Rachel's Curse

By Phil Stevens

Published on Nov 13, 1998



Rachel's Curse by Phil Stevens ==============================

Although it is now much later, I have decided that I have no choice but to write this story and say what happened to me. I am Paul Wilkins. When I met Rachel, it was quite literally love at first sight. We met in a bar and something just clicked between us. I was actually expecting to pick her up that night and have sex with her. Well I was to be disappointed as it just didn't happen, but at the end of the night, she did give me her telephone number.

Over the next few weeks and months, we started dating. At each date we talked, danced and kissed, but she never allowed us to go further than that. She looked good at five foot four with fiery red hair and a great figure. However, it was more than just how she looked. I soon found that I really liked her as a person as well.

After about two months, things began to get difficult. I was crazy about her. She was everything I had ever dreamed of. I think I was really beginning to fall for her. I wanted to take her to bed and make mad passionate love to her all night long, but I could tell she was holding back. I had even briefly met her family and I knew they approved of me. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to go further, but something was stopping her from going that extra mile.

I had slept around before. I was a young executive climbing the corporate ladder, but that did not stop me from playing the field. Usually if I could not get into a girls panties within a few weeks I would blow it all off. However, with Rachel I felt she might be worth the wait. I had never felt like this about any girl before. I had lusted for plenty, but never felt feelings like this.

We went out one Friday evening and she was wearing a dark blue dress. She always made herself look fantastic, which only made my own sexual arousal worse. We had a superb dinner, but when I stepped in for a coffee at her apartment, I decided that now was a good time to talk to her.

I did not want to lose her. After all, I think I was falling in love with her. I just had to know what the problem was. It was a little difficult talking about something like this, so I just tried the direct approach and crossed my fingers.

"Rachel, we've been going together for nearly three months and you know I really like you," I paused. These things are never as easy once you start talking, "Rachel, are you attracted to me."

I could see the look in her face. She was worried. "Yes," she answered.

"Then... well..." I stammered getting lost for words. Oh, well time for improvisation, "Look, Rachel. If you're the sort of person that doesn't believe in sex before marriage, then fair enough. I like you enough and maybe I can deal with it, but I'd like to know where I stand." I wasn't sure if I could deal with no sex before marriage, but it sounded good. My heart was beating faster. I thought I had put it over well enough, but you never can tell.

"Oh. I want to," she replied.

"Then... what's the problem," I said. I asked it more as a question than a suggestion. By now, I just wanted to find out what was holding her back. Although I would have quite happily had sex tonight, I would prefer to discover the problem instead.

She seemed to stare ahead thinking. I couldn't make out exactly what she was thinking with that expression. I just knew she wanted to do it, but I could not work out what was holding her back.

"Okay, lets do it," she said looking straight at me.

I was slightly surprised. As I said, I just wanted to find out what was holding her back. Part of me would have preferred to find out the problem now and have sex another time, but the animal part of me wanted the sex now and worry about the rest another time.

"Are you sure," I asked. I mentally kicked myself. "Don't talk her out of it, you fool," I said to myself.

A smile lit her face. "Yeah. I'm sure," she said.

She stood up, reached behind her, unzipped her dress and let it drop to the floor. She was a real sight before me and my jaw dropped wide open in awe of her. She was wearing all black underwear, bra, garter belt, stockings and panties. With her red hair cascading over her shoulders, my cock was as hard as a rock. She kicked off her high heels then moved towards me and sat across my legs.

She leaned down and kissed me tenderly, sending me into pleasure heaven as I reached up and touched her large round breasts. I reached round to unfasten her bra, but she pulled back and stopped me.

"Not yet. Feel them through it," she said as she guided my hands to the cups of her bra.

After waiting for this for nearly three months, I think I would have done practically anything she asked me to. She unbuckled my pants and pulled them down slightly before freeing my very erect cock from my boxers. She stroked it. I thought I was going to come right away and I pulled her hands away.

"Wait," she said as she reached over to her purse and pulled out a small condom in its wrapper. Part of me was a little disappointed. I never did like condoms that much, but I was so turned on, that I was prepared to fuck her any way she wanted.

She put the condom on me with almost expert precision and she then pulled down her panties. I could she was wearing them inside her suspenders, so they would not go down very far, but far enough for what we were about to do.

She lifted up my cock and aimed it straight at her red haired pussy. I had never seen it until now and it was a very welcome sight. Whenever you have trouble getting a girl to bed, sometimes you start to think if she has a hidden secret, like she is really a guy or something.

She lowered herself onto me. Her pussy was tight, very tight even for a twenty-two year old. She clearly hasn't had too many boyfriends, so I penetrated slowly. Her pussy gripped my cock hard. This was everything I had imagined.

She started slowly riding up and down on my cock. I had grabbed hold of her tits again through her bra, kneading her nipples as well as I could. I knew this was going to be over far too quickly, but at least we would have done it. This was going to be the first of hopefully many times. I knew I was close. Almost as I thought this I felt my cock tense up. I was just about to come.

I continued to ride up and down on her cock until she gasped. At this point, I knew she was about to come, so I clamped down on her cock gripping it tight. She still had her hands on my tits and she squeezed my nipples through the bra. I slowed down a little allowing Rachel to enjoy her orgasm as she continued to pump her seed into the condom, part of me wishing she didn't have to wear a condom. I was too nervous to come, but at least she enjoyed it.

At this point, the realization began to filter through to me. Looking back, I still find it difficult to comprehend the feeling I felt, but I will never ever forget it.

Over the next few seconds, I slowly began to realize what was happening. Less than a minute ago, I had been sitting down while Rachel straddled my legs and fucked me. Now I was sitting across my own legs fucking my old cock. My old hands were on my tits.

I had tits. "Holy shit," I thought, "I'm Rachel. I'm fucking my own body."

I jumped up and backwards at the same time forcing my old cock out of my pussy. I immediately lost my balance and fell over. My old body also got up. Something told me Rachel was now controlling my old body but I wasn't entirely sure. I struggled to get to my feet and run out of the door.

"It's okay," my old body said as it blocked my path, hands held out in front of it. I ignored it and pushed past, but my old body grabbed me by from behind by throwing both it's arms around my waist and lifting me off the floor slightly. I struggled to break free but my new body was now much weaker in comparison. I was also at least six inches smaller.

If I had still been wearing Rachel's high heels, I would have probably tried to stab its feet to get away. Then again, if I had been wearing her heels I probably would not have been able to even stand up in the first place.

"Calm down. Everything will be alright," my old body said.

We have all heard people tell us to calm down before and it's usually good advice. But when you've suddenly become your own girlfriend and your old body is now holding you from behind, it doesn't quite have the same ring to it, so I continued to struggle, but my old body was simply too strong for me. It held me gently but firmly.

"What's happening," I shrieked hysterically while still struggling, "Let me go," I demanded.

"Paul, everything will be okay. We've just swapped places for a while," my old body responded.

"Rachel," I asked, trying to look round as I stopped struggling.

"Yes. It's me in here. I'm in your body and now and you're in mine," my old body responded.

I now knew that Rachel was controlling my old body. This reassured me in some ways, I did not have to think of my old body as an 'it' anymore, but in other ways, I became more worried. Rachel clearly knew exactly what was going on.

"I'm going to release you now, okay," she said as she turned me around, so I was no longer facing the door and she released me. "Sit down and I'll explain everything," she said softly.

Rachel pulled up her boxers over her softening cock, which was still contained in the condom. She then pulled up her pants, which had been round her ankles all this time. At this point, I realized just how exposed I was. I was wearing Rachel's garter belt, panties, stockings and her bra. Almost as if she read my mind, she handed me my shirt, or was it her shirt now. Hell. Anyway, I quickly put in on. I pulled the panties back up, covering my bare crotch. I then sat down on the couch.

Rachel sat down, still bare chested beside me and took my hands. This felt uncomfortable to me, having my hands held like this by a man.

"Paul. I know this is a shock for you, but please let me explain," she said. I just looked at her blankly. I mean, what can you say in a situation like that.

"We've been going out for several months now and I really, really like you," she paused and took a breath, "I know you've wanted to make love to me for a while. What you do not know is that I have wanted to make love to you just as badly. Now you know why I haven't," she said as she waved her hand at my new body.

"Is... t-this... p-p-permanent," I stuttered out.

"No. But we can't turn back for a full twenty four hours."

"H-How," I said looking down at myself still finding it difficult to believe I was now Rachel.

"It's a long story and I promise to tell it to you one day. But right now, I think you need a drink. I'm going to get one. Do you promise not to try and run off again."

I nodded. I was slightly calmer now and no longer wanted to run away. After all, I wanted my old body back and I would go nowhere fast dressed like this. Rachel went over to a cabinet to fetch me a drink. I took this chance to look over my body. Of course, I had looked it up and down many times before, but never from this angle. I could feel my red hair over my shoulders. I reached my hands up and gently touched by boobs. My legs seemed silky smooth, especially in the sheer stockings I now wore.

Rachel brought the drink back over. My hands were shaking slightly as I took a drink from it.

"Don't gulp it down as much. Your body's a lot smaller now. You can't take as much alcohol," Rachel warned. I took her advice before placing it down on the coffee table.

"Rachel. What's happened? I mean what's really happened," I pleaded.

Rachel twisted slightly to face me before explaining; "I've been cursed. I won't go into all the details now, but to put it simply, every time I have sex with someone, I switch places with that person at the point of orgasm."

"But why didn't you tell me. Why do... this."

"Because you would have never believed me. I'm sorry I had to do it this way, but there was no other way to make you understand. If I had told you this would happen, you would have thought I was crazy."

I suppose she was right. If she had walked in the door and said, "right, I want to make love to you. Oh, by the way, at the end of it all you'll be me, okay," I would have thought she had lost her mind. Nevertheless, at the time, I did feel that switching bodies without telling me was a bit extreme.

"So how do we switch back," I asked. Rachel just looked at me with a pained expression on her face. I quickly put two and two together and my stomach lurched at the conclusion.

"You're fucking joking, right," as I looked up and down at my old body. The mere thought of even touching that body almost made me physically sick, "Tell me there's another way, please."

"We don't have to have sex," she said which made me sigh with relief, until her next line almost scared me half to death, "sexual intercourse that is, but we are going to have to have some form of sexual contact"

"I can't do it," I blurted out, "I'm not gay"

"Well, ideally you won't have to do anything. All you have to do is lay back and let my fingers do the work. Turn out the lights and you will never even know it's your old body. If I can get you to come, you'll probably enjoy it."

"No. I can't," I repeated.

"Well, we can't for another day anyway. Whenever I transfer, I have to wait twenty fours hours before I can transfer again. Even if we were to have full sex tonight, we wouldn't switch back."

"So, you mean I've got to spend a day like this," I said. I wasn't sure what I was more afraid of, having sex with my former body, or spending just one single day as a woman.

Rachel nodded. "You're in shock now," she said as she took the drink from me, "Let me put you to bed. I'll sleep in here on the couch. We can talk in the morning. It's Saturday tomorrow and neither of us have anything important to do."

Rachel did as promised. We didn't talk much more that night, partially because I was in no mood for it. Rachel took me to her bedroom. As she started to undress me, I tried to push her away. I again realized just how much a strength difference there was now.

"Okay, if you think you can undo your bra on your own, go right ahead," she said looking straight at me, "I'm not going to touch you, just put you to bed."

I eventually relented and allowed her to undress me. She unfastened my bra. It was so strange to think of it as 'my' bra.

"Why didn't you let me take of your bra when we were... you know," I asked her.

"Because I didn't want you to be completely naked after we switched. That's why I put a condom on you. I didn't want you to have your own cum dripping out of your new pussy. You might not have been able to handle it."

I shuddered at the thought that I actually had a cock inside me. It all happened so quickly and I did not really remember that part very well, but I did remember that it was a very strange sensation having my pussy filled like that.

Rachel continued as she removed my stockings, "It's also the same with the high heels. I knew you would probably pull back. If you had still been wearing them you could have fallen over and broken an ankle."

"You really had all this planned didn't you," I said with a hint of bitterness.

"No," she said looking straight at me, "I didn't plan on doing this tonight. If I had, perhaps things would have been better, but when you suggested it, I just couldn't hold out any longer. I am really sorry it had to happen this way. Sit on the bed."

I sat down on the bed. I felt incredibly vulnerable sitting on the bed completely naked. Rachel offered me one of her nightgowns, but I said I preferred to sleep naked. When the covers were pulled over me, Rachel said.

"Now, I'll be in the other room. You get a good nights sleep and don't worry. We'll sort all this out tomorrow," she then planted a kiss on my forehead and left the room.

"Don't worry," I thought. How can I not worry when I'm laying here in bed with tits and a cunt? I had always thought that when I eventually went to sleep in Rachel's bed that Rachel would be in the bed with me. Well, she is in bed with me... at least her body... oh hell you know what I mean.

A few minutes later I heard a man crying in the other room. For an instant, I wondered who it was, until I realized it was Rachel. "What the hell was she crying for?" I wondered. I thought that I was the one that had something to cry for.

I soon felt drowsy. I assumed that Rachel put some sort of sleeping tablets in that drink she gave me. It wasn't long before I fell asleep still trying to comprehend what has happened and trying to work out what to do.

I woke up reasonably early the next morning. Sleeping had been okay but once I had woken up, I found I could not get back to sleep again. My tits seemed to keep moving around on my chest. They were not that uncomfortable but they were a constant reminder of what had happened. After a while curiosity compelled me to feel them.

When I gently caressed them, I found it seemed to excite a part of me. I had thought about doing the same with my new crotch, but held back. I remembered Rachel saying something like she wanted me to orgasm tonight in order to get my proper body back. I did not fully understand how the female sex drive worked, so I didn't want to spend myself now and be incapable of cumming tonight.

Once I got out of bed, I had to put something on. I could wear one of Rachel's nightgowns or search through and find some clothes to wear. Rachel had taken away my old shirt, which I had worn after our transfer. I thought about calling to Rachel for help, but I did not want to admit to her that I couldn't do something as simple as get dressed and more importantly, I didn't want her male eyes to see me completely naked again.

I found her underwear drawer and picked out a pair of panties, which I put on. I also saw some of her bras in there. I picked one up and toyed with the idea of wearing it. I really didn't want to wear it, but I could see that I needed it. My boobs just kept bouncing around. I decided that it was likely that Rachel would talk me into wearing one anyway and I would prefer to put one on myself than have her hands all over my body again.

I knew I couldn't hook it up behind me, so I fastened it the wrong way around and twisted it back before pulling it up over my boobs. They seemed strangely larger from this perspective. It felt restrictive having all this elastic wrapped round my chest.

Then I searched through her wardrobe. I had intended to wear some plain clothes, but the trouble was I couldn't find any. Rachel had always dressed in a feminine way, but I had assumed that she had some more normal clothes. However, if she did, I couldn't find them. So I eventually settled on one of her blouses and a long loose skirt.

When putting on the blouse, it took me a few seconds to realize that the buttons were on the wrong side. I felt so silly wearing these clothes. After it was all done, I looked in her bedside mirror and all I could see was Rachel staring back. My hair was a bit of a mess and my makeup was old, but it was still Rachel staring back at me.

"Oh well, time to face the world, or at least Rachel," I thought as I headed for the door.

When I got into the kitchen, Rachel was startled to see me. As soon as she saw me, she looked up and down my body. I think she was just as surprised to see me wearing a skirt.

"Morning," she said with some trepidation, "sleep well." I nodded. "I'm making breakfast. I was just about to bring it to you in bed. Have a seat," she said.

I sat down as she finished making it and she brought it to me. As I started to eat it, she said, "I see you've found some... clothes." Clearly the skirt was bothering her. I could tell that she wanted to ask me about it, or rather, how I felt about wearing it, but I guessed she didn't want me to blow up in her face so she held back.

Although I did still felt a bit angry, I was hardly going to make a fuss while she still had my body. Apart from the fact that I felt more vulnerable as a female I needed to get my old body back and did not want to push her too far. Still, I felt that I had the upper hand here so I said nothing and kept her thinking while I ate my breakfast.

When we were finished, I broke my silence, "So, now tell me everything about this curse."

Rachel seemed relieved that I had finally said something to her, "Well I can't tell you my history yet, or how I got it, but I will tell you how it works," she paused briefly, "Every time I have sex with someone I switch places with that person. The transfer is triggered by an orgasm, from either me or the person I'm making love to. As soon as one of us comes, we switch places instantly. It's as simple as that."

"And so I'm going to have to.... fuck you to get my old body back," The thought of this was making my body shiver.

"No, like I said last night we don't have to have sex. But we will have to... do something. I'll explain it later."

"Okay," I said wanting to put it out of my mind for now. But another awkward question sprung to mind. This had been bothering me ever since the transfer last night and it had haunted me yet again as I was lying in bed unable to sleep this morning. There was no easy way of putting it over, "Last night when we made that switch, it was so... weird... I mean when I was first in your body, I... I... " I tried to finish but couldn't form the words.

"What you're trying to say is that in those first few seconds, you couldn't see anything wrong in fucking a man, could you," she finished for me. I didn't say anything, but it was true. In the few seconds that followed the transfer, it was as if I had done it a hundred times before. I could not see anything wrong in it.

"It's perfectly normal," she said, "You see, in the first few seconds, you're just an observer in that body. Your body continued to act and feel as if I was still in it. You felt what I felt. That's why you kept fucking me even after your transfer. The same happens for me. Sometimes you even think what that person thought."

"So how long does it take to get control," I asked, worried that I might still be acting like Rachel. It just occurred to me that I had just got dressed in her clothes.

"About five to ten seconds. And it's gradual. Did it sort of filter through to you what was happening," I nodded, "Yeah. That's perfectly normal."

"So after say fifteen seconds, I'm in complete control," I said, once again wanting to be reassured that I'm still mentally male.

"You're in complete control of the body. But you still have to accept the emotional state of the new body for a few minutes. You do not have to respond to it, but you have to feel it. Imagine last night that when you fucked me, I was as horny as hell. Then when we switched, you would have been as horny as hell. Now whether or not you respond to that is still up to you, but you would have still felt horny for a few minutes."

She continued, "I was hoping to be a bit more aroused when we switched last night. I hoped it would have made it easier for you, but I was just too anxious and that anxiety got transferred to you."

"So right now, I'm in absolute control," I asked. Although this was the third time I had asked, I still wanted complete assurance that I was not acting like a woman.

Rachel smiled, "Don't worry, you won't start acting like me if that's what you are worried about," she said. I felt a little embarrassed that she had been able to read me so easily.

She finally looked at my body once again and said, "So do you want me to find you some pants and a shirt, or do you want to be dressed like that all day." She was smiling as she said it, which put me at ease a little.

Rachel found me some pants and a shirt. They were tucked away deep in one of her drawers.

"Why are all these hidden away. Don't you ever wears pants," I asked.

"No," she replied.

"Why," I asked. I had always thought she was feminine, but never this feminine. She stopped for a minute.

"I don't know. I think its part of the curse. Whenever I am a woman, I only want to wear women's clothes. I simply don't feel comfortable in pants. But now, when I'm a guy, I wouldn't think of wearing a skirt. It doesn't interest me at all. The same thing happens with my sex drive. It reverses almost instantly. Guys don't turn me on anymore. Girls do now," she said as she looked at my body in a way which made my skin crawl.

I swallowed, "Will I start... looking at guys."

She saw the worry in my face and gave a faint smile, "No. Don't worry. The instant changes only affect me. If you were to stay in this body long enough, then maybe. But you would always remain attracted to girls. The people I swap with never go through any instant mental changes, but with me, everything is reversed and instantly. I suppose it sort of stops me from becoming gay or lesbian."

"Can you switch with... another guy," I asked her. I was not sure if the term straight, lesbian or gay could really apply to Rachel.

"No. I've tried it before and we don't switch. But I don't get any pleasure out of it at all. In fact, it disgusts me. It sure would make it a lot easier on me if I could become gay or lesbian. But then it wouldn't be much a curse if there was an easy way out."

I put on the new, more comfortable clothes. Rachel turned away as I got out of her skirt and blouse. She then cleaned the makeup of my face and tidied up my hair. I lounged around most of the day. I did not want to go outside with this body and I considered everything that had happened. I had to laugh at certain times. I had wanted to get inside Rachel's panties, only not quite so literally.

What was I going to do? I had such great fun with Rachel. My dreams were now shattered. The woman I had fallen in love with, was well... a guy now.

Being female for the day didn't prove too much of a problem. I had to get used to my new balance, but that was reasonably easy. I also had to get used to the mounds of flesh on my chest. Rachel's boobs were not enormous, but at 36D, they were a handful, especially from this perspective. Wearing a bra felt oddly... more comfortable now.

I tried putting on the TV to take my mind off things. Huh, the first thing I watched... Jerry Springer with the title "Honey, I've got a secret." I always liked watching Jerry Springer. I found it funny but somehow it wasn't quite so funny anymore. I don't think I watched it again for a long time.

I switched the channel. Next, a Baywatch rerun. I admired the body of one of the stars, female of course, and her large tits until I realized I've got a pretty good female body right here and a good set of tits as well.

No matter what channel I watched, there would be something to remind me of my current predicament. Have you ever had that feeling when you wished you had a gun so you could shoot the TV?

Eventually I went to find her. There were a few questions I needed answering. I had put it off earlier, but I could not delay it any longer.

"So how will it work tonight. How are we going to... you know," I said. She could see the pain in my face as I was trying to resolve myself with the mere thought of sleeping with my old body.

"Right, well as I said. I want to try to get you to come. Have you ever eaten pussy before. Do you mind doing it," she asked.

