Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Mar 31, 2021


Chapter 7


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

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Max was out the door and I just leaned against it thinking of the good times we had today. I went to my room and sat at my desk for a while. I had too much time on my hands before bed so I grabbed the razors and shaving cream. I was going to spend this time making myself the man I was meant to be.

The razor went smoothly over my skin. Pits, arms chest and belly were easy. I started on my calves, working up my legs. Without much hair anywhere on my body this went quickly. Shaving my crack was difficult and took several attempts and help from a mirror to finish. I was so afraid when it came to my nuts and pubs. I pulled tight on my sack and gingerly swiped away the stubble. Not much had grown on my pubs so it was easy to make it disappear. My shower to clean away the shaving cream was sensual and had me on edge.

When could I show off to Max? I felt good about myself. The visit with Max was just what I needed today. My spirits were lifted, Max helped me with kitchen supplies and groceries and to organized my thoughts about Jay. I've shaved myself for the first time and that makes me feel good, I can keep up with the regimen.

Again, not much rest overnight. I was still thinking about the incident at the Bistro. I decided that it was a good thing that I wasn't working there. Fine dining is one thing, strict overbearing management was too much. Most of us wanted to leave but the tips were good. If I could get a position at the new restaurant, I would suggest a few of my fellow servers if they wanted to join me. Every time I dreamt of Max, a boner, his or mine would wake me up. I wanted to dream of him all night but that was going to be impossible.

I tried my new breakfast cereal, it wasn't sweet, kind of bland. It needed something and then I remembered we had some fresh berries, that made it tolerable. Checking my email, we had our first online meeting scheduled for Saturday afternoon, I'd be home from my shift at the diner. Before the diner I had the interview for the other restaurant. Busy day, but all good. Today and tomorrow, I'd need to finish my presentation to the group. Then an "important" email from Tito. He wanted to visit so he could update the web cam info, he wanted to come over after dinner. It shouldn't take too long and we could get better acquainted too. I replied that my evening was free, what did he need to complete the switch? I'll make the arrangements with Jay, see you tonight.

I told Jay when he finally woke up that Tito was coming over tonight to reconfigure the web cam, could he be available if Tito had any questions? Sure, whatever Q. I need to put all of this behind us, I just want you as a friend.

I did some more research on the interests we heard from the weekend. I put together several options, something we could either do more research before or given enough time we could publicize and plan an event. I thought I'd leave the proposal and re-read it later with a fresh set of eyes. Time now to get ready for my lunch shift.

A knock on the door and I went to answer it. I forgot that I was naked when I opened the door. The delivery man apologized for interrupting me, I had a package to sign upon receipt. Oh shit, I'm sorry, let me cover up, I'm new at this nudity thing and just forget, I'll be right back. Don't bother son, I've seen it all and you are not hard on the eyes anyway. Please just sign here, I did and he handed me the package.

This must be the glasses Kevin sent for me to try. I put them on and they were easy to wear, I went and looked in the mirror. It was a different look, they made me look like a younger student. I'll give them a try today and report back. Then I thought about the delivery man, how professional of him, I guess if I didn't make a big deal of being naked it might not be an issue for some people.

I decided to wear the shorts I got the other day, the pair that highlighted my ass and crotch. Once at work my apron would cover the important parts that could get me in trouble. I would show off on the walk to and from the diner. Not a bad look I told myself after a final review in the mirror. I wonder what kind of haircut Kevin had in mind.

After an uneventful shift at the diner, I hustled home to work again on the report I drafted. It seemed fine after a couple of small changes I'd email it to all of the models tomorrow so they could read it before the meeting. I surf around for a while, I checked out the restaurant that Max set up the interview. Nice menu, full-service bar, open six nights, casual dining, it sounded like my kind of place. I thought of a few questions to ask and how to answer why I left the Bistro.

I had a small salad with fresh veggies just as Max had told me to prepare. I had some yogurt and fresh fruit for dinner. Just enough and filling not too bad for me too. Tito would be here soon and I got the glasses and practiced wearing them. Jay even said they made a good change to my features.

I welcomed Tito into our home and he said it looked a little different that from the web camera. He gave me a warm hug, a long warm hug as he felt my back and butt cheeks. Your body is so smooth and feels so good to me. I'm going to have a tough time behaving myself tonight Q. You've shaved yourself that is a big step. I also don't have much hair and the guys so like me smooth too so I shave a couple of times a week. I asked if he had trouble shaving his crack and around his nuts, he smiled and said I'd be a pro in no time.

