said he had something he had to do. I had no knowledge of who he did it with on Saturday and Dawn seemed vague about it. But .... Dawn was a very capable and amiable stand in for him. We both enjoyed several orgasms those two evenings without Eric's help.

Sunday morning Dawn and I had a fun morning which involved a long, sensual playtime, finalized with a very erotic round in the 69 position.

Before I left for home, I walked down by Eric's door. I stood and listened and heard nothing. I lightly pecked on the door but got no answer. I was curious but I just walked away and went home.

Then as quickly as it had started, Spring Break was over and it was back to classes, homework and what have you during the week. Against Mom and Dad's objections, I spent weekends with Dawn. Friday nights Eric and I fucked like rabbits and the following Saturday and Saturday nights were for Dawn and I. That's when I began to realize that I was happily looking forward to my time with her. For the next several weeks that was the regimen .... one night with Eric and a whole day and night with Dawn. I still didn't quite comprehend what was going on with Eric but I was enjoying his big cock and his stamina.

It was nearing graduation and that Saturday morning I just happened to be out in the hallway. I heard a tapping on a door and turned to see a lovely blond lady standing at Eric's door. When she turned my way, I recognized her. She was Margot Miller, a teacher at the middle school that I had attended and where I first met Eric. I knew she was married and wondered what was going on but she didn't seem to recognize me.

Dawn later answered my curiosity by telling me that since she had moved to this apartment, Eric and Margot had been getting together almost every Saturday. Her husband was a golf nut and she enjoyed being with Eric while hubby was out on the golf course. It was then I began to truly realize that he wasn't the prize I had believed him to be. Plus, during that time, I had also become even more anxious to be with Dawn and enjoyed my time with her so much that Eric was beginning to lose his glow for me even before I saw Margot at his door.

My realization that I and especially Eric were just using each other as an outlet for lust loomed huge in my mind and I began to think more and more about the time I spent with Dawn. She seemed to truly enjoy my being there as well and as far as I knew, Eric and I were her only partners.

After my graduation, Dawn, for the summer, was working in the offices of an investment group. Finance was her college major. I was doing some writing at home and spending some time at the newspaper and one of the TV stations, editing news and trying to write articles on my own.

We still had our weekends but Eric wasn't always around on Fridays anymore and neither Dawn nor I really knew what he was up to. Then one Friday night he told us he was going to be gone for a week to California. We assumed it was to visit his relatives but later found out it was for a job interview which led to a position for him and he would be moving in a few weeks to relocate there.

He and I had a couple more wild sessions in Dawn's bed but the fire was dying rapidly for Eric and I both. I could feel it but I didn't really care that much anymore since I knew he was somewhat of a rounder and likely to stay that way. We had our fun together and it was time to move on I guess. That was about the time that I decided I should go get tested for STDs and HIV. I was kind of naive in the beginning I guess, overcome with lust and just wanted to get what I had been craving for all that time.

Fortunately my tests were all negative. Dawn and I both were thankful for that. I never made it with Eric again after that. He didn't seem to mind so I guess he had someone else taking care of his urges. He hadn't been doing anything with Dawn either. Kind of like he abandoned us but neither of us was upset. A few weeks before classes started for Dawn and I, Eric moved out and left us.

Dawn and I talked at length about school and what I was going to be doing. I had planned to go into a dorm to get away from home. Since I was going to attend the local State University, which was where Dawn went, and it was only two blocks away from her apartment, she inferred that instead of being a dorm rat, maybe I would rather stay with her.

Between the two of us we decided that was a workable situation. It would be cheaper for me than living on campus and it would help Dawn out with her finances since I could pay my own way. Of course my parents were a bit dubious to say the least. They liked Dawn but didn't know she was lesbian, nor did they have any idea how far I leaned in that direction. Eventually they gave in with the promise that I would at least try to visit them on weekends when I could.

Dad moved my bed, dresser and chest of drawers to Dawn's apartment. He was a bit dubious but after he saw her apartment, it's size and the two bedrooms with two baths, he was more at ease.

As I began to truly realize what was happening to me, .... living with Dawn .... having sex with Dawn .... sleeping in her room with my room as a sham .... I was living a lesbian life. Was I upset about that? Not at all and the more I thought about it .... the more it seemed to me .... that was where I belonged. We were such a compatible couple. Everything just seemed to fall into place for us.

One night, after we had been roomies for a few weeks, lying in bed together, Dawn asked me, "Are you happy here with me?"

I gave it some thought and said, "Yes, I am .... very much so .... I was a bit apprehensive at first and thought I would just give it a try and see how it went, .... I love it Dawn, I really love being here with you, .... in every way that you can imagine,"

"You don't reminisce about Eric?"

"Oh, I think about him some .... not often .... he fulfilled something in my life that I thought I needed .... and at the time I guess I did need that .... but .... I don't really miss him. You are so much better for me than he was."

"So .... what are you thoughts and feelings for me Rachel?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you view me as your lover? .... or just someone you live with and have the convience of casual sex .... are you really into what we do with each other? Tell me how you feel ... "

"Ohhh kayyyy .... I think of us as lovers .... I am always anxious for the weekends so we can have more private time together. I had never thought of being lesbian, even though I had curiosities about lesbianism even before you and I met. I was so star struck with Eric I couldn't think about much else. Now .... I see that he was a passing fancy for me and I was a piece of meat for him."

