Quarterback Keeper

By William Marshal

Published on Sep 6, 2021


Quarterback Keeper: 18

Big News

Joe was fixing breakfast when he heard Tyler bang on Ian's door and yell, "Rise and shine Bonnie Prince Sleepy Boy."

Ian yelled back, "Awa' you and chew my banger," which translated into "Piss off and eat my dick."

Tyler responded, "Why on earth would I settle for a tiny finger sandwich, when I can have a foot-long sub anytime I want it."

When Tyler walked into the kitchen, Joe said with a laugh, "I hope no one ever hears the two of you in the morning. It's like two crusty seamen that haven't been ashore in six months....Oh, and while we're on the topic of semen, how's your ass this morning."

"Well, adding last night on top of this weekend, I'll be glad to get back to school for a bit of rest and recuperation."

"Too bad, I thought I would grab you for a little afternoon delight," Joe said with a wink.

Just then Ian walked in, towel drying his hair and said, "Damn, you guy's bedroom smells randy. Did you have an orgy and forget to invite me."

"We were just celebrating," Joe said.

"Celebrating what?"

"I asked Tyler to marry me."

"And I said yes," added Tyler.

Ian ran and gave Tyler a hug and then did the same for Joe, "This will be all the kids will be talking about today."

"Hold on gossip boy," Joe said, "I told you because you are family, but Tyler and I are not, repeat not, the lead story in The Sun and you are not Rupert Murdoch. Tyler and I will tell people when and how we decide is best for us, do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand," Ian said. "But can I at least tell Michael?"

Joe looked at Tyler. Tyler thought about it and said, "Yes, but tell him he has to keep it a secret." Ian ran off to his bedroom to call Michael.

"Mindy will know within the hour." Joe said. "Hell, she probably knew I was going to ask you before I knew it."

"You know I have my first class next Thursday evening," Tyler said.

"Yeah," Joe replied, not sure what that had to do with the conversation.

"You do remember that you promised Tony and Virginia that we would stop by for a cookout after my class. The minute either of them see us, they will know. They could make a living at the State Fair reading minds."

"Damn," Joe said, "I guess we'd better sit down and figure this out."

"I think so. I don't know if I can take the strain of keeping this secret," Tyler said with a big smile. "I just want to run out onto the deck and yell to all of Salt Fork that Joe Bartlett asked me to marry him."

"Before you tell Salt Fork, you need to tell your mother."

"Oh shit," said a suddenly serious Tyler.

Targeting the Quarterback

As usual, Joe and Tyler were the first faculty members to arrive at Salt Fork High School. Joe found early mornings the best time to get work done. There were few distractions, the copy machines were free, and the coffee was fresh. This morning when Joe, Tyler, and Ian walked up to the front door, they saw a couple of students and the custodian looking at what from afar looked like a scarecrow hanging from a cottonwood tree. As they got closer it became an effigy of a football player. The effigy's jersey was number 11, Avery's jersey number. There was also a pink triangle sewn onto the jersey and around the neck was a sign that said `fag'.

Once Tyler recognized the meaning of the effigy, he handed Joe his bag, and quickly climbed the tree to cut the hateful representation down. It fell to the ground and broke into several pieces. Joe and the custodian gathered up the trash. Joe said, "Let's take this to the baseball office for now. This is evidence and we need to see how the administration wants to deal with this."

When Principal Allen Mayfield and Bill Masterson got to school, it was decided to call the Salt Fork police to report the incident. Mayfield said, "The way I see it, we need to err on the side of caution. While this may be just a reprehensible homophobic taunt, the fact that it was so pointedly aimed at Avery means we can't rule out that it is a threat."

"Bill, when Avery and Zach arrive this morning," Mayfield continued, "I want you to take them to your office and stay with them. If they ask what is going on, be honest with what has happened this morning and what I have decided to do. I will call Avery's parents and the police. Joe and Tyler, I will get coverage for your classes today. When Robert Anders gets here, I will probably need Joe's presence to keep him from going ballistic. Tyler, you need to find Jerry and the rest of the football coaches and fill them in on what happened. I don't want the team involved in some revenge vendetta."

