Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Mar 4, 2021


Chapter 6


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

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Jay and I chatted about our schedules for the day, he had a temp job for the rest of the week. I told him I was working both places today and would not be home until late. He asked how my "thing" was. I told him the chastity cage was fine, there was good and challenges during the day. Thankfully he left for his job and I was able to relax.

I did some more searching on the web, the number of kinky sites was never ending. I saved the sites to my favorites "model kink" for further investigation. Later on, I accumulated the sites by type of kink and began writing a paper on my findings. I had the outline, once the paper was complete, I would add a summary and action steps I thought could be used to our advantage.

I decided to take a different route to the diner this morning to avoid Gordon and Gary. I wasn't mentally prepared for another interaction with them yet. My cock behaved himself on the walk to work even though I was thinking of all the different kinks we could explore as models. I was greeted by the hostess who said I already had a table that requested to be seated in my section. Walking to the back I stopped by and said hello to the two I wasn't ready to see. I apologized and said I'd be right back after I clocked in. What would they like to drink?

I was teased in the kitchen by fellow waitstaff. I was encouraged to play it right for another good tip. I returned to their table with their soft drinks and asked how they were. Gordon was carrying on about their new place and how it was coming together. Gary remained silent until I engaged him. I told them about the specials for today, both were eager to try the soup and sandwich. I returned with silverware and without other customers I probed them a little more. How long had they been together, where did they move from, any hobbies, other interests? After the long exchange, I was asked about other restaurants in the area. I spoke of the Bistro where I was working the dinner shift. Gary piped up that they should try that tonight and asked about the address and hours and when was my shift. I excused myself and retreated to the kitchen to grab their food. I lucked out and got two other tables and just delivered their food and moved on. Gordon gave me his credit card when I collected their plates. I thanked them as I gave him the check and said I hoped I see them again.

The rest of the shift was uneventful but steady. The tip from Gordon was exceptional and another note saying again they would like to meet. I'm sure they would and most likely check out the meat. Long walk to the Bistro, I stopped for a cappuccino on my way. I checked email and FB while enjoying my caffeine. Confirmations were received from the other models for our meeting coming up. I got chills thinking of seeing and hearing them on the video meeting. Fond memories being with them over the weekend and my dick took a little jump too. Kevin sent a message that he was pleased with the video quality from the cam and he was looking forward to expanding this enterprise when we allowed. He also commented that feedback from the weekend was very good and he was anxious to move onto the next level. I replied thanking him for the good comments and that he should share his thoughts with the rest of our group.

Jay was getting upset that he wasn't more involved with my project. He asked if he could do anything to have some input in the web cam business? I told him I would share his comments with the rest of the group. Finished with the social aspects of my life I decided to go window shopping with the balance of my free time. I went to a mall with several men's clothing stores, some high end and some every day merchandise.

During mid-day, not many other customers were shopping, at least in the men's stores. As I was browsing the shirts and pants, I was asked if I needed any help. Just looking right now I offered and he said just let me know if I can help you find a size or color you might need, and off he went. I realized that I don't need much in the clothing department since I can only wear regular apparel to school and work. Otherwise, I was limited to the lycra shorts/tanks and the singlet. It was still fun to look. I found a nice pair of shorts, great color and style. The sales clerk was back and said let me help you with those, I'll grab a couple of sizes and we can go try them on in the back. I was being herded to the changing rooms and was helped out of my polo. He turned me around and started to unbuckle my pants when I stopped him and said I'm afraid I usually have a little more privacy when trying on clothes and I'm free balling today. He said, no worries, no other customers in the store, I'm the only employee and if someone enters the store I'll be alerted. Plus, these shorts will be showing off all of your assets and you don't want to be hiding them by wearing underwear. With that he charged ahead and dropped my pants to the floor. I stepped out of them bunched at my feet and asked if he would hand me the shorts. He was staring at my cock, or more precisely the chastity cage. When he mumbled something, I said I couldn't hear, he said 'interesting'. I decided to play a little with this forward clerk, I told him that my husband has me locked up, he is worried that I'll be getting action on the side when he is not around. I'll have to let him know that you saw my chastity cage and were interested in it. I'm sure he'll stop by soon with an extra cage if you like? Nnnnnoooo, that is alright. I don't think that would be a good thing. I asked him what he thought of the shorts I was wearing, was the size ok? Were the shorts "showing off my assets" as you suggested? He stuttered; they look great on you. I said I'm not sure, perhaps I'll need to return with my husband, I can call him now if you like? No, no, that is not necessary. As a matter of fact, I think these pair looks so good on you that you should take them without charge. Oh, that is really sweet of you, can you help me out of them? They do fit rather tight, now, if you would help me step back into my street clothes, I would appreciate your kindness. Ah, if you could help me squeeze everything back into place - great.

