Ra Adventures Revisited

By ac.xmg@doowdermas

Published on Jun 9, 2018


RA Adventures: Revisited (Chapter 2)

By Sam Redwood samredwood@gmx.ca

About 20 years ago there was a touching series named RA Adventures. It was one of my favorites as a young gay man coming-of-age at the same time as the characters. I recently re-read the series, and began to consider how the story might have continued. Of course, this many years later, the original author's email address has resulted in bouncebacks, and I can't imagine that he has spent a lot of time thinking about this series in the intervening period. By chance he has, however, please reach out. I'd love to talk with you about the characters and where you might see them.

As for everyone else, similar to the original series -- this is not going to be a quick cum, so if that is what you are looking for, you might want to look elsewhere. And, of course, this story is a fictitious work that depicts sexual activity between consenting male adults, so if that is offensive or illegal in your area, you may wish to consider a different website.

The funny thing about kids pushing the pre-teen envelope is that you *expect them to move a lot quicker than they do, even though you know better. Once we finally got loaded into our Chevy Traverse and were making our way down the highway to the barbecue place, the CarPlay system gave us an alert. Matt was driving, so I pushed the buttons to read the iMessage. Christi had texted us that they were ordering and had ordered for all of us, so take our time.

There wasn't any traffic to speak of, but we did seem to hit every possible stoplight between home and the restaurant. There was a parking spot next to the Tuckers' vehicle, which we took for ourselves. Finally, we all unloaed and made our way inside. The kids got excited, and ran to hug Uncle Clint and Aunt Christi before settling down at the end of the table with their "cousins." Matt and I sat down next to the adults.

"Busy drive?" Clint chided at us with a grin.

"No," I replied. "Children that have no sense of prioritization in movement."

"Give them credit," Matt said. "It only took them 15 extra minutes to get goin' this time...that's like 15 minutes faster than last time!" We all laughed. I loved how Matt still would drop the ends of words and phrases, betraying his Southern roots. His green eyes were sparkling in the light of the restaurant, and I felt the warmth flow through me of how much I loved this man.

Christi turned her attention toward me. "Kevin, have you been to the new tasting room on Bannock St?"

"No," I replied. "I didn't know there was a new one." Like many cities in the mountain west, ours was enjoing a population boom and the economic development that comes with it. Not everything was good, of course, and we faced the challenges of any growing region...but it did mean that new restaurants, microbreweries, wineries, and other sources of entertainment were constantly opening.

"You have to come with me," she said, covering my hand with hers. "They're pouring some of the best new wine and they have delicious small plates." Her voice was gentle, but decisive. "What are you doing middle of the week?"

"I have to fly to meet a client in Seattle on Thursday, but it's just a day trip," I said. "Are they open Wednesday in the afternoon?"

"Let me check," she said, as she turned and fished her iPhone out of her purse. I was distracted by a tugging on my opposite shirt sleeve.

"I'm going to the bathroom," my youngest was telling me. As I was about to say OK, Clint spoke up. "Why don't all the kids go to the bathroom and wash up," he suggested, just loud enough to take command of the kids' end of the table. Electronic devices and art supplies were set down, while a line of five kids trapsed toward the back of the dining room to the facilities. Matt and I were pretty strict with our kids about no electronic devices at the table, so they came prepared with notebooks and coloring pencils. At our "family dinners" with Uncle Clint and Aunt Christi, however, we knew that they were sneaking in to iPad games with their compatriots.

"Yes, they're absolutely open on Wednesday," Christi said, drawing my attention back to our conversation. Matt and Clint looked over at us, and Matt asked, "Are we invited, or is this just for the two of you to act all fancy?"

Christi laughed kind of sheepishly, "Of course you're invited, Matt," she said. He beamed in response, then said in a mockingly quasi-British tone, "Oh, no. I wouldn't want to impose. Thank you for your grand invitation, but I most respectfully must decline with my deepest sorrow." Christi continued to laugh while I rolled my eyes.

It was Clint's turn to fake indignation. "What, and who am I? Chopped liver?"

Quick with the response, Christi simply said, "Yes." Matt and I began to laugh while Clint had a look of surprise on his face. "But you're *my chopped liver," Christi said as she grabbed Clint's arm and pulled into him. The two of them together, like I said, was still very sweet.

The kids were bounding back at this point, almost perfectly-timed for the server to bring out plates of barbeque and all the fixings...mac 'n cheese, green beans, creamed corn, collard greens, mashed potatoes, and the obligatory pickles. We all dug in and had our fill, the adults appreciating beer and wine, with the kids enjoying their sugary sodas. Dinner was finished with gooey brownies, fresh-baked just for us by the owner as a special treat. We gladly appreciated the extra and responded with a generous tip.

We walked outside of the restaurant and saw activity along the Greenbelt, and decided to take an after-dinner stroll. The five kids did that thing kids do, where they run far up ahead of their parents and then run back to share what they've found. Dutifully we all took turns acknowledging these discoveries, sharing the responsibilities among the four of us as we gently walked and talked.