Dawn said, "And what about .... "

"I'm not quite finished with my answer if you don't mind, "

"Sorry Sweetie, .... please go on,"

"Now then .... what about us? I think and feel that we are real .... the comfort and satisfaction that I sense with you is just overwhelming sometimes. I can't wait to get back home to you when I am out somewhere. Dawn .... I love you .... I .... "

"Stop right there, " Dawn blurted out, " Are you sure you know what you're saying?"

"Yes, I do,"

Instantly she was on top of me, kissing me, my arms went around her and squeezed her body to mine.

She whispered in my ear, "I hope neither of us ever regrets this moment .... I love you too Rachel. I think I fell for you that first night at the club. You were so lovely to look at, your body against mine as we danced was so hot and we seemed to mold together so easily. But I knew you wanted Eric and I also knew how he operated .... so .... I was pretty sure I could spend some time with you myself .... if you turned out to be as adventurous as I thought you might. That's why I asked you in the car about other women .... I had to decide how to start and how hard to push."

"May I speak?" I said softly.

"Go ahead,"

"I was obsessed with him since I was thirteen. I never really got over him for those couple of years with no contact. Then when he showed up on staff at my high school, I was more determined than ever. Had I been strong enough, physically I mean, I probably would have raped him. Thanks to you, I got what I wanted. It was actually even more fulfilling than my fantasies had me believing. Eric was .... is .... a fantastic lover. He would never have been mine alone. I know that now but my tunnel vision saw otherwise. Now .... I have a new fantastic lover .... you .... and I love you so very much .... and if I ever lose you .... it will be your doing .... not mine."

That night we had the most passionate lovemaking session I had ever experienced. Yes it even surpassed that first time with Eric on Dawn's sofa. Daylight was near when we both went to sleep, exhausted and happily spooned together, her front to my backside.

When I awoke later, I just lay there staring at the ceiling. Dawn was still sleeping, lying on her side facing me. I heard her as she whispered, "I love you, Rachel,"

She was talking in her sleep .... maybe dreaming of me .... I felt her love and knew this was where I was meant to be.

The next morning I shook her awake and said, "We have a chore to take care of."

"Chore? what chore?"

"My parents .... they have not a clue about us and I think it is time ...."

"Oh my god .... are you up for that Rachel?"

"Probably not but I am going to do it anyway .... it's time they knew .... you will go with me won't you?"

"You sure you want me there when you come out to them?"

"Absolutely .... I do .... you and I are a couple and that's the image I want them to see."

"Okay .... Miss Daredevil .... I'm with you,"

A little later in the morning, we ventured to see my parents.

After a lot of small talk and my dropping a few hints about how well Dawn and I were doing, I decided it was time.

"Mom .... Dad .... I think it is time you knew .... Dawn and I are a couple. We are together in our lives."

Neither of them said a word for at least a full minute, before Mom said, "We didn't raise you to be with another woman. I was afraid that this is what was happening to you."

"Mom .... don't blame Dawn and don't blame yourself. No one is at fault here."

Dad spoke up, "I'm sorry Rachel, but I cannot accept this .... not at all ...." and he left the room.

I started crying and Mom did too, then she said, "I guess your Dad has spoken for both of us. I just don't understand any of it. I know they say you are born with it but who really knows? I can only hope that you and Dawn are happy in your life together," then she left the room.

We were both in a bit of shock I guess. I certainly didn't expect such a complete brush off.

"Let's go," I said to Dawn, "they need some time,"

They must have needed a lot of time. As our life progressed, Dawn graduated and got a job right away. I still had another year of college. We stayed in that same apartment until I finished my degree. Dawn had been sending out her resume to a bunch of potential employers. In all that time, my parents had ignored our existence but they continued with the monetary support that had been set aside for me so I had to assume that they still considered me as their obligation if not a daughter.

Shortly after my graduation, which Mom and Dad attended but we still were alienated, Dawn got an interview with a large financial company in a west coast metropolis. She got the job and since I could work from home, we moved to the west coast. I wrote a letter to my parents telling them of our move.

No response was received but I kept trying as I gave them our phone numbers and addresses as we had moved again after the first year of our new life together.

Two years later, Mom called and said Dad had died of a massive heart attack. I flew home to be with her. Dawn chose to stay away. When I arrived, Mom asked about Dawn's absence. I just told her how it was and that she didn't feel that she should be present.

After a phone call and a lengthy talk, Mom informed me that Dawn would be arriving next morning. I was glad.

Following the funeral, the three of us had a long talk and learned that Mom had not been as adamant as my Dad but she had to keep the peace with him. She was very understanding and apologetic for all the time we had been at odds. Dawn and I went back home with a whole different feeling about things.

Another year passed and we bought a home in a suburban area. We had both been making good money and found a really nice place which had a small guest house on the property. We agreed it would be a perfect spot for my Mom .... if she wanted to that is.

As it turned out, she did want to and after selling her own home, she came to live with us. While I am writing this, she is still here and enjoying her new life.

Dawn and I adopted a little girl and a year later, a little brother for her to pick on and fight with as they grow up.

Life is good.

\\ The End ///


Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments or questions to ... Suzi .... storeegurl@inbox.com

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