Ra Adventures

By K.V.

Published on Jan 4, 2001


OK, so if you're here and reading this, you should know what you're getting into. If you are offended by sexually explicit content between men, please leave now. But first...what the hell are you doing here?! If you are under 21 and it's illegal to read this in your state or community, please leave. If you're gonna read this anyway, then sit back and enjoy. If you're looking for a quick j/o tale, you might want to continue browsing. Otherwise...welcome!

R.A. Adventures (C) K.V. 2000

Chapter 1

I was jerked awake by the ever-louder ringing of my alarm clock. I pounded the snooze and groaned. Monday morning all over again. Why is it that the bed always feels *so much more comfortable on mornings that I have to get up than on mornings I can sleep in? One of the best things about being in college is that occasional day when the bed wins out and you defiantly skip class...no regard for authority...<BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP>...wrenched out of my reverie by the snooze -- so much for defiant attitudes! I dragged myself out of my bed and walked across the room to grab my shower necessities. I glanced at myself in the mirror and groaned again. I really do hate mornings. My hair looks like something from an 80s movie...just *way too poofy.

I made my way down the hall and pushed open the door to the bathroom, feeling and, no doubt, looking like a zombie out of some cheap TV show. I'm greeted by a couple of guys shaving. I nodded back and try to avoid speaking lest I say something nasty about being chipper in the morning. I padded down to the next-to-last stall...my favorite shower. Wouldn't you know it? I have to wait in line. I lean back against the wall trying to keep my eyes open. My mind wanders off into the stratosphere again...

I suppose this is as good a time as any to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Kevin McReardon, I'm 21 and I'm a college student. AA analogies notwithstanding, I'm also the RA (Resident Assistant, or Rez Ass and I'm fond of calling it) of my floor. 65 guys of every shape and size...sounds like a dream, right? Wrong. Aside from dealing with all the minuscule problems they can throw at me, I'm forced to keep my libidinous desires in check -- none of that reckless frolicking with the residents. This, my friends, is the South, and in a liberal arts college such as this, everybody knows everybody's business...and being a guy with an eye for guys can be...well...dangerous. At any rate, I have two weeks left and then I'm free from the burden of school. Another thing that prompted taking the RA position was that, due to some bureaucratic brain-fart, we couldn't move off-campus without having our academic scholarships cut in half. I know, I know, what *were these guys smoking? So, I chose to work on campus and get my own room for the price of a double.

I'm brought back to reality by the sound of the water being turned off. I glanced down at my watch...7:30. Half an hour to get ready and make it to class. I really need to post a sign about limiting shower times in the morning. Glancing up I noticed the shower curtain open and a well-muscled arm snake out for a towel hanging on a nearby hook. Yup, that's about all the skin I get to see...damn these showers and their blasted partitions! Today was to be my lucky day. Evidently, Mr. Football, (I think his name was Clint...) decided the cubicle was too small to dry off in...so he promptly strode out and began toweling off in front of me. I suppose he didn't see me standing behind him, which was just as well. Somewhere between the opening of the curtain and him bending over to dry his calves, my jaw hit the floor. Now, I guess a small confession is in order...I am a BUTT man!!! And that specimen in front of me was definitely one for the books. Tan, very muscled, nice hamstrings...the works...my mind soared and I held my towel in front of me. My boxer briefs weren't doing much to hide my enjoyment. Naturally, all of this happened in the span of a couple of seconds, but it was bliss. Well, evidently I hadn't changed my expression so when Clint turned around he immediately blushed as he wrapped the towel around his waist, his wide shoulders still glistening with little droplets.

"Oh, sorry Kev! Didn't mean to flash you!" He brushed a wet lock of jet-black hair from his face.

"Huh? Oh...um...don't worry about it."

Geez! Could I have sounded any more guilty?! Well, that was surely the end of *that conversation! Stupid, stupid...

"Hey," he interrupted my stupor, "do you think she graded our tests yet?"

My mind reeled for a moment...tests...she?...had this stud been in one of my classes and I hadn't noticed?! It suddenly clicked...Poli Sci. Our teacher was notoriously late with her grading, though I wasn't sure how I had missed him. "Oh...those. Nah, I'm betting she hasn't even looked at them yet."