I found the sporting goods store next, embolden by my efforts with the last sales clerk. I asked where I could find bicycle/workout shorts. I was pointed in the direction and was told Jeffery would be there soon to assist me. While looking at the selection I would take a pair of shorts that were labeled my size and hold them next to my body. These were so small on a hanger I just shook my head. I was looking at various colors and designs when Jeffery walked up behind me. Don't they look stunning? I have several pair for my workouts although they would look much better on your physique. I said I'm never sure about the size, they all look so small. He held out his hand and introduced himself, I said most guys refer to me as Q. Well Q, let me gather a few sizes and colors and we can try them on you. I smiled nicely at him and said that would be so nice of you. I asked if they had a cubical for me to use while changing and Jeffery said that isn't necessary, I've closed the curtain which means this area is off limits for the time being. I started disrobing by taking off my shirt, my hairless body was more than evident to Jeffery. As I was unbuckling my pants, I asked if I was allowed to try on the shorts since today, I was not wearing underwear. Jeffery said I'm sure today we can overlook that but next time I should have a jock strap or bikini underwear. I stepped out of my pants handing them to Jeffery, I was standing next to him stark naked except for my chastity cage. I explained I wanted to know if the shorts would hide my cage or advertise my locked status. I struggled to pull on the first pair, looking in the mirror we both agreed these were too small. And they were advertising my cage quite well. The second pair fit much better but still they did not hide my cage which now was full with my cock. I asked when I work up a sweat do, they show the moisture? Some more than others were all he said. I said I really like this pair but I should have my keyholder have the final decision. I'll be back Jeffery. When do you work next so I can plan my visit? All he said was his schedule was always changing so he wasn't sure from day to day.

I needed to head over to the Bistro, I had my fun for the afternoon. Perhaps I was a little brazen but I needed the diversion. I was taking advantage of my situation other than the other way around. I was bold showing off my cage, actually proud of it for a short period of time. I would have to explore this more.

I got a long stare from the Bistro manager but let that pass as I headed to the employee area. I wasn't late, early even. Perhaps he was surprised I was not late. I picked up my uniform and went to the men's employee restroom to change. The Bistro found it better to provide and clean uniforms to have a classy look to front end staff. Men wore black pants and white French cuff shirts with a bow tie. Yes, I did learn how to tie a real bow tie. My French cuffs barely fit over the wrist restraints and I would need to make sure that I kept them covered. Personal adornments were strictly discouraged, even nice watches.

All servers and other front-end staff gathered in the kitchen for instructions for the evening. Specials were described, birthdays and anniversaries RSVPs were discussed and the reminder that no one was to be an individual or attempt to stand out from fellow workers. Again, it seemed as though the last admonishment was directed to me.

As we made finishing touches to our regular tables, one of my co-workers inquired about the notes we received earlier. I claimed innocence or any transgressions as did he. We both said we would watch out for each other.

Some early birds started arriving and they were assigned to other servers. I heard a voice that sounded familiar and then when he said "there is Q, glad to see you again". Gordon and Gary were being escorted to one of my tables. I shook their hands and helped to seat them. I asked for a drink order while they got comfortable. Gordon wanted a dry martini, extra olives and Gary requested an ice tea. I smiled at them and said I would be right back. With their drinks and menus, I returned. They were holding hands and looked very sweet. After a sip of their drinks, I handed them the menus. I placed the daily specials on the table and a basket of focaccia with olive oil was brought to the table. I said I'd return shortly and answer questions or take their order.

My friend asked who the guys were at my table, I said I met them yesterday. They asked for dinner recommendations and I said I work here. Hopefully they behave and don't draw too much attention to themselves.

Gordon was trying to get my attention and without other customers I was able to hustle over. He had a couple of questions, then asked me what dishes were popular and wondered about a couple of specials. He said when I returned with another martini - and compliment the bartender on a great pour, I think we'll be ready to order. Gordon sipped the new drink and smiled. I think we are ready. Gordon ordered for both of them, I asked about how they should be cooked, sides and if they would like wine with dinner. Great idea Q, let's have a bottle of Pinot Noir - your choice. This would be a nice night for me if we continued like this.

Donald was trying to get my attention and I then noticed that one of my "bracelets" was showing. I quickly pulled my cuff to cover it. I got the order placed and waited at the bar for the wine & glasses. The manager walked by and said if I couldn't keep my wrists covered, I should consider removing the unnecessary adornments. The bartender winked at me and said "someone is going to get a spanking" and I thought back to last weekend with a smile.