He asked how the cage was, any crisis's? He said he had only worn one for one night and it came off the next morning. He said he didn't think it was the right size because he woke up so many times during the night with boners. Yes, I admitted, nighttime is a little trouble but it seems to be improving.

Tito got to work on the web cam hardware and software, reconfiguring so he and Max had the id & password. He also set up the cameras in different locations that he thought made them less conspicuous and more of a natural feel. Let me text the boys so they can take a look and give their approval.

We sat on the sofa and Tito couldn't keep his hands off my body. He kept repeating so smooth, I love that feel. Stand up here he said, I want to get a closer look at your cage. We don't want any chaffing or problems with your skin. He played with my nuts so much, claiming he was looking for stray hair that I missed but he didn't find any. It looks like I've woken up your locked-up friend, I'm sorry. He patted the sofa cushion telling me to sit. Tito asked if I'd had much cum leaking this week. I told him of a couple of times that wet spots soaked through my shorts. He offered to give my p-spot a massage later to help me solve that problem.

Let me take a selfie with you Q, I've got to show my friends how hot you are. It will be just our faces and bodies, G rated with a hint of R. After I take the pic, you decide if you like it and only then will I post it. Lean in Q, give me that big welcoming smile, and that was it. I had to admit it was a hot pic of the two of us. He gave me a big kiss on my cheek. Damn, there goes my dick again.

Dwayne said the cams looked good in the new locations and it is time for the two of you to get a room of your own. Marc also said the cams looked good; the scenery wasn't too bad either. Tito said I doubt we'll hear from Max tonight since he is not to technology aware. He is great on his computer for his business but anything else he is in the dark ages. Troy texted that if we don't stop fooling around, he will be joining us soon. Tito grabbed my cock cage and "waved" to the cams. Are you sure you don't want me to help milk you a little tonight? I think you need it Q.

As much as I'd like a little action Tito, I think I'd better wait a little bit more. I felt his tight abs, and he was toying with my nips. I was breathing heavily, if I didn't stop this now, I never would. Tito, please, maybe next week. I'd love for you to "help me out" but I need to at least get to a week without an orgasm. Tito broke off a kiss and said, "I respect you Q, but please let me get some when you are ready". We sat quietly as our composure returned.

I'm leaving you now Q, but trust me, I'm ready when you are. We walked to the door and I said "I'm nearly there, but give me a little more space". I gave him a big kiss as he opened the door and walked out. I barely made it to my bed. Exhausted and confused. I'm sure many more emotions would come to mind but I needed to try and sleep.

Far too early my phone wouldn't stop buzzing. Who in their right mind would be calling me now? I didn't have work scheduled until lunch time, no school, Jay but why would he call? Still half asleep and morning wood that was killing me, I opened my phone. Must be a dozen messages from Tito along with my other "brothers".

The first one from Tito was, "man, your photo is blowing up my feed, everyone wants to meet you". The rest from him were all along that line but his friends were looking for more than friendship. Tito told them I wasn't available but they didn't care. Dwayne had reposted the pic on his feed and the story was more of the same. I could make a fortune, but hey we know you aren't up for that. Maybe we can harness this enthusiasm for our benefit. Maybe we need to get everyone's pic and promote our upcoming events. Q, can you research this?

Who knew we could light up the net? I replied all "I'll check out some opportunities along the lines of our profiles and should we name ourselves too"? My dick was never going to relax thinking every guy I passed on the street saw the pic of Tito and me. At least during my lunch shift the old folks wouldn't be cruising me.

Jay was already up and eating his breakfast, I grabbed some coffee and my cereal and sat with him. I asked him what his plans were for the day and he said "same old same old". I asked if he heard from Julie the bitch and he said yes. Well tell me more Jay. She is trying to blackmail me to get you to serve her and her fianc‚. I dropped my spoon, what is she doing I asked. She said she was going to HR at the office if we didn't submit to her. He said since he was only a temp, he didn't have much protection from the company so he would ask he temp agency to reassign him. Let me ask my friends if they have any ideas to help us. All he said was thanks.

Well that finally deflated my cock. Still drooling but soft. Now it was my turn to help a friend. Max and the other brothers helped me so much since last weekend I needed to try my hand. We needed a plan that would draw Julie out into the open as the bitch she was. Scott might get hurt in the plan but the most important aspect would be taking down Julie. I'd need to make some calls to find out what would be needed.

