Questioning Travis

By Dale Gutzman

Published on May 14, 2015


Travis had trouble getting the big rubber dildo up his ass. It was his own fault really. I had warned him repeatedly to work on his asshole with his fingers. True, he was getting five to ten dicks up his asshole every day from me and my buddies, but still...a dildo of this proportion needs extra work and extra preparation. He was squatting over it at the present moment. I like to give my boys some leeway in their work, so I hadn't prescribed a particular position for the rubber dick insertion. I had simply said that he had to get it all the way up his fuckhole!

That's the problem with so many straight boys today...they don't have the necessary experience working on their young assholes, so when they meet a gay man who makes them his fucktoy, they have a very painful time getting their boycunts into decent shape. For me, decent shape meant that the boy could take anything and everything I told him to shove up his hole!

Travis, who had designs on being a professional actor, and who had already made some great strides in that direction when I met him, was very protective of his body. He abhorred having to shove painfully large objects up his asshole. To be fair to the young man, his body was beautiful. Ripped you might say. He had the perfect body for hunky movie star. And his dick...well his dick was to die for. Huge, even when soft. Countless young girls had had their cunts opened and stretched by that massive hunk of fuckmeat. Like most straight men, Travis didn't think much about the discomfort of the girls he fucked. He didn't listen when they begged him to stop or go slowly, or when they protested that his fuckmeat was too big. So, I thought it would be only fair of me to put Travis on the receiving end of some dick, to give him a taste of what he had been dishing out.

As I say, he was currently squatting. The eleven inch rubber fucker had squeezed itself about halfway up his young man hole. so, it wasn't that young Travis was doing, not at all.

It was simply that he wasn't working hard enough to please me. I set high standards for Travis, usually just a bit higher than he could attain. Then I pushed and punished him until, with lots of groaning and crying and begging, he reached those standards. Travis had no idea of his potential. For example, he had thought just a few days ago that he could never take the big black ten inch dildo all the way up his boycunt. And now he was working with an even thicker, eleven inch long one. You see what persistence can accomplish?

"Please, Sir, asshole will never be the same again..." he grunted, pushing another half inch up his stretched cunt.

"No indeed, Travis. It most likely will not. If your wife ever fingers your hole during sex...she will see that the tight little male pucker has turned into a gaping cunt like opening. You will probably have to provide some explanation. Keep pushing Travis...we want to see it all the way up there, don't we? I need to get some really good pictures to send out to all your internet friends!"

The young actor froze mid dildo squat and looked up at me with beautiful pleading eyes from which tears dripped. "About the internet, Sir. If you send out pictures of me, my future career could be ruined. I could be recognized and my chances of....."

"Now, now, now, Travis. There is another way to look at it. Lots of film and theater directors are gay as goose shit! They might help you along with your career after seeing how talented you have become in the sex department. A good cocksucker can go quite far in show business! And a cunt telling how his acting career can soar, as long as he continues to put out on the side. Push Travis...I am getting bored and you still have six inches to go!"

"But if someone who knows me and my wife should see it....if she finds out. I love my wife and my baby...I don't want to lose them!" He was crying fairly hard now, as he bounced on the rubber dick to get more of it up inside his asshole. His muscles strained in the most exotic, enticing way.

"Come, come, Travis. You are worrying for nothing. Who would go to your wife and tell her they saw her handsome husband performing filthy perverted sexual acts on the internet? That would reveal their own secrets. BOUNCE FUCKFACE...I WANT TO SEE THAT DILDO UP YOUR CUNT!" Sometimes, I had to get a bit harsh with my boy. I loved to watch his muscular pecs rise and fall as he worked at some new task for me. His nib nipples pouted and twitches. They were quite large from the recent nipple work we had done on them with suction cups and clothes pegs and clips and so on. Oh my, he had complained about that. He had said that he had to take his shirt off for movies and tv and stage, and that if his nipples were too big and grotesque, he could never do that.

I had gently pointed out to him that "too big and grotesque" was a relative term. What might appear "freakishly stretched" to one man would perhaps be "just right and quite sexy" to another. After all, look how men loved to chew on and suck and stretch girl's titties and nipples! I felt it was time faggot boys got in touch with their "boy tits!" Right now, Travis' titties did seem sore and pencil erasers, but I was certain that they would settle down to a "more" normal size in a few days. Then of course, I would have to work on them again.

