Quarterback Love

By moc.oohay@5121ejj

Published on Aug 8, 2009


I thank all the readers that sent me emails over Chapter 1! This really helped me in writing this chapter. It helped me perfect it a little. Thank you all again.

This story contains sexual encounters with underage boys. If this offends you or you are underage please leave. Otherwise, Enjoy! Any comments or suggestions please email me @ jje1215@yahoo.com

Quarterback Love Chapter 2

The rest of the week went uneventful. It seemed as if Thursday would never arrive. Tuesday was the first time Brad talked to Jesse after their little meeting in the school parking lot. They really did't make much conversation as it was passing peirod and Brad had to get half way across the school to his gym class. Wednesday came and went in a blink. Brad and Jesse just would nod to each other in the halls. Everyday during lunch, Brad would look over to see Jesse. He wondered.

"Should I come out to him?"

"What if he doesn't accept me?"

"What if he spills my secret?"

These questions kept running through his mind all the way up to Thursday. Jesse wasn't at the lunch table where he usually sat and this worried him. He just guessed that Jesse was doing some make-up assignments. After all he was failling English. Third and fouth period went by in a flash. The final bell rang and Brad went out to the parking lot to put his stuff in his trunk.

As he closed the trunk door, Jesse appeared out of nowhere. Brad jumped up so high he swore that probably could of jumped to the moon and back.

"Geez, warn a guy! Man you made me shit bricks! Haha"

"Sorry dude! I though you saw me through the glass. I just wanted to check if you were still up for today?"

"Sure. Just let me go do somethings real quick then I'll be back!"

"Cool! Hey can i leave my backpack with you? This thing is killin' me!"

"Sure just throw it in the trunk!"

"Thanks, Dude! See ya later!"

Jesse walked back into the school as Brad stepped into the drivers side and turned on the truck.

Brad drove rapidy to his house. As usual, his mom was sitting on a leather loveseat in the living room reading a novel from one of the many bookcases that adorn the right wall.

"Hey, mom! Is it ok if I bring a friend over? I need to tutor him in English."

Brad's mom looked up from her novel wearing her Chanel glasses and looked him in the eye.

"Sure thing, sweetie! Ask him if he wants to stay for dinner, Ok?"

"Sure, mom! Thanks! Your the best! Well, I'll be back in a little bit because I have to go pick him up from the school. See you in a bit"

Brad walked back into the garage and drove back to the high school. But instead of taking his Range Rover, he took his mom's Mercedes-Benz.

He pulled into a parking space in the back of the school's gym so that Jesse wouldn't have to walk all the way to the main entrance. Not many cars were there. Only the few parents waiting to pick up their kids. After about 40 minutes he heard the gym doors open.

The jocks began to exit like a river rushing to the sea. He tried to find Jesse in the mass crowd that was flocking out. He finally found him. He waved at him and he came running, gym bag in hand.

"Hey dude! Man, Practice was a bitch. Thank god its over! So where is your truck?"

"Haha! Its right here"

He led Jesse to the Mercedes GL-320.

"Dude! How many trucks do you have?"

"Just my Range Rover. This is my mom's but i can use it whenever I want. I just never bring it to school because I'm afraid someone might get jealous and destroy it."

The ride back to the house was driven in silence. Until Jesse started to make small talk. Then out of the blue, pops out the question Brad was dreading he was going to ask.

"So you got a girlfriend or what?"

Brad tried to fish out a answer out of his brain quickly enough so that he wouldn't make Jesse suspicious.

"Naw. Really haven't dated much!"

"Oh. That's cool. Man, damn Julisa keeps giving me blue balls! I only get a handjob sometimes from her and thats IF i convince her!"

"Damn, that sucks!" Brad said. He quietly thought to himself.

"I would love to suck on those balls of yours!"

A half grin appeared on his face. Finally, they reached Brad's driveway and pulled into the garage where they were gretted by the garage's roof lights. Brad and Jesse exited the truck. Brad walked to the trunk and pulled out Jesse's gym bag then went to his truck and got Jesse's backpack. He handed them to Jesse as he opened the door to the house.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" Brad yelled out as he walked into the living room from the garage.