"In order, yes and no," I replied to her two questions, "Why"

"Well, then that's how I'll try to get you to come. I will eat you out. So, when you come, you'll suddenly be eating me out. You okay with that."

"Yeah. I'm okay," I said, "But what if that doesn't work. What if I don't come," I pointed out.

"Well, then we can try other things. Using my fingers or using vibrators," she said.

"And what if none of it works. What if I simply can't come," I said. I sort of already knew the answer already, but I had to hear it from her.

"Then... I'll have to. And you will have to play at least some part in it"

"NO," I said defiantly, "Why can't you just jerk yourself off if that's all you need to do."

"It won't work," she said before pausing, "Okay let me explain the exact details of this curse."

"Finally," I said. At last, I was finding out what I wanted to know.

"Like I said, the transfer is triggered by an orgasm from one of us. But apart from the twenty four hour blockage, I've learned that there are certain conditions to this."

"Firstly, we must be touching one another at the time of orgasm, if only by fingertips. So if you were wearing a condom while I sucked your cock and we were not touching in any other way, which isn't easy, there would be no transfer."

"The second condition we don't have to worry about too much. If we both come at the same time, a simultaneous orgasm, then no exchange takes place, but also I can't exchange again for a full week. But it has to be at exactly the same time, and I mean exactly. It doesn't happen that often."

"The third condition is the awkward one. The transfer only occurs if the other person is the cause of the orgasm. Now if you're fucking someone, it counts every time, but jerking yourself off doesn't count unless the other person does something to make you come. So, that's it. One of us has to come, out of the actions of the other."

"So if I can't come, I'm going to have to do something to make you come," I brought my hand up to my face at the sheer thought of what all this meant.

"Hey, don't worry. If you don't think you're up to doing anything, then all you have to do is lay back and close your eyes. As I said, fucking always counts. Before you know it, you'll be back in your proper body."

I tried to put it in the back of my mind and change the subject slightly, "Rachel, how could you expect me to remain your boyfriend after all this. Surely you must have known it would all be over between us."

She looked down before answering, "Yes. I did expect it. I knew that from the moment I first saw you this would happen. And I fully expect to lose you now. I don't want to, but I can't make you stay with me."

I didn't say anything so she continued, "I thought about breaking it all off. I cried myself to sleep many times wondering what to do. In the end, I decided to go through with it and... hope... you could handle it. Obviously you can't"

I rather felt sorry for her. I now understood why she did what she did, but I didn't feel as if there was anything I could do about it. I just wanted my old body back. I think I could see tears in her eyes.

I looked over at her. I cannot describe how weird it was to look over and see both Rachel and my old body. Rachel was acting slightly different. She was acting more... well masculine now.

All the same, when I look in her male eyes, I still see Rachel. Somehow, I know that the person I love is still in there, intact. I can see she's hurting badly and I want to reach over to her and hold her in my arms, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Maybe we can stay friends when I get my proper body back. I don't see how we could ever become lovers after this. I'm simply not gay and I don't see how I ever can be. Even if I do have to do it tonight, it will be the first, last and only time.

As the evening got later, I knew the time was approaching when we would try to return to our proper bodies. This made me nervous. Of course I knew that if I was nervous then I would not be able to climax and I knew what would happen if I couldn't climax. That only made me more nervous. Damn, I felt like a fifteen-year-old girl about to have sex for the first time. But in so many ways, that's just what I am right now.

I tried to make some idle conversation to pass the time. Yet another burning question sprung to mind.

"Rachel. Is this your original body," I asked gesturing to my current female body, "I mean, were you born in this body."

She paused for a minute before looking at me, "No," she replied. "I've been through quite a few changes from my original body."

"Were you a... woman originally," I asked.

"Does it really matter what I used to be," she replied. I detected just a hint of annoyance in her voice. I only shrugged.

Looking back, I suppose that was a pretty chauvinistic question to ask to her, but somehow at the time I felt that it wouldn't be quite as bad if she was born a woman.

"Yes, I was born a woman," she answered eventually, "In fact my real name was Rachel. It's one of things that attracted me to this body."

Just as one question leads to another, her answer caused another question to surface, "What happened to the original owner of this body then."

"I can't tell you that just yet," she replied.

I didn't like that answer. An image of a male Rachel raping this body, getting it and then 'disposing' of the male body flashed through my mind. Surely Rachel's not capable of something like that. She always seemed so kind and gentle. But then, all this has proved that I really don't know Rachel at all. If I were honest, I would say I was a little afraid of her, especially since I am a weak female now.

It then occurred to me that Rachel had a very loving family, "Does your family know about all this."

"No. In fact all of my friends and family that you have met don't know about this curse," she then seemed a little concerned, "Paul, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. I doubt anyone would believe you anyway. I know you're angry with me, but if you tell anyone then I will have to leave straight away. You'll hurt a lot of people if you do that."

I just nodded, "Okay, I'll keep your secret safe," I was not so angry with her anymore, just annoyed now. I laughed a little at the thought that her parents had clearly been pushing Rachel to go further with me.

"What," she asked wanting to know what I found so amusing.

"It's just your parents. They've been encouraging you to go out with me haven't they."

"Yeah. They're only doing it out of love. They see that I've never had any long-term boyfriends and they're worried about me. I tell them I'm fine, but they can see I'm not really happy and they're just trying to help."

Only now was I beginning to appreciate how hard this must be for Rachel. Up until now, I had been whining on about myself. But after tonight, it's all over for me. I can go back to my usual life and put this all in my scrapbook. I might even laugh at this in a few years time.

But for Rachel, it just carries on, for however long this curse of hers lasts. Again, I feel the desire to hug her and maybe have a good cry together. I can see that we both need it. I almost did it, but somehow the maleness inside me dug in deep and prevented me.

Eventually the time came when the block on Rachel being able to transfer was over. Rachel had suggested that we try it a few hours earlier, so I could experience it in full. She said I might really enjoy it. I refused because I wanted to get back at the earliest opportunity, plus I worried that I might only be able to orgasm once and if that was the case, I wanted that one time to get my back to my proper body.

I suggested waiting another half an hour just to make sure, but Rachel assured me that the timing was as regular as clockwork, so we worked our way to the bedroom. I felt that my vaginal muscles were clenched so tight, Rachel would have trouble getting a single finger up there, let alone my old cock if it came down to it.

When in the bedroom, Rachel turned off the light. She told me to get undressed, then lay on the bed and try to please myself. When the time was right, she would join me and eat my pussy to orgasm. She gave a solemn vow that she would not do anything else. She took off her shirt but kept her pants on and sat in a chair at the end of the bed.

Getting undressed was not easy. I had to struggle getting the bra off. Then I did as Rachel asked and I laid on the bed and played with myself. Rachel told me to forget about her and just concentrate on myself. She also told me to take my time and she said that there was no rush.

What happened next is hard to properly quantify because I don't fully remember how long I took doing this. As I was playing with myself, it didn't do anything for me at first. I think it was because I was still thinking about what would happen if it did not work. Before all this happened, I couldn't help but get turned on when my hands touched female breasts, but now it just didn't do a thing for me.

Rachel told me to relax and be gentle with myself. She told me just to lay there for a bit and drift away. After a while (and I have no idea how long it was), I started to slowly relax. I strongly suspected that Rachel had given me something in my drink to relax me a while ago just like she did last night to get me to sleep.

But whatever she did, I wasn't going to complain. Anything to make all this easier. I started softly playing with my tits. Slowly but surely, I found that I was starting to get pleasure from this. My nipples seemed more sensitive than my male equivalents. The nipples protruded directly upwards and slowly hardened. I had run my hand over my new feminine mound between my legs but so far had resisted the urge to go any further. There was a strange feeling of dampness down there that I had never felt before.

"Go on," Rachel interrupted, "Finger yourself. And don't be embarrassed about enjoying it."

I did as she asked. I spread my legs very wide and ran both hands down my stomach. In one motion, I plunged several fingers deep inside my damp pussy. I supposed I had no idea what to expect, but the sensation I received caused me to gasp. I felt a little shame, but I remembered what Rachel had just said about enjoying it.

It took me a few minutes to get used to all this. At first, I just fingered around getting used to all the new sensations. But after a while (and once again I do not know how long) it struck me that I was really enjoying it. My juices were now flowing and my body was tingling. I felt completely relaxed about what I was doing. I even forgot about Rachel sitting in the chair. I just closed my eyes and allowed my finger to do all the work. It felt strange, but not as strange is it should have felt, if you see what I mean.

I rubbed my clitoris and my body groaned in reply. I started pushing two fingers deep into my tight cunt. At the end of each thrust, I would rub my clit, which would send a burst of pleasure throughout my body and cause me to gasp. The gasps got progressively louder and louder.

As I was doing this, Rachel got up from the chair and began to move over toward me. Because I had forgotten about her, I stopped briefly.

"Don't worry," she said, "It's time for your pussy to be eaten. It's time for you to get your body back," she said as she moved to the end of the bed.

By now my body was in a much higher state of excitement, so I no longer had any problem with my old body eating me out. Rachel was still wearing pants. She laid face down on the bed and slid her face up to me. Her hands stopped my fingers and pulled them out. She licked my hands clean, then she used her own fingers (well my old fingers) and rubbed my already enlarged clitoris. Now I had tried this, but it was something about the way she did it, because I involuntarily groaned and arched my back slightly.

She then used her hands to push my legs fully apart before burying her face deep in my pussy. It was dark, so I could not see what she was doing with her tongue, but I could certainly feel it, or I could feel the effects of it. I had brought my hands back to my tits and I began playing with them yet again.

It didn't take me long to realize that I was going to be able to orgasm like this. I couldn't really tell how close I was, but I just knew I was going to be able to it. The reason why I had been so tense and nervous was the fear of what would happen if I could not climax. Now that I knew that I could come, it seems as if all the problems washed away. I just had to lay back and enjoy it. I squirmed on the bed reveling in all these new feelings.

I knew that it was all getting closer. I rubbed my tits with the palms of my hands sending yet more sensations to my brain. The nipples were sticking out like bullets. As I felt the pleasure within me build I began to thrust upwards as I was soon becoming lost in the situation.

I then felt this desire. It was a desire to be penetrated, to have something big inside me. In that instant, the most appropriate thing I could think of was my old cock.

I mentally shook myself. What was I thinking? Here I am fantasizing about having a cock inside me. But even as I thought that, my nipples got harder and my pussy wetter.

All this thought about cocks inside me seemed to bring me ever closer. Rachel sensed I was close so she buried her tongue deep within me. Before I knew what I was doing, I was thrusting up slightly humping her tongue. But her tongue was not big enough. I wanted something bigger in there. Oh god, what was I thinking.

Just as I thought I was about to come, Rachel stopped and she started running her tongue down my thighs and legs. I groaned loudly.

"Don't worry," she said pausing, "You'll come. I just want to make it more enjoyable for you," she said.

I suppose I should have insisted that she make me come straight away. I had agreed to do this for the sole intention of getting my body back as soon as possible. But now that I am here, I found that my body was basking in a sexual heat. I still wanted to orgasm to get my old body back, but I also wanted to enjoy it a little longer so I remained silent.

After some light touches, she returned her attention to my groin. By now, my juices were flowing freely. I could feel a burning fire between my legs.

In a matter of minutes, she had worked me up again. There was no resistance from me this time. I was working with her, doing everything I could to help her. She built me right up to a peak again before stopping again just as she knew I was going to come.

"Noooo," I wailed, "Let me come, please." She must have planned this. After bringing me to the edge several times, my resistance had been completely shattered. I was now begging for an orgasm from her and you know what, I no longer cared how she did it. Also, I had forgotten about the reason for the orgasm. I wanted it for the sheer pleasure, not so much for getting my old body back.

She started working me up yet again. An image flashed through my mind. It was an image of Rachel on top of me fucking my cunt with my old cock. The desire to be penetrated was now overwhelming and no matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't think of anything more appropriate than my large member in Rachel's pants.

Had she pulled down her pants and begun to fuck me, I really don't think I would have objected and if she kept bringing me to the edge and back many more times, I might even ask her to do it. Part of me actually wanted it, but my pride prevented me from asking Rachel. I was just too embarrassed.

She was bringing me close yet again, "Don't stop. Please don't stop," I begged. This time, instead of stopping, she pushed two fingers deep into my wet hole. I knew that this time there was no going back. I was going to come in Rachel's face.

My cock was almost bursting my pants as I sucked on her clit and pushed my fingers deeper inside. She screamed aloud as her whole body started shuddering and she squirted her juices. Her arms thrashed about eventually clutching the bed sheets. I continued to eat her out trying to prolong her orgasm as long as I could licking her sweet love juice. Damn I wished I could have fucked her instead of eating her, but I had promised her not to do that.

Just like before, I soon started to realize what was happening. Damn those transfers feel weird. It's instant and it happens just before the orgasm actually hits but it doesn't actually register in your brain until several seconds later.

My face was buried deep between Rachel's legs, but at least it was now my proper face and Rachel's proper legs. I was now back in my proper body. Slowly she came down from her sexual peak and I eventually stopped.

"Thanks," she said as moved down the bed to kiss me.

"What for," I asked.

"For that orgasm," she said, "It was your orgasm, but I was the one to have it. Damn, it was a good one."

Now you know, in that instant I did feel a slight tinge of regret. I just felt I had been robbed of a wonderful orgasm. Okay, I was happy to be back in my proper body, but there was a part of me that would have preferred to experience it in full and then switch back. I now cursed myself for not taking up Rachel on her offer to try it a few hours earlier. I also noted the thoughts that were in my head just as we switched. Rachel wanted to fuck me just as much as I wanted it.

"Anyway, lover," she said, "Fancy finishing off where we started last night. We can make love all night long and not worry about transferring again," she said as she started to lick her juices off my face and unbuckle my pants, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this," she whispered in my ear.

I suppose I should have got up and walked out of the door. After all I had what I wanted, my old body back. However, I found I was very horny. I had to accept the emotional state that Rachel left this body in. Now I know why she watched me fuck myself. She was getting herself so horny that when I received this body; I would want to fuck her.

We did not wake up until Sunday lunchtime. I was much more comfortable looking at Rachel in her proper body over the kitchen table as we enjoyed a late breakfast. But I was in trouble and I knew it.

Last night Rachel had been amazing. After I had gotten my proper body back I found that I was simply too horny to say no to Rachel's advances. We made love quite literally all night long and we finally fell to sleep in the early hours of the morning. I had slept around a lot in my time, but Rachel was by far the best lover in bed I had ever had.

She knew just how to please me. I guessed that this was because of all the knowledge gained from body swapping, but last night I didn't care how she knew. For months, I had fantasized about making love to her and when it finally happened, it was better than I expected. I looked over at her and I realized that I wanted to make love to her again.

More than that, I cannot get over the fact that last night I did enjoy having my pussy eaten. I also couldn't ignore the fact that part of me actually wanted to be fucked by Rachel. Perhaps it was down to the hormones in her body, but I couldn't shake the fact that I had such a strong desire to be fucked by her as a woman. How the hell was I going to get myself out of this one?

We talked and I said I would think about it. We decided that we would always remain friends whatever happened. I went home and relaxed with my mind racing at all the various thoughts.

I was now back in my proper body. But I was so confused as to what I should do. I had strong feelings for Rachel, but knowing what I now know, did I fall in love with an illusion, with someone who does not exist. I was called away on a business trip for most of the week. Actually, the timing was perfect. It allowed me to get out of the office where I was clearly miserable and it gave me the perfect excuse to stay away from Rachel for a while.

The trouble was, I soon realized that I didn't want to stay away from her. I called her while away and spoke to her for long hours over the next few days. She was very considerate. She gave me the space I needed. By the end of the week, the anger I felt had completely disappeared. I now felt sorry for her.

I'm still not sure what made my decision. Perhaps it was curiosity mixed with my strong feelings for Rachel, topped up with a desire to learn certain useful facts about female anatomy which could be put to good use, but on Friday I went round to see her.

"Rachel. I have given this a lot of thought. I mean, it's not an easy decision something like this," I started.

"And," she said.

"Are you sure we can't have sex without transferring every time," I said.

"Well it's technically possible. We can try things, like I have a PVC body suit that we can use. If you want to try it we can, but you can't live a relationship like that. It would work for a few weeks, but we'd both get frustrated very quickly."

"So the only way I can keep seeing you, is too... become you regularly," I said. Rachel looked in my eyes and nodded without saying anything.

"Well... I think... perhaps... I can try," I said.

Rachel's eyes lit up in surprise. I think she was expecting me to blow it all off.

"Are you sure," she asked.

"No. I'm not sure if I can handle it," I said honestly, "I still don't know if I can fuck you as a woman. But after last week when you licked my pussy, at least I know I can always get back another way. If I can find a way of saving our relationship, then I'm prepared to give it a go. It might work. it might not. At least we can say we tried," I said.

"That's all I ask," she said as she got up and hugged me. That made me feel good. After having caused Rachel so much pain these past days, I had finally been able to give some comfort to Rachel. Of course, the big question was... exactly how much comfort could I provide.

We talked for a few more hours. She asked me what changed my mind I told her that my opinions had not changed all that much, but they had just been put in perspective a bit better.

Eventually I suggested that we went to her bedroom. Rachel asked if I was sure. To be honest, I was scared. I still don't know why I suggested it, but before we knew what we were doing, we were both cavorting on her bed naked. Rachel had told me to let her take the lead. She knew what she was doing. Eventually she climbed on top of me.

"Right Paul. When you get control of this body, don't stop okay. And trust me, you'll enjoy it," I could see that she was fingering herself. She was obviously getting herself close. I was wondering who was going to come first. Each time so far I had been transferred out of an orgasm, effectively robbed of that pleasure. I wondered what it would be like to be transferred into an orgasm.

She pulled up my cock and lowered herself onto it. This was a similar position to the one when the first transfer happened. I assumed she choose this position because she had more control over it. I penetrated deep into her pussy again. In the back of my mind, I knew that it a few minutes, it would be my pussy. We did not use a condom this time.

She laid on top of me and began to fuck me as she kissed me. I put my arms around her. I was nervous, but somehow she just knew how to arouse me. She knew just how to touch me to get me as turned on as possible. It wasn't long before I realized I was going to come inside her yet again.

"I'm gonna cum," I said.

"Then cum," she replied. I could tell by the noise she was making that she was close to her own orgasm. Then she rolled us over, so that I was now on top of her. I concluded this was the point of no return and I drove my cock deep into her hot pussy.

As Rachel pushed her cock right in, it banged against my clit sending pleasure waves right through me. She tensed up and she soon pumped her hot creamy seed deep inside me. It felt like my whole body was on fire with arousal as Rachel's cock was sliding in and out of me. Rachel thrust deep as she pressed my nipples in.

Again, the realization began to filter through. But unlike the last transfer, this time my body was already very aroused. Rachel started to slow down briefly, but when she got control of my body, she began to speed up again. She pinched my nipples, then bent down and whispered in my ear.

"If you want me to stop I will, just say it," she reassured me. Being in this position felt a bit... unnerving. I was laying on my back, my legs spread wide with a male body on top of me and a large cock sliding in and out of my pussy. I felt like I had no control over the situation, like I was at Rachel's mercy.

This was not what I had in mind. I was hoping to have my pussy eaten and to find out what I missed the other night. Then we might, just might go all the way. But Rachel was not stopping. She was continuing to fuck me.

We all have a few critical seconds in our life where instant decisions shape the remainder of our life. In this instant, I had two decisions. I could tell her stop or I could let her do what she wanted.

Rachel was now on top of me, thrusting deep into me making me groan with pleasure. In the end, my body decided for me. I found myself wrapping my legs around Rachel and arching my back upwards giving myself to her. She responded with renewed vigor grabbing my tits again, pinching the nipples. I could feel wave after wave of pleasure shoot from my pussy and my tits. This felt so different from having my pussy eaten a few nights ago. Somehow, this felt better.

The groans from within me grew louder. Each thrust from Rachel seemed to compel me to gasp loudly. She had broken down the barriers inside me and I found myself working with her, moving my body in time with her, squeezing on her cock. The feelings grew more and more intense until I felt the pleasure build to a point. My whole body shuddered and I dug my fingernails into Rachel's back and screamed as my entire body exploded in pleasure.

I squeezed hard on Rachel's cock, which only seemed to make it better for me as well. Rachel's expert fingers, cock and tongue prolonged the pleasure for me causing sensations all over my body. After what seemed an eternity, I felt it all begin to subside. I now knew the feelings that I had been robbed of, when Rachel ate my pussy.

"Wow," was all I could say when it was all over still panting.

"Feels good, doesn't it," she said still on top of me.

I had to agree. It had felt better than I expected. I was still on a sexual high. My body was tingling with excitement. We just laid there for a few minutes with Rachel on top of me. My arms and legs were still wrapped around her tightly.

I can't describe the emotional battle that went on inside me that night. Part of me was disgusted at myself for going ahead with all this and actually having sex with a man. But a growing part of me loved it. After all, there was nothing unnatural about what we just did. It was just a man and a woman having sex. Only thing was... I was the woman.

"Mind if you let me go," Rachel asked after a few minutes.

"What," I asked.

Rachel motioned to my legs. I had wrapped them around her and after it was over, pulled her into me so tight that she couldn't get off me. I felt a little embarrassed. Somehow, I wanted her cock to stay deep inside of me for as long as possible. When I untangled my legs she rolled off me and softly stroked my body, which seemed to keep me aroused.

I wasn't too sure what to do for the rest of the night. As a man, I would have probably fallen asleep quickly, but somehow I felt that I had the capacity for more sex. I still felt uneasy about having sex with my former body, regardless of who was the host of it, but somehow that argument carried a lot less weight after the pleasure I just experienced.