On my way to the diner whenever someone looked twice at me, I wondered why. My face and chest pic were spreading all over the net. Maybe it was just the sharp looking shorts I was wearing that made my ass look amazing. Maybe the bulge from the steel cage helped. I tried to think about the plan we needed to hatch and not the men I saw on the street. I have to admit, if we pulled off a set-up of Julie it would be epic.

My co-workers at the diner gave me a few wolf whistles when I entered. Even the cook noticed my new look. I was walking a little taller today, feeling good about my life. Troy texted me and said his plan was a go from his end, just let him know when he needed to start the ball rolling. It wasn't going to be completely legal but all is fair in love and war.

Gordon and Gary arrived and I hugged them both. I apologized for the customers at the Bistro who made the evening a disaster. I said I no longer worked there but I had a potential new job lined up. As they were getting seated, they said the meal was great but it was a little stuffy there. I laughed, "a little stuffy, you don't know the half of it". I told them about the lunch specials which they ordered and I left them. Without other tables to wait on yet, I chatted with them. Gordon was an attorney starting at the public defender's office next week. Gary was starting his college career at the same school I was enrolled. We need to talk, after my shift is over if that is ok? We made arrangements and I said I looked forward to their advice.

I couldn't wait to see them at the coffee shop later. They spotted me first and I joined their table. I told Gary that I was attending the same college he would be going to next semester. I offered to show him around if he wanted. He smiled and said that was a wonderful gesture. We talked a little more about areas of interest and what classes he might take. I asked Gordon his advice on a matter and he was happy to give me advice. We talked for nearly an hour, the time flew by and I told him if this worked out like we planned his input would be immensely helpful.

I spoke in great detail with Jay, he was the last person who needed to approve of the arrangement. He asked if I really thought it would work, I told him her ego would dig her a hole so deep even she couldn't climb out. Ok, when will this happen? I said I hoped for Monday night. All weekend we'll get her pumped up, thinking she is in charge and then we lower the boom on her.

Two projects to work on tonight. Actually, many to work on and think about. What about an online presence for us, after all that pic lit up Tito's network so specific targeting to many groups could be beneficial. Twinks, bears, otters, puppies, bdsm, kink, CMNM, the options were endless and we needed to discuss our limits.

Who was exclusively top or bottom or were we versatile? We needed to think, discuss and then discuss more. How would we want to include Kevin and Sebastian with their leather store? Dare I ask if/when I would have an orgasm? What would our group say? Could we make my potential orgasm an event? Now more than a week since I last wanked, that is a record since I first discovered the joys of self-pleasure.

Tito called to tell me his phone won't stop since the pic went live. "Q, you need to figure out how we can satisfy all these people and maybe make money at the same time" he told me. I said I've got some ideas to have the exposure you are talking about and make some money too. It is going to involve the web cam and if we need, some of Kevin's toys. I've seen some really amazing anal play toys from expensive to items available to most guys. I asked "how would you feel about using a double headed dildo with me, one that vibrates"? Who else can we get to use toys that will arouse men? Dwayne, Troy and Marc, can any of them bottom? Can we get Max to be the top showing the proper way to use the toys? At the end we can even show guys how to clean up and be ready for the next round.

Tito said we know your ass is ready for some play and with you I want to play too. Dwayne usually tops but we can convince him otherwise, Marc will be happy to bottom. That leave Troy, I'm sure we can convince him to top for the event. Well two tops can work but I'd like to see his body react to some of these toys or gloved hands. Tito said I see you've done your homework; we need to make this happen fast. I'll see if Max can have Kevin at our meeting with toys he can gather. He needs to be there for part of the meeting. Tito, my cock needs some relief, very soon!

Q, I know you are aching for release, but trust me Max knows what is best for all of us. He is so smart and has an intuition about these things. I replied to Tito, every time I walk it seems like my dick is rubbing against the cage and I'm leaking and constantly aroused. Tito tried to reassure me that Max will know the right time; Max will have you satisfied beyond your wildest dreams once he knows the time is right. Tito, you and he better be right on this, sometimes I can't concentrate especially when I'm doing some of this research.

Jay and I watched the tube for a while, for me every time a cute guy appeared my dick reacted. I couldn't follow the plot of the show anymore so I just went to bed. I had a busy day tomorrow. First thing I'd send out my research paper, off to a shift at the diner, interview at the new restaurant and then our meeting.