I carried the bottle of wine and two glasses to Gordon and Gary's table. I poured a small amount into Gordon's glass waiting for approval. He motioned me closer, I leaned over the table and he said this wine is almost as good as you. At the same time a co-worker called out "behind", I needed to move, standing up my cock cage hit the edge of the table with a loud "clunk". Gordon and Gary definitely heard the noise as did the server at the next table. With eyes wide open, Gordon said "I think I like the sound of that, a little show and tell would be nice for Gary". I guess I was turning a deep red in addition to starting a full-blown boner. I continued to pour both glasses of wine and left the table.

I went over to the bar area and my co-worker asked what the hell was that noise? It sounded like you had a steel cock banging on the table. With a sheepish grin I said "almost". I did get a wink from him. This evening suddenly got worse. In walked Jay with two other people, I'd never seen before. Of course, they were being seated in my section. If allowed I would have asked another server to take the table but that wasn't allowed. I walked over with three menus, said hello to Jay and handed the menus to all three. Jay introduced me to Julie, a worker at his temp job and her fiancé Scott. Jay explained that he told Julie about my job at the Bistro and she suggested they all give it a try. Julie, taking charge ordered her Scotch tall and neat and a diet soda for her fiancé who was driving. Jay ordered his light beer as usual.

I retreated to the bar with the order and took a deep breath. The way Jay had been acting since we returned made me suspicious. I returned with their drinks and asked if they had any questions about the menu or would they like to order. Julie said "I have plenty of questions and they are not about the menu". Scott gave her a look but it was apparent that she wore the pants in the relationship and he was just along for the ride. Julie said "Jay was talking about your weekend excursion and said you earned extra credit. I'd love for you to join Scott and me for a show and tell tonight". I stumbled for a reply for this unexpected request. Perhaps at a later date that may be possible, but I'll be working late tonight and most of the week I'm unavailable. I quickly added, if you are ready to order I can begin your dinner experience. Jay piped up that he wanted the steak special, baked potato and salad, Julie ordered a Cobb salad for Scott and Lobster with a side of cous-cous with a glass of champagne for her dinner. I quickly headed to the kitchen.

Trying to regain my composure, I hid in the men's room for a minute. I washed my face with cold water and thought. I told myself to think like Max, don't let them back you into a corner. I took a deep breath and headed back to the dining room.

I stopped by Gordon and Gary with their dinners. Gordon said this looks fabulous and they began eating. Julie had raised her empty glass looking for a refill. She handed me the glass and said "if tonight is not in the cards, you will be available tomorrow, morning/noon/or night". I asked if anyone else needed a refill and the table was deadly quiet so I left. I asked if the bartender had anything, he could add to the scotch to silence the drinker, he said yes, my cock. I laughed and he said cheer up, it won't last forever.

Taking a deep breath, I delivered the scotch and said dinner should be ready soon and left. Julie started to say something but I had already left the table. I checked in the kitchen for their meals and they were nearly ready. I asked for help delivering the meals and explained the "lady" was being a little demanding so I wanted cover so I could get away. He understood and helped with the service. He gave Julie her meal and champagne, I gave the two guys their meal. Julie started with my co-worker but he said we had a large order to help deliver so the two of us left the table. I thanked him profusely and said I owed him. He patted me on the butt and said no problem.

Jay got my attention and I reluctantly headed over. Q, we all are enjoying our meals and wanted you to send the manager over so we can give our thanks to all. I said I would see to it immediately. My manager was smiling and gesturing in an approving manner. He stopped me and said what a pain, however they are enjoying the evening, keep it that way boy.

I kept my distance until it appeared, they had finished their meal. Myself and a bus boy went to clear the table, I asked if they would like some dessert. Julie said tomorrow I think you will be dessert for me and maybe Scott if he is a good boy tonight. I looked at Scott and he then looked away. I'll bring the check I said and then left.

I made it obvious by dropping off the check when I had another order on my tray. I didn't have to engage them. Waiting a few minutes, I returned to take the check and credit card, Julie's hand lingered on my when she handed the check to me. I returned the folder and thanked them for joining us at the Bistro and gave Jay a look that could kill. Looking in the folder at the receipt, I found a note that Julie wrote, "you are going to call me at this number as soon as you can, if I don't hear from you, the Bistro will be subject to severe negative publicity with you at the center". My heart skipped a beat and I told the manager I needed to speak with him ASAP, he said once the restaurant was closed to find him.