The next time we did it slower. She climbed on top and slowly penetrated me, which was another first for me. The feeling of being penetrated was so alien to me, yet it felt so fulfilling.

Rachel carefully and slowly built me up to a peak then backed away. She did this several times until I was again in a sexual frenzy. I still can't believe she actually made me beg her for release. She built me up one final time before sending me crashing over the edge. That was the first time that I had had sex as a woman from start to finish and it was amazing. As I felt her strong powerful hands caressing me afterwards, it all felt so complete.

She slowly, but surely enticed me into sex repeatedly that night. She forfeited her own pleasure in order to provide me with as much as possible. If I thought she was a good fuck as a woman, she was even better as a man. She just knew exactly what to do to give me the most exquisite feelings throughout my body. Very soon, all feelings of guilt over what I was doing had vanished.

Boy was I in trouble. Girls had gotten me into trouble before, but this one really beats the lot...

The next morning we were eating breakfast together, yet again. It was so difficult to look across the table, see myself, but know it's really my beautiful girlfriend sitting there. But I can't think of her as my girlfriend at all now. At this moment, she is my boyfriend and I'm her beautiful girlfriend. My body shivered at that thought. It looks like there are still quite a few feelings to resolve.

If I thought I was in trouble last week, I'm in even deeper trouble now. Last night I had a long sex session with a guy and enjoyed every single minute of it. I'm in way over my head here.

"So, what do we do now. Where to we go from here," I asked her. For now I still thought of Rachel as 'her' and would continue to for the time being.

Rachel smiled back at me, "Well, you've cleared the first hurdle. Are you okay about last night? Any regrets?" she asked.

"No. No regrets. I enjoyed it," I said firmly, but I wasn't completely sure inside. Part of being a hotshot executive is that you must always appear to be absolutely sure, even if you do not have any idea and that philosophy seemed to apply to my personal life as well. I still had feelings to resolve, but that was something I would have to do myself. As far as Rachel is concerned, everything is fine.

"Good. Because you have to decide where our relationship goes from here. If you just want a sex-based relationship then I can live with that. It's been a while since I've had regular sex and I've been getting a bit frustrated lately. You can come round at the weekends when you're not doing anything and we can have sex. You can have your proper body back by the end of the weekend."

Then she continued, "But Paul, I'd like to take it further than that. I think of you as more than just a sexual partner. But there are many barriers that will need to be cleared."

I sat there thinking for a few minutes, then looked at Rachel in the eyes, "I want to take it further as well. What do I have to do to make it work," I said firmly.

"Are you sure," she said slightly surprised, "This won't be easy."

"Yes. I'm sure. I don't know what it is about you, but I want to be with you. I'll do whatever it takes," I replied, again with the aut hority and conviction that I am so used to hearing from myself, but inside I wondered just how far I was prepared to take this.

She smiled, "Okay. Well, I'd like to take it easy with you. Do you think you can take next week off work?" she asked.

"Already arranged," I replied. Rachel looked at me shocked and gave me an inquiring look; "It's a quiet time. I told them I might have some things to sort out so I've left my deputy in charge."

Rachel could barely contain her glee. She could see that I was really going to work at this, "Good. Then, how would you like to spend most of the next week as me? I don't just mean around the house, but wearing my clothes, going out, everything."

I gulped slightly. What the hell have I let myself in for?

I agreed to Rachel's plan that we go away and I spend most of the next week in her female body. As it turned out, I would have to go to work Monday to have the work prepared for the week. So we could not get away until Tuesday at the earliest.

However, since it was now only Saturday, I also agreed to spend the rest of the weekend female as well.

Rachel said that she wanted to take me slowly, to treat me with kid gloves over all this. So I carried on wearing pants and T-shirts so I could fully get used to my female form. Although she said she did not want to push me too fast into feminine clothes, I did experiment with some of her makeup and her (my?) underwear. I never admitted it to Rachel at the time because I was too embarrassed, but it sort of turned me on.

I have to say that by the end of the weekend, I no longer had a problem wearing a bra. Huh, never thought I would hear myself say that.

We did go out once together to the shopping mall Sunday afternoon. It was scary. But you know the weirdest thing. I felt comfortable with Rachel at my side. We were holding hands and it was reassuring to have her there. But at the same time, it was strange to be out in public holding another mans hand. I noticed that a lot of men looked at me. Rachel told me it was because I looked so pretty. I don't know whether that was a good or bad thing.

I asked her again about this curse, but she still would not tell me about it. She said she didn't want to put me off. Huh, just saying that made me feel uneasy.

Anyway, we switched back Sunday night. But this time, Rachel was the first to come. Being transferred into an orgasm was even stranger than being transferred out of one and a lot better. We were having sex and I was aroused as she played with my tits, but not that close to orgasm, when suddenly, without warning I was back in my old body and I felt my cock tense up in orgasm before I came inside her cunt. Boy these transfers felt strange. I wondered if I would ever get used to them.

Well, that was only the beginning for the evening. I was again able to have sex with Rachel in her female form. But this time, I felt more confident in knowing what to do to her. After she had screwed me several times two nights before, pleasing her was much easier that night. I brought her to several orgasms, which really made me feel good inside.

I went to work the next day and I had to go in early Tuesday morning to tie some loose ends up. After doing that we immediately drove a few hours to a small town so I could keep up my excuse of needing some time off for personal reasons. Rachel gave the same excuse with her work. By Tuesday lunchtime we were settled into our remote cabin.

We had been in our cabin for a few hours. Rachel was taking a shower in her female body. While she did this, I pondered over what has happened over the past few days and weeks and considered both my feelings and the future.

The internal battle inside me still had not been resolved. In fact, they were squaring up for another round. In the Blue corner was the male chauvinistic egotistical part of me that was disgusted at myself for doing all this. In the Red corner was the part of me that absolutely loved Rachel and would do whatever it took to stay with her.

Round one had gone to the Blue corner. After our first transfer, I was so shocked and angry that my love for Rachel did not mean a lot. Round two had been pretty tied when I got my body back, but round three had definitely gone to the Red corner after my long sex session as a woman. The Blue corner had been well and truly on the ropes the past few days.

But I knew that the Blue corner would be back. It's counter attack was that just because I COULD do this, does not mean I SHOULD do it. That was a convincing argument as well. There was still something a little unnatural about swapping bodies every few days and even the Red corner was finding it difficult to defend against these blows. This fight could go the full distance.

The sex over the past few days had been superb, from both sides. Even if it just turned out to be a sexual relationship, it will be a hell of a good one. But it was more than just the sex. I liked Rachel as a person as well and I thought I was really falling for her. But it's not gonna be easy. I knew this was only just the beginning.

Rachel was still in the shower. While she was doing this I was looking through the suitcases she had packed for our small trip. We were due to be away until the weekend, five nights, but I thought she had packed enough for a whole month.

I could see all of the female items of clothing. At that point, it occurred to me that all this stuff wasn't for her. After all, I was going to spend the most of the week in her body. These were 'my' clothes.

Then it dawned on me that if I'm going to stay with Rachel, I'm going to have to wear all this gear on a regular basis. I looked at the various garments and felt uneasy. How was I going to manage?

It would not be so bad if Rachel wasn't so damn feminine. But part of her curse is that she always wears women's clothes when female and never wears pants. That means that when I am she, I'm going to have to wear the same clothes. Damn, that curse of hers makes it awkward. But like she said, the curse is supposed to be awkward.

I picked out one of the dresses. It was a long low-cut dress; "Can I really wear this... regularly?" I thought to myself.

I stood there holding the dress and thought for a moment as the Referee called the Blue and Red corners out for another round. The Red landed a punishing uppercut on the Blue.

"Fuck it," I thought. I picked up the dress and walked into the bathroom. I approached the shower and opened the door. Rachel turned round startled.

I held up her dress against by body, "Y'know. I want to go out wearing this dress today," I threw the dress over my shoulder, stepped inside the shower and closed the door behind me. I still had on my shorts, but I didn't let that bother me.

"But since I'll look a bit silly wearing a dress, I really need to leave this shower with those tits on my chest," I said as I looked up and down her body.

I leaned over to her, "But you know the best thing. I don't want to come. I want to make you come," I saw the look of surprise on her face. I then positioned her against the shower wall, adjusted the showerhead so that the spray hit her tits and then knelt down in front of her before burying my face deep into her pussy.

All my talk must have aroused her because she instantly groaned as my tongue parted her lips. Now I had done this before to other women, but somehow because I have had it done to me by Rachel, it no longer seemed such a mystery. I now knew exactly what I had been doing wrong. I slowly but carefully worked my tongue up and down and delicately sucked on her clit.

"Oh god," she moaned, "If you want to leave this shower with tits. You're going the right way about it." She spread her legs slightly as she started playing with her tits. A few minutes later I knew she was really getting into it. My own cock was hard. I was really excited about this, when suddenly whole body shuddered and I screamed as the orgasm exploded throughout me. Rachel continued to eat me out as the spray from the shower stung my tits making the pleasure even higher for me.

I soon gained control of Rachel's body. That was the first time I had been transferred straight into a female orgasm. It was the most amazing sensation I had ever had. One minute I was happily eating pussy, then an instant later my entire body was exploding in pleasure. There was no warning. Rachel must have her approaching orgasm a secret from me.

Rachel finished off licking my juices before eventually standing up, "Looks like you got your wish," she said smiling. I glanced down to the bulge in her shorts and the throbbing erection, which I knew, was contained in there.

"Yeah. But I robbed you of your orgasm. Why don't I make up for it," I said with a large grin on my face.

I turned Rachel around, so that she was standing where I was then I knelt down again. I looked up and saw another look of surprise on Rachel's face. Then I reached up and pulled down Rachel's shorts freeing her large member. I took it in my hands and stroked it.

I leaned over and hesitated briefly before licking the top of her cock with my mouth before parting my lips completely and pushing it deep inside. Rachel groaned as I did this. I knew she was horny because I had been just before we swapped.

I pushed it as deep into my mouth as I possibly could trying to ignore the reflex to gag. I had an above average dick at eight inches, but now it seemed twice as long.

I had resisted doing this over the past few days, but now seemed the right time. This would be my first blowjob. If someone had said to me that I would be doing this a few weeks ago, I would have probably punched them, yet here I am sliding a big cock in and out of my mouth.

The water was still coming down out of the shower. I started to up the pace. I rocked my head back and forth faster and faster. I used my hand to stoke her dick and balls. I could not believe how much I was enjoying this. My pussy was tingling again with excitement.

She started thrusting outwards slightly and she put her hands on my head guiding it along her shaft. Shortly afterwards, I felt her tense up and she gasped. My mouth was then filled with her hot jism. I stroked her cock and sucked greedily swallowing every drop. A minute later she lifted me up.

"Thanks," she said with a look of astonishment on her face.

"No problem lover," I replied in a completely feminine way, "Enjoy your shower."

I left the shower, closed the door behind me leaving Rachel inside. I picked up a towel and the dress I had thrown on the floor.

Half an hour later I was wearing that dress. Rachel came into the bedroom after having dried off. She looked at me smiling.

"It suits you," she said before sitting down beside me on the bed and putting her arm around my shoulder, "Thanks for that in the shower. I could tell you did that because you wanted to do it, not only because it would please me. You don't know how much that means to me."

"Yeah. I sort of enjoyed it," I said still mildly embarrassed, "Sort of weird. Eating pussy then sucking cock off the same person in five minutes." We both laughed.

"So you're actually going to go out in that dress today," she asked.

"Yeah. I think I want to dress like a woman this time," I smiled.

I decided that from then on, I should wear full women's clothing when in Rachel's body so I could get used to it. Rachel was still a little apprehensive about pushing me too fast, but I knew it was something I had to get used to.

By the end of the day, I was completely worn out. Damn, this was not as easy as I thought. My feet were sore and I needed a soothing footbath because I had worn her high heels for the whole day. Actually, they were not as uncomfortable as I thought. Rachel told me that was because her body, feet and muscles had adjusted to them over the years.

Even so, balancing in them was very difficult and after an hour, I really wanted to take them off. But I stuck with it and wore them right through the evening. At this point, I had no idea how I was going to last until Sunday.

During the week, Rachel encouraged me to go out shopping on my own. I told her that I didn't feel comfortable about it and she replied that that was the whole point. I had to feel comfortable about being a woman on my own and the only way to do it was experience.

I clearly remember as I left my car to go into the local mall. Rachel said I should go in full women's clothing. She said there was not much point wearing a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Although I had promised to wear nothing but women's clothes for the time being, I had wanted to make this an exception, but I did eventually see her point. I'm not afraid to admit that I was scared.

One thing I did notice. I had to take a much slower pace. When going to the mall on my own I would have walked much faster, but that simply was not possible in all this restrictive clothing.

There was one other thing I did notice. I received far more attention from men. I had received some the other day when I was out with Rachel, but now that I was alone I received much more. Some of the guys even spoke to me as I was getting some lunch. I felt a mixture of feelings. Part of me was disgusted. After all, I had only had sex with Rachel, but I couldn't help but feel flattered and even swelled with pride at some times.

As far as sex was concerned, well it was incredible. We had yet another long sex session Tuesday night.

The next night, she showed me how to please myself as a woman. She also produced a full PVC body suit, which she had secretly packed. I remembered her telling me about this. Apparently, close fitting clothes like hose or bras do not always stop us from swapping as we're still touching very slightly. It needs to be something like this that forms a complete barrier between us.

This suit had a zipper in the crotch area. Once I had put it on, Rachel put on a condom. We were able to have sex without transferring.

Believe it or not, I loved it. The feeling of cavorting in all that plastic really turned me on. But I knew the novelty of this would soon wear off. This was only a temporary solution. It highlighted the problems we would have to face.

I tried to get out as much as possible. Boy it felt weird, but I had to get used to it. Rachel took me out several nights. One night I even wore the same dress and clothes that she had one when we switched. If felt very odd going to a restaurant as a woman, but I managed to get through it and even enjoyed it.

However, there was one problem. Although I was enjoying sex as a woman, I was finding it difficult to be the girl during sex. Although I trusted Rachel, I felt so weak and vulnerable. The mere act of spreading my legs felt so submissive to me. And I linked submissiveness to weakness. I confessed my problem to Rachel. Fortunately, she secretly concocted a solution, though she did take a bit of a risk with me.

We had switched back one day because we could not keep our hands off one another, Thursday I think, so I was back in my male body. Anyway the next night, Rachel suggested a bit of light bondage. She suggested that I tie her to the bed and do whatever I want with her. Well, how could I refuse? No woman has ever offered to be tied up before. Although I knew I would never hurt her, I enjoyed the feeling of power over her.

Now looking back, I still cannot believe I didn't realize what would happen. I must have been completely blind to the situation, but as I had my first orgasm of the night, we switched and I found myself in her body tied to the bed and gagged.

I was worried at first. I mean, Rachel could do anything she wanted with me. She probably wouldn't ever hurt me, but it was the mere fact that she COULD if she wanted to.

Now this situation really highlighted my problem, which is exactly what Rachel was trying to do. She was now fully in control. She could do anything she wanted to me. But all Rachel did was bring me to orgasm after orgasm eventually freeing my gag so I could scream. It's good that we were in a remote cabin, because I just couldn't hold it in. I had to scream at the top of my voice. I begged her to stop, but every time I did, she just made me come again. I experienced more pleasure in that night than at any point in my life. I eventually passed out from the pleasure.

Well, from that point onwards I never had any problem being a submissive female. I came to realize that being submissive is not a weakness especially when it's with someone you love.

It also occurred to me just how interesting our sex life could become with this curse. My mind worked out various scenarios, which made me get all wet down below just thinking about it.

By the time Sunday came and we were back at home, I was more comfortable acting like a woman. I had been living as a woman for over five straight days and while I still had a lot to learn, I felt I had achieved a lot. Rachel told me she never thought I would last out two days in heels, let alone five. She said she was so proud of me.

It was early Sunday evening and we relaxing in her small apartment with a glass of wine, although I was still in her tight clothes. We would have sex later tonight so we could both go back to work in our proper bodies tomorrow.

"So, can you now tell me how you got this curse," I asked her. She had refused up until now.

She sighed before finally saying, "Okay, I was born in the year 1950"

"You mean, you're nearly fifty," I said shocked. She nodded. That meant she was nearly twice my age.

"I got this curse when I was twenty two. It was the early seventies the time of sexual freedom, but I was a bit of a slut even by those standards. One of my boyfriends was a married man. However, he had a wife and well... we... were not that discreet. In fact, we pretty much humiliated her. Now I'm not she if she was some sort of witch or something, but when she burst in on us once, she told me she would put a curse on me for being such a slut."

"Anyway, she didn't tell me what the curse was. Well, I was worried for a day or two, but I soon forgot about it. Oddly enough, the couple disappeared. Their house was empty when I passed next time. I can only imagine what she did to him. I bet my punishment pales in comparison to his. Anyway, a few days later my first transfer happened. I don't think I will ever forget it."

I interrupted her by saying, "I don't think I will either," I let her continue.

"He was a one night stand. We barely knew one another and didn't even know where each of us lived. He was in his late thirties. It was in a hotel room. I do remember that he wasn't a very good fuck. I wasn't really enjoying it that much, when all of a sudden I came into his cunt. Now it felt just like you said. For the first few seconds, it was as if I had been doing this all my life, then it sort of filtered through to me."

"He freaked out and ran off, much like you tried to do. I never saw him again. I often wonder what happened to him. He gained fifteen years of youth in one night, but I wonder if he ever gained happiness as a woman. He would be nearly fifty now," Rachel stared ahead blankly.

"Anyway, it was still a shock for me. I was a guy. And over fifteen years older as well. But almost immediately, I realized I wasn't attracted to other guys anymore. They didn't turn me on even slightly. I was now attracted to girls. It was difficult. I had never been a lesbian and to suddenly find yourself getting horny when you see a girl was worrying for me."

"But I remembered that we switched during sex. So, after a few weeks, I decided to try something out. I picked up a hooker. I made sure she was about the same age as me in case it was irreversible. Well, guess what happened, I became the hooker. She freaked out as well, but I managed to calm her down. I instantly found that I was now attracted to guys again, in a split second. She had been with a woman before so we tried having sex again. We both enjoyed it, but we didn't transfer."

"We then had sex again two days later and we switched back. Over the next few weeks or so, we experimented as much as we could. I wouldn't call her my first lover, more my first companion. After a few more weeks, she told me that she wanted to move on, but she didn't want to be a woman anymore. She hated how she had to sell her body. I agreed and we went our separate ways with me remaining in her old body."

"And that's how it went on. I had to be careful who I had sex with, until a few months later, a letter arrived through the post with my old name on it. It was a letter from that witch. She told me this was my curse. She explained a few brief details, most of which I had already worked out and told me I had to live with this forever."

"You know, at first I wasn't that disappointed. I thought this was fun. I kept swapping bodies through the years enjoying sex as a man and as a woman. I managed to work my way back to being young by swapping with younger partners."

I interrupted at this point; "Didn't people mind you stealing their younger bodies".

"Well, I've never stolen anyone's body. If someone wants their body back, I always give it back to them. Whether that's part of the curse or just my conscience I don't know, but anyway you would be amazed how many people there are out there that would jump at the chance to have an instant sex change, even if it means being five or ten years older. There are plenty of men and women who go through hell and torment to try and change their sex over a number of years. What I offer them can be done in one night and, unlike the conventional methods, it's fully complete"

"I remember that football quarterback. He was so butch. But I knew his secret. I just knew what he wanted. I was a petite brunette at the time. He badly wanted a blowjob, so that's what I gave him. When we switched and I came in his mouth, he was shocked but he didn't stop. He swallowed all his own cum. We had sex for the rest of the night and he loved it. The next morning he told me he didn't want his old body back and I would have to rape him to get it back. I understand he got married and had several children."

"Anyway, where was I," Rachel said, realizing she had been sidetracked, "Oh yeah, to begin with I just loved body swapping. I could not believe this was actually a curse. But after about ten years of it, I got tired of it. I wanted to settle down and find someone to love, but I just couldn't because no one has been able to handle all the body swaps every few days. You have no idea how lonely I've been these past few years. I've thought about killing myself several times. I now understand this curse. I'm cursed to be alone for the rest of my life. And given these swaps that could be forever."

Tears were forming in her eyes. She told this story with such emotion that even I was feeling a bit teary.

"Well you've still got me," I reassured her, "We're not done yet. How do I compare with your previous lovers? How am I coping."

"You're coping very well. I've got to say that I'm so proud of you this past week. You've really worked hard. But it's still not going to be easy. The novelty of body swapping wears off. Soon you get fed up of it. You might even start to prefer being a woman and begin to hate being a guy. I've only had three real lovers in my time. Believe it or not, two of them started to prefer my body, one male the other female. We split up soon afterwards. I let them have my body as a sort of parting gift."

"That's why I want to be careful with you. So far, you've enjoyed having my body, but you haven't fallen in love with it yet. I need to try and make sure that doesn't happen."

"So why didn't you tell me all this last week. Why wait until now," I asked her.

"Well like I said, I didn't want to put you off. If you'd have known just how hard it was going to be, you might not have stayed with me."

I then felt a little guilty. I must have made her feel so insecure that first week. It's no wonder she didn't tell me. However, there was still one unanswered question, "So how did you come by this body. Rachel's family seems to have accepted you. How did you pull that one off."

"That's the one thing I can't tell you just yet. If you stay with me a bit longer, I'll tell you," she said.

I sat there thinking about what she had told me, "So you've been swapping all those years with all those people," I spoke aloud, "And you haven't found a single person you can't swap with."