"Hi honey! I'm in the kitchen!"

"Ok mom! we will be upstairs!"

"Ok! I'll call you when dinner is ready."

"Ok, dude. Lets start your tutoring!"

A couple of hours passed and then Brad's mom called for them to come down for dinner.

"Mom, this is Jesse Haverford. I'm tutoring him in English."

A smile came across both his mom's and Brad's face.

"What a pleasure to meet you, Jesse! Im so happy to have you as a guest in our home! Please sit so we can begin dinner!"

Everyone sat down at the dinner table. Brad's mom turned to Jesse and said,

"Jesse, since you are the guest, would you mind saying grace?"

"I would be honored!" Jesse replied.

After grace was said, everyone started to serve themselves. Brad's mom made him all his favorites. Baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, and a cesear salad for everone. Little converstaion was held as everyone was feasting on the delicious meal. After dinner was finished, Brad's mom went to the kitchen and came back with the most mouth-watering strawbery cake you could set yours on.

"Wow, mom! We should have guests over more often!"

Brad looked at Jesse and Jesse just blushed.

Desert was finished in a flash. Both boys were stuffed a little more than average. Brad's mom stood and told the boys that they could go back to the room and she would clean up.

When the boys reached Brad's bedroom a look of panic spread across Jesse's face.

"Damn! I forgot to call my parents! Its already 9 and they are probably wondering what is taking me so long!"

Jesse reached for his cell phone as Brad said,

"Well you can spend the night here if you want?"

"Are you serious? Dude, that would be so awsome!"

Brad turned about 4 shades of red and hoped that Jesse didn't notice.

"Hi mom, It's me! Hey i was wondering can i stay over at a friends house?... yes, mom. We already had dinner.... Ok Thanks mom!"

"Well my mom will let me stay but can I go pick up some things?"

"Ya, sure! Let me just me just get the keys."

Brad got the keys to the Benz and headed out to the garage. Jesse got in and they drove to Jesse's house. The only sound in the car was the sound of the radio. They finally arrived on the curb to Jesse's home. Jesse got out and raced to the door. Brad saw as he hurried in to get his things.

After a few moments, he saw Jesse walk out with a small duffel bag. He went behind the truck and placed his stuff in the trunk. After he closed the door, he came around to the passengers side and buckled up.

"My mom was like "who is that in the mercedes" , and i was like "that's the guy that is tutoring me." She was just suprised to see a high school student driving such an expensive truck. haha!"

Brad laughed along with Jesse. The conversation ended and the truck was engulfed in silence. The garage door opened and closed after a short while as they made their arrival. The only light on the first floor was the light from the kitchen and the sound of the dishwasher running.

"Mom must of gone out back for something. Lets go up to the room to get ready for bed cause we got school tomorow and you got a English test."

"Don't remind me! haha!"

The boys climb the flight of stairs and shut the door as the walked into the room. The bed was big enough for the both of them, so Brad saw no sense in setting up a matteress.

"You don't mind sleeping in the bed with me, Right?"

"Naw, its cool! Hey where is your restroom? i gotta go BAD!!"

"Down the hall first door to the left"


As Jesse raced down the hall, Brad took the time to set up the bed and organize everything. Jesse finally walked in and he began to strip to get into the bed.

"You don't mind if I sleep without my underwear right?"

"ummm... no" Brad said nervously.

It was as if the whole world was put in slow motion as he saw Jesse take off his skin-tight black boxers. Man, was he HUNG! He had to of been between 8-9 inches when hard. He turned so he wouldn't get a boner, but he just couldn't tear his eyes away. He turned quickly as he saw Jesse begin to turn.

"Well, lets get to bed! The sun rises way too quickly!" Brad said

Brad turned off the light and turned to his side of the bed. There was silence in the room until Jesse asked Brad,

"So why don't you got a girlfriend?"

"I guess i really haven't thoguht about dating!"

"Well your lucky you don't have my girlfriend!"

Brad became silent. He finally decided he was going to tell Jesse.

"Hey, Jes! Can i tell you something?"

"Sure what?"

"Well its... never mind, its stupid!"

