Quest for the Blue Ape

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 2, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"So you plan to go on, then?" Dr. Benjamin asked me. "You still plan to search for the blue ape of the Mibizu?"

"Of course." I said, looking forward on our path. Well, the direction of our travel, there was no path where we were, save for the one we cut with our machetes. "If we don't get the pictures and documentation on the blue ape this season, who knows if we can make it back next year."

"But the blue ape's territory, if it even exists, is at the head of the Mibizu River, and you'll have to go through lands held by tribes that haven't seen a white man in years, maybe decades! We have penetrated the darkest heart of Africa here, there are lands that Europeans may claim, but cannot be said to hold." Dr. Benjamin leaned forward, then winced. He had broken his right leg in a fall down a small ravine obscured by vines. He and I were the last of our party of five white men, along with our native bearers. We had lost first one to a fever, then two more when their hearts failed them of courage. Not I, I was going to make it to the lands of the blue ape if I had to walk over a hill of human skulls to get there!

"Wish I could go with you." Dr. Benjamin commiserated. "But you can see that I'd only slow you down."

"I can manage if you'll let me keep Bozumo and Ikezi." I said. "They speak the language of the Jezimuni tribes, they are the tribes I'll have to deal with."

"Nobody outside the Jezimuni speak their tongue well." Dr. Benjamin reminded me.

I just shrugged.

"Well, then, my boy, I can only wish you luck."

"Have them send someone after me if I'm not back in three months' time." I said.

And with that, our party split itself yet again, and the three of us, myself and my two native bearers, struck off toward the Mibizu River.

We had to leave my tent and most of our supplies when we made it to the Mibizu River and had to cross it despite the heavy flow due to recent rains.

We had to leave nearly all the rest of it, including all but one of my cameras when we encountered a cliff whose face was nearly perpendicular and we had to scale it as best we could.

And we had to leave Ikezi when the only way to make it over another crevice carved by a rushing tributary of the Mibizu River left him on the other side with no way to get across.

And then, then, we encountered the Jezimuni. No wonder nobody spoke their language well.

Bozumo had to bargain on my behalf with them, with his broken words and many misunderstandings. I stood there watching all this stolidly.

"They are not interested in trade with other tribes." he said after a time.

"Then find out what they are interested in." I said. "Whatever they want, I'll give it to them or get it for them."

He talked again. "They want your camera and all your film." he said. "They know about photographs, and feel it is evil magic."

"Give it to them."

"But your camera...."

"It doesn't matter." I said. I could sketch images and take bones and hair and other samples back with me to prove the existence of the blue ape. "Whatever they want."

Bozumo protested, "But some of the things they ask me to promise...."

"I don't care!" I cut him off. "Anything. As long as I get to the land of the blue ape alive and can spend the next two months with them, they can have anything they want from me. You got that?"

Bozumo started to protest again, but I cut him off with a sharp, harsh chop of my hand. "Anything." I said again sternly.

"As you wish." Bozumo said. He talked again and came out with an agreement with much smiling and good humor on the part of the Jezimuni. "It is agreed." he said to me.

"Good." I said, standing up. "Let's get going then, we can make good time the rest of today."

"But you do not understand what they want...."

"I said I don't care and I don't!" I snarled at him. All the weeks of travel, the weeks of struggling, I was beyond caring. "Just give it to them and let me get on my way!"

"As you wish." Bozumo said. "If you will go with them. They have agreed to let you go through their territory with some of their warriors, but not me."

I simply nodded.

"I can wait for you here." Bozumo said.

"Fine." I said.

"The warriors that are going with you are waiting for you over there." Bozumo said. "Your supplies have been placed there as well. You will leave with them tomorrow."

"Very good, very good!" I said and I went over to the small hut (more like a building, with square walls made of logs, it bore more of a relationship to a log cabin than any grass hut seen in most of Africa.

Inside, I saw a round dozen of strong, young Jezimuni males. Around it was my remaining supplies including, to my surprise, a cot I had left behind at one of the river bends a few days before; the warriors must have found it and brought it back to their village as we labored our own blinder way toward it. "You are the ones who will accompany me to the head of the Mibizu River?" I asked them, not really expecting an answer.

One of them turned out to speak passable English. "We take you." he said.

"Very good!" I said. "When can we leave?"


"When we go?"

"When you give."

I puzzled on this, then said, "Ah, yes, the payment. Whatever it is, it's yours." I gestured to my worldly possessions around me. "Whatever it is, just take it."

"We take it." he agreed.