"What is your plan for when the media arrives?" Joe asked. "My guess is around 2:00 the OKC and Tulsa TV stations will start to arrive."

"I am calling the Superintendent next to set up a media plan," Mayfield said, "then I'm sending an email to the faculty. Does everyone know what to do?"

Joe, Tyler, and Bill nodded. "Well let's get this done."

Joe and Bill were standing at the school's front door when Avery and Zach pulled up. As soon as they got out of the car, they were surrounded by the senior football players who escorted them toward the building.

Bill said, "The seniors players seem to have closed ranks around Avery and Zach."

"I think we'd better handle this with a bit of diplomacy, or the team might get a bit riled."

Bill looked at Joe and said, "Diplomacy isn't my thing. I am glad you are back on the school's coaching staff."

"Gee, thanks Bill."

When the group reached the door, Joe could see the `don't fuck with us' look on the faces of the escorts. Joe looked at each of the players protecting their friends and teammates, then said, "Thank you boys. Please follow A.D. Masterson to his office. If I am not mistaken, Jake LaFevor, you are one of the team captains."

"Yes coach, defensive captain."

"Coach Masterson and I would appreciate it if you would stay until Avery's parents get here. The rest of you guys will need to get to class as quickly as possible. We'll see that you are excused for being tardy."

Jake gave Joe a nod and said, "Thanks coach, I'll make sure the playbook is followed." And off the boys headed for the A.D. office.

Bill softly punched Joe in the shoulder, and said, "Well played coach; well played."

Joe's phone alerted that an email had just arrived. Joe opened and read it.

"Salt Fork Faculty and Staff, This morning an effigy was found hanging from a tree in front of the school. It was removed by staff before it was seen by many students; however, some students did see it and we expect word to quickly circulate among the students."

"If you are asked about the situation, these are statements that you can make to students. 1. An offensive effigy was discovered in front of the school this morning. 2. A Salt Fork student did appear to be the subject of the effigy. The school and Salt Fork faculty and staff will not identify the student at this time for privacy reasons. 3. Local law enforcement has been contacted to investigate. 4. At this time, no person or persons have been identified as responsible for the action. 5. Anyone with information related to the incident is asked to pass that information on to Principal Mayfield."

"Finally, this may become a news story. Faculty and Staff should not comment to the media about the incident and all media inquiries should be referred to Principal Mayfield or Superintendent Barnes. Also, while we can not prevent students or district patrons from speaking to the media, homeroom teachers should discuss with students the risks of speculating or making statements to the media without accurate information."

"There will be a short faculty meeting after school to discuss the incident. Should it become necessary to communicate additional information during the day, faculty and staff will receive email updates."

"Principal Allen Mayfield, Salt Fork High School"

Joe looked up to see Robert and April Anders approaching. Robert was angry and April was scared. "What the hell is going on Joe?" Robert bellowed.

"Let's go to Mayfield's office where we can talk in private."

When they walked into the office, Mayfield called Bill to bring the boys. When they got to the front office, Jake was still with them. He put an arm around each of their shoulders and said, "The team and the Senior class have your backs." Then he gave Joe a slight nod and went to class.

Robert, who had been slow boiling finally exploded, "What the hell is going on!"

Principal Mayfield explained what was found that morning, the steps the school had already taken, and that the Salt Fork police had contacted the Sheriff's office and an investigator would soon be arriving.

April, who had been sitting silently finally said, "Are Avery and Zach in danger?"

"We don't know," Mayfield said. "That's why we turned this over to law enforcement."

"I think it is best if Avery and Zach stay home for a few days until this blows over," April said.

Avery looked at his mother and said, "We have the first football game this Friday, and I need to be in school to practice with the team."

"Avery, I need you to be safe," April said.

"Mom, I understand you are worried --hell, I am a bit too-- but I also can't let the team down. This isn't just about football, it is about saying that I won't be frightened, or bullied into quitting. It is about being who I am and being a team leader. I will lead the Rattlesnakes onto the field Friday night."

Avery looked at Robert. What he saw was a mixture of concern and pride. Finally, Robert said, "Zach, do you feel the same way?"