"No! Tell me, please! Come on its not like your gonna come out and say that you like wet the bed or something!"

"Well. I hate that it's so complicated to put it into words that could make everything so simple."

"Well don't think about it just say it. I'll understand. I may be dumb in English but im smart in a WHOLE lot of other things. Not including sports!"

"Forget it. Im jsut gonna say it. Jesse, I'm Gay! I've know i was gay for a while and since i realized it, i also realized that I had the biggest crush on you."

Silence filled the room. Brad guessed that Jesse was going to get up and get all his things and leave. Wrong!

"Dude are you serious!"

"How more serious can a person get?!" Brad said with a slight chuckle

"Man, i am gay too! I just stayed with whats-her-face because I had to keep my image up! Man, if only you would of told me sooner! I've had a crush on too! HOLY SHIT!"

"Wow! So does anyone other than me know"

"Just my sister, you?"

"Nope your the first"

Brad never expected what Jesse was going to do next. Jesse reached across the bed and kissed him right on the lips!

"Jesse... I.... uhhh"

"Dont say a word. I just want to kiss you so much!!"

"Oh God! Yes" Brad thought. All his wonders and worries were all answered in that one kiss. He let his hands roam across the nude body of this greek god. His body was full of muscles that were constantly flexing as he kissed Brad. Both boys were in exstacy as passion rose. Jesse reached for the waistband to Brad's boxers and slipped them off in one easy move. He flicked them to the floor at the foot of the bed. Jesse began rubbing Brad's cock to get it to full mast. Brad returned the favor to Jesse. Both boys were well endowed. Brad with 9 1/2 and Jesse with 8 inches.

Jesse began to give Brad the best blowjob of his life. Brad was in absolute heaven, but what his heart really desired was to make love to Jesse in the best way possible.

"Ok. Enought foreplay!" Brad said

He turned Jesse over on his back annd reached for a bottle of lube from the cornertable. He lubed up the thick piece of meat standing at full mast in between Jesse's two beautifully strong thighs that Zues himself would be jealous of.

He lowered himself onto Jesse's member genlty and slowly.He could feel the pressure of Jesse's head pass through the spichnter. Pain seared through his body as the shaft continued its invasion of Brad's hole. He felt Jesse's pubic hair brush his ass cheeks and stayed motionless to allow his body to adjust to the length and girth of his cock. Jesse threw his head back in pleasure and arched his back.

"Calm down! i don't want you to cum just yet!" Brad exclaimed.

He slowly started to raise his body up just enough so that the head would not pop out. Once again he felt the pain as before but now it was just a dull ache and it was quickly replaced with pleasure. He started to pick up spped ad Jesse began to meet his thrusts. Waves of pleasure were constantly being sent up his body as Jesse's member poked at his prostate. Brad bent down and gave Jesse a gentle but romantic kiss. The kiss was vut short as he could feel his balls starting to churn and prepare for his orgasm. Jesse felt the same and increased his speed.

"Wait i want to taste you in my mouth. Can't let my ass have all the fun!"

The boys quickly switched into a 69 position and resumed their love-making. About 5 minutes later, Jesse gave a low, animalistic growl and started to fuck Brad's face as shot after shot of semen was being released into his awaiting mouth. Brad did the same as his orgasm began to take full force. Brad didn't shoot as much as Jesse, but just the pleasure is what made him feel on top of the world.

"Damn! Now that is what you call sex!" Jesse said with a laugh. Brad joined in the laughter.

After there climax came to a end, they both go under the comforter to go to bed for the next day. Jesse drapped his arm across Brad's stomch and pulled him in close. He nuzzeld his neck for a little and Brad started to laugh from the tickling sensation. Jesse finally started to drift off into sleep and Brad though to himself, "this is the first part of a wonderful relationship!"

Well, readers! I hope you enjoyed it. It had taken a LONG time to be produced but i finally got it done. I had everything saved on my desktop then i got a laptop so i transfered everything,but still, with work and my life. It has been a difficult journey. If anyone has any comments and suggestions for Chapter 3, fell free to email me at jje1215@yahoo.com and put the story's title in the subject line.

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