All too soon I was sitting in his office as he read the note. He did not say anything for a few minutes. Stand was his command, I did, and he asked for my explanation of this note. Starting to ramble I said she was a friend of my roommate and they showed up without notice tonight. She made sexual requests which I rebuffed. By this note she believes she can make me submit to her requests by holding the restaurant and me hostage. What has she said she wanted of you - just so I know ahead of time when I call her? In the politest terms I could think, I said she wanted me to orally service her while her fiancé anally penetrated me. I would like you to call her from my office so I can listen to the call. Right now, I asked? Yes, call her number. I did on speaker phone and she said I knew you would call because you wanted the three way. She said if I didn't follow through with her demands, she would get her Daddy to call the owner of the Bistro claiming I had sexually assaulted her and her fiancé. That is not something you want me to do, is it Q. I asked who her Daddy is and she said, the owner of a competing restaurant. My manager indicated I should end the call which I did.

He asked how I got embroiled in this mess. I said I didn't know; my roommate must have said something to her to lead her down this path. My manager responded, I think I'll need to speak to our owner and in the meantime, you should take some time off from the Bistro. We'll call you when you are back on the schedule. That is all.

I've just been fired thanks to Jay. I don't know if that is good or bad. Jay would hear a lot from me and it wouldn't be nice. I hugged those still around, telling them I was just let go. It was a long walk home and I thought about a lot of things. Was this change in my life from last weekend good? I don't know. I thought of how I would speak to Jay. Firm, precise, non- judgmental, but inquisitive. I would do this without burdening Max or the other models.

Jay was waiting up when I got home. I told him I'd be right back. I undressed in my room, grabbed a water and then sat down. I said to Jay, talk to me. He asked, did you call her? What does she want? When are you meeting her and Scott? Should you meet them here so it can be recorded on camera? That would be a good thing, right? I held up my hand to stop him. I said no Jay, this is not a good thing. I was fired from the Bistro tonight. I called Julie on speakerphone so my boss could listen, she has threatened to file a sexual harassment charge against me if I don't meet her. She will also have her Daddy let the owner of the Bistro know that I mistreated her and Scott at the Bistro. Jay, this is a disaster. Tell me what you told her. Q, I was so excited that you are doing all these wild things and I told Julie what an exhibitionist and sexual being you have become. She misread my comments. I should have stopped her but I didn't have the guts to tell her no. I'm sorry Q. Again, I stopped him. I said go to your room and leave me alone. I don't want to see you anymore tonight. Jay complied, I sat and thought.

What would Max do in a situation like this? What about Tito or Marc, Troy or Dwayne? They might ask how I got into a situation like this. How I allowed myself to be cornered into a problem that has turned ugly. Would they confront Julie? Would they turn the table on her? How did my day go from so great to so horrible in one short night? Max texted me, he asked if I was ok, because it didn't look like it? I typed it was a bad night and I'm trying to figure out a solution like you would do instead of me relying on others. I'm just a little confused. He told me to go into my room and we would talk.

I called him before I had the door closed. I said I'm so sorry to be a burden. So many things are happening so fast and I can't keep up with them. I had a great day, wonderful up until tonight and it all went downhill, crashing downhill so fast. Max said to take a minute to compose myself. Go run some cold water and splash in onto my face then tell me what happened. I'm back I told him. Max asked, did you kill someone? No. Did you hurt someone? No. Tell me what is so bad that you can't think. After a long story, Max boiled it down. First, your friend betrayed you. Second, that led to you getting fired. Third, you're talking to me. Get over Jay screwing you, you can no longer be friends or you can. Tell him how he hurt you and he should not do it again. You might have to set some boundaries with him. Get another job if you want, it doesn't sound like they appreciated you, maybe that is a good thing. Find a job where you are wanted. Now tell me how you feel. Max, you are magic, I feel better already. Max said, I'm going to see you after school tomorrow afternoon, I can't wait to see you. Have you decided to wear the singlet or shorts and a tank? I said I never told you how wonderful my day was before I went to work tonight. I can't wait to tell you tomorrow. Max asked if I was ok to sleep, I said I'm sure of it. Max added, I can now too.

I made a list of things to talk to Max about. Should I call Julie? Maybe Jay should be told to handle the problem. What should I do about Jay? What should I do about Gordon and Gary? Maybe I didn't need another job if the modeling and play sessions worked out? How can I solve these problems in the future without having a meltdown? Thinking of Max got my dick hard and now I would have trouble getting to sleep.

I slept soundly after thinking through a few things. I knew what I wanted to say to Max about my problems. I wouldn't speak to Jay until later in the day. I avoided Jay in the morning, more likely he avoided me. I heard him leave then I went to the living room and began my normal day. I headed out to college, I had a few things to work on and ask my professor about some of my ideas - without getting into the actual business model that he might find a little questionable. I'd then review those ideas with Max before sharing with the group at our meeting.