"Yeah, you're probably right. How are you doing in that class?" He had a sort of desperate look on his face.

"Not too bad," I answered, trying not to sound too confident. "I've always enjoyed political theory, though, so this isn't too new to me."


I was suddenly saturated with images of tutoring this stud, hoping for more. You know the story. I've been reading too many Nifty stories. I decided to keep it as altruistic as possible and really give the guy a hand. "Well hey, I know that book is pretty intense..."

"Yeah," he cut in, "I keep reading and re-reading and I can't make heads or tails of it."

"I'd be glad to look over some of it with you, if you'd like."

"Seriously? That'd be great. Kevin, you're a lifesaver."

"No problem. Just come by sometime. You know where my room is."

"Great. Will do. Later bro."

"See ya."

With that I quietly stripped and stepped into my now-vacant shower. It was still warm and steamy and the thought of that naked stud in there just minutes ago was really not doing anything for my ever hardening prick. I knew I didn't have time to really take care of things, so I set the water to a little cooler than comfortable and concentrated on getting clean. I then headed back to the room, much more in control of my...uh...appendages. I glanced at the clock...10 minutes! I threw on some cargo khakis and an oversize white shirt...paused just long enough to gel the hair a bit... spritz some cologne...and then ran out the door none too gracefully.

I sat through a boring lecture in French about the French legal system, blah blah blah. I tuned out and kept focusing in on that glorious sight from that morning. He really had been a something to behold. Tight was the word that best described him. Well-formed pecs, nice pink skin tanned from the hours of practice on the field, rippling arms, large masculine hands. He looked like a fitness model; he was really incredible. He was the kind of guy that turns heads as he walks in a room. I felt a familiar stirring and tried to distract myself with some French vocab and the phat looking teacher. She was really pretty...blond hair, nice body... wait, wait, wait, *French!! Somehow I made it through and was somehow able to stand up comfortably at the end of class.

The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully. It was my "duty day" at the dorm...basically translating to me being incarcerated in my room in case anything should happen (God forbid the dorm burn down!). I grabbed my lunch from the cafeteria and tromped up to my room on the third floor.

I unlocked my door and put my food inside and decided to make some quick rounds before settling down to a lunch and a nap. The place was pretty well empty...nothing to report. I made small talk with the Janitor and headed back to the room. A sneaky idea came over me. I *love being in an empty dorm because I can do whatever I want. I decided to go for an adventure. I headed down to Clint's room, close to the end of the hall; glanced down the hall to make sure I wasn't being observed. I lightly knocked on the door, and not hearing anything, I let myself in. Gotta love master keys and "impromptu room searches"! I was instantly rock hard. Here I was, sneaking around my football-playing stud's room. I'm not sure what I was looking for, so I just started poking around. I opened a couple of drawers...nothing exciting...t-shirts, shorts, socks...and at last, the undies drawer! He kept his things remarkably neat and clean. Not what I would have expected from your run-of-the-mill jock -- and I had plenty of those on my hall. I took out what appeared to be a well-worn jock and lifted it up to my nose. I took a deep whiff. Yup, smelled just like -- Tide with bleach alternative. I chuckled and replaced it, feeling a little sheepish. I glanced at the dirty clothes pile, but decided against going against it...really sweaty clothes never having been my "bag". I decided that Mr. Happy and I had better head back to the room. Lunch was getting cold and the khakis were getting tighter. I surreptitiously let myself out and locked the door, proceeding down the hall to my room.

Lunch was indeed cold. Oh well! I made the best of it and ate what I could. The rest was chunked in the hall trash bin. I went back in to the room and locked the door behind me. Ahh...the joys of living alone...no fear of interruption. I sat down at my desk and booted my computer up. I got online and checked my e-mail as well as perused the Nifty Archives looking for new material. I really love some of those stories...really get the blood pumping. I allowed myself a little fantasizing and decided to finally give into the primal urges.

