Quarterback Keeper

By William Marshal

Published on Jun 20, 2021


Quarterback Keeper: 11

Unholy Crusade

Tyler did not sleep well. Even Joe's comforting presence was not enough to bury the dread of Monday morning conditioning. Tyler really did not want to face 45 teenage boys after having his name listed on the Salt Fork Fags website. Even though the website was now the Salt Fork Frogs thanks to Kent Walters, Tyler knew that most of the team would have already seen or heard about it. In high school and college every time he heard fag, homo, or queer his stomach had tightened even though the comments were never aimed in his direction. Now he had a rainbow target painted on his forehead and he wanted to hide.

The alarm clock rang for the fifth time and Joe said, "Tyler, aren't you getting up. You have conditioning this morning."

"I think I'll call Bill and have him put a note on the weight room door that conditioning is canceled for today."


"I don't feel well. I think I am coming down with something."

"Tyler, what's the real reason?"

"I just think we should let things settle a bit before we resume conditioning."

"Tyler, roll over and look at me," Joe said. When Tyler finally did roll over Joe said. "You're afraid the boys won't accept you if you are gay. Correct?"

Tyler nodded, yes.

"Ty, some might not. We have no control over what they think or say, but if you don't go in today, you will have given them control over you. You will have given them the power to marginalize and intimidate you. You can't give them that power."

"I've never been called names. Yeah I've been teased with Stinkpot or Giggly Wiggle, but I've never been called those names, the names meant to hurt."

"I am not going to lie to you, those names do hurt." Joe said as he pulled Tyler into a hug. "That sticks and stones saying is just crap; being called names does hurt, it hurts a lot. But it won't hurt any less tomorrow, or next week, ever. In fact, it may hurt more because you have let them know it hurts you, and now the haters have a weapon. I will bet that more of your team is with you than against you. Look Tyler, I told you that I don't hide being gay, but that I haven't made a point of being gay because I didn't want to make people uncomfortable. That may have been a mistake. Maybe I should have been more in your face `I'm gay, get over it.' Maybe if I had been more of a crusader, you, Avery, and Zach would not be going through this now. But we can't change the past. All we can do is our best in the present. So, what are you going to do?"

"I guess I'm going to put on my big boy pants and go to conditioning."

"That's my Giggly Wiggly," Joe said as he started to tickle Tyler.

Tyler jumped on top of Joe, pinned him to the bed, and gave him a big kiss. "Okay Daddy-O, if I have to suck it up and take one for the team, there'd better be something special tonight."

"Chocolate sundaes it is."

"What's a chocolate sundae?"

"Vanilla ice cream, topped with chocolate syrup, peanuts, whipped cream, and a cherry. Wait, did you think chocolate sundae was some kind of gay sex code talk. Jeeze boy, does everything have to be about sex with you? Now get in the shower; you're already going to be late to conditioning."

Thirty minutes later, just as Tyler was getting out of his car, Avery pulled up and parked next to him.

"I wasn't sure I would see you today," Tyler said.

"I didn't really want to come, but dad gave me a lecture about not being a wimp or as he called it, a pantywaist."

"I got the same lecture from Joe--I mean, Coach Bartlett."

The team was waiting in the hall outside the weight room. Tyler noticed that around fifteen boys were not present. As Tyler was unlocking the weight room door the team conversation suddenly died, and in that moment everyone clearly heard, "fucking faggot."

"Who the hell said that!" Jake LaFevor yelled. "I want to know which of you pussy boys I'm going to beat into a pulp." Jake was a senior linebacker, built like a brick shithouse, and scary intimidating to the underclass players.

Tyler opened the door and ordered, "Everyone grab a seat. team meeting." When the team was settled Tyler started. "Some of you know--hell, all of you know--that a website called Salt Fork Fags was put out there this week. It claimed that several people living in Salt Fork or attending this school are gay. I can't speak for all of the people identified on the site, I can just speak about me. While the site didn't specifically name me, it did make reference to a hot new football coach. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I assume I am the hot new football coach." There were a few laughs. "Also the site did not claim I am gay, but the innuendo was clear. So, to make sure that there is no confusion, let me state for the record that I am gay."

Tyler paused and Avery said he had something to say. "There was also a picture of two guys kissing. Anyone who goes to Salt Fork High, would have recognized it was a picture of me and Zach Hill. So for the record, I am gay; also, Zach has asked me to tell you that he is gay. Zach and I are friends, close friends, maybe even boyfriends, but at this time we are just trying to figure things out."