The warriors approached me and I thought little of it at first. Even when they reached for my shirt and my belt, I didn't react much. I had told them to take what they wanted, so if they wanted my belt, they could have it. I would have walked to the land of the blue ape naked armed with only my education, a pad of paper and a stub of pencil if I had to.

Okay, they want my belt. I let them remove it from my pants.

Okay, they want my shirt, they can have it.

Okay, they want my shoes. I can understand that. It would be painful walking the jungle in bare feet, but I could do it or find some way of making impromptu shoes to replace them. Okay, the pants as well, whatever they want, they can have.

And then they had me down to boxers and t-shirt and my hat was taken from my head (they could have that, too) and I was lifted by two pairs of hands on my arms and two on my legs, and I was bodily borne to the cot.

It wasn't until I was placed on the cot on my hands and knees, and my boxers were being yanked from me that I finally realized just what Bozumo had agreed to for me. "Wait, wait, what are you doing?"

"We take what we want." the sole warrior who spoke my language said. "We take you."

"Oh, God!" I said. "I didn't agree to this! When I said take anything you wanted, I meant from my things."

The warriors stopped at this, dismayed, and they talked among themselves as I sat on the bed and listened to them.

"Very well." the warrior said. "We not take you. You go."

"You mean you'll take me to the blue ape?"

"No. You go."

He meant I was to go back the way I had come. "I can't do that! You have to take me to the lands of the blue ape. The headwaters of the Mibizu! You have to! It's what I've come for. It's to be my life's work! You have to take me there!"

"We take you, then we take you to blue ape." the warrior pointed out with deadly logic.

"We no take you, then we no take you."

The fearful thing about that was, given his limited language, that made perfect sense! Either I let these warriors "take me" on this cot, or they wouldn't "take me" to the land of the blue ape!

And I had to get there! I had to! All this work, all this effort, all the planning, this was...this was my life!

So I did the only thing I could under the circumstances. I swallowed hard, and I said, "All right, then. You can take me."

At that, these warriors were all smiles again and the first one stepped up. He spoke no English, but he brought his fist up and thumped himself on his chest with it once and said, "Kenginu." Kenginu was a young man, perhaps in his twenties, with a wide nose on an otherwise rather thin face, his black head hair close-cropped as the warriors did (to keep opponents from grabbing it in battle, I presume), his broad chest decorated with a wreath of whate was either thick grass blades or thin palm fronds draped from his shoulders to form a arc upon his breasts; below this was a set of taut abs over muscular thighs, his arms were like a pair of catapults attached to his upper body, I could see the massive muscles flex as he reached for his loincloth to twist aside the bit of woven grass/fronds, revealing a rather thick prong even flaccid.

"Kenginu." I said to him and he smiled. "I'll call you Ken."

He grinned at this, recognizing the shortening of his name, and the cock swelled, I looked at the heavy shaft of meat as it turned from a dangling banana to a throbbing salami and I gulped, said, "Can I slick that up for you first?"

He looked his question at me.

Better not try to talk, just take action. I was sitting on the cot as he approached, and I reached out and took hold of the sturdy tool he was presenting to me. That earned me a murmur of approval from the gathered warriors and I gave the prong a few jerks to make it extra firm, and then I leaned over and took it into my mouth.

That earned a gasp. I was to learn that the Jezimuni never did this, though they were very clean about their habits, I tasted only the rather heady flavor of his manhood as the glans slipped out of his foreskin adorned with a rather sharp tone of smegma, and I shuddered at that taste, then resumed my slobbering upon his cockhead and shaft, I wanted this monster greased up as best I could.

Ken was moaning and I think he would have been happy enough to simply let me suck him to completion, but I saw the other warriors fondling themselves and, envisioning myself in the midst of a multi-stud fuckfest, decided I'd best try to keep things under control.

"Okay, you're ready." I said to Ken. "You take me and I'll work on the next one." Again, I matched my words with gestures and actions, I presented my exposed buttocks to Ken while I reached for (not reaching it) another cock nearby.

The warrior I reached for smiled and stepped up to me. His body was leaner than Ken's, I think partly because he was younger, but his cock was longer than Ken's by a couple of inches, if not as thick. "What's your name?" I asked him as I pumped on his prick.

He understood that, or maybe it was just time for him to announce himself, for he did the same as Ken, he thumped his chest with his fist and said, "Hokebu."

"Hoke." I said, again shortening his name and winning by it a smile. "Get just a little closer so I can.... Guh!"

Ken's bum-blaster had just found its target, he had that spit-slicked glans pushing against my sphincter, I grunted again as he popped that globular plum into me, and then grunted again as he followed it up pell-mell with the body of his shaft!