Zach moved next to Avery so they were standing shoulder to shoulder and said, "Yes sir."

Robert looked at April; she finally said, "I understand." Then she gave each boy a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. Robert added, "Take care of each other," and walked out motioning Joe to follow.

Once in the hallway, Robert said, "I'm scared Joe."

"I know Robert, I have contacted Kent Walters to keep an eye on the internet. My guess is that whoever did this can't resist posting about it."


As Robert was catching up to April, a sophomore girl approached Joe shyly. "Mr. Bartlett, is Mr. Mayfield busy?"

"He is Becky, is there something I can help with or a message to relay to him?"

"Well, my cousin works at the gas station on the highway. When I texted her what I saw this morning, she said there was a car load of boys from Kremlin who bought gas late last night. She was wondering if they...well, they are our biggest rivals. I just thought Mr. Mayfield should know."

"Thanks Becky. I'll tell him. He may want to talk with you some more, but for now go back to class."

After giving Mayfield Becky's information, Robert called Kent. "Hey Kent, Robert again. I just got a tip that there may have been a group of boys from Kremlin in town last night and they bought gas out on the highway."

"Let me do some snooping around," Kent said. "I'll give you a call in about an hour."

Second period was just ending and Joe decided he'd step in to see how the substitute was handling things. He and the sub were discussing the emergency lesson plans as students filed in and took their seats. Joe was faced away from the class, when suddenly the normal student banter gave way to an eerie silence. Instantly, Joe knew what just happened. When he turned around, he saw Avery and Zach standing just inside the door and the class was looking at them.

Joe turned to the sub and said, "Go tell Mr. Mayfield I will be teaching my Government class." Joe began to call roll.

"Julie Akers?"


"Avery Anders?"


"Kyle Bates?"


Joe had just called "Ian Ramsay" when Mayfield walked in and took a seat on the back row.

After the roll was taken and posted, Joe walked around his desk and sat down on it. Then he said, "So what's on your minds?"

Jake LaFevor blurted out, "I want to find who did it, rip his head off, and shove it up his ass."

The class laughed at Jake's graphic call for justice.

Joe looked at Avery.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm for savage retribution," Avery said, "but the team can not afford to have its defensive captain suspended or in jail. So, you will not, repeat--not, go all Hulk and turn into the mean, green, rage machine."

"But rage is my thing."

The class was now laughing and the awkwardness was gone.

"So, why don't we just unleash the mean, green, rage machine?" Joe asked.

A hand went up from the corner of the room. "Yes, Trevor?"

"Well, it's like we were talking about the other day, we are a nation of laws and we have to let the government deal with the law breakers. I remember you said we give up the right to personal justice to live in a civilized society."

"Nice answer," Joe said, "But does the law really satisfy our desire for vengeance."

"Not really," Zach said. "I would love to put Jake in a room with the guys who put that thing in the tree. I'd also like to give Jake ten minutes with my dad..., but..."

"But?" said Joe.

"...but hurting them won't really fix anything, It won't make me feel better, and I don't think it will make Avery feel better. What made me feel better was when you all supported me and Avery, when you said you had our backs. I think that is why we have laws. It's like society saying we have your backs."

Most of the class nodded in agreement.

"That's all good if you are white and have money," Angel Lopez said. "But cops and judges don't have the backs of us brown and black guys. They treat us like the enemy, like we don't belong in this cozy little club called America."

The class was shocked by Angel's statement: first, because he rarely ever spoke in class; and second because it struck close to home. The school rallied around Avery and Zach, but would it have rallied around Angel?

Finally Avery said, "You're right Angel. You do get treated differently. This summer I saw Angel get hassled by the cops for being out past curfew. Those same cops had just driven by me and waved. I was breaking the same rules, but because my dad has money and I am white, I got a pass."

"It's not just that you are white and rich," Angel continued, "you are also an athlete, popular and good looking."

"Hey," Andrea said, "you're pretty good looking yourself Angel."

"Yeah, but would you go to the homecoming dance with me?"

"Well, you would have to ask me first. Plus, I am sure not waiting on Avery, or Zach, or Ian to ask me."