Tyler continued, "Thank you Avery; I know that was not easy. I know everyone in this room will have to decide for themselves what he believes about homosexuality. Some of you may believe it is a sin, others may believe it is a lifestyle choice or even a disease, and others may believe it is just the way some people are born. I am not going to tell you what to believe about homosexuality, but I do want to ask for your respect for myself, for Avery and Zach, for everyone mentioned on the site, and for each other. So Jake, there will be no beating anyone into a pulp."

"But coach," whined Jake, "Beating people into a pulp is my thing."

"Okay Jake, no beating people on our side of the football into a pulp."

Jake's and Tyler's exchange noticeably eased the tension in the room.

One of the junior linemen raised his hand. "Yes Todd," said Tyler.

"Is Coach Bartlett gay?"

"Todd," Tyler said, "I can only speak for myself. You will have to ask him that question."

"He scares me." Todd said and the room laughed.

Just then Joe walked in and said, "You are wise to fear me." More laughter. "I apologize for eavesdropping on your team meeting. Let me answer that question. Yes, I am gay. Let me answer what will inevitably be the next question: What about Coach Simmons and I? I think Avery gave the best answer: We are friends, close friends, maybe even boyfriends, but at this time we are just trying to figure things out."

Most of the team joined in applause and Tyler broke out one of his goofy grins.

"Okay Rattlesnakes," said Tyler, "We have a season to get ready for, so let's hit the weights."

Jake LaFevor and two other seniors grabbed Avery for their workout group. When all the players were into their workout, Tyler said to Joe, "Thanks, I needed that. I suppose it would be wrong to give you a hug."

"Yep, Salt Fork High has a no tolerance policy for public displays of affection. Besides, I am on my way to Bill's office."

Joe stepped into the Athletic Office, "So Bill, how are the winds blowing."

"It seems Reverend Hill has formed a group called, Citizens for Morals and Faith, and they have asked for time at tonight's Board of Education meeting. We're also hearing, they've contacted several media outlets. A counter group has also asked for time at the meeting. It's called: Fed Up Citizens Union." Joe started to laugh. "What's so funny."

"Seriously Bill, do you not see it? The acronym is FUC-U."

"Oh shit. I should have known there was something up when the superintendent sent me a list of people wanting to speak for FUC-U. Nothing but rabble rousers."

Joe picked the list, "Come on Bill, these are current and past Student Council members, debates, and kids in the journalism program. At least half of them are in the National Honor Society."

"Worst kind of rabble rousers--smart-asses."

"I get it, you want Tyler and me to stay home and watch Monday Night Baseball. Maybe drink a couple of beers. Turn in early." Joe was grinning as Bill grew more frustrated.

"No Joe! I need you, Tyler, and all the coaches there. It's likely that a lot of the football and baseball players will show up to support Avery and Zach, not to mention you and Tyler. Plus, I'm going to have my hands full with the snake pit."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch. Tyler and I will be team players--to a point."

"What do you mean, to a point?"

"If Hill and his Citizens for Morals and Faith start attacking Avery, Zach, or Tyler, I won't just sit there."

Joe's phone rang, he looked at the number and it was Liam's. "What's up?"

"We just got notice that a judge will hold a hearing on the TRO in two hours at the courthouse. Zach, Mr. and Mrs. Anders, and I are headed there now. Can you get Avery and Tyler and meet us there?"

"On our way," Joe hung up and said to Bill, "Sorry, got to run. Tyler and I will be there tonight."

In the weight room Joe found Tyler and Jerry Wilson working on the playbook. "Hey Tyler, we've got to go. Get Avery and meet me at the back door. They've scheduled a meeting on the TRO."

Jerry said, "Go, I'll finish up conditioning. See you guys tonight."

"What did Jerry mean about seeing us tonight?" Tyler asked.

"I'll tell you in the truck."

Joe dropped Avery at home to get a quick shower and a change of clothes, them took Tyler back to the apartment. While Tyler dressed, Joe printed off some documents to take with them. When they returned to pick Avery up, he was clearly stressed, and Tyler tried to keep his mind off the fact a judge now had Zach's future in his hands.

Hell hath no fury....

When they got to the courthouse, Joe handed Liam the documents he had printed and joined Tyler and the Anders in public seating. Zach turned around and saw Avery; he gave a thumbs up and a brave smile. Avery returned the gesture. Zach's mother was sitting at the opposing table with Hill and his lawyer, but when Zach looked at her, she turned away.