"No. But there is one small exception," I looked on intently. Could there be a way we could have sex without swapping, "I can't swap with a pregnant woman. Something about the souls of the mother and baby being linked."

"Interesting," I thought. If we did stay together and one day we ever wanted a child and I got Rachel pregnant, we would not have to swap for nine months. I then realized the simple fact that I was currently female. In an instant, my heart missed a few beats. I turned to Rachel in near panic.

"Oh my God, could I be pregnant," We had not used any form of protection this past week. It had never even occurred to me.

Rachel had a concerned look on her face, "Oh shit. When was my last period," she paused for a few seconds before saying, "You might be".

"No. No. No," I repeated. The thought of being a pregnant woman for nine months was making me almost hysterical.

Suddenly Rachel started laughing, "What's so funny?" I asked, "I could be pregnant. I could be stuck like this."

"No. You can't. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist it. I can't get pregnant, nor can I make anyone pregnant"

"What do you mean?"

"It's part of the curse. That witch told me in her letter. She said I don't deserve to be a mother or a father, so when I'm female, I can't get pregnant and when I'm male I can't get a girl pregnant. You don't have to worry about pregnancy as long as you're with me."

"So I can't..."

"No. I just wanted to see how you would react. I'm sorry. You should have seen the look on your face," she laughed.

I grabbed a cushion and threw it at her grinning face, "Bitch. I nearly had a heart attack when you..." I said, still a little breathless, but very much relieved that I could not get pregnant.

"I'm sorry. It was just a bit of fun. But seriously, now you know how a girl feels about getting pregnant. The next time you have sex with a girl, you remember how you just felt."

It took me five minutes and several more assurances from her that I could not get pregnant before I calmed down. Eventually I did see the funny side. Nevertheless, I decided to pay her back so that night I dressed up in some of her sexy underwear. I then relentlessly teased her with it before making love to her once as a woman, then several times as a man.

We both went back to our respective jobs the next day. We met up in the evening. The day at work had highlighted future problems. I had cleared the first hurdle of sex and I was on my way to clearing the second hurdle of living as a woman, but I could already see the third hurdle looming in the distance and it was a monster hurdle.

"I'm going to have to become you, aren't I," I stated in conversation.

"What," she asked surprised.

"That's the next hurdle, isn't it. Living as a woman isn't enough. When I'm in your body, I'm going to have to live my life as you, in every detail".

During this past week, we had stayed away from home, partially because of work but also so we could stay out of the way of our respective friends and family, so as not to alert them of any change in our behavior. But we couldn't keep doing this. If we were going to continue to have a relationship together, we were going to have to be able convince everyone we were still the same person.

Our friends and our families were only part of the problem. The biggest problem was our jobs. We had to have a relationship where we were uninhibited about sex. We couldn't just simply have sex every Friday and Sunday night; thus, I become Rachel every weekend. We had to be able to have sex and change whenever we pleased. How were we ever going to pull this off?

"Yes. You're right. We are going to have to learn everything about one another. When you are me, you will have to know exactly what I would do. You'll even have to be able do my job."

"But, how. Our families won't be too bad. We can always dodge the subject, but how the hell can we do each other's job. It's just not possible," I pointed out.

"It will be difficult. But it won't be as hard as you might think. I have been swapping for decades and I can easily slip into someone else's shoes. I'm sure with a bit of work, you can do the same."

I paused so Rachel continued, "We both have office jobs so our skills are the same. You're an executive with you own department, so you have the right to be different every day. We each have our own offices, so we can call one another if we have problems."

"You mean, we can really do this," I said. I still couldn't believe it was possible.

"We have two alternatives. We can split up and I don't think either of us really want to do that. The other option is that we both leave town and find somewhere else to go. Somewhere where no one will know us, where no one will notice the constant changes in us. If it comes to it, I'm prepared to do that, but let's try other options first, right."

I sat there thinking. What she was proposing sounded almost insane. How could we possibly do each other's jobs, continually swapping over? Before I could complete my thoughts, Rachel spoke again.

"Paul, I've been so proud of you these last few weeks. I never thought we would get this far. You don't know how lonely it's been for me these past years. But have I led you wrong yet. Trust me. Let's try it. If it doesn't work, then at least we know we've tried."

I recognized those words. I think I said them to her sometime. Anyway, I found myself agreeing with her. Somehow, we had come too far to just give up now. I had become Rachel physically and dresswise. Why not go the extra distance and become her fully. I agreed we should try it.

After she hugged me, we both kissed and I touched her breasts. You have no idea how hard it was for us to stop ourselves from making love. We couldn't because we both had to go to work tomorrow and we were still unprepared. This situation only served to highlight the problem. However I suggested that she get out that PVC suit and we did have an enjoyable evening.

We spent the rest of the week relentlessly drilling one another in our respective works. We each took extended lunch breaks to visit each other at work, so we could brief each other on who everyone was and where everything was.

I also scrutinized Rachel's habits and mannerisms. Our voice accents were fairly similar, but as we were doing this all I could think was just how impossible all this was. How could I possibly convince Rachel's mother that I was really her? Moreover, how could I do Rachel's job with the same conviction?

During the week, I employed a private detective to try to find out about the old Rachel. It was not that I didn't believe her, but perhaps that witch that cursed her is still alive and I can find her. If that is so then perhaps I can convince her to remove the curse. After all Rachel has served her time. She's been punished enough.

Over the next few weeks, I was getting worried. I kept putting off the time when we would go to work in each other's bodies. To tell you the truth, I was shit scared about it for two reasons.

Firstly I was worried about Rachel screwing up my very good job, but secondly I was terrified at the thought of walking into an office as Rachel. Whenever I received attention as a woman outside, I could deal with it. I could tell them to go away, or brush it off another way. But when I'm at work... I didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, Rachel took the upper hand. I was furious about the way she did it, but I suppose I would have never done it on my own. We were both in my office at lunch break. I had sneaked her inside. I did not want people to see her too often because it's unprofessional to bring partners to work.

Anyway, it had been a hectic morning. I was relaxing in my chair and Rachel starting massaging my shoulders, relieving the tension. I loved it when she did this. I just relaxed and let her do it. Well, before I knew what happening, she was in front of me massaging me from the front. Then, before I could stop her, she was sucking my cock. It wasn't long before I was sucking her cock.

After it was over, I stood up and straightened my skirt. I then realized just what she had done. It was lunchtime. Only half the day was over.

"What the hell have you done," I practically shrieked. Fortunately, almost everyone had gone away for lunch.

"I'm sorry Rachel," huh, she even called me Rachel, "but you were hanging back. You would have never gone through with this," she said.

"But I've got a meeting this afternoon."

"No. I'VE got a meeting this afternoon. And everything will be fine. Rachel," she stopped and then whispered, "Paul, just trust me. Have I led you wrong yet."

I stormed out. I mean, there was nothing I could do. Eventually I decided that I should go back to Rachel's work, which was not far. I was absolutely terrified as I walked into her small office.

The rest of the day was just as hectic for me. Not for everyone else, just for me because I had little or no idea what to do. It was a bit hard on me, because as Paul I managed my own department, but although Rachel has a good job, she's still a lot lower down on the ladder and I had to answer to a lot of people. I wondered who had the better part of the deal here.

As I reached a quiet part of the day, I began to think why the hell I was doing all this. Okay, Rachel may have given me the push I needed here, but why did I even agree to think about it. The answer was instantly obvious. Because I loved her, I really loved her. Part of me was doing this out of curiosity and interest, but curiosity only lasted so long. Yet even though I had only been here for a few hours I was beginning to accept the fact that I could spend half my working days in this office, wearing these clothes and strangely not being bothered by it as much as I thought I would.

Well I survived the day. When I got home, I was cross with Rachel. She had a concerned look on her face. She was apologetic for the way she did it, but she said it had to be done. I was stern with her for a few hours, but in the end, how cross can I be when she was right after all, although I never did admit that to her.

That evening we had to describe in detail exactly what had happened to each of us during the day. We had used notepads in which we wrote everything down, so we could later remember it describe to each other in detail.

Over the next few days, I found that it really was not as hard as I thought. There was one funny time when one of Rachel's work colleagues starting talking about boyfriends. I found out all the things Rachel had told her about me and found it funny. A few seconds later I cringed at the thought that Rachel would be able to do the same with my work colleagues.

At the end of the week, I decided to go through with it. This would not be easy. In fact it would be very difficult, risky even, but if this is what it took to stay with Rachel, I would do it. I would do anything.

From that moment on, we lost all inhibitions about sex. Up until then we had to carefully think about what we wanted to do in the next twenty four hours before allowing ourselves to go ahead with it, but now we quite literally did it whenever the urge took us and I didn't even think about the transfers anymore. It was just now just a side effect of our love life.

Soon, I did not mind whether I was a man or a woman. I never thought I would hear myself say that, but it's true. For me, I was just as happy to walk into work wearing my suit as I would wearing my skirt and heels (in the correct body of course).

It still wasn't easy for me and there were a few odd times, like the time I started putting on a bra before I realized I was male.

But the hardest thing was remembering which washroom to use. It may sound like a small thing, but after getting it wrong several times (in both ways); I had to quite literally check which underwear I was wearing before heading for the washroom.

In fact, I had to think before I did anything. Living two separate lives is not easy. But when they're of a different gender, it's even harder. I had to work at this harder than anything before in my life.

The sex was excellent between us. Rachel was superb in bed as a man and as a woman. I was also a quick learner. The knowledge I gained from being a woman was put to good use on her when I was myself again. I remembered Rachel telling me that I would become an excellent lover and that I would be able to give pleasure to practically any girl. If I'm honest, I think that might have been one reason for going ahead with all this. But now I realize that I don't want to please other girls, only Rachel.

That's another that amazed me. Being faithful was something I always had trouble with. But with Rachel, I never even got close to being unfaithful. I think part of that was because I did not feel insecure with Rachel. With other girls, I always guessed that they would be playing around sooner or later so I wanted to be the first one to do it.

However, I knew for a fact that Rachel would never play around. Well, she couldn't, at least not easily. That extra bit of security made me faithful to her.

People did notice some difference between us. Of course, there were times when we were put on the spot and couldn't answer a particular question, but I soon learned the art of being able to dodge the question or deflect it until I could ask Rachel. It was a skill that Rachel had already learned years earlier.

My whole attitude to life changed. I will now admit that I had been a selfish guy with a big ego. But spending half of my life as a woman changed all that. I was more caring, considerate and kind.

This showed in my work. It started to slacken. At work, I had always been ruthless, but now I found I was losing that killer instinct. Ironically enough, Rachel turned out to be more ruthless than I was when doing my job. She was doing my job better than I was, which did not help my pride and ego.

I was a bit worried at first. I thought I might be becoming too feminine, going too far down that road. Rachel said that two of her past lovers had started to prefer her body. Was that happening to me?

As it turned out, I just needed to steady myself. A short two-day business trip came up. Again, the timing was ideal. I was able to sort out my feelings. There was no way I was going to lose Rachel, so I forced myself to accept the situation. I liked being female and I will now freely admit that being a woman was a very pleasant thing, but I was not going to let that come between us. I just had to bring myself through this.

When I returned from the trip, things instantly improved. I found that I became my old ruthless self at work but I also found I was able to leave that person behind at the office and become the new me when I got home. I liked the new me.

Over the next few months, we became a real item. I don't just mean sexual partners. We became real lovers. All this body swapping did one thing for us. It made us understand one another in ways that simply cannot be gained any other way. In order to live my life as Rachel, I had to know everything about her, and I mean everything. She also had to know everything about me.

At this point, she told me her final secret. How she came to get this body. She told me one night after sex.

"I suppose it's a bit embarrassing. For a start, let me tell you I trained as a nurse. About six years ago I was working in a hospital as a male nurse. I was depressed at the time. I was just so lonely."

"Anyway, one day my mind was wandering when I heard my name being called. Only it wasn't Jack, my name at the time, but Rachel, my real name. I was intrigued so I followed it to the source."

"It was a family crowded round a bed. They were all crying. In the bed was a young girl. She was connected up to all the monitors."

"She was brain dead. The doctors had just told the family that there was no chance of her ever regaining consciousness. They had just decided to switch off the life support machine, but it was delayed until tomorrow for some legal reasoning or something."

"I looked at the beautiful girl then looked at her family. They were absolutely devastated. I could see that they were a loving family and it reminded me of the family always wanted, but never had. I asked around and I found out that the girl had strangled herself."

Rachel flushed with embarrassment at this point.

"I won't go into the exact details, but you can guess what I did that night. I must have been crazy to do it. It could have killed me, I didn't know what the effects of transferring into a brain dead person would have been, but I was so depressed at the time that I just didn't care. I just wanted to be loved by someone. If I couldn't find a partner to love me, I wanted a family."

"After the switch I got up and moved my old body to another room, then got back into bed making sure none of the monitor alarms went off. Well, there was quite a bit of commotion the next morning. The doctors were amazed and my family were absolutely overjoyed."

"Now, I didn't now the first thing about Rachel, so I feigned amnesia. It was hard for the first few weeks being a sixteen-year-old girl again, but it was worth it. I got the loving family I wanted and they got their daughter back. Although it became apparent to them that my amnesia was permanent, we had all grown to love one another."

"And that's how I got this body. It has been a bit of a double-edged sword. You see, there are times when I feel like moving on, but I can't bear to see my parents lose their daughter again, so I'm trying to stay Rachel as long as I can."

Rachel finished, "What happened to your old body then," I asked.

"Actually I don't know. I tried to find out, but my parents wouldn't let me lift a finger for weeks. I think they blamed themselves for my attempted suicide. I assumed the body died through lack of life support since the new mind was dead."

The next week, Rachel returned home in my body looking a bit upset. She asked me if I trusted her. When I said that I did, she asked me why I had hired a private detective to check out her story.

I was embarrassed at being caught out. It only then occurred to me that the detective would have reported back to my proper body not knowing Rachel was the host.

I then explained that it wasn't that I didn't believe her, but I was trying to find the witch and get her curse ended. She told me that we simply must not keep secrets from one another. We had to tell each other everything. In the end I agreed with her and apologized.

After her lecture, I was dying to know what the information the detective had gained. As it turned out, nothing. The trail was too cold. I looked at the report and it did appear to confirm what Rachel had told me. All three people, the original Rachel, her lover and his wife all disappeared without trace at about the same time around twenty-five years ago. He has not been able to find any trace of any of them.

So, that was that. Unless we could find that witch, we were going to have to carry on swapping over, possibly forever... but you know what, that was not such a crazy idea now...

And so it continued. I had never been this close to anyone in my entire life. I had never shared myself so much with another person. At first, all this had started as curiosity. I don't think either of us expected to be together for two weeks after that first transfer. Yet here we are months later, still together, closer than ever and getting closer every day.

The weeks and months just seemed to fly by. I had never been so happy and content in my entire life.

We went out to dinner one night. I was male and Rachel was looking her usual gorgeous self as she always did when female. She tried to seduce me before we left, but for some reason, I spurned her advances. I knew I would get that body tonight, but I wanted to take her out to dinner tonight, not be taken out to dinner.

However, during dinner, I sort of changed my mind. An evil grin spread across my face. I slipped off one of my shoes and slid it under her tight dress. Fortunately, there was a tablecloth draped over the table, so no one could see what I was doing.

I should mention that the insides of her legs are one of her body's erogenous zones. All those months ago when she licked my pussy for the first time, she played on this fact. Over the months, I had learned where all those hot spots where on her body, usually when Rachel touched them when in my body. Therefore, I began rubbing where I knew it would please her. She had on stockings and suspenders, which was quite normal for her when going out.

After a few minutes of this, I softly moved my foot up to her groin and delicately pulled her panties slightly down with my toes. I could see from the look in her eyes exactly what effect I was having.

"I thought you didn't like lasagna," Rachel said. Lasagna was the dish she had ordered.

"I don't," I replied.

"Well, if you keep that up," she said motioning to her groin, "that's what you'll be eating"

That was all I needed to hear. I took her hand in mine across the table to make sure we were touching and pushed my toe right where I knew it would do the job. Before I could tell what was happening, I was struggling to contain the orgasm as Rachel's foot teased my clit. I gave a mild gasp. I'm sure a few people knew what we were doing and I felt a little embarrassed. But switching in public like that always gave me a thrill, not that we did it that often.

A few minutes later the waiter brought over our food. My mouth watered as I saw the delicious steak that I had ordered before I realized that I had to eat the lasagna Rachel had ordered. She was right. I didn't like it.

But that was another thing about the past months. We had to respect each other's bodies. I had to eat the sort of things Rachel liked. I had to work out just like she did. In effect, I had spent half of my time as her in every detail.

As we were eating our meals Rachel started a conversation.

"Rachel," she had to call me Rachel in public, "do you know it's been a year since we've been going out together," Rachel said.

I could not believe it. My jaw dropped open and I held my fork in mid air in disbelief. I had completely lost track of the time. But Rachel was right. We had been going out together for exactly a year. Of course, the first three months do not really count because we never really knew each other, but it still only felt like we had been going out for a few months.

"A year," I replied as I finally managed to get the fork to my mouth, forcing the lasagna down my throat.

"Exactly. We met in that bar one-year ago to the day. That night I cried because I just knew that one day I would end up switching with you, but I never ever thought we'd still be together one year on," she said.

It was hard to believe we were still together. In the first few weeks after my initial switch with Rachel, I never thought we would be going out for another week, let alone nine months. But here I am enjoying an evening dinner with my lover. I no longer thought of Rachel as my girlfriend anymore. Well, how could I. Half the time she was my boyfriend. I now thought of Rachel as just my love, or my lover.

Now I knew why she had been so keen so go out tonight. But why didn't she tell me instead of dragging me out. I would have happily gone out tonight had I know that it was the anniversary of our first meeting. Ha, I soon found out.

We finished our meals and I went to the washroom. At this point, I realized one of the reasons why I hadn't been too keen on having Rachel's body until we were back in bed. She had worn a pair of her highest stiletto heels. While she looked very sexy in them, I was still having trouble balancing in stilettos. It was the one part of being a woman that I was finding impossible to crack. Even her periods were easier than this.

Now, I was used to wearing normal heels. In fact, because Rachel's feet had been conditioned to wearing heels over the years, I found it difficult to wear flat-based shoes. But even a year later, I was still unable to master the art of walking in high stiletto heels. And because we were out to dinner, Rachel had insisted on wearing a pair of her highest.

I suppose I should have confessed to her that I really didn't like wearing them. Maybe she would have eased off a little on wearing them herself. But I had decided many months ago that I was going to do whatever it took to stay with Rachel and if it meant having to wear these spikes every now and then, then I would just have to suffer in silence.

It wasn't all that bad. I was nearly four inches taller as I worked my way to the washroom and it did elicit many glances from some of the men. While I never had any real sexual attraction for other men, it made me feel good inside.

When I was in the washroom, I managed to get into some idle chatter with one of the other women. This was something else I had found difficult... girl talk. It was so hard working out what to say, but I had managed to get the basics of it by now.

Actually all this did give me a sort of a kick. Being in the ladies room, talking to 'other' women, touching up my makeup. It highlighted just how much my life had changed since a year ago.

When I returned, I saw that Rachel had been out to the car, which was parked close by. I asked her why she had gone there.

"To make a quick call," she replied.

It seemed weird. I just knew she was not telling the complete truth. We returned to our tables for coffees and I was determined to extract the truth from her, but she beat me to it as I started my coffee.

"Rachel," she said again calling me Rachel, "I'm glad you did 'that'," I assumed she meant the orgasm I caused to have with my foot, "You see, I tried to seduce you earlier because I wanted to be male when we came out tonight."

"Why," I asked curiously. Like I said, she had tried to seduce me, but I assumed she was just a bit horny. I didn't know that she actually wanted to be male for the meal tonight.

"Because there are some things that it's just not appropriate for a woman to do." At this point she got up and took something out her pocket. It was a small box. She got down on one knee and opened the box. It contained a ring inside.

"Rachel, will you marry me," she said.

I was completely shocked. I could not say anything. We were in a busy restaurant and Rachel had just proposed to me. Rachel took the ring from the box, took my hand and placed the ring on my slender finger.

"Will you," she pleaded.

"Yes," I heard myself say. I got up and we both hugged. I heard some people cheering at other tables. Tears formed in my eyes.

When we were back home, I had gotten over the shock, but I was now more excited than I had ever been before. Although Rachel had sprung the question on me, I quickly realized that I wanted nothing more than to marry her. I wanted to run out and tell everyone. I thought about our wedding day, but that raised a very interesting point.

"But hang on a minute. You have just proposed to me as a man. So who are we when we get married," I asked.

"I don't know," Rachel answered, "When I was a girl, I had always assumed I would get married as a woman. I have thought about it. I suppose we should get married in our own bodies, but somehow if we get married as each other, it would be the perfect way to accept each other."

I thought about what she had said. Part of me was interested in getting married as a woman. A look of inspiration crossed her face, "Tell you what, lets toss a coin over it".

She hurried away and returned with a coin a few minutes later.

"Okay, you call. If you get it right, you are the man. If not, you're the woman," I nodded.

"Call," she said as she flipped the coin into the air.

"Heads..." I called out.

So, here I am three months later walking down the aisle in my wedding dress. I must admit, when that coin landed tails it brought mixed emotions to me. I think that I had wanted to get married as a man. I was a little uneasy about it for the next few days.

But as the weeks passed and our love grew ever stronger, I decided it no longer mattered. I just wanted to marry Rachel. I didn't care if I was a man or a woman. Rachel at first saw I was not too happy with getting married as a woman and she did offer to swap, but by then, I had warmed to the idea and I told her I was fine with it. Somehow, she was right. Getting married as each other was the ultimate acceptance of our life together.