"GUUUH-UHHH-UH-GAAHHHH!" I yelped as Ken penetrated me. "GAHH-UHHHH-MPH!" Hoke was tired of waiting for me to swallow his pud for him, he grabbed my head and shoved his cock into my opened mouth, shutting me down in mid-moan!

Ken's hard thrusts as he began to hump my butt were enough to rock me on Hoke's rod, and all I had to do was close my mouth and let these two studs ride me!

Oh, man! Maybe it was the night, maybe the heat, maybe the long struggle I'd been through, maybe the smell of the many studs around me waiting for their chance to bang me, I only know that I was suddenly caught up in this gang-bang. They wanted to fuck me in exchange for taking me to the home of the blue ape, then by God, I'd give them all a fuck they'd never forget!

So when the others grew closer about us, I reached out with one hand and caught a stray prick and palped it. Still only semi-hard, it stiffened in my clutch. The owner of this man-mauler (I couldn't see who it was) touched my hand on his prick and said to me, "Melanjabou."

"Mel!" I gasped out briefly as I freed myself from Hoke's clutch, and then I was shoved back down and resumed the buffeting ride.

Ken was thrashing hard, bucking me roughly and I wasn't surprised when he keened and hot jizz splashed into my body. Oh, damn, yeah! I loved the smell of hot spooge in the air that swam into my nostrils. My ass milked at his pelting ramrod and squeezed Ken dry, he pulled out with a sloppy-sounding "plop!" and I was suddenly open at that end, a hole in my body exposed to cold air.

Another warrior stepped in and gracefully plugged that hole, closing out the air and filling me with hot manhood. Any hope of taking these guys on one at a time had gone, they were all pressing about me. I lost hold of Mel but another cock soon fell into my hand, and I had another one slap itself onto my back, and then yet another from the other side. Hoke was grunting now and he began a sort of chanting yelping sound I'd never heard from a human throat before, but I took it for climax and I clutched and sucked at him hard, and the hot flood that I won from him gushed into my mouth and throat. I swallowed the hot, black man's seed and felt it warm my throat and then my belly. Hoke let me siphon off the last of his drops, and then he pulled away and I found a shorter, but far thicker, prong shoved at my mouth.

The men who were pressing onto my back I think were kissing each other for their bodies were hunching back and forth, rubbing their dicks onto my back. With all the male rut burning around me, I wasn't surprised when I felt first one, then the other, heat and then spew liquid flame onto my back, as deep male voices moaned in lust above me.

I managed in their expenditure to turn around and get onto my back, then I was reinserted and fucked while my head, hanging off the edge of the cot, was open to suck a hard black rod. And now both my hands could lavish their attentions on thick man-tools, and I squeezed hot loads of juice from two of these warriors, their spunk seethed along the lengths of my arms to beyond my elbows on both sides.

And on it went. I lost count, but I am sure that more than one of them rested and returned to ravish me anew. As for myself, I was insatiable, I was swimming in the warm waters of African lust and the beat of the jungle drums was the beat of my pulse in my veins! I managed to ride one of them toward the end, him lying on the cot and me astraddle him, and he reached and smiled broadly as he jerked my cock, and I felt it then, only then, after I had drained the wells of black man's lust dry, did my own body crave surcease and expellation of the pressure that had been building from within.

I threw my head back and I yelled a savage, uncivilized yell from my very soul, somewhere in my distant past these men and I shared a common ancestor, and that ancestor's voice found itself alive inside me, it was the sound of unfettered, unadorned, untamed life itself, and I yelled and I exploded, hot savage bursts of jism harder than I had ever shot before, and I pelted the dark body of the man beneath me and he laughed as I creamed all over him, and the laugh of his companions as they watched us danced around the room like sacred dancers around a fire in the hot African night.

When I was done, I lay upon his body and he finished his own satisfaction by gentle thrusts up into me from below, and when he came it was the soft flow of rainfall in late spring, the rain that waters the flowers and dresses them in all the clean, bright colors of the new birth.

My come-splattered friend beneath me smiled and when he spoke, I realized that he was the one who spoke the limited English. "You good."

Praise better than any with a higher vocabulary could have managed. I smiled back and said, "So were all of you. Now will you take me to see the blue ape?"

"We take you." he said. "Days we take you, nights we take you." And again I heard the difference in his words.

Two months among the blue apes and then travel back toward civilization. By then I would know all these many warriors on a level few white men could have ever dreamed. I resolved that my only studies would not be of the blue ape, but also of these Jezimuni warriors and their language. They, too, were worth learning about.

And so it was that, five days after this and four nights of marvelous lovemaking, I saw Ken point his finger and following his gaze, I first set my eyes upon the blue ape of the Mibizu.


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