Quamaine's Tunnel of Love

By EdMike O'NYC-- AYISYEN mwen ye

Published on Feb 18, 2001




Rated: -YGM18+ -R.U.One2


Bedtime Stories Presents

Quamaine's Tunnel of Love

Written by Ed'Michael -----------------------------------------------------------

One night Quamaine went jogging the perimeters of the campus and by curiosity exited the premises. He made a quick stop near a church yard and looked at his chronometer to check the time. He was a bit tired because he jogged for more mileage than the usual. He stood there for a moment trying to figure out what was displayed on his watch, but he couldn't because it was frozen and unclear to the eye.

Darkness filled the area, as it seemed possible to hear a pin drop.

"Battery's dead!" He said as he flicked his braids and wondered on what to do. He wanted to know the time, so he approached the church gate and he entered, the brown, creepy looking building. He went through the church yard, entered the church, and he saw the gigantic clock hooked on top of the wall. It was taller than the Christ on the cross.

As he was looking up for the time, through the corner of his eyes, he saw something moved. He made a turn, but no one was there. He squinted at the time again and something else moved. He made a sudden turn again, but no one was there. He stood there for a while and thought that it must have been his illusion. He recently saw `The Blair Witch Project' and it did a number on him. The wimp he was.

He looked up at the clock a third time, and a sudden black out arose. The door slammed with great tension.

"Who's there?" He asked with a calm attitude. No one answered. He heard footsteps coming towards him.

He shouted " Yo, who da fuck iz this?" And no one answered. As the footsteps got closer, his pounding heart echoed in the silent church.

He chuckled, " Yo, who ever is doing this its not funny. Its not fucking Halloween yet!" He exclaimed and tried to move, but he was unable to. It felt as if he was glued onto the floor. The echoed footsteps came to a hal t, sending a vibration as if someone was next to him. Due to the black out, it was impossible to see who or what was beside him. In fact, it looked as if no one was besides him. His breathing got heavier as speech was not capable.

All of a sudden, the warm touch of a man's hand caressed his left ear. Quamaine jerked his head out of shock and fear in response. The touch regenerated under his chin. It felt familiar to him, but he restrained at the feeling. He was frightened. All that have gone through his mind was the usual questions---who or what is that. But, but, but...

Little did Quamaine know, restraining was against the game. The touching stopped and nothing moved for a few seconds. Quamaine could not comprehend what was happening to him. He just wanted to check the time. That's all. The silence was frightening. What's happening now, he thought to himself.

He felt the vibe from the unknown across him. He tried to see who or what was standing across the caramel young man. But, no luck. In fact, it appeared to be darker. Quamaine was a very sensitive guy, the heat from someone's touch a few inches away from his stomach would make him tremble; hardening his nipples. Well, the unknown apparently knew that. It reached out to Quamaine's abs, not touching it, but getting the young man excited. Q was shivering and trembling at that reaction. The person had to know him to eventually know the spot...

"Yo, Justin chill with that shit!" He finally got out. The unknown quickly stop and stood there. Quamaine was pissed. "Fuck you niggah!, Coming in here playing stupid fucking games." Q tried to move, but it was impossible. He continued, " Niggah let me fucking go!" Half way through his phrase he could barely hear himself. He felt his lips moving, but no sound was coming out.

He squirmed. The Unknown gently rubbed his hands against Q's gentle and sweaty face. At that reaction, he stopped trying to move and focused on the way the person touched him. It was really familiar. Yes indeed it was but that person... that person is... that person is no longer with us, he quickly realized.

A tear began to run down his cheek. He felt a cool autumn breeze all over his body, and felt his body lifted off the ground. And gently he landed back onto his feet and he did try to walk. When he realized he could have ran, he did. He was running from what has become the most unbelievable thing on earth. The dead was playing with him. He could not believe it was him. No, it couldn't be him. It wasn't Justin playing a trick. It was him... Why?

An awesome question that was. Why? Why is he back hunting him now? As he ran from the church, he realized that he had exited from a different door. Thus, he was still running inside the church. He stopped to think for one second. As a breeze of cool air blew over him from behind, and slowly he made a turn to face to breeze. His hair was floating as well as tears as he was beginning to see the one love of his life.

In all white he was covered, bright light circling him. Quamaine's tears were flowing like a waterfall. Then, he heard his voice echoed, `Why you crying Quame?' Quamaine's eyes were glowing from the tears and the reflects of the light.

"Jay... Jay... Jason" Quamaine's voice whispered out. He was in awe.

"Why you crying Quame?" Jason asked him again. As the breeze slowly stopped and the bright light he was emitting slowly vanished. He moved closer to Quamaine, whom was still in awe and crying in one position. He caressed his face and wiped the tears off. Quamaine felt his warm touch on his face and quickly wanted to touch his hand as he closed his eyes in the process. "Why you crying boo?" Jason asked again

"J... Because... J... I've mis... I'm seeeee... I'm happpp" He couldn't explain himself to Jason. Jason just smiled the famous smile that got Quamaine whopped in the first place. As Quamaine opened his eyes, he saw the smile that he adored from Jason, but slowly looked around when he noticed that they were in a different area; the library where they first met, many years ago. They both smiled softly.