Our respective parents were also delighted. I think they wanted us to wait a little longer, but we simply couldn't. We loved each other and we wanted to get married as quickly as possible. Because Rachel proposed to me a year to the day since we met, we decided to get married a year to the day that I became Rachel for the first time. We just could not tell anyone the importance of that day in particular.

It was tough getting it all arranged in the three months, but we just did it. We moved in together, Rachel gave up her job to look after the house and I gained a promotion to the board so I now earned enough money to easily support us both. Of course, the reality is that we both earned my promotion, we both gave up Rachel's job and we both look after the house since we now share our lives so closely.

We tried to share the experience as much as possible from both sides, swapping over for each dress fitting and things like that, but we decided that the final few days should be spent the bodies we would be married in. There were still a few areas of concern. The bachelor party was one. It would be just typical of my friends to get me completely drunk and set me up with a stripper.

Not that I would have minded, but since Rachel would be going to the bachelor party as me, what would happen if they did that. Rachel could easily become the stripper. That would leave a lot of explaining to do. To get round this, we made our final change about six hours before her bachelor party, so any 'accidents' would not result in an exchange.

As a guy, I never did see the problem with strippers at bachelor parties. It was the guys last stab at freedom. I could never see why girls got so worked up about it. Now I'm sitting on the other side of the fence, I can appreciate why women have so much trouble with it. Rachel even joked about going with a stripper that night, which I did not find at all amusing. Okay, I had a bachelorette party with Rachel's friends, but all they did was reminisce over old times, which was very tricky for me. Although Rachel had told me most (but not all) of her secrets, I only knew the facts. I was not there. I couldn't laugh like all these girls were remembering it. I would have preferred to be my old self right now.

When I spoke to Rachel the next morning, she told me that she had felt pretty much the same. We concluded that swapping for the parties had been a mistake. Rachel offered one last time to swap back for the wedding, but I refused.

Although at first, I wasn't too thrilled at the idea of getting married as a woman, I realized right now that it was all worth it. Standing beside Rachel in my wedding dress as we exchanged our vows made me feel absolutely wonderful. I knew I was going to be with this person for the rest of my life

We also discovered something else. Rachel said she could never find a way to break this curse of hers. Well, that is just what we've done. We no longer think of it as a curse. We now consider it was a blessing because I could have never fallen in love with Rachel so much if it had not been for this curse. I wanted nothing more than to keep swapping places with her for the rest of my life.

We had even talked about the possibility of having a child. Although Rachel could neither get pregnant, nor get anyone pregnant, maybe there was a way round it. Perhaps I could get myself pregnant by collecting my own sperm when male and then inseminating myself when female.

We didn't know if this would work, whether the curse would allow it, but we could certainly try it. There was one major obstacle and that was that I would have to carry the baby exclusively and be female for the full nine-month term. Right now, that does not appeal to me one bit. I don't want to be a pregnant woman. But maybe in five years time, I might think differently. In any event, that's in the future. Right now, we have each other.

There was a reception, after which we proceeded to our hotel for the evening. As we both entered the bridal suite, I don't think that either of us really wanted to make love that evening. Oh, we wanted to, but we didn't want to exchange. I think both of us wanted to finish the day by going to sleep in the bodies in which we had been married.

We talked about it, kissed and cuddled, but eventually our carnal desires got the better of us. Rachel stripped me, then made love to me. I knew it was going to be quick, but it still felt good. As I felt my own orgasm building to a climax, I also felt Rachel tense up. A few minutes later, after much screams and thrashing about, I realized I was still female.

"Did we come together?" I asked finally realizing that we should have changed.

"It's looks like it, Mrs. Wilkins," she said as she kissed me.

We never gave it a second thought. We had just had a simultaneous orgasm. Rachel told me long ago that if we both cum at exactly the same time, it sort of overloads the curse and we're stuck in that body for a full week. I suppose neither of us had wanted to exchange that night and this seemed to be the perfect wedding gift. We made love again and sure enough, we did not exchange.

I woke the next morning, still female to start our honeymoon. Because of our simultaneous orgasm last night, it meant I would be Rachel for the next week. In the past year, we had only had two simultaneous orgasms, but each time before, I was male. This time, I was female. I had already been female for the past five days which was a fairly long period and I was now going to be like this for another week.

But it didn't bother me in the slightest. I was now married to the person I loved and I could enjoy the first week of the honeymoon without any worries about body transfers.

We departed early in the morning for Hawaii and we were well settled into our honeymoon suite by the afternoon. That night we made fantastic love. It was the most passionate night of my life. I loved every single minute of it.

For the rest of the week, I was in complete heaven. I had never been happier in my entire life. I had lost count of the days, but Rachel told me that tonight would be the end of the seven-day blockage on the body transfer. I had thoroughly enjoyed my last twelve days as a woman, but I wanted to get back to my male body, so I could finally make love to my wife.

Rachel sensed what I wanted, so that night she went down on me and buried her head in my pussy. I think that this was probably the best position for transferring, for both sides. When we switched she would get my female orgasm and I would be very horny in my male body, so I would fuck her causing us both to enjoy it all over again.

She continued to work my clit with her tongue. It wasn't long before I felt the unmistakable build to an orgasm. I moaned one last time before clutching the bed with my fingers. Rachel sensed how close I was and she penetrated my vagina with her fingers sending me over the edge. My whole body tensed and shuddered as I cried out in ecstasy and the now familiar pleasure swept throughout my body.

As the pleasure had begun to subside, Rachel continued to work my clit until she suddenly stopped and lifted her head up. I instantly realized what was wrong. I was still female. Right now, I should have been licking Rachel's clit. I sat upright.

"Why haven't we switched?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know," she said.

The next twenty minutes were tense. We were working out how long it had been since our simultaneous orgasm last week. Suddenly Rachel started laughing. "Of course. Why didn't I think of it. The week isn't up yet," she said.

"But it is," I said. I had already worked out the times and was still shocked at the conclusion.

"No. Look. We had our simultaneous orgasm exactly a week ago at around midnight."

"Yeah, but it's one in the morning, now," I pointed out.

"But you're forgetting the time difference. In Denver, it's still only ten o'clock. The week isn't up yet," she pointed out, "We've still got another two hours left"

I breathed a huge sigh of relief and collapsed onto the bed. At first, we thought about waiting until two in the morning, but we were fairly tired so we didn't bother. There was no rush to change back. We still had another week. I'm sure we would have sex sometime tomorrow, so I gave her a blowjob and we soon fell asleep. The one thing I had learned in the past year was that we should never have sex just for the sake of transferring.

The next day at around lunchtime I was taking a shower when I heard the shower door open. I turned round and Rachel was standing there holding one of our dresses in her hand. We now thought of everything as 'ours'.

"Y'know. I packed this dress myself," she said, "I fully intended to wear it. And today that is exactly what I'm gonna do," she threw the dress over her shoulder before joining me in the shower.

"But since I'll look a bit silly wearing a dress, I think I need to leave this shower with those tits on my chest," she said looking down at my body.

She then adjusted the showerhead and knelt down. I laughed briefly. She was doing exactly as I had done a year ago. She spread my legs before pushing her head deep in my pussy. The water drops on my body combined with her expert tongue soon had me groaning.

"If you want to leave this shower with tits, you're going the right way about it," I said, repeating what she had said to me that time.

She was going the right way as well. I wondered if she was going to give me a blowjob afterwards as I had done to her that time. I grabbed my tits and squeezed my nipples. In a matter of minutes, I was approaching my orgasm. I spread my legs wider still, pushed my body back against the shower wall thrusting my pussy outwards to meet her face. Within a few seconds, I reached my peak. I gave a familiar scream and the pleasure again swept through me. Rachel continued to eat my pussy as the pleasure began to subside.

We both stopped instantly. We still had not changed. I was still female.

"What's happening. Why didn't we swap?" I said.

"I don't know," replied Rachel looking bewildered.

We left the shower and dried off. I then laid on the bed while Rachel fucked me. There was no way I was going to come. I was simply too tense. After several minutes Rachel tensed up and squirted deep inside me. But I was still female.

"What's happening. Why aren't we swapping?" I said almost crying.

"I don't know. I don't know," replied Rachel looking equally disturbed.

"Could I be... pregnant," I asked in desperation. According to Rachel, the only exception to the curse was that she could not swap with a pregnant woman. It suddenly seemed to fit. We worked out how long it had been since our last period and the past week had been the time when Rachel's body would ovulate. We never used any protection because Rachel could neither get pregnant, nor could she get me pregnant. But had she somehow?

We rushed out to get a pregnancy tester kit. The thought of being stuck like this for nine months nearly made me cry. I took the test and it came up negative. I retook it and got the same result. I remember staring at the second negative test. At that point, I wished it had been positive. At least that way we would have known why we were not switching and I would have only been female for the next nine months. But now, I could be stuck like this forever.

The rest of the honeymoon was ruined. I had trouble sleeping. We continued to have sex every day, but every time, Rachel would come inside me and there would be no transfer. During our sex, I received no pleasure from it at all. In the last year, I had always enjoyed sex as a woman. I might not have had an orgasm every time, but I always enjoyed it. Now it was completely different. I just laid back on the bed and let Rachel pump me. I did not feel the slightest bit of pleasure from it.

Our families greeted us when we returned. We tried to put on a brave face, but they could all see there was something wrong. Try as hard as I could, I just looked so miserable.

Looking back, it is difficult to explain why I had so much trouble with this. After all, I had spent half of the last year as a woman. But that was just the point. Although I had been female for half of the last year, I had been male for the other half. In effect, I had the best of both worlds, enjoying life from both sides.

Now, if we could not find a way to switch back, I could be stuck like this... for the rest of my life...

It was now three weeks after our wedding, a week after we returned from our honeymoon. I took another two pregnancy tests during the week. Both turned up negative. By now, I was almost praying to be pregnant.

Rachel had to go back to work during the week and I had to stay at home and look after our house. That really hurt me because I knew that this could be a permanent arrangement. I loved my job and I knew there was every possibility that I might never work there again.

We had a few theories about why we were not switching. It appears that simultaneous orgasms seem to overload the curse and stop it working for a week. But maybe this time it overloaded the curse for longer. After all, it happened on our wedding night. Maybe this time the curse was overloaded for a month.

I know it wasn't a very solid theory, but it was the best we could come up with. The only viable alternative is that the curse was designed to expire when Rachel got married and since she got married as a man... that's how she has to live the rest of her life.

The only other possible theory is that I am somehow pregnant, despite the negative tests but that's looking less and less likely as the days go by and we are starting to dismiss it.

People say married life is different. Well, it can't get much more different than this can it.

Rachel told me she had a plan to narrow down these theories. But she did not tell me the details and she made a few telephone calls. The next day when she returned home from work, I looked outside and I was surprised to see a woman in the passenger seat. I had never seen her before. She looked in her thirties with short dark hair. They walked to the door as I walked to the hallway and Rachel opened the door with her key.

"Hi Paul," I said calling her Paul in public, "Everything okay"

"It's okay Paul," Rachel said. I was surprised she called me Paul in front of this woman, "This is Janet. She knows."

Janet held out her hand and smiled. I was a little shocked, but I held out my hand and we shook.

"Rachel has been telling me all out you Paul," Janet said.

I looked at Rachel with a very puzzled looked on my face. She must have known just what I was thinking because she explained straight away.

"Janet's an old acquaintance of mine. We made, lets call it a transaction some years ago," Rachel said.

I knew what she meant by that. Rachel had obviously swapped bodies with Janet some time ago. Since Rachel described it as a 'transaction', I also assumed Janet used to be a man.

"What's going on," I asked wondering what Janet was doing here regardless of what she used to be.

"I want to try something. I want to find out if the curse has stopped working completely, or if it's just stopped working with you. So I want to..." Rachel tried to finish, but was finding it difficult to spit out the words.

"You want to have sex with Janet and see if you swap," I finished for her.

"Yes," she nodded, "It'll just be sex, I promise. And if we do switch, we'll switch straight back at the earliest opportunity. Janet doesn't want to be a man again for any longer than necessary."

I nodded my agreement. I was not to keen on the idea of Rachel swapping with another woman. It wasn't only because of the sex, but also I felt I was becoming one more step removed from my proper body. But at the same time, I felt that we had to find out what was happening and this seemed to be the only real way to do it.

"When are you going to...?" I said.

"Well, we were thinking of now. The quicker we switch, the quicker we can switch back."

Again, I nodded my acceptance. Without saying much more, Rachel and Janet left for the bedroom. I went straight into the living room and turned up the TV loud. The thought of my lover having sex with someone else was difficult to handle, although I knew it was for the best.

It all seemed to take forever. The digital clock display on the VCR seemed to take hours just to go through one minute. After about ten minutes, Janet walked into the living room. I silenced the TV and looked straight at Janet. I looked into her eyes and I saw Rachel there. She was now in Janet's body.

"So it worked then," I softly said.

Rachel nodded, "Yeah. Just like normal."

"So why the hell doesn't it work with me," I said beginning to get emotional.

Rachel sat down to comfort me. She put her arms around my shoulders. This was strange. We were now two women together. We had been swapping every few days for the past year, but for the first time we were now of the same gender at the same time.

"Don't worry, we'll work it out," Rachel said.

"But if you can swap, then that means the curse is still working. So why don't we switch," I stared ahead, "I must be pregnant. I must be."

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. That night Rachel slept with me and Janet slept in the spare bed. It felt strange to be going to bed with another woman, what with me being a woman at the time. I did feel a mild interest for some lesbian sex with Rachel. It was the first since I was stuck like this that I actually desired some sex. Unfortunately, Rachel had no desire for sex, at least not with me.

Her curse assured that she could never be gay or lesbian. She would always desire the opposite sex. Now, in the past year I had always been the opposite sex to her. This was time in our relationship that Rachel had no sexual desire for me. I think she was just as hurt about that too. Eventually we hugged each other and we both cried ourselves to sleep.

The next day was much the same. Rachel switched back with Janet as soon as she could. I think we all had thoughts in the back of our minds that Rachel might not be able to switch back and she would be stuck as Janet, but fortunately they swapped straight back as soon as they had sex.

Rachel kissed Janet goodbye before joining me in the living room. Since the curse was still working, I simply had to be pregnant. I would have to make an appointment with our doctor to make sure.

Well an hour later I found out I was definitely not pregnant. It was early evening when my period hit a day early. Rachel joined me in the bedroom later. To make matters worse, this was a particularly tough period. The cramps were bad.

"I'm gonna be stuck like this aren't I," I said. I was starting to get depressed over all this. It was just too much. In the past year, we had even been able to share Rachel's periods. In so many ways, being able to share in my girlfriends period pain brought us even closer together. But this time I was going to have to face this one all alone.

"Is that so bad?" she said.

"Yes it fucking is," I snapping back at her. Huh, I was even getting bitchy already; "Sorry" I said realizing this was not her fault.

"We've still got each other," she said holding my hand, "Paul, I don't want this any more than you. I want to keep swapping with you, but... I just don't know how to anymore. I'm at a loss."

"I know. I know," I said, "But you'd better start calling me Rachel now in private." I said that line in a partial joking manner, but it had a very serious side to it. We had exhausted all the possibilities. It now looked like I was Rachel for life.

Since my period was in full flow, I was in no mood for sex so we just went to sleep in each other's arms.

I was miserable for the next month or so. I just knew that I was going to be stuck like this. I suppose I could compare it to having a limb lost in an accident. I knew I could survive it, but I could not help but feel depressed at the sense of loss.

Despite what anyone might think, there was a sense of loss. I had not only lost the ability to make love to my wife as a man, but also my whole male life had been lost. The life that I had worked so hard at getting.

But I can't complain too much. I knew what I was getting into. I knew deep down that this was always a possibility. What if Rachel had run off in my body, or if she had an accident in my body. But I think what made it worse was that this was so avoidable. Why did I have to get married as a damn woman? Somehow, if I had been stuck as a man, it would not be quite as bad.

Sex between us did start to recover, mostly because I now knew there was virtually no chance of getting back. It was tough to begin with. I knew that I would never drive my cock into a pussy again, only have a cock driven into my pussy. I would never have my cock sucked again, only suck cock.

But after all that I do love Rachel. I knew I could get through this, but now, all I could feel was depression

We also wondered if I could now get pregnant. After all the curse is still working, but for some reason Rachel can't swap with me. Perhaps that same part which stops me from swapping with Rachel will allow me to get pregnant by Rachel. For some bizarre reason the thought of being a pregnant woman is not as bad as it was a few months ago, maybe because I had been wishing to be pregnant for those two weeks since we found I was stuck like this.

One day the doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be. Perhaps some salesperson or something. I walked to the door and opened it. I almost fell over when I saw Rachel's mother standing there.

"Hello Rachel," she said as she walked in.

"Oh, hi Mom," I said outwardly, "Oh, fuck" was what I said inside.

Over the past year, I had been able to roughly emulate Rachel's life when I was she. But friends and family were always a tricky thing. Rachel seemed to be able to blend into my life so easily and my friends and family hardly noticed a difference, even when Rachel was alone with my mother.

But I was finding it tougher. So we did our best to avoid the situation and that was a lot easier than you might think. Every time I found myself alone with one of Rachel's friends or family and the conversation was getting a little hard for me to handle, I would just make an excuse to keep it short. Rachel would then make up for it at a later date. This worked for the past year.

Now I was Rachel permanently. This was something I was just going to have to face.

"I'm just dropping in to see my favorite daughter," she said. Rachel was her only daughter; "You haven't been round to visit for a while."

"Oh... err... well we've been busy. Let me make us a coffee," I said.

As I went to the kitchen to make the coffee, I wondered what I should do. She did not look like she was simply dropping in to see her daughter. She wanted a heart to heart conversation with me. I thought about inventing an excuse, but I couldn't keep doing that. I was going to have to do this eventually and the later I left it, the worse it would get.

When the kettle boiled, I decided to go all out and find out what was bothering her. Maybe it would not be as bad as I thought. I returned with the coffees on a tray remembering to do it just as Rachel had told me. As I sat down, I was hoping she would just make some idle chatter and then leave.

"Rachel, is there something wrong," was her first line, which blew away any hope of a simple talk.

"Wrong with what," I said pretending to be ignorant of the situation.

"With you. It's just that ever since you got married you've been... different. Are you okay," she said. Damn this was just what we were afraid of. Now that I was Rachel full time, my behavior was starting to show. Of course, me being so miserable and depressed didn't help either.

"No Mom, I'm fine," I replied. She just looked at me for a minute.

"No. You're not," she said, "What is it. Are you pregnant," she asked.

"Huh, I wish I was," I quickly remarked without thinking.

"What," she said quickly glancing over at me with a worried look. I knew straightaway that what I had just said was completely the wrong thing to say. I could tell from the tone of my own voice, I was practically crying out for help. I struggled to give her an explanation and boy did I have to think quickly.

"I... err... I'm having my... err... period and it's a pretty rough one. Every time I have a rough one, I... err... sort of wish I'm pregnant... so I don't have to go through the... err.. period."

"Oh," she said looking at me, not quite believing what I said, but at the same time accepting it. My heart returned to it's normal beating rhythm. Damn that was a close one. I was going to have to watch what I said and really keep my mouth shut.

"Look Rachel. I will always be here for you and I will always love you. But I can't help you if you won't tell me what the problem is. Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"No. I can't," I said. Again, that was not the best thing to say.

"So there is something wrong. Rachel, please tell me what it is," she pleaded with me.

I was digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself and I just knew it. It was becoming blatantly obvious to her that something was wrong and that I needed help. How could I tell her that this was something she just couldn't help me with? I decided on the direct approach.

"Mom," I said taking her hand in mine, "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. I know you love me and I love you too, but this is something I need to work out myself. It's nothing serious. In fact it's all a bit silly, but there's nothing wrong."

As I said those words, I thought to myself that it was silly. It was so silly for me to get myself depressed over this. I would have thought about it some more, but Rachel's mother spoke again.

"Is it Paul. Is he the problem," she asked.

"No Mom."

"Are you sure. Look me in the eyes and tell me that. He hasn't hurt you in any way, has he?"

That hurt me. The mere suggestion that I could ever harm Rachel really dug deep into me. I looked Rachel's mother in the eyes just as she asked.

"Mom. He's never laid a single finger on me or even come close to it. He treats me with respect. I couldn't wish for anyone better than him. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's a complete angel," I said. Okay I know that was a bit over the top, but I wasn't about to have my proper self blamed for all this, however depressed I was.

She thought for a minute and then nodded slowly, which I took as an acceptance of what I had told her. She giggled slightly.

"What," I said.


"What," I demanded softly.

"Oh, it's just Paul. I've got a confession. I know I encouraged you to go out with him to start with, but a few months later I found out a few things about him. I happened to meet someone that works for him and they told me he was a right bastard."

You don't know how hard I had to fight the urge to get the name of that person out of Rachel's mother. This was not the first time this had happened and I knew it would not be the last. It amazing how many things you find out about yourself when you're someone else. But the thing was... I was a right bastard back then. I now realized that now. It's been Rachel that has "shown me the light."

Rachel's mother continued, "But over the months, he seemed so nice, so good to you. I could tell you've never been happier in your life, so I didn't say anything to you. I was even happy for you when you told me you wanted to marry him. But ever since you've been so depressed after your marriage, I... err... wondered if he's been treating you badly now that you're married."

"Well, he hasn't," I said, "Not in the slightest."

"You really love him don't you. I mean you REALLY love him."

