Quarantine Wifey

By Du de

Published on Apr 14, 2020



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Seducing the Service Manager Servicing the Service Manager At your service Daddy's Helper Caramel Deflowers Cream Chubby Cherry Popping

I was a fresh audit graduate and was deployed to Tiblisi, Georgia for an internal audit exercise. The findings were scary and raised a lot of questions about the company's activities in the country and possibly uncovered embezzlement at the highest level. Hence when the COVID-19 crisis hit it was virtually impossible for me to leave immediately. My hotel closed and the company found me accommodation in US residential village. I was put in a room for a few nights until a place was found for me. On my third day I was shown my temp housing, a cozy two bedroom bungalow, a bit big for myself but I did not complain, a bit older but furnished but completely refinished with modern amenities and a nice small patio that was sunny and private, it was perfect for yoga, the bedrooms were well appointed, the bigger room was simple but had a comfortable king size bed. The other room was slightly smaller, had a queen size four poster bed and was a bit feminine with some light green tones, it didn't bother me, I would sleep in the master bedroom. I enjoyed food and was pleasantly surprised that the pantry was well stocked and a fresh food market was not far from the cottage.

A little bit about me, I was 23, my body was roundish with perky and embarrassing man tits or pecs, a round, bubble bottom and had smooth hairless skin. While I wasn't out, I did have fleeting relationship with a girl in college, and while it was physical did not leave me very satisfied. I had engaged in some erotic exploration with friends in high school (mainly comprised of hand jobs), and had sucked briefly on Teaching Assistant's cock in College after we got high. I did have a feminine side that I hid for obvious reasons.

On my move in day, a golf cart came to pick me up from the temp housing building, and I got on, we waited and a few other individuals the others were dropped off and when we pulled up the the end of the village I got off and noticed that the other passenger got off. I tipped the driver and thanked him and was wheeling my luggage to the door and wheeled my luggage and searching my pockets for the key, at the door I was shocked to see the other employee already there, he had a key in the lock and was opening the door. I made a sound, he looked back at me, took a moment to assess me and grunted and pushed the door open. He stepped in leaving the door open for me. He walked in and made a left and walked towards the bedrooms, I saw him walk towards the smaller room, I was relieved but then he changed his mind and dropped his suitcase in the larger master bedroom. It infuriated me that he did not bother to check with me, or acknowledge that we would be roommates. He took his jacket off and went to the bathroom, I heard a flush. I made my way into the other bedroom, closed it and wanted to lock it but did not find a lock on the door. I put my stuff away and opened my laptop and worked away. A few hours later I made my way out to the kitchen for a snack, my roommate was in his room talking loudly on the phone. He had an accent, polish perhaps and his voice was loud and deep. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and made a pizza and tossed a salad. I ate some and my phone rang so I rushed to my room to take the call, I emerged a few hours later to find that my roommate had finished the pizza, salad and had left me his dishes as well and an empty beer can. Not only was I rooming with a complete oaf, he was a pig too!

As it was the end of the day I cleaned up and made myself dinner. He emerged from his room, this was my first time taking him in. He seemed to be in his 40s, he was tall, had a football player's build. While he wasn't muscular he wasn't fat either, he was what I'd call a beefy dad bod. He did not have a ring on his finger. He was dressed in a white short sleeve polo with light hair sticking out on his chest, he wore well fitted grey travel pants. What stuck out to me was his ample pouch in the front of his pants, he was big, the sort of big that can't be contained, can't be hidden. The meaty bulge in his pants bounced with every step he took from his room to the kitchen, a baited hook that tempted me, I looked up at him and our eyes met, he had followed my gaze up from his bulge but didn't say anything. He had a light goatee on his face, his hair was ash blonde. He had regular lips and brown eyes, a long nose. He had good skin and no freckles on his face. He smiled and introduced himself, his name was Jedrek but went by Jed, he was from Poland but lived in New Mexico from when he was 5, he also worked for the same company doing some IT Audit and consulting. He asked about me and he seemed to watch intently, I tried to connect but he seemed uninterested. He made a joke about being stuck with him for a while and then proceeded to grab a beer and plop himself on the sofa. I was hungry for dinner so I whipped up some chicken, I was initially only planning on making some for myself but I do not know what prompted me to ask if he wanted some dinner, to which he responded yes and I ended up making chicken, broccoli and fries for both of us. I found myself setting up the table as well. When dinner was ready I called him over and he walked over, he stood very close to me and that's when I noticed how he towered over my head, he was a big man. At dinner he complimented my cooking and thanked me. After dinner he told me to leave the dishes in the sink he'd get to them later, I was only too happy to do so. I joined him in the family room but soon left as all he would watch was sports and news, and when I tried to get him to change the channel he did for a bit and flicked back. I was annoyed so I got up, went to shower and went to bed.