I moved over to the bed and loosened my belt and unbuttoned my shirt. I let it hang open over my torso. Not too bad, I thought, not too bad at all. Those grueling hours at the gym were finally paying off. I trailed my hand down my chest and abs meeting my treasure trail. I spread my legs and began caressing my growing bulge. I pressed down and let a moan escape my lips. I began unzipping my khakis...relishing the sensation.

<Ring, ring> <Ring, ring>

Damn it!!! I leaned over and answered the phone with a not-overly-friendly "Hello".

"Hey Kevin, it's Jack" (Jack was the RD...Rez Director and my boss)

"Oh hey!" I tried to sound a little more cheerful, "I was just.napping."

"Sorry to disturb you. I need to ask you a question."


"Have you noticed the condition of the showers?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I chuckled internally.

"Well, I got a complaint from one of the second floor guys that the showers were getting...nasty."

"Oh! (Phew!) No, I haven't noticed anything. I'll check them again and let you know if I see something strange."

"Great. Thanks pal."


I hung up and was no sooner getting back into the swing of things when I heard a knocking at my door. Can't a guy get a little privacy?! I stuffed myself back into my khakis and didn't bother to button the shirt. I tried to arrange myself to look less conspicuous.

<Knock, knock, knock>

"Coming!!" Ha! I wished...

I headed to the door and opened it. Staring at me in the face was Clint...fresh back from practice and (another) shower.

"Hey. I just got back from...Oh, sorry, were you busy?"

"Nah, just dozing a bit. C'mon in."

"Thanks for your help, bud." He flashed me a winner smile and I only then noticed his perfect pearly whites. I really was getting *way to carried away.

"Anytime. That stuff is a bitch to sort through if you don't know what you're looking for."

"No shit."

"Have a seat. I'd offer you a brew, but you know how that goes..." I chuckled and he laughed a little.

"Yeah, rez ass and what not, eh?"

"You know it!"

We sparred and joked back and forth a little while and finally settled in for some serious mental gymnastics. We were somewhere in the middle of Hobbes when I noticed how good the boy smelled. It was intoxicating. If pheromones don't really exist...then it must have been something else, 'cause my concentration went to hell. I looked over and admired how totally and completely *male he was. My brain had definitely gone to pot.

"Well, I think that's enough to get you through tomorrow's quiz."

"Quiz?!?! What quiz?!" He had this utterly lost and doomed expression on his face. I couldn't help but bust out laughing.

"You little piece of... You scared the shit out of me!" He punched me in the side.

"Ow," I was almost in tears I was laughing so hard. "Sorry...couldn't resist." We had a good little laugh over it.

"Thanks again Kev. I appreciate it...let me know if I can ever return the favor." He met my gaze with his icy gray-blue eyes.

My head was spinning, my hormones raging, and I felt like I could actually see the sexual tension around me. Then...reality snapped like the cruel rubber band it is and brought me quickly back to the here-and-now.

"Sure thing," I finally said. "Glad to help."

He opened the door and let himself out and called behind him,

"See ya in the showers!" I heard his basso laugh echo down the halls.

-------------------- Chapter 2

I heard the door shut and I sat there for a good little while trying to piece together what had just happened. My whole being said there was definitely something going on, but the logic of it all... it was silly, and it just wasn't adding up. I tried to chalk it up to a recurring adolescent mentality and shrug it off.

I went back to the computer and wrote several e-mails, most of which were LONG overdue. I tried to do anything to get my mind off of the evenings events. It was just too weird...and like I said earlier, it can be dangerous to like guys in the South. I reminded myself of that very thing and plopped down in my papasan to watch some TV.

I hadn't been channel surfing for very long when I heard a knock at my door. "Yeah, it's open!" With the exception of private moments I keep my door either unlocked or open to be more accessible in case somebody needs something. My friend Matt strode through the door.


"Whasaaaaaa!" We both laughed and Matt plunked down on the sofa.

"Wha'cha up to?" he asked, adjusting his ever-present baseball cap.

"Just relaxin'...what about yourself?"

His gaze never left the screen. I switched it to a game of soccer. "Practice, women, TV, you know, the usual," he replied.