"Yeah," I said.

"And you're sure it's nothing I can help you with."

"Mom. I'll be fine. Just trust me okay."

She smiled and nodded. We chatted about more mundane things for a little while before she left. As I closed the door behind her, I almost collapsed in relief. But the hard facts were that this was only the first of probably many times. In effect, she was my mother now.

I returned to sit down on the couch and think about what she had said.

What Rachel's mother said made a lot of sense. I thought about it for days. I knew I loved Rachel more than anything. Okay, I had not planned on spending the rest of my life in her body, but right now it doesn't look like I have much choice in the matter, so I'm just going to have to make the best of things. If I can't be her husband, I'm going to have to be her wife.

Over the next few months, things began to improve. I still didn't like it and I would have switched back in a heartbeat if I could. However, I was beginning to accept the fact that I was probably stuck in this body for the rest of my life.

I think that perhaps given time, I could truly accept this body as my own. Maybe, just maybe I could be happy living as Rachel for the rest of my life. But it was going to take time.

However, it all fell apart one fateful day. That day was one of the most vivid of my life. It started just like any ordinary day. Rachel went to work. Every time I kissed her goodbye for work, it reminded me of what I had lost. However, I had a busy day ahead of me today to take my mind off things. To start with, I had an early appointment at the hair salon.

But as I was leaving the house, I noticed some mail on the side table. Rachel must have put it there, but forgot to open it. One letter in particular caught my attention. It was just addressed "Rachel & Paul" with no address, stamp or anything else. I was about to open it, but I looked at the clock and realized I was late. So I put it in my purse to read later and left the house.

After I had been to the salon, my next job of the day was getting the shopping done. That was exclusively my job now that I was the housewife. When I was loading up the car when I saw a man propped up against the car next to me. He appeared to be a little breathless and he was having a hard time catching his breath. I walked over to him.

"Are you alright," I asked him. He looked a little ill.

"Yes... Ma'am... Thank you... for asking," he splutted out.

"Are you sure. Do you want me to get some help," I asked him.

"No, I'll be fine," he paused, "Heart problem," he said as he tapped his chest.

He seemed young to have a heart problem. He looked to be in his mid thirties and he was a big guy. I thought about calling for some help for him, but he slowly turned and began fishing out his keys from his pocket.

I returned and finished loading the shopping into the car and closed the door. I was then about to open the drivers door when I glanced over to the man and I saw him collapse on the floor just as he had opened his door. I ran round to his side and I saw him knelling down on the floor clutching his chest.

I rushed over to him to try to help him. The next part happened so fast that I barely remember it. In one instant, I found one of his hands had gripped my neck and the other one was over my mouth. He practically threw me in the car like a rag doll. I felt his hand leave my mouth. I tried to call out for help, but he had gripped my throat so tight I could barely breathe let alone call out.

I reached to try to pull his hand from my throat, but his arms were like tree trunks in comparison to mine. He was just too strong for me. I thought he was going to strangle me, when I saw the flash of a knife blade.

He released my throat so I could breath, but in it's place I felt a cold surface. Somehow I knew that knife was at my throat.

"If you make one sound bitch, I'll cut your damn throat," he said with a coldness that simply chilled me to the bone.

I didn't move. I was frozen. It was as if all my muscles had just froze in place. I couldn't even move my eyes. They looked straight into his and I still can't believe the emptiness that I saw there.

He held the knife there, then put something over my head. It was some sort of hood, but I could still feel the knife at my throat. He tightened it around my neck so I couldn't see a thing. Then he then turned me over and I felt something bind my hands together behind my back.

I felt one of his big hands on my bare legs. I instinctively wanted to scream at the top of my voice, but my body was still frozen. Even if I had wanted to move, I don't think I could have.

He slowly moved his hand up slightly, so it was just inside my skirt. I clenched my fist and braced myself. I knew there was not a damn thing I could do. I was completely helpless.

"You're all the same you bitches," he said in a soft chilling voice, "You walk around showing it all off. You need to be taught a lesson. Well I'm today's teacher."

I think he then pushed me into the back seat and forced me to lie down on the floor on the car.

"Don't get up and don't make a sound," he said to me in that same forceful voice. I felt something light fall on top of me. I think it was a blanket or something like that.

I then heard the car door slam. There were a few more noises like keys jangling together before I heard him start up the engine.

I felt the car move. At first, we reversed, then we moved forward. God I was so scared, more scared than you could possibly imagine. I remembered that he told me not to make a sound, but I just wanted to cry. I had to fight very hard to stop myself from crying out loud and instead just felt the tears rolling down my checks in silence.

One thing I clearly remember. As the car picked up speed, this guy actually started singing as if he was out on a country stroll. He was singing American Pie and taping his hand to the beat. He seemed to put emphasis every time he sang the line "this'll be the day that I die".

Every time I heard that line, I wondered if today was going to be my day...

The car ride seemed to take forever. I was stuck in the back of his vehicle completely blinded by the hood placed over my head. Eventually I felt the car stop and the engine turn off. My instincts told me that from the way the engine sound echoed that I was in a garage.

I heard the back door of the car open and I then felt his big hands grab me and pick me up. Again the urge to scream swept through me, but I knew that I had to just go along with whatever this guy wanted, at least for now.

He stood me up and pushed me forward. Now I can tell you that being pushed forward, when you are blinded and your hands are tied behind you back is a frightening experience.

As I stumbled forward, I tripped over a step and this man grabbed me once more and steadied me before pushing me forward again. Then I heard a door open and I guessed I was pushed inside.

Although I could not see a thing through this blindfold, I could always see pieces of light filtering through. But now, it was completely dark, so I guessed I was in a dark room.

Then I heard this guy flick a switch and I could see some light through the hood, so I knew I was a room. His hands gripped my arms one more time and he started pushing me forward and downward at the same time. It became instantly obvious that we were going down some wooden stairs. I lost my footing several times because I still had my heels on and I had to be steadied.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I assumed I was in a basement. He pushed me forward once more before shoving me down on the ground. I gave a faint cry as I could barely imagine what was coming next but all he did was speak to me.

"Don't make any fucking noise," he said before I heard him walking up the stairs, closing the door behind him and locking it.

I was still lying on the floor with my hands bound behind my back and a hood over my face. I assumed that the guy was no longer in the room but I could not take that for granted. He might be lingering around watching me.

I just laid there for several minutes without moving a muscle as I strained to hear a sound, any sound. Eventually I heard some boards creak above me. I could only assume that the noise was upstairs and that this guy was no longer in the room.

I decided I had to do something. I couldn't just lay here and wait for him to come back, so I first kicked of my heels. Then I rolled onto my back and tried to get my tied arms in front of me by pulling my legs up close into my body.

Rachel's body was fairly nimble and I had worked out to keep it in shape but this guy had done a really good job of tying my hands behind me because I just couldn't get them in front of me no matter how much I rolled around. Eventually I just laid in a heap and started to cry.

Some hours later I had calmed down slightly, but all I could do was think about how stupid I had been in the parking lot.

For the most part over the past year I had developed female instincts when in Rachel's body and for the past six months Rachel told me it was impossible to tell me apart from any normal woman, except of course for my depression after our marriage.

But there were always occasions when my true male self would shine through even when I was in Rachel's body and back in the parking lot was one of those times.

Why did I have to try to play the hero? I should have completely ignored that guy and locked myself in my own car.

But there is no point moaning about it after the fact. Right now, I was locked in his basement and I couldn't even bear to think what he was planning to do to me.

The next few days were a blur. This guy kept me tied, blindfolded and locked up in his basement for two days. He did, at times remove my blindfold, but he would then gag me and tie me to a chair. He brought me food and water and allowed me to go to the bathroom, although I was blindfold at the time, so I had no idea what his house was like.

On the third day, he eventually removed my blindfold and untied my hands. I was weakened, physically and emotionally. I had to fight hard to keep my spirits up. I knew he was trying to break me and I was not going to make it easy for him. The past two days had been emotional torture. He had kept me waiting for the inevitable time when he would rape me. Something told me that time was fast approaching.

Now that I was free, I half considered making a run for the stairs. However, I knew that I was in no condition to fight. Even at full strength, I posed no match for him, but now it was a hopeless fight.

"Well, you even made the newspapers," he said, "It says 'police suspect that local woman Rachel Wilkins was abducted by an unknown person. Her car was found abandoned in a parking lot with the doors open. Investigations are continuing.'," he finished reading the article.

"In other words, they've got diddly shit," he added.

"You won't get away with this," I said.

"Why not. I always have. I've never been caught yet."

A thought then occurred to me. This guy was not attempting to hide his face. I would easily be able to identify him if he let me go. That could mean only one thing. He had no intention of allowing me to live after he was done with me.

"Oh, there's something else," he said. He held up a letter. I remembered it was the letter that I had put in my purse before leaving the house. It just said Rachel & Paul on the front with no other markings. I had forgotten to read it during the day.

"Someone sent you a blank piece of paper," he said as he pulled out a piece of paper with writing all over it.

"What," I said wondering why he was calling it a blank sheet of paper when there was clearing writing on it.

"It's a blank sheet of paper. You must have some weird friends," he said as he waved it in the air. But I could clearly see handwriting on one side of it. I thought this guy must be blind or crazy not to see it. Then it occurred to me that I might be the one going crazy. After this emotional torture he has been putting me through, I'm probably hallucinating.

"May I see it," I asked holding out my hand tentatively wanting to see what it said regardless of whether I was hallucinating.

"Later, if you're a good girl," he said as he crumpled it in his fist and threw it down on the floor, "Let's get down to business first. Suck my cock," he said looking me straight in the eye

"What," I nearly shrieked. It wouldn't have been the first time I had done it, but I had only even sucked Rachel's cock, never anyone else's. The thought of sucking anyone else's cock was disgusting.

"Come on. What do you think I brought you here to show you my stamp collection? We've waited long enough. Now it's time to see some action. Suck it," he said.

"No," I firmly replied.

"Suck it... or you die," he said as he pulled out a large hunting knife. It looked like the same knife he had used when he abducted me. Somehow, I knew he was not lying about his threat to kill me. But I also guessed that he would probably kill me anyway once he's done with me.

I hesitated briefly for a few seconds, but I soon realized that I had little choice but to do as he ordered. I slowly shuffled over to him until I was right in front of him. Then I knelt down which I found to be extra humiliating. This guy wasn't just content with raping me. He wants to dominate me and humiliate me by making me kneel down and suck his cock.

I slowly moved my hands up to his pants and unzipped them. Grimacing, I reached inside and I could feel his hard cock as I pulled down his boxers slightly before reaching in fully and taking his cock in my hands.

He placed the knife under my throat. I could feel the sharpness of the blade. "If you try anything funny, I'll slit your throat. Don't think I won't do it," he said.

Again, the chill in his voice told me that he wasn't lying and that he would not hesitate in killing me. He must have known what I was thinking because I had planned to bite on his cock. But with a knife at my throat I knew I had to go along with whatever he wanted.

As I pulled his cock out of his pants, I could see just how small it was. When I had first reached inside his boxers, I thought his cock wasn't at full erection. But now that I could see that it was fully erect and it barely extends much more than four inches, I wanted to laugh, but I knew that would only get me into more trouble.

I felt slightly better. At least I knew I could give him a good blowjob if it was that small. After learning how to suck my old large cock well, I knew this would be no problem. Nevertheless, I still felt disgusted and humiliated that I was being forced to do this.

I slowly licked the top of his cock before I pushed it inside my mouth. It was only the second cock I had ever sucked and tiny in comparison to my old cock. I used all my knowledge and techniques to make him come as quickly as possible. But I knew this was only the beginning. After all, we were both still fully clothed. He was not just going to be content with one blowjob.

It was awful though. I wanted to be sick. In a way, this was worse than being raped the conventional way. At least you retain a scrap of dignity and defiance when raped. But this way, I was completely surrendering to this guy. When he comes in my mouth, it will be totally due to my actions. I will have made him come.

He placed his other hand on the back my head "Deeper. Tighter," he said as he began pushing my head further and further in. I actually thought I was going to be sick, but somehow I managed to keep it down. I just squeezed with my lips and sucked as hard as I could trying to get him to come as quickly as possible so it would all be over.

"Oh yeah. Nearly there," he gasped, "Make sure you swallow every drop," I knew it wouldn't be long now.

My cock finally tensed up, before I exploded into his mouth in a tremendous orgasm. My knife was held tightly under his throat as I used my other hand to push him as deep as he could possibly go, making my orgasm all the better. He gagged and I guess he wanted to pull back, but he remembered my order to swallow every drop. He really did a good job of it. It was a shame I was going to kill him anyway after I've had all my fun, just like all the others.

Over the following seconds, I felt a familiar sensation that I had not felt in months, the filtering through after a transfer. Slowly I began to realize what was happening. I was now standing up in the rapist's body while he was knelt down in front of me still sucking me cock. We had switched.

I stepped backwards pulling my cock out of his mouth. I could see the look in his face. It was an expression of utter shock, probably similar to the expression on my face when I first switched. He didn't move at all. He just stayed there on the floor looking down at himself in silence.

"How the fuck could this happen," I thought to myself. Rachel's the one that's cursed, not me. This shouldn't have happened, "It isn't possible," I thought. Yet here I am looking down at myself and seeing the guy that just raped me.

I took another step backward, still in complete shook when I heard a sound as I stepped on something. I looked down and I could see that it was the piece of paper that the rapist had crumpled and thrown on the floor.

I bent down, picked up the paper and opened it. I glanced over to the rapist who was in Rachel's body. He was huddled in the corner trying to make sense out of what had just happened to him. I opened up the letter and sure enough, I could still see writing all over it. As I began to read this letter, I was equally stunned.

Hello Rachel & Paul,

Firstly, let me say that only the two of you will be able to read this letter. Everyone else will just see it as a blank sheet of paper. Actually, it's the other way around. This really is a blank sheet of paper, but the two of you will see it differently.

Anyway, I just bet you are wondering why you haven't been switching for the past few months. Well, let me explain in detail exactly what has happened.

Firstly to Rachel. I've been keeping a close watch on you, especially ever since you started switching with Paul. You deserved everything you got all those years ago. However, I do feel you have finally served your sentence and that you should now be allowed to get on with your life. I've also seen that you two are very happy together and because Paul is content to switch with you forever then the curse is no longer serving it's purpose.

My concentration was broken by a sound behind me and looked around. I saw this rapist was attempting to run up the stairs in Rachel's body. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about him, but this letter had engrossed me so much. At first, I thought about throwing the knife at him, but I quickly realized that this was Rachel's body I was aiming at. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't hurt him.

So, I scrambled up as fast as I could. I felt a little stupid for forgetting about him, but I knew I would easily be able to overpower him in this body. At that instant, it did all seem to be a fit funny. I seriously thought about giving this rapist just what he deserved.

As I got to the top of the stairs, I saw this guy grab something. He swung it towards me. As it got closer to my face, I could see that it was a large frying pan.

The frying pan completely covered my view as he struck me over the head with it. I fell backwards and lost my stepping on the stairs. I went crashing down the stairs back into the basement like something out of Home Alone.

It didn't knock me out completely, but it did stun me for a while and I dropped the knife somewhere. I have no idea how long I was stunned, but it must have been at least half a minute. Eventually I was brought too my senses by a loud screech. I had no idea what that was, but I knew I had no time to lose, so I shook my head and picked myself up. I looked up to see that this guy had closed the door at the top of the stairs.

I ran back up the stairs. I hoped that I could break it down with my much stronger body, but the door was not locked. I wondered why he didn't lock the door. At that point, I realized the jangling keys on my belt.

"Good," I thought. He wouldn't be able to drive away without his keys, unless he had a spare set around somewhere.

I had a quick look around. I was in a kitchen of a house. I just knew that I had to find this guy. He was probably hiding somewhere. Only now were the full ramifications of what was happening beginning to sink in. I just prayed he didn't have a gun lying around. He could quite legally shoot me and claim self-defense if he had no care for getting his old body back.

I cautiously moved around the house. As I walked into the hallway, I could see the front door was wide open. I guessed he must have run outside. As quickly as I could, I ran for the open door. Somehow, I had to find him and catch him. Right now, I had no idea how this happened, but I couldn't worry about that now. I just had to get him. I was beginning to feel even more stupid for letting him get away.

As I went through the door, I saw some commotion before me. I was in a reasonable neighborhood but in front of me, in the middle of the road was a car. In front of the car, several people were standing around.

"She just ran out. I didn't see her," I heard someone cry out. He was a young man who was nearly in a state of panic. Other people were beginning to mill around as I approached. When I finally got close enough to see what happened, I just stopped in horror.

I stood shell-shocked as I watched the scene in front of me. Lying in front of the car was Rachel's female body. Obviously this guy had run off in shock and had run straight out into the road without looking.

As I got closer, I could see he was lying face up with his eyes closed. The blood on his forehead was beginning to mingle with his red hair. Someone was kneeling down beside him trying to assess the damage. I saw them place a finger on his neck and feel for a pulse.

I stood utterly transfixed to the scene as the middle-aged man placed his fingers on the rapist's neck feeling for a pulse. Well, to me he was a rapist, but to everyone else present, he was a stunning redhead who had just been knocked down by a car. My new heart stopped momentarily.

"She's still alive," he said to everyone.

Two emotions hit me at the same time. After what he did to me, I wanted that bastard to be dead. But at the same time, I also felt relief. He was in my body after all. Strangely enough, that was the first time I considered it to be my body. Although I had occupied that body constantly for the past three months, I still thought of it as being Rachel's body in much the same way that I had always thought of Rachel as being a 'she' even though 'she' had been my husband constantly since our marriage.

The ambulance arrived very quickly. Two paramedics rushed to the rapist's side and assessed the situation. It seemed to be only minutes before they were loading him into the ambulance. I really wanted to follow them but it just wasn't practical. However, I knew from his injuries that he wasn't going anywhere fast.

Now that I couldn't follow the rapist any further, I knew I had to telephone the real Rachel right away. I quickly wandered back inside trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible. Once I was in the door, I ran through the house looking for the telephone. When I found it, I immediately dialed home.

In that instant, I wondered what I was going to say to Rachel. I still had no explanation for what had happened to me. All I knew for certain was that I was now in the body of a rapist and he was now in Rachel's female body on his way to hospital.

But I didn't get the chance to tell her anything because I got a busy tone. I slammed down the phone in anger, nearly breaking it because I wasn't used to my increased strength. "Fuck, I knew we should have got Call Waiting," I thought.

I tried a few more times, still getting a busy tone. As I took a tiny break in dialing, I glanced down at one of the drawers on the desk. It was open slightly and I could see a wallet inside. My curiosity became aroused and I opened the drawer, picked out the wallet and looked inside.

I saw a driver's license. When I recognized the photo on it as being my new likeness, I glanced at the details and I could see my new name was Jeff Morton. I just hoped I would not have to be a Jeff Morton for long.

I paused again trying to think back to what happened. We switched when I gave Jeff Morton that blowjob. The transfer was just like any other transfer with Rachel. I even caught some of his thoughts as we switched. He was thinking about how he was going to kill me. At that point, I knew that Jeff Morton was not just a rapist, but a serial killer.

I looked down at my new male hands. They quivered slightly as I thought about the harm that these hands had caused. But whether Jeff Morton was a serial killer or not, I still couldn't work out how this happened. Rachel was the one who was cursed, not me. How could this be possible?

I then thought back to how stupid I was to let Jeff Morton escape. But he looked so harmless and fragile lying in the corner and reading that letter had distracted me.

A sudden thought ran through me. That letter I was reading before this rapist made a run for it. What happened to it? It must still be in the basement. I ran down into the basement as fast as I could and struggled to find the letter. When I found it, I sat down and read it in full.

Hello Rachel & Paul,

Firstly, let me say that only the two of you will be able to read this letter. Everyone else will just see it as a blank sheet of paper. Actually, it's the other way around. This really is a blank sheet of paper, but the two of you will see it differently.

Anyway, I just bet you are wondering why you haven't been switching for the past few months. Well, let me explain in detail exactly what has happened.

Firstly to Rachel. I've been keeping a close watch on you, especially ever since you started switching with Paul. You deserved everything you got all those years ago. However, I do feel you have finally served your sentence and that you should now be allowed to get on with your life. I've also seen that you two are very happy together and because Paul is content to switch with you forever then the curse is no longer serving it's purpose.

You may remember that all those years ago I told you that you would have to live with this curse for the rest of your life. Well although I'm not bound by my promises, I do like to keep to them, so let me explain what I've done.

Your curse is still working Rachel. Nothing has changed with you. It's Paul that has changed. You see Paul is now cursed as well, just like you. Every time Paul has sex with someone, he will also swap with that person.

This came into effect the moment you got married. As you exchanged vows with Paul, your curse also extended out to him. That is the reason why you are not switching with each other. Your respective curses are canceling each other out.

Now to Paul. I know that you have not wronged me directly and you may feel that you don't deserve to have this curse. But you must also remember that you married Rachel. Along with other things, a marriage is an agreement to share your lives together. Not only that, but everything within your lives.

Therefore, you have to share everything that Rachel has... everything including her curse. You are now stuck with it for the rest of your life as well.

But I hope you don't see it as a curse too much. Think of it more as a blessing. You can now lead a normal life together and since you will both have a hard time finding any other partner that could accept you, it should also bind your marriage for life. Oh, and if you do ever think of separating, don't think the same will happen for your second marriage. This is a one-off gesture from me to ease your pain, a sort of wedding gift.

I know you've been depressed since your wedding Paul and that was not my intention (actually I didn't realize you were going to get married as a woman), but if you can't accept being female for life then there is a way for you to switch back with Rachel.