Rest was not easily achieved. I couldn't get comfortable with the cage and my dick tonight. I tried shoving it between my legs but I was too hard. Then I would leave my cock in front of my body but every time I moved, I was rubbing the cage, my balls, my cock. I tried lying flat on my back but my cock tented the sheets. When I did fall asleep, I dreamt of Max and Tito. The two of us were ass cheek to ass cheek with the double headed vibrating dildo up our asses. Tito was getting closed to cumming and I was too excited but couldn't wank with the cage. Cum was flowing from my cock from the p-spot stimulation. Max was playing with my nipples, chewing on them while he tugged on Tito's cock. I would watch Tito cum buckets and then the vibrating dildo would be turned off leaving me unfulfilled but covered in a mess of my own cum. This scenario would play out time and time again with Marc and Dwayne as bottoms with me and Troy as the top. I was a hot mess when my alarm rang.

While eating breakfast I made a few final adjustments to the research and sent it to my fellow brothers. I tried to shave myself but every time I touch my nips or nuts, I was oozing more juice. I gave up and showered, cleaning my ass in case our meeting tonight turned into some experimenting with toys.

I knew I'd need to be overly protected today so I first put on a jock strap to hold myself down. I hoped it would also help absorb some of my cum. Over the strap I but on a pair of boxer briefs that I hoped would keep my constantly hard cock from bouncing around. I put on my pants and shirt and packed another outfit for the interview. I headed off and everything seemed normal, I was under control looking forward to my shift to help take my mind off of my cock and everyone else's cock.

At the diner, after stowing my gear I heard the specials and my table assignment. With a busy breakfast shift I didn't have much time to think about my cock or anyone else's. Two guys had just requested to be seated at one of my booths, not out of the ordinary but I didn't know them either. I brought their waters and menus and asked if they would like coffee with looking. And they were looking but not at the menus. I went and got their drink orders and returned. They already were asking about the menu since this was their first time here. I told them about the specials of the day and they asked specific questions about them. One guy asked what the regulars ordered and then asked if they could mix and match foods. I offered to best fit their requests and prices once they were ready. Something seemed off about these two, asking a lot of questions for eating at a diner. I repeated their choices before leaving. I returned with more coffee and hot water for the tea. They appeared to be chatting quite a bit while I was away but then they clammed up when I returned.

After clearing their plates, I asked if they would like anything else and/or drinks to go. They just wanted the check which I left with them. A little later the bus boy handed me the check and cash, it was a large tip with a thank you note written on the receipt. That was a nice way to start the day.

I changed my clothes at the end of my shift, thankfully I had brought the extra clothes since my pants were drenched with water, coffee and juice thanks to some young kids that were acting up. I decided to take a chance and just wear the jock strap since my briefs were soaking wet. On my walk to the interview my cock started to take notice of the new freedom and bounced around. I'm sure I felt some of my own home-made juice leaking.

I knocked at the front door; some staff were busy getting the place ready for dinner in several hours. I announced that I was here for an interview and I was taken to the bar area and offered a soft drink or water while I waited. I watched the staff setting up the tables, getting the linen covering the tables just so, plates and empty glasses, silverware, condiments - everything was exactly the same on each. Glasses sparkled, silverware shined and everything was wiped down a second time.

Well, we meet again was the voice from behind me. It was one of the two guys I had waited on at the diner. He offered his hand and introduced himself as Eric. His husband's name was Michael and I was led to the office for my interview. Eric started by saying they like to get a feel for a prospective new employee and how the customer/server interaction takes place. Both complimented me on my knowledge of the menu, specials and my willingness to satisfy the customer.

Michael sat down with us after closing the door. He stated this work experience would be good for both the owners and myself, as long as I was comfortable working for two gay men who were out both socially and professionally. I stammered an answer that it would be an honor to work in a place that was openly gay friendly since not all of my experiences were good regarding my sexuality.

With a bit of a pause, Eric joined in and said Max had recommended me very highly but that I could be a little nervous in new situations. I'm only going to offer this to you since Max made the suggestion to us and only if you are totally ok. Max said you might be more open and at ease if you were naked, apparently this is something new to you but we are willing to allow this if you want. So, if you want to strip and it would calm your nerves, please feel free to strip for the balance of the talk with us. Of course, your potential employment is not dependent on you getting naked, it is only to make you comfortable.

Max actually told you that I would be comfortable on an interview without my clothes? Eric and Michael both nodded this was what they were advised. Well, I said, I trust Max very much and he taught me how to be relaxed without my clothes. Did Max also tell you about my locked cage? That we were not aware of, so to begin, why don't you tell us about that and it that will begin the second part of your interview. I stood up and quickly removed my clothes, folding them neatly on the chair beside me. As you can now see, I'm wearing a chastity cage, locked and I don't have a key. At the time this happened - and it is a very long story for another time, I was then told for a weekend I would be a naked model and that is when I met Max.

