Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 30, 2021


Chapter Five


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

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That little interaction with Max settled me. I was thinking of him and not me, Jay, my constantly aroused dick, my tender butt or the camera watching us. Visually I was watching the TV, mentally I was watching Max, Dwayne, Tito, Marc and Troy. We seemed to be a good set of guys. Jay was talking but I wasn't listening. He handed me his phone and it was Kevin. You can see me, great, how is the feed. Kevin was happy with the system, he wanted me to get up and walk around a bit. He wanted to see if he could control the movement of the camera. I did as he suggested, he was able to control the picture. He could follow me, zoom in, pan out and do a split screen including the kitchen cam. Sounds good I told him then handed the phone back to Jay. I told him good night and went to my bed.

I wasn't restrained but I was alone in my bed. I thought of my new friends, the joy they had taught me, the pleasure they had given me and the pain that could also deliver sensual gratification. I would not have known about these things without experiencing them this weekend. I wouldn't have had the treat of exploring my body if I hadn't "lost the key". Max would be a man I did get to know and appreciate. I haven't cum since Friday noon and that was a lousy orgasm. I did not appreciate my body, but I was learning.

I woke up several times during the night, who knew how many boners I had while sleeping. Perhaps these would lessen overtime, but the pull on my nut sack was intense. I knew it was early so I texted Max and he responded right away. I called him, told him how much I appreciated his calming voice last night but I don't want to be a burden. Nonsense, Max said, I'm glad I can be of help to you. It makes me feel good knowing that I can help you. He asked what I was feeling this morning, I chuckled and said relief from nighttime boners. Ah yes, I remember those well, don't get your hopes up on them going away but the sensation becomes less urgent daily. He asked about my schedule for the day. I told him I had one of my jobs at 11am - 3pm, the lunch shift. After that I had some reading for one of my college classes. He asked if I was reading at home or somewhere on campus - I would be home. No reason other than I can see you again, it comforts me to see you doing well. That gave me goose bumps and a good feeling. After hanging up it dawned on me that I didn't ask about his day or even what he was doing!

I attended to morning rituals and my shower. A new feeling, walking naked around the apartment. I know I was naked last night with Jay but that almost felt like the end of the weekend getaway. Now it was Monday morning, I was making coffee and breakfast. When I walked through the living room, I noticed that the camera activated as I walked by and the same with the one in the kitchen. They must have a sensor to wake up with movement. I tried to ignore the camera but right now it was too much on my mind. I kept my back to the camera as the coffee brewed and I started eating my cereal faced away. My phone alerted to a text and it was Max. I guess the web cam alerted him of activity and he was watching me. He said I looked great. Talk to you later. I turned and smiled to him. I grabbed my coffee and went to watch the morning sports reports. I realized I was sitting with my feet on the coffee table, knees spread wide apart with my junk easily on display. Did I care, not now since Max might be watching. I got absorbed into the sports scores and forgot about being naked until Jay wandered thru. He had his gym shorts and a t-shirt on, which highlighted my nakedness. I'd have to work through this. He joined me in the living room and occasionally commented on the sports results but more interested in the athlete's bodies.

Jay left his empty bowl of cereal and empty coffee cup as he went to shower. I felt obliged to clean up after him and did the dishes as well. I fiddled with the wrist restraints and then opened my laptop. I had a ton of emails to check and I also logged onto Kevin's store site. Wow, my pic was all over it and so were the other models. Advertisements for many items I was using over the weekend and a video of all of the scenes we did. The video was selling for more money than I would have paid, but the web site said orders were backlogged and shipment would be within a month.

I went back to emails and saw those from Troy, Tito, Marc and Dwayne. They all were hopeful and comforting, offering to speak to me should I need it. Max sent one late last night which was the "daily recap from Q's home". Somehow my daily highlights would be offered for sale. I hope we could make it worthwhile. I was watching myself walk around naked.

I thought about my shift at the diner, but realized no one there would browse sex sites and recognize me. And if they were, would they admit it? Some of the folks at the other restaurant might be capable of finding me but I only knew of a couple of gay couples who frequented and I doubt they would be looking up kink.

Getting ready for my lunch shift was different today. I was covering my body on purpose and I wasn't really happy about that. I was getting so comfortable being naked I realized it was quite freeing. I ignored the cameras that would/are documenting my life. I put my black pants on without underwear and looked in the mirror. The cage was not noticeable so I finished getting dressed. I usually wore a short sleeve polo shirt, socks and sneakers. I checked my appearance and everything looked fine, my wrist restraints were evident but not out of the ordinary. Note to self, remember to discuss with Max later.