The class laughed and Angel blushed, then said, "Seriously, am I the only one who noticed that that effigy was more than just an attack on gay people."

The class looked puzzled.

Joe said, "Angel is right. The effigy was a simulated lynching. While we associate lynching with the oppression of African Americans, other minorities were subjected to the same crime. People of Mexican ancestry were lynched in the Southwest and people of Asian ancestry were lynched on the West coast. Then there was the pink triangle. Does anyone know what that was about?"

Ian raised his hand, "In Nazi Germany gay people were forced to wear a pink triangle on their clothes similar to Jews wearing the Star of David. In fact the yellow star the Jews wore was simply two yellow triangles superimposed. No double some Nazi thought he was being clever. But there were also triangles for gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, pacifists, the mentally ill, and others the Nazis considered inferior."

"You see," Joe said, "it is great to say we have someone's back, and I am glad that Salt Fork has stood up to homophobia, but can we say we have everyone's back? I think Angel has posed a tough question; if the effigy had been of one of our Latino students, or one of our students who isn't popular, or one of our special needs students, would we say we have their backs. But the hardest question may be: Do we have their backs everyday when they just need a friend?"

The class sat quiet for a while, finally Jake said, "Damn it Lopez. Now you got me thinking, and thinking makes my head hurt."

The class burst into laughter.

When the bell rang, Mayfield said to Joe, "Nice teaching moment. That's why you can't retire, at least until Tyler is ready to replace you as my star teacher."

On his way to find Tyler to check on how his day was going, Joe's phone rang. It was Kent.

"What did you find," Joe asked.

"At 1:35 last night a debit card belonging to Paul Greer was used to purchase gas at the Salt Fork convenience store. He has a son Dirk who is a senior at Kremlin High School and is on the football team. The ATM camera on the Salt Fork bank also picked up a license tag on a car registered to Lyle Greer, Dirk's cousin. Lyle graduated from Kremlin last year and was also on the football team. Don't mention that the car tag image came from the ATM camera. The company wants to keep that technology on the DL."

"I just hope there aren't any cameras that can see my deck." Joe said with a chuckle.

"Oh there are cameras my friend. They just happen to be 90 miles above you. So you'd better tell Tyler to smile."

"That will make Tyler blush when I tell him that."

"All the better for the infrared cameras." Kent said and Joe chuckled. "One more thing, I found some pictures posted on the web that appear to be from last night. I sent them to a buddy to run through photo enhancement software to see if it can pull out any recognizable faces. I should have the result this afternoon."

"Thanks Kent, I am glad you are on our side."

Joe found Tyler in the cafeteria doing lunch duty. He quietly walk up behind Tyler and very softly said, "I need to fuck my fiance."

"Oh, that sounds sooooo gooood right now."

"So, how are things going?"

"I should ask you that question," Tyler said. "Heard you had quite the discussion in Government class this morning, and from what I can see, it made an impact."

"What do you mean?" Joe asked a bit cautiously.

"Look around the cafeteria. What do you see?"

What Joe saw was that the table where the popular seniors usually sat was empty. Then Joe noticed that the seniors were split up and sitting with other groups. Avery and Jake were with Angel and his friends. Zach and a cheerleader were at the freshmen table. Ian and Kevin were chatting with the kids on the robotics team. And yet others from the senior group were making a point to engage with students they normally would not."

"Wow," Joe said. "I am stunned, but most of all I'm really proud of our seniors."

Joe's phone started to ring and he saw it was from Kent. "Hey, I need to take this," Joe said then stepped into the hall.

"What did you find?" Joe asked.

"We've IDed the kids in the pictures. Two are current students at Kremlin High School and two are recent grads," Kent said. "What do you want to do with the information.?"

"Can you drop it on the sheriff's lap without letting him know where it came from?"

"Hell yes, he'll even think he found it."

"Great, if I know our sheriff, he'll hold a press conference to announce the case is solved and that will keep the TV crews at the courthouse at least until school is out for the day. Then all we have to do is figure out what to do about them potentially staking out football practice and the Ander's home."

"I have some buddies at the Pentagon that owe me some favors. I could arrange for a drone to take out their broadcast trucks."

