Queer For Cowboys

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Dec 16, 2003


This is the third chapter in my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at Chartoe@aol.com.

Queer For Cowboys 3

I managed to get my odd jobs done around the blacksmith shop and even got some of the work done in the barn that could have waited until later on in the week. Jake had been busy all morning and even worked right through lunch time. This was not uncommon when he had a lot of business but usually led to him going to the saloon after a quick supper. Several cowboys left their horses to be tended to so I had something to take my mind off of what had happened to me, plus it didn't give my young mind a chance to get me all excited again.

The sun was almost down when Jake yelled for me to wash up so we could go get something to eat. Normally we would eat what Jake prepared but on some occasions we would go into the cafe and have a meal. As I ran to the watering trough I noticed Jake was wiping his upper body down as the water managed to get the top of his pants wet. As I leaned over to splash water on my face, Jake pushed my head underwater and told me to be sure and scrub all the dirt off.

He tossed me the towel and I dried most of my head as we headed inside to get some clean clothes. I was a little surprised that Jake seemed to be a lot more open about being naked in front of me as he quickly peeled his clothes off and tossed them in the corner. He usually tried to keep himself from my view when he changed but this time he didn't. My cock instantly sprang up as I removed my own clothes. Jake said we would see what we could do with my apparent problem when we got back.

There was a knock on the door as Jake quickly pulled his pants up and answered it. I heard him talking to an older sounding cowboy who said he had a horse that needed tending and a buggy that had a wheel about to break. He told Jake that he would not need them until tomorrow but had to be leaving before noon. Jake told him that we could take care of it and wanted to know where the man would be staying. He inquired about the hotel and such and Jake told him he could rent one of the cots in the bunkhouse and that it was a lot cheaper than anywhere else in town. The man said that sounded good as Jake stepped outside to take care of the horse and buggy and show the man where he could take any gear he had with him.

Jake was only gone a few minutes and when he returned I was dressed and ready to eat, mainly so we could get back. Jake finished getting ready and we headed to the cafe. Once there all my thoughts went to the food we would be getting but mainly to the pie that I knew they always had plenty of. The food seemed to taste extra good but it was probably because I was so tired. Just as I was finishing my pie I started thinking about what Jake's cock would taste like. Before he was ready to leave my cock was as hard as it could get and I was having a hard time not playing with myself.

As we got back to the blacksmith shop Jake told me that we had to make sure all the livestock was fed and everything else was ready before we could have any fun. I ran to the barn and grabbed a bucket of oats for the horses and checked the water. Jake went to the blacksmith shop and was closing the doors when an old man pulled up on a wagon. Jake started talking to him as I finished up. When I returned Jake had removed his shirt and put on his apron as he called for me to get a feed bucket for the horse hooked to the wagon.

Seems the old cowboy was in a hurry and he had a bad wheel that would take a few minutes to fix. Jake looked at me and could see that I was disappointed in having to wait some more. He told me to go get the man some water and set and chat with him while he quickly fixed the wheel. I did as he said and the cowboy thanked me.

The man was old enough to be my grandfather if not my great grandfather. All his hair was gray along with his mustache and beard. His clothes even though they were covered in trail dust didn't appear to be very old. He started making small talk about what I had to do around the shop and so forth. After a few minutes I opened up and started chatting with him and even started wondering what his cock looked like. I glanced a couple times at his crotch and guess he noticed it. He asked where the best place was to take a piss. I started to tell him where the outhouse was then changed my mind and told him that we usually just relieved ourselves around the corner of the shop when we didn't feel like going to the house.

He smiled and asked if I could show him. It was only a few yards around the side of the shop but a person was pretty secluded there and could hear anyone approaching. I showed the man the area on the ground where the grass appeared dead and told him that was where we went when we were in a hurry. He started unzipping his pants with me standing there and didn't seem to mind me watching. He pulled his cock out and it was no larger than Jakes or the other cowboy I had been with but the sight of it spraying piss out was an instant turn on for me. The piss was spraying all over the side of the shop until he pulled the foreskin back. I could see the beginning of the head of his cock as the piss hole came into site.

My hand instantly went to my own cock as it got hard and the old man asked if I needed to take a leak myself. I shook my head as I noticed the head of his cock had managed to get completely out of the foreskin and was beginning to swell. I stepped toward him and he seemed a bit scared as he looked around. Once I grabbed his cock he gasped and let me do what I wanted. He looked around again but quickly looked back at me as I sucked the head of his cock in my mouth. I could tell he was trying to catch his breath as I jerked the foreskin back and forth while sucking.

The man grunted only once before his cum started filling my mouth. He shot several times before he grabbed my head and pulled me off of his cock. He smiled and told me that he really enjoyed it and was sorry he hadn't lasted longer. He said it had been months since he had shot a load and I had caught him off guard. I licked the last few drops of cum from his cock just before he pushed it back in his pants. He told me that we should get back before my father missed us. I grinned and started to tell him he wouldn't mind but decided not too.

Jake was replacing the wheel when we returned and told the man that it had been easier than he had expected. The man paid for the work and rubbed my head as he said he would be sure and bring his business back our way the next time he was in town. As the man pulled off Jake looked at me and asked if I was ready for some fun. My cock was all ready pushing the front of my pants out and I just grinned at him.