Eric started by asking for a review of my serving experience including my work at the Bistro. Michael asked many questions and finally Eric asked why I no longer worked there. I gave a fact-based answer about my last night and offered to answer any questions they might have. The give and take were free and easy between myself and the prospective employer.

They asked me what questions I had regarding potential employment. I asked about the scheduling of staff, education on the menu and their treatment of staff and customers. How could I recommend a change if I saw something that I believed could be improved? Would I be allowed to keep my diner position? We discussed all of the items thoroughly and to satisfaction.

Eric said they normally ask the candidate to wait in the bar area while he and Michael made a decision but that would not work today so they stepped out of the office. Alone and with time to think about what had just happened I couldn't believe that I was sitting naked in a prospective employer's office. Not once did my lack of clothing inhibit me and I guess Max was correct because I have to believe I nailed the interview. Should I get dressed now or wait for their return? Time seemed to drag on waiting for their decision. Maybe this was all too much for the owners?

I heard Eric and Michael announce their return and the door opened. They were smiling which put me at ease. Eric said they would like to offer me a server position and asked when I could start and scheduling for the next week. I grabbed my phone and reviewed my calendar with them and we worked out a schedule for the next two weeks. Michael asked me to try on the pants and polo shirt they provided to all staff. When I was dressed, they joked and said they didn't know if I looked better dressed in a uniform or not. They suggested I change back into my "street" clothes and I could be on my way.

Once I had removed the uniform, Michael handed me a package and said this was from Max and was to be given to me if I was hired. Max told them I was to immediately put it to use since I would be seeing him later that evening. Opening the bag, I found a small butt plug and some lube. I didn't ask questions; I applied a small amount of lube and the plug slide into place. I dressed in my clothes, packed away the uniform, shook their hands and thanked them.

Before I reached the street, the butt plug was vibrating. A text message flashed on my phone screen - Congrats. It was from Max. I leaned against a street pole and texted back, "I'm about to have a massive orgasm, please stop the vibrating!". Somehow the plug ceased and a few breaths later my cock calmed. I continued on my way needing to meet up with Tito to head to our group meeting.

I saw Tito at the coffee shop, asked if he needed anything then got my drink. Tito drove to my apartment and thankfully it was empty. I grabbed my papers and tablet and we were on our way to Max's house. Tito insisted that I strip before we left the parking lot. We both waived to my neighbor who motioned for us to drive by but I threatened murder unless Tito drove on which happened. I explained that Daniel, my neighbor was a little to inquisitive and I wasn't ready to have a long discussion with him. Tito said straight boys can be fun and once you have fucked with them, they either go away for good or move in.

Max's cabin in the woods was about an hour away. This gave Tito and me time to talk and figure out how we wanted to explore chastity and how to lead the discussion tonight to our benefit. Tito asked how I was coping with being naked all the time at home, I shrugged and said once you get over the shock of it, I find it relaxing. It is a little strange if I'm the only once naked but then it becomes comfortable. I asked Tito if he would get naked with me for the rest of the drive and he said maybe later.

I asked Tito about being caged and he groaned. My cock is so demanding and I can't even touch it, he complained. We need to get me out of this cage soon or my cock will break the cage. I said I was obsessed with wanting to jerk for the first week or so but then the constant state of arousal became normal. Perhaps we can make a game of jerking each other at the next event. Tito added, maybe we can practice tonight.

We arrived at Max's cabin; several other cars were already there. I grabbed my papers and tablet walking to the front door. It opened and it was an unfamiliar face greeting us. He said the final two are here. Can I get you anything to drink? Tito asked for a beer and I said I water. He led us to the back porch where all the others were gathered. Marc and Dwayne hugged me at the same time, Troy said I was a sight for sore eyes. Max's hug was warm and reassuring. Neither of us were quick to release our hug.

My bottled water was handed to me and Max introduced me to his assistant Jeremy. He explained that he wanted to spend his time with us and Jeremy offered to play bartender, waiter and chef. Jeremy gave me the once over before Max told him to get lost and to leave me alone. Jeremy mumbled to himself as he left.

Max suggested we get started and maybe we could finish early. Q, you are first on the agenda so explain your presentation. I was grinning from ear to ear and said I was so happy to be around my friends again. I suggested we develop a name for our group, something we could maybe even trademark as a source of funds, something separate from Kevin and Sebastian's store name. This would be a name that would be synonymous our activities and charities.