The judge took his seat and asked if the two sides were ready to proceed. Liam asked for a moment to confer with opposing counsel. Joe noticed that Liam handed over what looked to be an envelope from a photo lab. Reverend Hill's lawyer's face suddenly lost the look of confidence he had been wearing. When the judge called the court to order, Hill's lawyer immediately asked for a recess to meet with his clients.

Liam, Zach and the posse met in the hallway. "What just happened?" Robert asked. Liam looked at Avery and said, "Do you want to tell them?"

Avery turned to Zach, "I'm sorry. I know you didn't want anyone to see them, but I knew Liam needed them. Last night, I sent him the pictures." Zach started to cry and grabbed onto Avery for support. After Avery had led Zach to the restroom to wash his face and regain control, April looked at Liam and sternly asked, "What pictures."

"Over the last few months, Avery has been taking pictures of Zach's bruises and injuries. He's been documenting the abuse inflicted on Zach by Reverend Hill."

"Is it bad?" Tyler asked.

"Bad enough that Hill could be charged, but Avery told me that Zach would never testify against his father. So, today I am using them as leverage to get Hill to let Zach leave."

After ten minutes, Hill, his lawyer and his wife came out of the conference room and Hill walked up to Liam and tossed the photos at him. "I don't know who you think you are, but these don't scare me. I am simply following the Biblical law to turn my son into a man. Proverbs 13:24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. I also know that Zach would never corroborate those pictures." Hill stood looking defiant.

Then Mrs. Hill spoke up, "But, I will Benjamin. I will testify to what you did to my boy."

"Harriett!" bellowed Reverend Hill, "So help me, I will cast you out if you betray me." The Hill's lawyer was attempting to quiet his clients, but Harriett Hill was going to get her emancipation along with her son. She turned to the Anders and said, `I've been told that Zach might ask for emancipation and he would be able to live with you, is that correct?'"

April said, "Yes, Zach is welcome in our home."

"Then, I will sign Zach's papers."

"I won't. I'll fight it with every fiber of my being," said a defiant Hill.

"You don't get it Ben. It's over. You're through," Harriet said. "Zach will have a new life with the Anders. I have called my sister, and she will be here by noon to get me. If you so much as open your mouth to object to Zach's emancipation, I will take those photos to the judge and swear out a complaint. Oh, I almost forgot, a few minutes ago when I stepped out to use the restroom, I also went out to the mailbox in front of the courthouse and sent a letter to the Convention's District Offices outlining your affairs with married women in your congregations over the years. So, given how many witnesses just heard all of this, I would suggest that you get in the car, go back to Salt Fork, pack what you can, grab that money you've been stashing, and disappear."

A flustered and angry Benjamin Hill let out a string of unprofessional and unintelligible curses and stormed from the courthouse. When he was gone, the fire and determination that had sustained her during her confrontation with her husband evaporated and Harriet Hill was an emotional wreck. April and Robert, led her to a nearby bench and tried to comfort her.

Avery and Zach were just returning from the restroom and saw Harriet in tears. Zach rushed to his mother and soon both were sobbing and in need of consolation. Liam turned to the Hill's lawyer and said, "I think you, I, Mr. Anders, and Mr. Bartlett can go into the courtroom and finish this up. Everyone else can remain out here to start healing."

Back in front of the judge, Hill's attorney said that Mr. Hill had withdrawn from the case and he now represented only Mrs. Harriet Hill.

Liam asked that the restraining order be made permanent and there was no objection. Mrs. Hill's lawyer also requested a permanent restraining order to prevent Reverend Hill from contact with his wife.

The next issue was the emancipation of Zach. The Hill lawyer withdrew any objection and indicated that Harriet Hill would sign the emancipation document. The judge raised the issue of Zach's financial ability to live independently. Liam handed the judge a document stating that Joseph Bartlett had created a $250,000 trust for Zachery Hill to be administered by Robert Anders for the purpose of providing living and educational expenses through college.

Once the judge granted Zach's emancipation, Liam took Zach, Avery, Robert, and Joe to a conference room to explain the ruling. Zach couldn't believe that he was finally free of his father and that Joe had provided money for his education and living expenses.

When Liam was finished explaining the court's ruling, Avery asked Liam, "Does this mean Zach no longer has to live in the guest bedroom?"