Damn, the bus ride was brutal, every time the bus accelerated the vibrations led me to leak. I would need to figure out a place to sit that didn't excite me so much. I had to walk with my backpack in front of my crotch to hide my stiff cock and wet spot. I went to the classroom and sat down getting ready for class. I hoped I would get some time with the professor before or after class to get some advice on pursuit marketing ideas. He was late for class so I hoped for after.

The lecture droned on, talk of how-to property conduct market research and focus groups. I pictured myself naked in front of a group of horny men discussing fetishes. I could feel the cum leaking from my cock. This wasn't going as planned. After class I stood up and saw the big wet spot on my shorts, quickly hid behind my backpack and tried to catch up with the teacher. He said I don't have time right now but here is my card, call me and set up some time to meet. As I put the card in my pocket, I could feel the wet spot as well as see it.

The bus ride was just as invigorating going home as it was to school. I tried a few different areas and settled on a seat as close to the front of the bus as I could find. I tried to focus on Max and discussions with him. Not too successful as I saw his rugged hairy body and thought of last weekend. Upon entering the apartment, I found a note from Jay, I placed it in my room and decided I would attend to it later.

I dressed in the singlet, light gray and very tight. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was drawn to my crotch which was distorted by the cage. I tried positioning my cock several ways without improving my appearance. I decided to let it be. I didn't have a place to put my phone, keys or wallet so I ended up carrying them. I sat on a bench outside the coffee shop waiting for Max, watching the crowd enter and leave. Singles, couples, women, men all sizes and shapes.

I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder. Hello handsome, then he leaned over and kissed my forehead. One more please so I know I'm not dreaming? This one was on my cheek as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Let me look at you. Ever so stunning, and advertising as well. He opened the door for me and as we waited in line, he said he was famished so he suggested we eat something with our coffees. I was still stunned by being in his presence, I just nodded. Coffee, water and a salad fine with you, yes was all I could say. When he asked what kind of coffee, I said cappuccino, then whatever you are having. I was sent to find a table and wait. I decided outside afforded a little more privacy and found a small table.

I tried to regain my composure while waiting. Max found me, carrying a tray with our food and drinks. He looked mouthwatering, dark blue polo with his biceps stretching the material and chest hair peeking out. Cargo shorts barely containing his ass and showing off those muscular hairy legs. I starred as he emptied the tray of our food and utensils. I watched his lips surround his coffee cup dreaming of this being an everyday occurrence. He broke my gaze by asking about my day yesterday.

Oh, yesterday. One extreme to another. At the diner I waited on the two nice gay guys, otherwise that shift was uneventful. I had time before my evening shift so I window shopped at the mall. I got cruised by a clerk while I was looking at shorts and became bold enough to flash my naked body and cage to him. I got a free pair of shorts after he got too scared of me coming back with you. Then I was still on a high from that experience and did the same at a sporting goods store where I was looking at lycra shorts. Same result, I felt good in myself for not being ashamed wearing the chastity cage.

The good vibes continued for a while at the Bistro, the two nice gay guys showed up, then Jay with the evil bitch. As you know I was told to stay away from the Bistro and I have not yet talked about it with Jay. End of the story.

So, how do you feel today? Well, I'm pissed that a great day was spoiled by that woman and Jay. I'm wondering about the loss of income and replacing it. I was never real close to Jay but he was a decent roommate before yesterday. Thankfully you are here to help me make sense of this crazy life.

Max asked if I thought I had learned anything through the ups and downs. I think I learned that wearing the chastity cage isn't all bad. For a while it really was something I turned into a positive. I'm a little worried how unsuspecting people might judge me. Max asked why I thought that way. Not many people have encountered someone wearing a chastity cage and they will assume I'm wearing it for some negative reason. Max interrupted me and asked, could you be wearing it for a good reason? Do you know why a lot of guys wear a chastity cage Q? Do you know that many guys in relationships think it enhances their lives? Just because someone thinks that it prevents someone from having sex - which it doesn't, gives you the opportunity to shed some light on the topic. You told me that you wore the original cage to prevent wanking from taking over your life. Isn't that a good reason, to try and improve your life? Q, in your free time you should check out some web sites and educate yourself on the benefits of wearing a cage. There are many reasons guys wear them besides punishment.

Max, are you always so smart? Someday I'd like to be as objective and have a positive outlook on life as you. Max reached across the table and ruffled my hair. Oh, his touch! Q, do you think you want to take on another server position? I said I think I need something to occupy the spare time I have. I'd really like to work at another high-end place, but one that has a positive atmosphere unlike the Bistro that seemed to be run on intimidation. I'll take my time looking for the right place for me.