I started with many activities that seemed to be under represented and underserved in the gay male community. I explained how we could capitalize on these groups for mutual benefit. We had an open discussion on these points, further suggestions from the guys augmented my proposal. The optimism that I had was growing with my friends as we explored the many ways, we could expand our brand and reach.

Max suggested we take a break. Drinks and snacks were refreshed and Max pulled me aside. He complimented me on my research and presentation. You are so confident and relaxed, so different from the first time I saw your naked ass. Eric told me how professional you were at your interview and how calmly you reacted when he suggested you get naked. I couldn't believe you pulled that off! I smiled and thanked him for his encouragement and the opportunity this job offered to me. Max reached for and played with the plug in my ass. We smiled and Max ruffled my hair.

Troy asked when we resumed, do you have any suggestions about your chastity and what we might want to do with that at next month's event? I took a deep breath and said I did have a suggestion but I wanted to hear from everyone else first. Marc suggested we video tape a long and slow tease leading up to Q's orgasm. I pointed out that Tito was similarly caged and his chastity should also be discussed. Dwayne said whatever we planned; it should happen as one of the last shows to build excitement over the weekend. Troy thought we should start the weekend with one and end with the other. Tito volunteered to start first because he didn't think he could last a whole sexy weekend without cumming. Max said perhaps we could turn this into our first fundraiser to show our commitment to our community. Everyone was looking to me for my thoughts.

As you all have noticed tonight, my cock still has a mind of its own. Mostly hard these days and nights but it is a feeling I've grown accustomed to and learned to live with my cage. Let me put this out, we sell raffle tickets, $1 each and the winner can bring Tito to climax. Tito was high fiving everyone. Let me finish Tito, the winner can also choose to play with Tito's cock, edging him and then locking him back up without an orgasm. Just think of the tension this would bring to our first weekend and we could set a minimum of say $500 like a reserve bid. We could have this raffle conclude on Friday night with the second raffle for my chastity or nut on Saturday night. With the extra time we could say $1,000. If we could raise $1,500 or more for a charity that would give us a lot of great promotional good will.

Tito was wide eyed with this concept, and repeated the "winner's choice of nut or continued chastity", I'm not too sure about that. I said we did not need to decide tonight on the outcome of the raffles but we should air out everyone's feelings. Max suggested we take a little dinner break and called Jeremy to set up our meal. Max suggested I give Jeremy a hand and Tito got refills on drinks.

As I was assisting Jeremy, he said we have a lot in common, he took my hand and I felt his chastity cage. Max helped me out a few years ago and I've been indebted to him since. I was whoring around too much and Max centered me and the secret was locking my cock. We are not a couple but I do work for him and our platonic relationship is good for both of us. Now Q, you have caused me fill my cage. You are once handsome and intelligent guy; I've been listening to your presentation and you speak well and your thoughts are presented with authority. If you ever would consider allowing me to take you on a date it would be my honor. Now that I've said that, think about it or forget it but I had to speak up for myself. He tweaked my nipple and said for me to take the salads and bread to the dining room. I sat down dumbfounded with Jeremy's words to me. He joined us for dinner sitting next to me. Both of us were across from Max and I could tell that Max knew an undercurrent of electricity was at the table.

The other conversation was about our private lives, social and professional. We had an easy conversation. Tito then broke the ice and said he was still concerned that he might be locked again in his cage and he didn't think he was able to continue past our weekend party. I suggested that it could be proposed that the locked person determines nut or not and possibly it a certain amount of money was raised it could be the raffle winner's choice including another period of locking. Tito was happier as we gave him more options and the next weekend event.

I helped Jeremy clear the dishes and delivered the bowls for fruit. Max suggested we continue our meeting. I led the discussion concerning other fetishes we should consider and everyone was in agreement. We had at least one if not more of us willing to present programs on each fetish with having experienced them as well.

After an hour or so, Troy suggested we should wrap up our meeting and once I distributed revised copies of our discussion, we would finalize our assignments. Everyone began leaving and Tito asked if I needed a ride back to my apartment. I said I would gather my things and meet him at his car. Jeremy gave me a hug, squeezing my ass cheeks telling me how inviting they were. I walked over to Max to hug him. He whispered "you don't have to leave tonight; Jeremy or I can give you a ride in the morning". He added, no promises, no guarantees and no commitments. I would love that if you are sure a ride tomorrow is no problem. Jeremy piped in, "how do you think I'm getting home tomorrow?"

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