Liam smiled and said, "Well Zach is emancipated and can make those types of decisions for himself; however Avery you are not emancipated. Also, the law of `they who pay the mortgage, make the rules,' still applies."

"Avery looked at Robert with puppy eyes and said, "Please daddy, I promise he won't get me pregnant."

Robert burst into laughter, "I can't believe you just said that. I am just glad your mother wasn't here to hear you say that."

Joe said, "Robert, I will happily take care of the finances, if you deal with that crap. Well, I need to grab Tyler and head back to Salt Fork to get ready for this evening. By the way, I don't want any of you near that meeting tonight, that includes you Robert. If we're lucky, this will just fizzle away."

Once on the road, Joe told Tyler about what the court had rules, and Tyler said he had offered their help moving Harriet's possessions to her sister's. Joe then called Bill to fill him in on everything that happened. Bill invited Joe and Tyler over for a cookout before the BOE meeting.

When they got to the Masterson home Bill was manning the grill and noticeably more cheerful than earlier in the day. "So, what made you so peppy this afternoon," asked Joe.

"Well, after you called me, I did some calling around and the neighbors to the Baptist Church parsonage saw Hill throwing stuff into his car. One of them went over to see what was up and all Hill said was he was getting the hell out of Sodom. Apparently there was a note taped to the church door that said: I quit, B. Hill. Do you two know what that is about?"

"I'll tell you in a couple of weeks, when it all blows over," Joe said.

"After I got all of that info," Bill continued. "I called Superintendent Taylor and Principal Mayfield. We put together an impromptu recognition of Salt Fork students who exhibit excellence in the classroom and in an extracurricular activity. Mayfield blasted out an invite to all the students and their parents. After the BOE recognizes the students we will herd them all to the cafeteria for refreshments. Matty is currently calling in some favors and rounding up a bunch of cakes and ice cream. The coaches and sponsors will keep the kids and parents entertained while the BOE takes care of the essential business."

"Of course," Bill said with a wink, "because of the recognition ceremony, the time for public comment had to be pushed to the end of the agenda, which unfortunately is too late for the Oklahoma City and Tulsa TV stations to get it on the 10 o'clock news."

Joe and Tyler just laughed and laughed. After the last two days they needed to release all of the emotion they were forced to bottle up so they could deal with the situation. Now that it was almost over they could just let go.

The plan to bury the Citizens for Morals and Faith worked even better than hoped. Without Hill the motivation to create an issue lost all it's steam. Only one person spoke when the agenda item came up and she went on a rambling tirade about moral decay, the need to bring back cursive writing, and a request to make community `volunteerism' a graduation requirement. Also at the reception, at least ten football players who were absent that morning, told Joe they were sorry for missing conditioning and would be there in the morning.

When Joe and Tyler got back to the apartment, someone had removed "fagget" from the door and there was a note that simply said, "sorry coach."

Joe smiled and asked, "Are you ready for a chocolate sundae."

"Didn't you get enough sugar already tonight?"

Joe took Tyler's hand and led him to the bedroom. He slowly stripped Tyler and then pushed him onto the bed. Next Joe took off his own clothes as Tyler watched. Tyler's cock hardened with every article removed. Finally, Joe was naked and holding just a small paper bag.

"What's in the bag?"

"Be patient. Roll over."

Tyler rolled onto his stomach and Joe crawled on top of him and began to massage Tyler's gorgeous body. After a bit Tyler heard a lid pop and felt something being drizzled into his ass cleft. He glanced back to see what it was and saw Joe squeezing a bottle of dark chocolate syrup. Soon Joe leaned down and licked at the chocolate. Eventually Joe spread Tyler's ass cheeks so he could reach the chocolate that had pooled on Tyler's twitching pucker. Joe began to lick and probe. Tyler had never experienced anything that felt both so sensual and so naughty. Joe reached between Tyler's legs and grabbed his cock. Tyler didn't know when he did it, but somehow Joe was now wearing a soft leather driving glove. Joe' amazing tongue combined with the sensual feel of leather on his cock soon had Tyler moaning and squirting a fountain of cum.

When the cum spasms finally stopped, Tyler looked at Joe. What he saw was a gloved hand covered in jizz. Joe licked up a big dollop and swallowed. "You can't forget the cream topping."

Then Joe looked at Tyler and asked, "So stud, do you want to try building your own bad boy sundae."

Tyler smiled and nodded with eager anticipation.

Thank you for reading "Quarterback Keeper." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Tough Love in Kansas City" going on nifty.org. If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 12

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