I woke the next morning and as I was answering my e-mail my computer crashed. I cursed myself, I got dressed and rushed to the IT kiosk in the village. The guy was kind and he fixed my issues, I returned home 5 hours later at 1pm. I was starved, I went to get cereal when I noticed the dishes in the sink from the night before along with a cereal bowl and a coffee mug. Jed had not cleaned up. I grunted and I washed the dishes. Making a note that I had to talk to him about it. At dinner time he was still on the phone in his room, I made dinner and was sure he would partake so made enough for both of us. He didn't come out when the food was ready, I sat to watch some TV and enjoy the view and he walked out. Today he was wearing joggers and a t-shirt and was unshaven. Again it was hard not to look at his bulge, it was the most prominent part of his physique. In the joggers, I could make out the outline of his cock, he caught me staring and I think he smirked. He thanked me for dinner, I tried to look for the remote with no luck, he came to the sofa, sat down next to me, spread his legs so his leg touched mine and pulled the remote from the couch and turned on the TV and we had a repeat of the night before. Sensing what was to come I got up, said good night. I saw his used plate and I picked it up, he turned and I think apologized but I only heard him say he'd do the dishes. I shrugged and proceeded to load his plate into the dishwasher. He came into the kitchen and stood there scratching his balls, and then said "I would have done that." Then he added "You're a very good cook, thank you for dinner." I smiled and he smiled back, it was a nice smile something he needed to do often. He reached out to get a beer and I walked to my room.

The next couple of days passed in the same manner, I had been making a list of things we needed on the fridge and to my surprise on Saturday I woke up to find that he had picked up groceries on his way back from his run. He was dressed in tiny shorts and a shirt, the sweat had not dried yet. My eyes were baited down to his crotch, and one could easily make out the humongous bulge in his light grey shorts. It should be illegal for him to dress in that manner I thought to myself, was it with envy or lust that I was so bothered? One evening a few days later, I had gone out for a walk and when I returned I had heard Jed jerking off in his bedroom, his door was ajar and as I walked past I heard some moans and groans, form my bedroom door I peeked and saw his naked chest, and arms and his face all contused, scared I quickly ran in and gently shut my door. I did jerk off to that memory many a night. As such the air was electric, not sure if it was the case for him but it was for me. It had warmed up significantly over the next few days and Jed wore fewer clothes, on the warmest day of spring he emerged from his room wearing nothing but his briefs, I wonder if it was to tease me. He wagged his heavy hog with a smirk that day. I shuddered, here I was with this beefy, hunky man he wasn't shy in any manner, to his credit that extended to my house keeping skills as well. This morning he said "You're like the best roommate. You cook, you clean, if you had a damn cunt, I'd marry you."