"Whatever works!"

We sat there for a while just chewing the proverbial fat, talking about classes, about the week's hottest babes, the inescapable boredom of our town...nothing out of the ordinary. It then occurred to me that Matt had several friends on the football team.

"Hey, what do you know about a guy named Clint on the football team?"

"Clint Tucker?"

"Yeah, I guess that's his last name; you know, tall, black hair... What do you know about him?"

"Oh, I dunno. He's a nice enough guy. Just never thought much about him. Why do you ask?" Matt looked over at me with a questioning look on his face.

"No reason. He lives on my hall and he's in one of my classes and it suddenly occurred to me that I really don't know anything about him. I was just curious." I hoped that sounded convincing enough. Matt's a good friend, but I wasn't sure he'd understand.

"That's cool," he said. He pulled off his cap revealing his curly red hair.

"So, how long are you going to let it grow?" I asked him. He'd threatened to "grow a 'fro" for some time now. I wondered what could possible make him do that.

"Well," he started, "I was all for it -- and I still may -- but the heat was just too much." Tugging on his short red locks, he said, "For now, this'll have to do." He stood up and headed over to the little fridge I had in the corner. "You have anything to drink?" he asked as he bent over to search through its contents giving me a prime view of his athletic bum. I shrugged it off.

"Nah, none of the good stuff. I really can't afford to get in trouble.

Dean Todd can be a real ass sometimes."

"Who said anything about getting in trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught, and that's something I'm not planning on doing." He flashed me a mischievous grin, his green eyes sparkled mischievously. "Ah, c'mon Kev. Let's go get something.

I'll take the rap if we get caught." His tone of voice was very sure, so I decided *what the hell?

"Alright. You can do us the honors of going to get something. I'll get some ice and whatever."

"What do you want?"

"Dangerous question." He glared a little. "Surprise me...just make it more exciting than last time."

"Hey, nothing wrong with beer!"

"No, there isn't...but it's not what I'm in the mood for."

"You're high-maintenance, you know that?" With that he stood back up and headed out the door. "I'll be back..." he called over his shoulder.

I called Jack back to see if he would cover for me the remainder of the evening. I told him I was headed out and would be back late. After that I had just enough time to wash some glasses, head down to the ice machine and pick up some extra ice, and walk back to the room. Matt followed me up the stairs on my way up.

"Nice ass!" he called after whistling at me from below.

"Fuck you!" I called down to him.

"Promises, promises..." We both laughed at that and headed up to the room.

"Wha'dya get?" I asked.

"Cuervo, O.J., grenadine and a bottle of Absolut."

"Nice! So, what's it gonna be? Screwdrivers or Tequila Sunrises?"

"Both. I figured we could use some variety. Besides, I know your tastes."

"Oh do you?" I shot him a jokingly questioning glance.

"Yeah, you're an easy one to figure out, McReardon." He started setting up the drinks on my counter while I walked over and locked the door.

"Wouldn't want to be interrupted in such an...um...intimate activities." I laughed again and he responded by pouring too much Cuervo in my sunrise. "You trying to get me drunk, Moose?" He just smiled and proceeded to mix the drinks.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you. how *did you end up with that nickname?"

"The guys called me that back in High School and there's so many people here that still call me by that name that I just kept it. A lot of people don't even know my name's Matthew."

"Hah, ok -- Moose. How're those drinks coming along?"

"Tequila Sunrise coming right up, Monsieur," he drawled in his best Southern quasi- French accent. I couldn't help but laugh, but I must admit, he would have made a killer bartender. I was really just starting to enjoy the flavors when --again-- the phone rang.

"I must have a please interrupt sign tattooed to my forehead or something!" I snarled as I lifted the phone. "Hello?" I heard a deep voice on the other end.

"Hey Kev? It's Clint. What's up?" I did my best to sound and appear nonchalant. Fortunately I still hadn't downed much of my drink or my pretense might have been too far-gone.

"Hey there. Moose and I are just hanging out. I got Jack to cover for me the rest of the evening."

"Oh cool. Feel like company? I'm bored shitless."