As I left the apartment, one of the neighbors asked if I had a problem when I got home last night. For some reason I could have sworn you were buck ass naked? I told my wife but she said I was seeing things. It was obvious that I had to come up with a quick answer. I stalled with the funny you should mention that. Jay and I were away for the weekend and lost a bet. I had to wear just my bikini briefs into the apartment so I wasn't naked but nearly. Where were you, I don't remember seeing anyone when we got home? I was out for a walk, my wife was on the phone, I can't watch TV or listen to the radio and she gabs forever. I just go for a long walk to the park and wait for her to call me when it is clear to return home. I explained I needed to get to work so I'd see him around.

Was he checking me out? Am I more sensitive about people checking me out? I wonder what he does on his "long walks"? I looked down and saw a notable bulge in my pants, but it'll go away so I continued on my walk. Ahead of me were two guys walking together with coffees, they were acting too friendly to be just two random guys. I don't remember seeing them before. Definite "gaydar" alert. I needed to get ahead of them to stop thinking of them.

I walked past them picking up my speed. Now being ahead of them I wanted to turn around and see them. And my cock is now betraying me, it is filling the cage. The bulge is noticeable even to me when I looked down. Shit, the light changed and I'm waiting to cross the street and I hear them. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around; it is the two guys. One asks "are those restraints on your wrists?". I told them I believe they are, why do you ask? The second guy said they wanted a pair but didn't know where to find them. I gave them Kevin's web site and told them to make a referral from "Q", tell them you saw me wearing them.

Thankfully the light changed and I proceeded across the street and picked up my speed again. Raging hard on and if this was last week I'd be wanking as soon as I got to work. Not this week or for the foreseeable future. I would be seeing them all afternoon thinking of them, wondering if they made a purchase yet, who would be wearing them and what would they do when they used them? Shit, how was I going to get through my shift. Maybe I could borrow an extra server apron to cover up my boner.

The first comment when I get to the diner is nice collar. It is my boss and she said "maybe I can leash you to your booths and you can really wait on your customers". I give her the usual fake smile. I got the update on today's special and the desserts we are pushing today. I'm told I have a couple at table 5, I grab some waters and head over to them only to find out it is the couple from my walk today. I tell them my name is Quade and I'll be your waiter today; would you like anything to drink? I give them their menus and tell them about the special for today. I'm getting eyed up and down, finally one guy said "we are new to town and didn't know where to eat so we just followed you here". Thanks guys, what can I get you to drink? I'll be right back to take your orders. They looked at each other when I said that.

I placed the two ice teas on the table and asked if they were ready? They asked what were the popular lunch items. I said I haven't been disappointed with anything I've had; the Rueben is very requested. Make that two Rueben's and I hope we are not disappointed. Smiling, I picked up the menus, gave them wink and went to the kitchen. I left them alone and started my other tables, I felt their eyes on me as I worked all around them. I picked up their sandwiches and brought them to their table. Asked if they needed anything else, the one who ordered said not now, perhaps later. When both plates had been cleaned, I returned and asked how their meal was, again the guy who ordered said very satisfactory. I offered dessert to them giving the list but no sale. I said I'll be right back with your check. I placed the check nearer to the guy who ordered and did most of the speaking. He said thank you, you are very perceptive. He handed me his credit card. When I returned, I said I hope we will see you here again. He touched my hand, asking if he could get a closer look at the wrist restraint. Interesting Quade. Thank you for serving us today. I smiled as a walked away.

Strange start to my work week, wonder what will happen next. Busy with other customers, the bus boy handed me their check and I shoved it into my apron. I had a lot of stares, either the collar or my wrists. No other gay guys that I could tell. At the end of my shift when I was checking out, I saw a note was written on a business card with their signed check. Very nice tip and the note was "please join us for a drink sometime, alone or with your special someone".

Interesting, something else to discuss with Max. And what triggered the new hard on, thoughts of Max or the two strangers. Yes, their names were Gordon & Gary, but which one was which? Never mind, might just be my lack of an orgasm. Another point to discuss later. I needed to move that to the first item on the agenda. It was becoming all consuming. Never at the diner did I have a gay encounter, my gaydar must be putting out the desperate vibe.