Work was starting to slow down as the global COVID situation got worse. Traveling back home stateside was out of the question and as such we had more time to waste and only each other as company. I noticed that Jed drank a lot and he got very comfortable, he spent a lot of times in his boxers, I noticed that with each passing day his shorts looked snugger, and my fascination with his bulge was endless, he had caught me staring at him often. One very sunny Saturday morning I decided to do a bit of Yoga on the patio, I went out and started and then closed my eyes to meditate. I heard a noise but I was in a such a state of Zen that I could easily ignore it. When I opened my eyes, what I saw took my breath away. Reclined on the beige deck chair was Jed, he did not have a stitch of clothing on, his legs spread out and raised on the legs of the chair, his hands behind the back of the chair holding on to it, his monstrous dick laying flaccid hanging down from his torso to the edge of the chair, his thick cut mushroom head tip lying on the cushion, if it weren't for the cushion it'd probably hang another inch lower. His cock and balls were shaved (recently). His body was furry but not overly so, he wasn't muscular and had some excess body fat but one wouldn't call him fat. As I got up and took in his being, I was amazed at how that prodigious member of his body was not out of place with his character or physique. He heard me and opened his eyes and smiled, and said "best to get some sun, join me ..." I made an excuse and heard him ask me for a beer. I brought him one and as he took it, his hand touched mine and for a second he held onto my hand and then took it from me. I ran to my room and had to relieve myself. rI stayed in my room, not sure why. I emerged in the evening and decided I would cook on the grill, I found that Jed was outside again having a beer, he was dressed in jeans, he seemed to be staring at me intently. It was getting dark and I dropped my tongs in the bushes, as I emerged he had gotten up, without a warning he grabbed my by the wrist and pulled me along. His hands seemed blindingly fast as he unzipped his fly and uncoiled the monster within. The smell filled my nostrils when I sank to my knees; his cock oozed pheromones that had me tingling in anticipation as I stared at it again.

He grabbed my head with both hands and pushed his crotch forward, sliding his thickening manhood between my lips without hesitation. I hadn't sucked a lot of cock, and they all paled in comparison to Jed's, but I hungrily slurped down inch after inch of the intimidating piece of man. Enthusiasm must have counted for something, because he moaned above me and bucked his hips deeper.

Every breath I took was filled with Jed, and in that moment nothing seemed more important than pleasing him. So I tried as hard as I could, as hard as I ever had at anything. I ran my tongue along the underside of his endless shaft. I eased open my throat to let him bury more of his cock between my lips. I slurped down the ample precum leaking out of his engorged head, and the taste just made me want more. He came quickly. Just a few minutes between my lips and his cock started spewing cum faster than I could swallow. He clamped his hands on my head hard, and I didn't bother to resist, it was futile after all. At first, it was just running down my chin, but a massive gush sent a stream running out of my mouth, down my face and onto my chest. I squirmed a little for a breath, but he wasn't in the mood to compromise. He kept on fucking my face until the last drops of his cum were wrung from his massive, softening cock. He stuffed the monster in his jeans, zipped up and ruffled my hair with a cum-covered hand and walked away.

I went to clean up and prepared dinner, we ate in silence and I cleared everything away. I went to shower and put on a robe, I walked out to throw my cum stained clothes in the laundry. As I walked past his bedroom, Jed pulled me in and closed the door behind us, he pinned me between it and his expansive broad chest. He planted his thick lips over mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Any seed of resistance withered on the vine, I was helpless. I tasted his beer and the steaks I had made in his mouth. He grabbed me by the wrist and made me grasp his shaft through his jeans. The giant pulled his lips off mine and spat hot air down onto my face and said "suck me again" he pushed me down by the shoulders and I got down to eye level with his crotch, he didn't pull it out, but let me fish it out and pulled my head into suck him, like before he bucked his hips deep and enjoyed my oral ministrations, and in no time he came and like before left me drenched in his cum. This time he didn't put his jeans back on, he simply swaggered out of his room and left the door open and me on my knees. I got up cleaned up and went to my room. I closed the door, turned off the lights and pulled my robe off, in the moon light I caressed my nipples then slid under the covers naked and put a pillow between my legs and humped it until I came, all along sniffing a licking Jed's cum off of my face and hands. I fell asleep naked.