Christi and Matt had gotten deep into a conversation, which left Clint and I to catch up a little more privately. We walked a few yards ahead of the other two, in between them and the kids running further ahead of us.

"You decide anything yet," I asked Clint. He had made partner a couple of years ago at one of the most prestigious law firms in our city, and had made quite a name for himself practicing on major cases in the state. Through some internal reorganization, refocusing, and upcoming retirements, his firm had decided to chart a new course...one that would include Clint's name joining the public name of the firm, coupled with a lot more work for him. I knew that Christi supported it, and we were all incredibly proud of him. I also know that Clint knew what it was like to have high-powered, exceptionally busy parents, and had in part moved west to give himself and his own children a slower pace.

"I actually just decided no and told the other partners today," he said. His face demonstrated a clear decision had been made, but also a tinge of disappointment around the edges. We walked a few steps before I spoke again.

"And?" I asked, with an invitation for him to speak more.

"And that's that," he replied. "I mean, at least for now. It was the right decision."

"It was a great opportunity, but there will be more," I said.

Clint's middle son was running back towards us at this point, carrying what I hoped was waterlogged bark and not a snakeskin. As he got closer, I realized it was indeed wet plant material, though was still grateful he ran back past us toward his mother.

"Look at them," Clint told me. "They're growing up. I want to keep going to all of their activities, to not miss the important stuff, you know?"

I did know. It was the same reason I decided to quit my prior job with the state government to start consulting. Yet, I also knew the value one identifies from their job and work. I thought of how I came to that decision as we kept walking along, the sun setting behind the mountains and starting to cast its colorful, shadowy dance on the ground.

"So how will you navigate staying there," I asked him. Decisions like this are always coupled with politics, and the cutthroat nature of major law firms is well-established.

Just enough time had passed between when I asked and his lack of a response that I looked over at him. He was still looking straight ahead, but I saw a giant grin plastered on his face. Confusion clearly registered on mine and he knew it.

"Geeze, Kev, you're still so dense after all these years!"

"What's...huh?" Always eloquent in my replies.

"I left the firm today and I'm starting up my own practice!"

Christi and Matt had caught up to us by this point. I knew now that the joke had been on me somehow, that part of the reason for our walk on the Greenbelt was so Clint could announce his big news. Matt went over and pulled Clint into a big hug and congratulated him, while Christi was hugging my arm with excitement.

"Well, I guess congratulations are in order, Tucker!" I said as I got my chance to hug him after Matt. It was a comfortable hug, a good hug, but still one that had a way of flying me to Cloud 9 once I felt Clint's body and could smell him close.

"Thanks," he said from within our embrace. "I'm just following in your footsteps!"

We called the kids to head back to us as we walked back to the restaurant parking lot. Clint was filling us in on his plans. He asked about the agency I sublet my office from, and I agreed to set up a time for him to meet tomorrow morning with the manager of the space. We also agreed on lunch afterwards, so tomorrow I'd be working from downtown instead of home while the kids were at school.

Once in the parking lot, the kids had created a chasing/hiding game that basically included running in circles around the Traverse and Audi Q5 of their applicable family's, and once the adults had said their good-byes we were all loaded and heading toward our homes.

At home, the kids had a little bit of homework to do before we were deep into the schoolnight routine of getting ready for bed. One of the things Matt and I were so grateful for was that bedtime routines were always simple in our house...I hoped that didn't mean the high school years would spell curfew troubles.

The kids had been put to bed and I was in our basement rec room laying on the couch and watching TV when Matt came downstairs.

"Hey stud," he said, as he plopped into the spot next to me.

I looked up at him, "Whas'sup?" and smiled.

"Christi doesn't know what an entrepreneur husband is like, but she's gonna learn quick!"

I scrunched my face, "What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"Oh, nothing," he said, as he started rubbing a hand on my chest. "There is one really good thing about it," and as he said this he locked eyes on mine and didn't look away.

"What's that," I inquired.

"No one to stop you from making out at work," he said with a grin, and leaned down to kiss me. As his lips locked onto mine, I put my hand on the back of his neck and felt the warmth of his skin. I closed my eyes and gave myself into the feeling, his tongue licking around my lips, his smell sneaking into my nose. He pulled up from the kiss just long enough for us to open our eyes and lock on one another again, and he linked his arms under mine to pull me flat on the couch as he climbed up on top of me and leaned down into me again for another deep kiss and embrace. My arms wrapped around his back and I pulled him into me, and I could feel the blood rushing to my quickly-stiffening prick. He started rocking his hips into me and I could feel that he was getting hard, as well. He pressed his chest more into me and I moaned into his mouth. Our tongues were probing each other, and each time they met it sent a jolt of electricity through my body. I could feel Matt's hands reaching down for the edges of my shirt, and we broke the kiss long enough for him to pull it off me and over my head.

He began to lick along my jaw, pausing to nibble at my ear. I let out an endorsing sigh, closed my eyes and leaned back into the pillow. He followed his tongue down until he reached my hardened left nipple and flicked his tongue across it. Each time I felt my abs tighten hard, and he kept playing this game of pleasure for a while.