When I got home, I forgot to strip as soon as I got in the door. Something I would need to remember. I was drinking a bottle of water watching the tube and Jay sits in the living room too. Q, I was wondering how strange would it be for you if I had some company over sometime? Well Jay, is it the guy you hooked up with over the weekend, some other trick or a friend from work or school? I was thinking of having some of my work buddies over for some pizza, like tonight. Would you get all crazy, you would be naked around them, how would you react? Jay, I'm not ready to be naked around guys who are first, straight, and second not familiar with the new normal we have going on. So, I guess I would either spend the night in my room or I might go out to a movie or something. Great Q, I wouldn't want to make things weird for either one of us. But Q, you do know you have to wear the singlet if you go out and don't go to work or school. I'd forgot about that stipulation. Ok, let me think about what I might do tonight.

I texted Max and said I needed to talk, not an emergency - yet. I was in my bedroom going over my schedule for the week, two work shifts on Tuesday, school on Wednesday morning, one shift on Thursday and Friday, two shifts on Saturday and one morning shift on Sunday. So, homework & study maybe tonight and Wednesday afternoon. Both times could be used for development of our modeling activities.

Max was calling me, I quickly answered. I apologized for bothering him during the day. He cut me off, all of your brothers agreed to talk to you whenever you needed it, spill it, how can I help. Max, I'm so horny. I can't explain it but all I think about is you and the weekend. My mind seems fixated with the attention I got, not to mention I haven't had an orgasm for several days. I usually wanked two or three times a day. And now Jay wants to have friends over tonight and I'm not ready to be naked in front of his straight friends. Then at work today, really when I was walking to work, two gay guys - boyfriends, followed me to work, left a big tip and invited me and you to have drinks with them. Well not specifically you but a special friend, and I do consider you a special friend. Max, so much is happening so fast and I can't sort it all out. Did I mention I'm so horny, I haven't touched my dick in over 3 days?

Q, take a deep breath and remember you did agree to this set-up only a day ago. This chastity program is not a today yes, tomorrow I don't want to. I know you can do this and I think deep down you know you can too. In fact, you should think about your needs and why you were wearing a cage on your own. Your needs will be met. Your wants will change over time. An orgasm right now is a want, don't confuse it with needs. I think you need companionship on a level you can trust. Any one of your brothers can help you through this initial phase of your chastity, but I would be leery of ulterior motives that Jay might have. I don't think it would be wise to see the two guys you met at the diner either. You need to have an understanding companion with you to avoid an unfortunate event. I can visit you on Wednesday, does that work for you? Great, what time and where should we meet. Ok, text me the address of the coffee shop near your apartment and we'll met there around 1pm. I'll have some updates for you from our brothers who have put some time into our project and Kevin has some suggestions too. We can plan on spending as much time together as you need. Q, I know you are up to the challenge of your modeling career and I also believe you want what is happening to you. Spend time taking stock of your life, what your needs are now - not your wants, and what you want for the future. Don't hesitate to contact any of us at any time. Will you do that for me Q?

I told Max he gave me plenty to think about this evening. I would go to the library to study and contemplate about my current life. Since I would be busy most of the next day, I said I would only contact him if it was an emergency. I had calmed down considerable from earlier today and thanked Max for telling me what I needed to hear.

I gathered a study book, my laptop and plenty of paper and took the bus to the school library. Solving the problem of being naked around Jay and his friends relieved a lot of stress. I studied for a couple of hours for my class on Wednesday and tried to relate what I learned to our modeling project. When I opened my laptop, I checked emails and found each of the models had sent me an encouraging message. Each in their own voice telling me to calm down, breath, relax and go with the flow. I replied to each one thanking them and said I looked forward to further conversations with them. Kevin had also sent a note, and he copied each of the models. He was happy with the testing phase of the web cam and asked their opinion on installing another camera in my bedroom. His last subject was regarding my looks. He sent me a pair of glasses - just clear lenses that he wanted me to experiment wearing. He believed that the look might help with my repositioning me more towards a "twink" image. Kevin suggested the models consider his proposals and we should discuss this weekend.

I tried to have an open mind about Kevin's suggestions but I initially wasn't too keen on a camera in my bedroom. The first thing I thought about was keeping my room spotless and that wasn't a strong suit of mine. Then I thought about sleeping and night time erections, I didn't really want the world to see that. I never thought of myself wearing glasses, I'll wait until the trial pair arrived and wear them around the house to experiment with them. Me a twink? That was a new concept.