I was several steps ahead of Jake once we entered the house and when he turned around to get undressed he laughed at me bouncing on the bed in the nude. He said it looked like I was really ready for some fun. He stepped beside the bed and while he was unbuttoning his shirt I unfastened his belt and was trying to pull them down. He told me to just be patient that we had plenty of time to do whatever I wanted.

He dropped his pants to the floor and I reached out and ran my hand inside the fly of his underwear. His cock was not completely hard yet but I could tell it was on its way. Jake just stood still as I fished his cock out and sucked it into my mouth. He moaned as I took his half-hard cock into my mouth. I managed to take my tongue and force it inside his foreskin as his cock was becoming larger and larger. I had to remove his cock since it was getting too big to keep it all in my mouth. I pulled the skin back and sucked the head just inside my mouth. Jake moaned and then jumped as he told me to watch the teeth.

Jake started pumping his hips toward my face, but stopped when he was getting close to cumming. I fought to get my mouth back on his cock but he giggled and pushed me down on the bed as he removed his underwear. He had me stand up so he could lean over and suck my hard cock into his mouth. He had to force it away from my stomach, as it stood hard against it. I could feel the hot moist tissue of his mouth as my cock slid against the roof of his mouth. He managed to get my whole cock along with my balls in his mouth.

This time it was my hips that started pumping as I get two hands full of his curly hair while trying to fuck my entire body into his mouth. He let me fuck his face for several minutes before my body started jerking around as I went through an orgasm. Jake grabbed my ass and held me against him, as my body became limp. He licked my balls and cock before slipping them out of his mouth. He turned me around and had me bend over as he kept his grip on my hips.

I moaned as I felt his hot tongue find the crack of my ass and move down until it made contact with my asshole. I could feel it twitch as his tongue gently pushed at it. It only took a few seconds before he had forced his tongue deep inside me. The more he licked and darted his tongue inside me the easier it became and I felt my little pussy open up for him. Soon I felt something a little harder than his tongue and realized he had slipped a finger in beside his tongue. He started pumping the finger in and out while keeping his tongue busy on the outside of my hole.

The warmth started building around my asshole as I moaned and pushed my ass back toward his face. A second and third finger was forced inside me and with each additional finger I moaned even more for him. Jake started telling me how hot my little hole was and he was going to enjoy it all night long. He wrapped an arm around my waist as he picked me up making sure he kept his fingers working in and out of my ass.

He moved back to one of the chairs and sat down on the edge. When he placed me down he had me bend over and back in toward him. He removed his fingers and placed his cock at my asshole. He tried to force his cock in me but was having no luck. I heard him spit a couple times and felt his saliva as it coated my asshole. This time as he pushed his cock popped inside my ass as I instinctively tensed up. Jake stopped and waited for me to relax before he took my hips and started pulling me back onto his cock.

Jake moaned as each inch of his cock managed to find its way deep inside me. After a few minutes he had managed to get it all in and was gently rocking me back and forth on his cock. The moans were coming with just about each stroke of my ass moving over his cock. I turned my head around and noticed that Jake had his head thrown back and his eyes were closed. He had that unmistakable expression of pleasure on his face. The cock was feeling better and better inside me as my own cock was hard as it could get and I could feel the pressure building up in my balls. I quickly found that if I moved back and forth with the cock the pleasure was intensified.

Jake seemed to enjoy my moving too as he took a firmer grip on my hips and started rocking back and forth faster. I felt my groin tighten up just before my whole body started jerking as Jake held onto me. Jake was moaning himself as he started ramming his cock deep in my ass. He would force it deep inside me and hold it there while my body jerked a couple times. My orgasm finally subsided and I went limp as he continued to fuck my ass. He didn't last but a few seconds before I felt his cock pulsing inside my ass. I felt his hot cum running out of my ass and down over my balls.

Jake pumped his cock slowly as his grip on my hips eased up and he slowly let me drop to the floor. When his cock slipped out of my ass I felt more cum running out of it, as it seemed to remain open. He picked me up and carried me to the bed and started to place me on it. I asked if he wanted me to clean my ass up and he told me to leave it alone that he might wake up and want to use it later. He told me that the cum inside me would make a great lube. He curled up beside me and pulled me in against his hairy stomach as he pulled my ass into his groin. We both dozed off and I only woke up when I felt Jake's cock sliding up inside my ass.

Jake started pushing his cock deep in my ass and then slowly pulling it out. The cock felt great as if it belonged inside me and after a few minutes I managed to doze back off as Jake kept up the soothing fucking of my ass. The next morning I woke up with my cock hard and me needing to relieve my bladder. When I started to move I could feel Jake's soft cock tucked inside my ass and wanted to stay there as it started moving slowly out. Jake moaned when it popped out but remained asleep. I slowly got out of bed and slipped on my pants so I could head to the outhouse.

I ran across the backyard and jerked the door open as I started pulling my cock out of my pants. It was too late to stop my stream of pee but I was just able to aim it toward the wall when I noticed the older cowboy that had the wagon sitting on the hole. He giggled at the sight of me trying to keep from peeing on him but not being able to control my stream. He told me to go ahead and finish on the wall as he reached between his legs and pulled his cock up between his legs.

Next: Chapter 4

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