What you have to do is block one of your two curses. One of you must have sex with a third party and switch with them. Then switch back the next day and have sex with each other within twenty-four hours. Since only one of your curses will be active at the time, you will be able to switch. It sounds complicated, but think about it for a few moments and you should quickly work it out.

Now I take a very dim view of extra marital affairs, as Rachel knows only too well, but as long as you are both consenting and aware, that's fine. Had my ex-husband been forward with me, I'm sure we could have all had some fun all those years ago. I gave him the same curse, but only as a one-off for his next sexual partner. The woman he had sex with was very glad to get out of her line of work, a line of work, which I compelled my ex-husband to continue.

But one thing you must remember Paul. When you have your first real switch, the rest of the curse will come into play, the mental parts. Just like Rachel, you will only desire the opposite sex; plus you will have a desire to be feminine when female and masculine when male. So, if you have sex with someone else and switch back, you'll probably find you don't mind being Rachel so much. But whether you want to stay as Rachel will always be up to you.

Now to both of you. I hope you both live a happy life together. I will no longer monitor you or spy on you. From this day onwards I will leave you alone and will not interfere in your lives any further. But I'll check up on you in a few years from now, maybe even introduce myself to Paul properly. We have already met in passing, just after he hired that private detective to try to find me. That detective did actually find me. Just he didn't remember it.

However, there is one extra enhancement to this curse that I will make. From now on, you will be able to get each other pregnant. You can finally have a family.


"The Wife"

I crumpled the letter in my hand as the comprehension of what this letter was saying filtered through to me. If only I had taken the time to read this letter before going out, things could have turned out so differently. I might not have gone out shopping, but even if I had, I would have been prepared for what happened when I switched with Jeff Morton and I would not have let him escape.

I sat down and consoled myself for a while. "What was I going to do?" I kept thinking over and over again. But after a moment, it occurred to me that maybe all this wasn't a complete disaster. The situation was bad, but salvageable. Rachel's body was now mortally wounded and inhabited by a serial killer. But even if the worst happened and he died, we could still be together although it would take some effort getting a new suitable female body.

I knew I had to contact her. I stuffed the letter in my pocket and ran back upstairs to phone Rachel again. She would know what to do. She had far more experience than me with these body swaps.

I picked up the phone again and started to dial home. I decided that if I got a busy tone this time, I would call the operator and get them to interrupt the call. But as I was dialing, I happened to glance out of the window. When I did this, I dropped the phone on the floor in shock. I could see that a police patrol car was parked outside and two police officers were walking up to the door.

I knew straight away that I could not allow myself to be caught by the police. I could fry on the chair for Jeff Morton's crimes. Crimes that I did not commit. I didn't even think and I grabbed the things including Jeff's wallet and ran through the house. The police were already knocking at the front door.

I found the back door, rushed into the back yard, jumped over a fence and I ran as quickly as this body would allow to get as far away as I possibly could. After a while I had to calm myself down. This body was big and strong, but was also overweight. I couldn't run as fast as I used to in Rachel's or my proper body.

I wandered around aimlessly wondering what to do. I didn't even know where I was. But I knew I had to call Rachel, so I found a little motel somewhere and checked in using Jeff Morton's credit card. I asked the clerk on the desk if the rooms had their own telephones to which he said yes.

When I was in my room, calling Rachel was the very first thing I set about doing. I just had to speak to her. She didn't know that I was also cursed.

I rang home but got the answering machine. Then I tried Rachel's cellphone but it was switched off. I slammed down the phone in frustration again. After building up the courage, I rang Rachel's parents but once again there was no reply, so I finally decided to ring my own parents. This time there was an answer. My own mother picked up the phone.

"Ah. Hello. I'm trying to get hold of Paul. Is he there by any chance," I said.

"No. I'm afraid not," she replied. I could tell from the tone of her voice that something was wrong, but that could just be because of 'Rachel's' disappearance.

"Do you know how I can get hold of him urgently. It's important."

"Well, I think it will have to wait. He's had some bad news right now."

"Okay, well, I'll err... ring back sometime," I said before I replaced the phone. Then I felt so angry that I stood up and kicked and punched the wall. I knew this was bad. Rachel was almost certainly at the hospital either at 'my' bedside or grieving over 'me' and there was not a damn thing I could do about it.

After a while, I calmed myself down. I knew that eventually Rachel would have to speak to me. I had finally worked out what I was going to say and I knew it would only take ten seconds for me to convince her who I really was. I knew she was in torment right now, but I also knew that it was only temporary.

The rest of the day and evening passed slowly. I watched the local news on the TV. There was a short item about 'Rachel Wilkins' being found injured, but not much else.

My attention was then turned to my current body. I wandered into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. I felt an instant wave of disgust because the image staring back had installed such terror in my mind during the past few days.

I felt around my body. I was used to constant body swapping and feeling different each and every day, but only between two separate bodies, never a third. Also, after being female for three straight months, it was strange to feel the absence of my breasts on my chest. In contrast, my overweight waistline was much larger than before.

It wasn't long before my attention was turned to the new genitals between my legs. Again, it had been three months since I had the sensation of having a cock and balls down there instead of a pussy. I was just beginning to get used to the idea of having a pussy forever.

Although I was curious, I didn't explore any further. After all, my new cock was tiny in comparison to my own, but also, I just wasn't in the mood. There were far more pressing things to worry about. Now that I knew what was going on, I knew that I could get my old male body back once again.

I thought about the fact that I now had Rachel's curse as well. It seemed so damn obvious. Why didn't we think of it ourselves? But because I had never had sex with anyone else except Rachel, we couldn't tell.

I remembered back. Rachel did have sex with an old friend of hers a couple of months ago to determine if the curse was still working, which it was. So why didn't Rachel and I switch the next time we had sex after that? The reason struck me instantly. We didn't have sex in time. My period started the same day and we didn't have sex until several days later by which time it was too late. I buried my head in my hands again. If only we would have had sex that night, everything would be so different again.

I went to bed that night in a mixture of optimism and sadness. The injuries that the rapist suffered in Rachel's body were severe. He might never recover. If that happened, Rachel's parents would have a tough time of things. But I also felt optimism that we finally knew why we had not been switching since our marriage. We could recover from this and we could still be happy together even if we had to abandon Rachel's female body.

As I lay in bed, I pondered over the possibilities and thought ahead. If Jeff Morton did regain consciousness before I got a chance to speak to Rachel, that could make things very awkward. At first, I was afraid that he might harm Rachel, but I knew he would be in no condition to do anything of the sort while he was in hospital.

Before I eventually fell to sleep, I felt more optimistic. There would be difficult times ahead, but I knew we could get through them. I wondered how I would switch back with Jeff Morton if he did recover. He might actually prefer being a woman, especially if the police are looking for his old body. It then occurred to me that there was only one real way for us to switch back. I would probably have to rape him. The thought of that brought a smile to my face. That had a very strange irony to it.

An instant later I sat up in bed bringing myself to my senses "What the hell was I thinking," I thought. I was contemplating raping Rachel's female body and getting mildly turned on by the fact. I looked down and I could begin to feel my new cock get slightly hard by the thought. It had been three months since I had felt an erection and it felt good despite my new cock was so small.

But I was more concerned about the fact that I was getting turned on by the thought of rape. Was I starting to think like Jeff Morton?

I had asked Rachel about this long ago, if a persons actions change in the new body. She had told me that the mind transfer is fully complete, but chemical addictions or imbalances can sometimes affect the new host. She told me that on one occasion when she swapped with a drug addict, she felt the same addictions and cravings while she was in that body.

That had not happened with me when swapping with Rachel. I had changed, but that was due to my increased awareness of the world, not due to anything else.

I prayed that this was the case here. Perhaps Jeff Morton's psychotic behavior was down to a chemical imbalance. If so, I just hoped I could handle it until I got out of this body and the sooner that was, the better.

I woke up early the next day and I phoned my parents in the hope of trying to speak to Rachel. I twisted my finger around the cord several times in nervous anticipation, but there was no answer.

The rest of the day seemed to take forever. I watched the news and read the papers. I wasn't at all surprised to see a news article about the discovery of Rachel Wilkins. The newspaper said that 'she' suffered severe injuries from which she has not yet recovered and her family are at her bedside. I was heartened slightly. At least I knew exactly where the real Rachel was.

But when I read that the police were looking for Jeff Morton in connecting with her abduction, I was in complete despair. I quickly found out a few facts about my new self. This body had already served time for rape before. Even worse than that, someone actually saw 'Rachel' run out of 'my' house before 'she' was knocked down. So in the eyes of the public, I was already convicted.

I could tell the situation was getting grimmer. If I was caught then I would go to prison for the abduction of 'Rachel' but also, what about all the other women this body had killed. I could quite easily end up on Death Row.

I checked out of the motel I was currently in and checked into another to keep moving around. I seriously considered going to the hospital, but I knew that would be completely stupid so I did very little during the day. That night passed very slowly.

Over the next few days, I continued to watch the news while at the same time watching over my shoulder. I learned that Jeff Morton had still not recovered, while Rachel had not moved from 'my' bedside.

I found it sweet that Rachel was keeping a vigil at 'my' bedside, but it was also incredibly inconvenient. All I needed to do was speak to her for half a minute, but she was taking no calls, no messages. Apparently, she wasn't even speaking to anyone, just sitting beside 'my' bed, refusing to leave.

The next morning I switched on the TV news. I was really beginning to get even more concerned about this. How long could Rachel stay there? She had to speak to me sooner or later. I was eating breakfast as the newsreader read the local news. Eventually the item I was waiting for came round. My mouth was full of food as my entire body froze in mid bite as I listened intently.

"Police are worried about the disappearance of Paul Wilkins. He vanished yesterday after being apparently informed that his wife, Rachel Wilkins has slipped into a deep coma from which she may never recover. His friends and family are concerned about his welfare and urge him to contact them immediately."

I almost choked on my breakfast when I heard this. I immediately rang round everyone to try to find where 'Paul' was, but no one knew. Later, in a news update I found out that 'Paul' just disappeared without trace.

Over the next few days, I tried again and again to contact Rachel. I called home, work, my parents, Rachel's parents and all of our friends. Every time I got exactly the same reply, that they have not heard from 'Paul' since that fateful day. By the end of the week, I was nearly suicidal. I finally knew what was going on, but I just couldn't share it with Rachel. I was devastated.

All that happened three weeks ago. Since that day I switched with Jeff Morton, I've been on the run because the police have an APB out on me. Now I know what it feels like to be on America's Most Wanted.

These past few weeks have been very hard on me. I've been moving from town to town picking up work when I can get it. I phone home, nearly every day hoping to speak to Rachel in my old body. If I could only tell her what happened.

But whenever I call back home, all I get is that 'Paul' vanished just after 'his' wife was killed and nothing has been seen or heard from 'him' since.

I just can't work out what has happened to Rachel. Where has she gone? Jeff Morton is still in Rachel's female body in a coma in hospital, but as far as she is concerned, that person is me so why did she leave.

At first, I thought that maybe Rachel committed suicide when she found out that I was comatose. I can't tell you how stressed out I was for days. I am ashamed to say that I half considered ending my own life to join her, but I held back until I knew for a fact she had taken her own life. Well nothing was seen of my old body dead or alive so I must assume that she's still out there somewhere.

Although I can't work it out, I know I can't just sit around waiting for Rachel to turn up. I have to do something. But the trouble is that this body is so restrictive. That was the root of the problem back in Denver. I badly wanted to speak to Rachel, but I knew if I went anywhere near the hospital I would be picked up by the police.

Looking back, there were so many things I could have done to stop Rachel from running away, like sending a telegram to the hospital or insisting that the nurses at the hospital pass on a message. But at the time, I was so afraid of getting caught by the police that I though it best to wait. I didn't think it was necessary because I didn't think Rachel wasn't going anywhere. I genuinely believed that being patient was the best way.

Well, I was wrong. I never imagined she would vanish like she did. In the end, I had to make a decision and now I must live with the consequences. If I turns out that I never find her, I will probably spend the rest of my life regretting that decision. Anyway, the problem still remains. I can't go back to Denver in this body.

So I'm preparing to move into another body. I've resisted doing that so far because I feel that I'm moving one step away from my own body and I don't know how I will get back if Jeff Morton does emerge from his coma in hospital. But I know that this has to be done because sooner or later I will be caught.

But there is another reason why I need to get out of this body. This body has strange.... desires. I find myself thinking thoughts that I have never thought before. Only yesterday, I saw a young girl and my initial thought was, well... unthinkable. I need to get out of this body before I finally succumb to these sick thoughts.

I wondered how I could switch bodies. I guessed I could have sex with some hooker and switch with her. But it just doesn't seem right to burden someone else with this body. Also, Rachel told me that she could never keep someone's body against their will. She didn't know if it was part of her curse, but it that is true, then the same will also apply to me.

But there is another option, well two options actually. Rachel gained her last body by having sex with a brain dead person. So I'm aiming to do the same. I'm looking around in hospitals and clinics to find a woman that is suffering from a similar condition. I should then be able to switch with that person. I know it sounds sick, but what choice do I have.

The final option is to take a chance, go back to Denver, sneak into the hospital and switch with Jeff Morton in Rachel's body. Now it's risky for more reasons than I can count. I could get caught before I do it. Even if it does work, I might not emerge from the coma and Jeff Morton might be completely free.

The biggest problem is that without someone else to break it up just after we switch, I will be at Jeff Morton's mercy again and he will then be in a position to finish where he started.

But, if it does work, it might cause the real Rachel to come running back to Denver. I'm not sure where she is, but I cannot believe she'd just leave 'me' there without checking up to see if I've recovered. Maybe the gains might be worth the risk.

Each time I think about this, it all comes back to what Rachel is actually doing now. I have absolutely no idea. Maybe she's grieving and maybe she knows about the fact that I'm also cursed and so she's looking for me. That's one of the reasons I'm writing this story.

I don't even know if she's still in my old body. She could have easily moved on. Maybe the pain of seeing my male body in the mirror every day was too much for her so she swapped with someone.

But it doesn't matter what body she's in. I don't care who she is or where she is. I know that all I will have to do is look into her eyes. I could always see Rachel in her eyes whichever body she was in.

I'm also going to try and find that witch. I don't think she's responsible for this. But if I can find her, then maybe she can help me to find Rachel. She said she would check up in a few years time. I do not want to have to wait that long, but if that is what it takes, then maybe she will help me then.

So, that's the end of my story. I know from the tone that I've been telling this story, that it's all been leading to this, but that's just the way I feel right now. I just hope one day, it can all come to a happy resolution. As soon as I get my new body, I can begin my search for my one true love and when I do eventually find her, I know we will spend the rest of our lives together and never be apart ever again.

If you do happen to see her out there, please let her know about me.


Mr. Smith knocked on the office door, waiting until he heard a response and then opened the door and walked inside. He saw the private investigator sitting behind his desk.

"Ah. Hello Mr. Smith," the investigator said putting emphasis on the word 'Smith' indicating his obvious suspicion that Mr. Smith was not his real name, "How are you today?" he asked.

"Fine," Mr. Smith replied, "So you've found him then. Where is he?" he asked wanting to get down to business.

The investigator picked up a file and handed it to Mr. Smith, "It's all in there. Jeff Morton is holed up in some apartment building in a town a few hundred miles North of here. But don't count on him being there for long. He moves around a lot," he said as Mr. Smith looked through the file scanning the details.

"I don't get it. How is it you were able to find him when the police couldn't," Mr. Smith asked.

"Because I'm good," the investigator replied, "But more importantly because I have a personal interest in this type of case that makes me work much harder."

Mr. Smith looked at the investigator with an interested look on his face so the investigator continued, "You see, my own daughter was murdered by a serial killer. But neither the police nor I could ever find him. So I try and make up for it like this, by helping other relatives find their victims' killers. Maybe someday that killer will be my daughters killer."

"Why do you say that," Mr. Smith asked with a slightly concerned expression.

"Look. I know who you are. I mean who you really are Mr. Wilkins. I also know that this bastard put your wife in a coma. You shouldn't be here. You should be at her side."

Rachel was shocked that her identity had been uncovered, "I-I-I can't. This is all my fault," she said.

"Of course it isn't your fault," the investigator replied playing counselor.

"Yes it is. Look I can't explain, but that should have been me in the hospital. It's all my fault and every moment that I sit beside her holding her hand, all I could think about was how it should have be me lying in that bed. I just couldn't stay there. I had to go. I know I'm a coward for running, but right now, I've gotta find this guy."

The investigator could usually tell when a person was making a coded statement. He knew that what Mr. Wilkins had just said was a fully coded statement for something he did not want to say out straight. But while he could usually decode such statements, this time he couldn't work out what he was trying to say. How could Mr. Wilkins have possibly taken his wife's place in this ordeal?

"Well, what you do is up to you," the investigator said getting back onto the subject, "If I was in your position I might do exactly the same thing. But before you go through with this, just sit back and ask yourself if this is really what you want to do. It will not bring your wife out of her coma and this bastard has other victims' relatives who would love to see him fry. You would be denying their justice."

"B-But you don't know what I'm going to do," Rachel said.

"Of course I do. I've seen that look in a person's eye before. I saw it in the mirror every morning for years after my daughter was murdered. You have no intention of turning this guy into the police. Oh, no. I know EXACTLY what you're going to do with him..."

Rachel left the investigators office and walked back to her car. She pulled out a map and located the town where Jeff Morton was staying. She was going to leave right away in case he moved on quickly.

As she started her journey, she thought to what the investigator said to her about what she was going to do. She knew that the investigator was exaggerating slightly when he implied that Rachel was going to kill Jeff Morton. When the doctors told her that 'Rachel' stood little chance of recovery, she was utterly devastated. She felt a level of rage and emptiness that she had never felt before. In the days that followed, she would have easily killed Jeff Morton without even a second thought had she been able to get her hands on him.

But that rage had now settled down to an anger that burned inside her. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she knew she was going to make Jeff Morton pay for what he did to her lover.

Leaving who she thought was her lover in hospital was one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make. She spent days talking to Paul while he was asleep, holding his hand and crying over him.

But during that time, she couldn't stop blaming herself for what had happened to Paul. She knew that such self-blame was normal in this situation, but knowing about it did not help. In her own mind, she was completely to blame for what happened to her lover.

Ever since she gained this curse, she had constantly dreamed of the day when she could finally have sex without swapping every time. She guessed that such a thing would never happen and instead she was content to live with Paul for the rest of her life constantly swapping every few days.

But after their marriage, her wish came true. Rachel never seemed to have a problem living in any particular body. She could quite happily live as Paul for the rest of her life, so this was exactly what she wanted.

But that wasn't what Paul wanted and Rachel was disappointed when he became depressed. She hardly kept any secrets from Paul, but secretly she wished Paul could get used to being Rachel for life. They could be so happy together. But because she loved him so much, she would have gladly resumed their constant body swapping had she known how, but she was just as perplexed as Paul.

In the few weeks before his abduction though, it appeared that Paul was starting to accept his new life. He was really beginning to get used to the idea of being Rachel for the rest of his life. Her dream had finally come true.

But the price of her dream coming true was that her lover was now lying in hospital when it should have been her. Rachel couldn't say whether it would have made a difference, but had Jeff Morton abducted her instead, it could have been so different because she would have switched when Jeff Morton raped her and she could have easily turned the tables. Her poor lover had no such defense.

After she disappeared, it occurred to her that maybe she could try and swap with Paul while he's in a coma. Although she still didn't know why they were not swapping maybe, just maybe it could shake Paul out of his coma. She knew the chances of it working were very slim and if it didn't work it would be a one way trip leaving a lot of explaining to do and causing more anxiety for everyone, but it might be worth a shot. She decided that after she's finished her business here, she would return to Denver and try it.

It was early evening as she arrived in the small town. Rachel quickly located the apartment building where Jeff Morton was staying. She waited until it was completely dark before she set about her plan.

Rachel had made certain precautions. The car she was in was stolen to avoid it being traced back to her. Although her desire to live had been almost destroyed over the past few weeks, she didn't want to completely throw her life away over Jeff Morton. There was a very small chance that Paul might recover from his coma so she wanted to do this without being caught.

She also thought about the investigator she had hired. Rachel wondered if he would report her to the police if she did go through with killing Jeff Morton. He had clearly guessed what was on her mind. But since the investigator had located Jeff Morton with full knowledge of what she was probably going to do, then technically he could be considered as an accessory. Rachel concluded that the investigator would not say a word to anyone about this.

But even as she sat there waiting and watching, she still wasn't sure what she was going to do. Jeff Morton had effectively murdered Paul. He might not have pulled the trigger himself, so to speak, but as far as Rachel was concerned, he was responsible for putting Paul in a coma.

A strong part of her told her that she should leave this to the authorities. But the real problem was that even if the police could find Jeff Morton, they did not have much evidence against him. Before Rachel vanished, she had met briefly with the assistant DA.

He had been very blunt in telling Rachel that they would stand virtually no chance of getting a solid conviction for 'Rachel's' coma. They only had evidence of abduction because of the obvious signs of imprisonment on Paul's female body.

But that was about as much as they could get. The police were almost certain that Jeff Morton was responsible for the disappearances of numerous young women and that he was really a serial killer. But so far, they could not prove any of it. Rachel knew that because they hadn't launched a full-scale manhunt for Jeff Morton, they obviously hadn't turned up anything new. Even if she turned him in, he could get away with all this. That meant it was all down to her.

As the sky got darker, she first put on a pair of gloves and then checked the items in the bag she carried. Among the items was a roll of thick tape, some rope and at the very bottom, a gun with a silencer attachment. Rachel had been around over the years. She knew exactly where to get virtually any item she required for the right price.