One last email and it was from Jay, he wanted to know where I went and when I would be home? He had spoken so much about me all of his friends wanted to meet me. He said they didn't know I'd be walking around naked but he wanted to see their reactions. I wasn't going to answer that email and we would have to talk about it soon.

Researching the topics that I heard discussed over the weekend opened my eyes to the subcultures in gay lifestyles. I read as many web sites as I could find. I found plenty of support groups for the lifestyles and signed up for many newsletters. I check the fetish stores, Mr. S, Fort Troff, LockedMen, the resources were endless and I would have plenty to do before we gathered as a group. I packed up so I could get one of the last busses home.

Climbing aboard the nearly empty bus, I have my choice of seats for the half hour ride home. I sat near the back of the bus so I can watch others. As the bus begins moving the vibrations are reaching somewhere inside my body to scratch an itch that has not been touched since that session about p-spot massage. We pass over a pot hole jarring me deeper into a trance. My cock has filled the cage beyond the limits imposed by the steel. I grab the bars on the seat in front of me. My head is bowed. A simple bus ride and my cock is straining for release, first from my pants and then for freedom from the cage. I peek at my cargo shorts and a wet spot is forming. The stimulation needs to end, but how?

I wonder if standing will help, I put my backpack over my shoulders and grabbed the upper bar. That has helped, but I noticed my reflection in the window and my shorts are tented by my cage. Trying not to be too obvious, I reach down and try to adjust my junk without success. The driver asks if I'm ok? If I'm going to be sick, he can stop and let me out. I say I'll be fine, just getting ready for my stop. But your stop isn't for 10 or 15 minutes, you sure you are ok? Yes, I'm fine, just a wardrobe malfunction.

No, I'm not going to complain to Max or the others about this. It is something I'll live with until it goes away. I can deal with this and soon I won't see massive uncontrollable erections. That'll it, keep thinking of other things besides my cock. My pregnant coworker, really unattractive right now and the older woman I work with, she could be Max's mother. Just a little longer and I'll be walking home. Finally, my stop, I've made it and I can relax.

I listen at the door for noise of Jay and friends and I only hear the TV playing. I enter, say hello and head to my bedroom. Putting my backpack down I then can strip. The wet spot is very noticeable and my cock is still filling the cage. I walk out to get a bottle of water and chat with Jay. Asking what he did today he says he did have friends over for pizza and they were disappointed I wasn't there. I said maybe next time, or I could meet everyone out for dinner.

I get a text message from Dwayne, he is concerned about me, and wants to talk. He answered my call and I said I'd been out this evening and just returned, go to the app and you can see me. Thanks Q, now I see you and you look mighty fine. Q, get to a private space so we can talk, I don't think your roommate should be involved in your conversation. Once in my bedroom with the door closed, Dwayne tells me he is concerned about me wearing the cage 24/7. I tell him it has been a little bit of a problem and I did talk to Max earlier today. Dwayne suggested we have a group call at a certain time of the day, prearranged so we can all touch base and discuss anything about our new project. I said that sounded like a good plan, perhaps one of the originals models can schedule a meeting for later in the week.

I told Dwayne about my day and how it ended with the bus ride. He suggested that was one of the hazards of a chastity cage early in the process. Ever present erections would continue for some time but would diminish within a couple of months or so. I swallowed hard on that thought. Q, you are man enough to do this, just remember that you were the one deciding vote to go forward with the plan. I thanked Dwayne for the call, I needed the support this week.

I was really tired and decided to make an early night. I had to sit down to pee before bed. Just another part of my new normal.

I did not get a lot of rest, my mind kept playing over the day's activities. Meeting the two new guys on the street, serving them lunch, constant erections. Wondering if Jay has ulterior motives, nearly busting a nut riding the bus. Max was a little blunt with me today but it was for my own good. I can't get into a pity party, just ask for support, not pity. Then I was jarred awake by erections all night long. A little sleep and needed rest finally.

Before climbing out of bed, today would be busy with shifts at both restaurants. Again, a lunch shift at the diner followed by a dinner shift at the nicer bistro. Hopefully being busy most of the day would help me focus and I wouldn't be thinking about my dick all day. Shave, shower, shampoo and then coffee and breakfast. I felt better while eating, checking all of my social media pages. Emails but mostly spam, however one was an invitation to a meeting on line with the other models. I accepted and installed the app. Was I smiling? Hell yes, I'd get to spend time with all the guys at once.

Next: Chapter 6

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