Then Jason walked away to his right. Quamaine's eyes followed him as he saw the 6 feet tall football built Chocolate body, and with the amazing scent of Curve walk by. Jason chuckled,

"Remember this?" Quamaine wiped the tears off his face, inhaled, and walked towards him.

"Yeah... the first book we read together..." Quamaine whispered to him as he looked down at the book. `Just as I am,' by E.Lynn Harris.

" It was fun..." Jason let out. Then he pointed somewhere and asked, "How about there? Do you remember what happened?" With a smile.

" Yeah... I remember... That's..." He chuckled, "That's where we met the first time."

" Who would have thought that we would have been together then?" Jason asked as he slowly turned to face Quamaine. They stared at each other for a while, then he continued,

"Why you looking at me like that?"

"Well, I wanna know how have you been... How are you? I wanna know everything?"

"I've been fine." He grinned. Quamaine wanted to kiss him right there. "I've been watching over you my love."

"I've missed you so much... and I'm so glad that you are back." Quamaine ran to him and hugged him. He hugged him back with gentleness, with care, and love. Quamaine didn't want to let go. Ever.

"I've missed you too." Jason expressed and rubbed his back.

"Why did you go? Why did you leave me?" Quamaine began to cry and hugged him even harder.

"Don't worry man, I'm always with you... I'll never leave you alone." He whispered to him and kissed his forehead. The warm touch of Jason's lips sent vibrations throughout his entire body, and assured him of his presence.

"I love you Jason... I love you... I don't know any other words that could express the amount of love I have for you. Please come back?" Quamaine expressed still hugging him.

"Sweetie, I wish it was that simple. You know, If I could I would have came back, you know that" He gently pulled himself away.

"Don't let me go..." Quamaine said crying.

"I'm right here... now look" And they were transported into a new scenery. They were back in the night they first made love, passionately, " Remember when I asked you to hide everything that you felt for me? I was so stupid back then."

"No, you wasn't. It was new to you... This whole thing was all new to you."

"I know... I was so scared. What we shared was so special Quamaine... it was magnificent, and I will never forget that." He said with his eyes filling up.

"I'll never, ever forget that too. I'll never let you out of my soul... it was then that I realized that I wanted you in my life. Jason... I"

"Say no more..." And his moist, warm lips landed on Quamaine's. The kiss was an outer life experienced. It felt like a healer. It took all pains and worries away. They kissed for a few minutes, but it felt for an eternity. Quamaine was craving this. It was like fulfilling a thirst with the best cool water available.

When Jason pulled his lips away, they were both laying on the bed- naked- that their first magical love scene happened. Quamaine rubbed Jason's back and moaned, as the feeling of touching him one last time was incredible. The man who was everything to him. The man who if he had asked to jump, he would have asked how high.

"Mmm!!! This feels so good." Quamaine finally said as he squirmed on the bed.

"I know. It feels great. Feeling your body once more..."

"My love..." Quamaine began to say as Jason kissed his eyes, nose..., "I sometimes get scared at the thought that I'll never see you again. How can I live this life without you by my side. Holding me... Telling me that everything will be all right... In a world where they would have never accepted us for who we were. How can I live without the touch of your hands on my skin." Jason was now by Quamaine's neck. They both knew that was the spot. Quamaine continued as he moaned and caressed his head,

"What am I gonna do to find this love that's so cruel, but so sweet at the same time. Ooh... Touch me" As Jason rubbed Quamaine's nipple gently. " Kiss me... Yeah.. like that. Ooh...Like it's the last time. Ooh..."

Jason was holding on his nipple with his lips. He then released and went to kiss him passionately. Tangling their tongues, enjoying every seconds of it. Quamaine then rubbed on his big arm, then down his sides, and finally his butt cheeks. They both moaned. Jason then licked down to his navel, making him shiver in excitement.

Jason gently brushed the light bush of hair, and inhaled the fragrance it was fuming. And slowly he swallowed Quamaine's shaft in his warm athletes mouth. The sensation was incredible that he had to bite his lips in response.

"Mmm!!!" They both exclaimed. Up and down, In and out his dick went. Then, Jason took it out of his mouth, and dove into the sack of nuts. Lightly sucking on them. Then, he lightly lifted his legs up to eat the tunnel of love out. Quamaine squirmed like a serpent.

Jason then went back up to Quamaine's love muscle and sucked on it hard like it was the end of the world. Quamaine hold his head and gently massaged it, and gently pushed down in order to have him deep throat him. They moaned and enjoyed this.

Jason then licked back up to Quamaine's right nipple, then left, then up to his neck, then his chin, and now lips. He sucked gently on the bottom lip. They passionately kissed. Quamaine then pulled away,

"Take me Jason... Take me like the end has approached..." With that, he lubricated his 8incher and penetrated Quamaine's tunnel of love. It was warmly wrapped with Quamaine's muscle. Jason looked up to make sure he was comfortable. Quamaine could not have felt better then being filled by his love muscle, Jason's own love muscle.