"Um, yeah, sure. Just let yourself in."

"Be there in a sec." I hung up the phone and took a deep swallow of my sunrise to try to stop my pounding heart.

"Damn, Matt, this thing is good!" He just laughed and got up to fix himself another drink. Clint cracked open the door and poked his head in.

"Start the party without me?" he grinned at us, his dimples accenting his cheeks. *Damn I kept thinking to myself. I really couldn't get this guy out of my head.

"The show must go on," I countered. "C'mon in. Matt'll make you something. Flavors of the day are Tequila sunrise and screwdriver."

"Sounds good to me. I'll take a sunrise, but I can fix it if you want, Moose." Matt turned and looked miffed someone might even *suggest making their own drink while he was present.

"No really, it's fine...just get comfortable."

Clint headed to Matt's place on the couch, and before I could object was comfortably laying back. He thanked my again for my help earlier and shot me another of his killer smiles. I was glad I was sitting.

Matt finished mixing the drinks and went over to the papasan. We sat there chatting it up and catching up on the latest word around campus. After a few more of Matt's cocktails I was feeling a nice buzz coming on. We then decided it was the perfect time to play some drinking game Matt had come up with -- that I had never heard of -- which basically consisted of getting as plastered as possible. I remember running out of OJ altogether and just chugging the Vodka and Tequila like water. Ahh.the joys of college life. At some point somebody decided that it would be better if we all stayed in my room. If anybody reported us drunk in the dorms it could mean my job and all our scholarships.

The next thing I remember was waking up the next morning complete with a bitch of a headache and a piss hard-on that just wouldn't quit. It took me several minutes to finally come to my senses and when I did I was more than a little surprised to notice that I wasn't the only one squeezed into my small twin bed. How I managed to sleep through that, I'll never know. I slowly craned my neck around and there was Matt sleeping like a baby. He was clad in his usual Tommy tighty-whities. He was pressed into my ass and his hand was on my hip. I reached behind me and jabbed him in the stomach. He moaned and leaned up. "What the hell was that for?" he asked groggily.

"Get up, faggot. I have to piss." He just grumbled a little more and shifted so I could get by. As soon as I was off the bed he scooted over to my place so he would *not have to move again. I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes.which caused me great pain. I needed medication, and I needed it *NOW. I found my oversize bottle of aspirin I keep for just such an occasion and downed a few. I headed off to the bathroom to relieve my aching member.

Upon returning I discovered Clint sprawled out on my couch. He too had stripped down to his boxer briefs, which nicely accented his muscular buttocks. I walked up behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. I could feel his taught muscles through my fingertips as I felt the heat radiating through his supple skin. I smelled the still-fresh scent of his deodorant as I leaned closer. He stirred a little and turned his head enough to speak. "Feels great, man, but do you have something for my head?" I laughed and went to the counter to get the aspirin. I had the bottle in front of me and, without my noticing, Clint had stood up and followed me. I was in the middle of pouring him a glass of water to go with his aspirin. He stopped directly behind me and reached around me to get the glass while he rested his other hand on my waist. I tensed.

"Loosen up, bro!" he said as he slapped me on the ass.

"You'll pay for that one, Tucker."

"Right, right." We laughed a little, but were quieted by Matt turning over and telling us to shut the hell up. We laughed a little more but decided to comply.

"Get back to work, McReardon." I gave him a puzzled look. "Yeah," he answered, "that back rub was really doing the trick." I chuckled.

"It'll cost ya." I moved over to the sofa where he had once again planted himself facedown.

"Uh huh, well, we'll deal with payment later. Now hop to!" His white clad cheeks staring up at me. I couldn't resist. I raised my arm and came down hard as my hand made contact with his ass.

"Fuck!" he wailed as he rubbed a no-doubt growing red mark on his tender rump. "Ok, I guess I deserved that."

"Yup, now quit whining and lie flat so I can work on your back." He made sure I could see him roll his eyes at me as he turned back over. I chuckled and began kneading his muscles again. After a minute or two I could feel the heat really begin to build from the friction, so I opted to go grab a bottle of massage oil I keep for occasions such as this.