Q, you haven't told me how you are dealing with the cage, you haven't had an orgasm in several days versus several times a day. Oh Max, when I'm riding the bus, every little vibration goes right to my cock. If I see someone remotely attractive, my dick responds but I guess I'm not letting that take over my body. I'm dealing with it and trying to refocus away from the want of an orgasm. I mean if I could I'd start wanking right here and now but I think I'm being present with you, focused on you and not my dick. Good answer said Max. he asked if I would like another caffeine fix and a little walk around the neighborhood? I cleared our table and he ordered another round of drinks.

As he handed me my cappuccino I asked if he had a spare pocket to put my phone, wallet and keys? He took my valuables and we started walking. Max said I appeared to be comfortable walking in public showing off my dick and cage. When I looked down, I saw how on display I was. I tried to rearrange "things" but it was useless. Max put his arm around my shoulder and we continued walking and talking. I wasn't thinking about my dick, but my dick was thinking about Max.

We talked a little about our modeling project, what I had found out. It seemed as though I was able to present my facts in a thoughtful manner. You've done a great job Q, get your thoughts on paper so you can share with us for our meeting. Keep your focus on this in your spare time. We found a bench to sit on in a park. Max had his arm around my shoulder. I felt like I was in heaven. Max opened the subject of Jay and had me spill my thoughts. I think Jay is a nice guy who has gotten caught up in my nudity/chastity/web cam world. I need to let him know his is a bystander and not involved in this and if he can't control himself, things will change. Can you share that idea with Kevin so he can also reign him in? Of course, I'll do that as he mussed my hair again.

Sitting quietly for several minutes just being with each other was wonderful. That bliss was broken when a guy walked by with his dog who took interest in us. I leaned over to pet his dog and Max pet me at the same time. The guy apologized for interrupting us, but we were both all smiles. Max said we should take a walk back to your apartment, I'd like to look it over.

We arrived there and I told Max that he had my keys, he fished them out of his pocket and opened the door. I gave Max the grand tour, all two minutes including me stripping. He wanted to see my pantry and I gave him the look like - what? Where do you keep your food, cereal and canned goods? Oh, over here, I opened a cupboard that was mostly bare. Is this yours, Jay's or both of yours? These are my things and then in the refrigerator I have the top shelf and the top of the door shelf. And where are your pots and pans? I looked all around and couldn't find any, sorry, none.

I want to see your bathroom and personal supplies. It wasn't too much of a mess but not spotless. Max looked at my razor, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and other toiletries. Ok, Q, I've seen enough. I guess you are not cooking me dinner tonight. We've got some shopping to do. We need to get you dressed, and then head out.

I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. I'm fine with you going naked unless you want to put some clothes on. And, I don't mind looking at your hard and caged cock but some other shoppers might not appreciate your beauty. Max walked over and grabbed a nipple in each hand and said "earth to Q, anybody there?". I stuttered out; you want me to cook your dinner? Max smiled, I think we'll cook together and I'll show you some healthy recipes. That is, if you get dressed. Um, yes, come here and I led him to my stash of lycra shorts and singlets. This is the pair I got yesterday, a splash of color and the tops and here are the other singlets. Max picked out the new lycra shorts and a top, handed them to me and I pulled them on. I put on my sandals and we left.

We had to walk to Max's truck near the coffee shop. He could tell I was self-conscious about my appearance, he said, don't worry boy, I think you look fucking adorable. I took a deep breath and said thanks. Max opened the door to his truck and told me to slide over and he jumped in after me. I said I don't have my wallet; I'll need that to pay for the groceries. As he mussed with my hair again, he said, this is on me since you are almost unemployed. You can pay me back another time. Besides, I still have your wallet, keys and phone right here as he pointed to his pocket.

We first stopped at a mall, Max said we need to find you some real cooking supplies like pots, pans and utensils. I followed him and we looked for a kitchen store and found one that looked too high end for my taste. The sales clerk looked at the two of us and asked how can we help you gentlemen today. Max explained my kitchen was woefully under stocked and I needed several pieces. We started in a clearance section with a cooking set, a name brand that I only saw in the kitchen of the Bistro. Max eyed the box, looked at me then back at the box again and said I think this will do. Now we need some utensils, do you have a set of those too? We followed him to another section and found what Max thought was a good starter collection. Do you gentlemen need knives, this I can offer to you at a markdown price since you have spent so much already? Well, we can't turn down that can we Q? One last request, do you have aprons, one that might show off the "assets" while he is cooking? Max turned me around so our sales clerk could view the assets needing to be viewed. Come this way gentlemen, he pulled off a rack several and suggested I "try them for size". Max selected two and he was complimented on his choices.