She held the heavy gun in her hand. In all her years, she had never fired a gun of any sort, let alone killed anyone. She wondered if she had the balls to do it. She knew she was going to find out soon.

She had briefly considered shooting Jeff Morton in the balls and effectively performing a castration. Had Jeff Morton simply been a rapist, this might have sufficed. But Rachel knew that castration wouldn't stop him from his killing habit. She knew that there was only one thing that would stop him from hurting anyone again else ever again.

Rachel glanced up and her male eyes widened as she saw her target. She recognized him instantly from the pictures. He was walking hurriedly into the apartment building, looking over his shoulder. Rachel wasted no time. She got out of the car picked up the bag and a baseball bat and followed him inside.

By the time Rachel was inside the door, Jeff Morton was already walking up the stairs. Rachel silently followed behind with her bag over her shoulder and her baseball bat in hand. She preferred to use the bat for now, because she wasn't sure if she could actually shoot him with a gun. She had more than enough aggression to beat him with a baseball bat.

Jeff Morton's apartment was on the fourth floor. Rachel followed him close behind, making as little noise as possible. When Jeff Morton reached his floor, Rachel saw him fumble for his keys and look around. Rachel remained just out of sight so he couldn't see her.

As Paul opened the door, Rachel crept up behind him with an amazing stealth and raised the bat in the air. Paul began to turn around as Rachel brought the bat down onto his head. He quite literally didn't know what hit him. For him, everything suddenly went black.

Paul began to wake up with one of the worst headaches he could possibly imagine. He felt like his head was exploding. He tried to open his eyes, but something was over them, keeping them shut.

He then tried to open his mouth to speak, but his mouth also seemed welded shut. Finally he tried to move his arms and his legs, but both his arms and his legs seemed fixed in place.

He could tell straight away that he was bound to a chair, blinded and gagged. A wave of panic rushed through him as the memory of his captivity at the hands of Jeff Morton flooded back to him. Where was he? What was going on? Had the police finally found him?

"I'm glad you're still alive. I was afraid I might have killed you too soon," Paul heard a voice. In his dazed state, it took him a few seconds to place the voice. He hadn't heard that voice in weeks, but he knew straight away that it was his old male voice.

"Rachel," he tried to call out, but all that came out of his mouth was a muffled moan. "What's going on?" he thought. He couldn't work out what was happening. Although he recognized his old voice, there was something different. There was so much hatred in Rachel's voice.

"You fucking bastard. You killed her. You fucking killed her," Rachel said as she walked up to Jeff Morton and struck him across the face nearly knocking him out again. Rachel decided to refer to Paul as 'her' so Jeff Morton would know exactly whom she was talking about.

Paul shook his head as he slowly recovered from the blow. Suddenly it was making sense. "Rachel thinks I'm Jeff Morton," he thought. For a brief few seconds, he was elated, but this was quickly replaced by a very anxious feeling in his stomach. He tried to speak and call out to Rachel again, but it was no good. The tape had sealed his mouth together.

Rachel watched Jeff Morton struggle to speak. She wanted to remove the tape from his mouth and hear him beg for mercy, but she knew he could call for help if she did that, so she just stood there and watched.

She then walked over to the only desk in the small room. There was a laptop computer on the desk, probably stolen. Rachel had been trying to access the files on it before Jeff Morton woke up, but computers were not her strong point. It had been the part she found most difficult when trying to emulate Paul's lifestyle and his job.

As she waited, she tried again to access the files again, but to no avail, "If only Paul were here. He knows more about computers," Rachel thought to herself, "But he can't be here, because of that bastard over there"

Rachel turned to face Jeff Morton again, the hatred evident in her male eyes. When she hit him over the head with the baseball bat, it had taken all her willpower to stop herself from beating him to death right there. Now she was here, executing Jeff Morton no longer seemed to be such a big step for her.

She was deliberately making him wait. He had put her lover through emotional torture for days. Rachel wanted to give him some of his own treatment. She watched him struggle for a while. When Rachel thought she had seen enough, she slowly got up from her chair and walked over to Jeff Morton. Her heavy shoes, which Rachel had used so stealthily outside now made a loud thud on the floor with each slow step.

When she was standing in front of Jeff Morton, she reached out with one of her gloved hands and grabbed Jeff Morton by the throat. She felt an urge to strangle him where he sat, but she fought this urge down.

His struggling intensified as she gripped hard choking him. Rachel knelt down and whispered in his ear.

"You probably don't know me. My name is Paul Wilkins. You put my wife in a coma. You practically fucking killed her. I loved her. I loved her more than anything in the world... and you took her away from me," Rachel took a small pause in her speaking as her emotions nearly broke.

"But, you've killed so many women, you probably don't even remember her. Well let me say this. I'll see to it that you never hurt anyone else," she said as she released him, then stood up and took a step back.

Rachel watched Jeff Morton's struggle turn into a frenzy. He tried to break free, but Rachel had done an exceptional job of taping his arms and legs together to the chair.

After a few minutes, she watched his struggle subside. She then carefully pulled the gun out of her left pocket and the silencer out of the other. Very slowly, she screwed the silencer into place. She could see that Jeff Morton was now very still, probably straining to hear what was going on.

She pointed the gun at his body and tightened her finger around the trigger. She was going to shoot him in the chest so that he died slowly. At first, she was going to shoot him in the head, but she decided that was too quick. She wanted his death to be slow and painful.

She knew she had to do this. When she saw him sitting there, her mind had finally been made up. Up until now, she hadn't been sure what she was going to do, but now everything seemed much clearer. She couldn't allow this guy to get away. Her thirst for revenge was overwhelming her, forcing her to do this, but that wasn't everything. She knew she had to kill him because he would only end up killing more innocent women. To her, it was justifiable homicide. This had to end here, today.

But as she tried to end it, doubts were beginning to creep into Rachel's mind. She knew this bastard was responsible. 'Rachel' was seen running out of his house. He was a convicted sex offender and 'Rachel's' belongings were found in his house. Plus there was evidence, if not proof of his killing other women. She knew that this was their guy, but something was holding Rachel back. She took a step back.

Rachel tightened her finger around the trigger even harder. She tried to pull on the trigger, but something was stopping her. Right in front of her was the man responsible for practically killing Paul. All she had to do was pull the trigger.

Her hand started shaking. "Fuck," she thought as she tried to steady herself. Killing someone wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. But she knew it was easy for Jeff Morton. He would have killed her lover probably without even giving it a second thought. She took another step back, put both hands on the gun and tightened her grip on the gun again. Her shaking increased as she pulled hard on the trigger.

The gun recoiled as she heard the distinctive high pitched sound that a silenced gun makes followed by the sound of impact. She saw Jeff Morton freeze. Rachel stopped breathing for a few seconds looking for the blood that she guessed would come spurting out.

After a quick time, she realized she hadn't hit him. Her hands had been shaking so much that she missed him completely and fired the bullet into the wall. "How could I fucking miss a guy strapped to a chair," she cursed herself.

Rachel raised the gun again with both hands. She saw that Jeff Morton's body had frozen in shock at the sound of the first shot. She smiled as she guessed that he was finally aware of how severe this all was.

As she began to aim the gun again, her hand immediately started shaking. She tried several times to aim at his body, but it wasn't any good. She just couldn't do this. It didn't feel right to shoot a guy tied in a chair like that regardless of what he had done.

Rachel walked up to Jeff Morton and ripped off the tape covering his mouth. She quickly took a single step back and pointed the gun at him once more. She knew she couldn't let him call out, but somehow this made Rachel's conscience feel better. If she shot him as he tried to call out, she could resolve it all inside herself by thinking of it as self-defense. She knew it was a poor substitute, but it was the best she could do.

"R-R-R," Paul stuttered out. He tried to catch his breath after being gagged. He desperately struggled to call Rachel's name.

Rachel heard Jeff Morton try to call. She pulled on the trigger. She wanted to hear his final cry. Her hands were still shaking, but at this range, she knew she could not miss him.

"R-R-Rachel," Paul cried out blindly.

Rachel pulled the trigger hard, feeling the recoil while mentally blocking out Paul's cry. This time, the bullet struck its target impacting Paul in the body. Rachel watched his shirt start to turn red almost immediately as he began to bleed.

"R-R-Rachel," Paul repeated breathlessly, feeling the intense pain of the bullet wound.

Rachel suddenly stopped. She was completely shocked. He called her Rachel. No one except Paul had called her Rachel since their wedding.

"What did you say?" she said sternly pointing the gun at him once more. She was quite prepared to put more than one bullet in him to make sure she killed him.

"Rachel. It's me. It's Paul," he said looking around blindly because he still had tape over his eyes. His voice was already faltering as he fought the immense pain.

In that instant, Rachel felt a level of shock that she had never felt before. She just stood there frozen, unable to move or speak.

"R-Rachel," Paul repeated, "It's me, Paul. Come on let me go."

Rachel was finally shaken out of her trance. "He's trying to trick me," Rachel thought, "He knows about the curse and now he wants me to let him go." After spending days grieving, she was utterly convinced that her lover was lying in a coma and the man responsible was sitting right in front of her.

She raised the gun again, with the emotional side of her saying that she should kill him before he tried to fool her anymore with his lies. That had been another reason why Rachel gagged him in the first place. She didn't want Jeff Morton to play any mind games with her stating that Paul begged for it, or something like that.

"Paul's in hospital. You put him there," Rachel yelled at him.

"N-No. We switched. Rachel, listen to me. I've got your curse as well," Paul replied, "I got it when we got married. That's why we didn't switch. Rachel, I've been looking for you for weeks. Rachel, I love you."

Rachel sought to internally ignore what he was saying. She tried to raise the gun again, but she knew straight away that she would not be able to shoot him if there was even the slightest possibility that he could be her lover.

She toyed with what she should do. Finally she could stand it no more. She walked up to the man in front of her and ripped off the tape around his eyes. He gave a soft cry in pain. His forehead was already hot and he was beginning to sweat. She had trained as a nurse years ago and she knew his wound was serious. After all, she was trying to kill him.

Paul blinked his eyes open slowly. He was already beginning to fall into shock. The light hurt his eyes because his irises were so dilated from the dark. He squinted his eyes as he looked up and saw Rachel standing over him. It was the most welcome sight he had seen in weeks. But what wasn't so welcoming was the fact that Rachel was holding a gun to his face with both hands.

Paul opened his eyes wider as his eyes adjusted to the light. When he could open them completely, their eyes locked.

Rachel looked deep into his eyes, "Oh my god," she said as her jaw dropped. A part of her had still been thinking that this was a trick. She was expecting to be looking into the eyes of a murderer. But as their eyes locked, she saw the soul of her lover behind the face. She slowly lowered the gun and it fell from her hands.

Rachel quickly pulled off the tape around his arms and his legs. She wanted to throw her arms around him, but instead looked at his chest and saw him bleeding profusely. She brought her hands up to her head as she began to realize exactly what she'd done. Instead of shooting her lover's attacker, she just shot her lover with what could be a fatal shot.

Her nurse training kicked in instantly. She ripped up some clothes and made a makeshift bandage and tied it around Paul's chest. Although she looked calm, internally she was in a state of absolute panic as the consequences of her actions were beginning to sink in fully. When she finished the bandage, she quickly inspected the wound.

Her aim had been lousy. She had been aiming for his chest, but she had hit him in the abdomen and the bullet had passed right through him. Rachel knew this would give Paul at least a fighting chance. Even so, she recognized that such a wound was very life threatening if Paul did not get urgent medical treatment. He needed to go to a hospital right now.

Rachel paced up and down the room a few times "What could she do," she thought to herself. She couldn't take him to a hospital because he's in Jeff Morton's body. She was going to have to take care of him here. But she was no surgeon, only a nurse.

Still, she knew she had no option. She walked over to Paul and dragged his chair over the bed. Although she was in a strong male body and Paul had lost some weight in Jeff Morton's body, he was still too heavy for Rachel to lift so when the chair was beside the bed, she did her best to push him onto the bed.

There was blood everywhere. She removed her gloves and then set about doing everything required to save Paul's life. Paul had remained silent until now as he slipped deeper and deeper into shock. But despite his condition, he opened his eyes and forced a smile as he watched his lover tend to his wound.

"It's good to see you," Paul croaked, his voice faltering.

Rachel stopped for an instant and looked over. She tried to answer back, but she couldn't speak so she just smiled. Tears were rolling down her male cheeks. How could she have been so stupid? Her rage and her hatred had blinded her any other possibility. As far as she had been concerned, there was absolutely no doubt in her mind as to who was responsible. But she was wrong, and now her lover is dying because of it.

Rachel continued to work tirelessly using anything she could find as a surgical bandage or implement. Neither Paul nor Rachel spoke. Rachel struggled to keep her focus. She knew that in order to concentrate, she had to put everything she's just done out of her mind. Eventually she knew she had done everything she possibly could. It was up to Paul's body to do the rest. Then she knelt down beside the bed taking Paul's hand in hers.

Rachel reached up to put a hand on Paul's face. As she did this, she covered his face in his own blood. The sight of this caused her emotions, which Rachel had struggled to hold back, to finally break through.

"I'm sorry," Rachel sobbed, before breaking into a cry.

"It's not your fault," Paul gasped out trying to reassure Rachel. Although Rachel had shot him, none of that mattered. He was finally reunited with his lover.

"I-I-I thought you w-were..." Rachel fought to explain.

"It's okay," Paul said as he coughed slightly, "You're not to blame. I forgive you," he coughed once more. Paul was feeling so sleepy. He closed his eyes.

"Hey, wake up," Rachel shook him. He was in shock and she couldn't allow him to sleep right now. Rachel succeeded in waking him up briefly, but he just looked at Rachel, smiled and said "I love you", before closing his eyes again. He could feel Rachel shaking him as he completely lost consciousness

Paul's mind seemed to drift for hours as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He felt a floating sensation. It felt like he was floating underwater, being forced to go where the current took him. One minute, the current would take him one way, then the next minute the other way as the different tides fought for ownership of his body.

After a complete eternity, he felt could see a light above him. He guessed this was the light that people see as they are about to die. "Am I dead," Paul thought. He felt his body rising through the water. He soon saw that the light wasn't a single point of light, but was all above him. As his body rose throughout the water, he realized he was rising to the surface. A few seconds later, his body reached the surface.

Paul opened his eyes slowly. The first thing he could see was that it was daylight as the sun shined brightly through the window. The second thing he saw was Rachel leaning over him in his old male body. He could see the joy on her face was as clear as the day.

"I'm still alive then," Paul spoke softly. Paul tried to sit up, but his body protested.

"Hey. Don't sit up," Rachel stopped him, "You won't be moving for a while. Here, drink this," she said as the placed a glass of water at his mouth. Paul drank from the water slowly.

"You're gonna be fine," Rachel told him grinning wide, "But I'll have to go and get some medical supplies soon. You did lose a lot of blood and we need to make sure that wound doesn't get infected."

"Rachel, I'm also cursed..." Paul struggled to explain. Although it probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to say, this had been the first thing Paul wanted to say to Rachel, to explain whom he really was. He had rehearsed what he would say so many times that his mind was just on automatic.

"I know, I know," Rachel said stopping him, "During the night, I found that letter. Then I finally managed to get into that computer over there. I read your story. I know what happened to you," Rachel kissed his hand, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

Paul tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but the pain of his wound stopped him from moving at all.

"Ow," he cried as Rachel helped him move.

"Hey. How close did I come to... dying," Paul said remembering his weird dream about floating in water.

"Close," Rachel replied, but she didn't tell him that it was quite literally at death's door just after he passed out. Several times during the night, Rachel thought she was going to lose him when he would get better one minute, then deteriorate the next. But as the sun began to rise, Paul finally started to pull through.

But it had been the longest night of her life. She felt feelings of guilt and anguish on a scale that she never thought possible. She couldn't even imagine how she could possibly live with herself had Paul died.

Paul looked up at Rachel. Her male eyes were red from crying and she clearly needed sleep. He knew that Rachel never did that much crying when male, so she'd clearly been making up for it recently. The nightmare they had both been living these past few weeks was finally over.

But Paul's mind was instantly turned to the future. He realized that it wasn't all over yet. In fact, there was still a hell of a lot to be done. They were both currently in male bodies and he was still in the body of a wanted serial killer. "Rachel. What are we gonna do about..." he started to say.

"Shhhhh. Don't worry about that. First, you need to get better. We're together now. We can worry about the all that later. I'll take care of everything. I'll never let anyone hurt you again," Rachel reassured him. Although they were both in male bodies, Rachel was still playing the male role, partly because she had been male for so long, but also because she still felt blame for the whole situation.

However, Paul relented. It didn't matter at all which body they were in now. They were together again and that was all that counted. Rachel reached down and gave her lover a long hug. Paul did his best to return the hug given his debilitating position and the two lovers remained in this embrace as they both cried in happiness.


Paul and Rachel relaxed on the sofa as they continued to watch the newscast.

"...and so nearly a year to the day after he was arrested, Jeff Morton was sentenced to Death by Lethal Injection by Judge Franks. This brought to a conclusion a bizarre sequence of events. The judge also paid special thanks to Rachel Wilkins without whom this man might have never been caught."

"For those that don't remember, Rachel Wilkins was the woman who escaped from Jeff Morton, but was knocked down by a car as she tried to run away. She was taken to hospital where she fell into a deep coma. Her husband Paul Wilkins disappeared out of grief. When he returned some weeks later, Rachel emerged from her coma the next day."

The new Paul interrupted at this point, "Y'know, I sure that witch had something to do with that. The doctors told me that 'you' would have virtually no chance of recovering, but the day after we get back to tidy things up, 'he' makes an amazing recovery. It was too convenient."

"Yeah. I think you're right," the new Rachel replied, "Maybe she found out what happened, realized she's partly to blame, so tried to put things right by healing this body." as she gestured to her own body, now fully healed.

Paul was going to say something, but the TV program was continuing so they both looked on interested. The newsreader continued.

"For the first day, Rachel seemed to be in denial of who she was as her husband comforted her, but the next day, Jeff Morton broke into the hospital despite the police presence. He temporarily overpowered Rachel's husband and tried to finish the job he had started with Rachel. He raped her, but fortunately Rachel's husband recovered and was able to knock him unconscious before he could complete his task and ultimately kill her."

Rachel interrupted, "Well, that's the... official version of what happened," she laughed as she thought back to how much of a risk they had taken by sneaking her into the hospital so she could switch back. Switching back with Jeff Morton was not part of the original plan. They had returned to Denver to tidy things up, then they were going to disappear together, find a new female body and live their lives in happiness.

But when Jeff Morton recovered, they felt they had to take this opportunity. But had she been caught before they switched back, she could have been the one on Death Row instead of him. Still, everything turned out okay.

The newsreader continued, "When Jeff Morton was being dragged away by police, he offered little resistance largely because of a recent gunshot wound. He had to be seen by doctors immediately. Police were puzzled as to who shot him and how well the wound had been tended to."

Rachel winced at the memory of how much being shot had actually hurt and how well her lover had tended her for days afterwards.

"During his trial, Jeff Morton made wild claims about waking up in hospital as Rachel. Prosecutors dismissed this as a desperate attempt to claim insanity and the jurors agreed."

"But the most crucial and damning piece of evidence was the videotape later found. On this tape, he confesses to killing numerous women although he mentions no names. During the trial, Jeff Morton denied ever making that recording, despite the overwhelming visual evidence."

Rachel once again interrupted, "Hey, you know, even after what he did to me, I feel a bit guilty there. I made that confession, yet it put him on Death Row."

"Well don't," Paul replied, "He's a cold blooded murderer. We saved a lot of other innocent women by making sure he was convicted. He's getting exactly what he deserves."

The news item finished soon afterwards and the new Paul switched off the TV with the remote and beckoned his wife to join him closer on the sofa.

The new Rachel relaxed into her husband's arms as they cuddled up together.

"Y'know, we can switch back whenever we want now with Janet's help. We don't have to wait until our anniversary," Paul said.

"I know," Rachel replied, "But we said we'd swap back every two years and we will. That witch was right. I don't mind being Rachel so much now."

Rachel comforted herself in her husband's arms as she thought to herself that she would switch back with her husband again. She now had no problems living as a woman, but she still looked forward to when she would be male again.

But at this point things were so happy for her. Paul had returned to work and things were back to normal. A few film producers that were interested in making her story into a movie had even approached them and Rachel had started writing about her ordeal. Of course, she had to make some drastic changes to the real version of events, but it was giving her something to do while Paul was at work.

There was a part of Rachel that was telling her that they should stay like this forever, now they were settled. They are due to switch back in eight months time at the time of their second wedding anniversary. It will be quite a change for her to be the man again after being the housewife for so long. Returning to work will also take some adjusting.

But as difficult as it might be, Rachel thought that they shouldn't ignore the gift they had. For a brief period just before they got married, they considered this curse of theirs to be a gift. After their marriage, it effectively became a curse again, but now they can both finally appreciated it for what it is.

Rachel grinned as she finally got comfortable. Although Paul had offered for them to switch back now and she declined because she was happy, there was one extra reason she said no. She didn't know if it would be even possible at the moment. Her period was late, very late although wouldn't tell Paul just yet until she was sure.

Her grin widened as she worked out the dates. Their second wedding anniversary in eight months would be perfect timing. She enjoyed being a woman, but she wasn't sure if she could handle being a mother just yet. But compared to everything else that had happened to her in the past few years, maybe being a mother wouldn't be as bad as she thinks...

The End.

Phillip Stevens phil_stevens@bigfoot.com

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