Jason spread Quamaine's legs apart as he held himself up by holding him on his inner thigh. And gently Jason pumped it in and out. After a few minutes of screwing, Jason pulled it out, got off the bed, and pulled Quamaine towards him by his legs. He was about to fuck him while standing. Thus, he resumed action as he passionately kissed Quamaine.

Quamaine was literally piercing his skin, just to express how much he wanted him inside of him and to express how much he was enjoying this. Finally, it was the climax zone. As he pumped faster, he savagely sucked on Quamaine's neck, literally sucking the life out of him. Actually, it felt like he was sucking the life out of him.

Quamaine began breathing heavily, gasping for air. And the faster Jason went, the more he needed air to breath. He began to feel Jason filling him up with his love juice. But it felt as if he was choking...

And he jumped off the bed that he was sleeping in as if someone was holding him down, fully clothed with the gym outfit. It was a dream. He was drench in sweat as he gasped for air. He quickly wiped the sweat off his face, and brushed the hair off of his face. He also went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and open the faucet for some water. As he touched the cold water, the cool autumn breeze rushed over him and exited the bathroom window. As he noticed that, he heard an echoed voice reassuring him that `I'll never leave you alone, Quame.'

He took some water in his hands, and as he lifted up to his lips, he noticed the hickey on his neck. It was fresh and warm. He then smiled lightly...

The End


Quamaine is currently alive in the ongoing series 'Sister Mona Lou's Boys'

The following is a preview of a new series by Edmike:

"Damn man! I just wish dis rain would just chill out fo tomorrow." Devante says in a low-tone to me as we are cruising on the Northern State Parkway, heading home from the light dinner we just enjoyed in the Village. DevAlain is asleep in his baby-seat in the back of the Punch Buggy, I observe as I'm turning around from checking on him. `He is so cute in his sleep,' is on my mind as I'm turning around. He looks just like his daddy. I smile at that thought, and finally, turn to face the front.

As I'm turning around, I look at Devante's facade on the driver's side, and I roam the dashboard that indicates that we are doing 65mph. I also look at the clock that clearly indicates that it's 17 minutes till eleven. Then I look at the window on my side. It's pouring like it's the deluge of 2001. `Man, it is pouring!' I'm thinking as I listen to the musical piece that the drops are making on the windshield.

"He asleep?" Devante ask in his low, but deep voice. I love the way he sounds, it makes me shiver in excitement. A voice that makes your insides tremble with joy. Yes, a smooth to almost near perfection sound that's unexplainable. I love my man. I turn my face and nod as to indicate that yes he is. But, then I add in a yawn,

"Yes he is... He's so gorgeous in his sleep. Just like you." I smile.

"Well, ya know..." He laughs lightly. Then, I look at his bucktooth and laugh lightly, in fear of waking Lil'Dev up. `DevAlain is going to be two years old already,' is also going through my mind as we laugh. "You tired huh, baby?" He continues.

"I'm tired like a muthafucka..." I yawn again.

"I know, I know... I'm gonna take you home and massage yo entire body. How does dat sound?" He says almost in a whisper. I love the way he gives massages, it feels as if something sexual. But no sex included. So imagine Sex?

"I'd love that!" I respond in joy.

"I'm gonna make you feel good for yo big day tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah... I almost forgot. Another photo shoot?"

"Uh huh. Another cover shoot for Next magazine, rememba? You gonna look so fly with da new hair cut." He nods his head.

"Yeah, it's short now... They're coming too early, man!" I complain and reach for the visor that has a mirror in it and turn on the light. I observe my face carefully.

"Well, you know how it is in this business. Time is money." He smiles. And I follow. I then notice a mark or zit on my face. I move closer to the mirror. "Hey, would you look at that!" I say slowly and in a low tone, not realizing that it came out of my mouth.

"What? What's the matter?" He asks quickly as he tries to look at what I was looking at.

"I don't know what it is, but it's a freaking mark on my face under my eye."

"Sweetie, lemme see?"

"Nah, its nothing..." `keep you eyes on the road,' I hear a voice announce me, as if it was from the dream I had the other night. It was an inner voice. "Keep your eyes on the road, please boo." I continue without even realizing if he wasn't looking at the road or even without realizing that I repeated what the voice told me. And, in slow motion, I put the visor back up, and roll my eyes down to look at the blurry red lights ahead of us. I turn suddenly with a facial expression warning him to observe the road and we have to slow down, and I see his alarming face turn a 90-degree angle, as his hands rapidly grips on the steering wheel. My lips are beginning to part to voice out, cry out the holy word, as the anti-lock system begins to skip. I'm looking ahead with fear in my face, lips, hands, body, and the car starts to cry... And, in a fraction of a second, the four fantastic years of my life had flashed before me...

Young Lovers of Tomorrow... Coming sooner then you think!!!

A love story so steamin' with passionately rough sex, that it will leave these pages moist...

As detailed as it possibly can...

Only one can do it...

Only Edmike

Stay tuned!

Comments/Suggestions/Critics: edmike66@collegeclub.com

Thank you for reading- pass it on to a friend.

This has been from the Bedtime Stories Collection,

An Edmike's Arc-en-Ciel Production.

Edmike/bedtimestories. Copyright 2001.

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