I watched as all of these items were rung up. Max had his arm around my shoulder, God if he would only lean over and kiss me. He said "now we are going to make a home chef out of you". Our clerk said "and a damn fine one too". You gentlemen have saved over $500 today, plus you have a coupon for another $200 off your next purchase. Max signed his credit card slip and was told to drive to the back door to have the merchandise loaded.

Max, did you know how much money you just spent? That was more than I make in a month! Don't worry Q, you will be making a lot of meals for me, so it is worth the investment. You will be using this stuff for years. We got to the truck and Max asked a favor, I'd like to surprise our clerk, just while we pick up the purchase, strip out of your clothes like you surprised your sales clerks yesterday. I was stripping as Max drove and I said you only have to ask once.

We arrived at the back of the store and our clerk was there with all of our packages. Max got out of the front seat, left the door open and I waved to our clerk. Max was directing him to the back- seat area of the truck. A couple of boxes went back there and Max suggested that the aprons should be handed to me. When he came to the passenger side door, I opened the door to collect the bag with the aprons. He said, I can see why he doesn't want to hide your assets and you can cook breakfast, lunch or dinner anytime for me. Max reached over and tussled my hair again and said I was a sport for indulging his whims.

Max asked where the nearest grocery store was located, I gave him the directions. I stayed naked. I think it was a good choice as Max put his arm around me and I relaxed into his body. We arrived at the grocery store and Max suggested I get dressed again. I said I think we are going to shock a few of the elderly ladies today as the shorts were not hiding my dick and cage. I'll push the cart around the aisles.

You are going to start eating a little better if you are going to hang out with me. Max started our shopping in the produce and veggie area. We got plenty of fruit, I answered when he asked if I liked any of the different selection. We next went to the personal care aisle. Max asked if I ever manscaped before last weekend. I said I tried without much success. We got some disposable razors and shaving cream. Max grabbed a high-quality tooth paste and a douche kit. The cereal aisle was next and Max suggested several options and I agreed on a couple. We purchased several containers of yogurt and fat free milk. In the fish section he said tonight you are preparing a salmon dish for us which he selected. We skipped the snacks, cookies and candy telling me I'd learn how to make good sweets for dessert. We got a nice bottle of wine and some flavored seltzers.

Waiting to check out, Max stood right behind me and had his hand on my shoulder. I was so comfortable and didn't care if anyone was staring. I said I have a little money in my wallet to chip in for the groceries. Not this time was Max's response, next time you can surprise me with your talents. Wow, I get a next time, I can't wait for that.

It took several trips from the truck to the apartment and once the job was completed, I could strip again for Max. After the groceries were stored, we opened the boxes and washed all the pots, pans and knives. We took the toiletries to my bathroom and Max took the opportunity to check for stubble growing on my body. We got out the razors and he showed me the best ways to keep myself smooth, including my ass crack. My pits and pecs were easy to shave, my crotch was difficult primarily because my cock was so hard. Max also showed me how to use the enema kit for when I needed to be clean.

Max's phone chimed and he answer a text, he said Dwayne said to say hello. We should get one of the aprons on you before we begin, do you have a preference? I suggested the yellow one. Max stood right behind me and taught me how to properly use the knives and since they were extra sharp, I needed to be careful. His crotch was rubbing against my butt for several minutes while we chopped the veggies. We put some marinade on the salmon and that needed to sit for an hour. After the mess was cleaned and everything put away, we sat down with some seltzer.

Max asked if I was interested in interviewing for a new waiter position? I thought it was a good idea to help with a shortfall in income. If I wanted, he would arrange an interview with friends of his that had recently opened a restaurant. They were gay, most of the staff was gay and most of the customers were gay. I knew of the place but didn't know it was gay owned. If it was successful it would be a big competitor of the Bistro. Yes, I'd like to see if I can meet their standards. Max called and spoke to his friend and yes, they were always looking for new staff. Could I be at the restaurant tomorrow morning? The time was set, they would be waiting for me. Max snapped a pic of me and texted it to them. I went and printed out my resume. I kissed Max for his support.

Q, you need to remember that all of us are in this together. Tito, Troy, Marc and Dwayne all would and will be doing the same for you. Once you can, you will be helping us out as well. Our efforts to bring our roles to the next level was initiated by you and we all want to make this work. We should discuss Jay while we can. How do you want to handle what happened? I thought and said I think it would be best if we let him tell us and see how he responds. I'd like our relationship to continue unless he is a real jerk. Sounds like a plan.