"You're really good at that. Where'd you pick it up?"

"Well, all through growing up my dad had to have a masseuse 'cause of chronic back pain. I just watched and did my best to copy." I straddled his thighs as I poured some more oil into my hand and began smoothing it out on his back. "There, much better." He just sighed contentedly. I really love giving massages to my friends (yes, even platonic ones) because it creates a real connection. Also, there's really a certain intimacy in giving somebody a good rubdown. At any rate, I wasn't complaining. After a few minutes I felt him squirm a little and adjust himself.

"Sorry, bud. It's been a while and I guess all the skin-to-skin contact has gotten me going." He flushed a little as he muttered out his explanation.

"Perfectly normal. Don't worry about it." I just kept right on going. The whole experience combined with my lingering headache was really getting *me going. I leaned up to rub his neck and my hard prick brushed his ass. I kept right on, hoping he wouldn't have noticed. No such luck.

"I guess it's only natural you get one too, then, huh?" I flushed.

"Um, yeah, I guess so..."

My hands moved down his sides and I was just squirting a little more oil into my palm when Matt startled me.

"Hey, my turn." I got a little uneasy. I wasn't sure how long he'd been watching and what conclusions he would draw. Suddenly I felt very uncomfortable. I forced myself to think cold thoughts and my stiff meat eventually began to cooperate and go back down.

"You're in for a treat," Clint told him as he got up. His erection hadn't reduced any and he laughed as he looked down. "Guess it gets the blood flowing! Hey, Kev, mind if I steal a towel?"

"Nah, they're in the closet, on the right. Help yourself." I answered back as Matt eased his large frame into the same position Clint had been in. I watched with rapt attention as Clint faced the closet and dropped his tight undies. He bent over to pick them up and I was inundated with flash backs from the previous morning. I was growing again.

"Well?!" Matt interrupted my train of thought, and for once I was happy for the distraction. I did my best to concentrate but caught Clint dropping his Calvin's on the top of my dirty clothes. I decided to think about it later. He knotted the towel around his waist and headed out to the showers. I did my absolute best to not think about the sheets of water cascading down his back, chest...

"Kev!" Matt called. "Are you gonna do this right, or what? What's the deal this morning?"

"I...uh...guess my head is still a little light," I stuttered out. It seemed to satisfy him so I concentrated on giving him the good back-rub he deserved.

After several minutes he turned his head around. "Hey get up. I wanna turn over. My chest is really sore. I think I overdid it a little on the cable flies yesterday." I scooted back as he rolled over. He too had gotten stiff and was straining against his briefs. I really didn't think much about it. Matt and I had grown terribly comfortable around one another. We had been like brothers since we had gotten to college. We met my sophomore year when I had first assumed RA responsibilities and he moved in my dorm as a freshman.

I straddled his broad thighs, feeling his hot skin pressed against mine. I started in on his pecs, his freckled skin stretched taut over well-honed muscle. I really began noticing for the first time how beautiful he really was. I then realized how awkward a position I was in. I was leaned over him, our crotches only inches away, and I...was admiring his masculine looks?! I blushed and looked away. Matt reached up and touched my chest. "Hey, it's ok."

I looked down at him and his deep saphire eyes were fixed on mine. He cracked a sideways grin and leaned up. I stiffened in disbelief. He just kept right on coming. I closed my eyes and felt his nose against mine. I opened my eyes and gazed in to his. We closed them in unison and I felt his moist lips lightly brush mine, just feathering by. They brushed them again leaving me only the memory of the texture of his lips. I planted both hands on his straining pecs. I was transfixed. I waited in eager anticipation...

"Um, I guess I'd better get up," he whispered. I opened my eyes and moved off of him. He saw my shocked face, smiled and put a large finger up to my lips hushing me. "I'll talk to you later." He slid into his jeans, pulled his cap on backwards revealing a shock of red hair, smiled at me and walked out the door.

That's it for chapters 1 and 2...chapter three will be on the way. I'd appreciate any comments you care to give. I enjoy getting e-mail. Flames, however, will largely be ignored. Farscape20@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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