Joe laughed, "I think that might be a bit over the top."

"Oh well, just a thought, Kent said. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Thanks buddy."

Joe headed off to tell Mayfield and Bill what Kent had discovered.

As expected, Sheriff Davis scheduled the press conference to announce the result of "his" investigation just in time to lead the 5 o'clock news. Lucky for Davis, Kremlin was in the neighboring county, so he wasn't pissing off any potential voters by pointing a finger at Salt Fork's rivals.

However, the news crews were back in Salt Fork in time for the 6 o'clock newscasts. Bill and Joe stopped the camera people and reporters and told them that practice was closed and they would have to broadcast from the public sidewalk. Jerry has also told his players to keep their helmets on so the cameras couldn't get a clear shot of anyone's faces.

After practice, Jake and Kevin hid their faces and crawled into Robert's car for a short drive to the Anders home with the media in tow. Meanwhile, Joe and Tyler took Avery and Zach back to their apartment to wait out the evening. Joe figured that once the Ten O'clock news was finished the crews would either head home or find a local motel and try again in the morning. At noon, Joe had called the Salt Fork Motor Inn and booked all of the rooms, so the closest place to stay would be Medford.

As Tyler was serving up pizza, Ian said, "I don't get it. Why is this a story for the Oklahoma City and Tulsa TV stations?"

"We're in a boring news cycle right now in the state," Joe said. "They have run all the back-to-school stories we can stand, the legislature is in recess, there hasn't been a tornado in three weeks, and it's still two weeks until the state fair. They are just looking for something to fill the first 15 minutes of the news show before the sports reporters come on to talk about the Sooners' and Cowboys' upcoming games."

"I get that," Zach said, "but why would anyone in the rest of the state care about this story?"

"For the same reason they are interested in five-legged calves and crop circles," said Joe with a smile. "Oklahoma City and Tulsa are urban centers in the middle of a rural state. To them places like Salt Fork and Kremlin are curiosities. Add to that the novelty of an openly gay high school quarterback in the middle of the Bible Belt, and you've got a 4-minute story for the evening news. What we have to do is make sure it doesn't turn into a 5-minute story."

After supper the boys worked on homework and then played video games until Robert called to say that the trucks were gone and Joe could drive them home. Once Avery and Zach were gone, Ian called Michael to fill him in on the day's activities.

When Joe got back to the apartment, he was surprised to find no one in the living room and all the lights turned off. However, all became clear when he walked into the master bedroom and found Tyler lying naked on the bed.

Joe admired the long, masculine body of his fiance. Tyler's hands were locked behind his head and his bulging biceps, hairy pits, muscular chest and sweet cock were on full display. Joe slowly removed his clothes and noted that Tyler's cock was beginning to plump. When Joe was also naked he put his hand on his hips, puffed his chest, and emitted a low dominant growl. There was no mistaking who was in charge.

Joe crawled onto the bed and inched his way between Tyler's open legs. When he reached his lover's throbbing genitals he gently kissed each of the perfect love nuts then slowly, lightly lick up to the tip of the engorged cock. After a bit of gentle tongue play with Tyler's frenulum and glans, Joe continued to kiss his way up Tyler's muscular torso. Finally, he reached Tyler's lips and they tenderly kissed. Each touch of their lips was seductive and sultry. Joe gently traced Tyler's lips with this tongue and Tyler felt a small drop of precum drip onto his abs.

Joe pulled back to look at Tyler and gently pushed his fiance's hair back. "Six months ago I was bored. I was ready to retire and travel. I thought I needed to write a new chapter for my life. Little did I know that what I really needed was you in my story."

"Make love to me," whispered Tyler.

Joe reached over and turned the lamp dim so that it barely lit the bed.

Ian had just grabbed a bottle of water, and was on his way back to his room when he heard Tyler moan with carnal satisfaction. Ian smiled and said to himself, "At least someone is getting what he needs."

Thank you for reading "Quarterback Keeper." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have two other stories, "Tough Love in Kansas City" and "Saving Jordan" on nifty.org. If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

Again, thanks, and consider donating to nifty.org to support the platform that makes publishing these stories possible.

Next: Chapter 19

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