I was woken up in the middle of the night to the sound of rain, I recalled that the patio door was open and it was very likely that Jed had not closed it. I quickly put on shorts and ran out to close it. The storm was wild, with rain soaking me, bright lightening, loud thunder and then another clap of thunder and the lights went out. I was suddenly conscious that I was naked waist up, and wet I stumbled in the darkness to my room and knocked the side table making a beer bottle fall and crash. As I found my way into the hallway that led to my room, Jed's door opened and he walked out he was illuminating the hallway with his cellphone light, I stopped blinded by the light, it was focused on my chest, and I looked down to see my pecs. My pecs of titties were wet and alert, they looked a lot like budding breasts of a teenage girl. I couldn't see Jed, but the light stayed on me for what seemed a long time. He broke the silence in his deep voice, "So how about it, faggot?" Jed growled as he moved closer. "You want to get on your knees for me again?" I let my hands fall to the enormous round bulge in his briefs. It was soft, coiled into a tight ball of man flesh that started to swell at my touch. He was even bigger than I remembered him from a few hours ago. He pressed against me, his belly to my chest, I looked up into his eyes. His arms constricted around me and he leaned down, the softness of his goatee pressed against my face as our lips met. He lowered his hands down to my chest and squeezed my breasts, then his hands went down my back to cup my ass and lift me off the ground. My feet dangled below me as he kissed. His underwear stretched around his growing manhood.

"You're so soft," he muttered between my lips. "You feel just like a woman."

I could feel his powerful heartbeats quickening when he enveloped my mouth with his own, forcing my lips apart with his tongue and filling me up as I fondled the enormous snake slithering out of his underwear. He slid a hand into my shorts and let me feel the warmth of his strong fingers between my cheeks. His dry middle finger teased my virgin hole relentlessly as he carried me over and pinned me against the wall.

"What is this?" Jed asked, pushing his fingertip inside me. I grimaced and whined at the intrusion.

"M-mmy ass," I answered, my lips quivering in pain.

He shook is head, scraping his facial hair aggainst my smooth face, and corrected me, "Not anymore. This is your pussy." He let my weight rest on his finger and lowered my hole down to the dry knuckle. "I am going to fuck this cunt whenever I want. Aren't I? He thrust his finger in harder.

Involuntarily a "yes sir" came out of me as he explored my insides with his buried digit.

"I'm gonna put a baby in you. I bet you'd like that." His breath was hot on my face, steaming over me like the eager exhalation of a ravenous beast. The lightening illuminated his face and dark eyes. The thunder shook me with fear. He continued "Just imagine, how big your tits will get as I suck it everyday."

Jed pulled out of me and dropped me to the ground like a sack of potatoes hurriedly dropping his underwear and kicking them into the family room. I gulped when I saw his gargantuan dick and pendulous balls hanging free. He grinned down at me as I collected myself, and he said "You can go back into your room and close the door, or you can put those lips around this dick again, but just know, you'll be mine forever after that. And I won't hold back."

I lowered my eyes form his face to the manhood staring down at me, dripping with excitement. It was full and thick, brimming with Jed's seed, and there was no going back. I rose up onto my knees and pressed my lips around his massive purple head. I chose to be Jed's faggot.

Jed later carried me onto my bed and threw me face down, spread my legs and unceremoniously thrust himself in me, I cried in pain and begged him to stop, my tears, or my resistance was futile, he fell onto my back, put his arms around me and squeezed my chest as though they were stress balls and thrust into me savagely, raping my tight hole until he shuddered and came.

For a week after, Jed attacked me and made me submit to his will. It wasn't uncommon for me to stand at the sink to wash dishes and have him surprise me by sneaking up, kissing my neck and dropping trou and shoving himself inside me. He was more demanding with my household chores, and his needs in the bedroom. He shamelessly raped me and used me, sometimes on the patio. I am confident our neighbors had witnessed my bending over furniture to satisfy his needs.

The COVID situation resolved itself faster than it had began and arrangements were made to fly us home. By this time Jed made a lot of decisions for me, he decided that I needed to move from the Nebraska office to New Mexico and ensured I made the move, he made me take a lower level job that would free me from any travel and allow me to work from home. He bought a beautiful home, secluded from neighbors, he bought me panties and women's wear and demanded that I dress in that for him. He liked to pretend that I was his woman, that served at his whim. And thus I spent a long time keeping his home for him and servicing his needs in bed. Unlike most women I did not get days off for a period but instead was brutally fucked with restraints and beaten if I resisted. When he didn't hurt me, his cock drove me to ecstasy and I gladly enjoyed the role he created for me, his wifey.

Inspiration for Jed comes from:


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