Since we have some time, tell me about yourself and what you would like for yourself in the modeling job. I haven't given that much thought. I don't know how this could take off; it might be a dud. I've thought back to last weekend and really it was an experience that I never imagined I would have been part of. My outlook on men and sex has changed, opened up. I did not realize there was more to sex than cocks, asses and mouths. I'd never seen role playing, games, things other than shooting spunk. Now tell me what you see yourself doing at the next weekend session or it may be for a video.

Can I think for a minute? With my cock locked up, I see mostly sub roles, bottoming. No way can I fuck someone when I'm locked up. Tell me more about the "sub" roles what do you see yourself involved with? I see myself sucking cock, getting fucked, getting spanked. Sorry Max, I haven't really had time to think about myself. I've been researching the topics guys have said they would like to experience but I haven't put myself into the scenes yet. Max suggested for the group meeting I should place myself in the suggestions to show how we could make the scenes come to life. You could also suggest how the rest of us could become involved. What if I'm not sure about who else could "bottom" and maybe all of you guys are "tops" only? Q, use your imagination.

We were interrupted by Jay's arrival. Oh shit, I wasn't expecting you Max. Don't worry about me Jay, why don't you change out of your work clothes and join us for a little discussion? If you want, give me a couple of minutes. Jay was back and Max suggested he get something to drink and sit down. Max looked at me and now I was on the spot. Jay, can you tell me what happened yesterday? I'd like to hear it from you about how everything came about.

As I said last night, I never thought you would get fired and I'm truly sorry about that. I guess it all started at work, I was trying to impress Julie after she talked non-stop about her fiancé and how she dominated him all the time. I wanted to let her know I knew someone like that and I said he was a real exhibitionist and did all kinds of sex acts in public and was now naked all the time at home. I never thought she would want to meet you and then one thing led to another and she was determined to get her fiancé to be like Q. She said that is exactly what she wanted Scott to become, her little sex puppet. She wanted so bad to meet you, dominate you and train her fiancé to be just like you. The next thing we were walking into the Bistro and everything got out of control. I had no idea she would threaten you.

Jay, first of all you have no right to discuss my afterhours activities with anyone else. Do you understand that? Jay, look at me and answered me. Yes Q, I was totally out of line with Julie. He looked like he was going to cry. Secondly, knowing now how wrong it was, what would you have done differently? First, I wouldn't and will not discuss you outside of your presence. I should have warned you before we showed up. Not that it will make you feel any better but I asked to be transferred to another location today so at noon, I left and went to a new store. Julie tried to call and ask me about you and I told her that you wanted nothing to do with her and Scott and to leave us alone. She threatened me today too. You are right Jay, I don't feel any better about you, but have you learned your lesson? Yes Q, I'm really sorry.

Max added, I think you two have cleared the air and there should not be any further instances like this. Kevin has agreed that you will no longer have anything to do with Q, or the web cameras. Control of the cameras has been transferred to Tito. As of now, you just happen to be Q's roommate. Also, if you want to invite any friends, coworkers or boyfriends to this apartment, Q has final say, he has the right to be dressed and/or he can stay in his room or leave. He does not have to be your show and tell toy, it is his decision. Do you understand Jay? Yes, sir was the brief answer.

I said that Max taught me how to make a nice healthy dinner. He also bought several pots, pans, knives, utensils and a shit load of groceries - for my use. You are forbidden to touch anything in this kitchen you did not purchase, understand? Yes Q, loud and clear. We have enough dinner for you to join us if you like and Jay said yes please. Max helped me on the plating and presentation and the three of us enjoyed a tasty, healthy meal. Max and I had some wine, Jay stayed with his beer. Jay stated that was a delicious meal and thank you for inviting me, I would like to go to my room now, again thank you and I'm so sorry for the trouble I caused.

Max helped me clean up and the kitchen was spotless. We sat on the couch as Max enjoyed the last glass of wine. My little caged cock was jumping all around right now, something that if I was wearing clothes wouldn't have been so obvious. Q, I'm trying to remember how my cock behaved when I was your age but time and chemicals have fogged my memory. You my boy do have a cock with a strong will. You must trust me when I say your urges will remain but you can focus your desires elsewhere. All of us will help you as you struggle.

Come over here and sit on my lap. Your goals for the next few days are to get ready for your interview, prepare your report for our meeting and most importantly, take care of yourself. Promise me you will reach out to one or all of us if you need any help. Max hugged me and said today was an enjoyable day for him, I hope we can do it again. This sounds like a good-bye for today, I wish it would not end. Max stood, still holding me, and didn't let go. Soon boy, and he left.

Next: Chapter 7

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