Travis grunted and actually toppled over as the last of the thick black dildo entered his anal opening. Then he broke down in hard, ragged sobs.

"There, you see, Travis...I told you you could do it. You don't have enough self-confidence! That's why I'm here to help you. Imagine, eleven thick inches of dildo up your boycunt!

I am so fucking proud of you. And now tomorrow, we can try for twelve." He let out a wracked sob! "You see, I want you to be able to take thirteen inches up your cunt in time for the party next week. I want my buddies to see how very talented you have become."

He lay on the floor, looking absolutely magnificent, and twisted his handsome head up toward me. "Oh,God, no, Please...don't make me do this in front of anybody else!"

"Now that is a poor attitude, Travis. You should be proud of your accomplishments, and as my boy, you should want to make me happy by proudly showing off your skills for my friends."

I had a bit of trouble understanding his words through the sobs and gasps. "It's so humiliating. Please don't make me in front of others!"

"Nonsense, Travis! If you can take dick in front of can take dildo in front of others. Think of it as a kind of performance. You are an actor! Well, this is a special kind of show!

Travis will show us his nice stretched nipples. He will show us his big fat dick. He will show us his muscular ass, and then he will ram a thirteen inch dildo up his shithole for us! Oh, you won't be alone. Other guys will bring their boys to the party to perform. But I want you to be the most impressive. I want you to be the STAR! Isn't that what you want, be a star?

He lay there on the floor twitching, the fat black rubber cock sticking out of his wonderful ass. "Not like this. Not a star like this!"

"Well, Travis, we don't always get to choose the road we travel...not after we take those first few steps. Your first few steps were fucking the young actresses you worked with behind your sweet wife's back. You cheated on your wife and child to satisfy your big fat leaking dick! And now you pay the price. Just for a while. Just until your debt to society is paid."

"I'll be ruined. I'll be fucking ruined by the time you finish with me!" He shook the sweat from his beautiful eyes. His muscular toes curled, as his body twisted into a fetal position. bout two inches of dick slowly squeezed its way out of his stretched asshole.

"Travis you are losing your dildo with all of your shenanigans. That rubber dick back up your ass, or I swear I will keep it in there with gaffers tape!" He grunted, reached back and pushed the rubber cock deeper into his bowels. "You will only be partially ruined when I send you back to your wife and child. It won't hurt your relationship with her, unless you let it get to you mentally and emotionally. Are you, Travis? Are you letting it get to you mentally and emotionally? Will it bother you still more when I tell you I have been in touch with some of your former high school and college jock teammates? I've sent them some photos of you!"

His mouth hung slack and spittle ran from it. He forced himself up onto his knees, and incredulous look in his eyes. Kneeling there naked, the rubber cock deep in his guts, he tried to form the words he wanted to say. " pictures of me? You sent them naked pictures of me?"

"I suggested that it was time you spent some time catching up with each other..perhaps hanging out. I asked them what they were doing and offered some photos of your recent work.That one of you sucking that big black dick, while the other dude shoots his spunk all over your head is really cool."

You should have seen the size of the tear that rolled down his cheek! Awesome! "Oh, no...oh, didn't!"

"Well, Travis, in our recent question and answer period you told me some of those former high school friends had really nice big dicks. I thought you might want to suck on them!"

He buried his face in his big hands and cried. Then he looked up at me, so weak and feeble, I felt a tug in my heartstrings. "They're straight. They'll think I'm a faggot!"

"Well, Travis, you might be surprised to learn that some of them are not straight. They have become gay...and they might indeed be interested in having you suck their dicks. It's a great feeling to have a former school mate jock on his knees in front of you licking and sucking on your swollen leaking dick!"

"I can't...I won't!" He bent over, kneeling down...ass up, black end of the rubber dick sticking out of his ass.

'Oh yes, you can...and you will. You fucking know you will. Don't worry, I'll do all the work for you. I'll set it up for you."

He lifted his head. God, he was handsome. "How many? How many guys did you send my photos to?"

"Not many yet. Twenty or thirty. I had trouble finding some of your former schoolmates. Oh, they loved the shot of you smiling with my dick up your ass. I told you that would be a winner.Isn't the internet wonderful? You can reach out and connect with so many friends and former friends.I sent your coaches some photos to...I thought they should know what you were up to. Now come on, Travis, buck up. Stop acting like a little baby. It's time to begin working that big black rubber cock in and out of your ass!"

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