Soon I was reaching down to take his shirt off him, which he eventually did, giving me a commanding view again of his shaped body. A light red fur covered what had been smooth in college, setting off his features in a whole different way. His body was just as sexy now as it had been when I first apreciated it in 2000. He was running his hands up and down me as I did him, taking stock of one another and the look of pleasure in our eyes. He leaned down into me and kissed me again, deep and passionate, and soon his hands were rubbing down and sinking beneath the waistband of my underwear. I was thrusting my hard cock into his, and he took the cue to pull both of our pants and underwear down to our ankles. He made contact with my member and that same jolt of electricity ran through my body once I felt his hand on me.

He broke our kiss and I looked at him, that dangerous, michevious look entering his green eyes as he licked down my chest and belly before taking my dick in his mouth. I moaned in pleasure as he took my rod to the hilt, fondling my ballsack as he did. It felt amazing, the warm moisture of his mouth, the pressure of his lips as he pumped me up and down, dancing with his tongue on the underside of my manhood and around the edges of the mushroom head. He teased me with his speed, quickening and slowing down, which he knew drove me crazy. It was clear that his goal was to make me feel good...and it was working incredibly. I was moaning like a pleasured idiot, occasionally looking down to see beautiful Matt working my cock with his mouth. Then he let my cock outside of his mouth and started licking around my sack and taking my balls one by one in his mouth. He licked down my man taint and his fingers started tracing along toward my hole, and I lifted up my theighs and legs in response. I looked down at him as he did this, and he looked up at me with a fire in his eyes that matched the red of his hair. "Fuck, I love you," I said.

He smiled. "Same, babe," he said in response, as he started licking up my right inner thigh. I planted my feet on either side of him and lifted my hips higher, and he moved his hands up to lick further up toward my perineum and ass. He shifted so he could pull apart my butt cheeks and lick at my hole. I moaned in pleasure, the feeling of his wet tongue probing at my ass, stretching me and lubing me up with his saliva. I could see the precum dripping off his thick, veiny dick, and I anticipated how good it feels inside me. I moaned louder in pleasure. He moved his hand to my dick, slowly pumping me, using his thumb to tease my dick head with the precum dripping from it. Soon, I heard him ask me, "Are you ready?" I was ready, I needed to feel him inside me. I rolled over and leaned on the arm of the couch, knees bent proping me up and Matt positioning himself behind me. I felt his hands settle onto my shoulders and pull me back, and I relaxed my muscles and pushed into him. His girth was familiar, comforting, and just as exciting as the first time we made love. He moaned and began to get his rhythm as he thrusted into me. He leaned down and kissed my back as he continued to thrust, and I felt his hand grip my manhood and get itself sticky with my precum. We gave ourselves to the feeling, the connection, and nothing was said between us but grunts and moans. Nothing needed to be said. Our bodies were at one with each other, a practiced comfort that only comes with a long-term relationship.

Soon I felt him quickening my pace, and he bent over me so his chest was pressed into my back, and he moaned, "Oh Kevin," into my ear. He nipped at my neck as he continued to thrust into me, and I reached an arm back to feel his leg next to mine. I angled my head back and he took the cue, pushing his face into mine and our mouths together. He dove his tongue deep into my mouth, and I opened my eyes to see his eyes staring right back at me. This was enough to push us both over the edge, as I felt his moaning and the throbbing of his cock pumping load after load deep inside me. The pressure against my prostate was enough to send me over the edge, as I shot my load onto the blanket we kept on the couch. We spent ourselves at the same time, and as we came back down from ecstacy, we grinned at each other with the kind of schoolboy grin.

"It's a good thing we've learned to keep that blanket there," he said as he pulled out of me and playfully slapped my ass. I laughed, stepping down and standing up as he rose.

"Yeah, looks like I'm doing laundry tonight!" We continued our post-coital chit-chat as we tidied up. I threw the blanket and a couple of other towels that were waiting to be washed in the machine, and Matt took some dirty dishes and toys to be washed upstairs to the kitchen. Once the washing was started, I walked upstairs and turned off the light, in time to see Matt starting the dishwasher.

"You remember the night you started you company," he asked me with a grin. My parents had decided to visit and spend time with their grandson to let Matt and I take a couple days at a cabin near Priest Lake. I had just filed the paperwork to incorporate, so the cabin time was also celebration.

A smile in memory came across my face. "Yeah, you mean the night we broke the support in that bed?!"

"Uh huh, that's the one," he said affirmatively. "What damage do you think Clint's gonna make tonight?"

"Moose!" I nearly shouted in response. It made him laugh, which in turn made me laugh.

It had been a really memorable night in that cabin. Then again, a night with Clint would be just as memorable.

The story returns, to be continued. I have a few more installments prepared already and will try to release them as I'm able to work ahead and keep it going. In the meantime, please reach out with questions or comments.

Next: Chapter 3

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